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Former Pi Lambda
Phi frat house for sale
in State College
The former Pi Lambda Phi house at 429 East Hamilton Ave-
BY LAUREN MUTHLER house, located at 321 Fraternity nue sold over the summer for Row, is listed for $990,000 and $1.5 million.
approved for up to 57 occupants. Once Penn State revokes a
STATE COLLEGE Now that more than a dozen fraternity’s recognition, the home ABBY DREY

If you’re interested in buying a Penn State fraternities have been is no longer considered a fra- The windows are boarded up at the former Pi Lambda Phi fraternity
10,000-square-foot, nearly suspended as the result of stricter ternity by the borough’s defini- house at 321 Fraternity Row on Wednesday. The fraternity was
$1 million, 1900s home with 19 Greek-life restrictions the uni- tion, LeClear explained, making suspended by the university in 2017, and the house is now on the
bedrooms and a commercial versity set after the hazing death it essentially a rooming house — market for $990,000.
kitchen within walking distance of Beta Theta Pi pledge Timothy which is not permitted under the
of Penn State’s University Park Piazza in 2017, Ed LeClear, State zoning ordinance.
campus — you’re in luck. College’s planning director, said A couple suspended fraterni- Pi Lambda Phi was suspended to guests on three separate occa-
Such a property is on the former fraternity houses becom- ties, however, did win decisions in October 2017, according to a sions during social events, and
market, listed by Linda and Ryan ing more common on the real- in Centre County Court in No- release from the university, for violating the capacity of the
Lowe at RE/MAX Centre Realty. estate market. vember to hold on to their houses violating Penn State’s expecta-
Yes — it’s a frat house. The former Delta Tau Delta without Penn State recognition. tions by making alcohol available SEE FRATERNITY, 3A

plants may
come with
Associated Press

With nuclear power plant
owners seeking a rescue in
Pennsylvania, a number of
state lawmakers are signaling
that they are willing to help —
with conditions.
Giving nuclear power plants
what opponents call a bailout
to ensure they stay open could
mean a politically risky vote to
hike electric bills across the
state. One key motivator for
lawmakers could be attaching
it to a package that steps up the
fight against what some see as
a bigger crisis: climate change.
“The crisis is here and we
need … to deal with it,” said
Rep. Carolyn Comitta, D-Ches-
ter. “Even things we thought
were problems in the past need
to be part of the solution.”
Conversations among law-
makers in the state Capitol
now include provisions to im-
pose limits and fees on carbon
JESSICA MCALLISTER emissions, or expand on 15-
SPIKESFEST BRINGS BALLPARK FUN INSIDE year-old requirements to sub-
sidize renewable energies, such
Olivia Weaver, 5, of Bellefonte greets Ike the Spike on Sunday during SpikesFest at the Penn State Indoor Multi-Sport Facility. As winter as wind and solar power.
weather drags on, families in Centre County got a taste of summer on Sunday during SpikesFest. Now in its 13th year, SpikesFest brings Comitta and others in a
ballpark fun indoors with games, activities, inflatables, batting cages, and meet and greets with mascots including Ike the Spike. The State potentially sizeable clean-
College Spikes’ 2019 season home opener will be June 15. energy bloc say that legislation
that raises electricity bills
strictly to rescue nuclear power
plants won’t cut it for them,

House to seek records from 60 blasted anew the Russia investi-

gation, calling it a partisan probe
unfairly aimed at discrediting his
even if they embrace nuclear
power as a non-carbon power
source helpful in curbing glo-

in probe of Trump, Russia win in the 2016 presidential elec-

tion. “I am an innocent man
being persecuted by some very
bal warming.
Lawmakers’ immediate
deadline is June 1.
bad, conflicted & corrupt people That’s when Chicago-based
said the House Judiciary Commit- Asked if he believed Trump in a Witch Hunt that is illegal & Exelon Corp., the owner of
BY HOPE YEN tee wants to review documents obstructed justice, Nadler said, should never have been allowed Three Mile Island, has said it
Associated Press from the Justice Department, the “Yes, I do.” to start - And only because I won will begin the four-month pro-
president’s son Donald Trump Jr. Nadler isn’t calling the inquiry the Election!” he wrote. cess of shutting down the plant
WASHINGTON and Trump Organization chief an impeachment investigation Nadler’s comments follow a that was the site of a terrifying
Declaring it’s “very clear” financial officer Allen Weissel- but said House Democrats, now bad political week for Trump. He partial meltdown in 1979, un-
President Donald Trump ob- berg. Former White House chief of in the majority, are simply doing emerged empty-handed from a less Pennsylvania comes to its
structed justice, the chairman of staff John Kelly and former White “our job to protect the rule of high-profile summit with North financial rescue.
the House committee in charge House counsel Don McGahn also law” after Republicans during the Korea leader Kim Jong Un on Ohio-based FirstEnergy
of impeachment says the panel is are likely targets, he said. first two years of Trump’s term denuclearization and Trump’s Corp. has said it will shut down
requesting documents Monday “We are going to initiate in- were “shielding the president former personal attorney, Mi- its Beaver Valley nuclear power
from more than 60 people from vestigations into abuses of power, from any proper accountability.” chael Cohen, in three days of plant in western Pennsylvania
Trump’s administration, family into corruption and into obstruc- “We’re far from making deci- congressional testimony, publicly — as well as two nuclear plants
and business as part of a rapidly tion of justice,” Nadler said. “We sions” about impeachment, he characterized the president as a in Ohio — in 2021 or before
expanding Russia investigation. will do everything we can to get said.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., that evidence.” In a tweet on Sunday, Trump SEE TRUMP, 3A SEE NUCLEAR, 4A

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ROLL CALL 232 against, the House on

Thursday defeated a Re-
publican motion that would
Voterama in Congress exempt victims of domestic
violence from the delays
WASHINGTON that HR 1112 (above) would
Here’s how members of impose on unfinished back-
Congress from the area ground checks. The mea-
voted last week. This week, sure would allow these
the Senate will vote on individuals to acquire a
judicial nominations, while firearm after three business
the House’s legislative days even when the FBI has
schedule was to be an- not yet approved or denied
nounced. the prospective sale.
A yes vote was to adopt
HOUSE the motion. Thompson
Voting 240 for and 190 CY CALL ON BORDER:
against, the House on Voting 245 for and 182
Wednesday passed a bill against, the House on Tues-
(HR 8) that would expand day approved a measure
federal background checks (HJ Res 46) that would
of prospective gun buyers nullify a national emergen-
by extending the require- cy declared by President
ment to transactions on the Donald Trump in an effort
internet and between pri- to secure funding for a
vate parties at venues in- border wall. Trump invoked
cluding gun shows and the emergency after Con-
parking lots. Now, only gress denied his request for
licensed dealers must run at least $5.7 billion in fiscal
buyers’ personal informa- 2019 for wall construction
tion through the FBI’s Na- on the U.S.-Mexico border.
PHOEBE SHEEHAN tional Instant Criminal He asserted authority un-
The property is in the R-2 zoning district, or low-density residential, which means single-family homes and duplexes. Background Check System. der the 1976 National
The NICS was established Emergencies Act to reallo-
in 1993 by the so-called cate military appropriations
FROM PAGE 1A property, the owner would rules, regulations and ex- Brady bill, which outlaws to the project, while critics
have to get permission pectations for managing a the sale of firearms to con- said there is no border

FRATERNITY from Borough Council.

The other wrinkle is that
Penn State is starting now
recognized student group.
One popular idea for the
former Pi Lambda Phi
victed felons, drug addicts,
abusive partners, fugitives,
people with serious mental
A yes vote was to send
the measure to the Senate
house and expectations for legally allowed, LeClear to see sororities move into property might prove a bit illness and undocumented for a vote to occur within 18
dry social functions. said. empty frat houses. tricky: a bed-and-breakfast. immigrants. This bill would days. Thompson voted no.
After the fraternity was Therefore, the permitted “I think there was a myth Saying initially that it exempt sales between fam-
suspended, its members uses for the 321 Fraternity you couldn’t have sororities wouldn’t be permitted, ily members and would SENATE
moved out and the building Row property are as a fra- live in a house, but it ac- LeClear read further into waive background checks INFANTS BORN IN
was boarded up. Jennifer ternity or sorority house, or tually is allowed,” Neely the ordinance and discov- for transfers for hunting FAILED ABORTIONS:
Neely, an agent with the a single-family home. said. “So I think having the ered it’s not exactly impos- and when a purchaser faces Voting 53 for and 44
Lowe real-estate team, said However, the zoning option to rent to a fraterni- sible but may be impractical. imminent threat of great against, the Senate on
she’s hoping someone can ordinance allows special ty or sorority is definitely If someone wanted to oper- bodily harm. Tuesday failed to reach 60
purchase the home and fix exceptions for certain uses an awesome option.” ate a bed-and-breakfast out A yes vote was to send votes needed to end a
it up. to be made through the The first case of a Penn of a frat house, it’d have to the bill to the Senate. Rep. Democratic-led filibuster
“I think with some reno- zoning hearing board. State sorority moving into be limited to two unrelated Glenn Thompson, R- against a bill (S 311) that
vations, it can be really Those uses, according to private, off-campus hous- people sleeping there at one Howard Township, voted would prescribe rules of
nice,” she said. “Obviously, LeClear, include: ing is expected to happen time. And it’d have to be no. care for infants who survive
frat houses aren’t always in the fall semester, when within 500 feet of another ATTEMPTED PURCHASES failed late-term abortions.
kept up with if they’re A a club or community Phi Sigma Sigma is set to such establishment. BY UNDOCUMENTED Health care providers in-
rented back to back, if center move into the former Sig- “So somebody could live IMMIGRANTS: Voting 220 cluding doctors could face
there’s not a lot of time for A daycare center for ma Alpha Epsilon house at in a fraternity and have two for and 209 against, the up to five years in prison if
turnover for people to go in children 200 E. Beaver Ave., ac- unrelated people sleeping House on Wednesday they failed to immediately
there and do a lot of up- A home for elderly persons cording to The Daily over as a bed-and-break- adopted a Republican mo- ensure the hospitalization
grades. So this will be real- A a nursing home Collegian. fast, but it wouldn’t be a tion to HR 8 (above) under of an infant showing signs
ly good for an investor to A offices “We were aware of this 20-room bed-and-break- which undocumented im- of life after an abortion
get in there, fix it up and A a private school development and this is a fast,” LeClear said. migrants must be reported attempt. The infant would
make it one of the nicer new direction for a Greek- For all those who com- to U.S. Immigration and have to receive the same
frats.” “I should point out, letter sorority at Penn mented with their pre- Customs Enforcement level of care provided to
Both Neely and LeClear though, that in those cases, State,” university spokes- ferred hotelier or other when NICS detects they are “any other child born alive
said their offices have re- you wouldn’t be able to go person Lisa Powers said. dreams on the Linda and attempting to buy a fire- at the same gestational
ceived a lot of calls about back to a fraternity,” Le- “We hope that the pres- Ryan Lowe group’s arm. age.” The bill also would
the property, including a Clear said. “At least not in ence of Phi Sigma Sigma in Facebook listing for the A yes vote was to add the require medical practition-
few from people with in- the current zoning.” State College borough will house, LeClear signaled GOP-sponsored provision ers or employees of hospi-
teresting ideas about what Although conversions of add value to their organiza- hope. to the bill. Thompson tals, clinics or physician’s
they’d like to do with it. fraternities are rare, it has tion and to the broader “We haven’t really seen voted yes. offices to report to law
The former Pi Lambda been done before in State community.” consensus yet on what MORE TIME FOR BACK- enforcement agencies any
Phi house is located in the College. The last time Any Greek-life organiza- other conversion uses GROUND CHECKS: Voting violation they witnessed.
R-2 zoning district, or low- LeClear could recall was in tion that moves into private could added,” he said. “But 228 for and 198 against, the A yes vote was to ad-
density residential, which 1989, when the fraternity housing must have a func- I think as we do the more House on Thursday passed vance the bill. Sens. Bob
typically means single- at 507 Locust Lane was tioning alumni house cor- comprehensive zoning a bill (HR 1112) that would Casey, D-Pa., and Pat
family homes and duplex- converted into an poration to handle the update, there probably will increase from three busi- Toomey, R-Pa., voted yes.
es. A new fraternity would optometrist’s office, which physical maintenance of be a few other pieces that ness days to 20 business ANDREW WHEELER, EPA
not be permitted in the R-2 it remains today. the house, Powers said, get added.” days the maximum time for ADMINISTRATOR: Voting
district, but fraternities The fraternity could also and undergraduate organi- deferring firearms sales 52 for and 47 against, the
built there before the zon- be demolished, but as it’s a zational leadership that is Lauren Muthler: when FBI background Senate on Thursday con-
ing changes in 2000 are contributing historic responsive to Penn State’s 814-231-4646, @lmuth1259 checks on buyers have not firmed Andrew Wheeler as
yet been completed. The administrator of the Envi-
bill would apply to the ronmental Protection Agen-
estimated 10 percent of cy. Wheeler had served as
FROM PAGE 1A prospective sales not acting administrator after
promptly cleared or denied replacing EPA head Scott

TRUMP by NICS. If the check re-

mains open after 10 busi-
Pruitt last July. He joined
the EPA three months earli-

ness days, purchasers could er from a law firm that
“con man” and “cheat.” file a petition asserting represents Murray Energy
Newly empowered their eligibility to acquire a Corp., the country’s largest
House Democrats are flex- firearm. If the matter re- owner of underground coal
ing their strength with mains unresolved for an- mines. He worked previ-
blossoming investigations. WE WILL DO other 10 business days - ously at the EPA under
A half-dozen House com- EVERYTHING bringing the total deferral President George H.W.
mittees are now probing to 20 business days - the Bush and was a staff aide to
alleged coordination be- WE CAN TO GET sale would automatically Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.
tween Trump associates THAT EVIDENCE. take effect. A yes vote was to confirm
and Russia’s efforts to sway A yes vote was to send the nominee. Casey voted
the 2016 election, Trump’s Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. the bill to the Senate. no; Toomey voted yes.
tax returns and possible Thompson voted no.
conflicts of interest in- ANDREW HARNIK AP EXEMPTION FOR DO-
volving the Trump family Trump as part of a query Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., questions MESTIC VIOLENCE VIC-
business and policy-mak- based purely on partisan Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker on Feb. 8 as he TIMS: Voting 194 for and
ing. The House oversight politics. appears before the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol
committee, for instance, “I think Congressman Hill. Nadler said the committee wants to review documents
has set a Monday deadline Nadler decided to impeach from the Justice Department, the president’s son Donald
for the White House to turn
over documents related to
the president the day the
president won the elec-
Trump Jr. and Trump Organization chief financial officer
Allen Weisselberg.
2 Calif. sisters found “safe and sound”
on Sunday morning by a
security clearances after tion,” McCarthy said. “Lis- found after fire captain and firefight-
The New York Times re- ten to exactly what he said.
ported that the president He talks about impeach- investigation as a ‘witch Calif., who chairs the frantic search er who had followed the
girls’ boot tracks, Hum-
ordered officials to grant ment before he even be- hunt’ ” as well Trump’s House intelligence com- Two young sisters mis- boldt County Sheriff
his son-in-law Jared Kushn- came chairman and then abrupt firing of FBI direc- mittee, on Sunday also sing from their Northern William Honsal said.
er’s clearance over the he says, ‘you’ve got to tor James Comey in 2017. stressed that it’s too early California home since “This is an absolute
objections of national secu- persuade people to get According to Comey, to make judgments about Friday afternoon were miracle,” he said.
rity officials. there.’ There’s nothing that Trump had encouraged the impeachment. found alive Sunday fol- Though the girls were
Nadler’s added lines of the president did wrong.” then-FBI director to drop “That is something that lowing a massive search dehydrated and cold,
inquiry also come as spe- “Show me where the an investigation into form- we will have to await Bob that included helicopters they were uninjured and
cial counsel Robert Mueller president did anything to er national security adviser Mueller’s report and the and tracking dogs. “in good spirits,” Honsal
is believed to be wrapping be impeached…Nadler is Michael Flynn. Trump has underlying evidence to Leia Carrico, 8, and said.
up his work into possible setting the framework now denied he told Comey to determine. We will also Caroline Carrico, 5, were — ASSOCIATED PRESS
questions of Trump cam- that the Democrats are not end the Flynn probe. have to look at the whole
paign collusion and ob- to believe the Mueller re- “It’s very clear that the body of improper and crim-
struction in the Russia’s port,” he said. president obstructed jus- inal actions by the presi- The family of the late Victoria Witherite would like
interference in the 2016 Nadler said Sunday his tice,” Nadler said. dent including those cam- to thank all of those who so generously provided
presidential election. In his committee will seek to House Speaker Nancy paign finance crimes to
testimony, Cohen acknowl- review the Mueller report Pelosi, D-Calif., has kept determine whether they their heartfelt thoughts, prayers, condolences,
edged he did not witness or but stressed the investiga- calls for impeachment at rise to the level of removal flowers, gifts, and charitable donations that were
know directly of collusion tion “goes far beyond col- bay by insisting that Muell- from office,” Schiff said.
between Trump aides and lusion.” er first must be allowed to Nadler and McCarthy made in her remembrance. Your overwhelming
Russia but had his “suspi- He pointed to what he finish his work, and present spoke on ABC’s “This support, thoughtful gestures, and kind words
cions.” considered several in- his findings publicly – Week,” and Schiff ap-
House Minority Leader stances of obstruction of though it’s unclear whether peared on CBS’ “Face the
continue to remind us all of the same comforts
Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., justice by the president, the White House will allow Nation.” she would so often provide to her family and
on Sunday accused House including the “1,100 times its full release. friends throughout her life.
Democrats of prejudging he referred to the Mueller Rep. Adam Schiff, D-

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