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Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

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Impact of urban block typology on building solar potential and energy use T
efficiency in tropical high-density city
Ji Zhanga, , Le Xua, Veronika Shabunkoa, Stephen En Rong Tayb, Huixuan Suna,

Stephen Siu Yu Lauc, Thomas Reindla

Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, Singapore


• Simulated effects of building typology on solar potential and energy use intensity.
• Identified impacts of design factors on solar potential and energy performance.
• Hybrid and courtyard typologies have twice the rooftop solar potential from others.
• Reduction in CO emissions was twice higher for hybrid and courtyard typologies.
• Roof PV for courtyard typology reduced building energy use intensity by up to 25%.


Keywords: This paper presents the results of an investigation on the relationship between urban block typology, solar energy
Urban block typology harvesting potential and building energy use efficiency in the context of the tropical high-density city Singapore.
Urban form Thirty generic urban block cases in six typologies that represent a diverse range of urban forms were examined
Solar energy through simulation-based studies under the same planning conditions and simulation assumptions so as to rule out
Photovoltaic (PV) system
the impact of non-design related factors. Several key planning and geometric parameters which capture the formal
Building energy use efficiency
characteristics of the urban blocks were examined as independent variables, and the dependent variables include the
Renewable energy application
performance indicators on solar energy harvesting potential and building net energy use intensity that capture the
dual benefits of photovoltaic (PV) systems in reducing building cooling loads and offsetting local plug loads with
electricity generated on site. The results indicate that, under the same planning conditions and design premises,
differences in urban block typology could lead to up to 200% increase in solar energy harvesting potential and
electricity generated from rooftop PV, twelve times higher rate of reduction in building cooling loads, tow times
higher rate of reduction in net purchased electricity, and 25% lower building net energy use intensity. The courtyard
and hybrid urban block typologies consistently outperform the other typologies, especially the commonly im-
plemented tower and slab blocks, and they benefit the most from PV deployment in the tropics. The comparison
between an existing residential precinct and a hypothetical alternative hybrid urban block further demonstrated the
significant impact of urban design on efficiency of PV electricity generation and building energy use efficiency. In
addition to the significant economic benefit in reduction in utility cost and environmental implication in terms of
equivalent reduction in CO2 emissions on urban scale, this study highlights the crucial role that urban design plays in
terms of maximising on-site renewable energy production such as solar energy. The significant planning and geo-
metric parameters in relation to the performance indicators provide insight as reference for establishing solar energy
friendly urban planning and architectural design guidelines. The methodology and technical workflow as developed
can support reliable and efficient feasibility studies, especially in the early stage of urban planning and architectural
design. Integrated with other performance evaluations, they can facilitate decision-making on implementation of
renewable energy integrated green building technologies and passive design strategies.

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (J. Zhang), (L. Xu), (V. Shabunko), (S.E.R. Tay), (H. Sun), (S.S.Y. Lau), (T. Reindl).
Received 10 August 2018; Received in revised form 26 January 2019; Accepted 6 February 2019
Available online 19 February 2019
0306-2619/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

1. Introduction roof areas and relevant building regulations (Fig. 2). Considering the
target of raising the adoption of solar power to 350 MWp by 2020 and 1
More than half of the global population is accommodated in cities GWp beyond 2020, more research is needed to guide the future urban
today which account for nearly two-thirds of global energy demand and planning and deployment of PV in addition to engineering improvements
70% of energy-related CO2 emissions [1]. This put cities in the frontline for and breakthrough in PV technologies.
the need to reduce energy consumption and carbon emission. Applications To this end, this study investigates the potential of cities in solar
of cost-effective on-site renewable energy generation such as photovoltaic energy harvesting and building energy consumption from an urban
(PV) systems on building rooftops could technically meet one-third of ci- planning and architectural design perspective. Representative generic
ties electricity demand by 2050 [1]. However, solar energy harvesting urban block typologies under fixed built density and planning condi-
capacity is not solely determined by PV cell, module and system tech- tions were studied to examine the relationship between urban form,
nologies, though, for which tremendous progress have been made in the solar energy harvesting potential and building energy use efficiency in
past decades. It is, first and foremost, dependent on the intensity of in- the context of the high-density tropical city-state of Singapore.
solation in a given geographic and climate context and the availability of The study aims to provide reliable and efficient method of analysis
spaces suitable for system deployment, the latter is primarily related to and generalizable findings to both the scientific community of renew-
urban planning strategies and building design solutions adopted. able energies seeking integrated urban planning strategies to maximize
Compared to cities with relatively low built density, high-density the efficiency of solar energy utilization and the urban and architectural
cities face many challenges in terms of harnessing solar energy. design practitioners seeking applicable design solutions for renewable
Assuming that the PV module technologies to be implemented are fixed, energy systems adoption to minimize energy use intensity.
solar energy collection in urban context is highly sensitive to available
areas for PV installation and level of obstruction as a result of the com-
1.1. Literature review
pact urban forms. Buildings in high-density cities have substantial mu-
tual- and self-shading and, consequently, less suitable surfaces to deploy
The relationship between urban form and environmental perfor-
solar systems such as PV panels on roof-tops and Building Integrated
mance has been investigated from different perspectives in previous
Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems. Previous studies have revealed that, al-
studies. For example, in light of Leslie Martin and Lionel March’s
though different building typologies can be implemented under the same
seminal study [4] on urban form and land use economy, Ratti and his
urban planning conditions to achieve the same built density in a given
colleagues [5] examined six generic urban arrays based on archetypal
urban context, their implications in various environmental performance
building forms in hot and arid climate in terms of their daylight po-
domains may vary significantly [2]. Therefore, it is very important to
tential and implications on thermal environment. Based on calculations
examine and optimize the potential to harvest solar energy for different
derived from the Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), the results suggested
urban and architectural design solutions, especially in the early stage of
that the courtyard typology, commonly used in this type of climate
urban planning when the potential for optimization is the greatest.
region, indeed has advantageous than other typologies in thermal and
As a tropical city with relatively strong annual cumulative global
daylight performances. However, their analysis was primarily based on
horizontal solar irradiance (1671 kWh/m2/y) and low seasonal fluctua-
estimation from geometric variables, and no daylight and energy si-
tions throughout the whole year (Fig. 1), Singapore has great potential in
mulations were conducted to verify their conclusions. In a later study,
solar energy harvesting. In the past decade, the grid-connected installed
Ratti, Baker and Steemers [6] further examined the impact of urban
capacity of solar PV systems in Singapore has increased tremendously to
fabric on thermal performance for three urban areas in different
nearly 130MWp by 2017 [3], among which 58% is attributed to those
building forms and densities in relation to a variety of geometric
installed in public housing blocks which accommodate more than 80% of
parameters which were calculated based on the same DEMs method.
Singapore’s population. Currently, PV deployment in the public housing
They found that passive to non-passive zone ratio is a better predictor
estates primarily focuses on the rooftops of buildings where obstruction
than surface-to-volume ratio on building energy consumption on urban
is low. However, this is highly restricted by the spatial limitation of the

Fig. 1. Singapore’s monthly and daily total global horizontal irradiance level (GHI) and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) and monthly average and daily range of
dry bulb temperature (DBT) based on statistically representative weather data. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 2. Panoramic view of the PV panels installed on the rooftop of a high-rise residential building in a public housing new town in Singapore. (Source: the authors).

In terms of methodology, Zhang and his colleagues [7] implemented a were studied in different spatial layout patterns. Their findings suggest
normalization and replication approach to create a uniform environment that shape and orientation of buildings have significant impact on peak
to evaluate the theoretical performance of a given urban form within a solar electricity generation potential, and up to 50% increase can be
homogeneous context in their investigation on the relationship between achieved in certain building configurations. Depth ratio and number of
density, built form and environmental performance. Based on the study of shaded facades, angle enclosed by the wings and distance between
seven urban block cases the results demonstrate the impact of urban form parallel rows of buildings are the key design factors to consider.
on level of exposure to the sky which have various implications in daylight Guidelines for mid-latitude climatic regions were proposed accordingly
availability, solar radiation heat gain and perceived openness. Im- based on the findings for design of solar optimized neighbourhoods.
plementing the same method, this study was further extended to examine Applying multi-objective optimization method, Martins, Adolphe
more than ninety urban block cases in different densities for more per- and Bastos [20] examined five representative building typologies in
formance aspects by Heng, Malone-Lee and Zhang [2]. The results provide Brazil and the relative contributions of a series of morphological factors
convincing evidences that geometric characteristics of urban forms, such in solar control and solar energy production. Their methodology iden-
as building depth, Open Space Ratio, site coverage, frontal area index and tified the most significant factors to be prioritized to maximize solar
permeability, have significant impacts on a variety of environmental potential for energy collection and minimize solar heat gains, and it
qualities, such as daylight availability, exposure to the sky, receivable solar also demonstrated the diverse design options that can be adopted. In a
radiation and outdoor air movement. More specifically, the results indicate later study, Martins and his colleagues [21] conducted sensitivity
that solar radiation receivable on building surfaces may drop significantly analysis for a larger amount of samples by applying the same method.
as built density increases which implies lower solar heat gain but lower Street canyon aspect ratio, spacing between buildings and surface
potential to collect solar energy. equivalent albedo are found to be the most significant design factors.
The impact of urban block typology on energy use and thermal The study of Chatzipoulka, Compagnon and Nikolopoulou [22] on 24
comfort were also explored by Taleghani, Tenpierik, van den representative urban fabric from London found that density has negative
Dobbelsteen and de Dear [8] who found that surface-to-volume ratio is a impact on solar potential. They also identified some of key factors
significant geometric factor, and the courtyard model performs better as quantifying urban layout that will affect solar potential on open space
compared to the single and linear ones. Rode, Keim, Robassa, Viejo and and building facades significantly, such as average spacing between
Schofield [9] found in their study of representative urban fabrics and buildings, site coverage, directionality and complexity of building form,
corresponding archetypal forms that urban morphological factors can and variance in building height. Their study highlights the significant
affect heating energy efficiency up to a factor of six. They also found that relationship between urban geometry and solar availability in relation to
compact and tall building typologies have higher energy efficiency than the latitude of a given location. Their findings agree partially with pre-
that for detached houses on neighbourhood scale. Through parametric vious study by Cheng, Steemers, Montavon and Compagnon [23] and a
study of generic slab, perimeter and pavilion urban blocks, Vartholo- later study by Lobaccaro, Carlucci, Croce, Paparella and Finocchiaro [24]
maios [10] examined the impact of urban form on residential energy on the important urban morphological factors related to solar potential.
consumption for heating and cooling in the Mediterranean climatic Sarralde, Quinn, Wiesmann and Steemers [25] expanded the study
context, and compactness and south orientation were found to be the key of the impact of urban morphology on solar potential to city scale for
contributing factors to low energy neighbourhood design. Sattrup and Greater London. They found that the combined effect of several urban
Strømann-Andersen [11] also found that up to 16% and 48% differences form parameters led to 9% and 45% increase in collectable solar irra-
in building energy consumption and daylight autonomy, respectively, diance for roof and façade surfaces, respectively, such as average spa-
can be attributed to the difference in urban block typology. cing between buildings, variation in building heights, average building
The impact of urban form on solar access and solar energy harnes- perimeter, etc., though prioritization might be needed considering the
sing has been examined in previous studies with different emphasis potential conflict between the parameters.
[12,13]. Compagnon [14] used a case study approach to examine the Although the impacts of urban forms on the environmental perfor-
impact of urban form on active and passive solar heating, PV electricity mance have been addressed in previous studies from different per-
production and daylighting potential. Using the validated Perez all spectives, the relationship between urban block typology and solar
weather sky model [15] for more accurate solar radiation simulation, potential in the context of tropical cities, which are dominated by
the results show that the potential to harvesting solar energy on cooling demands, has not been evaluated in detail. There is also a lack
building surfaces vary significantly across five different building lay- of studies that integrate solar potential assessment with building energy
outs within the same urban context and under the same density. Mo- modelling to have a comprehensive understanding on the impact of PV
hajeri and his colleagues [16], on the other hand, found that the po- deployment on building energy use efficiency and the related en-
tentials for BiPV and passive solar heating drop significantly as urban vironmental and economic implications.
density increases from dispersed to compact neighbourhood, though
the impact on façades is greater that for roofs.
1.2. Research objectives
In a series of studies, Hachem and her colleagues [17–19] in-
vestigated the key design parameters of two-story residential units and
Depending on the design approach and technologies adopted, the
neighbourhood patterns that may affect the potential of solar energy
impacts of PV deployment on building energy use are primarily twofold
collection. Generic building typologies in convex and concave shapes
in cooling dominated regions. On the one hand, PV or BIPV systems can

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

provide shading for buildings which reduces solar radiation heat gains courtyard; 4) hybrid typology is composed of a mixture of tower buildings
through the building envelope and, consequently, reduces building and lower podiums without an entirely enclosed courtyard; 5) center ty-
cooling loads and cooling energy use. On the other hand, the electricity pology is composed of low-rise linear buildings along the periphery of the
generated from PV or BIPV systems can be used to offset local electricity site and high-rise tower buildings located at the centre of the site; and 6)
demands, thus reducing the electricity to be purchased from the power perimeter typology is composed of linear buildings positioned along the
grid and relieving peak electricity demand. periphery of the site in different heights. The depth of the building is fixed
This study aims to have a better understanding on the following two as 10 m for linear blocks and 20 m for tower blocks.
questions in the context of a tropical high-density city: As illustrated in Fig. 3 each case was examined within a context which is
composed of a 3x3 array of the same urban block typology as itself. The
• Does urban block typology matter in terms of solar harvesting po- implementation of this approach is to examine the performance of a given
tential and building energy consumption, and to what extent, if it urban form in a theoretically homogenous urban context. As a result, the
does? impact of the urban block at the centre of the array to its neighbours within
• What are the significant planning and geometric parameters which this context will be “mirrored” back into the site and reflected in the overall
are pertinent to the maximization of solar energy harvesting po- performance of itself [2,5,26,7]. Several basic urban planning parameters
tential and building energy use efficiency? were controlled to be the same across all cases in order to establish a
common ground for performance comparison under the same planning
conditions. In this study built density as indicated by plot ratio or Floor Area
2. Methodology Ratio (FAR), i.e. the maximum total floor area buildable in relation to the site
area, was set to 3.0 with minor deviation. The area of the square-shape site
2.1. Urban block typologies was defined as 10,000 m2. The spacing between each plot was set as 20 m,
representing the width of a typical neighbourhood road. The distance of
The basic unit of analysis in this study is an “urban block”, which is building setback from the boundary of the site as set as either 5 m or 10 m.
defined as the smallest area in urban planning, or the basic component It should be noted that this method of constructing a homogenous
of urban fabric, that is surrounded by external roads. It is usually simulation context is different from those used in some of the existing
subdivided into smaller land plots and is primarily composed of solar potential studies [14,27] in which the target urban blocks were
buildings in similar typology in terms of their form, function and spatial analysed in their existing context which is usually nonuniform or in-
relationship between each other. consistent with the target block typology-wise. In those studies, the
A case study approach was implemented and thirty generic urban blocks outcomes and conclusions may remain context specific. In contrast,
representing a diverse range of urban design strategies were analysed implementing the current method, the findings of this study could be
through simulation to examine the relationship between urban form, solar generalizable when comparing the performances of alternative urban
energy harvesting potential and building energy use. These cases were block typologies, assuming each of them is to be applied generically for
created and grouped into six representative urban block typologies: 1) tower an extended neighbourhood or urban district.
typology is composed of standalone tower buildings with a floor plan in the
shape of a square or cross that are arranged in even spacing between each
other; 2) slab typology is composed of parallel linear slab buildings in dif- 2.2. Planning and geometric parameters
ferent lengths with even spacing between each other; 3) courtyard typology
is composed of buildings with a fully enclosed courtyard in the middle and As illustrated in Table 1, several urban planning and geometric
uniform or alternating height variation for the buildings surrounding the parameters were calculated for the thirty cases to capture the spatial

Fig. 3. The thirty generic urban blocks in six typology categories (left) and the simulation context (right).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

and geometric characteristics of their designs (Table 2). Building site

Sky View Factor (SVF)

coverage is calculated as the percentage of the site area that is covered
by building footprints. Open Space Ratio indicates the amount of out-
door open space per unit floor area [28]. Average area-to-perimeter
ratio (APR) across all the floor surfaces is an indicator of the mean floor
depth [29]. Compacity, calculated as the ratio between building en-
velope area and building volume, is an indicator of the compactness of a
built form [30].
Two geometric variables, roof-to-floor area ratio and roof-to-en-

Sky Exposure Factor (SkyEF)

velope area ratio, were calculated to quantify the proportion of hor-
izontal building surface areas in relation to the building form, the
former is assumed to have the highest potential to collect solar energy
in the geographic regions close to the Equator. PV roof coverage, cal-
culated as the ratio between the surface area of the PV panels as de-
ployed and that of the total roof surface is also calculated for the
analysis related to building energy use.

Planning and geometric parameters (the upper and lower diagrams represent the nominator and denominator in the calculation of a given parameter, respectively).
Two additional geometric indicators were also examined: Sky
Exposure Factor (SkyEF) [2,7] and Sky View Factor (SVF) [31,32,

PV roof coverage
33,34], the former, calculated as the ratio of visible sky measured
through solid angle, quantifies the level of obstruction for a given point
on the building surface within a given physical context, whereas the
latter quantifies the ratio of radiation received on a building surface
within a given physical context to that from the unobstructed sky
hemisphere, assuming isotropic radiation conditions [34]. Area-

Roof-to-envelope area ratio

weighted average and total gross floor area (GFA) normalized values for
both variables were calculated as geometric parameters for analysis.

2.3. Solar energy harvesting potential

Solar energy harvesting potential, or the annual cumulative solar

radiation receivable, for a given building is highly dependent on the
form and orientation of the building and its physical context as well as
its geographic location. The electricity generated from PV panels as

Roof-to-floor area ratio

deployed across building surfaces may also depend on the irradiance
threshold level to be adopted below which the deployment of PV panels
may not be economical. Table 3 illustrates the significant decrease of
the percentage of building surfaces suitable for PV deployment ac-
cording to several gradually increasing minimum annual cumulative
irradiance thresholds for an unobstructed urban block in Singapore’s
irradiance conditions.
Radiance [35], a validated software package for lighting and solar
radiation studies, was used for the simulation of annual cumulative

irradiance receivable on a building surface for a grid of virtual receivers

positioned in one meter spacing, both horizontally and vertically. Two
ambient bounces were specified based on the results of sensitivity test
which revealed no more than 1.6% difference in irradiance simulation
Area-to-perimeter ratio

as compared to that with three ambient bounces and the consideration

of efficiency. A diffuse reflectance of 0.2 was specified for all building
surfaces and the surface representing the ground in order to take into
account the second-order reflection of radiation between building sur-
faces with typical cladding materials that might be prevalent in a re-
lative dense and compact built environment.
As to solar energy harvesting potential, two performance indicators
were calculated which quantify the annual cumulative solar radiation
Open Space Ratio

incident on the building envelope surfaces relative to the total usable

floor area (GFA), i.e. total the solar radiation energy received on
building surfaces per unit floor area. The first indicator was calculated
assuming the entire building envelope surfaces are to be utilized for PV
deployment, and the second indicator was calculated for the building
surfaces with an annual cumulative irradiance of no less than
Building site coverage

1000 kWh/m2 [14,27] only, or the “qualified surfaces”, i.e. surfaces

that can collect at least 60% of the maximum solar energy receivable on
a given surface in Singapore’s context (1671 kWh/m2). The former is
denoted as SPe, and the latter SPq. It should be noted that the selection
Table 1

of this irradiance threshold is based on the considerations to maintain

consistency with previous studies for comparison purpose and to

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Table 2
Planning and geometric parameters of the thirty generic urban block cases.
Typology Case GFA (m2) Site coverage Open Avg area-to- Compacity PV roof Roof-to- Roof-to- Area-weighted Area-weighted
Space perimeter ratio (m−1) coverage floor area envelope area avg envelope avg envelope
Ratio (m) ratio ratio SkyEF SVF

Tower A01 30,400 32% 0.56 10.00 19.58 0.72 0.11 0.16 0.93 0.83
A02 30,000 40% 0.54 8.33 23.50 0.49 0.13 0.17 0.74 0.71
A03 30,000 40% 0.54 8.33 23.50 0.49 0.13 0.17 0.70 0.69
A04 30,400 32% 0.56 10.00 19.58 0.72 0.11 0.16 0.83 0.78

Slab B01 30,000 48% 0.50 8.57 22.83 0.60 0.16 0.21 0.87 0.77
B02 30,000 36% 0.54 7.45 25.81 0.56 0.12 0.14 0.80 0.69
B03 30,000 36% 0.54 7.45 25.81 0.56 0.12 0.14 0.79 0.70

Courtyard C01 30,000 96% 0.34 9.64 22.94 0.63 0.32 0.42 0.91 0.87
C02 30,400 96% 0.34 8.46 25.11 0.63 0.32 0.38 0.88 0.81
C03 30,400 96% 0.34 7.10 27.48 0.56 0.32 0.34 0.82 0.75
C04 30,400 96% 0.34 7.10 27.48 0.60 0.32 0.34 0.80 0.76
C05 31,200 80% 0.38 6.86 27.63 0.57 0.26 0.28 0.81 0.72
C06 29,200 80% 0.42 9.44 22.06 0.66 0.27 0.37 0.92 0.87

Hybrid D01 30,400 96% 0.34 11.54 18.12 0.66 0.32 0.52 0.97 0.93
D02 30,400 96% 0.34 10.46 20.02 0.59 0.32 0.47 0.89 0.87
D03 30,800 72% 0.42 9.87 21.84 0.54 0.23 0.32 0.79 0.75
D04 30,400 80% 0.40 10.38 20.18 0.68 0.26 0.39 0.87 0.84
D05 30,400 64% 0.44 6.94 28.74 0.60 0.21 0.22 0.72 0.67
D06 29,600 88% 0.38 9.94 21.54 0.70 0.30 0.41 0.89 0.87

Centre S01 30,400 64% 0.44 9.93 21.16 0.65 0.21 0.30 0.85 0.79
S02 30,400 64% 0.44 9.46 22.59 0.65 0.21 0.28 0.79 0.76
S03 30,400 64% 0.44 7.11 27.32 0.65 0.21 0.23 0.71 0.64
S04 30,400 64% 0.44 8.28 24.24 0.65 0.21 0.26 0.80 0.73
S05 30,000 72% 0.42 7.38 26.53 0.58 0.24 0.27 0.69 0.66

Perimeter T01 30,000 40% 0.54 8.33 23.50 0.62 0.13 0.17 0.83 0.77
T02 31,200 48% 0.48 9.23 22.00 0.65 0.15 0.21 0.87 0.81
T03 30,000 48% 0.50 7.75 24.50 0.65 0.16 0.20 0.83 0.76
T04 30,400 40% 0.52 7.83 24.72 0.62 0.13 0.16 0.81 0.73
T05 30,400 48% 0.50 7.36 25.59 0.60 0.16 0.19 0.78 0.73
T06 30,000 56% 0.48 7.40 25.49 0.61 0.19 0.22 0.77 0.73

implement a relatively strict condition for solar potential analysis. To evaluate the impact of solar energy harvesting on building en-
Considering the ever-increasing efficiency and ever-decreasing cost of ergy use and its difference across the urban block typologies, the energy
PV technology, alternative and lower irradiance thresholds could be consumption and electricity output from PV panels for the 30 cases
applied which may lead to different observations. The ratio of qualified before and after the PV deployment were estimated and compared
building envelope surface as a function of different irradiance thresh- through simulation in EnergyPlus, a validated software for whole
olds for the 30 urban block cases and the six typologies in general is building energy modelling [36].
reported and analysed in Section 3.1. In order to rule out the impact of the factors other than those related
to building form, several settings for the energy modelling were con-
trolled to be the same across all the cases. The building volume of each
2.4. Building energy use
case was split vertically into floors with a standard height of 3 m, and
each floor was further subdivided into the perimeter zones in 3 m depth
Building energy consumption is dependent on a variety of factors,
and the core zones so as to achieve a more realistic representation of the
such as external thermal loads, building form, building materials, de-
spatial and thermal relationship between the peripheral and internal
sign of fenestration, internal thermal loads, schedules of equipment and
spaces across a floor. A typical window-to-wall ratio of 0.4 was specified
occupants, and the efficiency of Heating, Ventilation and Air-con-
for all external wall surfaces so as to account for the solar heat gain
ditioning (HVAC) system.

Table 3
Percentage of building envelope surface area suitable for PV deployment based on different minimum annual cumulative irradiance thresholds.
Visualization of the qualified
building envelope
surface areas with
annual cumulative
irradiance level above a
given threshold value

Annual cumulative 0 300 500 800 1000

irradiance threshold
Ratio of qualified building 100% 86.2% 48.0% 18.6% 16.5%
envelope surface area

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

through external glazing surfaces (Fig. 4). No exterior or interior shading Table 4
device was modelled as the focus of this study is the impact of the overall Parameters and settings for the building energy simulation in EnergyPlus.
geometric characteristic of building form rather than architectural design Parameter Setting
details. Table 4 shows the general settings of the main parameters of a
typical apartment building which were applied to each case for building Building and zone program Midrise apartment
energy modelling in EnergyPlus. Each thermal zone was set as fully air-
Window-to-wall ratio 0.4
conditioned throughout the whole year with a cooling set point tem- Cooling set point 24 °C
perature of 24 °C to represent the “worst case scenario” for energy use in
Internal loads
tropical areas predominated by cooling demands. Equipment 3.875 W/m2
To achieve a more realistic estimation of the electricity yield of the Lighting 11.84 W/m2
PV system, horizontal shading surfaces covering the entire roof areas Infiltration rate 0.0002 m3/s-m2
were specified as PV panels detached from roofs. They were positioned Occupancy 0.0283 person/m2
at a height of 1.2 m with an inward setback of 1.5 m from the edges of Building construction
the roofs for safety and maintenance considerations [37]. The specifi- Floor surface 100 mm lightweight concrete with acoustic
cations of a standard PV panel product were adopted in the simulation
U value = 1.45 W/m2 K
which include the panel dimension of 0.992 × 1.96 m, peak power Wall surface 200 mm heavyweight concrete with insulation
output of 320 Wp, cell efficiency of 17.5% and inverter efficiency of U value = 0.46 W/m2 K
90%. Although tilting of PV panels was not modelled in this study Window surface Double glazing of 3 mm clear glass with air
considering the schematic nature of the building geometry, it shall be gap
U value = 2.36 W/m2 K
noted that a typical angle of 10° is implemented in solar deployment
Solar transmittance = 0.837
practice in Singapore which facilitates self-cleaning of PV panel uti-
lizing the draining of rainwater.
Several building energy use related outputs were examined, such as Singapore’s weather data in the EPW file format [40] was used as input for
total building cooling loads and electricity generated from PV panels. Net both the solar radiation and building energy simulations which includes
purchased electricity was calculated as electricity demands for lighting the statistically representative data of some of the key meteorological
and equipment, or plug loads, subtracting electricity generated from the parameters for a particular location, such as hourly global horizontal ra-
PV system. Cooling energy use was calculated by multiplying cooling diation, dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, etc.
loads with a cooling Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 4.5 which re-
presents the typical cooling efficiency of domestic split unit air-condi- 2.6. Demonstration through hypothetical re-design of a real residential
tioner commonly used in Singapore and other Asian countries. GFA- precinct
normalized values, i.e. the quantity per unit floor area, were calculated
for these outputs as performance indicators to quantify the efficiency of In order to demonstrate the impact of urban block typology design on
solar energy harvesting and building energy use for each case. Assuming efficiency of solar energy harvesting and building energy use, a public
electricity generated from PV panels is completely used on-site to offset housing precinct in Singapore was selected as the baseline for a comparative
plug loads, annual total building net energy use intensity (nEUI), i.e. study to illustrate a solar energy friendly design scenario alternative to the
whole building net energy consumption per unit floor area, was calcu- status-quo. As shown in Fig. 6, the current building typology for this pre-
lated as the GFA-normalized sum of the annual total energy use for cinct is dominated by monotonous 10-story linear slab blocks arranged in
cooling and net purchased electricity, which captures the combined ef- several clusters with semi-enclosed courtyards at the centre, and most of the
fects of PV deployment in terms of reducing cooling loads and in off- rooftops of the buildings are already covered by PV panels.
setting local electricity usage to reduce reliance on the power grid. A hypothetical new design in the same plot ratio was proposed as an
alternative for this precinct. As shown in Fig. 7, the proposed design is
2.5. Integrated workflow characterized by hybrid urban block typology with a mixture of rela-
tively higher tower or slab buildings and lower podiums arranged in
To facilitate the simulation and performance evaluation, an integrated alternating manner around a semi-enclosed courtyard at the centre. The
workflow (Fig. 5) was created using the Grasshopper parametric model- objectives of the proposed design are to maximize solar energy har-
ling plugin for the Rhinoceros3D software [38] and the Ladybug and vesting potential by increasing roof surface areas potentially utilizable
Honeybee component groups [39] within Grasshopper for both solar ra- for PV deployment, reduce shading between buildings by increasing the
diation and building energy modelling. This customized workflow in- spacing between them, and break the monotony of the current building
tegrates the functions of parametric 3D modelling of buildings, perfor- form by creating undulating profile of the buildings the streets and the
mance simulation, calculation of geometric variables and performance public spaces in the centre of the precinct which are now organized in a
indicators, data processing, and results visualization in a seamless way. less fragmented manner as compared to the current design.

Fig. 4. Subdivision of the thermal zones (left), façade layout based on window-to-wall ratio of 0.4 (center), and positions of the PV panels on the roof top (right) of
case D04.

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 5. The framework of the integrated workflow developed in this study.

Table 5 shows the key planning and geometric parameters for both qualified surfaces even up to the threshold of 1600 kWh/m2/y. On the
designs. Simplified building massing models were created for both de- other hand, the tower, slab and perimeter typologies had relatively
signs while maintaining the same level of abstraction in terms of higher ratio of qualified surfaces for irradiance threshold below
building form. In both cases, PV panels were modelled to cover the 600 kWh/m2/y, and this is probably because they have relative less
entire roof area at the height of 1.2 m with a fixed inward setback of mutual-shading between building volumes as compared to the other
1.5 m from the edges of the roofs. Other settings for energy simulation typologies which have more heavily shaded surfaces due to self-
were the same as the ones applied in the study for the 30 generic urban shading. Nevertheless, the relatively higher ratio of qualified surfaces
blocks as explained above. The efficiency in solar energy harvesting and for the courtyard, hybrid and center typologies within a wide range of
building energy use for between the existing and the proposed designs irradiance thresholds suggests that they are more advantageous and
were compared using the same workflow as introduced above. The flexible to be considered in terms of PV deployment aiming at max-
results are discussed in Section 3.3. imizing solar energy harvesting.
The two performance indicators of solar potential calculated for each
case (Fig. 10) and the results of ANOVA test between typologies regarding
3. Results
the difference in mean values of the two performance indicators (Table 9)
show that the courtyard typology performed significantly better than the
3.1. Solar energy harvesting potential
other ones, with an average of 541 kWh/m2/y and 203 kWh/m2/y in
terms of annual cumulative solar radiation received per unit floor area for
Table 6 shows the visualizations of the simulated annual cumulative
the entire building envelope surfaces (SPe) and that for the qualified sur-
irradiance levels on building envelope surfaces. The distribution of the
faces (SPq), respectively. This was followed by the hybrid (SPe =
point-by-point irradiance values for each of the 30 cases in box plot is
479 kWh/m2/y, SPq = 158 kWh/m2/y), center (SPe = 475 kWh/m2/y,
shown in Fig. 8. Regarding mean insolation across the entire building
SPq = 154 kWh/m2/y) and perimeter (SPe = 480 kWh/m2/y, SPq =
envelope surfaces, the hybrid (659 kWh/m2/y) and the courtyard
113 kWh/m2/y) typologies. The cases in the slab and the tower typology
(633 kWh/m2/y) typologies outperformed the perimeter (589 kWh/m2/
groups performed relatively the worst. On average, the courtyard typology
y), tower (588 kWh/m2/y) and center (583 kWh/m2/y) typologies, while
had 27.7% and 14.4% higher solar potential regarding the entire envelope
the slab blocks (569 kWh/m2/y) had the lowest mean insolation level.
and 105.8% and 90.2% higher potential regarding the qualified surfaces
Welch ANOVA and Games-Howell post hoc tests were conducted,
than the tower and slab typologies, respectively. More specifically, the best
given that the variances across the samples are not equal based on
case C04 (SPe = 561 kWh/m2/y) was 36.5% higher than that of the worst
Levene’s test (df = 5; p < 0.001). As shown in Table 7, the mean in-
case A04 (SPe = 411 kWh/m2/y) regarding total envelope solar potential,
solation levels were significantly different from each other among the six
and if considering only the qualified surfaces, the performance of the best
groups (df = 5; F = 1065.1; p < 0.001), except those between the
case C01 (SPq = 261 kWh/m2/y) was 200% higher than that of the two
tower and perimeter typologies. Among them, the largest differences
worst cases A01 and A04 (SPq = 87 kWh/m2/y). Nevertheless, it shall be
were that between the hybrid typology and slab, center, tower and
noted that the ranking of the cases and typologies regarding solar potential
perimeter typologies, respectively, ranging from 70.9 to 90.6 kWh/m2/y.
for qualified surfaces may vary if alternative, in particular lower, irra-
Considering the cumulative distribution of insolation as shown in
diance threshold is considered.
Table 8 and Fig. 9, the ranking of the cases and typologies seemed to be
Fig. 11 shows that the relatively greater solar potential for the
sensitive to the irradiance threshold selected. The courtyard, hybrid and
courtyard and the hybrid typologies as compared to the other typolo-
center typologies outperformed the others by having more envelope
gies could probably be attributed to their relatively larger roof-to-floor
surface areas meeting the irradiance thresholds ranging from 600 to
area ratio and roof-to-envelope area ratio that might have contributed
1400 kWh/m2/y, and the courtyard typology had the highest ratio of

Fig. 6. The design of an existing public housing precinct.

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 7. The 3D models for both the existing (a) and the proposed (b) urban block designs with roof PV deployed.

Table 5 View Factor on building envelope was the most significant factor re-
Planning and geometric parameters for the current and proposed designs. garding the solar potential on the entire envelope which accounted for
Current Proposed Difference
88% of its variance, and this was followed by GFA-normalized Sky
design design Exposure Factor (R2 = 0.683). Roof-to-floor area ratio (R2 = 0.432),
Open Space Ratio (R2 = 0.427), site coverage (R2 = 0.425), and com-
GFA (residential buildings) [m2] 159,116 159,330 0.1% pacity (R2 = 0.357) also had significant impacts, though to lesser ex-
GFA (multi-storey carparks) [m2] 14,788 14,788
tents. If the consideration is limited to the qualified envelope surfaces
Site Area [m2] 59,852 59,852
Building footprint area [m2] 20,845 19,717 −5.4% (≥1000 kWh/m2/y), roof-to-floor area ratio (R2 = 0.762), site cov-
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 2.91 2.91 erage (R2 = 0.739), Open Space Ratio (R2 = 0.694) and roof-to-en-
Site coverage [%] 34.8% 32.9% −5.4% velope area ratio (R2 = 0.632) were the most significant factors,
Open space ratio 0.22 0.23 2.8%
whereas GFA-normalized SVF (R2 = 0.369) and area-weighted average
Avg area-to-perimeter ratio [m] 5.15 4.87 −5.4%
Compacity [m−1] 17.67 18.76 6.2% envelope SVF (R2 = 0.238) had the least effects. It should be noted that
Total roof area [m2] 15,911 18,838 18.2% the effects of site coverage and roof-to-floor area ratio on both perfor-
Total PV area [m2] 11,394 15,357 34.8% mance indicators are very similar, because they are mathematically
PV roof coverage [%] 71.6% 81.5% 13.8% proportional to each other due to the plot ratio being fixed in this study.
Roof-to-floor area ratio 0.10 0.12 18.2%
Roof-to-envelope area ratio 0.15 0.16 11.4%
Area-weighted avg. envelope 0.96 0.87 −9.1% 3.2. Building energy use before and after PV deployment
Area-weighted avg. envelope SVF 0.94 0.88 −5.7% 3.2.1. Total building cooling loads
Fig. 13 shows the GFA-normalized annual total building cooling
loads, i.e. the amount of heat energy to be removed from all air-con-
to their higher proportion of unobstructed horizontal surfaces and,
ditioned thermal zones through HVAC system per unit floor area, before
consequently, larger ratio of qualified envelope surface with no less
and after the PV deployment for the 30 cases. The difference between
than 1000 kWh/m2 cumulative irradiance annually.
each pair of cases ranged from 1% to 20% for both scenarios. The ab-
Fig. 12 depicts the scatter plots between the planning and geometric
solute amount and the rate of reduction in building cooling loads per
parameters and the two solar energy harvesting potential performance
unit floor area due to the shading effect of the PV panels varied sig-
indicators. Based on linear regression analysis, the GFA-normalized Sky
nificantly across the six typologies and the 30 cases (Fig. 14). The

Table 6
Visualization of annual cumulative insolation on building envelope surfaces.

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 8. Box plot of the annual cumulative insolation on building envelope surfaces by typology and case.

Table 7 Space Ratio are likely to benefit more from the shading provided by PV
Games-Howell post hoc test for Welch ANOVA on the difference in mean ir- deployed on their rooftops to achieve greater rate of reduction in
radiance between typologies. building cooling loads.
(I) Typology (J) Typology Mean difference (I-J) Std. error Sig.
3.2.2. Electricity generated from PV panels
Tower Slab 19.1 1.67 0.000 GFA-normalized electricity generated from roof PV and the rate of
Courtyard −45.2* 1.60 0.000
Hybrid −71.4* 1.56 0.000
reduction in GFA normalized net purchased electricity for the six urban
Center 5.0* 1.60 0.024 block typologies are shown in Fig. 16. The courtyard (20.4 kWh/m2/y)
Perimeter −0.5 1.44 0.999 and hybrid (17.5 kWh/m2/y) typologies outperformed the other typolo-
Slab Tower −19.1* 1.67 0.000 gies, followed by the centre (15.2 kWh/m2/y), perimeter (10.8 kWh/m2/
Courtyard −64.3* 1.61 0.000 y), slab (9.3 kWh/m2/y) and tower (8.7 kWh/m2/y) typologies. Case C01
Hybrid −90.6* 1.57 0.000 among the courtyard typology had the highest PV electricity output per
Center −14.2* 1.61 0.000
unit floor area with 24.7 kWh/m2/y which was more than 200% higher
Perimeter −19.7* 1.45 0.000
than that of the worst cases A02 and A03 (8 kWh/m2/y) of the tower
Courtyard Tower 45.2* 1.60 0.000 typology. Since the settings for lighting and equipment loads for all the
Slab 64.3* 1.61 0.000
Hybrid −26.3* 1.50 0.000
thermal zones were fixed in this study, the electricity demands per unit
Center 50.1* 1.54 0.000 floor area was the same across all the 30 cases. Consequently, the rate of
Perimeter 44.7* 1.38 0.000 reduction in GFA-normalized net purchased electricity after the PV de-
Hybrid Tower 71.4* 1.56 0.000 ployment showed similar trend as that for GFA-normalized electricity
Slab 90.6* 1.57 0.000 generated from PV. This means that, assuming the electricity generated
Courtyard 26.3* 1.50 0.000 by PV panels is used to offset the electricity demands on-site, the cases in
Center 76.4* 1.50 0.000
the courtyard and hybrid typologies on average can achieve higher rate
Perimeter 70.9* 1.33 0.000
of reduction in electricity to be purchased from the power grid than the
Center Tower −5.0* 1.60 0.024 cases in the center, perimeter, slab and tower typology groups. ANOVA
Slab 14.2* 1.61 0.000
Courtyard −50.1* 1.54 0.000
test further confirmed that the courtyard and hybrid typologies had
Hybrid −76.4* 1.50 0.000 significantly higher PV electricity production and greater rate of reduc-
Perimeter −5.5* 1.38 0.001 tion in purchased electricity than the tower and slab typologies.
Perimeter Tower 0.5 1.44 0.999 Fig. 17 shows the scatter plot and linear regress analysis results
Slab 19.7* 1.45 0.000 between the planning and geometric parameters and the GFA-normal-
Courtyard −44.7* 1.38 0.000 ized electricity generated from the PV panels deployed on the rooftops
Hybrid −70.9* 1.33 0.000
of the 30 cases. Roof-to-floor area ratio, site coverage, Open Space Ratio
Center 5.5* 1.38 0.001
and roof-to-envelope area ratio were the most significant factors which
* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. account for more than 80% of the variation in PV electricity production
per unit floor area. Area-weighted average SVF and GFA-normalized
results of ANOVA test indicate that the reductions in cooling loads for SVF had relatively smaller effects in this regard, and area-weighted
the hybrid, courtyard and center typologies were significantly greater average SkyEF has the least impact. The results suggest that electricity
than the perimeter, slab and tower blocks regarding the mean values. generated from PV panels on horizontal roof surfaces per unit floor area
There was a 12-fold difference in terms of the magnitude of reduction of urban blocks in the tropical context is highly dependent on their
between the highest case C04 (8 kWh/m2/y) and the lowest case A03 geometric characteristics in terms of the ratio of roof area, and to a
(0.6 kWh/m2/y). Case D02 (4.0%) had the highest rate of reduction in lesser extent, Sky View Factor and level of obstruction on building
cooling loads which was more than 12 times that of the lowest case A03 surfaces. The same observations can be made for the rate of reduction in
(0.32%). On average, the hybrid (3.1%) and the courtyard (2.7%) GFA-normalized net purchased electricity.
typologies still had the largest rates of reduction in cooling loads after
the PV deployment on their rooftops. 3.2.3. Total building net energy use
The results of regression analysis between the planning and geo- Table 10 summarizes the key outcomes on the total and intensity of
metric parameters and cooling loads reduction rate for the 30 cases, as net energy use as calculated for the 30 cases before and after PV panels
shown in Fig. 15, indicate that site coverage, Open Space Ratio and were deployed on their roofs. The difference between the 30 cases
roof-to-floor area ratio were the most significant factors, each ac- before the PV deployment was relatively small. However, with the PV
counting for slightly more than 86% of the variance in the rate of re- panels installed, the courtyard and hybrid typologies on average
duction in cooling loads, followed by the roof-to-envelope area ratio achieved greater amount of reduction in net energy use as compared to
(80.7%). This suggests that in terms of urban block design under the the center, perimeter, slab and tower typologies. Translated pro-
same planning conditions the typologies with relatively higher site portionally to equivalent reduction in utility cost for electricity and CO2
coverage, roof-to-floor or roof-to-envelope area ratios, and lower Open emission as estimated based on Singapore’s average electricity tariff

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Table 8
Percentage of building envelope surfaces meeting different annual cumulative irradiance thresholds by typology and case.
Annual cumulative irradiance threshold [kWh/m2/y]

Typology Case ≥ 100 ≥ 200 ≥ 300 ≥ 400 ≥ 500 ≥ 600 ≥ 700 ≥ 800 ≥ 900 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1100 ≥ 1200 ≥ 1300 ≥ 1400 ≥ 1500 ≥ 1600

Tower A01 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 93.5% 68.0% 33.4% 15.9% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7%
A02 100.0% 99.9% 92.7% 66.3% 41.9% 22.0% 12.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4%
A03 100.0% 95.9% 82.6% 63.5% 41.1% 22.5% 12.5% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4%
A04 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 94.1% 63.9% 32.9% 16.0% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1%
Overall 100.0% 98.8% 93.3% 78.1% 52.7% 27.3% 14.1% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 8.2%

Slab B01 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 79.3% 48.0% 22.8% 14.9% 11.0% 10.5% 10.5% 10.2% 10.1% 9.8% 9.7% 9.4% 8.4%
B02 100.0% 100.0% 96.3% 71.9% 43.7% 18.8% 10.6% 7.3% 6.9% 6.9% 6.8% 6.7% 6.6% 6.5% 6.3% 5.7%
B03 100.0% 100.0% 98.0% 74.3% 44.4% 18.4% 10.3% 7.3% 6.9% 6.9% 6.8% 6.7% 6.6% 6.5% 6.3% 5.7%
Overall 100.0% 100.0% 98.0% 75.0% 45.3% 19.9% 11.8% 8.4% 8.0% 8.0% 7.8% 7.7% 7.6% 7.5% 7.2% 6.6%

Courtyard C01 100.0% 97.6% 81.3% 68.5% 58.0% 40.2% 26.6% 21.2% 20.8% 20.8% 20.5% 20.4% 20.3% 20.1% 19.9% 18.9%
C02 100.0% 97.3% 86.2% 72.2% 54.7% 30.9% 21.5% 18.4% 17.8% 17.1% 16.3% 15.3% 13.4% 12.6% 12.5% 12.5%
C03 100.0% 97.2% 82.0% 67.6% 51.3% 31.3% 20.7% 14.2% 12.8% 11.9% 11.6% 11.4% 11.4% 11.4% 11.4% 11.4%
C04 100.0% 99.3% 88.6% 74.8% 53.4% 30.9% 20.8% 16.1% 15.5% 14.5% 12.6% 9.3% 6.7% 5.7% 5.7% 5.7%
C05 100.0% 94.6% 84.3% 66.2% 45.6% 24.5% 15.6% 11.1% 10.5% 10.0% 9.3% 8.5% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4%
C06 100.0% 98.4% 86.9% 71.7% 57.7% 38.6% 27.0% 18.3% 18.1% 18.1% 17.8% 17.7% 17.5% 17.4% 17.1% 16.1%
Overall 100.0% 97.4% 84.9% 70.1% 53.1% 32.3% 21.7% 16.3% 15.6% 15.1% 14.4% 13.4% 12.6% 12.2% 12.1% 11.8%

Hybrid D01 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.1% 86.6% 58.8% 37.7% 26.0% 23.5% 20.2% 16.3% 13.0% 8.8% 8.4% 8.4% 8.4%
D02 100.0% 100.0% 99.4% 89.4% 68.0% 42.3% 26.7% 19.7% 18.3% 16.7% 13.7% 11.3% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
D03 100.0% 100.0% 98.3% 79.0% 54.0% 29.3% 17.4% 12.1% 11.0% 9.8% 8.9% 8.6% 8.6% 8.6% 8.6% 8.6%
D04 99.8% 96.7% 92.7% 86.3% 72.4% 46.9% 28.3% 19.0% 17.9% 16.7% 15.4% 13.6% 11.9% 10.7% 8.1% 7.8%
D05 100.0% 96.4% 80.8% 67.1% 46.1% 26.1% 15.5% 10.0% 9.3% 9.0% 7.8% 6.9% 5.9% 5.5% 5.5% 5.5%
D06 100.0% 99.7% 92.3% 80.1% 67.1% 46.3% 29.1% 20.3% 19.7% 19.1% 18.3% 16.7% 15.4% 13.8% 12.1% 7.6%
Overall 100.0% 98.6% 93.0% 81.9% 63.9% 40.2% 24.8% 17.1% 16.0% 14.7% 13.0% 11.3% 9.9% 9.3% 8.6% 7.8%

Center S01 99.9% 98.1% 91.2% 78.1% 66.4% 39.9% 21.6% 14.9% 14.8% 14.4% 14.0% 13.4% 12.9% 11.9% 7.3% 3.7%
S02 100.0% 96.4% 82.7% 71.0% 59.5% 36.7% 20.2% 14.0% 14.0% 14.0% 14.0% 14.0% 13.5% 11.4% 5.6% 3.5%
S03 99.2% 80.9% 66.5% 57.9% 49.1% 30.0% 17.7% 11.6% 11.6% 11.6% 11.6% 11.1% 9.4% 6.4% 2.9% 2.9%
S04 99.9% 94.5% 79.2% 67.6% 56.9% 33.2% 17.7% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.1% 8.8% 3.4% 3.3%
S05 98.5% 84.2% 68.9% 60.2% 52.2% 32.4% 18.6% 13.2% 12.7% 12.0% 11.5% 10.9% 10.0% 8.1% 5.0% 3.0%
Overall 99.5% 90.2% 76.9% 66.3% 56.3% 34.1% 19.1% 13.1% 13.0% 12.8% 12.6% 12.3% 11.5% 9.1% 4.7% 3.3%

Perimeter T01 100.0% 100.0% 95.6% 82.0% 52.5% 26.6% 14.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0%
T02 100.0% 100.0% 96.7% 83.2% 55.8% 28.1% 15.5% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9% 9.9%
T03 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 89.8% 57.2% 23.2% 12.7% 9.7% 9.5% 9.2% 8.8% 8.1% 6.9% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8%
T04 100.0% 100.0% 97.5% 83.5% 53.5% 20.4% 10.6% 7.7% 7.5% 7.3% 7.1% 6.7% 6.0% 5.0% 4.7% 4.7%
T05 100.0% 100.0% 93.0% 80.1% 53.1% 26.3% 14.2% 8.8% 8.7% 8.6% 8.4% 8.1% 7.4% 4.1% 3.2% 3.2%
T06 100.0% 96.0% 84.4% 74.3% 57.3% 29.6% 16.4% 10.6% 10.3% 10.1% 9.7% 9.2% 7.7% 4.7% 3.1% 3.1%
Overall 100.0% 99.3% 94.3% 82.0% 54.9% 25.7% 13.9% 9.1% 9.0% 8.9% 8.6% 8.3% 7.6% 6.0% 5.5% 5.5%

Fig. 9. Percentage of building envelope surfaces meeting a given annual cumulative irradiance threshold by urban block typology.

rate1 of 0.2 S$/kWh and Singapore’s Grid Emission Factor of 0.4244 kg average, with PV deployed the courtyard, hybrid and center typologies
CO2/kWh [3], the relatively stronger economic and environmental can reduce more than S$90 K in utility cost and 200 tons of CO2 on
implications for the these two typologies in reduction in building en- precinct scale which is significantly higher than that for the other three
ergy use as a result of PV deployment are also quite evident. On typologies.
A similar trend was observed regarding net energy use intensity (nEUI).
As shown in Fig. 18, after the PV deployment the average nEUI for the
Retrieved from courtyard and hybrid typologies dropped to the lowest level as compared to
aspx. that for the center, perimeter, tower and slab typologies. The nEUI of the

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 10. The two performance indicators of solar energy harvesting potential as calculated for the 30 cases and grouped by urban block typology.

Table 9
Games-Howell post hoc test for Welch ANOVA on the difference in mean solar potential between typologies.
GFA normalized solar radiation received on the entire envelope [kWh/m2/y] GFA normalized solar radiation received on the qualified envelope [kWh/m2/y]

(I) Typology (J) Typology Mean difference (I-J) Std. error Sig. (I) Typology (J) Typology Mean difference (I-J) Std. error Sig.

Tower Slab −49.0 8.61 0.016 Tower Slab −8.2 12.46 0.978
Courtyard −117.1* 10.63 0.000 Courtyard −104.4* 17.94 0.007
Hybrid −56.0* 14.41 0.041 Hybrid −58.9* 14.91 0.041
Center −51.1* 8.92 0.009 Center −55.2* 6.81 0.015
Perimeter −56.2* 9.53 0.005 Perimeter −14.8 8.31 0.536

Slab Tower 49.0* 8.61 0.016 Slab Tower 8.2 12.46 0.978
Courtyard −68.1* 9.49 0.002 Courtyard −96.2* 19.67 0.014
Hybrid −7.0 13.59 0.994 Hybrid −50.7 16.96 0.137
Center −2.1 7.52 1.000 Center −47.0 10.57 0.155
Perimeter −7.2 8.24 0.942 Perimeter −6.6 11.59 0.986

Courtyard Tower 117.1* 10.63 0.000 Courtyard Tower 104.4* 17.94 0.007
Slab 68.1* 9.49 0.002 Slab 96.2* 19.67 0.014
Hybrid 61.1* 14.95 0.026 Hybrid 45.5 21.31 0.345
Center 66.0* 9.77 0.001 Center 49.2 16.68 0.174
Perimeter 61.0* 10.33 0.002 Perimeter 89.6* 17.34 0.016

Hybrid Tower 56.0* 14.41 0.041 Hybrid Tower 58.9* 14.91 0.041
Slab 7.0 13.59 0.994 Slab 50.7 16.96 0.137
Courtyard −61.1* 14.95 0.026 Courtyard −45.5 21.31 0.345
Center 4.9 13.79 0.999 Center 3.7 13.37 1.000
Perimeter −0.2 14.19 1.000 Perimeter 44.1 14.19 0.125

Center Tower 51.1* 8.92 0.009 Center Tower 55.* 6.81 0.015
Slab 2.1 7.52 1.000 Slab 47.0 10.57 0.155
Courtyard −66.0* 9.77 0.001 Courtyard −49.2 16.68 0.174
Hybrid −4.9 13.79 0.999 Hybrid −3.7 13.37 1.000
Perimeter −5.0 8.56 0.989 Perimeter 40.4* 5.06 0.002

Perimeter Tower 56.2* 9.53 0.005 Perimeter Tower 14.8 8.31 0.536
Slab 7.2 8.24 0.942 Slab 6.6 11.59 0.986
Courtyard −61.0* 10.33 0.002 Courtyard −89.6* 17.34 0.016
Hybrid 0.2 14.19 1.000 Hybrid −44.1 14.19 0.125
Center 5.0 8.56 0.989 Center −40.4* 5.06 0.002

* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

lowest case C01 (74 kWh/m2/y) was 23% lower than that of the highest implemented slab and tower typologies. They can achieve not only greater
case B03 (96 kWh/m2/y). On the other hand, in terms of the rate of re- amount of PV electricity production but also higher rates of reduction in
duction in nEUI, the courtyard and hybrid typologies on average also per- nEUI with PV deployed, and consequently, lower nEUI level.
formed better than the other four typologies. The highest reduction rate was Fig. 19 shows the relationship between nEUI and the planning and
achieved by case C01 (25.4%) which was more than three times that of the geometric variables and several predictors regarding irradiance level
case A02 and A03 (8%) with the lowest reduction rate. ANOVA test also normalized by envelope surface area or floor area. Without considering PV
confirmed that the courtyard typology had significantly lower mean nEUI deployment, average area-to-perimeter ratio, irradiance normalized by the
than tower and slab typologies, and both the mean rates of reduction in entire envelope surface area, roof-to-envelope area ratio, compacity,
nEUI after PV deployment for both the courtyard and hybrid typologies qualified envelope surface ratio, area-weighted average envelope SVF
were significantly greater than the tower and slab typologies. The results were the strongest predictors, each accounting for more than 50% of the
suggest that, under the same planning conditions, courtyard and hybrid variance in nEUI. Area-weighted average envelope SkyEF, roof-to-floor
urban block typologies are significantly more advantageous in terms of area ratio, site coverage, GFA normalized solar radiation receivable on
benefiting from PV deployment on rooftop than the commonly qualified envelope surfaces and Open Space Ratio had less effect on nEUI.

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 11. Roof-to-floor area ratio, roof-to-envelope area ratio and the ratio of qualified envelope surface area as calculated for the 30 cases.

Fig. 12. Scatter plots and results of the linear regression analysis for the planning and geometric parameters and the two solar energy harvesting potential per-
formance indicators (*Regression is significant at the 0.01 level).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 13. GFA-normalized annual total building cooling loads before and after the PV deployment.

Fig. 14. Amount and rate of reduction in building cooling loads after PV deployment.

Taking into account of the dual benefits of shading and electricity of a typical public housing flat in Singapore because the conditions for
production, roof PV deployment led to the drop of nEUI for all 30 cases, building energy modelling in this study assumed the worst case sce-
though to various extents. Under such condition, the most significant nario for energy consumption without considering naturally ventilation
predictors of nEUI in descending order changed to qualified envelope and use of fans. As a reference, the average monthly household elec-
surface ratio, roof-to-envelope surface area ratio, GFA normalized solar tricity consumptions of 3-room (65 m2), 4-room (90 m2) and 5-room
radiation on qualified envelope surfaces, roof-to-floor area ratio and (110 m2) public housing units are 275.8 kWh, 372.9 kWh and 453.9
site coverage, each associated with more than 80% of the variation in kWh, respectively, which indicate an electricity use intensity of about
nEUI. This was followed by Open Space Ratio and irradiance normal- 50 kWh/m2/y [41,42].
ized for entire envelope surface which were associated with 75.5% and
63.5% variance in nEUI, respectively. Area-weighted average envelope 3.3. Demonstration of the impact of alternative urban block typology
SVF and SkyEF and area-to-perimeter ratio had the least impacts.
It shall be noted that the nEUI shown in Table 10 for the generic Fig. 20 illustrates the annual cumulative irradiance level of the PV
urban block typologies are higher than the actual energy use intensity deployment area on the rooftops of the residential precinct in Tempines

Fig. 15. Significant planning and geometric parameters for rate of reduction in total building cooling loads (*Regression is significant at the 0.01 level).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 16. GFA normalized PV electricity generation and rate of reduction in net purchased electricity for the 30 cases grouped by typology.

for both the current design and the proposed hybrid urban block ty- Table 5. The prominent impacts of these parameters as shown in Fig. 17
pology as a design alternative under the same planning conditions. may have overwhelmed that of the other design factors, such as site
The building energy use and PV electricity generation performance coverage, area-to-perimeter ratio, average envelope Sky Exposure Factor
indicators for both the current and the proposed designs before and after and Sky View Factor and Open Space Ratio, whose changes in this case
the PV deployment are shown in Table 11. Assuming that there is no PV seem to suggest otherwise. Nevertheless, as compared to the current pre-
installed on the rooftops, the proposed design outperformed the current cinct design without roof PV, the proposed hybrid urban block typology
design with 4.6% lower cooling loads intensity, largely due to the reduc- with roof PV deployed reduced the nEUI by 25.2%, demonstrating the
tion in solar heat gains through less glazing surfaces (−15.2%). The significant and combined impacts of urban design strategy and renewable
shading effect of the PV panels as indicated by the drop in building cooling energy application on building energy use efficiency on urban scale.
loads after the PV deployment was slightly higher for the proposed design
(−3.1%) than that for the current design (−3%). This resulted in 2% 4. Discussion
lower annual net energy use intensity for the entire precinct.
Considering PV deployment on the entire rooftops under the same 4.1. Impact of urban block typology on solar energy harvesting potential
design conditions, the performances of both designs improved to various
extents, with the proposed design showing more benefits. The building The results of the study on 30 generic urban block cases that capture
cooling load intensity of the proposed hybrid urban block design was a wide range of building design variations suggest that solar energy
4.7% lower than that of the current linear slab building typology, which harvesting potential varies significantly across the six generic urban
can be attributed to the combined effects of the reduction in solar heat block typologies, considering either the entire building envelope sur-
gains through glazing surfaces (13.2%) and the increased shading as faces or the qualified surfaces meeting the minimum annual cumulative
provided by larger surface areas of the PV panels due to the difference in irradiance threshold. Under the fixed plot ratio of 3.0, the courtyard
building form. On the other hand, the GFA-normalized electricity gen- typology composed of medium-rise linear buildings surrounding en-
erated from PV panels for the hybrid design was 24.8% higher, which closed courtyards and the hybrid typology composed of a mixture of
amounts to 11.3% lower GFA-normalized net purchased electricity to alternating high-rise towers and medium-rise podiums have con-
meet the energy demands for lighting and equipment. Combining the sistently greater solar potential than the commonly used evenly spaced
reduction in both building cooling loads and plug loads, the proposed standalone tower buildings and parallel linear slab blocks. More spe-
design had 7.8% lower net energy use intensity (nEUI) than the current cifically, the performance for case C01 is two times higher than that of
design. This resulted in 11.6% and 11.3% lower GFA-normalized annual cases A01 and A04, considering only the qualified surfaces.
total utility cost and CO2 emission, respectively, suggesting significant Although the deployment of solar PV systems in Singapore has been
economic and environmental advantages of the proposed hybrid ty- accelerating since 2008 as shown in Fig. 21 [43], the installed capacity
pology with rooftop PV panels for the entire precinct. seems to have plateaued in the last two years, especially in the re-
As compared to the existing linear urban block design, the relatively sidential sector. This could, to some degree, be attributed to the lim-
better performances for the proposed hybrid typology in terms of solar itation in available and suitable roof areas on the existing buildings to
energy harvesting efficiency and total building energy use intensity could install PV panels. As shown in Fig. 22, the spaces on the rooftops of the
be primarily attributed to its significant increase in PV roof coverage, roof- high-rise residential tower blocks are usually covered by utility ele-
to-floor area ratio, and roof-to-envelope area ratio as shown previously in ments such as water tanks, water pipelines and telecommunication

Fig. 17. Significant planning and geometric parameters for GFA-normalized roof PV electricity generation (*Regression is significant at the 0.01 level).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Table 10
Building energy use parameters before and after the PV deployment.
Typology Case Annual total building net energy use [kWh/y] Equivalent reduction Equivalent reduction in Annual total building net energy use intensity (nEUI) [kWh/
in utility cost [S$/y] CO2 emission [ton/y] m2/y]

Without PV With PV Reduction Without PV With PV Reduction Reduction [%]

Tower A01 3,087,663 2,800,584 287,079 57,416 122 101.6 92.1 9.4 9.3%
A02 3,037,097 2,794,510 242,588 48,518 103 101.2 93.2 8.1 8.0%
A03 3,026,919 2,784,780 242,139 48,428 103 100.9 92.8 8.1 8.0%
A04 3,081,838 2,794,698 287,140 57,428 122 101.4 91.9 9.4 9.3%
Avg. 3,058,379 2,793,643 264,737 52,947 112 101.3 92.5 8.8 8.7%

Slab B01 3,050,041 2,694,845 355,197 71,039 151 101.7 89.8 11.8 11.6%
B02 3,123,761 2,874,086 249,675 49,935 106 104.1 95.8 8.3 8.0%
B03 3,130,728 2,880,848 249,880 49,976 106 104.4 96 8.3 8.0%
Avg. 3,101,510 2,816,593 284,917 56,983 121 103.4 93.9 9.5 9.2%

Courtyard C01 2,976,730 2,221,326 755,404 151,081 321 99.2 74 25.2 25.4%
C02 3,058,866 2,347,107 711,760 142,352 302 100.6 77.2 23.4 23.3%
C03 3,113,055 2,517,199 595,856 119,171 253 102.4 82.8 19.6 19.1%
C04 3,144,239 2,543,595 600,644 120,129 255 103.4 83.7 19.8 19.1%
C05 3,198,963 2,707,721 491,242 98,248 208 102.5 86.8 15.7 15.4%
C06 2,919,600 2,261,526 658,074 131,615 279 100 77.4 22.5 22.5%
Avg. 3,068,576 2,433,079 635,497 127,099 270 101.4 80.3 21 20.8%

Hybrid D01 2,962,447 2,324,314 638,133 127,627 271 97.4 76.5 21 21.5%
D02 2,966,782 2,405,552 561,229 112,246 238 97.6 79.1 18.5 18.9%
D03 3,067,241 2,672,539 394,701 78,940 168 99.6 86.8 12.8 12.9%
D04 3,015,818 2,417,538 598,279 119,656 254 99.2 79.5 19.7 19.8%
D05 3,200,072 2,792,644 407,427 81,485 173 105.3 91.9 13.4 12.7%
D06 2,953,323 2,248,758 704,565 140,913 299 99.8 76 23.8 23.9%
Avg. 3,027,614 2,476,891 550,722 110,144 234 99.8 81.6 18.2 18.3%

Center S01 3,053,710 2,572,896 480,813 96,163 204 100.5 84.6 15.8 15.7%
S02 3,075,752 2,590,428 485,324 97,065 206 101.2 85.2 16 15.8%
S03 3,123,454 2,660,397 463,057 92,611 197 102.7 87.5 15.2 14.8%
S04 3,099,406 2,626,372 473,034 94,607 201 102 86.4 15.6 15.3%
S05 3,063,389 2,594,744 468,645 93,729 199 102.1 86.5 15.6 15.3%
Avg. 3,083,142 2,608,967 474,175 94,835 201 101.7 86 15.6 15.4%

Perimeter T01 3,113,998 2,806,595 307,403 61,481 130 103.8 93.6 10.2 9.9%
T02 3,185,005 2,796,418 388,587 77,717 165 102.1 89.6 12.5 12.2%
T03 3,133,972 2,782,955 351,017 70,203 149 104.5 92.8 11.7 11.2%
T04 3,175,536 2,891,301 284,235 56,847 121 104.5 95.1 9.3 9.0%
T05 3,187,092 2,868,342 318,751 63,750 135 104.8 94.4 10.5 10.0%
T06 3,127,181 2,751,667 375,514 75,103 159 104.2 91.7 12.5 12.0%
Avg. 3,153,797 2,816,213 337,585 67,517 143 104 92.9 11.1 10.7%

Fig. 18. Net energy use intensity and its rate of reduction after PV deployment for the 30 cases grouped by typology.

facilities, leaving only limited roof spaces to be considered for the in- survey the deployed PV panels cover only 21% to 47% of the roof
stallation of PV panels, not to mention the difficulties in construction surface for 35 public housing blocks. The findings of this study further
posed by the ventilation insulation layers already installed on the roofs emphasize the importance and necessity of implementing alternative
and the restrictions on safety setback distance from the edges of the building typologies in future urban planning and architectural design of
roof. For the example illustrated in Fig. 23, the actual rooftop spaces public housing new towns.
potentially suitable for PV deployment as highlighted in the diagram is The findings also suggest that Sky View Factor (SVF) and Sky
less than half of the area of the floor plan. As revealed in an internal Exposure Factor (SkyEF) could potentially be adopted as proxy factors

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 19. Scatter plots of total building net energy use intensity (nEUI) with and without PV deployment against planning and geometric parameters and the results of
linear regression analysis (*regression is significant at 0.01 level).

for preliminary evaluation of solar harvesting potential on whole- could be implemented as a reliable and efficient predictor of solar po-
building and neighbourhood scales, if detailed local weather data is not tential in early design stage.
available. Both geometric variables can be used to quantify the ratio of On the other hand, if certain solar irradiance thresholds are to be
visible sky for a building surface within a given urban context, with the met, the parameters such as roof-to-area ratio, site coverage, Open
former taking into consideration the relative orientations between a Space Ratio, and roof-to-envelope area ratio become the prominent
given surface and the visible sky. Therefore, they can be used to gauge factors to consider as effective predictors for solar energy harvesting
the level of obstruction for the external surfaces of a group of buildings, potential for the qualified surfaces only, which is in line with the
and this is particularly relevant during feasibility studies of the im- findings from previous studies [23]. Understandably, in the context of
plementation of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology on the tropical climate, consideration of these factors may favour those
vertical surfaces such as external walls, windows and shading surfaces. urban block designs with relatively larger proportion of unobstructed
In particular, this finding agrees with that reported by Chatzipoulka, horizontal surfaces under given planning conditions.
Compagnon, Kaempf and Nikolopoulou [44] who found strong linear These findings are particularly relevant in the planning and design
relationship between SVF and global irradiance on façade which is in- of high-density cities in which the prominent shading and self-shading
dependent of latitude and location. This implies that SVF as a geometric between buildings require a more sophisticated method for solar po-
parameter which is faster to calculate than full irradiance simulation tential estimation and more specific suggestions on intervention

Fig. 20. Annual cumulative irradiance as simulated and visualized for PV deployment area on the rooftops of the existing and the proposed designs.

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Table 11
GFA-normalized building energy use parameters for the current and proposed designs before and after PV deployment.
Without PV With PV

Current design Proposed design Difference Current design Proposed design Difference

Total building cooling loads per GFA [kWh/m /y] 199.2 190.0 −4.6% 193.2 184.1 −4.7%
Solar heat gains through glazing surfaces per GFA [kWh/m2/y] 70.8 60.0 −15.2% 64.0 55.6 −13.2%
Electricity generated from PV panels per GFA [kWh/m2/y] 0 0 17.7 22.0 24.8%
Total building net purchased electricity per GFA [kWh/m2/y] 56.4 56.4 38.7 34.4 −11.3%
Utility cost per GFA [S$/m2/y] 11.3 11.3 7.8 6.9 −11.6%
Equivalent CO2 emission per GFA [kg/m2/y] 23.9 23.9 16.4 14.6 −11.3%
Total building net energy use intensity [kWh/m2/y] 100.7 98.6 −2.0% 81.7 75.3 −7.8%

as site coverage, Open Space Ratio, roof-to-floor area ratio and roof-to-
envelope area ratio, which can be considered in search of urban block
designs that are more advantageous in reducing cooling loads as a result
of PV installation.
The relatively greater advantages of the courtyard and hybrid
typologies are most evident in terms of their higher amounts of annual
cumulative electricity generated from rooftop PV panels and their
greater rates of reduction in purchased electricity assuming PV elec-
tricity is used on-site to offset the plug loads. The difference between
the worst and the best case is as high as two folds, which amounts to
significant alleviation of reliance on power grid as the primary source of
energy. The results of regression analysis also highlight that the plan-
ning and geometric characteristics of urban block typology may have
significant impacts on the efficiency of solar energy harvesting and
electricity output of rooftop PV deployment.
Fig. 21. Singapore’s installed capacity of grid-connected solar PV systems by
user type. The combined impact of rooftop PV on reductions in cooling loads
and net purchased electricity is reflected in the decrease of total
building net energy use. After the PV deployment, the courtyard and
solutions. The urban block typologies as examined in this study can be the hybrid typologies achieved greater absolute amount and rate of
further expanded to include other representative typologies. They can reduction in whole building net energy use. The potential economic
be used as a database to inform urban planners in the exploration of implication in reduction of utility cost and environmental implication
new urban forms through comparative study to identify the ones having in equivalent reduction of CO2 emission on the precinct scale are sig-
higher solar potential which can be further developed into detailed nificant as shown in the results. These observations were also echoed in
architectural designs. The significant predictors of solar potential as the design demonstration in Section 3.3 regarding the energy perfor-
identified in this study can be referenced as design factors to inform mance of the hypothetical hybrid urban block as an alternative ty-
architects which geometric characteristics of a given design can be pology as compared to that of the existing residential precinct in linear
adjusted to improve its capacity of solar energy harvesting. slab block typology. Based on these findings, it is reasonable to extra-
polate that if urban block typologies with greater solar energy yield are
4.2. Impact of urban block typology on building energy use efficiency implemented beyond individual neighbourhoods, the accumulative
economic and environmental impacts on urban scale could be quite
The dual impacts of the deployment of PV on rooftop of building in significant, considering the growing role of cities in contributing to
terms of reducing cooling loads and purchased electricity were further sustainable development in terms of conversion to renewable energy,
investigated by comparing the building energy use of the thirty generic reducing energy use intensity and greenhouse gases emission, and
urban blocks before and after the PV deployment based on realistic combating climate change [45,46].
assumptions and specifications for building energy modelling. On the other hand, the findings also indicate that the relationships
Although the absolute amount and the rate of reduction in cooling between building energy use efficiency and the planning and geometric
loads after the PV deployment were relatively small, their variations parameters and other irradiance related predictors examined here are
across the thirty cases are quite large. Relatively speaking, the hybrid not straight forward but affected by PV deployment. As shown in
and courtyard typologies benefit from the shading provided by the PV Fig. 19 with roof PV integrated in energy modelling, the effects of those
panels on their rooftops to a far greater extent than the others, espe- parameters and predictors related to envelope surface meeting irra-
cially the slab and tower typologies. The results of regression analysis diance threshold become more prominent than those quantifying solar
also identified the significant planning and geometric parameters, such

Fig. 22. Rooftop spaces of typical high-rise residential tower blocks. (Photos courtesy: Sunseap, 2017).

J. Zhang, et al. Applied Energy 240 (2019) 513–533

Fig. 23. Building floor plan and panoramic view of the rooftop space of a public housing block. (Source: the Authors).

potential of the entire building envelope surfaces and building geo- addresses other important building performance areas, such as daylight
metry characteristics in general. For example, compacity was found to availability and natural ventilation potential, and the impact of other
be a significant predictor of nEUI without PV deployed, and this is green building technologies such as green roof together with PV de-
consistent with the findings reported by Zhang, Wong and Hii [47] ployment. Although the relative differences in simulated solar potential
regarding building cooling loads in the tropical context and that by and energy use efficiency between urban block typologies were the focus
Depecker, Menezo, Virgone and Lepers [48] and Nault, Peronato, Rey here considering the comparative nature of this investigation, future
and Andersen [27] regarding heating needs in relatively colder climate. study shall verify simulated results against measured data on urban block
However, its effect became insignificant when roof PV was considered. scale so as to further ascertain the applicability of the findings.
This could probably be attributed to the shading effect of PV panels The current study focuses primarily on the examination of solar
which diminished the direct link between heat gains or heat losses potential and PV electricity output based on a fixed set of PV module
through external building surfaces and exposed surface areas. In this specifications. In order to have more accurate estimation of the long-
regard, the authors agree with Nault, Peronato, Rey and Andersen that term energy yield of PV systems, future studies could consider life-cycle
the limitations of using simplified geometric parameters in predicting cost-effective analysis that takes into account of more technical and
building performance shall be considered cautiously. economic factors related to the PV system. The well-known effect of
The findings are informative to PV engineers, urban planners and ambient temperature on the efficiency of PV panels examined in pre-
architectural designers to gauge electricity yield and the combined ef- vious studies [49,50,51,52,53] was not investigated in this study which
fects of PV in reducing building cooling loads and net energy use in- applied a simple PV array mode specification in EnergyPlus that as-
tensity in relation to different building forms. The urban block typol- sumes a fixed cell efficiency and constant power level. Considering the
ogies that benefit more from PV deployment shall be considered as consistent hot and humid weather conditions during daytime in the
more advantageous to implement in terms of integrating renewable tropical region, future studies shall consider PV cell efficiency as a
energy application in urban planning. The significant planning and function of ambient temperature to acquire a more accurate and rea-
geometric predictors for PV yield and energy use intensity reduction as listic estimation of the PV electricity production.
identified in this study shall be prioritized as main design factors to
inform architects the approaches to enhance the energy performance of 5. Conclusions
a given design when solar energy harvesting is integrated.
This paper presents an investigation on the relationship between
4.3. Limitations and future studies urban form, solar energy harvesting potential and building energy use in
the context of tropical high-density cities from an urban block typology
There are several limitations in this study which shall be addressed perspective. In total, thirty generic building forms belonging to six re-
in future investigations. For example, the findings of this study were presentative urban block typologies were examined through a custo-
based on the analysis of a limited number of urban block typologies and mized workflow integrating the functions of 3D modelling, solar radia-
cases, and they shall be interpreted with caution. Alternative typologies tion and building energy use simulations, data analysis and visualization.
and more cases shall be collected and examined to further verify the Assisted with these original urban block typologies that have not be
significant relationships between urban form, solar energy collection systematically examined before and the new results thus derived in the
and building energy use as identified in this study. The impact of the tropical climate, this study provides convincing evidences from a theo-
planning and geometric parameters were examined independently in retical point of view that urban form matters to a great extent in terms of
relation to the performance indicators in this study. In planning and utilization of solar energy and building energy consumption. Depending
design practices, these factors may affect each other and vary together on the urban block typology selected, significant improvements in solar
as design strategies change. Therefore, the interactions between them energy harvesting and building energy use efficiency can be achieved
and their combined effects on solar potential and building energy use with the deployment of photovoltaic systems on external building sur-
need to be further investigated systematically through parametric study faces, which may have significant economic and environmental im-
which varies the key predictor variables progressively and multivariate plications on urban scale in the long run in terms of equivalent reduction
methods such as multiple regression and path analysis. in energy consumption and CO2 emission.
The simulation study was conducted using Singapore’s weather data The results highlight the necessity and importance of exploring in-
as representative of the tropical climate. The building energy models novative urban planning and architectural design strategies in the tro-
were created based on simplified, though consistent, assumptions. Future pical high-density city context aiming for efficient application of re-
studies shall examine the generalizability of the findings in other climatic newable energy technologies. The significant planning and geometric
contexts in which building surfaces in different orientation other than the parameters related to solar potential and building energy use efficiency
horizontal ones might have greater potential in solar energy harvesting. as identified in this study have crucial implications to urban planning
More refined settings for building energy models shall also be considered and architectural design practices by serving as references to establish
if detailed information on building materials, loads and schedules are design guidelines of passive design strategies.
available. Building energy use was investigated in this study by assuming This study also implemented a novel methodology to create
the worst case scenario for cooling. In order to have a more compre- homogenous urban context for building typology based performance
hensive and realistic understanding of building energy use efficiency, evaluation and comparative study. Particular attention was paid to
future studies could consider integrated performance evaluation which control the key planning conditions and the settings for performance

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