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The Microblading Bible

by Corinne Asch

Non-Fiction - Occupational
141 Pages

Reviewed on 02/24/2018

Book Review
Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

Microblading is experiencing a huge boom in popularity; however, there’s a dearth of professional

reference materials available for those who’ve taken the necessary microblading courses. Author
Corinne Asch wrote The Microblading Bible with the intention that it be a reference manual for
those new microblade artists as well as a refresher for the more experienced professionals out
there. She gathered information from her Facebook groups, microblading forums, and personal
interactions with other professionals in the field. Asch states in her preface: “Writing this book has
been like taking an advanced class in microblading, it filled in a lot of gaps and answered many

Asch begins by describing what microblading is, and she differentiates that art, which is semi
permanent, from traditional tattooing and from other conventional semi-permanent tattooing in
that the microblading artist draws in the hairs of the eyebrow by hand, making the results seem
crisp, fine and natural. The actual tattooing process often takes less time than the consultation
and design process, as each person’s skin type, facial shape, coloring and design preferences are
taken into account before the microblade ever touches skin. Clients are advised on Before Care
treatment, given a number of forms to fill out, including a medical history, and advised of possible
risks and hazards. Asch stresses the importance of maintaining a sterile atmosphere and
implementing an Infection Prevention Control Plan. She discusses the pros and cons of numbing
agents and offers a survey of the available products on the market. She also compares wet vs.
dry healing, stressing the importance of allowing the treated area to heal on its own.

The Microblading Bible is a well-written and impressive reference guide to microblading. I was not
very familiar with the process before reading her manual, but I’ve long been interested in tattoo
art and found the artistic element of microblading to be intriguing. Her book covers just about
every aspect that a microblade artist needs to be concerned about -- from getting the proper
legal releases and documentation squared away to maintaining a hygienic practice environment
to ensuring that one’s customers are thrilled with every aspect of their microblading experience
and love their new eyebrows. While her book is targeted at an audience which has already gone
The Microblading Bible
by Corinne Asch

Non-Fiction - Occupational
141 Pages

Reviewed on 02/24/2018

through professional education in microblading, every facet of her work is clearly set out and easy
to understand, making it perfect for laypersons who might be considering a new career or sideline
to their current work. The Microblading Bible is most highly recommended.

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