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S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Directions : Read each test item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.

1. A businessman wants to find out which between these two marketing strategies: free tasting and attractive packaging could
increase daily sales. This is an example of ____________.
A. Inquiry B. Research C. Research design D. None of the choices
2. Which of the following is not a source of a research problem?
A. Existing and past researches C. Social Networking Sites
B. Creative ideas of a researcher D. None of the above
3. Which of the following is a good way to find a good research topic?
A. Personal experience C. Looking for the next step in the research process
B. Getting an idea from your advisor D. All of the above
4. Ms. Turner is thinking about changing her instructional approach to a more mastery-learning orientation. She is interested in
knowing more about this topic as well as its effectiveness when working with elementary school students. On which source
should she rely for such information?
A. Intuition B. Tradition C. Research D. Personal Experience
5. What is the aim of the introductory section of a research report?
A. identify the specific focus of the study C. grab the reader's attention
B. provide a rationale for the problem D. all of the above
6. The first step in research is identifying a topic, what should be included when conceptualizing a research topic?
A. Title of research B. Finding a focus C. Where to start D. Discuss with fellow researchers
7. What is the purpose of a background study?
A. Report observation or research results. C. Go to the library to gather data
B. Prove relevance of your research question D. Complete the research
8. Which of the following purposes is most aligned with a quantitative approach?
A. Comparing test results across groups to understand the effects of a particular instructional approach.
B. Developing a theory grounded in the beliefs of the group being studied.
C. Understanding the shared beliefs and practices of teachers in a school.
D. Understanding historical perspective for an educational topic.
9. Which of the following statements is most aligned with a researcher using qualitative methods?
A. Communicating the results in a formal, highly structured report using technical language.
B. Using a structured, fixed design in which a few variables are manipulated or controlled.
C. Collecting data through interviews and observations.
D. Investigating a formal research hypothesis.
10. Which of the following is most aligned with a researcher using quantitative methods?
A. Studying many variables in the context in which they naturally occur.
B. Studying a large number of subjects as a detached, objective observer.
C. Using a research design that changes as narrative data is collected and analyzed.
D. Communicating the results of the study in a loosely structured report that uses informal language.
11. Which of the following problems is most appropriate to a qualitative approach?
A. Describing the relationship between students' math attitudes and their math achievement.
B.Describing the effect on students' achievement of creating a student-centered assessment environment.
C. Identifying the characteristics that differentiate students who drop out of high school from students who do not drop
D. Understanding what it is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-making process from a top-down,
administratively driven model to a bottom-up, teacher-driven model
12. Why is the statement “What are the effects of extracurricular activities on cognitive development of school age children” not
a good statement of a quantitative research question?
A. Because there is no connection between extracurricular activities and cognitive development
B. Because there are not enough school age children engaged in extracurricular activities to conduct the study
C. Because the study would be too difficult to do given all the different extracurricular activities
D. Because the statement was not specific enough to provide an understanding of the variables being investigated
13. Which of the following answer to your research question would indicate that you designed a high impact research question?
A. The answer is yes. C. The answer is either yes or no.
B. The answer is no. D. The answer is unclear
For items 14-15.
An Investigation of the Impact of Social Media on the Consumer Decision Process:
Implications for Tourism Marketing In Philippines
14. What should be excluded in the title?
A. Implications for tourism marketing C. An investigation
B. in Philippines D. Nothing should be deleted
15. Classify the type of research for the title given.
A. Qualitative Research C. Not enough information
B. Quantitative Research D. None of the above
Read the abstract to answer items #16-20.
The effect of different temperatures and different germination media in J. curcas seeds was studied in the present work.
The influence of 8 constant temperatures viz. 20°C, 22°C, 25°C, 27°C, 30°C, 32°C, 35°C and 37°C, 4 alternate
temperatures viz. 37/27°C, 35/25°C, 32/22°C and 30/20°C and 6 germination media viz. vermiculite, coco-peat, perlite,
normal soil, sand and filter paper were used for the observation. The optimum temperature for the germination of J.
curcas seeds was recorded “30°C” and suitable germination media was recorded “Vermiculite” for the reason that the
highest germination percentage 84.44 recorded at 30°C whereas in Vermiculite has recorded 85.
16. Based on the abstract, which of the following is not part of the scope and delimitations of the study?
A. Determining the germination rate of J. curcas seeds
B. Determining the suitable germination media
C. Determining the composition of media
D. Determining the optimal temperature for germination
17. What is the research design used in the study?
A. Correlational Research Design
B. Descriptive Research Design
C. Quasi-Experimental Research Design
D. True experimental Research Design
18. What is most likely the research question used in the study?
A. Is there a relationship between the varying temperature and media used to the germination rate of Jatropha curcas
B. What are the differences in the effect of germination rate and different temperature of J. curcas seeds?
C. What is the optimum light intensity needed by the J. curcas seeds to germinate?
D. Which of the germination media yields the highest germination rate of Malunggay seeds?
19. What is the type of research question is the answer in #18?
A. Descriptive Research Question C. Relationship-based research question
B. Comparative Research Question D. All of the above
20. Which of the following is an appropriate research title of the study?
A. Effects of Temperature and Germination Media on Seed Germination of Jatropha curcas
B. Analysis of Germination of Jatropha curcas Seeds Exposed in Varying Light Intensity
C. Phytochemical Screening of Jatropha curcas under Varying Temperature and Germination Media
D. A Case Study on the Effects of Temperature and Germination Media on Seed Germination of Jatropha curcas
Read the abstract to answer items #21-24.
There are many factors that affect student achievement directly and indirectly at the secondary educational level.
Lower attendance rates have been cited as detrimental to academic achievement; therefore, it is suggested that
improved attendance is a direct indicator, rather than determinant of students’ academic achievement. The main
purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of individual, family and school variables on absenteeism among
high school students. Data for this study was collected via a survey of 581 students from the 9th – 11th grades,
selected with cluster sampling from secondary schools in Burdur. Among the respondents, 44% were males and
56% females. The data collection instrument consisted of five sections including personal information, causes of
absenteeism, school commitment, quality of school environment, and parental control. The Causes of Absenteeism
Scale was developed by the researchers for secondary school students. The scale consists of three dimensions:
individual, family, and school-based reasons. Parental Behavioral Control was assessed using a 20-item measure
recording the degree to which a parent monitors the adolescent’s behavior or actions. The School Attachment
Scale was used to measure the degree of children’s and adolescents’ school attachment. Comprehensive School
Climate Assessment Scale dimensions (teacher-student relationship and student activities) and Quality of Life Scale
dimensions (student-student relationship and school management) were used to measure the quality of the school
environment. The model was tested using LISREL 8.3 with maximum likelihood estimation
21. What is the statement of the problem of the study?
A. The Causes of Absenteeism Scale was developed by the researchers for secondary school students.
B. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of individual, family and school variables on absenteeism
among high school students.
C. There are many factors that affect student achievement directly and indirectly at the secondary educational level.
D. The data collection instrument consisted of five sections including personal information, causes of absenteeism,
school commitment, quality of school environment, and parental control.
22. What is the research design used in the study?
A. Descriptive C. Qualitative
B. Correlational D. None of the choices
23. What is the main importance of the study?
A. To reduce students’ absenteeism
B. To determine the factors that affect students’ low grades
C. To improve students’ academic achievement by improving their attendance
D. To increase the knowledge about the factors of students’ absenteeism
24. Who is the target benefactor of the research?
A. Students B. Teachers C. School Administrators D. Relatives
25. Which of the following is the best way of writing a significance of the study?
A. Write the contribution to the society down to its contribution to individuals
B. Write the contribution to individuals down to its contribution to the society
C. Write only the contribution of the study to yourself or as a researcher
D. All of the above is correct
26. In certain circumstances, other researchers may request your data set for verification. In which situations would you have to
refuse their access?
A. If the participants have not signed a disclaimer and if another party have proprietary rights over the data which
prevent its release.
B. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured, and if another party has already requested the data at an
earlier time.
C. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured and if another party have proprietary rights over the data
which prevent its release.
D. If the confidentiality of the participants cannot be assured and if you intend to use the data in a follow up study.
27. The abstract should include:
A. A list of references.
B. Only the most relevant tables and diagrams.
C. None of these.
D. An explanation of the statistical analysis employed.
28. The abstract is:
A. a précis of all important parts of a research report.
B. a summary of all the major findings.
C. a list of criticisms of the study.
D. none of these
29. Normally, where in a research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?
A. In the discussion.
B. In the conclusions.
C. In the introduction.
D. None of these
30. Why are the references included in a research project?
A. To impress lecturers.
B. To fully identify the source of information and ideas discussed in the report so that others may check for
C. It is courtesy to the authors of the works that you have read.
D. To keep a record of everything that you have read in writing the report.
Read each question related to Action Research and IMRaD, and choose the letter of your answer.
Choices for question nos. 31. to 34.
A. Action Research
B. Basic Research
C. Participatory Action Research
D. Practical Action Research
31. It is a reflective process of progressive problem solving.
32. It is intended to address a specific problem with a classroom, school or communities.
33. It involves individuals which are called stakeholders.
34. It is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem.
Choices for question nos. 35. to 40.
A. Introduction
B. Methods
C. Results
D. Discussion
35. It explains how findings support, contradict, or further the discussion of the topic.
36. It supplies the sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the
present study.
37. It uses tables, charts, graphs and words to focus readers’ attention on the most important trends or conclusion.
38. It explains how to collect, measure and analyze the data.
39. It starts stating background information.
40. It includes formulas, statistical procedures and equations.
Choose the letter of the describe statistical tool.
Choices for question nos. 41. to 44.
A. Pearson r
B. Spearman-rank order correlation
C. Chi-square test of independence
D. One-population Z-test
41. Determine correlation or relationship between 2 variables of the ordinal type.
42. Determine correlation or relationship between 2 variables of the nominal type.
43. Determine if a given sample was drawn from the population.
44. Determine correlation or relationship between 2 variables of the interval type.
Choices for question nos. 45. to 48.
A. Z-test of independent proportion
B. Z-test of dependent proportion
C. T-test of independent means
D. T-test of dependent means
45. Determine the significant difference between 2 independent or 2 different groups on situations that call for two types
of responses.
46. Determine if there is significant difference between 2 groups or 2 sets of correlated scores, heights, weights.
47. Determine if there is a significant difference between pairs of observation from a single group or if the responses of the
members of the group are correlated.
48. Determine if there is a significant difference between 2 groups or 2 independent groups in terms of means.
Choices for question nos. 49. to 50.
A. Chi-square test of goodness of fit
B. Chi-square test of association
49. Determine if there is a significant difference between 2 or more groups in terms of means.
50. Determine if there is a significant difference between 2 groups in terms of mean.
S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Read each number carefully and choose the letter of your answer.
1. According to Polit and Beck (2001), the goals of research are to:
A. create, refine and expand
B. develop, polish and broaden
C. create, polish and broaden
D. develop, refine and expand
2. Burns and Grove (2007), said that research is to search or examine again and again or carefully; research therefore is:
A.Diligent B.Patient C.Persevering D.Industrious
3. The act of asking questions in order to gather or collect information is:
A.Investigation B.Inquiry C.Immersion D.Intention
4. The complete involvement in some activity or interest is:
A.Investigation B.Inquiry C.Immersion D.Intention
5. To find out the facts in order to learn how it happened is:
A.Investigation B.Inquiry C.Immersion D.Intention
6. The characteristic of a good research that explores causality of two variables to find the relationship is:
A.Controlled B.Critical C.Empirical D.Systematic
7. The characteristic of a good research procedure adopted to undertake an investigation following a certain logical
sequence is
A.Controlled B.Critical C.Empirical D.Systematic
8. The characteristics of a good research wherein the process of investigation must be free from any drawbacks.
A.Controlled B.Critical C.Empirical D.Rigorous
9. The characteristic of a good research that follows procedure to find answer to questions that are relevant, appropriate
and justified is:
A.Controlled B.Critical C.Empirical D.Rigorous
10. The characteristic of a good research wherein conclusion is based upon hard evidences gathered from the collected
information from real life experience and observation.
A.Controlled B.Critical C.Empirical D.Rigorous
11. This is typically includes a brief description of the problem or need also included a search summary.
a. research statement c. research program
b. research proposal d. research product
12. This refers to any organization or agency that conducts research or to any cooperative effort to conduct research.
A. research statement C. research program
B. research proposal D. research product
13. Which of the following should not be criterion for a good research project?
A. Demonstrates the abilities of the researcher
B. Is dependent on the completion of other projects
C. Demonstrates the integration of different fields of knowledge
D. Develops the skills of the researcher
14. Which of the following is a good research question?
A. To identify the relationship between self-efficacy and student job searching behaviors
B. Do students with high levels of self-efficacy demonstrate more active job searching behavior?
C. To produce a report on student job searching behaviors.
D. Student with higher levels of self-efficacy will demonstrate more active job searching behavior
15. Research hypotheses are:
A. Statements predicted relationships between variables
B. Formulated prior to review of literature
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
16. Which of the following is not ethical practice in research with humans?
A. Requiring participants to continue until the study has been completed
B. Gaining informed consent
C. Informing participants that they are free withdraw at anytime
D. Maintaining participants’ anonymity
17. It describes concisely the core contents of the paper.
a. Title c. Materials
b. Abstract d. Summary
18. It describes the experimental design so as it is reproduced.
A. Title C. Materials
B. Abstract D. Summary
19. It includes the purpose and reason behind the conduct of the study.
A. Statement of the problem
B. Review Related Literature
C. Abstract
D. Background of the Study
20. This section describes the problem, research design and findings.
A. Conclusion
B. Recommendation
C. Summary of Findings
D. Abstract
21. It established a standard by which research studies are structured as well as how referencing other works are cited in
22. This section provides sufficient detail about your experiment to enable readers to evaluate its appropriateness or to
replicate where should they desire.
A. Methodologies
B. Introduction
C. Review of Related Literature
D. Results and Discussion
23. Andrea looked for patterns and themes in the answers she got from the customer she visited. What was Andrea doing?
A. Analyzing quantitative Research
B. Reevaluating the initial goals
C. Analyzing qualitative Research
D. Finalizing Recommendations
24. A positive correlation occurs when:
A. Two variables remain constant
B. Two variables move in the same direction
C. One variable goes up and the other goes down
D. Two variables move in opposite directions
25. Secondary data can include which of the following?
A. Government Statistics
B. Personal Diaries
C. Organizational Records
D. All of the Above
26. What is term is used when borrowing someone else's ideas or words, but failing to properly document the original source?
A. paraphrasing B. writer’s block C. plagiarism D. editing.
27. Which of the following is not an error that will result in plagiarism?
A. Paraphrasing other people’s information and citing the source of that information.
B. Failing to properly cite one’s sources.
C. Over-relying on someone else’s words.
D. Over-relying on someone else’s organizational structure.
28. Which of the following is the best way to protect yourself against plagiarism?
A. Always cite your sources.
B. Paraphrase other people’s information and cite the source of that information.
C. Include your own contributions, so you are not relying exclusively on the ideas of others.
D. All of the above are required in order to protect yourself against plagiarism.
29. Which of the following is TRUE about quotations?
A. They should be used only when absolutely necessary.
B. They should be used as frequently as possible in order to avoid plagiarism.
C. They are the only way to avoid plagiarizing.
D. They should be used in place of your own thoughtful response.
30. Fill in the blanks: A ____________ is placed within the text and includes the authors’ last names and the publication year. A
___________ is placed at the end of a paper and includes information on the authors, year, title of the source, and publication
A. quotation; citation C. citation; reference list
B. reference list; quotation D. reference list; citation
31. How would you correctly cite the following article in the text of a paper? Sheldon, S. B. (2002). Parents' social networks and
beliefs as predictors of parent involvement. The Elementary School Journal, 102, 301-316.
A. According to the article, Parents' social networks and beliefs as predictors of parent involvement...
B. According to Sheldon (2002)...
C. According to an article published in 2002 in The Elementary School Journal...
D. According to Sheldon in the article, Parents' Social Networks and Beliefs as Predictors of Parent Involvement.....
32. What citation style is used in item no. 29?
A. Integral citation B. non-integral citation C. Short-quoted citation D. Block citation
33. How would you correctly cite the following article? Anderson, K. J., & Minke, K. M. (2007). Parent involvement in education:
Toward an understanding of parents’ decision making. The Journal of Educational Research, 100, 311-323.
A. According to the article, Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of parents’ decision making....
B. According to Anderson and Minke (2007)...
C. According to an article published in 2007 in the Journal of Educational Research...
D. According to Anderson and Minke in the article Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of
parents’ decision making....
For item #34. Below is an excerpt from the article: Levenson, M. R., & Park, C. L. (2002). Drinking to cope among college
students: Prevalence, problems and coping processes. Journal on Studies on Alcohol, 63, 486-497:
“Drinking to cope is very common among college students and is related to much higher levels of alcohol consumption, episodes
of heavy drinking, and levels of both negative and positive alcohol related consequences” (p. 486).
34. Which of the following examples correctly paraphrases the above passage (without plagiarizing)?
A. “Drinking to cope is very common among college students and is related to much higher levels of alcohol
B. When people drink to cope they are heavy drinkers and experience both negative and positive consequences.
C. Levenson and Park (2002) found that drinking to cope is very common among college students and is related to much
higher levels of alcohol consumption.
D. Levenson and Park (2002) found that when college students drink to cope, they drink more frequently and more
heavily than those who do not drink to cope.
For item #35. Below is an excerpt from the article: Schuetze, P. (2004). Evaluation of a brief homework assignment designed to
reduce citations problems. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 257-259:
“Increased student confidence in their ability to avoid plagiarism would hypothetically result in an inaccurate perception that
they are fully knowledgeable about the complexities involved in proper citations in scientific papers” (p. 259).
35. Which of the following examples correctly paraphrases the above passage (i.e. without plagiarizing)
A. Increased student confidence in their ability to avoid plagiarism would hypothetically result in an inaccurate
perception that they are fully knowledgeable about the complexities involved in proper citations in scientific papers
B. One danger that arises from learning about plagiarism is that students may mistakenly believe that they know all
there is to know about citing information properly (Schuetze, 2004).
C. Increased student confidence in their ability to avoid plagiarism would hypothetically result in an inaccurate
perception that they are fully knowledgeable about the complexities involved in proper citations in scientific papers
(Schuetze, 2004).
D. According to Schuetze (2004, p. 259), "One danger of increasing students' confidence in their ability to avoid
plagiarism is that this overconfidence could leave them unaware that they do not understand the complexities of
proper citation."

36. This is an information that is readily available from a number of sources or so well-known that its sources do not have to be
A. attribution B. common knowledge C. self-plagiarism D. public domain
37. Which of the following is not used to express your appreciation for or recognition of people’s ownership of borrowed ideas
in your research paper?
A. in-text citation B. acknowledgement C. attribution D. reference list
38. Which of the following is the correct referencing format for an APA style reference?
A. (2005). Interactive effects of life experience and situational cues on aggression: The weapons priming effect in
hunters and nonhunters. Bruce D. B., Craig A. A., Nicholas L. C., Arlin J. & Benjamin, J. R., Jr. Journal Of Experimental
Social Psychology, 41, 48-60.
B. Interactive effects of life experience and situational cues on aggression: The weapons priming effect in hunters and
nonhunters. Bruce D. B., Craig A. A., Nicholas L. C., Arlin J., & Benjamin, J. R., Jr. Journal Of Experimental Social
Psychology, 41, 48-60. (2005).
C. Bruce D. B., Craig A. A., Nicholas L. C., Arlin J., & Benjamin, J. R., Jr. (2005). Interactive effects of life experience and
situational cues on aggression: The weapons priming effect in hunters and nonhunters. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 41, 48-60.
D. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2005), 41, 48-60. Bruce D. B., Craig A. A., Nicholas L. C., Arlin J., &
Benjamin, J. R., Jr. Interactive effects of life experience and situational cues on aggression: The weapons priming effect
in hunters and nonhunters.
39. Reference Sample: Book with two authors. Below is a reference page listing for a book with two authors. How should the
title of the book be formatted?
Giorgis, C., & Glazer, J. I. (2009). Literature for young children: Supporting emergent literacy, ages 0 - 8 (6th ed).
Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
A. The book title should be in quotations C. The book title should be listed without special formatting
B. The book title should be in italics D. The book title should be bolded.
40. “et al” is a shortened term for “et alia”. What is the meaning of this Latin word?
A. and people B. and others C. the people D. the others
41. Citations are used within the body of your paper to indicate information that has come from another source. Which of the
following best describes which information must always be cited within the text?
A. Written or media content that you have paraphrased or summarized
B. Quotations from a video, blog, website, or journal article
C. Personal opinions and ideas written in your own words
D. Quotations, paraphrased and summarized content
42. The following example of an APA in-text citation is incorrectly formatted, because _______.
(Giugovaz 2008 p. 2)
A. the citation is missing commas to separate the elements
B. the citation is missing the author’s first name
C. the citation is missing the title of the work
D. None of the above.
43. Written documents such as books, periodicals, magazines, journals, newspapers and legal citations are examples of what
kind of sources?
A. Primary sources B. Related literature C. Secondary sources D. Related studies
44. Which of the following is the correct APA reference for the following source:
Title: Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements Volume No.: 75
Authors: Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal Date Published: 1999
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology Page Numbers: 558-577
A. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements in Journal of Applied Psychology. Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan
L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal (1999), 75, p. 558-577.
B. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements, in Journal of Applied Science, 75, by M.R. Shaw, J.L. Speaks, &
K.M. Neal (1999), 558-577.
C. M.R. Shaw, J.L. Speaks, & K.M. Neal (1999). Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements, Journal of Applied
Psychology, 75, p. 558-577.
D. Shaw, M.R., Speaks J.L., & Neal, K.M. (1999). Role of personality in determining value judgements. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 75, 558-577.
45. What is the value of a good literature search?
A. Helps insure that you are not duplicating the work that has already been done by another researcher
B. Is an easy way to do your bibliography
C. Helps you find a really broad research question
D. Helps you assess the feasibility of your planned methods, by showing the level of effort and resources spent by
others who used similar methods
46. Which of the following describes a good literature review?
A. Describe in detail the findings/conclusions from each research study reviewed
B. Discuss whether the research studies on a topic come to similar or different conclusions
C. Critique the methods used in the studies and explain how the methods impact the usefulness of the study
D. Write a conclusion that concisely summarizes the key findings from the literature review and explains how your
study fits into this scholarly conversation
47. If you are studying a specialized topic, like 'Common symptoms of mentally ill children', but search for something broad, like
'Psychology of children', what would you possibly found in the internet?
A. A large amount of relevant articles. C. A large amount of non-relevant articles.
B. A small amount of relevant articles. D. A small amount of non-relevant articles.
48. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
A. If they guide your literature search
B. If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
C. If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
D. All of the above
49. What is a systematic literature review?
A. One which starts in your own library, then goes to on-line databases and, finally, to the internet
B. A replicable, scientific and transparent process
C. One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area
D. A responsible, professional process of time-management for research
50. How will you going to start a research?
A. Start with a number of clear goals C. Have a well-defined research methodology
B. Start with a number of predefined objectives D. Solve the research problem

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