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1st person I me my mine

2nd person your yours

3rd person (m) You you his his
3rd person (f) He him her hers
3rd person (n) She her its (not used)
1st person (pl.) It it our ours
2nd person (pl.) We us your yours
3rd person (pl) You you their theirs
They them

____ name is Alexander but ____ friends ____ are not Tony. Do I know ___?
call ____ Alex. ____ am from England. What is ______ name?
This picture is ____. Is Tony friend of
____ am wearing ____ favourite jumper. ______?
_______ grandmother knitted it for Can I tell ____
____. Nobody has a jumper as nice as something?
______. _____ have a very nice
I really like ______ hat.
Jack is our cousin. _____ is not Daisy is our aunt. Our mother is
I want a hat just like
___ sister. Our surname is Hunt.
married. ____ mother has found ___ is Gray. ___ bakes us lovely
___ many nice girls but ___ says cookies when we visit ______.
that the decision is _____. Jack ____ is proud of _____ cookies.
loves travelling. ____ has visited Cooking is the greatest hobby of _____. We love
many countries . ____ says that China is the next ____ and _____ cookies very much.
destination of ____. All ____ friends envy ____.
We love ___ very much.
This is our new pet parrot. This is our new text book.
_____ is a cockatoo. _____ name ______ is a Chemistry book.
is Benjamin We don’t keep _____ in We use ____ in Chemistry lesson.
a cage. We let ____ fly freely ____ pages are full of formulas.
around the house. ____ usually eats We must study ____ carefully.
sun flower seeds but ____ _____ contents are very important for the lesson
diet also includes fruits and corn. and we will benefit from ____.

_____ are students at the King’s

College. ____ Maths teacher Doth
is with ____ in this picture. She is
the most favourite teacher of ___.
____ are very happy in ___ school.
Cooking is the greatest hobby ofteachers helplove
_____. We ____ in every aspect.
____ and _____ cookies very think that there is no school as good as ___.

We love ___ very much.

Are ___ Smiths family? I am ___ ___ are our new neighbours.
new neighbour. I live near _____. We have just met _____.
My house is next door to _____. ____ house is next to ours.
Does ___ house have a big garden We live next to _____.
too? I can help ____ with _____ ____ have a son. ____ son
gardening if ____ wish. I am very happy to be the will be in our school. We will visit ____ this
new neighbor of ______. weekend.

MY name is Alexander but MY friends YOU are not Tony. Do I know YOU?
call ME Alex. I am from England. What is YOUR name?
This picture is MINE. Is Tony friend of
I am wearing MY favourite jumper. MY YOURS?
grandmother knitted it for ME. Nobody Can I tell YOU
has a jumper as nice as MINE. something?
YOU have a very nice hat. I really like YOUR
hat. I want a hat just like YOURS.
Jack is our cousin. HE is not Daisy is our aunt. Our mother is
married. HIS mother has found HER sister. Our surname is Hunt.
HIM many nice girls but HE says HERS is Gray. SHE bakes us lovely
that the decision is HIS. Jack cookies when we visit HER.
loves travelling. HE has visited SHE is proud of HER cookies.
many countries . HE says that China is the next Cooking is the greatest hobby of HERS. We love
destination of HIS. All HIS friends envy HIM. HER and HER cookies very much.

We love ___ very much.

This is our new pet parrot. This is our new text book.
IT is a cockatoo. ITS name is IT is a Chemistry book.
Benjamin We don’t keep IT in a We use IT in Chemistry lesson.
cage. We let IT fly freely around ITS pages are full of formulas.
the house. IT usually eats sun We must study IT carefully.
flower seeds but ITS diet also ITS contents are very important for the lesson
includes fruits and corn. and we will benefit from IT.

WE are students at the King’s College.

OUR Maths teacher Doth is with US in
this picture. She is the most favourite
teacher of OURS.
WE are very happy in OUR school.
Cooking is the greatest hobby of _____. We love
OUR teachers help US in every aspect.
____ and _____ cookies very much.
WE think that there is no school as good as OURS.

We love ___ very much.

Are YOU Smiths family? I am YOUR THEY are our new neighbours.
new neighbour. I live near YOU. We have just met THEM.
My house is next door to YOURS. THEIR house is next to ours.
Does YOUR house have a big garden too?
We live next to THEIRS.
I can help YOU with YOUR gardening if YOU
THEY have a son. THEIR son will be in our
wish. I am very happy to be the new neighbor
school. We will visit THEM this weekend.

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