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CRE on Circe By Carol Ann Duffy

The poem “Circe” by Carol Ann Duffy, alludes the the greek mythology of a nymph named
Circe. Circe had the capability of transform her enemies into animals. In one of the myths it
features Circe who transforms Odysseus‘ men into pigs. In Duffy’s poem, she utilizes this
background of Circe to create a poem where in the persona rants abouts men and their nature.
Through the use of the allusion, imagery, Duffy is able to successfully create a poem which
serves as a satire towards men.

With the use of Circe as the persona, a certain background of Circe has already come into
play. This is when Circe turns Odysseus’ men into pigs. With this background of the poem, we
are able to recognize that the pigs that is described in the poem represent men. In the first
stanza, she states that she likes nereids and nymph. The reason behind this is because nereids
and nymphs are like her as they are only female. Combining the two ideas derived from Circe’s
background, we are able to understand that the persona despises men whereas she loves
women. This does not necessarily mean she is a lesbian, but she merely places women to be
above men. Looking back to the greek myth of Circe, the myth had shown men to be very
foolish and gullible. This was shown in the myth as the Odysseus’ men were tricked as she
laced the food with her magical potion turning men into pigs. Through the use of allusion, Duffy
is able to show men to be foolish and presents women to be above them.

In the poem Duffy use imagery to further show the satire towards men. In the poem they use
the imagery of men as pigs and womens to be nymphs or nereids. These images are very
different and contrast from one another. Pigs are often seen to be dirty and ugly, whereas
nymphs or nereids are seen to be very beautiful and are deities. Where men are presented to
be animals, women are presented to be deities. This shows the difference in terms of power
between men and women. The poem also then presents Circe being ordered around “Mash the
potatoes, nymph, open the beer”. This show that while women should be above men, they are
still being ordered around. There is a power struggle shown between men and women in the
poem. Looking at the poem as a whole there is a general action being done and that is cooking.
Circe is seen to be cooking in this poem as gives images as seen in the line “tasting the sweaty,
spicy air” or in the line “But I want to begin with a recipe from abroad”. Cooking at that time was
a job for female. In the poem the “pigs” or men were seen to be ingredients for the food Circe
was cooking. This shows a certain power to women while at the same time shows a certain
weakness as they “cooked” for men. As seen through the use of imagery it presents women as
the ones who should be in power rather than men.

In conclusion, the poem “Circe” by Carol Ann Duffy is able to show the satire directed towards
men; That they should be below women in reality. This is seen through the use of allusion which
is able to create a background to the poem which is able to present women to be above men.
Likewise through the use of imagery, men are degraded and men are shown to be below men.

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