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Item Unit
Details 1. Filling in plinth with brought out murum Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material

1 Murum 10 cum + 2cum 12 cum 425.00 5100.00

(Add 20% compaction factor)

Total of A 5100.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 255.00

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1% 51.00
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 102.00
E. Labour charge 10 cum 375.00 3750.00

Total of A 9258.00
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 1388.70
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 10646.70
Rate for 1 cum 1064.67
Item Unit
Details 2. Rubble soling 230mm thick with murum blindage coarse Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material

1 Rubble 10 cum + 1 cum 11 cum 530.00 5830.00

(Add 10% dressing wastage)
2 Murum (for blindage 50mm loose murum layered
coarse) over rubble soling for filling the
same into soling gaps
50mm/230mm = 20%
10 cum x 20% = 2 cum 2 cum 425.00 850.00

Total of A 6680.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 334.00

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1% 66.80
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 133.60
E. Labour charge 10 cum 530.00 5300.00

Total of A 12514.40
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 1877.16
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 14391.56
Rate for 1 cum 1439.16
Item Unit
Details 3. PCC at Plinth top in concrete mix 1:3:6 Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material
Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is

1 Cement 1.52 cum x 30 46 bag 280.00 12768.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
2 Crush Sand 1.52 cum x 3 4.56 cum 990.00 4514.40
(Fine aggregate)
3 Metal 1.52 cum x 6 9.12 cum 880.00 8025.60
(Coarse aggregate)
Total of A 25308.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 1265.40

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 506.16
E. Labour charge 10 cum 1200 12000.00

Total of A
to E 39332.64
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 5899.90
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 45232.54
Rate for 1 cum 4523.25
Item Unit
Details 4. PCC at foundation base in concrete mix 1:2:4 Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material
Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, 15.20cum/(1+2+4)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is

1 Cement 2.17 cum x 30 65 bag 280.00 18228.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
2 Crush Sand 2.17 cum x 2 4.34 cum 990.00 4296.60
(Fine aggregate)
3 Metal 2.17 cum x 4 8.68 cum 880.00 7638.40
(Coarse aggregate)
Total of A 30163.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 1508.15

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 603.26
E. Labour charge 10 cum 1500 15000.00

Total of A
to E 47576.04
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 7136.41
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 54712.45
Rate for 1 cum 5471.24
Item Unit
Details 5. RCC column/beam/slab in concrete mix 1:1.5:3 Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material
Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)

Therefore, 15.20cum/(1+1.5+3)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is

1 Cement 2.76 cum x 30 83 bag 280.00 23184.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
2 Crush Sand 2.76 cum x 1.5 4.14 cum 990.00 4098.60
(Fine aggregate)
3 Metal 2.76 cum x 3 8.28 cum 880.00 7286.40
(Coarse aggregate)
Total of A 34569.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 1728.45

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 691.38
E. Labour charge 10 cum 3200 32000.00

Total of A
to E 69334.52
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 10400.18
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 79734.70
Rate for 1 cum 7973.47
Item Unit
Details 6. RCC footing/raft in concrete mix 1:1:2 Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material
Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, 15.20cum/(1+1+2)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is

1 Cement 3.80 cum x 30 114 bag 280.00 31920.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
2 Crush Sand 3.80 cum x 1 3.8 cum 990.00 3762.00
(Fine aggregate)
3 Metal 3.80 cum x 2 7.6 cum 880.00 6688.00
(Coarse aggregate)
Total of A 42370.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 2118.50

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 847.40
E. Labour charge 10 cum 2700 27000.00

Total of A
to E 72759.60
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 10913.94
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 83673.54
Rate for 1 cum 8367.35
Item Unit
Details 7. Reinforcement steel work in RCC work Quantity 1000 kg
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material

Reinforcement steel 1000 kg 44.00 44000.00

2 Binding wire (10kg per 1000kg) 10 kg 65.00 650.00

Total of A 44650.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 2232.50

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 0.00
E. Labour charge 1000 kg 6.00 6000.00

Total of A
to E 53329.00
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 7999.35
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 1000kg 61328.35
Rate for 1kg 61.33
8. BB masonary 230mm thick in CM 1:5
Material Factor calculations
a) Brick
Brick size 225mm x 110mm x 65mm
Sample 1m x 1m x a) No. brick in one layer with 10mm mortor joint = 1m/0.235 = 4.25nos x 2 lines
0.23m = 0.23 cum >> = 8.50 nos
b) No. layers vertically with 10mm mortor joint = 1m/0.075 = 13.35 nos
No of bricks per 0.23 8.50 no x 13.35 no = 113.45 no
cum >>
No. of bricks/cum 113.45 no / 0.23 cum = 493 nos say 500 nos per cum
b) Mortor
Qty. of mortor/cum Qty. of whole masonary - Qty. of bricks = qty. of mortor
1 cum - (493 no x 0.225 x 0.11 x 0.065) = 0.21cum
Dry vol of mortor >> Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.21 cum + 0.04 cum = 0.25 cum
Item Unit
Details 8. BB masonary 230mm thick in CM 1:5 Quantity 10 cum
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Bricks 10 cum x 500 no 5000 No 7.00 35000.00
2 Mortor For 1 cum = 0.25 cum
for 10 cum = 2.50 cum
Therefore, 2.50/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 2.50 cum/(1+5)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 0.42 cum x 30 13 bag 280.00 3528.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Crush Sand 0.42 cum x 5 2.1 cum 990.00 2079.00
(Fine aggregate)
Total of A 40607.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 2030.35

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 406.07
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 812.14
E. Labour charge 10 cum 880.00 8800.00

Total of A
to E 52655.56
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 7898.33
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 10 cum 60553.89
Rate for 1 cum 6055.39
9. Half thick (115mm thick) BB masonary in CM 1:4 excluding RCC band
Material Factor calculations
a) Brick
Brick size 225mm x 110mm x 65mm
Sample 1m x 1m a) No. brick in one layer with 10mm mortor joint = 1m/0.235 = 4.25nos
b) No. layers vertically with 10mm mortor joint = 1m/0.075 = 13.35 nos
Bricks per 1 Sq.m >> 4.25 no x 13.35 no = 57 no say 60 nos per Sq.m

b) Mortor
Qty. of mortor/cum Qty. of whole masonary - Qty. of bricks = Qty. of mortor
0.11 cum - (57 no x 0.225 x 0.11 x 0.065) = 0.018cum
Dry vol of mortor >> Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.018 cum + 0.0036 cum = 0.0216 cum per Sq.m
Say 0.022 cum per Sq. m
Item Unit
Details 9. Half thick (115mm thick) BB masonary in CM 1:4 excluding RCC band Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Bricks 100 Sqm x 60 no 6000 No 7.00 42000.00
2 Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.022 cum
for 100 Sqm = 2.20 cum
Therefore, 2.20/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 2.20 cum/(1+4)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 0.44 cum x 30 13 bag 280.00 3696.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Crush Sand 0.44 cum x 4 1.76 cum 990.00 1742.40
(Fine aggregate)
Total of A 47438.40

B. Wastage @ 5% 2371.92

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 474.38
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 948.77
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 160.00 16000.00

Total of A
to E 67233.47
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 10085.02
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 77318.49
Rate for 1 Sqm 773.18
10. Neeru finish (Sanala) plaster 8mm to 10mm thick for ceiling in CM 1:3
Material Factor calculations

Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.01m = 0.01cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.01 cum + 0.002 cum = 0.012
cum per Sq.m

Item Unit
Details 10. Neeru finish (Sanala) plaster 8mm to 10mm thick for ceiling in CM 1:3 Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.012 cum
for 100 Sqm = 1.20 cum
Therefore, 1.20/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 1.20 cum/(1+3)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is

a Cement 0.3 cum x 30 9 bag 280.00 2520.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
b River Sand (0.3 cum x 3) + (0.225 cum)
Added 25% screening wastage 1.125 cum 2650.00 2981.25
(Fine aggregate)
Add for Sanala 100 sqm x 0.1 bag per Sqm 10 bag 130.00 1300.00

Total of A 6801.25

B. Wastage @ 5% 340.06

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 68.01
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 136.03
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 200.00 20000.00

Total of A
to E 27345.35
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 4101.80
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 31447.15
Rate for 1 Sqm 314.47
11. Neeru finish (Sanala) plaster 12mm to 15mm thick for wall in CM 1:4
Material Factor calculations

Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.015m = 0.015cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.015 cum + 0.003 cum = 0.018
cum per Sq.m

Item Unit
Details 11. Neeru finish (Sanala) plaster 12mm to 15mm thick for wall in CM 1:4 Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.018 cum
for 100 Sqm = 1.80 cum
Therefore, 1.80/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 1.80 cum/(1+4)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is

a Cement 0.36 cum x 30 11 bag 280.00 3024.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
b River Sand (0.36 cum x 4) + (0.36 cum)
Added 25% screening wastage 1.8 cum 2650.00 4770.00
(Fine aggregate)
Add for Sanala 100 sqm x 0.1 bag per Sqm 10 bag 130.00 1300.00

Total of A 9094.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 454.70

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 90.94
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 181.88
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 220.00 22000.00

Total of A
to E 31821.52
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 4773.23
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 36594.75
Rate for 1 Sqm 365.95
12. Sandfaced double coat plaster 18mm to 20mm thick for wall in CM 1:4
Material Factor calculations

Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.020m = 0.020cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.020 cum + 0.004 cum = 0.024
cum per Sq.m

Item Unit
Details 12. Sandfaced double coat plaster 18mm to 20mm thick for wall in CM 1:4 Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A. Material
Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.024 cum
for 100 Sqm = 2.40 cum
Therefore, 2.40/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 2.40 cum/(1+4)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is

a Cement 0.48 cum x 30 14 bag 280.00 4032.00

(1cum = 30 bags)
b River Sand (0.48 cum x 4) + (0.48 cum)
Added 25% screening wastage
2.4 cum 2650.00 6360.00
(Fine aggregate)

Total of A 10392.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 519.60

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 103.92
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 207.84
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 270.00 27000.00

Total of A
to E 38223.36
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 5733.50
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 43956.86
Rate for 1 Sqm 439.57
13. Kota stone flooring (Hand dressed/machine cut) on 50mm thick sub base in CM 1:5 with Cement Paste
Material Factor calculations
Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.050m = 0.050cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.050 cum + 0.010 cum = 0.060
cum per Sq.m
Item Unit
13. Kota stone flooring (Hand dressed/machine cut) on 50mm thick sub
Details Quantity 100 Sqm
base in CM 1:5 with Cement Paste backing
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Kota stone Considering 20% hand dressing /
cutting wastage
100 Sqm + 20 Sqm 120 Sqm 280.00 33600.00
2 Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.060 cum
for 100 Sqm = 6.00 cum
Therefore, 6.00/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 6.00 cum/(1+5)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 1 cum x 30 30 bag 280.00 8400.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Crush Sand 1 cum x 5 5 cum 990.00 4950.00
(Fine aggregate)
c Add extra cement for
backing paste 0.1 bag per Sqm x 100 sqm 10 bag 280.00 2800.00

Total of A 49750.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 2487.50
C. Plant, Machinery &
Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 995.00
E. Labour charge (Incl Dressing & fixing) 100 Sqm 380.00 38000.00

Total of A
to E 91730.00
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 13759.50
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 105489.50
Rate for 1 Sqm 1054.90
14. Vitrified tile flooring 35mm thick sub base in CM 1:5 with Cement slurry
Material Factor calculations
Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.050m = 0.035cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.0350 cum + 0.007 cum = 0.042
cum per Sq.m
Item Unit
Details 14. Vitrified tile flooring 35mm thick sub base in CM 1:5 with Cement slurry Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Vitrified tile 100 Sqm 550.00 55000.00

2 Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.042 cum

for 100 Sqm = 4.20 cum
Therefore, 4.20/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 4.20 cum/(1+5)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 0.7 cum x 30 21 bag 280.00 5880.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Crush Sand 0.7 cum x 5 3.5 cum 990.00 3465.00
(Fine aggregate)
c Add extra cement for
backing paste 0.1 bag per Sqm x 100 sqm 10 bag 280.00 2800.00

Total of A 67145.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 3357.25
C. Plant, Machinery &
Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 1342.90
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 280.00 28000.00

Total of A
to E 100516.60
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 15077.49
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 115594.09
Rate for 1 Sqm 1155.94
15. Vitrified tile for wall (Dado) 15mm thick backing CM 1:2
Material Factor calculations
Qty. of wet mortor 1m x 1m x 0.015m = 0.015cum
Dry vol of mortor >>
Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.0150 cum + 0.003 cum = 0.018
cum per Sq.m

Item Unit
Details 15. Vitrified tile for wall (Dado) 15mm thick backing CM 1:2 Quantity 100 Sqm
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Vitrified tile 100 Sqm 450.00 45000.00

2 Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.018 cum

for 100 Sqm = 1.80 cum
Therefore, 1.80/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 1.80 cum/(1+2)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 0.6 cum x 30 18 bag 280.00 5040.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Screened Sand (0.6 cum x 2 ) + (0.30 cum) 1.5 cum 2650.00 3975.00
(Fine aggregate) add 25% screening wastage

Total of A 54015.00

B. Wastage @ 5% 2700.75

C. Plant, Machinery &

Equipments @ 1%
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 1080.30
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 280.00 28000.00

Total of A
to E 86336.20
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 12950.43
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 99286.63
Rate for 1 Sqm 992.87
16. Brick bat waterproof treatment 100mm thick in CM 1:3 with smooth surface finish
Material Factor calculations
a) Brick
Brick size 225mm x 110mm x 65mm
Sample 1m x 1m a) Bricks in one direction with 15mm mortor joint = 1m/0.24 = 4.17nos
b) Bricks in another direction with 15mm mortor joint = 1m/0.125 = 8 nos
Bricks per 1 Sq.m >> 4.17 no x 8 no = 35 no per Sq.m

b) Mortor
Qty. of mortor/cum Qty. of whole mass - Qty. of bricks = Qty. of mortor
0.10 cum - (35 no x 0.225 x 0.11 x 0.065) = 0.044cum
Dry vol of mortor >> Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.044 cum + 0.009 cum = 0.053 cum per Sq.m
Item Unit
16. Brick bat waterproof treatment 100mm thick in CM 1:4 with smooth
Details Quantity 100 Sqm
surface finish
Item No. Item Head Calculations Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount
A Material
1 Bricks 100 Sqm x 35 no 3500 No 7.00 24500.00

2 Mortor For 1 Sqm = 0.053 cum

for 100 Sqm = 5.30 cum
Therefore, 5.30/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 5.30 cum/(1+3)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
a Cement 1.32 cum x 30 40 bag 280.00 11088.00
(1cum = 30 bags)
b Crush Sand 1.32 cum x 3 3.96 cum 990.00 3920.40
(Fine aggregate)
Total of A 39508.40

B. Wastage @ 5% 1975.42

C. Scaffolding @ 1% 395.08
D. Water & Electricity
incl. curing @ 2% 790.17
E. Labour charge 100 Sqm 280.00 28000.00
Total of A
to E 70669.07
F. Add for Profit &
Overheads @ 15% 10600.36
G. TOTAL AMOUNT INCL. P & O Rate for 100 Sqm 81269.43
Rate for 1 Sqm 812.69
Item No Item Head Factor for calculation Qty per Comments

1 Murum filling Add 20% in basic quantity 1 cum Addition for compaction factor
Therefore, 1 cum + 0.2 cum 1.2 cum

2 Rubble Soling 1 cum

a) Rubble Add 10% in basic quantity Addition for Dressing wastage
Therefore, 1 cum + 0.1 cum 1.1 cum
b) Murum Add 20% quantity against 0.2 cum 50mm layer is 20% of 230mm
blindage course soling layer.

3 All concrete items 1 cum

a) Cement 1 cum = 30 bags Conversion factor
b) Concrete Add 52% in basic quantity 1.52 Considering 52% Bulkage factor
1 cum of Wet mix = 1.52 cum of
Dry mix
c) Working out
ingradients 1.52 cum/ (Sum of Proportion)

4 230mm thick Brick 1 cum

a) Bricks 500 nos per cum
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.25 cum/ 1 cum
1 cum of wet mix = 1.20 cum of Considering 20% Bulkage factor
dry mix

5 115mm thick Brick 1 sqm

a) Bricks 60 nos per Sqm
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.022 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor

6 Neeru plaster for 1 Sqm

ceiling 8 to 10mm
a) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.012 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor
Add 25% more for sand only Screening wastage
b) Neeru 0.1 bag per Sqm

7 Neeru plaster for 1 sqm

wall 12 to 15mm
a) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.018 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor
Add 25% more for sand only Screening wastage
b) Neeru 0.1 bag per Sqm
Item No Item Head Factor for calculation Qty per Comments

8 Sandfaced double 1 Sqm

coat plaster to wall
18 to 20mm thick
a) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.024 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor
Add 25% more for sand only Screening wastage

9 Kota stone flooring 1 Sqm

on 50mm thick sub
a) Kota stone Add 20% on basic quantity 20% for Dressing wastage
Therefore, 1 Sqm + 0.2 Sqm
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.06 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor
c) Extra Cement 0.1 bag per 1 Sqm For cement paste backing

10 Vitrified flooring 1 Sqm

on 35mm thick sub
a) Vitrified tile No any addition
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.042 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor
c) Extra Cement 0.1 bag per 1 Sqm For cement slurry backing

11 Vitrified wall tiles 1 sqm

on 15mm thick
backing mortor
a) Vitrified tile No any addition
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.018 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor

12 100mm thick Brick 1 sqm

bat waterproof
a) Bricks 35 nos per Sqm
b) Mortor Dry mortor = 0.053 cum/ 1 Sqm Considering 20% Bulkage factor

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