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(A study on customer perceptions towards online shopping

with special reference to Upputhara Grama Panchayath)
1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Gender : Male Female

4. Education : S.S.LC plus two degree degree above

5. Occupation : Employee Business Home maker Student
6. Do you use internet?
Yes No
7. How long have you been using internet?
Less than 1 year 1-3 years
3-5 years More than 5 years
8. On the average, how much time do you spend in surfing the web?
0-5 hours 6-15 hours
16-20 hours More than 20 hours
9. Have you purchased anything online ever?
Yes No
10.Which category of goods have you bought through internet?
Mobiles Fashion Electronics Home
Beauty Appliances Toys Others specify…
11.When did you shop for the first time?
Last 6 months 6 months -1 year
1-3 years More than 3 years
12.How frequently did you purchase online?
Only once 2-4 times
4-6 times More than 6 times
13.Overall, were you satisfied with your experience of online shopping?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied
14.Where do you most often access the internet?
Home Cyber-cafes
Office/college Others specify….
15.What is your main motivation for buying through internet?
Convenience Saves time
Availability of product Product comparison
16.What, according to you, are the most important problem to purchase online?
Delivery cost are too high Prices are too high
Less quality of products Others specify…
17.What are the factors affecting on your online purchasing?
Risk Convenience Quality
Delivery Price
18.While, shopping what affects your satisfaction the most?
The design of a website Payment options
Product options Security
19.What features in online shopping website attracts you?
Discount offered Vareity
Advertisement Others specify…
20.Suggestions if any………

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