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Memorandum June 19, 2019 U. RENEE HALL Chief of Police Executive Briefing Control Number 2017-044 EMPLOYEE (S) ‘De S.C. Simone Broadnax* 8744 S.C. Terrence Burley 8454 S.C, Dwayne Cooper 8325 S.C. James Dewees 6038 S.C. Jerry Doda, Jr 1577 S.C. Clayton Edwards 7832 S.C. Alberto Garza, Jr. 8509 S.C. Gregory Illingworth 7266 S.C. Kakia Lang 8605 S.C. Woodruff Leel 7352 S.C. Jose Lopez, Jr. 8374 S.C. Saul Monsisvais 7068 SC. Ben Ortiz, Jr. 7223 S.C. Paul Park 6617 S.C. Emerson Pineda 9534 S.C. Stanly Reece 7813 S.C. Brian Reeves 6241 S.C. Adan Reinhart 9224 S.C. Jason Taylor 9078 S.C. Phillip White 6938, Sgt. Alfred Nunez 6688 Sgt. Alberto Ramos 6857 Sgt. Leticia Corral 4968 Lt, Robert Hart 6347 Lt. Gilberto Garza, I -7495 Probationary Period DATE OF DATE OF CURRENT APPOINTMENT. ASSIGNMENT 12/16/05 02/20/19 10/24/03 02/20/19 09/13/02 1/10/17 05/24/89 122/18 09/19/97 12/1218 11/03/99 12/07/18 06/04/04 02/20/19 08/04/95 1/157 01/10/05, 02/20/19 02/07/96 1/0/17 04/25/03 02/20/19 07/05/94 HV/ASAT 06/26/95 1207118 12/04/91 12/12/18 07/09/08 02/20/19 09/17/99 12/12/18 02/26/90 owiang 09/05/07 12/12/18 03/21/07 02/20/19 08/24/92 12/12/19 07/29/91 12/1218 01/27/92 1ion17 01/09/84 1/107 05/14/90 1/1018 04/02/97 1213/17 CITY OF DALLAS City Attorney Review N DIVISION South Central South Central ‘Youth Services Youth Services Youth Service CAPERS Southeast ‘Youth Services CBD CAPERS Northwest, Youth Services CAPERS Youth Services Northwest Youth Services Northeast Youth Services Southeast Youth Services Youth Services South Central Youth Services North Central Northwest, At the time of this incident Senior Corporals Broadnax, Burley, Cooper, Dewees, Dodd, Edwards, Garza, Illingworth, Lang, Leel, Lopez, Monsisvais, Ortiz, Park, Pineda, Reece, Reeves, Reinhart, Taylor, White, Sergeants Nunez, Ramos, Corral, and Lieutenants Hart and Garza were assigned to the VICE unit. “Senior Corporal Broadnax retired March 28, 2019, ‘Or Produ is Serie pathy Eis xen | Eauiy Disciplinary Decision April | 5, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 2 SYNO of 26 PART 1: VICE DETECTIVES To conduct gambling investigations, detectives were required to enter suspected businesses in an undercover capacity and bet on gambling machines with City issued confidential funds in order to obtain probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant, All money or property which detectives won when gambling was used as evidence that the suspected businesses were committing the offense of “Keeping a Gambling Place. During the execution of search warrants, money and property were scized by the Vice Unit if they were determined to be illegal gambling proceeds or aided in the furtherance of the illegal gambling operation. Examples of the seized items included gambling machines, televisions, money counting machines, locks, and other items. In 2010, the Civil Asset Forfeiture 1818B statute was developed to resolve logistical storage problems, as the Department's property room did not have the capacity to store the large amount of seized gambling machines awaiting criminal trial due to the significant length of time in adjudicating gambling offenses. Under this statute, if a suspect was found by 4 court to have committed the offense of “Keeping a Gambling Place,” all seized money or property was awarded to the Dallas Police Department with the provision that the suspect not face criminal charges. Between 2014 and 2017, Departmental and City Attorney records revealed the Vice Unit seized and was awarded by a court 3,988 gambling machines, $852,166.83, and other items such as televisions, locks, etc. In late February and March of 2017, an audit, ordered by Executive Assistant Chief Cynthia Villarreal, was conducted of the Vice Unit by an audit team composed of four sergeants and one lieutenant (Lieutenant Robert Hart). ‘The audit included the review of search warrants, expense reports, and many other related documents created by the Vice Unit between January of 2016 and February of 2017. The audit team discovered multiple Departmental policy violations, poor practices, improper training, inaccurate information documented in Search Warrants, the mishandling of evidence, and money or property which could not be accounted for. Their findings ‘wore submitted to the Internal Affairs Division and the Public Integrity Unit. ‘An investigation by the Public Integrity Unit into fifteen of the vice detectives and supervisors revealed there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove that any criminal offense had been committed in connection with the unaccounted property of money discovered by the audit. “Dur Mod i Se Enpathy | ibis) Exellence| Fly Disciplinary Dec’ April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 3 of 26 jon + An investigation into the Expense Reports created by the Vice Unit between January of 2016 and November of 2017, by Dallas Police Department's Inspections Unit, revealed no verifiable evidence that any criminal activity occurred. The Inspections Unit discovered poor practices, lack of supervisory oversight, poor or inaccurate information documented in Departmental reports, the mishandling of evidence and confidential funds, and evidentiary property which could not be accounted for. © The Internal Affairs Division reviewed all documents related to the 146 scarch warrants that were executed by the Vice Unit between January of 2016 and November of 2017. Multiple Departmental policy violations were discovered to have been committed by the vice detectives, specifically (See “Departmental Violations” attachment regarding the number of Departmental violations committed er individual detective): © Detectives failed in 184 instances to place monetary gambling winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and they were unaccounted for. © Detectives failed in 29 instances to place evidentiary or seized property into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and they were unaccounted for. © Detectives failed in 25 instances to place evidentiary money or property into the Baylor Street Property Room by the end of their tour of duty, per Departmental procedures. ‘© Detectives failed in 70 instances to document their expenditure of confidential funds in an Expense Report, per Departmental policy. © Detectives failed in 187 instances to document their investigative activity regarding an assigned complaint, which included their gambling with confidential funds, in a CrimeNtel report, per Departmental policy. © Detectives caused inaccurate information to be entered into Departmental documents in 135 instances, © Detectives failed in 145 instances to forward Property Receipts to the Records Section for filing, per Departmental policy. © Detectives in 3 instances used their City issued confidential funds for petty cash expenditures, contrary to Departmental policy. © Due to poor, erroneous, or no documentation of expenditure and investigative activity by the dotectives, this investigation was unable to determine the total amount of money that detectives won and/or spent during their gambling ‘Ou Prodi Servic pay |Fhics [ Eacelenee |Buy Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 4 of 26 investigations, or the amount of evidentiary or seized property which they failed to place into the Baylor Street Property Room. * ‘The vice detectives admitted they replaced their loss of confidential funds with gambling winnings and failed to place evidentiary or seized money and/or property into the Baylor Street Property Room, per Departmental policy. The detectives stated they only used property and money obtained during an investigation to further vice investigations or for Departmental purposes, and only used seized property after it had been awarded to the Department by a Civil Asset Forfeiture hearing, The detectives stated many of the practices in the Vice Unit had been committed by detectives for over 20 years or were allowed to continue by their supervisors. * Duc to poor, of lack of any documentation, this investigation was unable to verity how detectives disposed of monetary gambling winnings and property which were not placed into the Baylor Street Property Room. PART 2: MISLEADING STATEMENTS * During an Internal Affairs Division interview, Senior Corporal Kakia Lang, #8605, stated she knew the definition of replenishment, gave an cxample of replenishment, but “did not replenish” until changes were made to the unit’s practices in 2017. Senior Corporal Lang stated she stored gambling winnings in her locker and eventually placed them into the Baylor Street Property Room. Senior Corporal Lang also stated she was not trained to replenish when she transferred to the Vice Unit around 2011. However, after being shown her search warrants and other related documents from her previous vice investigations, Senior Corporal Lang admitted there were 1] instances where “it was possible” she replenished her confidential funds with gambling winnings. Senior Corporal Lang stated she was not certain when she began practicing replenishment. Senior Corporal Lang also stated she was trained to replace any loss of confidential funds with gambling winnings, which contradicted her previous statements. © Senior Corporal Lang denied giving any conflicting statements during her interview with the Intemal Affairs Division on May 2, 2018. ‘© During an Internal Affairs Division interview, Senior Corporal Gregory Illingworth, #7266, stated when he transferred to the Vice Unit in 2006, he was trained to place all monetary wins into the Baylor Street Property Room and was not trained to “replenish” (replace the loss of confidential funds with gambling winnings). Senior Corporal Illingworth stated he did not practice replenishment and placed all monetary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room until the practice of replenishment was approved in 2016. However, after being shown his search warrants and other related documents from his previous vice investigations, Senior Corporal Ilingworth admitted he was trained to replenish his confidential funds during gambling investigations by Senior Corporal Prokof, and sporadically mph | lie | Excelene|Equity Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 5 of 26 practiced replenishment whenever he chose to do so during his eleven years assigned to the Vice Unit * Senior Corporal Illingworth stated when he made his initial statements regarding replenishment, he was not attempting to hide or cover up any wrongdoing. Senior Corporal llingworth stated his initial statements were erroneous, and he was confused regarding the timeline of when he began practicing replenishment. Senior Corporal Illingworth stated after he reviewed his search warrants and other related documents, his memory was refreshed regarding when he began practicing replenishment and he clarified his statements. PART 3: SERGEANTS ‘+ During the course of the Internal Affairs investigation, it was determined there were several factors which contributed to the above Departmental violations committed by the vice detectives. The contributing factors were: © Improper or inadequate training of the detectives. © A failure in supervision to ensure detectives were operating according to already established Departmental procedures. + Sergeants Alfred Nunez, #6688, and Alberto Ramos, #6857, allowed detectives to replace theit loss of confidential funds with evidentiary gambling winnings (a practice known as “replenishment), and were aware detectives were trained to operate in this manner, contrary to Departmental policy, = Sotgeants Nunez and Ramos never required their detectives to document the practice of replenishment. This contributed to this investigation’s inability to track detectives’ expenditures, the amount of money cach detective won and/or spent during their gambling investigations, or the amount of evidentiary or seized property which they failed to place into the Baylor Street Property Room. ‘© Sergeant Nunez allowed detectives to keep and spend gambling winnings which remained after replenishment, and was aware detectives were trained to operate in this manner, contrary to Departmental policy. ‘+ Sergeant Ramos failed to ensure detectives assigned to him were adequately trained ‘or were operating according to Departmental policies and procedures. As a result of the lack of training and supervision there were approximately 75 instances in which monetary winnings were unable to be accounted for, 4 instances in which store credit items or seized property could not be accounted for, 9 instances in which evidence was placed into the Baylor Street Property Room late, 36 instances in which Expense Reports were not completed when confidential funds were expended, 52 instances in which detectives failed to document their daily Ou Padi Serie” pay | Ebioe Excellence |Eouly Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 6 of 26 investigative activity in the CrimeNtel database, and 46 instances where property receipts were not forwarded to the Records Unit for filing, ‘Sergeant Nunez failed to ensure detectives assigned to him were adequately trained or were operating according to Departmental policies and procedures. As a result of the lack of training and supervision there were approximately 62 instances in which monetary winnings were unable to be accounted for, 21 instances in which store credit items or seized property could not be accounted for, 13 instances in which evidence was placed into the Baylor Street Property Room late, 24 instances in which Expense Reports were not completed when confidential funds were expended, 126 instances in which his detectives failed to document their daily investigative activity in the CrimeNtel database, and 85 instances where property receipts were not forwarded to the Records Unit for filing by detectives assigned to im. © Sergeant Nunez admitted he took no action upon becoming aware that evidentiary property was not being placed into the Baylor Street Property Room, per Departmental policy. Sergeant Nunez stated all items received from store credit during an investigation should have been placed into the Baylor Street Property Room, but some of the items were stored in Vice Unit's equipment room. Sergeant ‘Nunez stated it was common practice among the detectives not to place evidentiary store credit items won during a gambling operation into the Baylor Street Property Room. Sergeant Nunez stated his detectives were not allowed to place evidentiary property into the equipment room, but he was aware of detectives in other squads placing evidentiary store credit items into Vice Unit’s equipment room for storage. © Sergeants Nunez, Ramos, and Leticia Corral, #4968, failed to compare all documents related to a vice investigation that had been completed by detectives assigned to them, to ensure the immediate discovery and resolution of conflicting and erroneous documentation in Departmental documents, per Departmental policy. As a result, between January of 2016 and November of 2017, Sergeant Nunez failed to discover and correct approximately 71 instances, Sergeant Ramos failed to discover and correct approximately 42 instances, and Sergeant Corral failed to discover and correct 3 instances where their detectives caused to be entered erroneous information in a Departmental document, including search warrants. Sergeant Ramos failed to initial search warrants drafted by detectives assigned to him prior to their submission to a magistrate for issuance, per Departmental policy. ‘© Sergeant Corral allowed detectives assigned to her to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room on later shifts, which was contrary to Departmental policy. ‘+ Sergeant Nunez failed to ensure proper oversight and procedures were implemented to control and permanently track the seizure, storage, and transfer of seized and ‘Our Pros is Serve ropa | Hts Exeaioce|Fgly Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 7 of 26 awarded gambling machines, which were stored at the Dallas Auto Pound and transferred to M & K Recovery Group. + A majority of the above Departmental violations committed by the detectives occurred under the supervision of Sergeants Nunez and Ramos. PART 4: GAMBLING MACHINES «In 2010, the City contracted with CDN Systems for the consignment of gambling machines awarded to the Department by the Civil Asset Forfeiture 1818B statute, In 2014, the City changed vendors and contracted with M & K Recovery Group, who agreed to only sell seized and awarded gambling machines to buyers out of the State of Texas, A review of records provided by M & K Recovery Group revealed from 2014 to 2018 they picked up approximately 2,338 gambling machines from the Dallas Auto Pound, and transported them to their facility for consignment in Austin, Texas © M&K Recovery Group’s records did not appear to be entirely accurate, and were pieced together by shipping and freight invoices, sales invoices, and receiving records. © According to M & K Recovery Group, they did not track the number of gambling machines received from the City between February 7, 2014, and February 26, 2016, but only that a truck had picked up gambling machines from the Dallas Auto Pound. * _Areview of City of Dallas Forfeiture Orders and Logs revealed from 2014 to 2018, 3,988 gambling machines were seized by the Vice Unit and awarded to the Dallas Police Department by Civil Asset Forfeiture hearings. '* During the course of this investigation, it was discovered there were no permanent records ever kept regarding the storage of seized gambling machines at the Dallas Police Auto Pound, or their transfer to M & K Recovery Group for consignment. Due to the lack of Departmental records, this investigation could not verify how many seized gambling machines were transferred to M & K Recovery Group's facility in Austin, Texas. © Since 2010, Senior Corporal James Dewees, #6038, had been assigned to control the storage and transfer of seized and awarded gambling machines to M & K Recovery Group. A dry erase board was used to track gambling machines until transferred into M & K Recovery Group's possession, and then all information was erased from the dry erase board. This was the procedure since 2010, and was done under the supervision and with the knowledge of Sergeant Nunez. ‘Our Pro ix Service’ Empat | Ets |Eacelene | iy Di April iplinary Decision 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 8 of 26 A comparison of M & K Recovery Group’s records with the City Attorney's Forteiture records revealed approximately 1,680 gambling machines are currently unaccounted for, and could not be proven to have been delivered to M & K Recovery Group for consignment due to the lack of Departmental records ‘After the completion of the audit in March of 2017, the audit team proposed 22 recommendations to the Vice Unit, including the establishment of “written procedures for placing gambling machines at the [Dallas] Auto Pound.” The audit team’s recommendations were given to Lieutenant Garza, Division Commander of the Vice Unit at the time, and used by Lieutenants Garza and Hart to improve and implement changes to the unit. However, no written, permanent procedures were ever developed to control and track the seized gambling machines stored at the Auto Pound. During Lieutenant Hart’s tenure, December of 2016 to November of 2017, approximately 1,372 gambling machines were awarded to the Dallas Police Department and transferred to M & K Recovery Group in 2017, Between January of 2017 to October 23 of 2017, sixteen memorandums, completed by Lieutenant Hart, documented the Dallas Police Department received a total of $71,943.50 from M & K Recovery Group for the sale of gambling machines, Sergeant Nunez stated he never received any orders or direction from Lieutenant Hart or anyone else instructing him to change the procedures surrounding the control and storage of the gambling machines. Occasionally, Lieutenant Hart made comments that Sergeant Rodgers did not like how records were kept of the gambling ‘machines and that she was going to make them change it. Licutenant Hart admitted he never asked to see documentation regarding agreements with M&K Recovery Group, although he believed he probably should have looked at the agreements. Lieutenant Hart was aware the Vice Unit seized, stored, and transferred gambling machines to M&K Recovery Group, but was unaware that a dry erase whiteboard was the only method used to track the gambling, machines Lieutenant Hart stated he assumed Senior Corporal Dewees kept an Excel spreadsheet to track the gambling machines, although he never observed one Lieutenant Hart also stated he never had any conversations with Sergeant Nuncz regarding the gambling machines and was unaware there were gambling machines which were unaccounted for. Lieutenant Hart stated he was only assigned to the Vice Unit for 11 months, which he believed was insufficient time for him to address the problems involving the gambling machines. Lieutenant Hart also stated it to be unreasonable that he was expected to determine a proper, logical, and legal solution, and implement it with the approval of command staff members who were already unwilling to allow corrections to already clearly identified personnel issues. Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 9 of 26 PART 5: INADEQUATE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, * In December of 2016, Lieutenant Garza, the Division Commander at the time, earned that vice detectives had not been placing evidentiary money and property into the Baylor Street Property Room for many years, contrary to Departmental policy. Lieutenant Garza verbally authorized vice personnel during their investigations to continue replacing the loss of Departmental confidential funds with evidentiary gambling winnings, which was a direct violation of written Departmental procedures. ‘© A review of Vice Unit's SOPs revealed there was only half a page, under the title “Gambling,” dedicated to the operational procedures of the Vice Unit, which mainly dealt with the issuance of citations regarding gambling offenses. No other operational procedures regarding the conducting of a gambling operation were ever codified into a revised version of Vice Unit’s SOP during Lieutenant Garza’s tenure, On February 23, 2017, and April 21, 2017, training sessions were held with vice personnel regarding the written Departmental policies which the audit team discovered were not being properly followed, and the implementation of new procedures involving gambling investigations based on the audit team’s 22 recommendations, ‘© Between March of 2017 and November of 2017, Lieutenant Garza implemented 21 of the procedural changes recommended by the audit team in the Vice Unit. Sixteen of the recommendations were either already codified in Departmental policy, were too specific in nature, or were merely questions drafted by the audit team which did not require codification. «Six of the recommendations which Licutenant Garza implemented to the unit were never codified into Departmental policy by being reduced to writing, dated, signed, and distributed amongst Vice Unit personnel, per Departmental policy. Several of the uncodified recommendations included procedures regarding the establishment of a money counting procedure, requirements regarding the documentation of confidential funds carried over each month, a counting procedure for money seized during the execution of a search warrant, and the establishment of written procedures regarding the storage of gambling machines at the Dallas Auto Pound, Lieutenant Garza also failed to codify the procedural changes he implemented even after he came to believe several personnel in the unit were resistant to the procedural changes, ‘© Many of the detectives assigned to the Vice Unit in 2017 stated the new procedures implemented to the unit were never disseminated in writing or added to Vice Unit's SOP, and additional changes made after the training classes were only disseminated by word-of-mouth which caused confusion amongst the unit ‘Ou Produc i Service’ pay kes | Faceonee| gil Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 10 of 26 * Licutenant Garza stated he never made changes to Vice Unit’s SOP because he was waiting for the policy and procedure changes recommended by the Internal Affairs Division upon the completion of their investigation, and he could not do so without the approval of retired Executive Assistant Chief Cynthia Villarreal and retired Major Gary Tittle. Lieutenant Garza stated Executive Assistant Chief Villarreal ordered no changes were to be made while investigations were being conducted into the Vice Unit, Lastly, Lieutenant Garza stated the procedural changes he implemented were still being field tested and not ready for codification, and he was never given a deadline regarding the implementation of the 22 recommendations. There is one allegation against Senior Corporal Simone Broadnax, #8744, one allegation against Senior Corporal Terrence Burley, #8454, one allegation against Dwayne Cooper, #8325, one allegation against James Dewees, #6038, one allegation against Senior Corporal Jerry Dodd Jr., #7577, one allegation against Senior Corporal Clayton Edwards, #7832, one allegation against Senior Corporal Alberto Garza Jr., #8509, two allegations against Senor Corporal Gregory Illingworth, #7266, two allegations against Senior Corporal Kakia Lang, #8505, one allegation against Senior Corporal Woodruff Leel, #7352, one allegation against Senior Corporal Jose Lopez Jr., #8374, one allegation against Senior Corporal Saul Monsisvais, #7068, one allegation against Senior Comporal Ben Ortiz. Jr, #7223, one allegation against Senior Corporal Pau! Park, #6617, one allegation against Senior Corporal Emerson Pineda, #9534, one allegation against Senior Corporal Stanley Reece, #7813, one allegation against Senior Corporal Brian Reeves, #6241, one allegation against Senior Corporal Adam Reinhart, #9224, one allegation against Senior Corporal Jason Taylor, #9078, one allegations against Senior Corporal Phillip White, #6938, one allegation against Sergeant Alfred Nunez, #6688, one allegation against Sergeant Albert Ramos, #6857, one allegation against Sergeant Leticia Corral, #4968, one allegation against Lieutenant Robert Hart, #6547 and one allegation against Lieutenant Gilberto Garza III, #7495: 1, Iis alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Simone Broadnax, #8744, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. 2. Iv is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Terrence Burley, #8454, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Burley committed the following Departmental violations during the above- mentioned dates: © L instance where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. ‘* 3 instances where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. «1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the ‘he Produ isServie’ ‘empathy hes | Execs Fay Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 11 of 26 Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty, © 7 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. ‘* I instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. © 8 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. ‘Lastly, Senior Corporal Burley admitted he used his confidential funds as petty cash for the maintenance of his covert vehicle. 3. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Dwayne Cooper, #8325, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Cooper committed the following Departmental violations during the above- mentioned dates ‘+L instance where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. * 2 instances where he failed to place evidence or seized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. * S instances where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. #2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco produets into the Raylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. © 6 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. ‘* 9 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. + 10 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. ‘Our Pod is Servi” pathy 5s | Excelence | Ruiy Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 12 of 26 4. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal James Dewees, #6038, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Dewees committed the following Departmental violations during the above- mentioned dates: © 4 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. + 9 instances where he failed to place evidence or séized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. 5 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. + 13 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 4 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. ‘© 17 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Jerry Dodd Jr., #7577, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Dodd committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: © 13 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. * 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. * 10 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. “ue Pad it Service’ empathy tis cel Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 13 of 26 ‘© 22 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 5 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. «13 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, 6. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Clayton Edwards, #7832, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Edwards committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘+ 7 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. * 6 instances where he failed to place evidence or seized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. ‘= 2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. + 2 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending. confidential funds during an investigation. © 5 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. ‘© 9 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. © 7 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, 7. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Alberto Garza Jr, #8509, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Ser Corporal Garza committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: eats Service Empaty |tabies| Hxeelenes| guiy Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 14 of 26 7 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for ‘© 4 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. «4 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending, confidential funds during an investigation. 3 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. ‘© 3 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document, © 4 instances where he Section for filing, iled to forward property receipts to the Records 8. Its alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Gregory Mlingworth, #7266, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Illingworth committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘© Linstance where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. © 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. © 2 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. ‘© Linstance where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy * 2 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document ‘+ 3 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. ‘Our Product is Serv pathy | |e Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 15 of 26 10. ‘© 2 instances where he used confidential funds for routine purchases not related to an investigation, contrary to Departmental policy. Its alleged on March 27, 2018, Senior Corporal Gregory Illingworth, #7266, gave verbal or written inconsistent, conflicting, or misleading statements during an Internal Affairs Division interview. © During an Internal Affairs Division interview, Senior Corporal Illingworth, stated when he transferred to the Vice Unit in 2006, he was trained to place all monetary wins into the Baylor Street Property Room and was not trained to “replenish” (replace the loss of confidential funds with gambling winnings). Senior Corporal Ulingworth stated he did not practice replenishment and placed all monetary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room until the practice of replenishment was approved in 2016. However, after being shown his search warrants and other related documents from his previous vice investigations, Senior Corporal lingworth admitted he was trained to replenish his confidential funds during gambling investigations by Senior Corporal Prokof, and sporadically practiced replenishment whenever he chose to do so during his eleven years assigned to the Vice Unit © Senior Corporal Illingworth stated when he made his initial statements regarding replenishment, he was not attempting to hide or cover up any wrongdoing, Senior Corporal Illingworth stated his initial statements were erroneous, and he was confused regarding the timeline of when he began practicing replenishment. Senior Corporal Ilingworth stated after he reviewed his search warrants and other related documents, his memory was reffeshed regarding when he began practicing replenishment and he clarified his statements. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Kakia Lang, #8605, failed to follow established procedures while assigned 10 the Vice Unit, Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Lang committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: * 11 instances where she failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. ‘+ 3 instances where she failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of her tour of duty. '* 8 instances where she failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. ‘Ou Boa Servi” Enpaihy des Hacolenee| Equity Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 16 of 26 12 © 12 instances where she did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting her enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. * 17 instances where she caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. * 12 instances where she failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing It is alleged on May 2, 2018, Senior Corporal Kakia Lang, #8605, gave verbal or written inconsistent, conflicting, or misleading statements during an Intemal Affairs Division interview. ‘© During an Internal Affairs Division interview, Senior Corporal Kakia Lang, #8605, stated she knew the definition of replenishment, gave an example of replenishment, but “did not replenish” until changes were made to the unit's practices in 2017. Senior Corporal Lang stated she stored gambling winnings in her locker and eventually placed them into the Baylor Street Property Room. Senior Corporal Lang also stated she was not trained to replenish when she transferred to the Vice Unit around 2011. However, after being shown her search warrants and other related documents from her previous vice investigations, Senior Corporal Lang admitted there were 11 instances where “it was possible” she replenished her confidential funds with gambling winnings. Senior Corporal Lang stated she was not certain when she began practicing replenishment. Senior Corporal Lang also stated she was trained to replace any loss of confidential funds. with ‘gambling winnings, which contradicted her previous statements. © Senior Corporal Lang denied giving any conflicting statements during her interview with the Internal Affairs Division on May 2, 2018. Itis alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Woodruff Leel, #7352, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Leel committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: © 3 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. 3 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 17 of 26 13 6 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Jose Lopez. Jr, #8374, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Lopez committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: © 11 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. © 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. © 2 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation * 6 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. 5 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. * 6 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Saul Monsisvais, #7068, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Monsisvais committed the following Departmental violations during the above- mentioned dates: * 6 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. * 8 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. '* 6 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Prosi Sevice’ Empty | is | Excelence |Eeuity Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 18 of 26 1s 16. Departmental document. #7 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Ben Ortiz Jr., #7223, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Ortiz, committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: * 5 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. ‘+ 1 instance where $25.00 of Senior Corporal Ortiz’s confidential funds was unaccounted for. © 1 instance where he failed to place a seized item into the Baylor Street Property Room, and it was unaccounted for. ‘+ 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. ‘+ 4 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. © 19 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. * 4 instances where he caused to be entered inaccurate information in a Departmental document. ® 10 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, Its alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Paul Park, #6617, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Park committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: * instance where he fiiled to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was (Ou Prati Seve 7 Empathy Eis elim | Equity Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 19 of 26 unaccounted for, © 2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Strect Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. © Z instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. © instance where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 1 instance where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document. © 3 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Emerson Pineda, #9534, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Pineda committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘© 13 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. 1 instance where he failed to place a seized item into the Baylor Street Property Room, and it was unaccounted for. ‘© instance where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. © 7 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 3 instances where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document #8 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for fling. “Oe Poi Servic’ raphy | Ethie Fxcllnce guty Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 20 of 26 18, 19, It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Stanley Reece, #7813, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Reece committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: © 10 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for, ‘+ 3 instances where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. ‘3 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. ‘7 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. * 2 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy, ‘* 2 instances where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document, © instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Brian Reeves, #6241, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit, Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Reeves committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘+ 20 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. ‘+ 1 instance where he failed to place a scized item into the Baylor Street Property Room, and it was unaccounted for. 5 instances where he failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. “ue Prot is Servi ay | ahs | Exc Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 21 of 26 20, * 2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. * 8 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation, * 8 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental pol © 13 instances where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document. ‘+ 7 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. Its alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Adam Reinhart, #/9224, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal Reinhart committed the following Departmental violations during the above- mentioned dates: ‘© 14 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. © 1 instance where he failed to place a seized item into the Baylor Street Property Room, and it was unaccounted for, * 1 instance where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. * 11 instances where he failed to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation, © 16 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 5 instances where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document. ‘© 7 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. “Our Prduct i Sev rmpaty | tie | Calon Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 22 of 26 21 22, It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Senior Corporal Jason Taylor, #9078, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit, Under the umbretta of this allegation, Senior Corporal Taylor committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: * 4 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. © 2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. iled to complete an Expense Report when spending confidential funds during an investigation. © 1 instance where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document. © 1 instance where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Scnior Corporal Phillip White, #6938, failed to follow established procedures while assigned to the Vice Unit, Under the umbrella of this allegation, Senior Corporal White committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: «7 instances where he failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was ‘unaccounted for. ‘+ 2 instances where he failed to place evidentiary and seized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. * 12 instances where he did not update his assigned complaint in the CrimeNtel database by documenting his enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. © 3 instances where he caused to enter inaccurate information in a Departmental document, ‘+ 3 instances where he failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, ‘Our Poa i Service Empathy [Ets | Excelence Equity iplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 23 of 26 23. It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Sergeant Alfred Nunez, #6688, failed to take proper action as a supervisor while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, detectives supervised by Sergeant Nunez committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘+ 62 instances where his detectives failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money was unaccounted for. ‘+ 21 instances where his detectives failed to place evidentiary and/or seized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. + 13 instances where his detectives failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. * 24 instances where his detectives failed to complete an Expense Report ‘when spending confidential funds during an investigation, + 126 instances where his detectives failed to update their assigned complaints in the CrimeNtel database by documenting their enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. + 71 instances where his detectives documented inaccurate information in a Departmental Document. ‘+ 85 instances where his detectives failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, ‘* Lastly, also under the umbrella of this allegation, it was discovered Sergeant Nunez: i. Failed to ensure detectives assigned to him were adequately trained or were operating according to already established Departmental policies and procedures ji, Failed to take action upon becoming aware that evidentiary property was not being placed into the Baylor Street Property Room, per Departmental policy, iii, Failed to compare all investigative documents for accuracy, per Departmental policy. iv. Failed to ensure proper oversight and procedures were implemented to control and permanently track the seizure, storage, and transfer of “Our Product is Service” empathy bis | Excellence | Eaity Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 24 of 26 24, seized and awarded gambling machines, which were stored at the Dallas Auto Pound and transferred to M & K Recovery Group. It i alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Sergeant Alberto Ramos, #6857, failed to take proper action as a supervisor while assigned to the Vice Unit, Under the umbrella of this allegation, detectives supervised by Sergeant Ramos committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘#75 instances where his detectives failed to place the evidentiary winnings into the Baylor Street Property Room per Departmental policy, and money ‘was unaccounted for. © 4 instances where his detectives failed to place evidentiary and/or seized items into the Baylor Street Property Room, and they were unaccounted for. * 9 instances where his detectives failed to place evidentiary items into the Baylor Street Property Room prior to the end of his tour of duty. * 36 instances where his detectives failed to complete an Expense Report ‘when spending confidential funds during an investigation + 52 instances where his detectives failed to update their assigned complaints in the CrimeNtel database by documenting their enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. + 42 instances where his detectives documented inaccurate information in a Departmental Document. * 46 instances where his detectives failed to forward property receipts to the Records Section for filing, ‘* Lastly, also under the umbrella of this allegation, it was discovered Sergeant Ramos: i. Failed to ensure detectives assigned to him were adequately trained or were operating according to already established Departmental policies and procedures. ii, Failed to compare all investigative documents for accuracy, per Departmental policy. iii, 3 instances where Sergeant Ramos failed to initial his Detectives’ Search Warrants prior to their execution, per Departmental policy. Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 25 of 26 25, 26, 2 It is alleged between January of 2016 to November of 2017, Sergeant Leticia Corral, #4968, failed to take proper action as a supervisor while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, detectives supervised by Sergeant Corral committed the following Departmental violations during the above-mentioned dates: ‘© 2 instances where her detectives failed to update their assigned complaints in the CrimeNtel database by documenting their enforcement activity, per Departmental policy. 3 instances where her detectives documented inaccurate information in a Departmental Document. + Lastly, also under the umbrella of this allegation, it was discovered Sergeant Corral: i, Failed to compare all investigative documents for accuracy, per Departmental policy. fi, Allowed detectives to place evidentiary tobacco products into the Baylor Street Property Room late, contrary to Departmental policy. Its alleged between March of 2017 to November of 2017, Lieutenant Robert Hart, #6347, failed to take proper action as a supervisor while assigned to the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Licutenant Hart committed the following Departmental violation when he: © Failed to adequately monitor the conduct and performance of Sergeant Nunez to ensure proper oversight and procedures were implemented to control and permanently track the seizure, storage, and transfer of seized ‘and awarded gambling machines, which were stored at the Dallas Auto Pound and transferred to M & K Recovery Group. It is alleged between December of 2016 to November of 2017, Lieutenant Gilberto Garza III, #7495, failed to take proper action as a supervisor while assigned as the Division Commander of the Vice Unit. Under the umbrella of this allegation, Lieutenant Garza committed the following Departmental violations when he: * Authorized vice personnel to continue replacing the loss of their confidential funds with evidentiary gambling winnings during their investigations, contrary to written Departmental procedures, '» Failed to reduce to writing and distribute the procedural changes, of general application and enduring in nature, which he implemented to the unit but never codified into Departmental policy. “Our Preis Service" ‘pathy ies | Exelon Bay Disciplinary Decision April 15, 2019 Control Number 2017-044 Page 26 of 26 FINDINGS: Allegations #1 through #27 are Sustained. RULE VIOLATIONS, CATEGORIES: See separate attachment. PRIOR DISCIPLIN} See separate attachment. RECOMMENDATIONS BY EMPLOYEE’S CHAIN OF COMMAND: See separate attachment, Reuben G. Ramirez Major of Police Internal Affairs Division Office of the Chief of Police “Ove Prout i Serie Eagelinee | Equity Below is a chart listing the officers and the decisions rendered. Sr. Cpl. | Burley Terrence | 3-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. [Cooper | Dwayne _| 3-day suspension without pay Sr.Cpl. [Dewees | James __| 6-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. Dodd. Jr. | Jerry | 7-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. | Garza, Jr._| Alberto _| 6-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. | Ilingworth_| Gregory | 6-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. [Lang Kakia | 10-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. [Leel Woodruff [3-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. [Lopez, Jr. _|Jose | 3-day suspension without pay ‘St. Cpl. | Monsisvais | Saul 6-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. | Ortiz, Jr. | Ben 5-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. | Pineda Emerson | 7-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl. | Reece Stanley _| 7-day suspension without pay Sr.Cpl. [Reeves | Brian __| 7-day suspension without pay Sr.Cpl._| Reinhart__| Adam | 7-day suspension without pay _| Sr. Cpl. | Taylor Jason | 3-day suspension without pay Sr. Cpl._| White Philip [5-day suspension without pay Sqt.__| Nunez Alfred [15-day suspension without pay_| Sqt._|Ramos_| Alberto _ | 15-day suspension without pay Sgt. | Corral Leticia [15-day suspension without pay Lt Hart Robert __| 17-day suspension without pay Lt Garza, II|_| Gilberto _| 20-day suspension without pay

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