The Article Was Focused On Hygiene

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Hygiene is considered to be a preventive medicine in order to preserve the health of the

people, as the old saying goes “prevention is better than cure”, that is why proper hygiene may
improve the overall health quality of the community. Hygiene may start as a habit of frequent hand
washing to much more complicated subjects such as mental, industrial, oral, vocal, respiratory and
other forms, either way, all types have the same goal. With proper diet, exercise and hygiene the
transmission of various infections that is detrimental for the body can be prevented, with this, its
importance should be emphasized to the people.

Home and community hygiene are promulgated to the public especially now a days,
influenza, virus and outbreaks are lurking and affecting the lives of the people; the message
contains frequent hand washing, household cleaning and food safety. The message also
promulgates that the surroundings of the house should also be kept clean through environmental
cleaning with the use of detergents, bleach and other cleaning agents, together with this, proper
disposal of garbage should be exercised. Education of the people can truly improve their standard
of living, since hygiene is a recurrent theme in public health messages, health outcomes and the
overall health status of the community significantly improved. The need to maintain the robust
health of the population is vital for a country and should be one of the main priorities of the
government because the people holds the present situation as well as the future of the country.

Various studies are conducted regarding the effectiveness of the public advisory, in
developing countries the promotions regarding hygiene showed significant improvements in health
outcomes and health practices of the people. In the United States, studies showed promotions with
the use of sanitizers lessen gastrointestinal illnesses of the people, proving that with proper
hygiene, diseases may be prevented. There are still no available studies that would give concrete
evidence regarding the effectiveness of proper hygiene during outbreaks but the quest to find viable
results continuous. The public advisory regarding hygiene also includes its harms such as the use
of bleach and detergents may dry the skin but in order to prevent such dilemma, skin lotions are
advised together with proper hand wishing so that the integrity of the skin would be retained.
II. Pre-reading Strategy

9. 2.
1. 8.

7. 4.
3. 6.


Across: Down:
1.The process of infecting or the state of being 2. conditions or practices conducive to
infected. maintaining health and preventing disease, something to make it free of especially through cleanliness.
bacteria. 4. whiten by exposure to sunlight or by a
5. Disposal includes burning, burial at landfill chemical process.
sites or at sea, and recycling. 6. It is caused by a coronavirus.
7. a highly contagious viral infection of the 8. the action of making something clean,
respiratory passages causing fever. especially the inside of a house.
9. the state of being free from illness or injury. 10. physical or mental damage
III. While reading strategy


Public Health Message

Home and Harms of Hygiene

Community Hygiene
hygiene practices

Dry Skin
Handwashing Improved

Cleaning Hygiene is the recurrent topic in the public health messages, specifically
the home and community hygiene. The advisory focuses on frequent hand
washing, household cleaning, food safety, environment cleaning and waste
Food safety disposal that would be helpful in the prevention of germs and various
infections. Through the improvements of the health practices of the people,
improvements in the health outcomes of the community is expected. The
harms of hygiene are also discussed in the text so that these harms such as
Environmental dry skin may be prevented through the use of lotions.
cleaning and
waste disposal
IV. Information

 A The article was focused on hygiene in relation to public health, there may be various
types of hygiene such as mental, industrial, oral, vocal, respiratory hygiene among others,
but they all have the same goal which is to improve the health quality of the people. Since
hygiene is a preventive medicine and a way to preserve health, its promotion is vital in
today’s world because it can be the key to prevent influenza, viruses and outbreaks. By
means of educating the people regarding hand washing, household cleaning and food safety
studies showed improved health outcomes and hygiene practices especially in developing
countries. Proper hygiene also comes with certain precautions in particular with hand
washing and use of bleach that may damage the skin, so as a solution, it was proposed that
constant hand washing together with skin lotions to maintain the skin integrity. There are
on going studies regarding the effectiveness of proper hygiene during outbreaks but there
are still no solid results, until then as the old saying goes “prevention is better than cure”.

 I used to perceive hygiene as a concept that is so simple, but with the text, I learned that
there are various types of hygiene that targets a specific body part or goal. In line with the
goal of hygiene, educating the people regarding proper hygiene would improve the health
practices therefore improving the health outcomes of the people as well. Since, the public
advisory promotes frequent hand washing, it may cause the skin to dry, for this reason,
they also emphasize the use of lotion to maintain the skin’s integrity. In general, proper
hygiene may be a mundane action yet its consequences and benefits resonate in our
everyday lives, through this we can see its importance in a much brighter light.

The first text revolves around the definition of hygiene, it is a broad concept, so the first article
emphasize how it differs from other concepts from home economics and its importance in our
daily lives. While for the second article, it focused on a wider perspective regarding hygiene since
it is mainly about how hygiene would improve the overall health outcomes and health practices of
the public. For the last article, it is about the consequences of poor hygiene, from body odor to
serious diseases, exercising proper hygiene would aid a person live a comfortable and healthy life.
The three articles are connected in a way that the main topic was introduced, next is the application
of the said topic through the use of examples and summing it up with its consequences to
emphasize its importance.

1. As an individual, I would say that I try to exercise proper hygiene most of the time may be out
of habit but through the texts I had a grasp of its importance and why I should not neglect it.
Through this, I also had a realization that I should give more importance to my health, the
entire purpose of those texts is to open the viewers eyes that the prevention of various diseases
begins with oneself. In today’s economy, it can be considered as a sin to be sick because its
costly, if sickness can be prevented, I would like to practice these measures to keep myself
2. In my perspective, exercising proper hygiene is a way to be considerate to other people, it was
stated in the text that hygiene is a preventive medicine in order to prevent various infections,
in line with this, lack of hygiene may cause body odor that is a hassle to others. The way I see
it, if I take good care of myself, it is also a way to take good of others; I cannot be useful to the
society if I’m sickly. Education regarding hygiene should be promulgated more due to the fact
that it may improve the health outcomes of the entire community.
3. In the future, I want to be someone who can help my family and the country, I cannot fulfill
such dreams if I do not take care of myself and sickly, so investments in oneself should include
health. Hygiene is one of the first step to a healthier lifestyle, making it one’s habit may have
drastic changes in a person’s life. The focus should not just be about exercising and having a
balance diet, but proper hygiene should also be included since it is a major contributor of health
and its probable outcomes. As the famous saying goes “health is wealth” at an early age, I need
to take good care of my body and try to be as health as possible.
Fewtrell L, Kaufman RB, Kay D, et al. Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea
in less developed countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2005;5:42-52.

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