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Name Of Student: Date:

Articles : Tray containing medicines (tablets, capsules, powder, Syrup), scissors to cut the medicine strips, two
containers for tablets, towel to avoid wetting the patients clothings, a tumbler of water to consume the tablets,
ounce glass/graduated containers to pour/ measure the liquid medications, tissue to wipe the mouth of the bottles,
bowel with plain water to keep the used ounce glasses, mortar and pestle to powder the medications, kidney tray
to collect the waste, Spoon to take the medications from the mortar after powdering and medication card
Points to remember
1. Follow the 10 rights of medication
2. Do not touch the medicines with hands
3. Never give the medicines at hand, - put directly to the mouth from the medicine cup
4. Do not pick if the tablets are fallen to the ground
5. Medicine should be diluted only in plain water
6. Water will be given only after half an hour administration of cough syrup

S.No Procedure Steps Yes No

1. Checks the Identification the patient

2. Assesses the condition of the patient
3. Check for any contraindication
4. Reads the physician prescription and enters correctly to medication card
5. Checks the medicine label for right medicine and expiry date
6. Checks the nurses record for the time of last dose
7. Prepares the articles – First Check up
8. Performs hand hygiene.
9. Takes the tablet or capsule into the container without touching it – Second Check up
10. Pours the correct amount of syrup to the medicine class from the bottle away from the Label
11. Explains the procedure to the patient
12. Provides proper position (Fowlers)
13. Place the towel across the patient’s chest
14. Speak to the patient
15. Provide sips of water before administration
16. Administer medicine one by one informing the patient about the indication for each. Third
Check up
17. Provides water for drinking after the medication is administered
18. Instructs the patient to wipe the face or wipes the face
19. Provides comfortable position after the procedure
20. Records correctly the medications given
21 Replaces the articles
22 Performs hand hygiene
23 Observe the patient after half an hour


Signature Of Student Signature Of Instructor

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