A Cinderella Story

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Medari 1 

Sanjna Medari 
LA Period 10, Period 3  
24 January 2020 
A Cinderella Story 

Once upon a time,​ on the snowy hill tops in a secluded part of Canada there was a girl 

named Cinderella. Her dad was always gone on business trips traveling to different places and 

ever since her mom has died a couple years back so she mostly lived with her Stepmom.With her 

step mom lived her two step sisters, who seemed to like Cinderella a lot. In the mornings before 

school, they would wake up early and make Cinderella pancakes and homemade maple syrup 

with is a staple in the Canadian culture, but one day before school Cinderella was about to head 

out on the snow filled porch she notices a dull yellow package mailed in surprisingly from her 

dad. As she was in a hurry, she grabbed the envelope with her and decided to bring it into the 

car. As she carefully opened it she proceeded to read the note as it stated, ̈ Dear Cinderella, I am 

finally in town, and I have some very exciting news for you.¨ She kept reading as the anticipation 

continued to build. He continued, ¨I was with the Prince doing some work in the palace, and the 

prince invited all of us to go to the upcoming ball, this Saturday.¨ As Cinderella fluttered with 

glee, she was already online searching for the perfect dress. She had the perfect dress in mind, a 

long blue dress with embroidered white stitching at the bottom and sleeves, it was like the 

dresses she had seen other princess wear on T.V. As she was online, she found the perfect one 

immediately and decided to place and order and was waiting for it to come in the mail. When she 

got out of the car, for school; the whole school day was a blur because she was so excited the 
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ball was only two days away. The next day early in the morning, right before school Cinderella 

was about to put a fluffy crisp piece of pancake oozing with maple syrup in into her mouth, she 

heard a knock on the door which was from the mailman. As Cinderella was eating, one of her 

step sisters decided to open the door for her, and sure enough it was Cinderella's dress right in 

time for the ball that was tomorrow. After one of the stepsisters saw the dress, she didn't want 

Cinderella to have it because she thought it would look better on her, so she decided not to tell 

Cinderella it came in the mail, but was going to wear it herself when it came the day of the ball. 

So Cinderella kept on going on about her day not thinking anything about it. As the day of the 

ball approached, Cinderella's dad came home and was getting ready for the royal ball which 

started at seven. At this point, there were only four more hours until the ball officially started, 

and Cinderella still patiently waiting for her dress to come in the mail with only four hours left 

realized that it wasn't going to happen in time, so she decided that she was just going to stay 

home instead. As the hours ticked down and it was getting closer to the hour of the ball, 

Cinderella, being sad that she can't go decided to take a walk outside to see the snow capped 

mountains and freshly piled snowfall graciously on the front porch. Forgetting that she left the 

door to the house open, she came back inside and realized that there was a bird, gray with its 

wings gently touched with blue and at the ends capped in white. It had seemed to be a Grey Jay 

which was Canada's national bird, inside her house. As Cinderella was trying to somehow get the 

bird out of her house, it suddenly started to talk to her. Cinderella instantly filled with fright as 

she had never heard of an animal which has spoken before. As Cinderella was in complete shock,  

The bird went on, ̈ So I see your not ready for the ball, well I can change that for you ̈ 
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Cinderella refusing to talk back to the bird took a deep breath and nodded her head yes. Before 

she could say another word , the bird was saying gibberish, and all around Cinderella was blue, 

sparks with sparkles cascading down and before she knew it, Cinderella was in the dress of her 

dre. Not only that, but she had her makeup all done, her hair in a fancy due, and the most 

beautiful jewelry imaginable. With all this​ magic​, the bird did say that there are some down sides 

Cinderella will start to see later, as the magic isn't forever. Now being in a hurry to get to the ball 

in time, Cinderella hops in the car with her dad and goes on her way to the ball. After an hour 

long drive of passing by The Canadian Rockies which was filled with beautiful mountains 

topped with the whitest snow capping them with the most lush floral greenery and the most crisp 

clearest blue water, they finally arrived to the king's palace in time for the dance. 

As Cinderella and her dad walked in together, they instantly were placed at a table near the front 

where the music was. Once the music started playing, and it was time for the dance, Cinderella 

was sitting at the table all alone. Cinderella’s dad was even dancing with the crowd, everyone did 

but Cinderella. From above as the ​prince ​was walking, he caught the attention of Cinderella’s 

eye. He thought she was the most gorgeous girl ever, so without thinking twice about it, he went 

down and asked Cinderella to dance. Cinderella sweet but bitter, kindly dismissed the princes 

offer to dance, and non the less continued to sit at the table and proceeded to watch others. Once 

the prince was introduced by his maid, Cinderlla looked up and realized it was the boy who 

asked her to dance. After realizing she could have danced with the prince, she goes up to him and 

asked if they could dance together anyway. The prince hesitant at first, wanting to say no, went 

with his gut and chose to say yes to dancing with Cinderella. After Cinderella's palms were 

sweating like a pitcher, she rubbed her hands against her dress and proceed to dance with the 
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prince. As the bell was close to striking twelve, Cinderella didn't think anything about it but 

nevertheless still decided to dance the night away as she started to fall in love with the prince 

even more as the seconds went on. As the time was ticking away and it turned 11:39pm, 

Cinderella remembered that the bird told her something thing earlier in the day that something 

good or bad would happen when it turned twelve, Cinderella not thinking twice about it still 

decided to dance with the prince anyway. As twenty minutes passed, Cinderella could feel 

herself change and become scared and nervous like she was her old self. Then she felt her dark 

crimped hair fall onto her shoulders as she proceeded to sway with the prince. From the corner of 

her eye, she saw her step sister in an outfit quite familiar to Cinderella, almost like she had seen 

it before; it was the outfit Cinderella was going to wear to the ball! As instant anger took control 

of Cinderella's body, she pushed all the food off the table and onto the ground, then started 

ripping the curtains off the rod and she started running into people trying to get across the room 

to her stepsister. As she got close enough for her to hear, Cinderella started to yell as everyone, 

including the music was silent. The prince in complete utter and shock was almost embarrassed 

that he even ever danced with Cinderella in the first place. Once the screaming got intense, 

Cinderella's dad broke up the two and took Cinderella to go outside to get some fresh air. 

Cinderella completely broke down and began to cry that the prince saw her life like as she 

thought the prince would never love her the same. The prince being dumbfounded didn't know 

what to do after this situation had gone down. His options were to make himself seem like a fool 

chasing after Cinderella, or to simply let her go. After a while of him contemplating and 

Cinderella sobbing, he came to the conclusion to go outside and talk to her. As everyone's faces 

turned to follow the prince out the room, everyone thought he was making a mistake but he 
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didn't. His love for Cinderella on this night was the feeling he was missing out on in his life and 

he wasn't ready to let that go just yet. Suddenly, as they were both outside the gala on the steps, 

as if the night couldn't get any worse, Cinderella started to feel her dress almost as if it had 

shrunk, but it hadn ́t. When she looked down, her beautiful dress the grey jay had magically 

made appear was gone. It was all gone. Her makeup washed away, her hair in messily tossed 

around and all the jewelry was gone too. All she had around her neck was a loonie (canadian 

coin) around get neck her mother had given to her before she passed. She was in a shirt and jeans 

and they were still having the best time outside talking and laughing together. This time instead 

of running away, Cinderella stayed even as she changed back into her normal self. Still through 

this change, the prince loved her the same and because of this, it made Cinderella fall more in 

love with him too. Cinderella going back to her natural self thought the prince wouldn't love her 

the same, he didn't, in fact he loved her even more. In the end. true love truly does and will 

conquer all; and with this, everyone at the ball ​lived happily ever after. ​Oh and for the step 

sister, well that's another story to talk about. 

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