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The Firm's Choice of HRM Practices: Economics Meets Strategic Human

Resource Management

Article  in  Industrial and Labor Relations Review · January 2010

DOI: 10.2307/41149478 · Source: OAI

61 366

2 authors, including:

Bruce E. Kaufman
Georgia State University


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Volume 64 | Number 3 Article 6


The Firm's Choice of HRM Practices: Economics

Meets Strategic Human Resource Management
Bruce E. Kaufman
Georgia State University,

Ben I. Miller
Deloitte Tax LLP,

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The Firm's Choice of HRM Practices: Economics Meets Strategic Human
Resource Management
The authors compare and contrast two theoretical approaches to explaining a firm’s choice of human resource
management (HRM) practices—one from strategic human resource management (SHRM) and the other
from economics. They present HRM frequency distributions depicting key empirical patterns that both
theories must explain and then review and apply SHRM theory to explain these patterns. Since no economic
model has thus far explicitly considered firms’ choice of HRM practices, the authors develop one based on
standard microeconomic production theory. The model yields a new theoretical construct, the HRM demand
curve, and a new empirical estimating tool, the HRM demand function. Together, these provide an alternative
explanation of HRM frequency distributions, new insights on the limitations of SHRM theory, and the first
alternative to the standard “Huselid-type” regression model. Using recent survey data on HRM practices at
several hundred American firms, the authors estimate representative HRM demand functions to illustrate the
empirical implementation of the model. They find that although both theoretical approaches have value, the
economic model seems superior in terms of generality, logical coherence, predictive ability, and congruence
with empirical data.

SHRM theory, HRM-firm performance; HRM practices

This article is available in ILRReview:


The authors compare and contrast two theoretical approaches to explaining

a firm’s choice of human resource management (HRM) practices—one from
strategic human resource management (SHRM) and the other from econom-
ics. They present HRM frequency distributions depicting key empirical pat-
terns that both theories must explain and then review and apply SHRM theory
to explain these patterns. Since no economic model has thus far explicitly
considered firms’ choice of HRM practices, the authors develop one based on
standard microeconomic production theory. The model yields a new theoreti-
cal construct, the HRM demand curve, and a new empirical estimating tool, the
HRM demand function. Together, these provide an alternative explanation of
HRM frequency distributions, new insights on the limitations of SHRM theory,
and the first alternative to the standard “Huselid-type” regression model.
Using recent survey data on HRM practices at several hundred American
firms, the authors estimate representative HRM demand functions to illus-
trate the empirical implementation of the model. They find that although
both theoretical approaches have value, the economic model seems superior
in terms of generality, logical coherence, predictive ability, and congruence
with empirical data.

R esearchers in both economics and

 management departments study human
resource management (HRM), but they use
interaction between the two academic realms
remains limited despite the fact that poten-
tial gains from trade are large (Mitchell
quite different theories, methods, and tools. 2001).1 Economists pride themselves on hav-
As a result, the intellectual exchange and ing strong theory and typically regard the
management HRM literature as light on sub-
stance and heavy on description and pre-
scription; management researchers, however,
* Bruce E. Kaufman is Professor of Economics and Se- view economists’ models as far too simplistic
nior Associate of the W.T. Beebe Institute of Personnel
and Employment Relations at Georgia State University
in Atlanta, Georgia; Senior Research Fellow of the Cen-
tre for Work, Organization and Wellbeing, Business 1
For example, in Lazear and Shaw’s (2007) review arti-
School, at Griffith University in Brisbane, AU; and Prin- cle on Personnel Economics, only 2% (2 out of 81) of
cipal Research Fellow of the Work and Employment their citations are to management journals (California
Research Unit, Business School, at the University of Management Review, Management Science); the figure is
Hertsfordshire in Hatfield, U.K. Benjamin Miller is a 4% if one includes Lazear’s (1986) article in the Journal
manager in the Global Transfer Pricing Group of of Business. Conversely, in Lepak and Shaw’s (2008) re-
Deloitte Tax LLP. An economist specializing in labor view article on Strategic Human Resource Manage-
economics, he earned his PhD from the Andrew Young ment, only 3% (2 out of 72) of the citations are to
School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. The economics journals (the American Economic Review). The
authors express appreciation to the Bureau of National point of intersection for economics and management is
Affairs for generously providing the data used in this principally industrial relations journals, albeit modestly
paper. so (six citations in the former case, five in the latter).

Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 64, No. 3 (April 2011). © by Cornell University.
0019-7939/00/6403 $05.00


and abstract to capture much of reality and productivity slowdown, heightened global
pride themselves on developing theories competition, and the success of Japanese
that, even if less formalistic and mathemati- management methods. As a result, scholars
cally expressed, nonetheless succeed at bet- in economics, industrial relations, and man-
ter explaining how and why HRM performs agement published numerous books and ar-
in real-world organizations.2 ticles from the mid-1980s onward concerning
Industrial relations (IR) was born in the HPWS and the potential of an HPWS-type
1920s in the United States partly as an at- human resource configuration to boost pro-
tempt to bridge and where possible integrate ductivity and provide firms with sustained
the economics and management fields since competitive advantage (Kochan, Katz, and
both are clearly central to a study of the em- McKersie 1986; Kleiner et al. 1987; Huselid
ployment relationship—the IR field’s core 1995; Black and Lynch 2001; Boxall and
subject area (Kaufman 1993, 2010a). Through Macky 2009).
the 1950s, the IR field in the United States On the management side, these develop-
(much less so elsewhere) was successful in ments played a central role in defining and
performing this bridging and integrating energizing the new subfield of strategic
role, evidenced by the roster of well-known human resource management (SHRM).
labor economists/IR scholars who were also Within SHRM the subject of research quickly
leading researchers in personnel/HRM. Ex- became the linkage between HRM practices
amples include E. Wight Bakke, Herbert and firm performance and, most particu-
Heneman, Charles Myers, Sumner Slichter, larly, the oft-hypothesized positive relation-
George Strauss, and Dale Yoder (Kaufman ship between the use of “advanced” HRM
2002). In the 1960s, however, labor econom- practices and the achievement of higher
ics and management began to drift apart— profitability and other related organizational
and industrial relations to hollow out—and performance outcomes (Combs et al. 2006;
by the 1980s contact and interchange be- Boxall and Purcell 2008).
tween the two became minimal. By wide agreement, a pioneering contri-
Labor economics and human resource bution to this research stream is Huselid’s
management continue in most respects to (1995) Academy of Management Journal paper,
proceed as the two proverbial ships in the “The Impact of Human Resource Manage-
night, with one particular exception: the ment Practices on Turnover, Productivity,
study of high performance work systems and Corporate Financial Performance.” The
(HPWS) and, in particular, the relationship centerpiece of the article is a regression
between HRM practices and firm perfor- model that explains variation in company-
mance. New ideas and innovations in level productivity, turnover, and financial
management and the behavioral sciences performance as a function of two HRM com-
associated with high involvement work posite variables—“employee skills and orga-
practices, such as self-managed teams, cross- nizational structures” built out of nine
training, employee participation, and gain- separate HRM factors, and “employee moti-
sharing forms of pay, spurred research vation,” built out of four HRM factors. The
interest in these topics, as did contempora- conclusion Huselid reaches is that “the mag-
neous events in the economy, such as a nitude of the returns for investments in High
Performance Work Practices [HPWP] is sub-
2 This bifurcation of approach and opinion goes back
stantial” (p. 667) and that this positive “main
effect” persisted (if perhaps attenuated)
many decades. Frank Stockton, dean of the business
school at the University of Kansas, observed in the early even when different control and contingent
1930s, “Labor economics men . . . disdain personnel factors are introduced.
further because of its apparent lack of theory. The per- Huselid’s article solidified the basic prop-
sonnel instructor, on the other hand, thinks that at least osition that has anchored subsequent
he is working in terms of reality, and may be inclined to
dislike the fault-finding tone of labor economics and to
SHRM research—that an identifiable subset
belittle the socioeconomic approach to industrial ques- of HRM practices, typically associated
tions” (Stockton 1932: 224). with a high involvement and human capital
528 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

employment model, contributes, on aver- In particular, we re-examine the central

age, to higher firm performance. Thus, the question that underlies SHRM research—
testable hypothesis that lies at the center of what is the firm’s optimal (performance
SHRM empirical research is, “more HPWP maximizing) choice of HRM practices?—
→ higher firm performance.”3 This proposi- and endeavor to seriously engage the SHRM
tion, however, is often generalized to apply literature on this topic. At the same time, we
to all types of investment in HRM (e.g., bring to this matter a theoretical and empiri-
Wright et al. 2005). This expansive statement cal approach solidly grounded in econom-
of the central hypothesis of the field in part ics. Relative to management research, the
emanates from the very definition of “HRM.” model is indeed simple and abstract; none-
That is, a number of writers (e.g., Beer and theless, we believe it deserves attention be-
Spector 1984; Dulebohn, Ferris, and Stodd cause it yields a number of important insights
1995) have claimed that the HRM field that and implications. In particular, it suggests
emerged in the 1980s is distinct from the that the standard HRM-firm performance
earlier personnel administration and indus- regression model used in management is
trial relations fields because it is based on most likely mis-specified; the predicted ef-
both an alternative view of employees (capi- fect of “more HRM” on firm performance is
tal assets rather than expenses) and a differ- not reliably positive and, indeed, should be
ent approach to management (involvement zero in a situation of long-run competitive
rather than control). Hence, this view posits, equilibrium; and that a better-specified em-
at least as a first order approximation, HRM pirical tool for SHRM research is what we
≈HPWP and one may therefore write the call an HRM demand function. We then pro-
central proposition of the field as “more ceed to estimate the parameters of an HRM
HRM → higher firm performance.” Finding demand function using cross-section data
definitive empirical and theoretical evidence for several hundred American firms. Al-
for this proposition has been called the though the theoretical model, data set, and
“Holy Grail” of the field (Boselie, Dietz, and regression equations can be validly criticized
Boon 2005: 67) because it demonstrates that on various grounds, the end-product is dis-
“HRM matters” (Gerhart 2005: 175). tinctly new and charts a considerably differ-
Some labor economists have also used a ent direction for research on firms’ choice
Huselid-type HRM-firm performance regres- of HRM practices. At the same time, we ab-
sion model in their empirical work but in jure “economic imperialism” and in the spirit
general they have chosen not to cross disci- of industrial relations attempt to inform the
plinary boundaries and directly engage and theoretical and regression models with in-
interact with SHRM researchers and the sights and findings from management.
SHRM literature (e.g., see Black and Lynch
2001; Bartel 2004; a partial exception is
Framing the Research Question
Cappelli and Neumark 2001). We seek to do
otherwise in this paper, partly because we be- The personnel/HRM field up to the early
lieve there are indeed large gains to be real- 1990s was heavily descriptive and technique-
ized from the exchange between economics oriented; in the last one to two decades,
and management and partly to help however, management scholars have made a
strengthen the IR field as the intellectual substantial effort to put the field on a firmer
bridge and integrating link between the theoretical foundation. Boxall, Purcell, and
two.4 Wright (2007: 4) called the new approach
“analytical HRM” and explained that its cen-
3 Combs et al. (2006) reviewed the literature since
tral mission is “not to propagate perceptions
Huselid (1995) and performed a meta-analysis of 92 of ‘best practice’ in ‘excellent companies’
empirical HRM-firm performance studies. They framed but primarily to identify and explain what
the central hypothesis as, “the use of HPWPs is positively
related to organizational performance” (p. 504).
4 Other recent IR contributions include Appelbaum
(2001); Batt (2002); Godard (2004); Kochan (2007);
et al. (2000); Delaney and Godard (2001); Gunderson and Grimshaw and Rubery (2007).

Figure 1. Frequency Distribution of HRM Practices and HRM Expenditures Per Capita

Firms with Few Firms with Many 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Advanced HRM Advanced HRM Per Capita Expenditures on HRM
Practices Practices
Panel (a) Panel (b)
Source: Freeman and Rogers (1999: 124) Source: Bureau of National Affairs (2006)

happens in practice.” These authors identi- tices, some of which were simple whereas
fied “what happens in practice” as the ob- others were of increasingly greater complex-
served outcomes and behaviors associated ity or sophistication. Example practices in-
with the practice of HRM; the purpose of cluded a personnel/HR department, an
HRM research, in turn, is to develop explan- open-door dispute resolution policy, and an
atory theory of these empirical practices. employee involvement program. The au-
The practice of HRM covers a very wide thors combined the ten items into a scale
range of topics, methods, techniques, and they called “advanced human resource prac-
situations, so many outcomes are available tices,” which is the variable measured on the
for study. Is there, however, one outcome, or horizontal axis; it is also the type of explana-
set of outcomes, that arguably represent the tory variable typically used as the measure of
major research issue in the field? One answer HRM practices in a Huselid-type regression
is provided by Boselie, Dietz and Boon (2005: model. The data reveal a bell-shaped curve
67) who explained that “the study of HRM but with a significantly skewed right-hand
is, in its broadest sense, concerned with the tail. The minority of firms in the left-hand
selections that organizations make from the tail employed few if any formal or tangible
myriad policies, practices, and structures for HRM practices (e.g., 30% of the respondents
managing employees.” There may be other said their firm had no personnel/HR depart-
and perhaps superior ways to represent this ment); conversely, the minority of firms in
statement analytically, but one illuminating the right-hand tail employed many. The bulk
approach is represented in Figure 1. of firms are located somewhere in the
Figure 1 shows two representative HRM middle.
frequency distributions. An HRM frequency dis- This pattern of HRM adoption is appar-
tribution shows firms ranked from low to ently broadly representative, since an alter-
high based on the breadth and depth of native data set, plotted in Panel (b), yields
their HRM programs, as measured by some much the same picture.5 Rather than a count
metric such as a count of practices or dol- of specific practices, these data show the an-
lars of expenditure. The HRM frequency nual expenditure per employee on HRM.
distribution in Panel (a) comes from data These data were collected for the years
collected in a 1994 national survey of sev-
eral thousand employees and managers 5 Using WERS data, Bryson, Gomez and Kretschmer
(Freeman and Rogers 1999). These people (2005) found a broadly similar bell-shaped distribution
were asked to indicate whether their organi- of HRM practices among British firms, although skewed
zation had each of ten different HRM prac- considerably less so in the right-hand tail.
530 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

2004–2005 by the Bureau of National Affairs its central research question: what level and
(BNA, 2006) from several hundred Ameri- mix of HRM practices maximizes firm per-
can companies. They show the same inverse formance, and why? In this section we pro-
U-shaped distribution, again with the right- vide a brief review of the dominant stream of
hand tail distinctly skewed to the right. In theorizing and empirical modeling in man-
this sample, the annual HRM expenditure agement on these matters as they are princi-
ranged from a low of $36 to a high of $7,392 pally developed in the SHRM literature. This
per employee; approximately one-half of the section also helps puts in context our alter-
firms spent between $475 and $1,842. The native theory and empirical model.
median was $932. Researchers from economics are con-
These frequency distributions help frame fronted with certain challenges when engag-
the mission and objectives of HRM theory, ing the theoretical literature in management
particularly in the case of SHRM. Consistent on HRM (and vice versa). According to
with Boselie, Dietz, and Boon’s (2005) defi- Lazear and Shaw (2007: 110), personnel
nition quoted above, the goal of HRM theory economics draws largely from microeco-
is to explain why individual firms choose a nomic theory and models in the finance
particular expenditure level and package of field. In management, however, the most im-
HRM practices. It follows as matter of logic, portant disciplinary influence is psychology
then, that the firm’s choice regarding HRM and its business school offshoot organiza-
practice and expenditure becomes the cen- tional behavior (OB) (Weber and Kabst
tral explanandum in theoretical models and 2004; Gerhart 2007)—terra incognita to most
the task of these models is (or should be) to economists. Accompanying psychology is
identify the set of independent variables that also a focus on individual differences in psy-
influence the firm’s choice of HRM. Looked chological variables (e.g., motivation, cogni-
at in terms of the frequency distributions in tion) that are abstracted (or ignored) in the
Figure 1, the core mission of HRM theory standard economic model of the rational
can be interpreted as predicting and explain- actor (homo economicus). Further, most theo-
ing where individual firms are located in retical work in personnel economics employs
these distributions—that is, at a low, me- considerable mathematics; in management
dium, or high HRM level—along with corol- research on HRM, however, mathematics is
lary but more complicated issues of coverage, conspicuously absent—even discouraged.6
quality, and implementation of these HRM Management research is also considerably
practices. Other relevant questions include more trans-disciplinary than economic re-
the shape of the HRM distribution at a point search and contains numerous diverse theo-
in time; changes over time in this distribu- retical perspectives. Schuler and Jackson
tion; variation in distributions across indus- (2001), for example, listed thirteen sources
tries, nations, and other groupings; and the of theoretical contribution in HRM research
composition of the firm’s HRM bundle at (e.g., cybernetics, population ecology, be-
any particular point in the distribution. havioral, organizational, business strategy)
and Subramony (2006) discussed four differ-
Review of Management Theory and ent theoretical perspectives regarding choice
Empirical Modeling among HRM practices. Adding further com-
plexity is the fact that even the definition of
The HRM frequency distributions help
frame the problem of choice that firms con- 6 We originally submitted this article to a leading Ameri-
front when they consider investing in people can management journal. The associate editor in charge
management practices; in doing so, these of the paper declined to send it out for review. Among
distributions also handily summarize the re- other reasons, the editor wrote, “the majority of your
search issue facing HRM scholars at both the arguments are based on equations. . . . While it is cer-
tainly acceptable to model one’s ideas via equations, it is
theory and empirical level. Although these not an approach that fits well with Journal X.” In the
distributions have not been utilized in the realm of economics, the equations used in this paper
SHRM literature, they nevertheless highlight are considered both few and elementary.

HRM is diverse and unsettled; Pauuwe and practices are often associated in economics
Boselie (2005: 69) observed, for example, and industrial relations with a well-
that “there appears to be no consensus on developed internal labor market (ILM)-type
the nature of HRM.” employment system. Boselie, Dietz, and
With due regard given to these hurdles Boon (2005: 73) described this selection of
and pitfalls, we believe the following highly HRM variables as a “highly management-
condensed and synthetic account provides a centric standpoint.” Other SHRM authors
reasonable summary statement of the main- have proposed different lists; in general,
line of management theorizing on firms’ however, the universalistic perspective shares
choice of HRM practices.7 For considerably two propositions. The first is that the profit
more detailed reviews, see American authors pay-off to these HRM practices is greater if
such as Becker and Huselid (2006); Allen they are implemented as a package; the sec-
and Wright (2007); and Lepak and Shaw ond is that on average, more investment in
(2008); and international authors such as careful selection, training, and empower-
Boselie, Dietz, and Boon (2005); Wall and ment of employees (core functions of
Wood (2005); Grimshaw and Rubery (2007); “advanced” HRM practices) increases com-
and Boxall and Purcell (2008). panies’ performance.
Theorizing on firms’ choice of HRM prac- The contingency perspective argues that
tices usually proceeds in the context of the best choice among HRM practices is condi-
three-way typology developed by Delery tional on important contextual factors
and Doty (1996). They distinguished three (Lepak and Snell 1999). The optimal set of
groups of theoretical perspectives: universal- HRM practices for one firm may be quite dif-
istic, contingency, and configurational.8 The ferent for another, thus implying a firm’s op-
universalistic perspective posits that there timal choice of HRM should follow a “best
are certain “best practices” that are always a fit” rule in which HRM practices are chosen
profitable choice because they universally so they best align with variables such as orga-
improve organizational performance. Pfeffer nizational size, industry, production technol-
(1998), for example, listed seven: employ- ogy, workforce/job skills, and state of the
ment security, selective hiring of new per- labor market (Datta, Guthrie, and Wright
sonnel, self-managed teams/decentralized 2005). Several contingent factors receive
decision-making, pay-for-performance, ex- particular emphasis. An “external” contin-
tensive training, reduced status differentials, gency factor is the firm’s business strategy,
and extensive information sharing. These meaning that different strategies for com-
petitive advantage in the product market
7 Two caveats are required. First, the SHRM literature
(e.g., low cost versus superior service) re-
quire different HRM strategies and sets of
we summarize has largely American roots and is mostly
developed in American management journals; some practices (an idea often labeled “vertical
non-USA researchers have also embraced it, but many fit”). An “internal” contingency factor is the
others have argued that the literature does not general- human capital requirements of the firm’s
ize to other countries (Brewster 2004; Boxall and Macky production process, meaning that optimal
2009). Second, mainline HRM research largely omits
reference to more radical (Edwards 2009) and hetero-
HRM practices will differ considerably be-
dox perspectives, including critical management stud- tween companies employing, respectively,
ies (Fleetwood and Hesketh 2008) and the labor process workers with low and generic skills versus
paradigm (see Edwards 1979; Thompson and Harley high and specialized skills. In line with a con-
2007). Labor economics does much the same. tingency perspective, Lepak and Snell (1999)
8 Some studies identify a fourth perspective, the contex-

tual, in which HRM strategies and practices adapt to fit used permutations of human capital “value”
different national-level cultural, social, and political and “uniqueness” to derive four different ty-
contexts. These can be thought of as additional contin- pologies of best performing HRM practices
gencies. In practice, most SHRM writers make the con- (called “HRM architectures”); similarly,
figurational perspective a component part of the
universalistic and contingency perspectives, thus reduc-
Arthur (1994) argued that firms pursuing a
ing the framework to a two-way typology (Proctor low cost strategy are more likely to adopt
2008). a command and control system of HRM
532 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

practices whereas those pursuing a differen- The mainline of management theorizing

tiation strategy are more likely to adopt a in SHRM has moved toward a synthesis
commitment system.9 and integration of these three perspectives
The configurational perspective empha- (Boselie, Dietz, and Boon 2005; Becker and
sizes the roles of complementarity, congru- Huselid 2006), stimulated in part by growing
ence, and synergy as important influences skepticism of a “universalistic-only” position
on a firm’s optimal HRM choice. Although (Boxall and Macky 2009). Following Huselid
to varying degrees implicit or explicit in the (1995), this integrative approach maintains
other two perspectives, the central hypothe- that there is a core of “best practice” HRM
sis here is that the performance effect of techniques and policies, typically associated
HRM practices depends critically on assem- with an HPWS-type employment system,
bling the right combination or system of prac- which in most to nearly all organizations re-
tices such that all the separate HRM elements sults in improved performance. The exact
(e.g., selection, compensation, training, ben- specification, delineation, and organiza-
efits, and employee relations) fit together, tional level of both the performance and
support each other, and develop the maxi- HRM variables remain unsettled, however.
mum attainable synergy (an idea often called For example, the specific set of HRM prac-
“horizontal fit”). Here, the potential perfor- tices varies considerably across studies,
mance effects of HRM choice are multiplica- although in general they are intended
tive rather than additive, implying low to include “advanced,” “sophisticated,” or
returns if all but one or two of the HRM ele- “high-performance” practices. In some cases
ments fit together, but high returns if all are they are measured at the establishment level,
successfully implemented as complete pack- but more often they are measured at the
age. Part of the competitive advantage of an company level. In the large majority of stud-
HPWS is widely attributed to the fact it is a ies, these practices are included as a count
complete package that captures the full measure (yes if present, no if not); in some
range of complementarities and synergies—a cases, a practice coverage or practice inten-
subject that has attracted researchers not sity measure is used (e.g., see Guest et al.
only in management but also in economics 2003). With regard to performance, both fi-
(Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi 1997; nancial outcome variables, such as rate of
Black and Lynch 2001; Laursen and Foss return on assets and Tobin’s q, and interme-
2003) and industrial relations (McDuffie diate organizational outcomes, such as turn-
1995; Appelbaum et al. 2000). Another close over, productivity, and quit rates, are used.
affiliate of the configurational idea is the Some authors have argued, however, that
large literature on employment systems broader and sometimes subjective measures
(Osterman 1987; Begin 1991; Marsden 1999; of organizational effectiveness should also
Barton, Burton, and Hannan 1999). be included, such as stakeholders’ percep-
tions of the firm’s performance or factors
that measure satisfaction of employees’ in-
9 Practically every one of these ideas (e.g., strategy, com-
terests (Godard 2004; Purcell and Kinnie
mitment, competitive advantage, high road versus low
road) was recognized and discussed in the early litera-
ture of industrial relations (Kaufman 2001, 2008). Fur- The presence and magnitude of these
ther, Commons (1919) laid out the basic theoretical variables are hypothesized to have a positive
rationale for the high performance employment model, effect on firm performance. Huselid (1995:
stating that winning employee commitment through 668) called this channel of the HRM-firm
high involvement practices “is valuable because it
brings larger profits and lifts the employer somewhat performance relationship the “main effect.”
above the level of competing employers by giving him a A major area of SHRM research, in turn, has
more productive labor force than theirs in proportion been to identify the causal linkages in the
to the wages paid” (p. 26). These antecedents and con- transmission mechanism that runs from ad-
tributions have been widely ignored in the SHRM liter-
ature, in part because researchers often inaccurately
vanced HRM practices to higher firm perfor-
characterize IR as dealing only with unions and collec- mance (often called in the SHRM literature
tive bargaining (e.g., Scarpello 2008). the “black box”). The majority of studies

draw on an amalgam of arguments from enhancing in manufacturing relative to ser-

the resource-based view of the firm (RBV), vice industries and HPWPs implemented as
“abilities, motivation, opportunities” theory a system have twice the performance effect
(AMO), and human capital theory to sup- as individual practices.
port the hypothesized positive main effect.10 In terms of the HRM frequency distribu-
The contention is that advanced HRM prac- tions in Figure 1, SHRM researchers who
tices are performance enhancing because emphasize the universalistic perspective pre-
they (1) increase employees’ knowledge, dict that most firms should be in the right-
skills, and abilities; (2) empower employees hand tail of the distribution or should be
to act; and (3) motivate employees to act moving in that direction. The minority who
(Combs et al. 2006: 503). take a “strong contingency” perspective pre-
In the integrative SHRM model, the posi- dict that firms will locate across the HRM
tive main effect is then amplified or attenu- frequency distribution from “low” to “high,”
ated by contingent and configurational depending on whether their external and
factors. Contingent factors include external internal “fit” variables make employees a
and internal variables, such as business strat- commodity-like “hired hand” or a valuable
egy, industry, production technology, and “human resource” capital asset (Lewin 2001;
workforce characteristics. These contingent Orlitzky and Frenkel 2005). The middle and
variables can have either an additive or mul- arguably dominant position in SHRM is a
tiplicative effect but, typically, this effect is blend of the universalistic and contingency
presumed not so great as to completely off- perspectives (“weak contingency”), with the
set the positive main effect (Kaufman 2010b). configurational perspective common to
The positive main effect is also influenced by both.11 That is, the middle ground holds
the degree to which the various HRM prac- that theory indicates most firms have under-
tices are implemented in a synergistic pack- invested in HRM practices and should there-
age. This description of the integrative model fore move further toward the right-hand
is highly consistent with the results found in tail of the HRM frequency distribution, cou-
a recent meta-analysis of 92 empirical HRM- pled with recognition that a full-blown
firm performance studies by Combs et al. HPWS is not well suited for every organiza-
(2006). The authors found a statistically sig- tion. Hence, some modest-to-significant dif-
nificant positive main effect between HRM ferentiation in HRM systems is required and
practices and firm performance; calculated a portion of firms can therefore be expected
that a one-standard-deviation increase in the to locate closer to the middle or, possibly,
use of HPWPs translates, on average, to a 4.6 even the left-hand part of the distribution
percentage-point increase in gross return- (Huselid and Becker 2006).12
on-assets (ROA)—from 5.1% to 9.7%; and
found evidence of significant contingency
and configurational effects. For example, 11 The distinction between strong and weak contingency

HPWPs are nearly twice as performance comes from Kaufman (2010b).

12 The hypothesized positive effect of (advanced)

HRM practices on firm performance also comes from

normative concerns among SHRM researchers. It is
10 RBV argues that HRM practices add value by helping widely acknowledged that both the HRM field in uni-
transform the employees into “valuable, rare, inimita- versities and the HRM function in industry have long
ble, and non-substitutable” resources, thus giving firms been regarded as marginal, low status players; a major
a sustainable source of competitive advantage (Barney motive in SHRM research, therefore, is to change this
1991: 105); Allen and Wright 2007: 89). AMO theory perception by demonstrating that HRM is a large and
argues that HRM practices add value by expanding em- under-appreciated contributor to firm success. Wright
ployees’ skills and knowledge, incenting employees to et al. (2005: 409–10) remarked, for example, “In re-
use these for valued organizational outcomes, and giv- sponse to these longstanding and repeated criticisms
ing employees greater opportunities to participate that HR does not add value to organizations, the past 10
(Appelbaum et al. 2000; Boxall and Purcell 2008). Allen [sic] years has seen a burgeoning of research attempt-
and Wright (2007: 90) claimed that “the resource-based ing to demonstrate that progressive HR practices result
view has become the guiding paradigm on which virtu- in higher organizational performance.” One must
ally all strategic HRM research is based.” worry, therefore, that SHRM theory and empirical
534 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

These predictions are tested in a single seem to offer a sobering but tantalizing
equation regression model pioneered by verdict on firms’ optimal choice of HRM
Huselid (1995), typically using cross-sectional practices.
data. The regression model takes the form: The sobering part of the message is that it
appears many American firms are seriously
(1) Perfi 5 β0 +β1HRMi 1 β2Xi 1 εi under-investing in HRM; the tantalizing part
is that firms could substantially improve their
where Perfi is a measure of financial or orga- financial and operational performance by
nizational performance at the ith firm, HRMi upgrading and expanding their people man-
is a vector or composite index of HRM prac- agement systems. In terms of economic the-
tices at this firm, Xi is a vector of contingent ory and the HRM frequency distributions in
and control variables, and εi is a randomly Figure 1, many, and perhaps most, firms are
distributed error term. The maintained hy- (apparently) substantially “out of equilib-
pothesis in most of the SHRM literature is rium” (away from the optimal level of HRM)
β1 . 0 (more HRM → higher performance), or, alternatively, in an equilibrium that for
although moderated in a positive or nega- some market failure reason is significantly
tive direction by one or more of the contin- less than socially optimal. In either case,
gent variables in the vector X.13 Some studies these firms are leaving a huge amount of
also use equation (1) to test for the configu-
money “on the table” and the economy is op-
rational perspective, typically by including
erating considerably inside its efficiency
interaction terms between separate HRM
frontier.15 The implication is that these firms
practices in the vector HRMi, with a hypoth- should spend more on HRM and thereby
esized positive interactive effect between migrate further toward the right-hand tail of
them (e.g., see MacDuffie 1995; Delery and the distribution, leading to a gradual shrink-
Doty 1996). age of the left-hand side and to a parallel in-
SHRM researchers have discussed at crease in national productivity and economic
length numerous problematic or difficult-to- performance.
solve theoretical and empirical issues with These findings, it must be noted, pose a
this regression model (Wright et al. 2005; potentially significant challenge to economic
Wall and Wood 2005; Gerhart 2007; Purcell theory, or at least to its competitive core.
and Kinnie 2007). Alternative specifications Economists (e.g., Lazear 2000) are predis-
of the performance and HRM variables have posed to think that market failures are
already been mentioned; other problems in- typically small-to-modest and firms and mar-
clude direction of causality (simultaneous kets typically adjust fairly quickly to incen-
or, alternatively, higher performance → tives, certainly so in the case of extra-large
more HRM), omitted variables, and con- incentives such as those suggested in the
struct validity of certain contingent and HRM literature (e.g., a potential near-
control variables (e.g., measurement and doubling in ROA). Yet extreme dispersion in
specification of alternative business strate- HRM practices is evident not only for con-
gies). Nonetheless, the meta-analysis results temporary firms, as illustrated in Figure 1,
of Combs et al. (2006)­­—finding a statisti- but also for firms going back fifty and even
cally significant positive main effect— one hundred years (Baron, Jennings, and
provides seemingly powerful evidence of Dobbin 1988; Kaufman 2008; 2010c).
the importance of HRM methods in firm
performance.14 In particular, these results
with data on more than 3,200 firms that “the effect of a
one-standard-deviation change in the HR system is
results are systematically biased by the career, identity, 10–20% of a firm’s market value.”
and status concerns of the researchers. 15 In this spirit, Huselid (1995: 668, emphasis added)
13 Equation (1) depicts the contingent variables X in an remarked, “the substantial variation in HRM practices
additive specification; a multiplicative specification adopted by domestic firms [relative to an HPWS con-
would include an interactive variable HRMi · Xi. figuration] . . . suggests that, at least in the near term,
14 Further evidence is provided by Becker and Huselid such [above competitive] returns are available for the
(2006: 907), who concluded after an empirical study taking.”

One possibility is that economists are in HRM practices. Though the analytical ap-
wrong and a large market failure or persis- proach utilized here is entirely standard in
tent disequilibrium in fact blocks optimal economics, it has surprisingly not been ear-
HRM investment. If such is the case, the lier developed by researchers in the econom-
skepticism that management writers express ics of personnel (for reviews, see Gunderson
toward economic models appears well 2001; Lazear and Shaw 2007).
grounded. A different and largely opposite For purposes of modeling, we assume the
possibility is that the large number of “low firm has choice over a range of possible
HRM” firms in the left-hand side of the dis- HRM practices; the portion that is mandated
tribution is an approximate efficient equilib- by government—larger in some countries
rium outcome and these managers have than in others—enters our model later as an
correctly gauged the optimal level of HRM— exogenous “shift factor.” We further assume
even if it is lamentably “not much.” If this is that the firm’s short-run objective is maxi-
the case, it suggests SHRM theory and em- mum financial return, which for simplicity’s
pirical methods considerably over-estimate sake we treat as maximum profit. In econom-
the profit pay-off to more HRM; it also sug- ics, this assumption is completely standard
gests that the slow and partial uptake of ad- to the point that it is considered a “given”; in
vanced HRM practices by many companies is management, however, objections immedi-
not the fault of the managers who do not ap- ately surface. For example, what about other
preciate and act on the evidence provided firm goals and other performance outcomes
in modern SHRM research (Rynes, Giluk (Guest et al. 2003)? Likewise, researchers
and Brown 2007); rather, it reflects the mis- outside of economics point to the interests
specified models and normative biases of the of other stakeholders, such as employees
HRM academics. and communities, and issues concerning
In the tradition of industrial relations, we the social legitimacy of business and profit-
hazard the prediction that both sides proba- making (Godard 2004; Boxall 2007).
bly capture important elements of truth and Economists’ responses to these objections
thus reality is probably somewhere in the are two-fold. First, the variable “profit” can
middle. A long-standing IR principle, after be broadly interpreted to subsume the dol-
all, is that markets, and particularly labor lar value of all those intangible or subjective
markets, are prone to numerous frictions, factors that influence the bottom-line worth
failures, and imperfections (Dunlop 1994); of an enterprise, at least as long as they are
indeed, from a Coasean/institutional eco- in principle fungible into a dollars and cents
nomics perspective the very existence of equivalent (e.g., the stock price should re-
multi-person firms with an employment rela- flect how much shareholders value the extra
tionship represents a form of market failure “social legitimacy” created by improved
(Kaufman 2010a). Nevertheless, for the pur- HRM). Where this is not possible, or the ex-
poses of this paper we put on our “econo- ercise unduly strains credulity, then econo-
mists’ hats” and critically examine SHRM mists will argue that abstracting from these
theory and empirical methods from the per- other goals is usually a good trade-off since
spective of economic theory. Rather than en- doing so promotes more analytical model-
gage purely in criticism, however, in what ing (which HRM scholars say they want more
follows we also present an alternative model, of, as quoted above) and most likely does
an alternative estimating equation, and new not alter major predictions and hypotheses.
empirical evidence on the factors that shape Regarding other intermediate organizational
observed HRM frequency distributions. outcome variables, a virtue of the theory de-
veloped here is that it makes intermediate
goals such as turnover reduction and pro-
Modeling the Firm’s Demand
ductivity increase an explicit function of the
for HRM Practices
quest for maximum profit; a corollary bene-
We seek to explain the individual firm’s fit is that it also demonstrates that some
decision regarding the extent of investment SHRM studies have indeed mis-specified the
536 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

performance relationship between HRM and to “advanced” and “sweatshop” to “HPWS”—

these variables (explained below). Finally, and make no a priori categorization, as many
we also note that the profit-maximization as- SHRM studies do, as to what is likely low-
sumption formally limits our model to pri- performing versus high-performing. We di-
vate sector for-profit firms, although we verge from it in the second instance because
would not be surprised if many of the impli- to maintain logical consistency in the model
cations and predictions of the model also the HRM practices must be converted to a
apply to non-profit organizations. common unit of measurement for the pro-
The key analytical innovation is that we duction function. Mirroring the standard
treat HRM practices as a factor input in pro- treatment of the capital (K) input variable—a
duction. That is, the firm’s output is assumed heterogeneous collection of buildings, ma-
produced by capital, labor, and HRM prac- chines, and tools typically aggregated by
tices. HRM is used, therefore, because it converting them into a dollar amount—we
boosts productivity; however, it also carries a similarly aggregate the diverse HRM prac-
cost since HRM must itself be internally pro- tices into dollars of expenditure. In the
duced (e.g., by an HR department) or model, therefore, explicit/tangible HRM
bought in external markets (e.g., HR consul- practices and activities, often but not always
tants or vendors). Thus, the firm’s optimal performed by a personnel/HRM depart-
expenditure on HRM is determined by the ment, are represented by the HRM expendi-
same marginal-type decision rule found ture variable. This variable, in turn, becomes
throughout microeconomics: to maximize the dependent variable in our regression
profit, keep investing in more HRM as long model. Other means of informal or unstruc-
as the marginal revenue gained exceeds the tured labor coordination, typically per-
marginal cost incurred and stop when the formed as a general part of management by
two become equal. This basic insight is not employers and line managers, is subsumed
new. In the HRM literature, Jones and Wright as part of total work hours devoted to pro-
(1992) discussed an economics-based ap- duction (L).16
proach along this line and Kaufman (2004; The model indicates that firms adopt
2010d) has further developed it. Our contri- HRM because it helps produce more output
bution is to take the model to the next level. and profit. But how does HRM do this? This
To do so, we begin with the firm’s ex- subject is the much debated “black box”
panded production function: issue in the literature (Becker and Huselid
2006; Boxall and Purcell 2008). We suggest
(2) Q 5 f(K, L, HRM), the following approach, which is not only
analytically tractable and insightful but also
where Q is output, K is capital, L is labor, and inclusive of the three links in the causal
HRM is HRM practices. Since the model is chain identified by SHRM writers (knowl-
intended to explain firms’ investment in edge, skills, abilities; empowered to act;
HRM practices, we must be clear on how the motivated to act).
HRM construct is defined in equation (2).
The definition of “HRM practice” given by
Wright, Dunford and Snell (2001: 703) is 16A large portion of the SHRM literature equates formal
“those HRM tools used to manage the human HRM practices and procedures with the activity of HRM,
capital pool.” We follow this definition in giving the subject a distinctly functional perspective
one respect but diverge from it in two oth- (mirrored in HRM textbooks). In reality, HRM is a ge-
neric “people management” function (Boxall and
ers. We follow it in that we equate HRM prac- Purcell 2008) that can be conducted with zero formal
tices with formal, tangible, and measureable practices and no HRM department, as takes place today
activities, policies, methods, or tools specifi- when an employer personally and informally conducts
cally created and used to manage people in labor management in a small firm (Marlow 2006) or
when a foreman in a large firm a century ago handled
organizations. We diverge from it in the first most aspects of personnel on an entirely informal basis
instance by including in the variable HRM (Kaufman 2008, 2010c). Our two-part specification of
the entire range of practices—from “simple” the HRM variable captures both aspects.

The first revision of equation (2) is to ex- on workplace safety may increase Q by re-
pand the labor term from L to L·e. This ef- ducing workplace accidents and production
fectively transforms labor from a commodity downtime. The direct effect is independent
input (like a machine or lump of coal) to a of the “human” aspect of labor.
human input. The L term is the number of The second channel by which additional
persons/hours of labor; the term e repre- inputs of HRM influence production is the
sents what Appelbaum et al. (2000) referred indirect HRM effect (the middle term). The
to as “effective labor.” It is broadly defined to indirect effect captures the influence that
include the combined effect of more motiva- more HRM practices have on output as they
tion, effort, empowerment, and skill/knowl- indirectly change the effective amount of labor,
edge acquisition. If e = 0 (e.g., workers sleep through factors such as improved motiva-
all day on the job or have zero skills for the tion, greater work effort, better citizenship
job), then L·e = 0 and no output is forthcom- behavior, and skills upgrading.17 This causal
ing from the production function; the higher link occurs when labor becomes a unique
e is, conversely, the more effective labor the “human” factor input; it is also where this
organization gets from each worker and the model incorporates the “value creation”
more output is produced. insights from RBV, AMO and human capital
The second revision makes the amount of theories.18
effective labor, L·e, a function of the level of
HRM expenditure; that is, L·e(HRM). The
idea is that more HRM practices may con-
17 In the early years of the personnel/IR field, employer-
tribute to increased effective labor either by
employee cooperation and unity of interest were viewed as
boosting motivation, effort, and opportuni- universal contributors to more “effective labor”
ties for action (e.g., through an employee (Kaufman 2003a, 2008), albeit attainable through alter-
involvement program or gain-sharing com- native HRM configurations rather than one “best prac-
pensation plan) or by increasing workers’ tice” set as in some versions of modern SHRM theory.
skills, knowledge and abilities (e.g., through The early personnel/IR view held, in turn, that coop-
eration and unity of interest depend critically on using
more training or an information sharing HRM to achieve high morale and fair treatment (the for-
program). mer being impossible without the latter). Regarding
These revisions lead to the expanded pro- morale, Hall (1925: 35) remarked, “morale is to the in-
duction function in equation (3). dividual what temper is to steel.” The modern HRM-
firm performance literature has repackaged morale
into a more expansive and amorphous concept of moti-
(3) Q 5 f[K,e(HRM)•L, HRM] . vation/commitment whereas fairness in SHRM models
and the scholarly conversation has slipped to a duly-
Here arises an important insight regard- noted but modest-to-peripheral role. SHRM thus mir-
ing the causal transmission mechanism be- rors its opposite—neoclassical labor economics—in
that both slight equity and fairness as determinants of
tween HRM and firm performance. Our efficient production. Also similar is their preoccupation
model suggests that HRM influences firm with maximizing firm performance and returns to
performance through two distinct channels. shareholders (capital) while giving little to no atten-
The first, which we label the direct HRM effect, tion, importance, and counter-balancing consideration
to the independent and sometimes conflicting inter-
represents the independent contribution ests of employees (labor). By way of contrast, early IR—
that more units of an HRM practice (repre- including its prominent management wing—strongly
sented by the right-hand term in the produc- emphasized that fairness is crucial to economic perfor-
tion function) have on output, holding mance; fairness, in turn, requires that all competing in-
constant the amount of labor and capital terests get voice, due process, and reasonable outcomes.
This is a stakeholder (not shareholder) model of the
services. For example, more expenditure on firm and employment relationship.
employee selection, such as greater invest- 18 If there is indeed systematic underinvestment in HRM

ment in hiring tests, personal interviews, and as SHRM theory implies, a principal reason is probably
psychological assessment, increase output that the value created by HRM is often largely intangi-
ble (e.g., morale), difficult to measure, and only real-
independent of any change in the quantity of ized in future years, thus causing it to be under-capitalized
labor (by better matching of people to jobs, in the firm’s profit maximization calculation (Slichter
and so on). Alternatively, extra expenditure 1919; Kaufman 2008: 240–41).
538 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

The choice problem for the firm is to se- captures the direct HRM effect (the effect of
lect the level of HRM practices that best more HRM on Q, holding constant L) and
achieves its profit objective. Given this, the the first term captures the indirect HRM effect
firm’s challenge is to solve equation (4): (the effect of more HRM on Q as it creates
more effective labor). If labor were a com-
(4) Π 5 P• f[K, e(HRM)•L, HRM] modity (i.e., inanimate factor input), the
2V•HRM 2W•L. term d(e)/d(HRM) becomes a constant and
falls out of the first order condition, leaving
Equation 4 demonstrates that profit (Π) only the direct effect. If only the direct effect
is the difference between revenue and cost. were present, human resource management
Revenue is P·Q, with the production func- would not be substantively different from
tion in equation (3) substituted for Q. As- operations management or from an early
suming capital is fixed in the short-run, there version of scientific management.
are two elements of variable cost: labor cost The right-hand side of equation (5) is the
and the cost of HRM practices. Assuming unit price of HRM services, V. In other words,
the cost of labor per unit is the wage W (for equation (5) shows the marginal decision-
all employees, including managers, and in- rule earlier cited: the firm should keep in-
cluding benefits and other such costs), total vesting additional money in HRM practices
labor cost is W·L. The HRM practices also as long as the extra revenue created exceeds
have an explicit cost, denoted by V, since the extra cost; when the two become equal
they are themselves produced with capital the optimal level of HRM practices has been
and labor. The total cost of HRM is, there- reached.19 Importantly, when profit is maxi-
fore, V·HRM. Although the wage W is generi- mized further HRM investment necessarily
cally viewed as a component of a firm’s HRM leads to lower performance—not higher.
package, the choice problem considered Our contention is that this model is not
here is the optimal level of management simply an exercise in empty formalization
“manufactured” HRM, so W and V are sepa- but, rather, is a vehicle that yields a number
rately distinguished. Just as the price of labor of new and useful insights.20 Consider the
(W) is assumed a “given” for this exercise
(set by the market), so too is the cost of pur- 19 This model is extended in several ways in Kaufman
chasing/producing extra HRM practices (2010d); for example, the composite HRM variable is
(V). This simplification makes the model far disaggregated into i individual HRM practices (i =
more tractable, does not materially affect staffing, training, compensation, etc.), the profit-
the results, and broadly accords with reality maximizing configuration of HRM practices is derived
(e.g., a firm can obtain additional trainers, (horizontal fit), complementarities among HRM prac-
tices are introduced, and the horizontal fit dimension
job evaluations, payroll processing, and so of HRM strategy is modeled.
on, at a going market price). 20 For example, an oft-cited definition of SHRM is “the

The optimal level of HRM is determined pattern of human resource deployments and activities
by differentiating equation (4) with respect intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals”
(Wright and McMahan 1992: 298). Our model
to HRM and solving for the first order condi- reveals this is simply a verbal re-statement of the stan-
tion. This is done in equation (5): dard profit maximization equation in economics, illus-
trated by equations (4) and (5). This is a surface insight;
 ∂Q de   a deeper insight emerges by then asking what

∂Π  ∂e dHRM  ⋅ L  separates the two fields (i.e., labor economics and
SHRM) if they share the same objective function and
(5) =P  =V
choice problem? One answer (Kaufman 2010a) is that
∂HRM  ∂Q 
+  the fields are two branches of a larger umbrella field
 ∂HRM  called industrial/employment relations (aka: institu-
tional labor economics) in which the former branch
The left-hand side of the first-order con- theorizes allocation and coordination of labor resources
via markets and prices and the latter theorizes the same
dition (the bracketed term) is the marginal thing but through organizations and command/
revenue product (MRP) of HRM practices. administration with Commons/Coase transaction cost
It is composed of two parts: the second term theory determining the boundary. (Modern personnel

following. Figure 1 illustrates that some firms One implication of this model, accord-
invest little in HRM practices whereas others ingly, is the following: each firm’s place in
invest in an intermediate level and others in the HRM frequency distribution is deter-
a high level. Our model explains this varia- mined by a comparison of benefits versus
tion thus: the management of each firm, costs of additional investment in HRM prac-
using equation (5), compares the extra pro- tices. For some firms, this calculation yields a
ductivity and revenue generated by using an zero level of investment in HRM practices
additional unit of HRM practice in produc- whereas for others it yields an HPWS. Al-
tion with the extra cost incurred. Some firms, though the mainline of the HRM-firm per-
given their size, technology of production, formance literature predicts that “more
skill, demographic characteristics of the HRM is better” for profitability, our model
workforce, and other such factors (spelled suggests that this is unlikely to be true out-
out in more detail below), find that profits side an unrealistic scenario where all (or
are maximized with near-zero HRM expen- most) firms realize continuous marginal
diture. This might be an “externalized” or gains in profitability from further investment
“market”-type employment system, as de- in HRM (Kaufman 2010b).
scribed by Delery and Doty (1996, Table 1), A second implication concerns the
in which demand and supply set pay rates, definition of “best practice” HRM. In this
motivate employees (through threat of un- framework, one cannot make a universalistic
employment), and provide new recruits and statement that best practice HRM is com-
training opportunities. Others find that posed of some particular set of HRM prac-
profits are maximized with an intermediate tices, or that best practice is represented by
level, and yet others find, given their size, an HRM-intensive employment system lo-
technology of production, and other inter- cated toward the right-hand tail of the fre-
nal and external characteristics, that a high quency distribution, such as an HPWS.
level of HRM practices maximizes profit. Ex- Rather, in this framework “best practice” has
amples include an HPWS, high involvement, only one meaning and metric—that is, the
and internal employment system (again see HRM practice (or set of practices) that leads
Delery and Doty 1996, Table 1). to the most profit (highest financial perfor-
mance) and greatest probability of long-run
survival for the company. Thus, in some situ-
economics does not theorize a dual coordination econ-
omy in a substantive sense, nor does it give management
ations an HPWS may be best practice whereas
coordination autonomous status, since market forces of in others a low-road sweatshop employment
competition and the Invisible Hand still determine system may be best practice (Lewin 2001).
management choices and HRM practices/structures One hundred years ago in America, “best
(Lazear 2000).) Illustrative of this duality, through practice” meant next-to-zero formal HRM
the 1950s personnel/HRM was widely regarded as
“applied labor economics” and subsumed with human practices, just as it does in many parts of less-
relations as the management wing of industrial rela- developed countries today (Kaufman 2008;
tions (Kaufman 2000). Our model implies that manage- 2010c; Tessema and Soeters 2006).
ment is one side of the economics coin; history does as A third revisionist implication concerns
well. Bossard and Dewhurst (1931) state that for busi-
ness subjects like management, “economics . . . is the
the predicted effect of more HRM on firm
foundation or basic subject to be studied” (p. 325) and performance. Taking profitability as the per-
many management historians (e.g., Holbert 1976: 31) formance measure, most SHRM studies pre-
consider Henry Towne’s article, “The Engineer as Econ- dict a positive effect. If it is positive, however,
omist” (1886), to have founded the field of manage- this means that firms can increase profit by
ment (the first professional managers were often
engineers by training). As the IR and personnel/HRM investing in more HRM, which is to say they
fields began to separate after the 1960s, behavioral have not yet reached the optimal equilib-
scientists replaced economists and SHRM replaced rium level of HRM predicted by equation
IR regarding the external/strategic dimension of em- (5). Economic theory suggests, therefore,
ployment relations. Not surprisingly, modern HRM
education is mostly “applied psychology/OB” and no-
that unless market failure is large and persis-
ticeably slights the role and contribution of economics tent, the positive sign hypothesized in
(Scarpello 2008). SHRM—if it empirically exists—is most likely
540 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

a short-run relationship that tends to dimin- market failure or obstacle to equilibrium.

ish and even disappear over time as competi- The “one-eighth” rule advanced by Pfeffer
tion and share-holder pressure lead firms to (1998) is one approach to this challenge;23
capture the unexploited profit opportunity the most popular explanation, however, rests
contained in HPWS practices.21 Competition with RBV theory. The idea here is that HRM
thus implies that extra economic profit from helps turn employees into rare, inimitable
HRM investment should decline and ulti- and valuable human capital assets (akin to a
mately go to zero. Marginal reasoning and non-contestable form of differentiated prod-
the law of diminishing returns implies the uct), the benefits of which cannot be easily
same. In other words, firms invest in more duplicated and competed away (Allen and
HRM as long as the marginal revenue gain Wright 2007). This explanation does ratio-
outweighs the marginal cost, but due to di- nalize a positive sign on the HRM variable.
minishing returns the marginal gain falls However, it is not obvious why in practice
(e.g., consider the marginal return from other firms cannot easily and in short order
sending employees to more and more train- duplicate (“contest”) any particular system
ing classes) and the marginal cost rises until of HRM practices of the formal or tangible
a point of zero marginal profit gain is kind (most HRM practices are neither pro-
reached.22 A persistent positive HRM effect prietary nor particularly complicated; other-
is not per se ruled out but then has to be ex- wise, HRM would be more of a skilled and
plained, as noted earlier, by some form of high-status profession) as used in HRM-firm
performance models (Priem and Butler
21 Huselid (1995) noted this implication of economic
2001). The positive HRM effect, therefore,
theory in a sentence (p. 668) but then dismissed its
may well come from other unobserved or
practical significance on the grounds that the large esti- omitted factors, such as a rent to superior
mated positive effect of advanced HRM practices on management ability (e.g., differential suc-
firm performance, coupled with the low level of ad- cess at implementing HRM and creating/
vanced HRM adoption at many firms, suggests that maintaining positive employment relations).
large profit gains remain available for capture. Becker
and Huselid (2006: 905) reiterated this theme but ex- Or, as Cappelli and Neumark (2001) found
plicitly tied the existence of large quasi-rents to market in a particularly thorough study, it may not
failure, citing lack of knowledge, lack of managerial exist at all.
competence, and failure to implement. However, SHRM A fourth insight of this model is to point
theory seems caught in a contradiction since appeal to
substantial market failure is at odds with the emphasis
out what economic relationship SHRM
given in study after study to increased competition in the researchers are estimating with a Huselid-
economy (and thus the asserted need to adopt high type regression model. The standard HRM-
performance HRM practices). firm performance regression model is, in
22 The numerical value of the coefficient β depends on
1 effect, an attempt to estimate the first-order
the metric of the performance measure used as the de-
pendent variable and the specification of the regression condition given by equation (5). That is, the
equation. If the metric is percentage rate of return on regression coefficient β1 in equation (1)
capital, in long-run competitive equilibrium with homo- measures Δ∏/ΔHRM, which is exactly what
geneous firms all firms earn the same “break-even” is solved for in the first order condition. We
(normal) rate of return, say 10%. In this case, the HRM
variable varies across firms but the dependent variable
know further that to find the maximum
is constant, causing β1 to take a value of zero. If the de- point of the profit function ∏ 5 f(HRM),
pendent variable is instead (say) dollars of profit, the which is a slightly different way to look at
regression equation should be specified in non-linear the first-order condition in equation (5) and
terms, such as Perfi = β0 1 β1HRMi 1 β2HRM2 1 β3Xi 1
εi, in order to capture the (predicted) parabolic shape
in the functional relationship between profit and HRM
intensity (profit rises, reaches a peak, and then declines 23 The “one-eighth” rule (Pfeffer 1998: 29) means that

as a function of HRM intensity). In this case, the pre- one-half of managers do not know that an HPWS in-
dicted sign on the coefficient is β1 . 0 but β2 , 0. One creases performance, inertia keeps one-half of these
criticism of the SRHM literature, therefore, is that it from implementing a HPWS, and one-half of these do
widely neglects the idea of (eventual) diminishing re- not successfully implement it. Thus, 100% of firms ben-
turns and thus omits the term β2HRM2 (Kaufman efit from an HPWS but only 12.5% implement it. Also
2010b). see Pfeffer (2007).

essentially what a Huselid-type regression Figure 2. The HRM Demand Curve

model represents, requires that one differ-
entiate the function and set the first deriva- Price (V)
tive equal to zero. But the first derivative,
Δ∏/ΔHRM, is β1 and in long-run competitive
equilibrium is necessarily zero, as noted
above. For β1 to be an unrestricted positive
number, as explicitly or implicitly assumed v2 B
in many SHRM studies, one must argue that
(1) firms do not maximize profits (to a great v1 E A C
extent); (2) for some reason, firms are pre-
vented from getting anywhere close to maxi-
mum profit (per the large estimated shortfall D3 D1 D2
in ROA); and (3) the marginal revenue gain
from more HRM always exceeds the mar- 0 HRM3 HRM1 HRM2 HRM
ginal cost.
A fifth insight concerns potential mis-
specification in SHRM studies of intermedi-
ate outcome variables, such as productivity, sloping portion (not shown here for simplic-
quits, and turnover. These studies (e.g., ity of exposition), but eventually will slope
Huselid 1995) typically hypothesize that if downward, given the operation of the law of
more HRM leads to lower quits and turnover diminishing returns. The common sense of
or higher productivity, then this too repre- the downward slope is that beyond some
sents an improvement in firm performance. point, additional investment in HRM prac-
Such is not necessarily the case, however, at tices, such as additional sophistication in se-
least if profit is the index of performance. lection tests, have a successively smaller
For example, more HRM expenditure may positive effect on productivity and revenue.
improve productivity, but the cost increase Assuming the price of HRM practices is a
of the additional HRM may far outweigh constant V1, the profit-maximizing level of
any resulting efficiency gains, thus reducing HRM practices is HRM1 (point A). It is at
profit and performance (Cappelli and this point that the equilibrium condition in
Neumark 2001). equation (5) is satisfied. If this falls anywhere
to the left, the MRP of HRM exceeds the
marginal cost and the firm adds to profit by
The HRM Demand Curve and
expanding expenditure on HRM practices;
HRM Demand Function
if it falls anywhere to the right, the opposite
Extensions of the model yield further in- holds true.
sights and implications, as well as a new tool Figure 2 shows that a firm’s use of HRM
for empirical HRM analysis. The place to practices follows the law of demand, just as
start is a derivation of the HRM demand its use of other factor inputs does. Thus, a
curve. rise in the price of an HRM activity from V1 to
This curve depicts the relationship be- V2 causes a movement up the HRM demand
tween the price of HRM (V) and the firm’s curve D1 and a decline in quantity demanded
quantity demanded of HRM practices (ex- from HRM1 to HRM3 (point A to point B).
pressed in dollars of expenditure), holding A firm’s demand for HRM practices is also
all other factors constant. Such a curve is de- influenced by all those variables that shift
picted in Figure 2 as D1. This curve is derived the HRM demand curve. These variables
by plotting the marginal revenue product of must affect one of the two determinants of
HRM. In other words, the MRP signifies the the HRM input’s marginal revenue product:
extra dollars of revenue gained from invest- the marginal physical product (the extra
ing in one more unit of HRM practices. The output produced) or the marginal revenue
MRP schedule could initially have an upward from this extra production (or both). Theory
542 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

suggests a number of these shift variables; frequency distribution of HRM practices.

others are more a matter of common sense Thus, the left-hand tail of the HRM fre-
observation or empirical determination (de- quency distribution is described by the firms
scribed below). that have a zero to small demand for HRM
Before proceeding further, it is useful to (e.g., demand curves to the left of D3); the
repackage equation (5) into a more tracta- center of the distribution is given by the ma-
ble format. This is done in equation (6). jority of firms that have intermediate HRM
demand curves (in a band around D1); and
(6) HRMi 5 f(Q i, Wi, Vi, Xi). the skewed part of the right-hand tail is given
by the relatively small number firms that
Equation (6), in effect, inverts the profit have a very high demand for HRM (demand
maximization equation in equation (5) and curves scattered far to the right of D2).
expresses the demand for HRM in the ith This model also explains changes in the
firm as a function of the level of the firm’s HRM frequency distribution across time and
output, the prices of factor inputs, and a host countries. At the turn of the twentieth cen-
of other independent variables captured in tury, the HRM frequency distribution was
the vector X. Equation (6) is called the HRM highly compressed and centered very close
demand function. It parallels the labor de- to the vertical axis (Kaufman 2008, 2010c).
mand function, which is a staple of labor For example, in 1902 the world’s largest
economics (Hamermesh 1993). Holding all company, the United States Steel Corpora-
other variables constant, changing the level tion, employed 160,000 people but used
of V in equation (6) causes a movement practically zero formal HRM practices (e.g.,
along the HRM demand curve D1 in Figure 2. no hiring office, employment application
Holding V constant and changing one of the form, or job/wage schedule). The reason is
other variables in the demand function (e.g., that nearly all firms were using a highly ex-
larger scale of output) shifts the HRM de- ternalized labor management system and
mand curve to the right (D2) or to the left thus had near-zero HRM demand curves.24
(D3). At a constant price of V1, a rightward Over the ensuing decades, however, the
shift of the firm’s demand for HRM practices HRM demand curves of many firms shifted
leads to an increase in expenditure on HRM successively to the right due to changes in
practices from HRM1 to HRM2 (point A to production technology, unionization, legal
point C); a leftward shift reduces expendi- regulation of employment, and other such
ture on HRM practices from HRM1 to HRM3 factors, causing the mean and variance of
(point A to point E). the HRM frequency distribution to increase
The HRM demand curve and demand as well. Variation in HRM demand curves
function model provides an interesting ex- also explains different HRM frequency
planation for the shape of the HRM fre- distributions among countries, such as be-
quency distribution at a point in time and tween the United States, France and India.
for changes in it over time. At a point in
time, each firm has particular values of the Shift Factors of HRM Demand
variables V, W, and X, and, inserting these
into the demand function yields its optimal Our model implies that variation in HRM
level of HRM expenditures on specific prac- demand curves explains the variation in
tices. Plotting these equilibrium values traces
out the HRM frequency distribution, as 24 This does not mean these firms practiced zero human
shown in Figure 1. Alternatively, one can resource management, since in every multi-person or-
plot the position of firms’ HRM demand ganization then and now a “boss” must in some way co-
curves in Figure 2 and, for a given price (e.g., ordinate and manage the acquisition and utilization of
V1), determine the same distribution of equi- the labor input. Rather, it means HRM is in this case an
undifferentiated part of line management (subsumed
librium values of the HRM practice expendi- in the variable L) and involves few if any formal and
ture variable. In effect, the distribution of systematized/scientific personnel methods (the HRM
HRM demand curves maps out an identical variable).

firm-level adoption rates of HRM practices. This relationship is uniformly found in em-
To give the model greater explanatory con- pirical studies (Boselie, Dietz, and Boon
tent, it is next necessary to identify the spe- 2005). A theoretical rationale for this rela-
cific independent variables (shift factors) in tionship is that larger sized organizations en-
the demand function that cause this varia- tail both more people to manage and greater
tion. The first two we discuss (Q and W) are distance between executives and workers,
explicitly identified in equation (6) and necessitating use of more staff and resources
come directly out of microeconomic produc- to coordinate production efficiently. Al-
tion theory; the remainder are subsumed in though total HRM rises with firm size, due to
the vector X and are suggested by the eco- economies of scale (arising from spreading
nomics, IR, and HRM literatures. The list fixed investment and set-up cost over a larger
that follows is suggestive, not definitive; is employee base) expenditure on HRM per
tailored to the American context; and is in- employee probably declines on average for
tended to help motivate the specification of many firms (Brewster et al. 2006).
the empirical HRM input demand function Wage Rate. The second variable in the
estimated in the next section of the paper. HRM demand function in equation (6) is
Certain important determinants of HRM de- the wage rate W. The wage may be either a
mand, such as employment laws and social/ substitute or complement for HRM practices
political institutions, are omitted because (Ichniowski, Shaw and Prennushi 1997). In
they do not significantly vary among firms in the former case, firms may use a higher W in
a national cross-section and thus do not lieu of formal HRM practices. An example of
explain variation in demand curves.25 this is efficiency wage theory, in which an
Firm Size. The demand for HRM practices employer pays a higher-than-market wage to
should increase with firm size, measured by employees, who are thus motivated to self-
level of output (Q) or level of employment enforce higher work effort. Firms can then
(jointly determined by Q and W in equation reduce direct HRM control devices, such as
(6) and therefore not explicitly shown).26 supervision and time clocks. In this case, a
higher wage would shift the HRM demand
curve to the left. The opposite would occur
25 Another potentially interesting omitted variable is the
in a situation in which W and HRM practices
firm’s profit level. A reasonable hypothesis is that firms are complements. In high performance
with above-normal profit invest part of it in more HRM
in pursuit of other sub-goals, such as enhanced em-
work systems, for example, a high wage and
ployee satisfaction and loyalty. We have no data on firm- high level of HRM go together. One reason
level profit, however, and so we cannot test this. The is that an HPWS requires a unitarist employ-
issues of simultaneity and reverse causality are exam- ment relationship and paying a high wage
ined in Wright et al. (2005). On one hand, our model is creates higher employee commitment and
not free of simultaneity concerns in empirical estima-
tion (e.g., between the unionism independent variable loyalty and removes a source of potentially
and HRM expenditure dependent variable); on the disruptive distributive bargaining (tacit or
other hand, it probably is less widespread or severe than formal).
in the standard SHRM regression model (e.g., the de- Production Technology. Internalization of
pendent performance variable could well be related to
most or all of the HRM independent variables as well as
employment is encouraged by production
some of the exogenous control variables, such as technologies that are more capital intensive;
unionism). complex; feature greater worker interdepen-
26 The neoclassical production theory utilized for this
dencies (e.g., team forms of production);
model assumes as a “given” that firms exist and largely and allow greater room for discretionary ef-
takes market structure and the size distribution of firms
as a datum in the analysis, yielding in turn an a priori fort. More capital intensive and complex
fixed HRM frequency distribution and pattern of em- technologies make employee selection more
ployment systems. Institutional economics, utilizing the difficult and important, and turnover more
transaction cost concept of Commons and Coase, endo- expensive. In addition, more extensive inter-
genizes the number, size, and structure of firms and
thereby endogenizes the underlying shape of the HRM
dependencies in production increase the
frequency distribution and the pattern and structure of need to maintain and promote effective em-
employment systems (Kaufman 2010b). ployee coordination and cooperation, and
544 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

greater room for discretionary work effort greater demand for HRM practices, per the
heightens the importance of maintaining implications of the resource-based view of
and promoting employee commitment and the firm (Lepak and Snell 1999). This con-
morale (Lepak and Snell 1999; Appelbaum sideration may link certain workforce char-
et. al. 2000). acteristics to HRM demand. Past research
Industry and Organizational Characteristics. has shown, for example, that white men have
A variety of industry and organizational greater specific OJT, so one may predict that
characteristics potentially affect the demand organizations with more women and minor-
for HRM, although the predicted signs are ity employees have a smaller demand for
not always clear-cut (Datta, Guthrie, and HRM practices. Another relevant variable is
Wright 2005; Sun, Aryee, and Law 2007). A educational attainment of the firm’s work-
case in point concerns differences in HRM force. Education is part of company’s stock
demand between goods-producing (e.g., of human capital and SHRM theory predicts
manufacturing) and service-producing orga- that firms with a more educated workforce
nizations. Heterogeneity in these broad cat- invest in greater HRM to get higher produc-
egories is possibly so large as to preclude a tivity from this valuable asset (Becker and
meaningful prediction; alternatively, one Huselid 2006).
could reasonably argue that on average, Economic/Market Conditions. Firms operat-
manufacturing firms use more HRM prac- ing in more stable product markets and eco-
tices to boost productivity indirectly through nomic environments have a greater incentive
devices such as employee involvement, dis- to adopt ILMs and formal HRM practices
pute resolution, and training. Likewise, it is (Orlitzky and Frenkel 2005; Ordiz and
reasonable to expect that for-profit organiza- Fernádez 2005). ILMs involve greater em-
tions may have a different demand for HRM ployee investment expense, transform labor
than not-for-profit organizations; govern- into a quasi-fixed cost, and introduce greater
ment organizations are possibly also a dis- organizational rigidity. These conditions be-
tinct entity. According to Begin (1991), come progressively less economic in the face
not-for-profit organizations make greater of greater volatility of sales and employment
use of cultural and social norms as control and shorter product life-cycles. ILMs and ex-
and motivational devices, thus suggesting a tensive HRM practices are also promoted
lower demand for formal HRM practices when labor markets remain at or close to full
(other things being equal). Government employment. Not only does full employment
may be hypothesized to have a greater de- increase the pressure to carefully select, de-
mand for HRM to the extent that it entails velop, and retain employees (due to scarcity
greater bureaucracy and formal procedures; of qualified labor in the external market),
however, formal procedures are not neces- but it also reduces the ability of firms to use
sarily expensive per se and expenditure levels the threat of unemployment as an effective
on HRM practices (e.g., training, employee and less costly motivation or discipline de-
relations) may actually be more intensive vice (thus enhancing the indirect HRM ef-
in some for-profit firms (Brewster et al. fect). HRM demand, therefore, should be
2006). positively associated with the employee turn-
Workforce/Training Characteristics. Internal- over rate (e.g., necessitating more expendi-
ization of employment and demand for ture on recruitment, selection, and training)
HRM practices will also be greater in firms and negatively associated with the rate of
whose production involves greater specific unemployment.
on-the-job training (OJT) (Grimshaw and Unionization. The presence of a union in a
Rubery 2007). Specific OJT creates a form of firm, or the threat of unionization, can have
asset specificity, thus raising market transac- contradictory effects on HRM demand simi-
tion cost. Work systems that provide more larly, the effect may well differ across na-
opportunity for workers to develop and tional industrial relations systems. A union
apply new knowledge for improvements in in the American context endeavors to
processes and products will also have a negotiate more formalized, structured, and

standardized employment management variation in HRM practices but also a tool for
practices, thus suggesting a positive relation- empirically analyzing this issue. Using a
ship (Verma 2007). Similarly, the threat of unique data source, we proceed to estimate
union organization may motivate firms to an HRM demand function for a sample of
upgrade their HRM function. But unions several hundred American firms.
also perform certain HRM functions (re-
cruitment through a hiring hall, dispute
resolution through a grievance system), thus
Data Set, Estimating Equation,
relieving the employer of making these ex-
and Variable Definitions
penditures; they also resist certain HRM prac-
tices, such as incentive pay and performance The majority of the information we use
appraisal. A negative relationship, therefore, was collected by the Bureau of National Af-
is also possible (Brewster et al. 2006). fairs (BNA) for its 2005/2006 HR Department
Strategic Role of the HRM Function. Firms Benchmarks and Analysis reports. Earlier years
differ on the degree to which labor and the were not available to us and parts of the sur-
management of labor is a strategic determi- vey instrument were also different. The
nant of profitability. When labor has a small breadth and depth of information on firms’
effect on firm performance, management is HRM activities in the BNA dataset are, to our
likely to invest little in HRM; conversely, knowledge, the most extensive available in a
when labor has a large effect on the bottom public source in America. Nonetheless, the
line, management is likely to invest consider- data source also has limitations, particularly
able resources in HRM. One way HRM in- compared to data sets available in other
vestment takes place is creation and staffing countries (e.g., the Workplace Employment
of a personnel/HRM function. The more Relations Survey (WERS) in the United
strategically important labor and labor man- Kingdom) that are more detailed and longi-
agement are, the more likely that the HRM tudinal (see Guest et al. 2003).
function is included in the formulation and These data are useful because they come
execution of both HRM strategy and the from a comprehensive survey of HR depart-
overall business strategy. Firms with strategi- ments from a diverse group of firms. In addi-
cally involved HRM departments, therefore, tion to providing information on the
should be linked to higher levels of HRM ex- dependent variable in our model (HRM ex-
penditures (Lepak, Bartol, and Erhardt penditures), the BNA survey data also in-
2005; Brewster et al. 2006). clude information on many of the
Employee Relations Philosophy. Company independent (shift) variables. Other inde-
owners and top executives differ in their phi- pendent variables were developed from al-
losophies and attitudes toward employees ternative data sources (Bureau of Labor
and labor management practices. This fac- Statistics, Equal Opportunity Commission),
tor most closely corresponds to the “taste” matched to the BNA firms through their
variable in the traditional microeconomic three-digit (sometimes two-digit) North
theory of demand. Quite apart from profit American Industry Classification System
considerations, some owners and executives (NAICS) code. The combined data set com-
prefer an employee-oriented approach and prised 614 observations; after deleting
invest more in HRM in order to achieve bet- observations with missing data the sample
ter workforce treatment and esprit de corps was reduced to 381. The data on HRM
whereas others view employees as expend- expenditure reported by BNA come from a
able commodities and hence give short-shrift mix of organizational levels—sometimes an
to HRM (Boxall 2007). entire firm and at other times an autono-
mous sub-division or individual establish-
Estimating an HRM Demand Function ment (plant). The single largest industry
concentration is Services.
Our theoretical model offers not only in- The estimating equation, given in equa-
sights and implications regarding inter-firm tion (7), is a linear version of the HRM
546 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Table 1. Definition and Predicted Signs of Independent Variables

(Dependent Variable: HRM Expenditure per Employee)
Theoretical Predicted
Independent Variables Shift Factor Sign Source
Full-time employees (log) Firm Size  BNA
Annual worker earnings (log) Wage ? BNA
Non-labor operating costs per worker (log) 1 BNA
Non-profit private sector organization (dummy variable 5 1)  BNA
[for-profit sector 5 omitted group]
Government/public sector organization (dummy variable 5 1) Industry/ ? BNA
[for-profit sector 5 omitted group] Organizational
Service/non-manufacturing industry (dummy variable 5 1)  BNA
[goods producing 5 omitted group]
HR Department has partial influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence
on strategy 5 omitted group]
HR Department has substantial influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence 1 BNA
Strategic Role/
on strategy 5 omitted group]
HR Department has high influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence
on strategy 5 omitted group]
HR department in central corporate office (dummy variable 5 1) 1 BNA
Firm’s strategic focus is on employee satisfaction and morale 1 BNA
(dummy variable 5 1)
Unionized percent of workforce Unionization ? BNA
Female percent of workforce, by industry and state  EEOC
Non-white percent of workforce, by industry and state Workforce/  EEOC
Bachelors degree percent of workforce, by industry Training 1 BLS
White collar percent of workforce, by industry 1 EEOC
Unemployment rate by state/industry, by state and industry  BLS
Cyclical Instability of Employment (log of coefficient of variation Economic/  BLS
employment,1991–2005), by industry and state Market
Separation rate per 100 workers, by industry 1 BLS

demand function in equation (6) but with with the HR function. Deflating total HRM
capital and labor inputs explicitly included: expenditures by the number of employees
gives a metric that is far more easily com-
= α + β1Q i + β 2 Li + β3 K i pared across firms and is not so greatly influ-
(7) Li enced by differences in absolute firm size.
+ β 4Wi + β5 X i + εi . Similarly, expressing the dependent variable
in log form transforms the coefficients on
The dependent variable is the log of HRM the independent variables into estimates of
expenditures per employee (or “per capita”) marginal percentage change (elasticities).
in firm i. HRM expenditures include “costs The use of an expenditure measure of
of labor, materials and equipment, overhead, HRM, it should be noted, has an important
and administration incurred by HR in per- advantage over the “practice count” specifi-
forming its core function and duties” (BNA cation used in many HRM-firm performance
2006: 114), where “HR” is defined broadly to regressions. A measure of HRM usage
include expenditures attributed to both the formed by the addition of discrete practices
human resource department per se and to may contain substantial measurement error;
other managers and programs associated for example, two firms both report usage of

employee involvement methods but one is a analysis, of course, would also require addi-
low-level suggestion box system while the tional variables.
other is a high-level team system. A “count” The HRM demand function is estimated
specification may well weight both equally with ordinary least squares (OLS). Alterna-
whereas an expenditure measure better cap- tive estimation methods were performed
tures the underling difference in scale and but, as we report below, the results did not
scope of usage across the two firms.27 materially change. We also disaggregate
We were able to develop data for nineteen the expenditure data into nine HRM sub-
independent variables in the regression functions, as specified in the BNA survey,
model. The variable definitions, hypothe- and re-estimate the demand function for
sized sign, and source are given in Table 1 each. The nine sub-functions are recruit-
(the hypothesized signs come from the dis- ment, training, compensation, benefits ad-
cussion of the previous section); summary ministration, employee relations, external
statistics are given in Table 2. We discuss relations, personnel management, health
these variables in more detail in the next sec- and safety activities, and strategic planning.
tion on results. Note here, however, that sev- This disaggregation provides insight on the
eral variables contained in the theoretical extent to which the independent variables
model are not included in the regression have consistent, stable relationships across
equation, such as the cost of capital (r) and different HRM sub-functions.
cost of HRM practices (V). Data on each are
unavailable. Omission of the latter is not Empirical Results
critical on the reasonable assumption that
the per capita cost of producing/buying Table 3 reports the coefficient estimates
HRM practices (e.g., an employee training and standard errors for all of the model
class, a job evaluation) is most likely rela- specifications.28 The first column shows the
tively uniform across firms, particularly estimated coefficients for the “total” or
within an industry (and thus captured in the “aggregate” HRM demand function (using
industry dummies). Data for several poten- total firm level HRM expenditures); col-
tially important control variables are not umns 2–10 show the results for disaggre-
available in the BNA data set; hence, we con- gated HRM demand functions. We initially
structed measures from other sources, but
they are measured at a higher level of aggre-
gation (e.g., by three-digit industry). The 28 We explored several alternative specifications and

positive aspect is that these control variables conducted a number of robustness checks (reported in
are less likely to be endogenously related to Miller 2008). We re-estimated the equations using quan-
the firm’s HRM expenditures; the negative tile regression, for example, to determine whether the
size of the coefficients varies over the interval range of
aspect is greater measurement error. Evi- the independent variables (for example, if the “threat
dently, there are also other independent effect” of unions on HRM expenditure is not linear
variables that one could well think should across different levels of union density). We found little
also go in the estimated HRM demand func- variation. We also tested for division bias (potentially
introduced when HRM expenditure is deflated by em-
tion; our problem is that they are not ployment given that employment is also an indepen-
attainable from the BNA data set and are dif- dent variable) by re-estimating the equations with HRM
ficult to acquire elsewhere. A longitudinal expenditure as the dependent variable and employment
size (ES) and ES-squared as independent variables. The
number of statistically significant independent vari-
ables is identical both ways. We also tested for simulta-
27 Another large problem in the standard HRM-firm neity between employment and HRM expenditure,
performance regression model is that effectiveness of since in equation (4) the firm is assumed to solve for
HRM implementation is a significant but largely unob- both together. To do so, we re-estimated the equations
servable variable intervening between practices and using two-stage least squares and instrumented the
performance. Since our model explains HRM expendi- firm’s employment level using the state/industry level
ture, not firm performance, the issue of effectiveness of employment. The results did not change. Finally, we
(or management quality) does not affect the estimated also included regional dummies, but these had no dis-
cause-effect relationships. cernible effect.
548 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Table 2. Summary Statistics

Dependent Variable Mean Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum
Total Per Capita HRM Expenditure 1321.37 1217.45 36.00 7392.00
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Recruitment 204.19 264.04 3.93 1840.00
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Training 157.73 210.64 1.20 1629.34
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Compensation 340.97 512.94 1.80 4435.20
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Benefits Admin. 205.30 277.79 2.00 2179.20
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Employee Rels. 117.04 155.64 0.40 1272.25
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on External Rels. 48.93 75.23 0.36 693.00
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Personnel Mgt. 68.05 99.01 0.36 1017.80
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Health & Safety 86.89 134.59 0.40 1055.00
Per Capita HRM Expenditure on Strategic Plan. 72.33 118.46 1.59 819.65

Independent Variable Mean Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum

Full-time employees (log) 6.74 1.58 3.78 13.82
Annual earnings or “wage” (log) 10.49 1.35 4.47 15.20
Non-labor operating costs per worker (log) 9.41 2.45 1.35 15.49
Non-profit private sector organization
(dummy variable 5 1) [for-profit sector 5 omitted group] 0.04 0.19 0.00 1.00
Government/public sector organization
(dummy variable 5 1) [for-profit sector 5 omitted group] 0.35 0.48 0.00 1.00
Service/non-manufacturing industry
(dummy variable 5 1) [goods producing 5 omitted group] 0.39 0.49 0.00 1.00
HR Department has partial influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence on
strategy 5 omitted group] 0.22 0.42 0.00 1.00
HR Department has substantial influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence on
strategy 5 omitted group] 0.37 0.48 0.00 1.00
HR Department has high influence on strategy
(dummy variable 5 1) [Low or Zero influence on
strategy 5 omitted group] 0.30 0.46 0.00 1.00
HR department in central corporate office
(dummy variable 5 1) 0.31 0.14 0.00 1.00
Firm’s strategic focus is on employee satisfaction
and morale (dummy variable 5 1) 0.35 0.48 0.00 1.00
Unionized percent of workforce, by industry 10.02 18.95 0.00 65.00
Female percent of workforce, by industry and state 51.25 17.67 0.54 82.20
Non-white percent of workforce, by industry and state 33.35 9.56 14.50 99.32
Bachelors degree percent of workforce, by industry 19.01 9.19 8.00 33.00
White collar percent of workforce, by industry 62.73 21.46 10.92 99.27
Unemployment rate by state/industry, by industry and state 5.06 1.03 2.70 10.40
Cyclical Instability of Employment (log of coefficient of
variation employment, 1991–2005), by industry and state 2.16 0.50 4.47 1.62
Separation rate per 100, by industry 37.35 17.65 15.20 75.50

included a dummy variable in the equations p-values reported in the last row of Table 3.
to separate the observations obtained from, This implies that the estimated demand
respectively, the years 2004 and 2005, but it functions have explanatory power. In addi-
was statistically insignificant and we there- tion, a standard Chow test reveals that the
fore dropped it. coefficient values on the independent vari-
All ten regression equations are statisti- ables are statistically different for seven of
cally significant from zero, indicated by the the nine HRM sub-function regressions. This
Table 3. Results of OLS Specifications
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Total Benefits Employee External Personnel Health and Strategic
COEFFICIENT Expenditure Recruitment Training Compensation Admin. Relations Relations Mgt. Safety Planning
Log of 20.31*** 20.218*** 20.307*** 20.360*** 20.314*** 20.302*** 20.304*** 20.341*** 20.320*** 20.259***
Employment (0.03) (0.0404) (0.0340) (0.0459) (0.0360) (0.0423) (0.0517) (0.0424) (0.0465) (0.0453)
Log of Wage 0.18*** 0.259*** 0.221*** 0.161*** 0.223*** 0.242*** 0.254*** 0.168*** 0.234*** 0.271***
(0.03) (0.0552) (0.0467) (0.0616) (0.0478) (0.0579) (0.0766) (0.0554) (0.0676) (0.0608)
Log of Non-Labor 0.07*** 0.0533* 0.0782*** 0.0715** 0.0472* 0.0864*** 0.0621 0.0585* 0.0938*** 0.0238
Operating Costs (0.02) (0.0303) (0.0249) (0.0344) (0.0270) (0.0314) (0.0378) (0.0303) (0.0351) (0.0324)
Non-profit Sector 20.29 0.747* 0.0116 20.842* 20.561 0.631 0.379 0.562 0.303 0.758
(0.27) (0.427) (0.353) (0.502) (0.395) (0.423) (0.581) (0.451) (0.566) (0.506)
Government Sector 20.35* 0.0700 0.0542 20.129 20.368 20.203 0.0459 20.191 20.316 0.0849
(0.19) (0.291) (0.246) (0.334) (0.260) (0.300) (0.383) (0.296) (0.342) (0.340)
Service Sector 20.44** 20.0600 20.329 20.960*** 20.732*** 0.0136 0.0342 20.0840 0.0317 20.0636
(0.19) (0.289) (0.248) (0.336) (0.258) (0.302) (0.357) (0.298) (0.351) (0.319)
Partial HR Strategic 0.16 0.0875 0.0173 0.0139 0.0526 0.527** 0.0844 0.197 0.0805 0.147
Role (0.15) (0.228) (0.192) (0.268) (0.208) (0.245) (0.300) (0.239) (0.288) (0.281)
Substantial HR 0.21 0.0123 0.0732 0.0739 0.0149 0.389* 0.00225 0.155 20.109 0.331
Strategic Role (0.14) (0.216) (0.184) (0.254) (0.199) (0.233) (0.275) (0.227) (0.283) (0.270)
High HR Strategic 0.14 0.141 0.170 20.157 20.205 0.492** 0.110 0.201 20.0688 0.326

Role (0.14) (0.219) (0.185) (0.257) (0.200) (0.233) (0.278) (0.228) (0.276) (0.268)
Corporate Level 20.03 20.000213 20.130 20.200 0.330** 20.144 20.315 20.00609 20.290 20.196
HR Function (0.10) (0.157) (0.131) (0.183) (0.143) (0.160) (0.193) (0.170) (0.185) (0.177)
Moral/Satisfaction 0.22*** 0.429*** 1.419*** 20.400*** 0.0568 0.298** 20.0217 0.224* 0.171 0.221
Focus (0.08) (0.128) (0.106) (0.148) (0.116) (0.132) (0.165) (0.135) (0.153) (0.145)

Table 3. Results of OLS Specifications Continued

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Total Benefits Employee External Personnel Health and Strategic
COEFFICIENT Expenditure Recruitment Training Compensation Admin. Relations Relations Mgt. Safety Planning
Percent Unionized 20.00 20.00274 0.000799 20.00212 0.00499 0.00139 20.000134 0.00110 0.00438 20.00388
(0.00) (0.00356) (0.00299) (0.00400) (0.00307) (0.00365) (0.00459) (0.00370) (0.00404) (0.00441)
Percent Women 0.01** 0.00770 0.00230 0.000866 0.0113* 0.00345 0.00365 20.000674 0.000510 20.00308
(0.00) (0.00678) (0.00573) (0.00778) (0.00606) (0.00698) (0.00925) (0.00707) (0.00806) (0.00769)
Percent Minority 0.00 20.00122 0.00286 0.00982 0.00350 0.00266 20.00619 20.00349 20.00674 0.00332
(0.01) (0.00878) (0.00722) (0.00994) (0.00775) (0.00894) (0.0142) (0.00887) (0.00955) (0.00988)
Percent College 2.73* 22.140 2.051 9.221*** 4.287** 22.281 4.075 20.154 0.196 0.161
(1.43) (2.239) (1.878) (2.589) (2.001) (2.391) (2.932) (2.382) (2.694) (2.573)
Percent White 0.00 0.0117** 0.00173 0.00192 0.00590 0.00510 20.0128 0.00189 20.00622 0.00213
Collar (0.00) (0.00525) (0.00434) (0.00604) (0.00471) (0.00534) (0.00792) (0.00548) (0.00609) (0.00575)
Unemployment 20.03 0.0171 20.0374 20.0298 20.0697 0.00233 20.0585 20.0304 20.0597 0.0272
(0.04) (0.0581) (0.0477) (0.0664) (0.0516) (0.0608) (0.0739) (0.0582) (0.0660) (0.0657)
Log of Coef. of Var. 20.17 20.0493 20.170 20.253 20.270* 0.0102 20.204 20.0499 20.0539 0.00395
in Employment (0.11) (0.176) (0.144) (0.208) (0.156) (0.204) (0.295) (0.198) (0.259) (0.266)
Log of Rate of 0.28** 0.352* 0.298* 0.756*** 0.678*** 20.0143 0.304 20.148 20.0996 20.000527
Separations (0.14) (0.208) (0.176) (0.246) (0.188) (0.220) (0.295) (0.227) (0.269) (0.259)
R2 0.476 0.302 0.568 0.335 0.395 0.364 0.431 0.321 0.356 0.323
Industrial and Labor Relations Review

F-Statistic 16.38 7.21 20.55 8.18 10.68 8.30 5.91 6.42 6.31 5.24
Observations 381 354 333 346 348 311 177 293 249 241
Robust standard errors in parentheses
*Statistically significant at the .10 level; **at the .05 level; ***at the .01 level.

indicates that the shift factors of HRM de- capital and other non-labor inputs find it ad-
mand have a different size of quantitative ef- vantageous to “leverage” or “safeguard” this
fect across sub-functional areas. investment by also investing extra in HRM in
Column (1) of Table 3 shows that nine of order to have a high-productivity and high-
the nineteen independent variables have sta- morale work force (the direct and indirect
tistically significant (p  .10 or lower) regres- HRM effects).
sion coefficients. Two of these variables—the A particular virtue of the BNA survey is
log of employment and the log of average that it contains three questions that bear
annual worker earnings (a proxy for the on the strategic orientation and involvement
wage)—are found to be statistically signifi- of the company’s HR function. The first
cant in all ten of the model specifications. strategy-related question in the survey con-
Employment, as measured by the average cerns the level of strategic involvement of the
number of fulltime employees, has a nega- HRM function, with five answers ranging
tive relationship with the firms’ expenditures from “no involvement” to “high involve-
on HRM practices. The estimated coefficient ment.” Following SHRM theory, we hypoth-
indicates that a 1% increase in the size of a esize that a firm with an HR function that is
firm’s work force is associated with an ap- more strategically involved makes greater
proximate 0.3% decrease (on average) in per per capita HRM expenditures, particularly
capita HRM expenditures. The marginal ef- in those firms that cite a high level of involve-
fect is similar across all nine sub-functions. ment. This idea is captured by the three
We interpret this finding to indicate that dummy variables that represent, respectively,
firms realize scale economies (decreasing “partial,” “substantial,” and “high” involve-
unit costs) in provision of aggregate and in- ment of the HRM function. However, con-
dividual HRM services. trary to expectations, but congruent with the
The second variable that is statistically sig- empirical findings in a number of other
nificant in all ten equations is annual studies (discussed in Becker and Huselid
employee earnings, that is, annual compen- 2006), this variable at all levels of involve-
sation per employee (the firm’s total annual ment is statistically insignificant across nine
payroll divided by employment). The esti- of the ten equations (the exception is em-
mated coefficients are positive in all equa- ployee relations). One inference is that HRM
tions, indicating that firms paying higher strategy has no discernible effect on total per
annual earnings also provide more HRM capita HRM expenditure, counter to the
services, other things being equal. We inter- predictions of most SHRM contingency
pret this finding to indicate that the level of models. A second possibility is that HRM
compensation is a complement with other as- strategy affects HRM expenditure but that
pects of HRM expenditure, suggesting that variation in HRM strategy is itself largely cap-
firms with an HRM-intensive employment tured by variation in the other independent
system (such as an HPWS) also provide variables, suggesting that strategy is not a
higher pay to create synergy and other pro- true independent variable but more of an
ductivity advantages. intervening variable, itself explained by vari-
The next variable represents the capital ous variables external and internal to firms
intensity of the firms’ production process, (Kaufman 2010d). The fact that the em-
measured by the non-labor operating costs ployee relations sub-function equation is the
of the firm per employee (i.e., the capital/ only one with a significant positive sign
labor ratio). The coefficients are positive in raises the interesting possibility that em-
all equations and statistically significant in ployee relations, among all HRM functional
all but two. This finding indicates that firms practice areas, is the one most at the center
with more capital-intensive production pro- of SHRM (suggesting, in turn, the strategic
cesses utilize, other things being equal, a importance of fairness and the indirect
greater amount of HRM services per capita. effect).
This result may be interpreted as revealing The second strategy-related question con-
that those firms spending large amounts on cerns the reporting level of the chief HRM
552 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

executive. We hypothesize that per capita show discernible variation with respect to
HRM expenditures are higher in firms whose union status.30 One could well expect that
HRM executive reports directly to the CEO, for the Employee Relations and Safety and
rather than, say, a vice-president of finance, Health sub-functions this variable would be
on the presumption that this indicates that positive, which it is in both cases, but not sig-
employees are a larger strategic concern. nificantly so.
This variable is also not statistically different The survey also categorized firms into
from zero, with the exception of the benefits different broad industries/sectors: manu-
administration equation. Again, therefore, facturing, non-manufacturing or service,
strategy—or at least these measures—seems government, and non-profit. We treated
not related to HRM expenditures across manufacturing as the excluded category and
firms. created dummy variables for the other three.
The third strategy-related question con- In the aggregate HRM equation, per capita
cerns the major performance criterion on HRM expenditures are lower in services (rel-
which the HRM function is evaluated. This ative to manufacturing) and, using a ten-
variable may also reflect the employee rela- percent significance test, also lower in the
tions philosophy of the firm and its top government sector but not in the non-profit
management. If the performance goal is sector. At the sub-function level, per capita
cost-containment, for example, we hypothe- expenditure on Compensation and Benefits
size that less is spent on per capita HRM Administration is lower in Service sector
whereas if it is employee morale and satisfac- firms and, for Compensation, also lower in
tion, then a larger amount is spent. To test non-profit firms (p  .10). Recruitment ex-
this, we enter a dummy variable for those penditure per employee is higher in non-
respondents who chose the criterion goal profit firms (p  .10), however.
“employee morale and satisfaction.”29 Our We also included a number of control
hypothesis is broadly supported. The perfor- variables assembled from other sources and
mance variable has statistical significance of matched them to the BNA data set through
varying degrees in six regressions, including either detailed industry or industry/state
the Total Expenditure equation. Interest- designations. These results must be viewed
ingly, the coefficient is negative and signifi- as suggestive, given the lack of firm-level
cant in the Compensation sub-function data. Of these variables, the one that showed
regression. This result may be a statistical the most frequent and statistically significant
quirk; alternatively, it is congruent with the relationship to HRM expenditures was the
prediction of satisfaction/hygiene theory employee turnover rate (separations per 100
that firms find non-wage measures to be a workers, by industry). It is positive and sig-
more effective means to boost morale and nificant in the aggregate regression and in
satisfaction. four of the sub-function regressions. This re-
The next variable drawn from the BNA sult is consistent with the hypothesis that
survey is the percentage of employees in the firms with a higher turnover rate spend more
reporting unit represented by a union. It is on HRM per capita, other things being
not statistically different from zero in all ten equal. We would particularly expect this rela-
regressions, indicating that in this data set tionship for the Recruitment sub-function,
per capita expenditure on HRM does not which is the case (for p  .10).
A related variable included to capture cy-
clical volatility in production and sales over
29 The question in the BNA survey allows respondents to time is the log of the coefficient of variation
circle two of the five possible answers; thus using a set of in industry employment (from 1991–2005).
(say) four categorical dummy variables is precluded
since some observations take more than one value. The
results for all three strategy variables are problematic to 30 We reran the regressions but omitted the industry

the extent that the firm’s HRM expenditure level influ- dummies and also interacted the union and industry
enced the survey respondent’s choice in answering the variables, but in neither case found a statistically signifi-
firm’s strategic involvement level. cant effect.

A plausible hypothesis is that industries with tion as a center of research attention and
unstable sales and production would have then develops a formal model capable of ex-
less developed internal labor markets and plaining this distribution. The model treats
therefore less formal and extensive HRM HRM as a factor input into production and
programs and expenditures. These indus- suggests that firm-level differences in the
tries might, however, need to spend more on marginal revenues and costs of HRM prac-
HRM for recruitment and training. None of tices lead to systematic differences in HRM
the estimated coefficients are statistically sig- adoption and expenditure. The transmis-
nificant, with the exception of Benefits Ad- sion mechanism (black box) between HRM
ministration (p  .10). The unemployment and firm performance is also modeled, with
rate, measured at the state/industry level, direct and indirect effects distinguished. We
also has no discernible effect. developed these insights formally in terms of
The aggregate regression reveals that an HRM demand curve and HRM input de-
firms in industries with a greater proportion mand function. None of these concepts and
of female employees and employees with a ideas has heretofore been formally pre-
college education also have a higher per sented by other researchers in the manage-
capita HRM expenditure, although the coef- ment or economics of personnel literatures.
ficient for college education is only weakly On the empirical side, this paper offers a
significant and the result for proportion fe- new HRM estimating equation—the HRM
male is counter to our hypothesis. The latter demand function—that expressly makes
may reflect measurement error. Few signifi- choice of HRM practices (and expenditures)
cant effects, however, are found in the sub- the dependent variable. It is the first major
function regressions. The proportion of the alternative to the Huselid-type regression
workforce composed of white-collar employ- model that has for the past fifteen years
ees also has no detectable influence, except dominated HRM empirical research. Fur-
for the Recruitment function. ther, we offer substantive reasons why the
conventional HRM–firm performance re-
Conclusion gression model, and the hypothesized
“more HRM → higher performance” predic-
In a survey of HRM research written more tion, are subject to potentially serious mis-
than a decade ago, Guest (1997: 263) argued specification. Finally, we also obtain a unique
that the field still required “a theory about data source on HRM practice expenditures
HRM, a theory about performance and a at several hundred American companies and
theory about how they are linked.” We do use it to estimate an HRM input demand
not claim to have provided complete answers function. The regression results demonstrate
to these three theoretical challenges; we do that firms’ demand for HRM is indeed sys-
claim, however, to have revealed serious tematically linked to a variety of economic,
weaknesses in the answers provided by technological, organizational, and manage-
SHRM researchers and to have advanced an ment characteristics. Examples include firm
innovative economics-based model that size, level of wages, female proportion of the
yields new tools and insights for advancing workforce, industrial sector, and HRM per-
this research program. The theory and em- formance goal. These results, in turn, help
pirical strategy have admitted limitations explain the position of firms in the HRM fre-
and the model may seem too simplistic or quency distribution and the shape of this
rationally calculative to many SHRM re- distribution.
searchers; nonetheless, we believe these Our hope is that both the theoretical
shortcomings are more than outweighed by and empirical innovations open a new door
the greater generality of the approach, wide for fruitful work in modern HRM and ex-
range of behavior explained, and numerous pand the dialogue between HRM research-
hypotheses generated. ers in economics and management. We
With regard to theory, the paper presents hope the economics portion of the paper
the notion of an HRM frequency distribu- brings to management researchers greater
554 Industrial and Labor Relations Review

appreciation for the fruitfulness of formal and causes of potentially large sources of
economic models, important economic con- market failure and disequilibrium. The pur-
cepts such as equilibrium and competition, pose of industrial relations is to bridge and
and the general economic way of thinking. integrate these disparate viewpoints and, in
Similarly, we hope our in-depth presentation the process, meld theories of markets and
of SHRM theory and empirical work moti- theories of organizations into a whole that is
vates economists to give more consideration greater than the sum of the parts. We hope
to this extensive literature, a richer model of to have modestly pushed forward this proj-
firms and management, the human and dis- ect and, in so doing, leave the HRM field
cretionary aspects of labor, and the existence stronger than when we arrived.


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