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2 Boranija / String beans 41 Impresum:

Preface 3 Romska čorbica / Roma soup 43
Uvod 4 Čorba sa valjušcima / Broth with dumplings 44 Izdavač
Introduction 5 Romska čorba / Roma broth 44 Novosadski humanitarni centar
Pogača 7 Čorba / Broth 45
Pogača sa mašću/ Pogača with fat 7 Kajgana / Scrambled eggs 46 Adresa izdavača:
Medene pogačice / Honey cookies 8 Okolo sela / Around the village 46 Arse Teodorovića 3
Amper supa /Amper soup 9 Testo sa krompirom / Novi Sad, Srbija
Pempeš 10 Dumplings with potatoes 46 Tel/Fax: +381 21 422 969, 423 021, 423 024
Đuveć-Sataraš / Vegetable stew 10 Paprikaš / Stew 47
Riblji paprikaš / Fish stew 12 Crveni krompir (papula) /
Musaka od makarona / Macaroni mussaka 14 Red potato (mashed) 48
Đuveč bez mesa / Stew without meat 14 Romski bećar /
Janija (jelo od luka i mesa) / Roma vegetable stew 48
(meal made of onion and meat) 15 Riba / Fish 49 Za izdavača:
Pogača 16 Beli pasulj sa valjuškicama / Perica Mandić
Pogača od kukuruznog brašna / White beans with dumplings 49 Marizela Balog
Pogača from corn flour 16 Braonski pasulj / Brown beans 50
Ljuto jelo / Spicy dish 17 Podvarak 51 Brošuru pripremile:
Meso ispod sača / Meat under sač 18 Beli sos / White sauce 51 Biljana Rašković Živković
Tatlija 18 Cicvara 52 Danijela Korać Mandić
Felija 19 Popara 52 Mira Novaković Ilin
Zemičke / Buns 20 Cicvara od kukuruznog brašna /
Recept Hasibe Murina 21 Cicvara from corn flour 53 Fotografije:
Hasiba Murina’s recipe 21 Uštipci 53 Biljana Rašković Živković
Pita sa sirom / Gibanica 21 Gomboce - knedle sa pekmezom /
Kol pita / Kol pie 22 Gomboce – dumplings with jam 54 Prevod na engleski:
Recept Nadire Sapi 23 Kolač sa makom / Poppy seed cake 55 Nina Pupovac
Nadira Sapi ’s recipe 23 Slana pogača / Savory pogača 55
Mućenica 23 Kolač sa jabukama / Apple cake 56 Dizajn i priprema za štampu:
Sutlijaš / Rice pudding 24 Uskršnji kolač / Easter cake 56 Predrag Nikolić
Kačamak 24 Crna torta / Black cake 57
Maćanica - jelo od suvih paprika / Masna pogača / Greasy pogača 58 Štampa:
dish with dry peppers 25 Pita sa bundevom / Pumpkin pie 59 Repro print
Tava s mesom / Casserole with meat 26 Ciganska pogača / Gipsy pogača 59
Slatki kupus / Sweet cabbage 27 Proja / Corn bread 60 Novembar, 2009.
Suva pogača / Dry pogača 29 Čorba (Loli zumi) / Broth (Loli zumi) 62
Kisela pogača / Sour pogača 29 Rezanci ’’ispod palca’’ (Talo palco) / Tiraž: 300
Sladak kupus - Gugle šah / Soup noodles ’’under the thumb’’ 62
Sweet cabbage - Gugle šah 30 Paradajz čorba (Patlidžanošći zumi) / CIP- Каталогизација у публикацији
Slatki kupus - Gugle šah II / Tomato broth (Patlidžanošći zumi) 63 Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад.
Sweet cabbage - Gugle šah II 31 Svečana supa / Festive soup 63 641.56(=214.58)(083.12)
Ciganska sarma / Gipsy sarma 33 Krompir paprikaš / Potato stew 65
Crveno testo sa krompirom (Šuko humer) / Paprikaš / Stew 65 ROMSKI kuvar = Roma cookbook/ [pripremile Biljana Rašković Živković, Danijela
Red pasta with potatoes (Šuko humer) 36 Faširke 66 Korać Mandić, Mira Novaković Ilin; fotografije Biljana Rašković Živković; prevod na
Mekike (Štipalke) 37 Štipalke 66 engleski Nina Pupovac].- Novi Sad: Novosadski humanitarni centar,
Česnica božićna / Držale štipalke 67 2009 ( Novi Sad: Repro print).- 72 str.: ilustr.; 21 cm
Česnica (Christmas cake) 38 Lisnata pogača / Flaky pogača 68 Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. – Tiraž 300.
Pečurka paprikaš / Mushroom stew 39 Popara 69
Slavska pečenica - ćuran / Mamaljuga 70 ISBN 978-86-85715-22-8
Slava roast - turkey 40 Mačho- riba 70 а) Куварски рецепти, ромски
Plečinte 41 Cigansko pečenje / Gipsy roast 71 COBISS.SR-ID 246648327

Romski kuvar koji se nalazi pred vama nastao je u okviru projekta ”Inkluzija starih Roma cookbok before you arose as a part of the “Inclusion of Roma Elders through
Roma kroz socijalnu interakciju” (IRESI), kojeg od 1. januara 2009. godine realizuje Social Integration” project (IRESI), which has been conducted since January 1, 2009
Novosadski humanitarni centar (NSHC) uz podršku Međunarodne organizacije za by Novi Sad Humanitarian Center (NSHC), with the support of the International
migracije (IOM), sredstvima Nemačke fondacije ”Sećanje, odgovornost i budućnost”. Organization for Migration (IOM), and funds provided by the German Foundation
Projekat se realizuje kao nastavak Projekta humanitarne pomoći starim Romima, sa ciljem “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”.
da doprinese uključivanju starih Roma u društvo, kroz aktivnosti socijalne interakcije
kako između romske, tako i između romske i neromske populacije. Projekat se realizuje u The project is being realized as a continuation of the Roma Humanitarian Assistance
sledećim opštinama i mestima: Beočin, Sombor (Bački Monoštor), Vršac, Žitište (Torak) Project, and its aim is to facilitate the inclusion of Roma elders into society by organizing
i Bačka Palanka (Tovariševo). U klubovima se stari Romi druže i organizuju druženja social interaction activities among Roma people, as well as between Roma and non-
sa neromskom populacijom i sa mladima, gledaju televiziju, igraju šah, domine i karte, Roma citizens. The project is being conducted in the following municipalities and
štrikaju, heklaju. Takođe, u klubovima se obeležavaju važni datumi: verski i nacionalni places: Beočin, Sombor (Bački Monoštor), Vršac, Žitište (Torak) and Bačka Palanka
praznici, Svetski dan Roma, Međunarodni dan starih, Đurđevdan i sl. Korisnici idu i (Tovariševo). There are clubs where the elderly Roma socialize both among each
na izlete i posećuju kulturno-istorijske spomenike, druge klubove, idu u prirodu i sl. other and with the non-Roma population and the young. They also watch television,
play chess, dominoes, card games; they knit, crochet. Furthermore, important dates
Kroz realizaciju svakodnevnih aktivnosti i organizovanje socijalnih događaja, imali smo are celebrated in the club: religious and national holidays, World Roma Day, World
priliku da se uverimo u veliki značaj koji stari Romi pridaju spremanju tradicionalnih Elder’s Day, St George’s Day, and the like. The beneficiaries go to outings and visit
2 romskih jela. Kako bi se očuvala ova tradicija u romskoj zajednici, i kako bi se podelila cultural and historic monuments, they visit other clubs, go to the nature, and similar. 3
sa drugima, došli smo na ideju da na jednom mestu sakupimo deo recepata za jela koja
se najčešće spremaju u romskoj kuhinji. Namera nam je da ih na taj način sačuvamo Through the realization of everyday activities and organization of social events, we
od zaborava i da doprinesemo promociji romske kulture. had the chance to witness the great importance that Roma people attach to making
Romi su najstariji živi narod na svetu. Poreklom iz Indije, Romi su već hiljadu godina traditional Roma dishes. In order to preserve this tradition within the Roma community
u izgnanstvu i njihov život, kultura i tradicija se izučavaju uzimajući u obzir i prostore and share it with others, we got an idea to gather in one place a part of the recipes for
na kojima trenutno borave, i kulturu u koju su se asimilovali. U ovom kuvaru nalaze se most frequent dishes in Roma cuisine. Our intention is to save them from oblivion in
recepti sa područja Vojvodine, i to iz Sombora (Bačkog Monoštora), Subotice, Beočina, that way and to contribute to the promotion of Roma culture.
Bačke Palanke (Tovariševa), Novog Sada, Žablja i Stare Pazove.
Roma people are the oldest living ethnic group in the world. Originally from India,
U prikupljanju recepata pomogli su nam članovi klubova za stare Rome u Beočinu, the Roma have been in exile for a thousand years, and their life, culture, and tradition
Bačkom Monoštoru i Tovariševu, saradnici NSHC-a i poznavaoci romske kulture i are researched taking into consideration the areas they currently reside in, and the
tradicije: Angelina Vukelić, Jelena Jovanović, Verica Dukić, Šeća Kolompar, Marizela culture they assimilated to. This cookbook comprises recipes from the territory of
Balog, i aktivisti udruženja građana Mladi istraživači Romi. Ovom prilikom želimo Vojvodina, i.e. from Sombor (Bački Monoštor), Subotica, Beočin, Bačka Palanka
da im se zahvalimo, a takođe i vrednim Romkinjama koje su podelile sa nama svoja (Tovariševo), Novi Sad, Žabalj and Stara Pazova.
znanja i iskustva o zaboravljenim tehnikama kuvanja i spremanju tradicionalnih
romskih jela. While collecting the recipes, we had help from the members of the Clubs for elderly
Roma in Beočin, Bački Monoštor and Tovariševo, from the associates of NSHC, and
Novi Sad, novembar 2009. experts on Roma culture and tradition: Angelina Vukelić, Jelena Jovanović, Verica
Dukić, Šeća Kolompar, Marizela Balog, as well as from the activists of the Citizens
Association “Young Roma Researchers”. We’d like to use this opportunity to thank
them, as well as to thank the hard-working Roma women who shared with us their
knowledge and experiences on the forgotten techniques of cooking and making
traditional Roma dishes.

In Novi Sad, November 2009.

Postoji malo pisanih tragova o važnim istorijskim dešavanjima i migracijama romskog There are few written traces of the important historic events and migrations of Roma
naroda, a pogotovu o temama kao što su ishrana, svakodnevni život i običaji. Romi people, especially on the topics of nutrition, everyday life and customs. For centuries,
su se vekovima hranili kao nomadi, koristeći namirnice podneblja u kome su se the Roma have been eating like nomads, using the food from the areas they happen
zatekli i prihvatajući običaje naroda kome su se pridružili. Stalna lutanja su uslovila to be in, and adopting the customs of the groups they joined. Constant wandering
upotrebu najjednostavnijih predmeta i tehnika za pripremanje i obradu namirnica. brought about the use of the simplest objects and techniques in preparation of food.
Vrlo često za pripremu obroka bila je dovoljna jedna posuda, plitak pleh, sač i vatra Quite often, the preparation of a meal required only one dish, a shallow pan, sač and
na otvorenom prostoru. a fire in the open air.

U razgovoru sa starijim romskim generacijama, dobili smo podatke da je u njihovoj Throughout the conversations with older Roma generations, we received the information
svakodnevnoj ishrani preovladavala kaša od različitih zeljastih biljaka koje su sakupljali that their everyday diet used to be abundant in porridge made of various greenish
(kopriva, štir, zelje, loboda), zgusnuta sa kukuruznim brašnom i proizvodima od vegetables they gathered (nettle, pigweed, dock, orache), which was then thickened with
mleka. Meso se jelo samo za vreme praznika i specijalnih prilika. Ovako oskudan corn flour and dairy products. They had meat only at holidays and special occasions.
izbor hrane nije ostavljao mnogo prostora za pravljenje komplikovanih jela, pogotovu This scarce choice of food left little place for cooking complicated dishes, especially
što je svakodnevno trebalo nahraniti veliki broj članova porodice. since there were many members in the family that needed to be fed every day.

Romska jela su jednostavna, svedena, bez mnogo “ukrasa“ i sa malim brojem namirnica, Roma dishes are simple, reduced, without many “decorations“; they contain very few
4 načinjena najčešće u jednom postupku termičke obrade. Stare Romkinje nisu imale ingredients, and are usually made in one thermal procedure. The old Roma women 5
odgovarajuća posude, ali itekako su spretno mesile pogače, kuvale razna variva, meso, did not have the appropriate pots and pans, but nevertheless they skillfully kneaded
pripremale poslastice. Svu tu hranu su spremale sa puno ljubavi. pogača , cooked various vegetables and meat, and made sweets. They prepared all
that food with plenty of love.
Na oblikovanje, ili bolje reći razoblikovanje romske kuhinje, uticale su i lične prilike
života samih Roma. Siromaštvo, nomadski život ili život u malim romskim naseljima, The form, or better said, the distortion of Roma cuisine was also influenced by the
gde se jedan uz drugi oslanjaju trošni kućerci od lošeg materijala, gde nema mesta za life circumstances of the Roma. There was poverty, nomadic lifestyle, or life in small
obrađivanje bašti ili uzgoj živine, takođe su diktirali kako će se oblikovati tradicionalna Roma settlements where little dilapidated houses built from poor material lean onto
romska kuhinja. each other, where there was no place for growing vegetables or raising cattle. All this
dictated the forming of traditional Roma cuisine.
I pored jednoličnosti i jednostavnosti, po rečima starijih generacija, bili su mnogo The older generations say that, in spite of monotony and simplicity, they used to be
zdraviji nego današnji naraštaji koji odrasta uz brzu hranu, bela testa i veliku količinu a lot healthier from the today’s generations who feed on fast food, white flour and
mesa. large quantities of meat.

Potrudićemo se da vam u nastavku ovog kuvara što autentičnije dočaramo ukus In this cookbook we will try to conjure up the taste of Roma dishes as authentically
romskih jela. as possible.
Recepti sa Pogača
Potrebni sastojci:

područja Bačkog ●● 1 kg brašna

●● so

Monoštora /
●● voda po potrebi
Brašno staviti u sud, dodati kašičicu soli i
sipati vode po potrebi. Sve to zamesiti i ostaviti

Recipes from the

da odstoji do pola sata. Testo se razvuče i stavi
da se peče u peći oko 45 minuta.

area of Bački “Ja sam bio u Nemačkoj, radio sam, tamo mi je jedan čovek rekao da
je probao pogaču i da dan danas nije zaboravio miris iz te peći i taj

poseban ukus.”

Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kg flour
Recepti iz Bačkog Monoštora prikupljeni su u Klubu za stare Rome, od korisnica ●● salt
koje su nam dale recepte za tradicionalna jela koja najčešće pripremaju u svojim ●● water (as needed)
6 domaćinstvima. Put the flour in a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt and pour water as needed. Mix together 7
to make dough, knead it, and then leave it to rise for no more than half an hour. Spread
Recipes from Bački Monoštor were collected in the Club for elderly Roma, from the the dough and bake it in the oven for about 45 minutes.
women beneficiaries who gave us recipes for the traditional meals they often cook
in their households. “I was in Germany, I worked there, a man there told me that he had
tried pogača and that even today he remembers the smell from that
oven and that unique taste.”
Recepti Katice Balog
Katica se od malih nogu bavi kulinarskim specijalitetima. Veliki je majstor za pogače Pogača sa mašću/ Pogača with fat
koje se peku u posebnim pećima, ručno pravljenim od pruća i blata. Ovo posebno
umeće bavljenja kulinarstvom Katica je učila od svojih tetki, baki, mame i bližnje Potrebni sastojci:
rodbine koja već vekovima bavi priprema ove specijalitete. ●● 500g masti
●● 1 kg brašna
Katica Balog’s recipes ●● kašičica soli
●● vode po potrebi
Katica has been making culinary specialties ever since she was a child. She is an Brašno staviti u sud, dodati so, sipati vodu i zamesiti. Testo mora da odstoji sat
expert in making pogača which is baked in special stoves, hand-made from sticks vremena. Nakon toga testo se razvuče po širini stola koliko je to moguće, što više,
and mud. Katica learned this specific culinary skill from her aunts, grandmothers, namaže se mašću i preklapa. Svaku stranu koja se preklapa treba namazati mašću.
her mother, and close relatives who have been making these specialties for centuries. Tako namazano i preklopljeno testo ostaviti da odstoji toliko da testo upije mast.
Pogaču treba staviti na deo papira i tako staviti u peć. Peče se oko 45 minuta.
Necessary ingredients:
●● 500g fat
●● 1 kg flour
●● teaspoon of salt Mix all the ingredients together and knead into a dough. If it is too hard, add a little
●● water (as needed) bit of water. Roll out the dough onto the table and cut out circular shapes with a small
Put the flour in a bowl, add salt and water, and glass, put them in a baking pan and bake them.
knead into dough. Leave it to rise for an hour.
After that, roll the dough out onto the surface Recepti Ane Balog
of the table, as wide as possible, then spread fat
over it and fold it. You should spread fat over Rođena je u u Sonti 1940. godine. Počela je da kuva još u detinjstvu, jer je bila najstarije
each folded side. Leave the dough to soak the fat dete u porodici, sa 4 brata i 2 sestre o kojima se brinula. Na taj način je vrlo rano
in. Put pogača on a piece of paper and put it in naučila da priprema svakodnevna tradicionalna jela. U sredini gde živi poznata je kao
the oven like that. Bake it for about 45 minutes. specijalista za pripremu pogača, gibanica, pogača sa mašću, raznih peciva i kolača.
Udala se u Bački Monoštor sa 16 godina, gde i danas živi i ima troje dece.

Recept Eve Forljič Ana Balog’s recipes

Baka Eva je od svoje prabake naučila da pravi ovu poslasticu. Kolačići mogu dugo da Born in Sonta in 1940. She started cooking when she was still a little girl, because
odstoje, jer što duže stoje, to su bolji i finijeg ukusa. she was the oldest child in the family. She had 4 brothers and 2 sisters to look after.
That is why she learned to make everyday traditional meals at a very young age. In
Eva Forljič’s recipe her neighborhood she is considered an expert for making gibanica, pogača, pogača
with fat, various bagels and buns. She got married at 16 into Bački Monoštor where
8 Grandma Eva learned how to make these sweets from her great-grandmother. Cookies she lives today and has three children. 9
can last for a long time because the older they get the better they taste.
Amper supa /Amper soup
Medene pogačice / Honey cookies Potrebni sastojci:
●● 1 supena kašika brašna
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 supena kašika masti
1 kg brašna ●● 1 glavica luka
400g masti ●● kašičica mlevene paprike
400g meda ●● vode po potrebi
200g šećera ●● 3 jaja
3 žumanca U šerpu staviti kašiku masti, dodati luk i brašno i pržiti. Kad je proprženo dodati
1 kašika sode bikarbone mlevenu papriku i malo vode, posoliti po želji. Kada se sve to prokuva, dodati 3
Sve sastojke dobro pomešati i izraditi rukama. Ako je testo tvrdo, potrebno je dodati umućena jajeta i ostaviti da se kuva oko 20 minuta.
malo vode. Masu razvaljati po stolu pa sa malom čašicom vaditi krugove, tako ih
slagati u tepsiju i peći. Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 tablespoon flour
Necessary ingredients: ●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● 1 kg flour ●● 1 onion
●● 400g fat ●● teaspoon ground red pepper
●● 400g honey ●● water (as needed)
●● 200g sugar ●● 3 eggs
●● 3 yolks Put a tablespoon of fat in a pot, add onion and flour and pan-fry it. When it is done,
●● 1 spoon sodium bicarbonate add ground red pepper and some water, and add salt according to your taste. After
you boil it a little, add 3 stirred eggs and let it boil for about 20 minutes.
Pempeš dve kašike masti. Kada luk omekša, potrebno je dodati iseckani paradajz i tada još
malo pustiti da prokuva, dok paradajz ne pusti sok. Ovo se jelo služi još i uz pečenu
Potrebni sastojci: ribu i pogaču.
1 supena kašika masti
4 do 5 supenih kašika brašna “Ej, a naše žene dobro spremaju hranu, gde  god da sam jeo -
1 supena kašika mlevene crvene paprike nigde kao naša jela.”
2dl vode
soli po ukusu Necessary ingredients:
Mast staviti da se stopi da se zagreje,staviti brašno da se prži uz neprestano mešati. ●● 500g onion
Dodati papriku i zaliti vodom,posoliti po ukusu.Mešati dok se nezgusne. ●● 5 green peppers
●● 3 big tomatoes
Necessary ingredients: ●● salt
●● 1 tablespoon fat ●● 2 tablespoons fat
●● 4 to 5 tablespoons flour Cut the onion and peppers into rings, place it in the pan, add salt, and let it fry on
●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper two tablespoons of fat. When the onion softens, add chopped tomatoes and boil until
●● 2dl water tomatoes let out their juice. This dish can be served with roast fish and pogača.
●● salt (as needed)
Melt the fat and heat it, add flour and fry it, stir continuously. Add red pepper and “Hey, what good meals our women cook, where ever I ate – it’s nowhere
water, and salt to your liking. Stir until it thickens. as good.”
10 11

Recepti Ilke Mišković Pileći paprikaš / Chicken stew

Potrebni sastojci:
Baka Ilka često pravi đuveč-sataraš i kaže da je sva jela učila da pravi još od malih ●● 500g krompira
nogu. Danas je ljudi zovu na razna veselja da ona, kao specijalni gost, skuva jela koje ●● 1 pile od 2kg
će okusiti nekoliko stotina ljudi. Ilka je stručan kulinar. ●● 5-6 glavica crnog luka
●● 1 supena kašika mlevene paprike
Ilka Mišković’s recipes ●● so
●● 2 paprike babure
Grandma Ilka often cooks vegetable stew and she says that she had learned to cook ●● voda
when she was still very young. Today people invite her to various celebrations as ●● mast
a special guest, where she cooks meals that hundreds of other guests are going to Luk sitno iseckati i staviti da se dinsta na laganoj vatri. Kada luk omekša, dodati
taste. Ilka is an expert cook. jednu supenu kašiku paprike i sve zajedno pomešati da se sjedini. Odmah nakon toga
dodati meso i krompir, sve dobro promešati, dodati 2 dl vode i sve zajedno dinstati.
Đuveć-Sataraš / Vegetable stew Kada voda krene sa isparavanjem dodati još jedan litar. Posoliti po želji. Ovo jelo je
potrebno kuvati na laganoj vatri, oko 45 minuta. Uz pileći paprikaš se služi salata
Potrebni sastojci: od kupusa i pogača.
●● 500g crnog luka
●● 5 paprika babura Necessary ingredients:
●● 3 veća paradajza ●● 500g potatoes
●● So ●● 1 chicken 2kg heavy
●● 2 kašike masti ●● 5-6 onions
Iseckati luk i papriku na kolutiće, staviti u šerpu, posoliti i ostaviti da se dinsta sa ●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper
●● salt
●● 2 green peppers
●● water
Recepti sa
●● fat
Pan-fry finely chopped onion on low heat. When it softens, add 1 tablespoon of ground područja Beočina
/ Recipes from the
red pepper, mix it all together. Right after that, add meat and potatoes, stir it good, add
2 dl of water and fry it altogether. When the water begins evaporating, add another
liter. Add salt according to your taste. This meal needs to be cooked on low heat, for

area of Beočin
about 45 minutes. Serve it with cabbage salad and pogača.

Riblji paprikaš / Fish stew

Recepti iz Beočina su takođe skupljeni u Klubu za stare Rome. Osim starih Romkinja,
Potrebni sastojci: recepte su sa nama podelile i mlađe Romkinje koje su neka od tradicionalnih jela
●● 2 kg šarana naučile od svojih majki, baka ili svekrva.
●● 5-6 glavice luka
●● mlevena paprika Recipes from Beočin were also collected
●● paprika babura ili ljuta in the Club for elderly Roma. Aside from
●● so the old Roma women, some of the younger
●● voda women shared their recipes for making
12 Ribu iseći na komade i staviti u kotlić. Na to iseći luk i sipati vodu do polovine kotlića. traditional dishes that they learned 13
Posoliti po ukusu. Kada supa prokuva, dodati 2-3 kašike mlevene paprike i ostaviti da from their mothers, grandmothers and
se kuva oko 45 minuta. Služiti uz testo koje se mesi od jednog jajeta, brašna, soli i vode. mothers-in-law.

Necessary ingredients:
●● 2 kg carp
●● 5-6 onions
●● ground red pepper
●● green or hot peppers
●● salt
●● water
Chop the fish and put it in a big kettle. Add chopped onion and pour water until it
reaches mid-point of the kettle. Add salt according to your taste. When the soup boils,
add 2-3 tablespoons of ground red pepper and let it boil for about 45 minutes. Serve Recepti Drite Gudinci
with noodles made out of one egg, flour, salt and water.
Gudinci Drita je rođena 1967. godine u Zemunu. Završila je osnovnu školu, udata je
i majka troje dece, povremeno radno angažovana. Vrlo je aktivna u aktivu žena pri
klubu za stare Rome u Beočinu.

Drita Gudinci’s recipes

Gudinci Drita was born in 1967 in Zemun. She finished high school, she is married, with
three children, occasionally has a job. She is very active in the Women’s association
within the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin.
Musaka od makarona / Macaroni Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kg potatoes
mussaka ●● 1 cup rice
●● 5-6 onions
Potrebni sastojci: ●● Začin C
●● 1 kg makarona ●● 0,5 dl oil
●● 300g sitnog sira ●● salt
●● 5 jaja ●● black pepper
●● 2dl kisele pavlake ●● water
●● so Pan-fry onion on oil, then add potatoes and rice while adding hot water. Boil for 5
●● ulje minutes; add Začin C and black pepper. Bake it in the oven for about 30 minutes.
Makarone prokuvati u većoj količini uzavrele, osoljene i zauljene vode. Procediti ih
i staviti u podmazanu tepsiju, pa dodati sve ostale sastojke. Promešati i peći u rerni
oko 30 minuta na temperaturi od 200˚C.

Necessary ingredients: Janija (jelo od luka i mesa) / (meal made

●● 1 kg macaroni
●● 300g cottage cheese of onion and meat)
●● 5 eggs
14 ●● 2dl sour cream Potrebni sastojci: 15
●● salt ●● 1 kg crnog luka
●● oil ●● 1 kg junećeg mesa
Cook macaroni in a large quantity of boiling water with a bit of salt and oil. Strain ●● biljni začin
them and place them in an oiled baking pan and add all the other ingredients. Stir it ●● so
and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 200˚C. ●● biber
●● voda
U šerpu redati red crnog luka izrezanog na listiće, red mesa, pa red luka, i nastaviti
Đuveč bez mesa / Stew without tako sve dok se ne utroši celokupna masa. Jelu se dodaje po malo vrele vode i kuva se

jedan i po sat. Zatim se u jelo doda biljni začin, so i biber, prekrije se aluminijskom
folijom i zapeče u rerni oko 30 minuta.

Potrebni sastojci: Necessary ingredients:

●● 1 kg krompira ●● 1 kg onion
●● 1 šolja (za belu kafu) pirinča ●● 1 kg young beef
●● 5-6 glavica luka ●● Začin C
●● biljni začin ●● salt
●● 0,5 dl ulja ●● black pepper
●● so ●● water
●● biber Cut the onion into leaves. Put a layer of that on the bottom of the pot, then a layer of
●● voda meat, then again onion, and continue that until you spend the entire mass. Occasionally
Na ulju dinastati luk, zatim dodati krompir i pirinač uz dolivanje vrele vode. Kuvati add a little bit of hot water and cook for an hour and a half. Than add Začin C, salt
5 minuta i dodati biljni začin i biber. Jelo staviti rernu da se zapeče oko 30 minuta. and pepper, cover with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.
Recepti Naime Murina ●● 1 kašičica soli
Pomešati brašno sa svim navedenim sastojcima, ostaviti da odstoji 20-30 minuta i
Murina Naima je rođena 1935. godine u Kosovskoj Kamenici, majka je šestoro dece, izručiti u podmazanu tepsiju. Peći 50 minuta na temperaturi od 200˚C. Pečenu pogaču
nepismena, vrlo cenjena od svih članova Kluba starih Roma u Beočinu. izrezati na sitnije delove i preliti sa malo zagrejanog ulja.

Naima Murina’s recipes “Misliš ti da ovi Srbi ne bi jeli našu hranu, baš na taj način kako
spremamo, a tek pogača!...”
Murina Naima was born in 1935 in Kosovska Kamenica, mother of six, illiterate,
highly respected by all the members of the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin. Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kg corn flour
Pogača ●● a small packet of yeast
●● ½ liter water
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 cup oil
●● 1 kg brašna ●● 1 teaspoon salt
●● paketić kvasca Mix the flour with all the ingredients, leave it to rise for 20-30 minutes and place in
●● ½ litre vode an oiled baking pan. Bake for about 50 minutes on 200˚C. When pogača is done, cut
●● kašičica soli it into smaller chunks and pour a little bit of warm oil over it.
Pomešati brašno sa kvascem rastvorenim u maloj količini mlake vode sa dodatkom
jedne kašičice šećera, i sa svim ostalim navedenim sastojcima, pa ga dobro ga izmesiti. “You reckon these Serbs wouldn’t eat our food just the way we make it,
16 Ostaviti testo da naraste do duple veličine i razmesiti u pljosnate oblike veličine tepsije, not to mention pogača!...” 17
koju prethodno treba podmazati. Peče se na temperaturi od 200˚C oko 20-30 minuta.
Pogača priređena na ovaj način koristi se kao jelo među svim narodima ovoga podneblja.
Ljuto jelo / Spicy dish
Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kg flour Potrebni sastojci:
●● a small packet of yeast ●● 500 gr krompira
●● ½ liter water ●● 5-6 suvih, malo ljutih paprika
●● 1 teaspoon salt ●● biljni začin
Mix flour with yeast in a little bit of tepid water and 1 teaspoon of sugar, then add all ●● so
the other ingredients, and knead into dough. Leave it to rise until its size doubles, then ●● voda
roll it out flat into a shape of a baking pan. Oil the pan before you place the dough. Oljušten i usitnjen krompir staviti u manju količinu vode da se prokuva. U posebnoj
Heat the oven to 200˚C and bake for about 20-30 minutes. Pogača baked in this way posudi prokuvati suve paprike. Obaren krompir usitniti kao za pire, dodati prokuvanu
is used as a meal among all the people in this area. i usitnjenu papriku, po ukusu dodati soli, biljni začin i ulje i sve zajedno promešati.

Pogača od kukuruznog brašna / Necessary ingredients:

Pogača from corn flour

●● 500 g potatoes
●● 5-6 dry, slightly hot peppers
●● Začin C
Potrebni sastojci: ●● salt
●● 1 kg kukuruznog brašna ●● water
●● paketić kvasca Peel and dice the potatoes and cook them in some water. Boil dry peppers in a separate
●● pola litre vode pan. Mash the cooked potatoes, add boiled and chopped peppers, Začin C and oil, and
●● 1 šolja ulja mix it all together.
Recepti Vaske Morina ●● 1 kg šećera.
U dublju posudu staviti jogurt i sodu bikarbonu, 2 praška za pecivo, 4 kafene šolje
Morina Vaska je rođena 1945. godine u Kosovskoj Kamenici, majka četvoro dece, sa šećera, 4 čaše ulja i 2 kg brašna. Sve to zamesiti i oblikovati tatlije (veličine 7 sa 4
nepotpuno završenom osnovnom školom, redovno dolazi u klub za stare u Beočinu. cm, ovalnog oblika). Tatlije se ređaju u podmazanu tepsiju i peku oko pola sata, na
temperaturi od 180˚C. Kad se ispeku, zaliti ih sa pripremljenim šerbetom.
Vaska Morina’s recipes
Necessary ingredients:
Morina Vaska was born in 1945 in Kosovska Kamenica, mother of four, did not finish ●● 2 kg flour
elementary school, regularly visits the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin. ●● 2 packets baking powder
●● 4 glasses liquid yoghurt
Meso ispod sača / Meat under sač ●● A little bit of sodium bicarbonate
●● 4 coffee cups sugar
Potrebni sastojci: Necessary ingredients for sherbet:
●● 3 kg junećeg mesa ●● 1 l water
●● 500 gr crnog luka ●● 1 kg sugar
●● 4-5 kg krompira Get a deep bowl and mix yoghurt, sodium bicarbonate, 2 packets of baking powders,
●● ulje 4 coffee cups of sugar, 4 glasses of oil and 2 kg of flour. When the dough is smooth,
●● so make little oval shapes (7cm x 4cm). Line tatlijas in an oiled baking pan and bake for
●● voda about half an hour at 180 ˚C. When done, pour sherbet over them.
18 U sač ili plitku posudu staviti sve navedene namirnice, 19
sipati 1-2 dl vode i ulja, pokriti odgovarajućim Recept Ljutvije Jašaraj
poklopcem i kuvati na otvorenoj vatri oko 1,5 sat.
Jašaraj Ljutvija je rođena 1931. godine na Kosovu, u mestu Hogošte. Majka je sedmoro
Necessary ingredients: dece.
●● 3 kg young beef
●● 500 g onion
●● 4-5 kg potatoes Ljutvija Jašaraj’s recipe
●● oil
●● salt Jašaraj Ljutvija was born in 1931 on Kosovo, in Hogošte. Mother of seven.
●● water
Put all the ingredients in sač or in a shallow pan, pour 1-2 dl of water and oil, cover
with an appropriate lid and cook on open fire for about one hour and a half. Felija
Tatlija Potrebni sastojci:
●● 3 kg brašna
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1,5 l ulja
●● 2 kg brašna ●● mleko
●● 2 praška za pecivo Navedene namirnice se izmešaju i odstoje oko jedan čas. Dobijeno testo je vrlo slično
●● 4 čaše jogurta testu za palačinke. Velika plitka tepsija podmaže se sa uljem i u nju se razlije prva
●● malo sode bikarbone velika ’’palačinka’’, pa se preko toga stavi poklopac sa užarenom vatrom. Kada se prvi
●● 4 kafene šolje šećera sloj zapeče, stavlja se sledeći i tako sve dok se ne potroši celokupna masa. Između
Potrebni sastojci za šerbet: redova može se staviti malo jogurta sa uljem. Ovo je vrlo staro jelo koje zahteva
●● 1 l vode višečasovnu pripremu na otvorenoj vatri.
Necessary ingredients: ●● 0,5 litara mlake vode
●● 3 kg flour U brašno dodati kvasac, malo soli, nekoliko kašika ulja, te postepeno dodavati mlaku
●● 1,5 l oil vodu. Testo se dobro izmesi i ostavi da odstoji oko 30 minuta nakon čega se razmesi
●● milk u 10 loptica koje se stavljaju u podmazanu tepsiju, ostave da malo ’’krenu’’, a potom
Mix all the ingredients and leave it to rise for about an hour. The dough should be peku 20 minuta na temperaturi od 200˚C.
similar to pancake batter. Oil a big shallow baking pan and pour the first ”pancake”
in it, then cover with a lid with red-hot live coals on top. When the first layer is Necessary ingredients:
baked, pour the next one, until you spend the entire batter. You can put some liquid ●● 1 kg flour
yoghurt and oil between the layers. This is a very old dish that requires a few hours ●● 1 packet of yeast
of cooking on open fire. ●● salt
●● oil
●● 0,5 l tepid water
Into 1 kg of flour add yeast, a little bit of salt, a few tablespoons of oil, and gradually
pour tepid water. Knead into fine dough and leave it to rise for about 30 minutes.
Then divide it into 10 balls which you put on an oiled baking pan. Let it start rising
a bit, then bake for 20 minutes at 200˚C.

Recept Hasibe Murina

20 21
Murina Hasiba je rođena 1941. godine u Kosovskoj Kamenici, udovica, vrlo poštovana
od strane korisnika kluba starih Roma u Beočinu.

Hasiba Murina’s recipe

Murina Hasiba was born in 1941 in Kosovska Kamenica, a widow, highly respected
Recept Baramše Hasanović among the beneficiaries of Club for elderly Roma in Beočin.
Hasanović Baramša ima 38 godina. Završila je osnovnu školu, udata je i majka troje
dece. Vrlo je aktivna u udruženju žena pri klubu starih Roma u Beočinu.
Pita sa sirom / Gibanica
Baramša Hasanović’s recipe
Potrebni sastojci:
Hasanović Baramša is 38 years old. She finished elementary school, she is married, ●● 1 kg brašna
with three children. She is very active in the Women’s association within the Club ●● 400g sitnog sira
for elderly Roma in Beočin. ●● 2 jaja
●● nekoliko kašika ulja
Zemičke / Buns ●● so
●● voda
Potrebni sastojci: Umesiti mekano testo od brašna, soli i vode i razmesiti ga u 4 loptice koje je potrebno
●● 1 kg brašna premazati uljem i ostaviti da se „odmore“ oko 30 minuta. Testo tanko razvući i nadevati
●● 1 paketić kvasca nadevom pripremljenim od sira i jaja. Nadev posipati po razvučenim korama koje je
●● so potrebno poprskati sa malo ulja. Kore se zatim rolaju, stavljaju u podmazanu tepsiju
●● malo ulja i peku u rerni 30 minuta na temperaturi od 200˚C.
Necessary ingredients: ●● salt
●● 1 kg flour ●● water
●● 400g cottage cheese ●● ½ kg grated potatoes.
●● 2 eggs Knead a soft dough from flour, salt and water
●● a few tablespoons oil and divide it into 4 balls. Oil the balls and
●● salt leave them to “sit“ for about 30 minutes. Roll
●● water the dough out into thin layers, cover each
Knead a soft dough from flour, salt and water and layer with grated potatoes and sprinkle with
divide it into 4 balls. Oil them and leave them oil. Roll the layers up, place them in an oiled
to “sit“ for about 30 minutes. Roll the dough out baking pan and bake for 30 minutes at 200˚C.
thin, sprinkle each layer with oil and cover with
a mixture of cheese and eggs. Roll the layers,
place them in an oiled baking pan and bake for
30 minutes at 200˚C. Recept Nadire Sapi
Sapi Nadir je rođena 1939. na Kosovu, udata, majka šestoro dece i omiljena članica
Recept Sofije Gudinci kluba starih Roma u Beočinu.

Gudinci Sofija je rođena 1958. godine, udata, majka šestoro dece i vrlo aktivna u Nadira Sapi ’s recipe
22 udruženju žena kluba starih Roma u Beočinu. 23
Sapi Nadir was born in 1939 on Kosovo, she is married, mother of six and favorite
Sofija Gudinci’s recipe among the members of Club for elderly Roma in Beočin.

Gudinci Sofija was born in 1958, married, mother of six, and she is very active in the
Women’s association within the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin. Mućenica
Potrebni sastojci:
Kol pita / Kol pie ●● 12 l mleka
●● 1 l vode
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 2 čaše kiselog mleka
●● 1 kg brašna Za pripremu ovog jela potrebna je specijalna
●● nekoliko kašika ulja drvena posuda sa tučkom u kojoj se napitak muti.
●● so Navedene namirnice stavljaju se u posudu i
●● voda dugo udaraju, sve dok se ne izdvoji na površini
●● ½ kg naribanog krompira. maslac. Maslac se zajedno sa kajmakom pokupi,
Od brašna, vode i malo soli umesiti mekano testo, a potom napraviti 4 loptice koje se a u ostatak se doda još dve čaše kiselog mleka,
premažu uljem: loptice ostaviti da ’’odmore’’ oko pola sata, a zatim se tanko razvuku i promeša i rashladi. Ovo je vrlo ugodan i
pune nadevom pripremljenim od ribanog krompira. Naribani krompir u tankom sloju osvežavajući napitak.
posipa se po korama i prska se uljem, a zatim se kore urolaju i stavljaju u podmazanu
tepsiju da se peku oko 30 minuta na temperaturi od 200˚C. Necessary ingredients:
Necessary ingredients: ●● 12 l milk
●● 1 kg flour ●● 1 l water
●● a few tablespoons oil ●● 2 glasses sour milk
For the preparation of this beverage you need a special wooden mortar with a pestle. ●● 1 l vode
Put the ingredients into the pot and whip it until butter separates on the surface. ●● malo ulja
Take out the butter and the sour cream, and then add two more glasses of sour milk, ●● so
stir it and let it cool. This beverage is very pleasant and refreshing. U uzavrelu, posoljenu i malo pouljenu vodu zakuvati, dodavajući postepeno, pšenično
brašno. Brašno je potrebno dugo mešati i kuvati (oko 20 minuta) i pred kraj dodati
malu količinu zagrejanog ulja.
Recepti Čelebije Selimi
“Naša je kuhinja prehranila našu gladnu decu.”
Selimi Čelebija je rođena 1965. godine u Beočinu. Završila je osnovnu školu. Majka
je troje dece, povremeno radno angažovana, vrlo aktivna članica udruženja žena pri Necessary ingredients:
klubu starih Roma u Beočinu. ●● 500 g wheat flour
●● 1 l water
Čelebija Selimi ’s recipe ●● oil
●● salt
Selimi Čelebija was born in 1965. She finished elementary school. She is a mother or Put a little bit of salt and oil into water, bring it to a boil and gradually add wheat
three children, occasionally has a job, a very active member of the Women’s association flour. Cook it while stirring for about 20 minutes and at the end add a small amount
within the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin. of heated oil.

“Our hungry children got by on our cooking. “

24 Sutlijaš / Rice pudding 25

Potrebni sastojci: Maćanica - jelo od suvih paprika / dish

●● 400g pirinča with dry peppers
●● 1,5 l vode
●● 1 l mleka Potrebni sastojci:
●● 500 gr šećera ●● suve paprike
●● 2 vanilin šećera ●● ista količina praziluka
400g opranog pirinča sipa se u uzavrelu vodu i kuva oko 10 minuta. Potom se doda ●● malo ulja
1 l mleka, šećer i vanilin šećer i kuva dok pirinač ne bude mekan. ●● so
●● malo vode
Necessary ingredients: Suve paprike prokuvati, izvaditi i usitniti seckanjem.
●● 400g rice Tome dodati naseckani praziluk, malo posoliti i
●● 1,5 l water dodati nekoliko kapi ulja.
●● 1 l milk
●● 500 g sugar Necessary ingredients:
●● 2 vanilla sugar ●● dry peppers
Wash 400g of rice and pour into boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes. Then add ●● same amount of leek
1 l of milk, sugar and vanilla sugar and cook until the rice is soft. ●● some oil
●● salt
Kačamak ●● water
Boil dry peppers, take them out of the pot and
Potrebni sastojci: finely chop them. Add chopped leek, salt it and
●● 500 gr pšeničnog brašna sprinkle with a few drops of oil.
Recepti Mimedije Hrubik Slatki kupus / Sweet cabbage
Mimedija Hrubik rođena 1963. godine u Beočinu. Udata, majka troje dece, povremeno Potrebni sastojci:
radno aktivna i veoma angažovana u aktivu žena pri klubu za stare Rome u Beočinu. ●● 1 kg ovčetine
●● 1,5 glavica kupusa
Mimedija Hrubik’s recipes ●● 1 glavica crnog luka
●● biljni začin
Mimedija Hrubik was born in 1963 in Beočin. Married, mother of three, occasionally has ●● so
a job, very active in Women’s association within the Club for elderly Roma in Beočin. ●● biber
●● ulje
●● veza zeleni
Tava s mesom / Casserole with ●● 2 paprike babure

●● 2 paradajza.
Prodinstati luk na ulju uz dodatak biljnog začina, bibera i soli. U to dodati red mesa,
pa red kupusa, a između iseckanu zelen i narezan paradajz. Jelo naliti vodom i kuvati
Potrebni sastojci: 45 minuta. Nakon toga preliti sa zaprškom koja se pravi od 2 kašike brašna isprženog
●● 1 celo pile na malo ulja, uz dodatak bibera. Kuvati još 10-20 minuta.
●● 400g pirinča
●● 1 glavica luka Necessary ingredients:
26 ●● 0,5 dl ulja ●● 1 kg mutton 27
●● biljni začin ●● 1,5 cabbage
●● so ●● 1 onion
●● voda ●● Začin C
Pileće meso iseći na komade i prokuvati 20 minuta. Izvaditi meso iz posude u kojoj ●● salt
se kuvalo i staviti u podmazanu tepsiju, dodati izdinstani luk na ulju i oprani pirinač. ●● black pepper
Jelo zaliti supom u kojoj se kuvala piletina i dodati začine. Peći u rerni oko 30 minuta ●● oil
na temperaturi od 200˚C. ●● soup greens
●● 2 green peppers
Necessary ingredients: ●● 2 tomatoes
●● 1 chicken Stew onion on oil, add Začin C, salt and pepper. Add to that a layer of meat, then a layer
●● 400g rice of cabbage, and put finely chopped greens and sliced tomatoes in-between. Pour water
●● 1 onion over it and cook for 45 minutes. After that, in a separate pan, fry 2 tablespoons of flour
●● 0,5 dl oil on some oil, add pepper, and pour it over the cabbage. Cook for another 10-20 minutes.
●● Začin C
●● salt
●● water
Cut the chicken meat to pieces and boil for 20 minutes. Take the meat out of the pot
and place in an oiled baking pan, add pan-fried onion and rinsed rice. Take the water
in which the chicken was cooked and pour it in the pan as well, add spices. Bake in
the oven at 200˚C for about 30 minutes.
Recepti sa a good cook; she had learned most of what she knew from her mother-in-law. After the
war, the family moved to Subotica. Toma dies at very young age, in 1948. From then
on, until the rest of her life, Ivanka takes care of her children by herself. The older

područja Subotice son becomes a musician and works in Radio Television Novi Sad in the tamburitza
orchestra, and the younger son takes on the role of the head of the family at 9 and

/ Recipes from the

works as an accordionist (His mother Ivanka carried the instrument because he was
small and weak and the accordion was heavier and bigger than him). That is how the
family survived until the sisters got married, and all the while, Ivanka sold goods

area of Subotica
brought from Italy, Poland, Check, Turkey. There was always a cooked meal in the
house, and she passed that on to her daughters. She brought the cooking knowledge
she had gained in Bačka Palanka with her to Subotica. Furthermore, she complemented
it with Bunjevac cuisine, and the cuisine of Roma people from the area. She lived to
a ripe old age, she always kept her children beside her, and her grandchildren, great-
Recepti Ivanke Nikolić grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren still remember duck roast with big
baked potatoes from grandma Jaka’s (Ivanka’s) oven.
(prikupila Verica Dukić)

Ivanka Nikolić (1914-2004) rođena je u selu Silbaš, u siromašnoj romskoj porodici, Suva pogača / Dry pogača
kao treće, najmlađe dete. Udala se 1931. godine u Bačku Palanku za Tomu Nikolića.
28 Živeli su u mnogočlanoj porodici sa svekrom, svekrvom, Tominim bratom, sestrama. Potrebni sastojci: 29
Rodila je četvoro dece - dva sina i dve kćeri. U kuhinji se dobro snalazila i većinu ●● 1 kg brašna
stvari naučila od svekrve. Nakon rata, porodica se seli u Suboticu, a Toma umire ●● pola supene kašike soli
veoma mlad, 1948. godine. Od tada pa do kraja svog života, Ivanka preuzima sama ●● malo praška za pecivo, a može i bez njega
brigu o deci. Stariji sin postaje dobar muzičar i radi u Radio Televiziji Novi Sad u ●● voda
tamburaškom orkestru, a mlađi sin već od devete godine preuzima na sebe obavezu U brašno dodati so, malo praška za pecivo i zamesiti sa hladnom vodom, tako da
glave porodice i radi kao harmonikaš (instrument mu nosi majka Ivanka do kafane, jer testo ne bude ni tvrdo ni meko. Razviti oklagijom i ostaviti da malo odstoji, pa peći
je harmonika bila teža i veća nego on, mali i slabašan). Tako je porodica preživljavala na 180˚C oko 30 minuta.
dok se sestre nisu udale, a za sve to vreme Ivanka je trgovala robom donetom iz
Italije, Poljske, Češke, Turske. Uvek je bilo nešto skuvano u kući, a tome je učila i Necessary ingredients:
svoje kćerke. Znanje koje je stekla u Palanci, što se tiče spremanja hrane, sačuvala je i ●● 1 kg flour
dolaskom u Suboticu, samo ga je ovde upotpunila, unela novine bunjevačke kuhinje, ●● half a tablespoon salt
ali i ovdašnjih Roma. Doživela je duboku starost, svoju decu držala uvek oko sebe, ●● a little bit of baking powder, or you can do without it
a unuci, praunuci i čukununuci se i danas sećaju pečene patke sa velikim pečenim ●● water
krompirima iz rerne baba Jake (Ivanke). Add salt to flour and a little bit of baking powder and mix that with cold water, so
that the dough you knead is neither hard nor soft. Roll it out with a rolling pin and
leave it to rise, then bake at 180˚C for about 30 minutes.
Ivanka Nikolić’s recipes
(collected by Verica Dukić) Kisela pogača / Sour pogača
Ivanka Nikolić (1914-2004) was born in the village of Silbaš, in an indigent Roma
family, as the third and the youngest child. She married Toma NiIkolić in 1931 and Potrebni sastojci:
moved to Bačka Palanka. They lived in a large family with Toma’s mother, father, ●● 1 kg brašna
brother and sisters. Ivanka had four children – two sons and two daughters. She was ●● pola kvasca
●● 1 prašak za pecivo ●● parsley leaves
●● pola supene kašike soli ●● pepper grains
●● mlaka voda. ●● beef meat (ribs)
U mlaku vodu staviti kvasac da se rastopi i da se podigne. Tome dodati brašno, so i ●● tomato juice
prašak za pecivo, pa zamesiti sa mlakom vodom. Ostaviti testo da odstoji i naraste. Cut cabbage into big cubes and place it in a large pot. Add one green pepper, celery
Malo se izmesi, oblikuje i viljuškom izbode pre pečenja. leaves, pepper grains, parsley leaves, and diced meat (beef ribs). Pour water over it
and cook until it softens and the meat is almost falls off the bones. At the end add
Necessary ingredients: tomato juice and zaprška (pan-fry one to two tablespoons of flour on some oil and
●● 1 kg flour pour that into cabbage).
●● half packet of yeast
●● 1 packet baking powder Slatki kupus - Gugle šah II /
Sweet cabbage - Gugle šah II
●● half a tablespoon salt
●● tepid water
Put yeast in tepid water so that it melts and rises. Add flour, salt, baking powder, and
tepid water, and knead it into dough. Leave it to rise. Then knead it again, shape it Potrebni sastojci:
into a flat circle, and before you bake it, make small holes in it with a fork. ●● mekša glavica kupusa
●● 2 glavice luka
Sladak kupus - Gugle šah / Sweet ●● 1 šargarepa1 krompir

cabbage - Gugle šah

●● 1 paprika babura
30 ●● list peršuna 31
●● biber u zrnu
Potrebni sastojci: ●● so
●● vegeta ●● 300g svinjskih rebara
●● malo soli ●● 2-3 manja svinjska papka
●● glavica kupusa ●● ulje
●● paprika babura ●● crvena sitna paprika.
●● list celera Kuva se u dubokoj šerpi. Luk se iseče i izdinsta na malo ulja, stavi se red isečenog
●● peršunov list kupusa, pa red svinjskih rebara, pa opet red sečenog kupusa, pa očišćeni svinjski
●● biber u zrnu papci, pa opet kupus. Nakon toga dodati sečenu šargarepu, krompir, so, biber, papriku
●● goveđe meso (rebra) baburu celu, list peršuna, malo vegete, i naliti sa vodom. Pre no što se poklopi, dodati
●● sok od paradajza malo šećera. Kada se meso skuva, dodati sok od paradajza pa još malo kuvati. Na kraju
Iseći glavicu kupusa na krupnije kocke i staviti u veću posudu, dodati jedna papriku dodati zapršku (malo ulja, brašna, kašika-dve crvene mlevene paprike).
baburu, list celera, biber u zrnu, list peršuna, meso (goveđa rebra) sečeno na krupne
kocke. Sve to naliti vodom i kuvati dok ne omekša, a meso se skoro odvoji od kostiju. Necessary ingredients:
Na kraju dodati sok od paradajza i zapržiti tankom zaprškom (na malo ulja propržiti ●● 1 softer cabbage
kašiku-dve brašna i sipati u kupus). ●● 2 onions
●● 1 carrot
Necessary ingredients: ●● 1 potato
●● Začin C ●● 1 green pepper
●● salt ●● parsley leaves
●● 1 cabbage ●● pepper grains
●● green pepper ●● salt
●● celery leaves ●● 300g pork ribs
●● 2-3 smaller pork feet Ciganska sarma / Gipsy sarma
●● oil
●● ground red pepper Potrebni sastojci:
Take a deep pot. Chop up the onion and stew it on some oil. Add a layer of finely ●● glavica kiselog kupusa srednje veličine
chopped cabbage, then a layer of pork ribs, again a layer of cabbage, then the pork ●● 3 glavice luka
feet, and again cabbage. Then add chopped carrot, potato, salt, pepper, whole green ●● 1 jaje
pepper, parsley leaves, a little bit of Začin C, and cover it all with water. Before you put ●● 1 kašičica crvene mlevene paprike, malo ljuta
the lid, add some sugar. When the meat is done, add tomato juice and keep cooking ●● 600g mešanog mlevenog mesa
it. At the end, add zaprška (on some oil, fry a bit of flour, and one or two tablespoons ●● suvi svinjski vrat
of ground red pepper). ●● biber mleveni
●● so
Kiseli kupus / Sauerkraut meal ●● biljni začin
Potrebni sastojci: ●● pola šolje riže
●● glavica kiselog kupusa ●● suva rebra 300g
●● suva svinjska dimljena rebra ●● komad domaće suve kobasice
●● biber u zrnu ●● ulje
●● lovorov list Luk sitno iseći i dinstati na ulju dok ne porumeni, dodati seckani suvi vrat da se i
●● biljni začin on proprži. Kada je gotovo, dodati izdinstani luk i suvi vrat mlevenom mesu i redom
●● glavica crnog luka dodavati: jaje, kašičicu crvene paprike, biber, so, rižu i sve dobro izmešati. Ovim filom
32 Glavicu kiselog kupusa dobro isprati, iseći na veće komade i staviti u dublji sud. Na to puni se svaki list kupusa i zavija, tako da fil bude u sredini (da ne iscuri). Na dno 33
staviti svinjska suva, dimljena rebra, biber u zrnu, lovorov list, biljni začin i isečenu dubokog suda se prvo stave listovi kiselog kupusa, zatim nekoliko rebara isečenih, onda
glavicu crnog luka, i naliti vodom. Kuvati dok se rebra ne skuvaju. Na kraju začiniti red sarme, zatim opet rebra i kobasica sečena na kolutove. Tako dok se sav materijal
zaprškom sačinjenom od malo ulja, brašna i mlevene paprike. ne utroši, a odgore se stave listovi kupusa. Naliti vodom i dodati biber u zrnu. Kada
je kuvano (a kuva se sporo, polako, na umerenoj temperaturi i uz povremeno, blago
Necessary ingredients: drmanje šerpe), stavlja se dobra zaprška. Na ulju se proprže 3 kašike brašna, u vrh
●● one sauerkraut kašičica mlevene crvene paprike i doda se sarmi da malo prokrčka.
●● dry smoked pork ribs
●● pepper grains Necessary ingredients:
●● bay leaf ●● 1 middle-sized sauerkraut
●● Začin C ●● 3 onions
●● 1 onion ●● 1 egg
Wash the sauerkraut well, chop it and put in a deep pot. Add dry smoked pork ribs, ●● 1 teaspoon ground red pepper, a bit hot
pepper grains, bay leaf, Začin C and finely chopped onion, then pour water in the ●● 600g mixed ground meat (pork and beef)
pot. Cook it until the ribs are done. In the end, add zaprška made from some oil, flour ●● smoked pork neck
and ground red pepper. ●● ground black pepper
●● salt
●● Začin C
●● half cup rice
●● 300g smoked ribs
●● a piece of dry homemade sausage
●● oil
Pan-fry finely chopped onion on oil until it turns brown, add smoked pork neck cut into
thin slices, let it stew a while. When they are both done, add that to minced meat and
then add an egg, a teaspoon of ground red pepper, black pepper, salt, rice, and mix it Izdinstati na ulju 2 glavice crnog luka, sitno isečene, i staviti u dublju tepsiju za
all together. Put this stuffing into sauerkraut leaves, one by one, and roll them up so pečenje. Krompir iseći na kolutove i poslagati po tepsiji. Na krompir ređati krmenadle
that the stuffing cannot leak out. Take a deep pot and put a few leaves of sauerkraut od svinjskog vrata, režnjeve slanine, svežu kobasicu i na kraju krvavicu sečenu na
on the bottom, then a few chopped ribs, then a layer of sarma (rolled pieces), then kolutove.Napraviti preliv od brašna razmućenog u hladnoj vodi, vegete i bibera, i
again ribs and sausage cut into thick slices. Continue until all the material is spent, preliti preko mesa i krompira. Na kraju na ulju ispržiti malo brašna i aleve paprike i
and finish with leaves of sauerkraut on top. Pour water until it covers the top leaves dodati u krompiraču. Sve to peći u rerni na 180˚C dok se meso ne ispeče. Služiti uz
and add pepper grains. Cook it slowly, on a low heat, occasionally shake the pot gently. kisele paprike.
When it is done, prepare a good zaprška – heat a little bit of oil, add 3 tablespoons
of flour, a pinch of ground red pepper, and let it fry a bit, then add to sarma and let Necessary ingredients:
it simmer for a while. ●● 2 onions
●● oil
Cigan pečenje / Gipsy roast ●● potatoes
Potrebni sastojci: ●● pork chops
●● krmenadle od svinjskog vrata ●● bacon
●● biljni začin ●● fresh sausage
●● ulje ●● flour
●● crni luk ●● ground red pepper
Krmenadle od svinjskog vrata dobro izlupati i posuti vegetom. Staviti na vrelo ulje, ali ●● blood sausage (half a blood sausage)
paziti da biljni začin ne zagori. Prevrnuti meso i peći i sa druge strane, a na ispečeni Stew 2 finely chopped onions on oil and put it in a deeper baking pan. Add a layer
34 deo dodati još biljnog začina. Kada je meso pečeno, servirati uz kolutove crnog luka of sliced potatoes. Then put the pork chops, the sliced bacon, fresh sausage and the 35
i sve to preliti masnoćom i začinom u kojem se meso peklo. sliced blood sausage on top. Mix a little bit of flour in water, add Začin C and black
pepper, and pour that over the meat and potatoes. Then pan-fry some flour and ground
Necessary ingredients: red pepper on oil and add that as well. Heat the oven 180˚C and roast until it is done.
●● pork neck chops Serve with pickled peppers.
●● Začin C
●● oil Ćoravi sos (Koro soso) / Blind sauce
●● onion
Beat the pork chops with a meat tenderizer and season them with Začin C. Put it on (Koro soso)
hot oil, but try not to burn the seasoning. Flip it over, and add more Začin C onto the Potrebni sastojci:
upper side. When the meat is done, serve it with onion sliced into rings and mixed ●● 2 glavice crnog luka
with all the fat and spices left over from frying. ●● 2-3 paradajza
●● 2 paprike babure
Krompirača / Potato pie ●● aleva paprika
Potrebni sastojci: ●● biljni začin
●● 2 glavice crnog luka ●● so
●● ulje ●● biber
●● krompir ●● malo šećera
●● svinjske krmenadle ●● konzerva paradajza
●● slanina Na ulju dinstati 2 glavice crnog luka, sitno iseckanog. Dodati paradajz bez ljuske
●● sveža kobasica (popariti ga, a onda oljuštiti koru), kolutove babure paprike, sitnu alevu papriku, biljni
●● brašno začin, so, bibera, malo šećera, naliti vodom da to pokrije i poklopiti. Kada je povrće
●● aleva paprika kuvano, dodati paradajz iz konzerve i sačekati da se sve ukuva i zgusne. Servirati uz
●● krvavica (prliblizno polovina 1 krvavice) krompir pečeni, na velike kriške, koji se peče na svinjskoj masti (tako je lepši i ukusniji).
Necessary ingredients: cubes into the water and cook on low heat. Strain the boiled pasta. Pan-fry one finely
●● 2 onions chopped onion on oil until it looks transparent, and add half a teaspoon of ground
●● 2-3 tomatoes red pepper. Mix it all together, stir well, but not for long.
●● 2 green peppers
●● ground red pepper
●● Začin C Mekike (Štipalke)
●● salt
●● black pepper Potrebni sastojci:
●● sugar ●● 1 kg brašna
●● can of tomatoes ●● malo soli
Pan-fry 2 finely chopped onions on oil. Add peeled tomatoes (scold them, then peel ●● pola šolje ulja
the skin off), green pepper rings, ground red pepper, Začin C, salt, black pepper, and Umesiti testo od 1 kg brašna sa mlakom vodom, dodati malo soli i pola šolje ulja, da
a bit of sugar. Pour the water to cover it and put a lid on the pot. When the vegetables bude srednje meko. Tako umešeno staviti na dasku posutu brašnom. Na vrhove prstiju
are done, add a can of tomatoes and cook until it thickens. Serve with potatoes cut stavljati ulje i tako razvlačiti testo, ne debelo, a onda seći na kocke veličine dlana.
into chunks and baked on pork fat (it’s better and tastier that way.) Sredinu svake kocke razrezati nožem. Peći na vrelom ulju da porumene obe strane.
Ređati u duboku činiju i posoliti.
Crveno testo sa krompirom (Šuko
humer) / Red pasta with potatoes
“Najviše spremamo pohovano, sarme, supe, knedle, a najomiljenije su
štipalke i krompir.“
36 (Šuko humer) 37
Necessary ingredients:
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 kg flour
●● 1 kg krompira ●● salt
●● 1 kg brašna ●● half cup oil
●● malo soli Knead a medium soft dough from 1 kg of flour, a little bit of salt, and half a cup of
●● mlevena paprika oil. Put it on a board sprinkled with flour. Oil your fingertips and use them to roll out
Oljuštiti 1 kg krompira, iseći na kocke i skuvati ga u slanoj vodi. Zamesiti testo od the dough, not too thick, and then cut to squares as big as your palm. Cut the middle
1 kg brašna i malo soli, da bude malo tvrđe, mesi se sa mlakom vodom. Razvući ga of each square with a knife. Fry in hot oil so that both sides are done. Put them in a
srednje debelo i iseći na kocke. U poseban veći sud staviti vodu da proključa i malo deep bowl and season with salt.
osoliti. U kipuću vodu stavljati isečeno testo i kuvati na smanjenoj temperaturi.
Zakuvano testo ocediti od vode. Posebno na ulju propržiti glavicu crnog luka, isečenog “We mostly make breaded food, sarma, soups, dumplings, and our
na sitne kocke, dok ne bude staklast, i dodati pola kašičice sitne paprike. U oceđeno favorites are štipalke and potatoes.”
testo dodati kuvani krompir oceđen od vode i sve preliti lukom i paprikom, pa dobro
promešati, ali kratko.

Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kg potatoes
●● 1 kg flour
●● salt
●● ground red pepper
Peel 1 kg of potatoes, dice it and cook in salted water. Mix 1 kg of flour and some
salt with tepid water, and knead a slightly harder dough. Roll it out to medium thick,
and cut into cubes. Boil slightly salted water in a separate bigger pot. Then put the
Česnica božićna / Pečurka paprikaš / Mushroom
Česnica (Christmas cake) stew
Potrebni sastojci: Potrebni sastojci:
●● 500g tankih kora ●● 2 kg pečurki (bukovača)
●● 500g šećera ●● 2 veće glavice crnog luka
●● 500g seckanih i mlevenih oraha ●● 1 supena kašika mlevene paprike
●● 200g suvog grožđa ●● malo soli
●● šolja dobro ulupane svinjske masti ●● 1-2 babura paprika
●● malo mleka (da se kvasi svaka kora) ●● 5-6 svežih paradajza
U podmazanu tepsiju staviti tri kore, nakvasiti ih mlekom. Izmešati orahe, šećer i suvo ●● malo ljute papričice
grožđe. Nakvašene kore mazati mašću, posipati orasima, šećerom i suvim grožđem, ●● biber
pa opet staviti sloj kora. Tako ređati dok se materijal ne utroši. Gornja kora maže se ●● oko 2dl belog vina
sa mašću i peče se u rerni na 200˚C dok ne porumeni. Dinstati luk sa sečenim baburama, dodati pečurke sečene na rezance, pa oljušteni
paradajz i začine (so, biber, peršunov list, celerov list, sitna paprika). Sada se doda
Necessary ingredients: vino, a gustina jela se napravi kao kod gulaša. Služiti uz domaće testo: 500g brašna,
●● 500g pie layers (thin layers of uncooked dough used to make pies) malo soli, mlaka voda, može jedno jaje-ako ima, izmućeno prstima; testo se pravi
●● 500g sugar srednje mekano, ne tvrdo, razvlači se prstima da bude debljine pola malog prsta. Kida
38 ●● 500g chopped and ground walnuts se rukama i zakuvava u ključalu vodu u koju se stavi malo masti i malo soli. Iscedi se 39
●● 200g raisins testo i služi uz pečurke, a može i sve skupa da se izmeša u jednoj posudi.
●● mug of whisked pork fat
●● some milk (to moisten each layer) Necessary ingredients:
Put three pie layers in an oiled baking pan and soften them with milk. Mix walnuts, ●● 2 kg Oyster mushrooms
sugar, and raisins. First spread some fat over the layers, then sprinkle with walnuts, ●● 2 large onions
sugar and raisins, then again put the pie layers. Continue the process until you spend ●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper
the material. Grease the top layer with fat and bake it in the oven at 200˚C until it ●● salt
turns brown. ●● 1-2 green peppers
●● 5-6 fresh tomatoes
Recepti Anice Dimović ●● chili pepper
●● black pepper
Anica Dimović je rođena 1957. godine u Đurđinu kod Subotice. Majka je dvoje ●● around 2dl white wine
dece. Predsednica je Kulturnog centra Roma iz Subotice. Dugo godina se bavila Stew onion and green peppers; add mushrooms cut into strings, peeled tomatoes, and
ugostiteljstvom, a danas je poznata među Romima po brojnim projektima koje je spices (salt, black pepper, celery leaves, ground pepper). Then pour wine and make
realizovala na području Subotice i Vojvodine. the meal thick as when making a stew. Serve with homemade noodles: 500g flour,
a bit of salt, tepid water, one egg (if you have it); knead medium soft dough, and roll
Anica Dimović’s recipes it out with your fingers so it is as thick as half the little finger. Break it into pieces
using hands, and cook in boiling water in which you previously added some fat and
Anica Dimović was born in 1957 in the village of Đurđin, near Subotica. Mother of salt. Strain the pieces of dough and serve with the mushroom stew, or you can mix
two. She is the president of the Roma Cultural Center in Subotica. She worked in it all together in one bowl.
restaurant business for a long time, and today she is known among Roma people for
numerous projects that she has realized in the area of Subotica and Vojvodina.
Slavska pečenica - ćuran / Slava Plečinte
roast - turkey Potrebni sastojci:
●● brašno
Bira se najbolji ćuran sa glavom, krestom i obavezno kljunom. On treba da donese pare ●● voda
u kuću, bolji život, a sve što je prošlo, naročito ono ružno, ostavlja iza sebe - zatrpava ●● so
u prošlost. Očišćen ćuran se dobro osoli i premaže mašću, najbolje guščijom. Peče Umesiti testo od pregršti brašna, ½ dl mlake vode i malo soli. Kad se umesi, napraviti
se u zemljanoj posudi, poklopljen, a uz njega se stave okolo očišćeni orasi, pozadi u jufku od testa u obliku posude u kojoj će se peći. Testo treba da odstoji 10-15 min.
otvor veća jabuka i okolo njega jabuke koje se peku zajedno sa ćuranom. nakon čega se stavi u vruću mast i peče jedna, pa druga strana da porumeni. Služe
Napolju se napravi ognjište, malo dublje da posuda može da stane, dobro se zažare se tako vruće uz pečenicu (za Božić ili slavu).
cepanice, napola da su već izgorele, i na to se stavi zemljana posuda, poklopljena.
Druga vatra (žar) se stavi odozgo na posudu i još se loži najmanje 4-5h da se ćuran Necessary ingredients:
dobro ispeče, kožica da bude reš-hrskava. Pečenje može da se radi i u parasničkoj peći. ●● flour
Nakon pečenja, ćuran ide na sto i ne dira se do ručka prvog dana Božića ili slave, ●● water
kada ide čestitka domaćinu. ●● salt
Obično kum ili najdraži gost uzme jabuku (koja se pekla u ćuranu) i duplira novac Knead dough from plenty of flour, ½ dl of tepid water and some salt. Form it so that it
koji nosi ćuran u kljunu (a koji je prethodno stavio domaćin). Uzetu jabuku kao i fits the pan where it is going to be baked. Leave it to rise for 10-15 minutes, and then
orase pečene oko ćurana gost ili kum prvo sam proba, a onda deli ostalim gostima. fry both sides in hot fat until it is crispy. Serve it hot with roast (at Christmas or Slava).
On prvi i seče pečenicu, proba je i od tog sečenog komada deli i domaćinu i gostima,
40 i blagosilja slavu i sve goste. Na stolu su i plečinte, kao i ostale pečenice (obično 41
pečene kokoške, guska, itd). Boranija / String beans
Choose the best male turkey, all with head, crest, and especially the beak. It is supposed Potrebni sastojci:
to bring money and a better life into the house, and to leave behind (bury into the ●● glavica crnog luka
past) all that has past, especially the bad. Clean and gut the turkey, season with salt ●● 1 paprika
and fat, preferably goose fat. Roast it in earthenware, covered with a lid, together ●● Peršunov list
with walnuts, and a large apple inside the turkey, and a few apples around the turkey. ●● 1 šargarepa
Make a fireplace outside, a bit deeper so you can put the earthenware inside, wait ●● celerov list
until the logs are half burnt, and then place the covered earthenware inside. Put the ●● boranija
hot coal onto the dish as well and stoke the fire for 4 to 5 more hours so that the ●● 1 paradajz
turkey is well done and its skin is crispy. After it is done, the turkey is placed on the U posudu staviti boraniju, crni luk, papriku baburu, peršunov list, oguljen paradajz,
table and no one touches it until lunch on the first day of Christmas or Slava, when šargarepu i list celera. Preliti i kuvati u mleku, količina mleka koja se stavlja treba
everyone congratulates the host. da pokrije povrće koje je u šerpi. Poklopiti i kuvati. Kad se skuva, dodati zapršku
It is usually the godfather or the dearest guest who takes the apple (baked inside (brašno do dve kašike i malo sitno sečenog belog luka). Na masti se prvo proprži beli
the turkey) and doubles the money that the turkey has in its beak (the host puts the luk, a onda se doda brašno, da zaprška bude kremasta, doda se sitna paprika i sve to
money in the beak beforehand). The godfather or the guest tastes the apple and the se prelije preko boranije. Skinuti sa vatre kad se preliva, pa onda opet vratiti na vatru.
walnuts, and then shares it with the other guests. He is also the first one to cut the Boranija treba da je malo gušća, a kada se skine sa vatre doda se kiselo mleko i služi
roast, taste it, and share that first piece with the host and the guests, and bless the uz rebra pečena na ciganski način.
Slava and all the guests. There are also plečinte (see next recipe) on the table, as well
as other roasts (usually chicken, goose, and similar) „Ono što ću ti ja reći za romsku kuhinju odnosi se na Rome koji su više
od 50 godina u Subotici, ne žive u romskim naseljima na periferiji
grada, već su se uklopili u život ovdašnjih ljudi. Njihova kuhinja je
uglavnom nezdrava, sa puno začina (ljuta aleva paprika), soli i puno
masnoće. Verovatno je to uticaj mađarske kuhinje i njihovih pikantnih
jela. S obzirom da su Romi ovde uglavnom muzičari, sebi su mogli da S l e deće recepte je
p r i kupilo udruženje
priušte skoro svaki dan da im se na trpezi nalazi meso, i to svinjetina,
a ređe juneće meso. Ali bez obzira na sve to, za Romkinje se s pravom
može reći da su veoma snalažljive žene i da su sposobne skoro od ničega
da naprave neko jelo i tako prehrane svoje mnogobrojne članove u
’’ M ladi istraživači
Necessary ingredients: R o mi’’ / The following
r e c ipes were collected
●● 1 onion
●● 1 green pepper

by the “Young
●● parsley leaves
●● 1 carrot
●● celery leaves
●● string beans
●● 1 tomato
R o ma researchers”
a s s ociation
Put string beans into the pot and add onion, green pepper, parsley leaves, carrot, celery
leaves, and peeled tomato. Pour milk in the pot so that it covers the vegetables. Put
the lid and cook it. When it is done, add zaprška (with no more than two tablespoons
42 of flour and some finely chopped garlic). First pan-fry the garlic on fat, then 43
add the flour so it turns creamy, and add ground red pepper. Pour it

Romska čorbica / Roma soup

over the string beans and keep cooking. When comes to a boil,
get it off the heat, then put it back on. It should be of thick
consistency, and when it is done, add sour milk and serve
with Gipsy style ribs. Potrebni sastojci:
●● 1 l vode
“What I’m going to tell you about Roma cuisine ●● 1 šargarepa
refers to Roma people who have lived in Subotica ●● 1 peršun
for over 50 years, not the ones who live in Roma ●● Zelen
settlements on the outskirts of the town, but ●● 2 glavice crnog luka
the ones who have fit into the life of people from ●● 3 krompira
here. Their cooking is usually unhealthy, with a lot of ●● 1 kašika masti
spices (ground hot pepper), salt, and a lot of fat. That is probably ●● mlevena paprika
because of the influence of Hungarian cuisine and their spicy Sipati u šerpu 1 litar vode, dodati na kockice iseckanu šargarepu, peršun, zelen, dve
dishes. Since most Roma people here are musicians, they were glavice crnog luka i tri veća krompira. Staviti da se kuva. Kad se to skuva, napraviti
able to afford to have meat on their table every day, usually rezance, iskidati testo za rezance prstima i zakuvati čorbicu. U drugu šerpicu staviti
pork, sometimes young beef. But regardless of that, Roma kašiku masti i kašičicu crvene paprike, ispržiti i toplo sipati u čorbu. Posoliti po želji.
women are rightly known as very resourceful and
capable of making a dish from scratch and in that way Necessary ingredients:
feed the many members of their families.” ●● 1 l water
●● 1 carrot
●● 1 parsley
●● soup greens
●● 2 onions ●● voda
●● 3 potatoes ●● so
●● 1 tablespoon fat ●● biber
●● ground red pepper U šerpu staviti 1 jednu kašiku masti i 500 g krompira isečenog na kocke, i propržiti.
Pour 1 liter of water into a pot, add diced carrot, parsley, two onions, three large Dodati pola kašike brašna, pola kašike paprike, potom preliti sa 2 litre vode. Kad se
potatoes, and cook that. When it is done, make noodles; tear the noodle dough with your čorba skuva staviti valjuške, malo soli i bibera po ukusu.
fingers and boil them in the broth. Take a saucepan and pan-fry a teaspoon of ground
red pepper on one tablespoon of fat, and pour it over the broth. Add salt as needed. Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 tablespoon fat
Čorba sa valjušcima / Broth with ●● 500 g potatoes

●● flour
●● ground red pepper
●● water
Potrebni sastojci: ●● salt
●● 2 ½ šolje brašna ●● black pepper
●● 1 kašika masti Put a tablespoon of fat and 500g of diced potatoes into a pot and fry. Add half a
●● 2l vode tablespoon of flour, half a tablespoon of ground red pepper, and then cover with 2
●● ½ l kuvanog paradajza liters of water. When the broth is done, add dumplings, some salt and pepper.
●● so
44 U šerpi zapržiti 2 kašike brašna i 1 kašiku masti dok ne porumeni, dodati 2 litre vode Čorba / Broth 45
i pola litre kuvanog paradajza. Kuvati na blagoj vatri. Zamesiti testo od 2 šolje brašna
i 1 šolje vode, dodati malo soli, razvući na stolu i kidati prstima, a zatim dodati u Potrebni sastojci:
čorbu koja vri (valjušci). Ostaviti još malo da se kuva i jesti. ●● 1 kašika masti
●● 1 kašika brašna
Necessary ingredients: ●● paprika u prahu
●● 2 ½ cups flour ●● 2 l vode
●● 1 tablespoon fat ●● 1 glavica luka
●● 2 l water ●● 2 krompira
●● ½ l cooked tomato juice U posudu staviti 1 kašiku masti. Kada se mast ugreje, dodati 1 kašiku brašna, zatim to
●● salt ispržiti dok ne požuti. Kada požuti, dodati crvenu papriku i doliti do 2 litre vode. Kada
Pan-fry 2 tablespoons of flour on one tablespoon of fat until it goes brown, then add voda provri, staviti 1 glavicu luka, 2 krompira (iseckanog na kockice) i malo soli. Sve
2 liters of water and half a liter of cooked tomato juice, and cook on low heat. Make to ostaviti da se kuva uz povremeno mešanje. Kad krompir omekša, čorba je gotova.
dough from 2 cups of flour, a cup of water, and some salt. Roll the dough out onto the
table and tear it with your fingers, then add to the boiling broth. Leave it to simmer Necessary ingredients:
for a while and then eat. ●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● 1 tablespoon flour
Romska čorba / Roma broth ●● ground red pepper
●● 2 l water
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 onion
●● 1 kašika masti ●● 2 potatoes
●● 500 gr krompira Pan-fry a tablespoon of flour on a tablespoon of fat until it goes yellow. Then add ground
●● brašno red pepper and 2 liters of water. When it comes to a boil, add an onion, 2 diced potatoes,
●● mlevena paprika and some salt. Cook it, stirring occasionally. When the potatoes soften, the soup is done.
Kajgana / Scrambled eggs iseckati na kockice i obariti ga. U tiganj staviti 1 kašiku masti, 1 glavicu seckanog
crnog luka i propržiti, zatim dodati kašiku aleve paprike i sve to dodati u pasiran
Potrebni sastojci: obaren krompir u koji su prethodno dodati skuvani komadići testa. Sve pomešati,
●● 1 -2 glavice luka1 kašika masti dodati malo soli i servirati toplo.
●● 3-5 jaja
Iseckati 1-2 glavice luka, staviti u tiganj sa 1 kašikom masti. To izdinstati i na kraju Necessary ingredients:
izlupati 3-5 jaja i promešati. Po ukusu dodati soli. ●● 500g flour
●● 1 kg potatoes
Necessary ingredients: ●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● 1-2 onions ●● 1 chopped onion
●● 1 tablespoon fat ●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper
●● 3-5 eggs Knead a medium hard dough from 500g of flour and one (or one and a half) glass of
Chop 1-2 onions, put it in a frying pan with one tablespoon of fat. Stew it and at the water. Roll out the dough, break it into pieces and cook in water. Peel 1kg of potatoes,
end, whisk the eggs, add them and stir. Add salt as needed. cut it into dices, and cook it. In a separate pan, fry one chopped onion on one tablespoon
of fat. Add a tablespoon of ground red pepper and mix it into the strained potatoes
Okolo sela / Around the village and pieces of cooked dough. Stir well, add salt, and eat while it is warm.

Potrebni sastojci: Paprikaš / Stew

●● 1 -2 glavice luka
46 ●● 1 kašika masti Potrebni sastojci: 47
●● 2 kašike crvene paprike ●● 2 kašike masti
●● ½ kg krompira ●● 3 glavice crnog luka
●● 3 čaše brašna ●● 1 kg mesa
●● voda ●● so
●● so ●● 1 kašika aleve paprike
Iseckati 1-2 glavice crnog luka, staviti varjaču masti i luk da se dinsta. Kad se izdinsta, ●● 3-5 krompira
dodati 2 kašike crvene paprike i isečenog pola kilograma krompira. Sve to preliti U šerpu staviti 2 kašike masti, 3 seckane glavice luka, iseći 1 kg mesa na komade i
litrom vode i ostaviti da se skuva. Napraviti testo od 1 čaše vode, 3 čaše brašna i malo dinstati. Dodati malo soli i 1 kašiku aleve paprike, preliti vodom i ostaviti da se kuva.
soli, malo ga istanjiti da bude kao palačinka i staviti da se skuva sve zajedno na tihoj Kad je meso kuvano, dodati nekoliko celih krompira i kuvati dok krompir ne omekša.
vatri. Jelo je gotovo kad se testo skuva.
Necessary ingredients:
Testo sa krompirom / Dumplings ●● 2 tablespoons fat

with potatoes
●● 3 onions
●● 1 kg meat
●● salt
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper
●● 500 gr brašna ●● 3-5 potatoes
●● 1 kg krompira Pan-fry 3 chopped onions and 1 kg of meat cut into pieces on 2 tablespoons of fat. Add
●● 1 kašika masti some salt and one tablespoon of ground red pepper; then cover that in water and let it
●● 1 glavica seckanog luka simmer. When the meat is done, add a few whole potatoes and cook until they soften.
●● 1 kašika aleve paprike
Zamesiti testo od 500g brašna i jedne ili jedne i po čaše vode, tako da testo bude malo
tvrđe. Testo razviti, kidati malo veće komade i kuvati u vodi. Oljuštiti 1 kg krompira,
Crveni krompir (papula) / Red po- ●● Začin C
●● 1 tomato
tato (mashed) ●● 1 kg fresh peppers
●● 2 tablespoons flour
Potrebni sastojci: Finely chop an onion and pan-fry it on 2 tablespoons of fat, add salt and spices to
●● 1 kg krompira your liking. Add to that a chopped tomato and 1 kg of fresh peppers, and then cook it
●● mast all together. When it is done and the vegetables soften, add two tablespoons of flour
●● 1 glavica luka diluted in half a glass of water and let it simmer for a little while.
●● mlevena paprika
Oljuštiti 1 kg krompira, oprati i staviti da se kuva. Kad je skuvan, iscediti ga i ispasirati. Riba / Fish
U drugu šerpu staviti mast i glavicu crnog luka, iseckanu na sitno, propržiti, zatim
dodati crvenu mlevenu papriku i pasiran krompir. Sve zajedno promešati i služiti. Oljuštiti ribu od krljušti i od iznutrica, oprati je, zaseći sa obe strane i posoliti.
Ostaviti malo da odstoji. Staviti 2 kašike masti da se greje, a posoljenu ribu umešati
Necessary ingredients: u brašno i peći.
●● 1 kg potatoes
●● fat Remove the scales and gut the fish, wash it, make incisions on both sides, and salt it.
●● 1 onion Leave it for a while. Roll the fish in flour and fry it on two tablespoons of fat
●● ground red pepper
Peel 1 kg of potatoes, wash it and cook it. When it is done, strain it and mash it. In Beli pasulj sa valjuškicama /
48 49
White beans with dumplings
a separate pan, fry one finely chopped onion on fat and add ground red pepper and
mashed potatoes. Stir it and serve it.

Romski bećar / Potrebni sastojci:

Roma vegetable stew

●● pasulj
●● 1 glavica crnog luka
●● 50 gr slanine
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 2 ljute paprike
●● 1 glavica luka ●● so
●● 2 kašike masti ●● 1 jaje
●● so ●● 1 šolja vode
●● biljni začin ●● 1 šolja brašna
●● 1 paradajz ●● 1 kašika masti
●● 1 kg svežih paprika ●● 1 kašika aleve paprike
●● 2 kašike brašna Prethodno opran pasulj staviti u vruću vodu da se kuva. Iseckati veću glavicu crnog
Iseckati 1 glavicu crnog luka i staviti u šerpu zajedno sa 2 kašike masti i dinastati, luka i dodati 50 g slanine i 2 ljute paprike. Posoliti po ukusu i ostaviti da se kuva. Kad
dodati malo soli, začina po ukusu, iseckan paradajz i 1 kg sveže paprike, pa kuvati. pasulj omekša, dodati domaće valjuške koji se prave na sledeći način: u jednoj činiji
Kad se skuva i povrće omekša, dodati u pola čaše vode razmućene 2 kašike brašna i umutiti 1 jaje, 1 kafenu šolju vode i brašno da testo bude malo tvrđe, nožem seći na
ostaviti da se još malo kuva. manje delove i kidati ih rukom na još sitnije, zatim ih ubaciti u pasulj i ostaviti ih da
se kuvaju. Kad su skuvane, zapržiti pasulj 1 kašikom masti ili ulja u koju je dodata 1
Necessary ingredients: kašičica crvene paprike, dodati 2 kašike čorbe, sve to zajedno dobro umutiti i sipati
●● 1 onion u vruć pasulj. Sve dobro izmešati i ostaviti da se još malo kuva.
●● 2 tablespoons fat
●● salt
Necessary ingredients: ●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● beans ●● 2-3 tablespoons flour
●● 1 onion Cook beans in 1l of water. When it comes to a boil, strain the beans, pour fresh water
●● 50 g bacon and continue cooking it. Finely chop 6 or 7 onions, add 3 liters of water, and add salt
●● 2 hot peppers and 2 or 3 finely sliced pieces of bacon (if you don’t have any bacon, use a tablespoon
●● salt of fat). Cook the beans until they become very soft. In a separate pan pan-fry 2 or 3
●● 1 egg tablespoons of flour on one tablespoon of fat and add some previously roasted ground
●● 1 cup water red pepper. Mix that into the beans and let it simmer for a while. You can also add
●● 1 cup flour some vinegar or tomato sauce.
●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● 1 teaspoon ground red pepper “I never cook, I only eat, and I love to party, and I can’t stand the
Put previously washed beans in boiling water, and cook it. Finely chop a big onion and sight of beans!”
add 50g of bacon and 2 hot peppers. Add salt to your liking and let it simmer. When
the beans soften, add homemade dumplings made in the following way. Take a bowl
and mix one egg, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of flour, and knead a medium soft dough. Cut Podvarak
to chunks and then tear to even smaller pieces. Put them in the pot with the beans
and let them cook. When they are done, add zapržka. Pan-fry 1 teaspoon of ground red Potrebni sastojci:
pepper on 1 tablespoon of fat or oil, add 2 tablespoons of the stew, mix it all together, ●● ½ kg mlevenog mesa
and pour into hot beans. Stir again and let it simmer for a while. ●● ½ kg kiselog kupusa
50 ●● 1 kašika soli 51
Braonski pasulj / Brown beans ●● 1 kašika začina
●● 2 kašike pirinča
Potrebni sastojci: Meso propržiti zajedno sa kupusom i dodati malo masti, zatim ubaciti so, začin i dve
●● ½ kg žutog pasulja kašike obarenog pirinča. Sve dobro izmešati i servirati toplo.
●● 6-7 glavica crnog luka
●● 2-3 komada sitno iseckane slanine Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 kašika masti ●● ½ kg minced meat
●● 2-3 kašike brašna ●● ½ kg sauerkraut
Staviti pasulj u 1l vode i kuvati. Kad proključa, procediti pasulj i ponovo ga kuvati u ●● 1 tablespoon salt
drugoj vodi. Iseckati 6-7 glavica crnog luka, dodati 3 litre vode, staviti soli po potrebi ●● 1 tablespoon spice
i 2-3 komada sitno iseckane slanine (ako nema slanine, dodati 1 kašiku masti). Kuvati ●● 2 tablespoons rice
pasulj dok se ne raspadne. Kada je pasulj skuvan, zapržiti ga sa 1 kašikom masti u Stew meat and sauerkraut, add some fat, then some salt, spice, and 2 tablespoons of
koju je sipano 2-3 kašike brašna i malo sitne paprike koja je prethodno propržena. cooked rice. Mix well and serve warm.
Tako vruće sipati u pasulj i ostaviti da se još malo kuva. Po želji staviti sirćeta ili
malo paradajza. Beli sos / White sauce
“Ja samo idem na gotovo i volem da se Potrebni sastojci:
provodim, a pasulj ne volem očima da vidim!“ ●● 1 kašika masti
●● 4-5 kašika masti
Necessary ingredients: ●● peršunov list
●● ½ kg yellow beans ●● mirođija
●● 6-7 onions ●● so
●● 2-3 finely sliced pieces of bacon ●● začin
Staviti varjaču masti da se ugreje u šerpicu, dodati 4-5 kašika brašna, mešati da ●● 2 kg hleba
se isprži, dodati peršunov list i mirođiju. Zatim zaliti vodom, dodati soli i vegete, Uzeti jednu kašiku masti, 2 litre vode, 1 kašiku soli i 2 kilograma hleba isečenog na
neprestano mešati dok ne postane gusto. komade. Sve staviti zajedno i kuvati dok se ne zgusne.

Necessary ingredients: Necessary ingredients:

●● 1 tablespoon fat ●● 1 tablespoon fat
●● 4-5 tablespoons flour ●● 2 liters water
●● parsley leaves ●● 1 tablespoon salt
●● dill ●● 2 kg bread
●● salt Mix a tablespoon of fat, 2 liters of water, one tablespoon of salt, and 2kg of bread cut
●● spice into chunks. Cook it all together until it thickens.
Warm a tablespoon of fat in a saucepan, add 4-5 tablespoons of flour, mix until it
turns brown, and add parsley leaves and dill. Then add water, salt and Začin C, stir Cicvara od kukuruznog brašna /
Cicvara from corn flour
continuously until it thickens.

Potrebni sastojci:
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 kg kukuruznog brašna
●● 6-7 kašika brašna ●● 2 kašike masti
52 ●● 2 kašike masti ●● voda 53
●● 2 l vode ●● so
●● so Staviti 1 kg kukuruznog brašna, 2 kašike masti, dodati vode i kuvati na tihoj vatri.
●● sirće (po želji) Dodati brašno po potrebi i mešati dok se ne zgusne, dodati 2 kašičice soli po ukusu.
Ispržiti 6-7 kašika brašna sa 2 kašike masti dok ne porumeni, dodati 2 litre vode i
kuvati dok se ne zgusne. Dodati malo soli ili sirćeta po ukusu. Ostaviti da se prohladi Necessary ingredients:
ili jesti toplo kao sos. ●● 1 kg corn flour
●● 2 tablespoons fat
Necessary ingredients: ●● water
●● 6-7 tablespoons flour ●● salt
●● 2 tablespoons fat Mix 1 kg of corn flour, 2 tablespoons of fat, and some water and cook on low heat. Add
●● 2 l water flour if needed, and stir until it thickens, then add 2 teaspoons of salt to make it tastier.
●● salt
●● vinegar (if needed) Uštipci
Brown 6-7 tablespoons of flour on 2 tablespoons of fat, then add 2 liters of water and
cook until it thickens. Add some salt or vinegar, to your liking. Leave it to cool a bit Potrebni sastojci:
and eat warm as a sauce. ●● 1 kg brašna
●● 2 kašike soli
Popara ●● 2 šolje vode
●● pekmez, šljive ili jabuke
Potrebni sastojci: Napraviti testo od 1 kg brašna, 2 kašike soli, 2 šolje vode i seći
●● 1 kašika masti ga po željenom obliku. Isečeno testo puniti pekmezom,
●● 2 litre vode šljivama ili jabukama i skuvati u vodi. Kad se skuvaju, iscediti
●● 1 kašika soli uštipke i jesti.
Necessary ingredients: Kolač sa makom / Poppy seed cake
●● 1 kg flour
●● 2 tablespoons salt Potrebni sastojci:
●● 2 cups water ●● 2 jaja
●● jam, pears or apples ●● 1 šolja mleka
Knead dough from 1 kg of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 cups of water, and then ●● 1 kvasac
cut in shapes you want. Fill the pieces with jam, pears or apples and cook in water. ●● so
When they are done, allow them to dry, and eat them. ●● brašno
●● 100-200 g maka
Gomboce - knedle sa pekmezom / Napraviti testo od: 2 jajeta, 1 šolje mleka, 1 kvasca, malo soli i brašna. Sve dobro

Gomboce – dumplings with jam

umutiti i ostaviti da malo odstoji. Razviti testo i staviti 100-200 g maka, pa zaviti u
rolnu. Tepsiju premazati mašću kao i testo. Ugrejati rernu i peći dok ne porumeni.

Potrebni sastojci: Necessary ingredients:

●● ½ kg krompira ●● 2 eggs
●● so ●● 1 cup milk
●● 2 jaja ●● 1 packet yeast
●● brašno po potrebi ●● salt
●● pekmez ●● flour
54 Obariti ½ kg krompira. Kad je skuvan, krompir iscediti, dobro izgnječiti, ostaviti da ●● 100-200 g poppy seed 55
se malo ohladi, potom dodati: so, 2 jajeta, brašna (po potrebi) i napraviti testo. Testo Knead dough from: 2 eggs 1 cup of milk, 1 packet of yeast and some salt and flour.
razviti na stolu u list kao koru, seći na kockice i na svaku kockicu staviti kašičicu Mix it well and leave it to rise. Roll out the dough, put 100 to 200g of poppy seed,
pekmeza. Oblikovati loptice i stavljati u kipuću vodu da se kuvaju. Kad su knedle and then roll it up. Coat the baking pan with fat, as well as the cake. Heat the oven
skuvane, izvaditi ih, ocediti i staviti ih u veći sud, zatim posuti smesom pripremljenom and bake the cake until it turns golden-brown.
na sledeći način: od starog hleba izdrobiti sredinu rukama na krpu da budu mrvice,
staviti mast da se istopi i kad se ugreje staviti u nju izdrobljen hleb i pržiti dok ne Slana pogača / Savory pogača
porumeni. Tom smesom posuti knedle i dodati šećera po ukusu.
Potrebni sastojci:
Necessary ingredients: ●● 1 kg brašna
●● ½ kg potatoes ●● so
●● salt ●● 1 čaša vode
●● 2 eggs Uzeti brašno, 1 šaku soli i čašu vode i mesiti rukama dok se ne formira testo. Kad se
●● flour (if needed) testo napravi, staviti u peć i peći dok ne porumeni.
●● jam
Cook ½ kg of potatoes. When it is done, strain the potatoes, mash them, and let them “Kuhinja zavisi od džepa, a kada se nema ništa, dobro je i ’leba i masti.“
cool off a bit. Then mix that with salt, 2 eggs, flour (if necessary) and work it into
dough. Roll the dough out on the table, then cut into squares and put a teaspoon Necessary ingredients:
of jam on each square. Form them into balls and cook them in boiling water. ●● 1 kg flour
When they are cooked, take them out, pat them dry, and put them ●● salt
into a bowl. Take the middle of an old loaf of bread and ●● 1 glass water
crunch it into crumbles on a kitchen cloth. Then pan-fry Take the flour, one fistful of salt and a glass of water, and knead into dough. Put it
those crumbles on fat until they turn brown. Sprinkle that into the oven and bake until it turns brown.
over the dumplings and serve with sugar.
“The cooking depends on the money, and when you got nothin’, bread ●● 1 jaje
and fat are good ‘nuff.” ●● 2 kašike šećera
●● brašno
●● mast
Kolač sa jabukama / Apple cake ●● 5 kuvanih jaja
U činiju staviti ½ l vode, 1 kvasac, 1 kašiku soli, 1 jaje, 2 kašike šećera, dodati brašna
Potrebni sastojci: po potrebi i umesiti testo kao za hleb. Testo prekriti i ostaviti da uskisne, a kad uskisne
●● 1 šolja ulja izvaditi ga na dasku i samo ga malo rastegliti da odgovara okrugloj tepsiji u kojoj će
●● 1 šolja mleka se peći. Tepsiju prethodno namazati mašću i posuti brašnom. Staviti testo da se peče,
●● 1 žumance premazati 1 umućenim jajetom. Kad je do pola pečeno zabosti u testo cela kuvana i
●● 4 kašike šećera ofarbana uskršnja jaja da malo vire iz testa, jedno u sredini i 4 okolo.
●● 1 prašak za pecivo
●● 1 vanilin šećer Necessary ingredients:
●● ½ kvasca ●● ½ l water
●● 4 šolja brašna ●● 1 packet yeast
●● griz ●● 1 egg
U činiju staviti 1 šolju ulja, 1 šolju mleka, 1 žumance, 4 kašike šećera, ●● 2 tablespoons sugar
1 prašak za pecivo, 1 vanilin šećer, ½ kvasca koji je rastopljen u malo ●● flour
mleka, i u sve dodati dodati 4 šolje brašna. Testo podeliti u na pola. Jabuke oljuštititi i ●● fat
56 narendati. Jednu polovinu testa staviti u tepsiju, posuti jabukama, šećerom, po potrebi ●● 5 boiled eggs 57
dodati malo griza i na kraju prekriti drugom polovinom testa. Staviti u peć i ispeći. Take a bowl and mix ½ liter of water, 1 yeast, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons
of sugar, and some flour, and knead dough similar as the dough for bread. Cover it
Necessary ingredients: and leave it to rise. Then put it on a board and shape it so it fits into a round baking
●● 1 cup oil pan. Grease the pan with some fat and sprinkle flour over it. Then put the dough in,
●● 1 cup milk coat it with one lightly beaten egg, and let it bake. When it is half done, put 5 boiled
●● 1 yolk and decorated Easter eggs into the dough; one in the middle, and 4 around it, so they
●● 4 tablespoons sugar can be seen.
●● 1 baking powder
●● 1 vanilla sugar Crna torta / Black cake
●● ½ packet yeast
●● 4 cup flour Potrebni sastojci:
●● wheat groats ●● 1 šolja mleka
Take a bowl and mix 1 cup of oil, 1 cup of milk, 1 yolk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 baking ●● 1 šolja masti
powder, 1 vanilla sugar, ½ packet of yeast melted in a little bit of milk, and at the end ●● 1 šolja šećera
add 4 cups of flour. Divide the dough in half. Peel and grate the apples. Put one half ●● 1 jaje
of the dough into a baking pan, then put apples, sugar, and some wheat groats, and ●● ½ praška za pecivo
cover it all with the other half of the dough. Place it in the oven and bake it. ●● 3 kašike pekmeza
Sve sastojke: 1 šolju mleka, 1 šolju masti, 1 šolju šećera, 1 jaje, pola praška za pecivo, 3
Uskršnji kolač / Easter cake kašike pekmeza (bilo kakvog) staviti zajedno i dobro umutiti. Kad je masa jednolična,
staviti u podmazanu tepsiju i peći.
Potrebni sastojci:
●● ½ l vode “Znamo i kad ima i kad nema, kad imamo novca mi spremamo i jelo i
●● 1 kvasac predjelo, a volimo i kolače...“
Necessary ingredients: Pita sa bundevom / Pumpkin pie
●● 1 cup milk
●● 1 cup fat Potrebni sastojci:
●● 1 cup sugar ●● 1 ½ kg brašna
●● 1 egg ●● ½ l vode
●● ½ baking powder ●● rendana bundeva
●● 3 tablespoons jam ●● šećer
Mix all the ingredients: 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of fat, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, half a packet ●● mast
of baking powder, and 3 tablespoons of jam (any kind). Stir well. When the mass is Zamesiti testo od 1,5 kg brašna i pola litre
homogenous, put it in an oiled baking pan and bake it. vode da bude meko i iseći na 4-5 delova. Testo
ostaviti da ’’odmori’’ i posle toga tanko razvući
“We can manage with and without, when there’s money, we prepare po stolu. Na jednom kraju kore staviti rendane
both the meal and the appetizer, and we also like dessert...” bundeve, posuti šećerom i sa malo topljene
masti. Uviti koru i staviti u tepsiju, premazati
mašću i peći. Isto to ponoviti sa ostatkom testa.
Masna pogača / Greasy pogača
Necessary ingredients:
Potrebni sastojci: ●● 1 ½ kg flour
●● 1 kg brašna ●● ½ l water
58 ●● 1 kvasac ●● grated pumpkin 59
●● 2 čaše vode ●● sugar
●● 3 kašike masti ●● fat
●● 1 jaje Mix 1.5 kg of flour and half a liter of water, and knead into a soft dough. Cut it into
Brašno umutiti zajedno sa kvascem i 2 čaše vode. Testo ostaviti da se ukiseli. Uzeti 4 or 5 pieces. Let the dough “sit” for a while, then roll it out thin on the table. At the
3 kašike masti i izmutiti u tanjiru da bude glatko, testo se razvije, namaže mašću, one end of that layer put the grated pumpkin, some sugar and a bit of melted fat. Roll
zavije, ponovo se namaže i tako stalno dok se ne potroši sva mast. Tako namazano the layers and place it into a baking pan. Repeat with the rest of the dough, grease
testo stavi se u tepsiju, namaže se razmućenim jajetom i stavlja da se peče. the pan and bake it.

Necessary ingredients: Ciganska pogača / Gipsy pogača

●● 1 kg flour
●● 1 yeast Potrebni sastojci:
●● 2 glasses water ●● brašno
●● 3 tablespoons fat ●● so
●● 1 egg ●● voda
Knead dough from flour, yeast and 2 glasses of water. Leave it ●● 1 kocka kvasca
to rise. Stir 3 tablespoons of fat until it becomes smooth and Zamesiti testo od brašna, soli, vode i 1 kocke kvasca. Testo ostaviti da malo odstoji.
apply some of it on the rolled-out dough. Then fold the Pripremiti tučane ploče, naložiti vatru da bude dosta žeravice i zagrejati ih. Kad od
dough, grease it again, fold it, and continue doing that vatre ostane žeravica, staviti testo na tučanu ploču i poklopiti, posuti tom žeravicom
until you’ve spent all the fat. Place it in a baking pan, svuda po poklopcu i peći pola sata. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
coat it with one lightly beaten egg, and let it bake.
Necessary ingredients:
●● flour
●● salt
●● water
●● 1 packet of yeast
Knead dough from flour, salt, water and one little packet of yeast. Leave the dough
Recepti sa
to rise. Prepare the metal plate for baking, make a fire so there are a lot of coals, and
heat the baking plate. Put the dough on it and cover with the lid (similar to sač), cover područja Bačke
Palanke - selo
it all in live coals and bake for half an hour. Let it cool down.

Proja / Corn bread

Potrebni sastojci:
●● 1 kg kukuruznog brašna
Tovariševo /
●● 2 kašike soli
●● 1 čaša vruće vode Recipes from the
area of Bačka
Umutiti brašno, so i vodu i staviti da se peče. Kada se ispeče, seći ili lomiti.

’’Postoji mnogo razlika u jelima Roma sa različitih područja Srbije, ja

Palanka – village
za neka jela nisam nikada čula...’’

Necessary ingredients:

of Tovariševo
60 ●● 1 kg corn flour 61
●● 2 tablespoons salt
●● 1 glass hot water
Mix the flour, salt and water and bake it in the oven. When it is done, cut it or break Recepti su zapisani u Klubu za stare Rome u Tovariševu, kroz razgovor sa korisnicima i
it into pieces. komentarisanje romskih tradicionalnih jela. Ovo su samo neka od jela koja se pripremaju
u romskim porodicama, a koja se smatraju tradicionalnim i kao takva prenose sa
“There are lots of variations in Roma cuisine in different parts of kolena na koleno. Recepte su korisnice kluba naučile od svojih majki i baka. Retko
Serbia; there are meals I’ve never even heard of...” koji recept ima meru u jedinicama, već su količine uglavnom određuju kao ’’malo’’,
’’čaša’’, i dr. Na pitanje koliko vode ili koliko brašna, krompira, mesa, odgovarale bi:
„Pa... po potrebi... zavisi za koliko njih spremaš!“

These recipes were collected in the Club for elderly Roma in Tovariševo, trough the
conversation with the beneficiaries, and through commentaries on traditional Roma
recipes. These are only a few of the Roma dishes which are considered traditional
and as such are passed down from generation to generation. The beneficiaries of the
club had learned these recipes from their mothers and grandmothers. Rarely does a
recipe have specified quantity units. Measures are most commonly “a little bit”, “a
cup”, and similar. If you ask them how much water or how many potatoes, they reply:
“Well... as much as you need... depends on the number of people you’re cooking for!”
Čorba (Loli zumi) / Broth (Loli ni tvrdo, ni mekano. Razvije se i iseče na kocke. Kida se prstima, palcem, a prave se i
dugački rezanci trljanjem između dlanova (čikovujra), obično za decu.
“Brez mesa ništa. Zumi homerora (čorba), talopalco (valjuščići) -
Potrebni sastojci: najviše se kuva.“
●● 1 glavica luka
●● malo masti As the name states, noodles are torn apart by fingers. Knead a dough from flour,
●● 1 kašika brašna water, salt and one egg (if you don’t have any eggs, the dough has to be very hard).
●● 1 kašika mlevene paprike The dough shouldn’t be too hard or too soft. Roll it out and cut into squares. Rip it
●● biljni začin with your fingers, your thumb, and you make longer noodles by rolling it between
●● so your palms (čikovujra), usually for children.
●● krompir
●● šargarepa “There’s no cooking without meat. Zumi homerora (broth), talopalco
●● peršun (dumplings) – they are cooked most often. “
●● celer
Izrezati glavicu luka, dinstati na malo masti, dodati kašiku brašna i kašiku aleve
paprike, malo pržiti i preliti vodom. Dodati so, vegetu i pustiti da se kuva. Kada se Paradajz čorba (Patlidžanošći zumi)
/ Tomato broth (Patlidžanošći
ima, dodaje se koji krompir isečen na kocke, šargarepa, peršun, celer. Takodje, dodati
i lišće peršuna, celera. Kuvati dok povrće ne bude skuvano, a zatim se dodaju rezanci.
62 zumi) 63
Necessary ingredients:
●● 1 onion Priprema se na isti način kao i čorba Loli zumi, samo se pred kraj doda paradajz i
●● fat malo bibera. Takođe se dodaju rezanci “Talo palco“.
●● 1 tablespoon flour
●● 1 tablespoon ground red pepper Prepare it in the same way as Loli zumi broth, but add tomato juice and some pepper.
●● Začin C Add soup noodles “Talo palco“ as well.
●● salt
●● potato
●● carrot Svečana supa / Festive soup
●● parsley
●● celery Potrebni sastojci:
Finely chop one onion, pan-fry it on a bit of fat, add a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon ●● 1 cela kokoška (može patka, ćurka ili morka)
of ground red pepper, stew that and then pour some water in. Add salt, Začin C, and ●● so
let it simmer. In case you have it, add a diced potato, carrot, parsley, celery; add the ●● malo šećera
celery and parley leaves as well. Cook until the vegetable is done, then add soup pasta. ●● biber u zrnu
●● biljni začin
Rezanci ’’ispod palca’’ (Talo palco) ●● zelen zajedno sa lišćem

/ Soup noodles ’’under the thumb’’

●● šargarepa
●● 1 glavica crnog luka
(Talo palco) ●● džigerica
●● 1 jaje
Rezanci se kidaju prstima kako i sam naziv govori. Umesi se testo od brašna, vode, ●● griz
soli i jednog jajeta (kada nema jaje, mora biti jako tvrdo testo). Testo ne treba da bude ●● malo brašna
Celu kokošku (može patka, ćurka, morka...petlovi nikako) staviti u lonac, preliti vodom, Krompir paprikaš / Potato stew
dodati malo soli i malo šećera, bibera u zrnu, pa ostaviti da provri. Dodati vegetu,
zelen sa lišćem, šargarepu, paštrnjak, celer i jednu glavicu crnog luka. Pomeriti u kraj Potrebni sastojci:
šporeta da se polako kuva dva sata. Kada je meso kuvano, izvaditi i meso i povrće, ●● krompir
staviti da ključa i dodati knedle i razance. ●● luk
Knedle se pripremaju na sledeći način: džigerica, so, biber, vegeta, jaje, griz (ili prezle) ●● malo masti
i malo brašna se dobro izmute i kašikom manjom vade knedle. ●● mlevena paprika
Rezanci su dugački i tanki, ili flekice. Ranije su žene testo mesile i razvijale oklagijom, Oljuštiti krompir i iseći ga na četiri dela. Sitno iseckati luk i izdinstati na malo masti,
sušile zatim, pa oštrim nožem sekle tanke rezance. dodati krompir i malo mlevene paprike i pržiti par minuta, a zatim preliti vodom.
Dodati soli i ostaviti da se kuva.
“Naša kuhinja za slavlja je bogata i bolja od mnogih drugih!’’
Necessary ingredients:
“The food we serve at celebration is rich and better than many ●● potatoes
others!” ●● onion
●● a little bit of fat
Necessary ingredients: ●● ground red pepper
●● 1 chicken (or duck, turkey or guinea fowl) Peel the potatoes and cut them in four. Pan-fry one finely chopped onion on a little
●● salt bit of fat, then add the potato and some ground red pepper, and fry for a few minutes,
●● a little bit of sugar then pour water in. Add salt and let it simmer.
64 ●● pepper grains 65
●● Začin C Paprikaš / Stew
●● soup greens, with leaves
●● carrot Potrebni sastojci:
●● 1 onion ●● 2-3 glavice crnog luka
●● liver ●● mast
●● 1 egg ●● svinjsko, pileće ili neko drugo meso
●● wheat groats ●● mlevena paprika
●● a little bit of flour ●● krompir
Put the whole chicken (or duck, turkey or guinea fowl... but not a rooster) in a pot, Sitno iseckati dve-tri glavice crnog luka i izdinstati na masti. Kad luk omekša, dodati
cover with water, add a little bit of salt and sugar, pepper grains, and bring it to a meso (pileće, svinjsko ili neko drugo), so i biljni začin. Ostaviti da se dinsta (meso
boil. Add Začin C, soup greens with leaves, carrot, parsnip, celery, and one whole će pustiti svoj sok u kojem će se kuvati). Kada voda ispari, dodati mlevenu papriku,
onion. Let it simmer on low heat for 2 hours. When the meat is cooked, take out both malo propržiti i preliti vodom toliko da pokrije meso. Ostaviti da se kuva polako, ne na
the meat and the vegetables, let the soup simmer, and add dumplings and noodles. jakoj vatri. Pred kraj kuvanja može se dodati krompir, kada je meso na pola skuvano.
Dumplings are made in the following way: mix the liver, salt, black pepper, Začin C,
one egg, wheat groats (or bread crumbs), and a little bit of flour. Stir well and take “Soft gust, začinjen, i da se jede viljuškom – to je najbolji paprikaš...“
out little dumplings with a teaspoon and put them into the soup.
Soup noodles should be long and thin, or put square macaroni. Women used to knead “Soft, thick, spicy, so you can eat it with a fork – that’s the best stew...”
dough, roll it out thin with a rolling pin, then dry it, and cut it very thin with a sharp
knife. Necessary ingredients:
●● 2-3 onions
●● fat
●● pork, chicken, or other kinds
●● ground red pepper
●● potatoes
Pan-fry finely chopped onions on a little bit of fat. When the onion softens, add meat razvući oklagijom u sredini, preseći nožem dva reza i peći na vrućoj masti. Pečeno
(chicken, pork, or other), salt, and Začin C. Let it stew (the meat will let out its juice). testo koristiti umesto hleba, odlično idu uz pečeni krompir i meso.
When the water evaporates, add ground red pepper, fry it a bit, and then cover with
water so that the meat is submerged in it. Simmer it on low heat. Near the end, when ’’Moje najdraže jelo su ’’štipke romske’’- to preporučujem da svi probaju!’’
the meat is half cooked, you can add some potatoes.
Necessary ingredients:
Faširke ●● flour
●● salt
Potrebni sastojci: ●● water
●● mleveno meso Mix flour, water and a little bit of salt (the dough shouldn’t be too hard or too soft.).
●● so Divide the dough into a few pieces and leave them to rise. Knead the pieces again, take
●● biljni začin a rolling pin and slightly roll the middle of each piece. Make two cuts with a knife and
●● biiber fry on sizzling fat. Eat it instead of bread; it goes perfect with baked potatoes and meat.
●● crni luk
●● beli luk “My favorite meal is “Roma štipalke” – I recommend it to everyone!”
●● peršunov list
●● 1 jaje
U mleveno meso dodati začine: so, biljni začin, biber, sitno iseckani crni luk, beli luk, Držale štipalke
peršunovo lišće i jedno jaje. Sve dobro izmešati i praviti približno jednake lopte koje
66 se malo stisnu između dlanova, uvaljaju u brašno i peku na vreloj masti. Potrebni sastojci: 67
●● 1 kg brašna
Necessary ingredients: ●● voda
●● ground meat ●● mast
●● salt Umesiti testo od brašna i vode u koju treba dodati malo soli. Testo ne treba da bude
●● Začin C ni tvrdo, ni meko. Napraviti jufke i ostaviti da odstoje. Jufke razvući oklagijom,
●● Black pepper premazati mašću i prstima razvući kao za pitu, što više možemo, a da se testo ne
●● onion kida. Razvučeno testo motati kao palačinku, a zatim jednom rukom držati jedan kraj
●● garlic a drugom valjati drugi kraj tako da pređemo preko celog testa. Testo motati u krug,
●● parsley leaves malo stisnuti krajeve i staviti da se peče u vreloj masti (tako da plivaju).
●● 1 egg
Put the ground meat in a bowl and add spices: salt, Začin C, black pepper, finely Necessary ingredients:
chopped onion, garlic, parsley leaves, and one egg. Mix it all together and make balls ●● 1 kg flour
of equal size. Flatten them a little bit between your palms, dredge them in flour and ●● water
fry them on fat. ●● fat
Knead dough from flour and water in which you added a little bit of salt. The dough
Štipalke shouldn’t be too hard or too soft. Divide the dough into a few pieces and leave them
to rise. Roll each piece out with a rolling pin, coat it with fat, and stretch the dough
Potrebni sastojci: as when making dough layers for a pie, just don’t rip it. Then roll the dough up like a
●● brašno crepe, hold one end with one hand and roll the other end with the other hand, along
●● so the entire length of dough. Connect the ends and shape it into a circle, then fry it in
●● voda sizzling fat
Umesiti testo od brašna, vode i malo soli (testo ne treba da bude ni tvrdo, ni mekano).
Podeliti testo na više jufki i ostaviti da malo odstoje. Jufke još jednom premesiti i malo
Polovinu te mase preliti preko kore i nastaviti sa ređanjem do pred kraj, kada ostanu
Masna pogača (Makhli) / Greasy još tri-četiri lista, tad dodajemo na koru drugu polovinu umućene mase i ponovo
ređamo. Tako pripremljenu pogaču pečemo u dobro zagrejanoj pećnici.
pogača (Makhli) Ova pogača se pravi i nosi na babine i za krštenja.Takođe, stariji Romi kažu da se
Potrebni sastojci: nosila u svatove i to mladina strana rodbine - pogačari. Danas se pravi i za neke
●● brašno druge svečane prilike.
●● mast
●● voda Women used to knead and roll the dough out into thin layers; today people
Brašno protrljati kroz prste zajedno sa mašću, dodati soli i malo vode, i zamesiti da buy it in bakeries.
ne bude ni tvrdo, ni mekano. Testo razvući oklagijom i staviti u rernu da se peče. Necessary ingredients:
Pre pečenja većina žena testo prošara nožem i napravi šare, kocke. Ranije su se sve ●● sugar
pogače pekle u žaru u poklopcima, takozvanim „fedevujra“. ●● oil
●● walnuts
Necessary ingredients: ●● lemon
●● flour ●● vanilla sugar
●● fat ●● raisins
●● water ●● confectioners’ sugar
Rub flour and fat between your fingers, add salt and a little bit of water. Mix it into ●● 7 eggs
a dough, which shouldn’t be too hard or too soft. Roll the dough out with a rolling ●● 7 tablespoons water
68 pin and bake it in the oven. Before baking, most women make patterns or squares ●● 14 tablespoons sugar 69
on the surface, using a knife. Pogačas used to be baked under lids with live coal on ●● 14 tablespoons flour
top, so called “fedevujra“. Coat the baking pan with oil, put one layer of dough, then add sugar, oil, water, and
put another layer. Then put walnuts, sugar, water, oil. Onto the next layer put raisins,
Lisnata pogača / Flaky pogača sugar, vanilla sugar, grated lemon skin, oil, water, and the following layer. Continue
that until you’ve spent half the material. Mix 7 eggs, 7 tablespoons of water, 14
Ranije su žene mesile kore, a danas se koriste kupovne tanke kore. tablespoons of sugar, and 14 tablespoons of flour (it should be mixed like when you
Potrebni sastojci: make a crust for a cake). Pour half of that mixture onto pogača and continue filling
●● šećer layers until you have three or four layers left. Then pour the rest of the mixture and
●● ulje finish putting the dough layers. Heat the oven well, and bake pogača.
●● orasi This dish is prepared and given as a present at Christenings or when people visit a
●● limun newborn baby. Also, the old say that it used to be carried to weddings (usually by the
●● vanilin šećer bride’s guests). Today we make it for other occasions as well.
●● suvo grožđe
●● šećer u prahu
●● 7 jaja Popara
●● 7 kašika vode
●● 14 kašika šećera Potrebni sastojci:
●● 14 kašika brašna ●● stari hleb
Tepsiju premazati sa malo ulja, staviti jedan list kore na nju, zatim dodati šećer, ulje, ●● mast
vodu, pa potom drugu koru. Na nju staviti orase, šećer, vodu, ulje. Na narednu koru ●● voda
staviti suvo grožđe, šećer, vanilin šećer, narezati koru limuna, ulje i vodu, pa narednu ●● so
koru. Kore ređati dok se ne potroši polovina materijala. Na polovini napraviti smesu Stari hleb iseći na komadiće ili kidati rukom na manju parčad i staviti u šerpu na
od 7 jaja, 7 kašika vode, 14 kašika šećera i 14 kašika brašna (muti se kao kora za tortu). šporet. U hleb dodati malo masti i vode. Sve zajedno pomešati, dodati malo soli i malo
prokuvati. Skinuti sa šporeta i služiti toplo. Ovo je sirotinjsko jelo često se pripremalo When you cook fish, first pan-fry `onion, then add water and spices, and boil it all
deci: „Popare, popare, da se deca opare“. together. When it is cooked, add fish. When you make a broth or a stew, use more
than one type of fish.
Necessary ingredients:
●● old bread Cigansko pečenje / Gipsy roast
●● fat
●● water Potrebni sastojci:
●● salt ●● meso (svinjsko, živinsko ili neko drugo)
Cut old bread to pieces or tear it by hand, then put in a pot. Add some fat and water. ●● so
Stir it, add a little bit of salt and cook for a while. Take it off the stove and serve while ●● mast
warm. This pauper meal used to be cooked to children very often, and people say: ●● krompir
“More popara brings more money to the kids!” Meso posoliti, staviti u tiganj ili na talandaru u malo masti i malo vode, pa peći polako.
Kad je gotovo, meso treba da bude mekano i sočno, a boja treba da je zlatnožuta (Romi
Mamaljuga kažu: „Pečeno je k’o na suncu!“)
U istoj masti se peče i krompir (koji se iseče na pola ili na četiri dela). Važno je da
Potrebni sastojci: bude krupniji, kako bi se osetio ukus i slast krompira. Od začina koristi se samo so.
●● brašno Jako je važno ne mešati krompir dok se ne ispeče sa jedne strane.Ovako pečeni krompir
●● voda i meso zove se cigansko pečenje, a služi se uz štipalke ili pogaču.
●● so To je posebno jelo koji svi Romi vole da jedu i veoma često pripremaju. Interesantno je
70 Još jedno jelo koje se, pored popare, sve manje sprema. U šerpu sipati otprilike litar da su mnogi pokušavali da pripreme krompir i meso na ovaj način, ali nisu uspevali; 71
vode, dodati ½ kg brašna i zakuvati. U to dodati soli i mešati dok se ne zgusne. Ovo čak ni mlade Romkinje nisu baš vešte.
jelo se davalo malim bebama koje su slabije napredovale.
Necessary ingredients:
Necessary ingredients: ●● meat (pork, poultry, or other)
●● flour ●● salt
●● water ●● fat
●● salt ●● potatoes
This is another meal that is now prepared rarely, like popara. Put about a liter of water Salt the meat, put it in a frying pan with a little bit of fat and water, and stew it on low
and ½ kg of flour into a pot, and bring it to a boil. Add salt and stir until it thickens. heat. It is done when the meat is soft and juicy, and golden-yellowish. (Roma people
This used to be fed to slightly weak babies so that they grow stronger. say: “Roasted like in the sun!”)
Bake potatoes in the same fat (cut into two or four). The pieces should be big so you
Mačho- riba can taste the flavor and sweetness of the potatoes. Season it only with salt. It is
important not to stir the potato until its one side is baked. Meat and potatoes baked
Riba je vrlo često na jelovniku kod Roma, bilo da je pečena ili kuvana. Među Romima in this way are called Gipsy roast, and it is served with štipalke or pogača.
vlada verovanje da ribu ne treba prati, jer onda izgubi slast. Riba se sprema tako što It is a special dish that all Roma people like and prepare very often. It is interesting
se očisti, posoli, uvalja u brašno i peče na vrućoj masti. that many have tried to prepare meat and potatoes in this way, but haven’t succeeded;
Kada se riba kuva, prvo se izdinsta luk u koji se dolije voda, zatim se dodaju začini not even young Roma women are good at it.
i sve to zajedno se prokuva. Kad je prokuvano, na kraju se doda riba. Kada se pravi
čorba ili paprikaš, potrebno je dodati više vrsta riba.

Fish is very often found on a Roma table, whether baked or cooked. The Roma believe
that fish should not be washed because it will lose its flavor. Fish should be gutted,
salted, dredged in flour, and fried on hot fat.
Gibanica – a traditional dish in parts of Balkan
region, made from thin flaky layers of dough filled
mainly with cheese.

Pogača – a type of flat round bread

Sač or peka is a large metal lid like a shallow bell with

which dough for bread or meat to be baked are covered,
and over which ashes and live coals are put.

Sarma - is the name of a grape, cabbage or chard leaf

roll common to the cuisines of Turkey and several
countries that were formerly under Ottoman influence.
72 In Serbia, it usually means sauerkraut leaves stuffed
with ground meat, rice, and spices.

Slava – also called krsna slava is the Serbian Orthodox

tradition of the ritual celebration of a family’s own
patron saint. The family celebrates the slava annually
on the patron saint’s feast day.

Začin C – mixed seasoning consisted mainly of salt,

dehydrated vegetables (carrot, parsnip, onion, celery,
parsley leaves)

Zaprška – small amount of flour (and ground red

pepper or similar) fried on oil or fat, used to make
meals thicker.

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