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Year 9 and 10 Reading Challenge 

Why read? 
● To develop your mind 
● To discover new things 
● To develop your imagination 
● To boost your self-confidence 
● To improve your spelling and vocabulary 
● To improve your concentration 
● To develop empathy 
So that you can communicate effectively your ideas and feelings and in the 
future, you cannot be taken advantage of. 
So that you see models of good writing. 
Students who read as a habit, do better in all their school subjects. 
Reading relaxes the mind and calms the body.  
Most of all, when you are good at reading, it is satisfying and enjoyable.   

The challenge: 
Read 15 of the options on the list.  
Keep a record of the text’s title, author and the date you finished reading. 
Share your record of reading with your teacher. 
Gain your Bronze reading badge 
Read another 10 options from the list. 
Keep your record up to date and shared with your teacher. 
Gain your Silver reading badge 
Read a further 10 options from the list, or negotiate what you will read with your 
Keep your record up to date and shared with your teacher. 
At any time, your teacher may ask you to talk about what you have recorded as read. 
When they are satisfied by your responses, they will stamp your record. At each level, 
you will need to have at least three authenticity stamps from your teacher.   
You may also ask to talk to your teacher about your reading and request an authenticity 
A selfie or note from home may be helpful for a few of the challenges on the list. 
The level of complexity for your reading should be suited to your ability.   
Your reading record runs from the start of Year 9 to the end of Year 10. 
These are the inaugural guidelines, which may be altered if experience suggests a need. July 2018. 
The List 
Read any novel
Read with your parents/caregivers
Read in a weird place
Read a news article
Read a review
Read an opinion
Read a recipe / instructions
Read an animal novel
Read an adventure / journey novel
Read a biography or autobiography
Read a book about an historical event
Read a book that has been turned into a movie
Read a wikipedia entry about this day in history (google icon might help)
Read a text written by someone who was born outside of NZ
Read a book that (fill in your own criteria)
Read a sequel
Read a NZ novel
Read an award-winning book
Read a text where the author’s name has a connection with yours
Read a myth or legend
Read a text from Ancient Greece or Rome
Read a graphic novel
Read fan fiction
Read a non-fiction text - record its Dewey Decimal number
Read a poem or song lyrics
Read a digital novel
Read a novel set in Australia
Read a novel set in the future
Read a novel where the main character is from a different culture
Read a novel where the main character learns something significant about themselves
Read an interview
Read a self-help or guide to something
Read an anthology
Read a short story with a surprise ending
Read a book your parents or grandparents read when they were teenagers
Read a novel with a war theme
Read a novel with an environmental theme
Read a text about your hobby or main interest
Read a novel where water is an important element
Read a novel recommended by your teacher
Read a novel recommended by a friend
Read a mystery or thriller novel

To fill in your reading record, take a screenshot, photo or copy of an image of the book 
cover and paste it into the chart. In the space below record the date you finished 
reading and which criteria on the list the text fits. 
Date achieved: Authenticated by: 


Date Achieved: Authenticated by: 
Date Achieved: Authenticated by: 

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