Ancient Roman Ethics

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Ancient Roman Ethics

The ancient Pagan Romans recognized several "virtues," both personal and public. The modern word
"virtue" is from Latin virtus: courage, strength, maleness, worth, excellence, goodness. Thus, virtue in
this case represents a quality of inner "excellence." The virtues are valued as a foundation of good and
civil behavior as they promoted individual and collective well being for all.

The Personal Virtues were the qualities of life to which every Roman citizen ought to aspire.

Personal Virtues

Dignitas "Dignity" A sense of self-worth, personal pride.

Veritas "Truthfulness" Honesty in dealing with others.

Clementia "Mercy" Mildness and gentleness.

Honestas "Respectibility" The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.

Salubritas "Wholesomeness" Health and cleanliness.

Prudentia "Prudence" Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.

Pietas "Dutifulness" Religious piety, but also a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and
religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to family members and others.

Firmitas "Tenacity" Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.

Comitas "Humour" Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.

Gravitas "Gravity" A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility, and earnestness.

Severitas "Sternness" Gravity, self-control.

Humanitas "Humanity" Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.

Frugalitas "Frugalness" Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly.

Industria "Industriousness" Hard work.

Auctoritas "Spiritual Authority" The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, including
the practice of Pietas, and Industria.
Roman culture also strove to uphold virtues which were shared by all of society in common. Some of the
virtues to which individuals were expected to aspire were also public virtues to be expressed and
embraced by Roman society as a whole.

Public Virtues

Aequitas "Equity" Fair dealing both within government and among the people.

Fides "Confidence" Good faith in all commercial and governmental dealings.

Iustitia "Justice" As expressed by sensible laws and governance.

Salus "Safety" Concern for public health and wellfare.

Libertas "Freedom" a political and social virtue that belongs to the citizens, involing the freedom to act
with the confines of Roman rule

Pudicita "Modesty, Chastity." Public expression of prudent behavior, an ideal that was the complete
opposite of "moral corruptness."

Securitas "Confidence, Security" Brought by peace and efficient governance.

Pax "Peace" A celebration of peace among society and between nations.

Pietas "Piety, Dutifulness" People paying honor to the gods.

Nobilitas "Noblility" Noble action within the public sphere.

Patientia "Endurance, Patience" The ability to weather storms and crisis.

Providentia "Providence, Fortethought" The ability of Roman society to survive trials and manifest a
greater destiny.

Spes "Hope" Especially during times of difficulty.

Ops "Wealth" Acknowledgement of the prosperity of the Roman world.

Uberitas "Fertility" Particularly concerning agriculture.

Fortuna "Fortune" An acknowledgement of positive events.

Concordia "Concord" Harmony among the Roman people, and also between Rome and other nations.

Abundantia "Abundance, Plenty" The ideal of there being enough food and prosperity for all segments of

Liberalitas "Liberality" Generous giving.

Felicitas "Happiness, prosperity" A celebration of the best aspects of Roman society.

Hilaritas "Mirth, rejoicing" An expression of happy times.

Bonus Eventus "Good fortune" Rememberance of important positive events.

Clementia "Clemency" Mercy, shown to other nations.

Laetitia "Joy, Gladness" The celebration of thanksgiving, often of the resolution of crisis.

Virtus "Courage" Especially of leaders within society and government.

Genius "Spirit of Rome" Acknowledgement of the combined spirit of Rome, and its people.

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