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Efficiency of energy transfer in a light-harvesting system under quantum coherence

Alexandra Olaya-Castro,1, ∗ Chiu Fan Lee,1 Francesca Fassioli Olsen,1 and Neil F. Johnson2
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, OX1 3PU, United Kingdom
Department of Physics, University of Miami, Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida FL33126, USA
We investigate the role of quantum coherence in the efficiency of excitation transfer in a ring-hub
arrangement of interacting two-level systems, mimicking a light-harvesting antenna connected to a
reaction center as it is found in natural photosynthetic systems. By using a quantum jump approach,
we demonstrate that in the presence of quantum coherent energy transfer and energetic disorder, the
efficiency of excitation transfer from the antenna to the reaction center depends intimately on the
quantum superposition properties of the initial state. In particular, we find that efficiency is sensitive
to symmetric and asymmetric superposition of states in the basis of localized excitations, indicating
arXiv:0708.1159v3 [quant-ph] 16 Apr 2008

that initial state properties can be used as a efficiency control parameter at low temperatures.


Solar energy conversion in photosynthetic bacteria

relies on sophisticated light-harvesting (LH) antennae
which capture photons and then transfer the electronic
excitation to a molecular complex which serves as a re-
action centre (RC). There charge separation takes place
and chemical energy storage is initiated (e.g., see Ref.
1). Some of the harvesting complexes (LH1) and the
RC are closely associated and form a core unit to ensure
FIG. 1: Schematic of the LH1-RC core of purple bacteria
an efficient pathway for the transfer of excitations com-
Rodobacter Sphaeroides. (a) Arrangement of the 32 Bacte-
ing from peripheral antennae (LH2). This transfer takes rioclorophils (BChl) surrounding the RC. The RC has two
only a few hundred picoseconds and is performed with ex- accessory BChl and two acceptors forming a special pair re-
traordinarily high efficiency: most of the absorbed pho- sponsible for charge separation. (b) Diagram of the induced
tons give rise to a charge separation event1 . The precise dipole moments in (a). The arrows indicate the dipole mo-
mechanisms underlying such high efficiency remain elu- ment directions corresponding to data taken from Xhu et al.9 .
sive despite numerous studies on the subject. In partic- (c) Toy model: the RC is assumed to be a single two-level sys-
ular, whether quantum coherence plays any role on pro- tem.
moting the efficiency is still ambiguous. Some works in-
dicate that it will induce higher excitation-transfer rates2
while others argue that this may not necessarily be the picture of how the quantum superposition properties of
case3 . Remarkably, recent experimental and theoreti- the initial state of the excitation relate to the efficiency of
cal works4,5,6 indicate that long-lasting electronic coher- transfer from the LH1 complex to the RC when coherent
ence can indeed influence the excitation transfer dynam- energy transfer and static disorder of single-site energies
ics in photosynthetic complexes. For instance, quantum dominate. The quantum jump approach11,12 proves to
beats associated with electronic coherence in the Fenna- be particularly suitable to describe excitation dynamics
Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex of green sulfur bacteria, in this situation because the density matrix elements can
which connects a large LH to the RC has been reported be calculated exactly from the no-jump evolution, given
by Engel et al.4 . Also, coherence among electronic states that there is only one excitation at most in the system
of closely associated pigments in the RC of purple bac- and that only local dissipation rates (or charge separa-
teria has been reported by Lee et al.5 . Furthermore, the tion rates) are assumed1 . Considering initial states as
excitation transfer in organic dendrimers has attracted superpositions of single-site excitations, we find that the
significant attention through the prospect of creating ar- efficiency profile depends both on the symmetry proper-
tificial photosynthetic systems7 . One of the key obser- ties of such superposition states, and on the number of
vations in these artificial systems is the evidence of co- sites among which the excitation is initially delocalized.
herent energy transfer mechanisms. These experiments In particular, our results show a non-trivial interplay be-
therefore open up the possibility of exploring in detail the tween excitation delocalization and efficiency as there can
interplay between quantum coherence and the efficiency be an optimal delocalization length for which efficiency
of natural and artificial LH systems. of transfer reaches a maximum and transfer time a min-
In this work we consider as model system a ring-hub imum. Such behaviour is robust to the presence of en-
arrangement of interacting two-level systems, represent- ergetic disorder. The plan of this paper is as follows.
ing a LH1-RC core unit as in purple bacteria8,9,10 , and The next section outlines the model of energy transfer at
use the quantum jump approach11,12 to provide a simple very low temperatures as well as how we use the quan-

tum jump approach to calculate the main characteris- In this description, the excitation dynamics can be in-
tics of our photosynthetic system. Section III discusses terpreted in terms of quantum trajectories where the
our results both for a toy model and for a more detailed system follows a no-jump evolution associated to the
Hamiltonian describing the LH1-RC complex. non-hermitian Hamiltonian Hcond , interrupted by a sin-
gle stochastic collapse of the system to its ground state
in the event of either dissipation or charge separation,
II. COHERENT EXCITATION TRANSFER with probability pα = tr[Aα ρA†α ]. The no-jump tra-
jectory conditioned on no-decay-occur is described by

We consider a system of M donor pigments surround- ρ̇cond (t) = −i(Hcondρ − ρHcond ). In particular, if the
ing a RC with N acceptors (see Fig. 1) described by the initial state is pure, i.e. |Ψ(0)i, the state remains pure
Hamiltonian H = H0 + HI . Labeling the donors from 1 (but unnormalized, i.e. dissipative) in the no-jump tra-
to M , and the acceptors from M + 1 to M + N , the single jectory and becomes |Ψcond (t)i = exp(−iHcond t)|Ψ(0)i.
particle Hamiltonian is H0 = α=1 ǫα σα+ σα− where ǫα We now demonstrate that given that a single excita-
is the excitation energy of pigment α, and the interaction tion is present in our photosynthetic core, the dynam-
Hamiltonian reads: ics of all the density matrix elements can be calculated
M M +N M M +N exactly knowing only ρ̇cond (t). Notice that Hcond pre-
serves the number of excitations i.e. [Hcond , N ] = 0 with
HI = γjc V̂jc + Jjk V̂jk + gcr V̂cr . PM+N
j=1 c=M +1 j=1;k>j c=M +1;r>c N = α=1 σα+ σα− . Hence, for a single excitation the
(1) density matrix dynamics is restricted to the subspace
Here V̂ab = σa+ σb− + σb+ σa− where σ +(−) is the Pauli op- of single-excitation states plus the ground state. We
erator for a two-level system, and γjc , Jjk and gcr are choose the basis given by S = {|0i, {|ji}, {|ci}}, where
the donor-acceptor, donor-donor, and acceptor-acceptor |0i = |01 . . . 0M ; 0M+1 . . . 0M+N i is the state with all the
couplings, respectively. We are interested in the low tem- pigments in their ground state, and
perature regime where static disorder dominates and dy-
namical effects can be neglected13 . In order to account |ji = |01 . . . 1j . . . 0M ; 0M+1 . . . 0M+N i
for static disorder we treat ǫα as having a random com-
ponent: ǫα = Eα (0) + δEα where Eα (0) is the ensem- |ci = |01 . . . 0M ; 0M+1 . . . 1c . . . 0M+N i
ble average value, and δEα is the energy disorder at site
α given by a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and are states in which only the jth donor (or cth accep-
standard deviation σ. We assume that the open system tor) is excited. The labels after the semicolon in each
dynamics is dominated by two incoherent processes: the ket refer to the acceptors at the RC. Let us denote
excitation can be dissipated in a donor or it can induce the density matrix elements ρkl (t) = hk|ρ(t)|li for any
charge separation at a site in the RC. Such dynamics of
pair of states |ki, |li ∈ S. Notice that the second term
our coherent photosynthetic core can be described by the
Lindblad master equation (h̄ = 1): of Eq. (3) satisfies hk|Aα ρ(t)A†α |li = 0 for all states
except when |ki = |li = |0i. Therefore, for single-
d 1X excitation states ρ̇kl (t) =Phk|ρ̇cond (t)|li, while ρ̇00 (t) =
ρ = −i[H, ρ] + [2Aα ρA†α − A†α Aα ρ − ρA†α Aα ] , (2) P †
dt 2 α h0|Aα ρ(t)Aα |0i = 2 α Γα hα|ρ(t)|αi. Now, since
ρ(0) = ρcond (0), then ρ̇00 (t) = 2 α Γα hα|ρcond (t)|αi.
where the commutator generates the coherent part This demonstrates that the dynamics of all density ma-
√ of the trix elements can be entirely calculated with ρcond (t) and
evolution and the action of each operator Aα = 2Γα σα−
accounts for a “jump” process associated either to dis- hence our claim.
sipation of excitation in a donor i.e Γα = Γ with α =
1, . . . M , or for a charge separation event at an accep-
tor of the RC i.e Γα = κ with α = M + 1, . . . M + N . A. Efficiency and Transfer times
Here we have assumed identical dissipation rates for the
donors and identical charge separation rates for the ac-
With the above formalism we can now focus on the
ceptors at the RC. This formalism can be extended to
main features of our coherent LH1-RC core. As it is
include other incoherent processes.
described in the review by Sener et al.14 , of particular
In order to solve equation (2) we follow the quantum
interest are the efficiency, which is given by the probabil-
jump approach11 and re-write equation (2) as
ity of an excitation to be used for charge separation as

X opposed to being dissipated, the average transfer time of
ρ̇ = −i(Hcondρ − ρHcond )+ Aα ρA†α (3) excitation to get trapped by the RC, and the excitation
α lifetime after the initial absorption of a photon.
with Let us denote the initial state Ψ0 . Clearly, the proba-
bility that the excitation is still in the system at time t, i.e
X no-jump probability is P (t; Ψ0 ) = k hk|ρcond (t)|ki
Hcond = H − iΓ σj+ σj− − iκ σc+ σc− , (4) while w(t; Ψ0 ) = ρ̇00 (t) is the probability density that a
j=1 c=M+1 ‘jump’ (charge separation or dissipation) occurs between

[t, t + dt) and it reads 1 1

Nearest (a) (c) m=1
M M +N 0.8 Pairwise 0.8 m=15
X X Dipole
w(t; Ψ0 ) = 2Γ hj|ρcond (t)|ji + 2κ hc|ρcond (t)|ci 0.6 0.6

j=1 c=M +1 0.4 0.4

≡ wD (t; Ψ0 ) + wRC (t; Ψ0 ) . (5) 0.2 0.2

0 0
Here wD (t; Ψ0 )dt is the probability that it is dissipated 0 10 20 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
m t [ns]
by any of the donors in [t, t + dt) while wRC (t; Ψ0 )dt 300
Nearest (b) 400 (d) Nearest
is the probability that the excitation is used for charge Pairwise Pairwise
200 Dipole 300 Dipole
separation at the RC. Notice also that w(t; Ψ0 ) =

tf [ps]

τ [ps]
−dP (t; Ψ0 )/dt leading to 0 w(t; Ψ0 )dt = 1 which im- 100

plies that the excitation will eventually either be dissi- 100

pated or trapped in the RC. In particular, for pure initial 0 0
PM PM+N 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
states of the form Ψ0 = j=1 bj (0)|ji + c=M+1 bc (0)|ci m m
with j=1 |bj (0)|2 + c=M+1 |bc (0)|2 = 1, we have that

ρcond (t) = |Ψcond(t)ihΨcond (t)| with the unnormalized FIG. 2: Numerical results for (a) η, (b) tf , and and (d) τ
conditional state given by versus m, for the toy model with three different interaction
mechanisms. For nearest-neighbour interactions (✸) the cou-
X pling is 100meV, while for the pairwise case (+) it is 10meV
|Ψcond(t)i = bj (t)|ji + bc (t)|ci . (6) and equals the average dipole-dipole coupling (•). In each
j=1 c=M+1 case, the donor-RC coupling γ equals 1meV, Γ = 1 ns−1 and
κ = 4 ps−1 . (c) No-jump probability for the case of dipole-
The monotonically decreasing norm of this state gives dipole interactions, as a function of time and for different m
the no-jump probability P (t; Ψ0 ) =k |Ψcond i k2 , while values.
wD (t; Ψ0 ) = 2Γ j=1 |bj (t)|2 , and

X the number of donors among which the excitation is ini-
wRC (t; Ψ0 ) = 2κ |bc (t)|2 . (7) tially delocalized, can act act as efficiency control mech-
c=M+1 anisms. In what follows, we first consider a simple model
for which analytical solutions can be obtained and then
We therefore define the efficiency (η) of energy transfer we calculate efficiency and transfer times with the model
to the RC as the total probability that the excitation Hamiltonian given by Hu et al.9,10 .
is used in charge separation. The transfer time (tf ) is
the average waiting-time before a jump associated with
charge-separation in the RC, given that the excitation
was initially in the LH1 ring. The excitation lifetime (τ ) A. A toy model for the LH1-RC complex
is the average waiting-time before a jump of any kind
Z ∞ Z ∞ The simplest model for which analytical solutions can
1 be obtained corresponds to the RC taken as a single two-
η= dt wRC (t; Ψ0 ) , tf = dt t wRC (t; Ψ0 ) ,
η 0
level system i.e. N = 1, on resonance with the M = 32
Z ∞
donors in the LH1 ring (see Fig. 1(c)). Later we shall
τ = dt t w(t; Ψ0 ) . (8) show that the main qualitative behaviour observed in
0 this situation also applies to a model featuring the de-
tailed structure of the LH1-RC complex in purple bacte-
ria. We consider initial states in which
PM the excitation is
delocalized among donors, i.e. Ψ0 = j=1 bj (0)|ji with
j=1 |bj (0)| = 1. The unnormalized state of Eq. (6) be-
In the classical description14,15 , where incoherent ex- comes |Ψcond (t)i = j=1 bj (t)|ji + bM+1 (t)|M + 1i sat-
citation transfer is assumed, typical efficiencies of energy isfying the equation d|Ψcond (t)i/dt = −iHcond|Ψcond (t)i
transfer tend to be near unit. This is due to a separa- which leads to a set of first-order coupled differential
tion of the dissipation (ns) and the excitation transfer equations for the complex amplitudes bj (t) and bM+1 (t).
and charge separation time scales (ps). We shall shortly In Appendix A we show that when the system’s dy-
show that using the same parameters for single-site ener- namics is invariant with respect to exchange of donors
gies, electronic couplings, dissipation and charge separa- in the antenna, one can find analytical solutions for
tion rates, the efficiencies obtained under coherent trans- bM+1 (t). Let us define the effective interaction between
fer are much lower and strongly dependent on the initial a donorPj and the rest of pigments in the LH1 ring as
state of the excitation. We find that the initial rela- ∆j = k Jjk i.e. the sum of all the coupling strengths
tive phases between localized excitation states |ji, and between donor j and any other pigment in the LH ring.

The system’s dynamics is invariant with respect to donor higher values in the case of nearest-neighbor couplings,
exchange when both all donor-RC couplings are iden- while it achieves similar values for dipole-dipole and pair-
tical, i.e. γjc ≡ γ, and the effective interaction be- wise interactions. According to these results, interaction
tween a donor and the rest of pigments in the ring among donors limits the efficiency: the stronger the effec-
are also identical for all donors, i.e. ∆j = ∆ for all tive interaction between one donor and the ring, the lower
j. Under these conditions bM+1 (t) satisfies the differen- the efficiency will be. This phenomenon seems to resem-
tial equation b̈M+1 (t) + X ḃM+1 (t) + Y bM+1 (t) = 0 with ble the ‘entanglement sharing’ dynamics in the context
X = (κ + Γ + i∆) and Y = 4M γ 2 + κ(Γ + i∆) (see of a central spin coupled to a spin-bath16 . In our case the
details in Appendix A). For the initial condition where LH1 complex can be seen as a spin bath for the RC. Daw-
bM+1 (0) = 0 i.e. excitation is initially in the ring, we son et al.16 have discussed that interaction between bath
find spins translates to entanglement among them, and since
entanglement cannot be shared arbitrarily among several
X 2 particles, interaction among spins in the bath limit en-
|bM+1 (t)|2 = F (t) bj (0) . (9) tanglement between the central spin and the bath, and
therefore may limit the efficiency of transfer. A discus-
sion of efficiency in terms of entanglement is beyond the
Here F (t) = 4γ 2 e−(Γ+κ)t |sin(Ωt/2)|2 /|Ω|2 and Ω is the scope of this paper and the work in this direction will
complex frequency that determinesp the timescale of co- be presented elsewhere. Interestingly, tf in this simple
herent oscillations i.e. Ω = 4M γ 2 − (Γ − κ + i∆)2 . model turns out to be independent of m, as can be de-
Note that ∆ identical for all donors does not imply that duced from Eq. (7). Therefore, for the symmetric initial
the pair couplings Jjk need to be identical for all possi- states considered, tf depends mainly on the mechanism of
ble pairs. Hence, analytical solutions can be found for interaction, as can be seen in Fig. 2(b). The decay-rate
three different mechanisms of interaction between the of P (t; |Ψsm i) increases with m, as shown in Fig. 2(c).
donors: (i) nearest neighbours with Jjj+1 = J/2 (ii) Correspondingly, the excitation lifetime τ decreases as
pairwise interaction with Jjk ≡ J for all hj, ki pairs and shown in Fig. 2(d). The three situations satisfy tf ≤ τ ,
(iii) dipole-dipole interactions of the form Jjk = J/rjk where the equality holds for the initial state in which the
where rjk is the relative position vector between the in- excitation is symmetrically delocalized among all donors.
duced dipole moments of donors j and k. From equation
(7) the probability density of having charge separation
becomes wRC (t; Ψ0 ) = 2κ|bM+1 (t)|2 , then we obtain an
expression for the corresponding efficiency: B. A detailed model for the LH1-RC complex.
Z ∞
η = 2κ|B0 | 2
F (t)dt (10) We now apply the above formalism to the effective
0 Hamiltonian for the LH1-RC interaction given in refer-
PM ences 9 and 109,10 . In this case the RC has a special pair
with B0 = j=1 bj (0). Equation (10) is the main re- of BChl responsible for the charge separation, i.e. N = 2
sult of this paper. It shows that the efficiency of transfer acceptors, and two more accessory BChl molecules which
depends on the quantum coherence properties of the ini- do not participate in the charge separation process18 (see
tial state as it becomes proportional to |B0 |2 i.e. the Fig. 1). The effective Hamiltonian is of the form given in
amplitude of probability, and not just the probability, equation (1) but with certain particularities. First, the
that the excitation is initially in the LH1. Therefore, pigments at the RC are off-resonance with the donors.
the efficiency profile is sensitive to symmetric and asym- Second, the interactions between adjacent molecules are
metric superpositions of localized excitation sates |ji i.e. quantified by two different constants i.e. J2j,2j+1 = ν1
it depends on the initial relative phases between states and J2j,2j−1 = ν2 which are derived through quantum
|ji. From equation (10) one can conclude that symmet- chemical calculations9,10 . Third, the coupling between
ric delocalized excitation states yield an increase in η, non-neighbouring donors corresponds to a dipole-dipole
while some asymmetric states could be used to limit or µ
~ ·~
µ 3(~
rjk ·~
µj )(~
rjk ·~
µk )
interaction of the form Jjk = rj 3 k − r5
even prevent the transfer, i.e. η = 0. Unless otherwise jk jk

stated, we henceforth consider symmetric initial states where ~µj is the transition dipole moment of the j th donor
√ Pm and ~rjk is the relative position vector between donors j
of the form |Ψsm i = (1/ m) j=1 |ji where m ≤ M is
the number of donors among which the excitation is ini- and k. The directions of µj have been taken from Hu et
tially delocalized. We denote m the delocalization length. al.10 , and a top view of the dipole representation of the
For these symmetric states |B0 |2 = m and hence η ∝ m LH1-RC core is shown in figure 1(b). For the initial con-
as shown in Fig. 2(a). This figure also shows that the dition of the excitation in the LH1 complex √ we P consider
efficiency gradient depends on strength of the interac- both symmetric initial states |Ψsm i = (1/ m) j=1 |ji
tion between one donor and the rest, which is quanti-
as √ Pm|B0 | =jm, and asym-
with total amplitude of probability
fied by ∆. We have chosen γ to be the same for all metric states |Ψm i = (1/ m) j=1 (−1) |ji satisfying
these situations, but J has been taken to be such that |B0 |2 = 0. Since the system’s dynamics is not invariant
∆nearest < ∆dipole ≃ ∆pairwise . For a fixed m, η reaches with respect to pigment exchange, for each delocalization

1 0.6 500
(a) (b) (a) (b)
0.9 σ =0
300 σ =150 cm−1 450 σ=0
0.7 σ =30 cm−1 250 −1
0.4 σ =150 cm 350
0.6 −1 −1
σ =50 cm σ =50 cm

〈 tf 〉σ [ps]
〈 tf 〉σ [ps]
m σ

m σ
〈η 〉


〈η 〉
0.5 0.3
0.4 σ =30 cm−1
150 σ =50 cm−1
σ =150 cm −1 0.2 200 −1
0.3 σ =150 cm

0.2 150
100 0.1 σ =30 cm−1
0.1 σ=0 100 σ =50 cm−1
σ=0 σ =30 cm−1
0 50 0 50
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
m m m m

FIG. 3: Numerical results

√ P for initial symmetric states of FIG. 4: Numerical √results for initial asymmetric states of the
the form |Ψsm i = (1/ m) j=1 |ji satisfying |B0 |2 = m.
form |Ψasm i = (1/ m) j=1
(−1)j |ji satisfying |B0 |2 = 0.
(a) Efficiency and (b) transfer time versus m for different (a) Efficiency and (b) transfer time versus m for different
σ−values. Results shown are averaged over an ensemble σ−values. Results shown are averaged over an ensemble
of 1000 aggregates for each standard deviation σ. Single- of 1000 aggregates for each standard deviation σ. Single-
site energies and electronic couplings for the LH1-RC core site energies and electronic couplings for the LH1-RC core
have been taken reference10 . For donors in the LH1 com- have been taken from reference10 . For donors in the LH1
plex Ej (0) = 12911 cm−1 while for the special pair at complex Ej (0) = 12911 cm−1 while for the special pair at
the RC Ec (0) = 12748 cm−1 , and for the accessory BChl. the RC Ec (0) = 12748 cm−1 , and for the accessory BChl.
Ea (0) = 12338 cm−1 . In all cases Γ = 1 ns−1 and κ = 4 ps−1 . Ea (0) = 12338 cm−1 . In all cases Γ = 1 ns−1 and κ = 4 ps−1 .

length m, we calculate the average efficiency ηm ≡ hηi 4. The optimal delocalization length is around m = 10
where the average is taken over all possible states for as it can been see in figure 4(a). Such behaviour is ro-
which the excitation is delocalized among m consecutive bust to the presence of energetic disorder, and indeed im-
donors. Also, when energetic disorder is considered, for proved as the efficiency values are larger with increasing
each value of standard deviation σ, the efficiency corre- σ. It is also worth noting that in both cases, symmetric
sponds to the ensemble average over 1000 realizations of and asymmetric states, the efficiencies obtained are lower
disordered H. We denote this average efficiency hηm iσ than those given by a classical calculation with rate equa-
and the corresponding average transfer time htf iσ . An tions derived for the same single-site energies, electronic
estimate of σ = 30cm−1 for the standard deviation of the couplings, and dissipation and charge separation rates
diagonal disorder distribution in the LH1 has been pro- here considered15 .
vided in the literature17 . Therefore we have carried out The above results suggest that efficiency can therefore
calculations for σ−values ranging from 0 to 150cm−1 and be used as an indicator for coherent energy transfer. In
the results for symmetric and asymmetric initial states particular, two-dimensional spectroscopy techniques re-
are shown in figures 3 and 4 respectively. For symmetric cently developed to study coherence dynamics in pho-
states and in the absence of energetic disorder i.e. σ = 0, tosynthetic systems4,5 may be used to create and probe
the behaviour of the efficiency and transfer time are very quantum superposition initial states. For instance, an
similar to that in the toy model: hηm iσ=0 increases lin- optically allowed state of LH1 is the completely delocal-
early with m (see Fig. 3(a)) while htf iσ=0 decreases (see ized asymmetric state9 . For very low values of energetic
Fig. 3(b)), achieving maximum efficiency and minimum disorder and at very low temperatures, the efficiency of
transfer time for the fully delocalized situation. For dis- transfer from such state is nearly zero. At a slightly
order distributions corresponding to small values of σ higher temperature, the excitation will become less de-
i.e σ ≤ 50cm−1 , there are symmetric states which ex- localized and as such the efficiency would increase (c.f
hibit efficiency improved in comparison to the situation Fig. 4). In other words, an experiment measuring the ef-
where no disorder is considered. Such states correspond ficiency of an LH1-RC core under various temperatures,
to those for which m < 10 as it can be seen in figure but still within a low temperature regime, could serve to
3(a). However, the efficiency values are clearly decreased ascertain the extend of coherence in energy transfer. In-
with increasing σ. Conversely for the asymmetric states terestingly, some experimental works have indicated that
satisfying |B0 |2 = 0, the efficiency is a non-monotonic in thermalized LH2 complexes the excitation may be co-
function of m, indicating that there is an optimal delo- herently delocalized over just a few donors of the B850
calization length for which hηm iσ has a maximum and ring19 while at very low temperatures it can be fully de-
for which htf iσ has a minimum as it is shown in figure localized over the whole ring20 . Unfortunately, no such

investigation has been reported on the LH1. with

In conclusion, we have presented a formalism to study
the role of quantum coherence in photosynthetic units
that exhibit coherent energy transfer mechanism. Our X X
results open up experimental possibilities to investigate G(t) = iγΓ bj (t) − γ Jjk bk (t) .
j=1 j=1 k6=j
and exploit such coherent phenomena in artificial and
natural systems harvesting light.
Defining the effective coupling between one donor and the
Acknowledgments LH1 ring as ∆j = k6=j Jjk , and assuming it identical
for all the donors in the LH1 i.e. ∆j ≡ ∆, we have
A.O-C thanks Trinity College (Oxford) for financial G(t) = γ(iΓ − ∆) j=1 bj (t). Now from equation (A2)
support. C-F.L thanks Glasstone Trust (Oxford) and we get j=1 bj (t) = iγ −1 (ḃM+1 (t) + κbM+1 (t)) and thus
Jesus College (Oxford) for financial support. F.F.O is we arrive to
grateful to Conicyt (Chile).

b̈M+1 (t) + X ḃM+1 (t) + Y bM+1 (t) = 0 , (A3)

APPENDIX A: DETAILS OF THE ANALYTICAL with X = (κ + Γ + i∆) and Y = 4M γ 2 + κ(Γ + i∆).
SOLUTIONS FOR THE TOY MODEL The solutions of the above differential equation are of
the form
As described in section III (A), in the simplest situ-
ation where the RC is taken as a single two-level sys-
tem on resonance with M donors, we are able to find M
analytical solutions for the probability density of hav- bM+1 (t) = f (t) bj (0) + g(t)bM+1 (0) (A4)
ing a charge separation event at the RC, and there- j=1
fore we find an analytical expression for the efficiency
of transfer in this toy model (see Eq.(10)). Here we
give the details of this calculation. The unnormalized with
state |Ψcond(t)i given in equation (6) satisfies the rela-
tion d|Ψcond (t)i/dt = −iHcond|Ψcond (t)i which leads to
the following set of first-order coupled differential equa- sin(Ωt/2)
tions f (t) = −2iγe−Xt/2

−Xt/2 (Γ − κ + i∆)
g(t) = e sin(Ωt/2) + cos(Ωt/2)
ḃj (t) = −iγj bM +1 (t) − i Jjk bk (t) − Γbj (t) (A1) Ω
ḃM +1 (t) = −i γj bj (t) − κbM +1 (t) . (A2) p
and Ω = 4M γ 2 − (Γ − κ + i∆)2 . The above solution is
invariant with respect to exchange of any pair of two-level
Assuming that all donor-RC coupling are identical i.e. systems. It is also worth noting that the above formal-
γj ≡ γ for all j = 1 . . . 32, we have ism allows to find a closed expression for the collective
amplitude of probability B(t) = j bj (t) which leads to
b̈M+1 (t) + κḃM+1 (t) + M γ 2 bM+1 (t) = G(t) further simplifications of this system.21

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