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INSTRUCTION: Read the questions carefully and thoroughly. Choose the letter of correct answer and write your answers on
the answer key provided. NO ERASURES PLEASE!

Answer 1. Which of the following is the two branching tubes entering the lungs?
Sheet A. Bronchi B. Alveoli C. Trachea D. Bronchioles
2. What organ pumps the blood throughout the body?
A. Heart B. Bloodstream C. Nasal passages D. Lungs
3. When you breathe out, what kind of air goes out of your body?
1. _____ A. Oxygen B. Carbon Dioxide C. Oxycarbon D. Air
4. When you inhale, your body takes oxygen. Where does the oxygen go after entering the bronchi?
2. ______ A. Lungs B. Alveoli C. Trachea D. Bronchioles
5. A species that has a rapid death rate is classified as what kind of species?
3. ______ A. Endangered Species B. Threatened Species C. Extinct Species D. Random Species
6. What do we call a population of species that is already low in population and about to lose their kind?
A. Endangered Species B. Threatened Species C. Extinct Species D. Random Species
7. When a species have already extinguish or lost in time they are considered to be what kind of species?
A. Endangered Species B. Threatened Species C. Extinct Species D. Random Species
5. ______ 8. Which of the following problems are caused by the different gases that are sent to the atmosphere by the different
factories, vehicles and other materials?
6. ______ A. Water pollution B. Acid precipitation C. Air pollution D. Deforestation
9. The energy that we get comes plants and other animals came from what kind of source?
7. ______ A. Photosynthesis B. Plants C. Sun D. Food Triangle
10. Energy from the plants arrived at our body as a raw material found in food, it is the job of our body to convert this food
8. ______ into energy. What is the process of transforming the energy from the food that we eat into energy?
A. Photosynthesis B. Cellular respiration C. Respiration D. Cell energy transfer
11. What is released by the body as waste during respiration?
9. ______ A. Air B. Carbon Dioxide C. Oxygen D. Nitrogen
12. What is the main job of your respiratory system?
10. _____ A. It gets the oxygen needed by your body C. It converts oxygen into energy
B. It takes in the oxygen and takes out CO2 D. All of the above
11. _____ 13. When you jog, your legs began to feel muscle pain, indicating a need for oxygen, which one delivers the oxygen to your
12. _____ A. Blood vessels B. Heart C. Blood D. Arteries
14. When the blood enters the heart from the lungs, which part pumps first?
A. Left atrium B. Right ventricle C. Left ventricle D. Right atrium
13. _____ 15. When can we say that a community has a low index of diversity?
A. When there are many different species C. When there are a few number of
14. _____ species
B. When there is only one species present D. When there are two species present
15. _____ 16. When can we say that a certain species is extinct?
A. When their kind is dead C. When they can’t multiply anymore
16. _____
B. When their kind is rapidly decreasing in number D. When half of the population is dead
17. Statistics show that whales are already decreasing at a faster rate, what does it means?
17. _____
A. They are becoming threatened B. They become extinct
B. They become endangered D. All of the choices
18. _____ 18. When there are too much number of a certain species living in an area, it can cause to loss of other species, and might
lead to ____________.
19. _____ A. Extinction B. Scarcity of food C. Endangering of species D. Predation
19. What is produced during photosynthesis?
20. _____ A. ATP and NADPH B. Oxygen and sugar C. Sugar and water D. Oxygen only
20. Humans need the energy from the Sun, which is present in plants that they eat. What is the process of converting it
into energy?
21. _____
A. Respiration B. Cellular photosynthesis C. Cellular respiration D.
22. _____ 21. How does the air get into the lungs?
A. By gas exchange B. By simple diffusion C. By extraction D. By Explosion
22. How does air get to the lungs from the alveoli?
A. Through jumping straight to the lungs C. by simple diffusion
B. By gas exchange D. through the exit of carbon dioxide
Answer 23. How does the heart function as a pump?
Sheet A. The heart is filled with blood which is squeezed out to circulate through the whole body
B. The heart pumps the oxygen into the heart and deliver it throughout the body
C. The heart acts as a pump that moves the blood from the lungs throughout the body
D. All of the above
24. What can you do to prevent loss of habitat from animals?
24. _____ A. Do not cut down premature trees C. Stop illegal logging
B. Promote reforestation D. All of the choices
25. _____ 25. Citizens of Baybay are starting to cut down a big area of coconuts. The area will be used to build a new resort
according to the owner. What results from this logging?
26. _____ A. Loss of food C. Loss of animal habitat
B. Loss of woods D. All of the above
26. From #25, what could happened to that place in Baybay when there is a tropical storm arriving?
27. _____
A. There is a huge risk of food depletion C. There are no more trees to use
B. There is a risk of flooding D. Nothing will change
28. _____ 27. During your walk from your house to San Isidro NHS, you realized that you haven’t eaten your breakfast. How will
this affect your body?
29. _____ A. I will look pale C. It will provide me not enough energy
B. It will change the way I look D. It will make me stronger
30. _____ 28. More water and carbon dioxide is given to your mango tree to make it bear fruit faster, but weeks later, it was not
bearing anything. What do you think is lacking?
31. _____ A. More water B. More sunlight C. More Carbon Dioxide D. No more
29. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about your heart?
A. It pumps the blood throughout your body C. It send the blood to your respiratory system
32. _____ B. It has four chambers D. It gets the blood from your lungs
30. Which of the following is TRUE about your heart rate after exercise?
33. _____ A. Heart rate increases after exercise C. Heart rate remains the same after exercise
B. Heart rate decreases after exercise D. Heart rate stops for a bit after exercise
34. _____ 31. Which of the following is NOT a function of the blood?
A. Carrying CO2 B. Carrying oxygen C. Moving throughout the body D. Sending neurosignals
35. _____ 32. Which of the following causes destruction of marine resources?
A. Muro-ami B. Kaingin C. Typhoon D. Fishing
33. If population A is 110 and population B is 205, what is the density of A compare to B?
36. _____ A. B has higher density B. A has higher density C. A has lower density D. B has lower density
34. Which of these would help reduce the presence of CFCs in the atmosphere?
37. _____ A. Use biodegradable materials more instead of plastics C. Stop illegal logging
B. Plant more trees D. A and B
38. _____ 35. Plants make food by absorbing water and carbon dioxide. Which of the following is also needed to make food?
A. ATP B. Sugar C. Oxygen D. Sunlight
39. _____ 36. Which of the following is the product of cellular respiration?
A. Sugar and water B. ATP and Sugar C. ATP and CO2 D. CO2 and sugar
37. What can you say about this phrase: “Once a smoker, always a smoker”?
40. _____
A. You cannot escape from smoking C. A person who smokes, will never get out of smoking
B. Even if you stop smoking, your body can’t move on easily D. You can escape from smoking easily
41. _____ 38. Why do you need regular exercise?
A. To insure you are safe from diseases C. To keep the body and muscles active
42. _____ B. To have a healthy lifestyle D. All of the above
39. Do you think it is safe to smoke once in a week or a month?
43. _____ A. Yes, since you are only doing it for some time C. No, because you can still acquire smoking illnesses
B. Yes, it can never harm you anymore D. No, it can harm your stomach
40. Why do species become extinct?
44. _____
A. People keep on putting them in the Zoo C. We keep eating those species
B. We are building more buildings near them D. All of the above
41. How can you help prevent wildlife depletion?
A. Plant more trees B. Build more houses C. Hunt more animals D. Keep away from
42. How are forests affected by rapid loss of trees or deforestation?
A. Animals will die if trees are cut C. Animals may leave due to loss of habitat
B. The Forest will die D. None of the choices
43. What is the importance of sugar in cellular respiration?
A. It provides energy to animals C. It is converted into energy
B. It is the primary ingredient in plants D. It happens to all my people
44. What would happen to your body if you are consequently exposed to smoke from vehicles, cigarettes and factories?
A. I would suffer from skin disorder C. I can get allergies from the dusts and smoke
B. My skin would turn darker D. I could get illnesses such as cough and cold
45. The following are the different activities that can be done every day:
Answer i. Exercise iii. Eating more vegetables v. Drinking softdrinks
Sheet ii. Proper hygiene iv. Eating more fruits vi. Drinking more water daily
From the ones listed above, how many ways should you do to take care of your body?
45._____ B. Only four B. Six C. Just 3 of those D. Just 5 of those
46. You were invited to travel in one of the deepest caves in the country. While you are going deeper, you noticed that
you are sweating a lot and having a hard time breathing. What do you think is the main cause of your heavy breathing
A. There are a lot of pressure inside a cave C. The air underground has too much oxygen
47. _____ B. There is a few oxygen molecules present as you go deeper D. Too much CO2 is causing you trouble
47. You were visiting a forest about a few kilometers away from your small barangay. While sightseeing, you were fond
48. _____ of the huge trees growing in the area, and was fascinated by the different kinds of birds and land animals you saw.
You know that the area will be the next one to be transformed into a housing subdivision because people near the river
49. _____ were tasked to evacuate. What do you think will happen to the forest when humans interfere to it?
A. Trees will be cut down but animals will survive C. Animals will lose their habitat and go to other
50. _____ places
B. Trees will be lost but humans will also suffer D. Humans will suffer from lack of food
48. In a farm, soy beans were the only crop that was planted on several hectares of land. A farmer noticed that fungus was
growing all over the soy bean fields. What do you think will happen to the soybeans and the fungus?
A. The fungus will live and the soy beans will die C. The fungus will die, keeping the soybeans alive
B. Soybeans will compete for the resources against the fungus D. The soybeans will have not enough
49. What is the main cause of extinction in plant and animal species?
A. Too much cutting down of trees that can cause floods
B. Creating gigantic malls and buildings
C. Over-harvesting of natural resources and destruction of animal habitats
D. Creating new ways to keep human species on top of the food chain by killing and petting animals
50. Sugarcane juice is used in making table sugar which is extracted from the stem of the plant. Trace the path of sugar
molecules found in the stem from where they are produced.
A. Root --------- stem C. Flowers ----- leaf ----- stem
B. Leaf --------- steam D. roots ----- leaf -----stem

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other”

Abraham Lincoln



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