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Dear parents/guardian,

Hello & Welcome to Ms. Inocencio’s kindergarten classroom! We are very

excited to work with your shining star of a student! Although it’s a new year and
we will all be surrounded by new faces, I can promise you your child is in one of the
most fun and educational environment. We strive for our students to be the best
they can be by creating constant goals that will help them become diligent,
strategic, and well-rounded individuals. You can be a part of this goal by becoming
involved throughout the year and create a relationship that formulates a strong
bond between parent/guardian, student, and teacher.

I also wanted to fill you in on some of my main procedures/expectations.

Students will always have a take home folder that is expected to be brought back
the following school day. This folder is consists of important files/notes, behavior
chart, and possible homework that you are to go over with your child. Please feel
free to leave in any documentation you would like to give to me. I am always
available through via email and through classroom telephone which are stated down
below. Don’t hesitate to contact me under any circumstance. I will be sure to
reach you as soon as possible. Quarterly newsletters will also be given as well for
your own knowledge of what your child will be learning. Lastly, I want to emphasis
the behavior expectations of our star students. The only way they can remain star
students is if their they do their work, follow directions, and their behavior is
watched and corrected. Students are expected to respect one another both inside
and outside.

Once again, I am beyond excited to be working with your star child! Let’s all
work together and make this our best year!

Marie Inocencio Contact:
Ruvianne Inocencio
School Phone: _________________ext______


TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

Ms. Inocencio’s Classroom


person speaking


3.) Don’t hurt someone INSIDE & OUT

4.) Be RESPECTFUL under any


TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.


1.) Verbal warning

2.) Change clip
3.) Chill out & Reflection
4.) Call home
5.) Administration

Students are under a color clip changing system. There will be five colors blue,
green, yellow, orange, and red. Every student starts at green. Students can
move up or down the spectrum. Students only move up based on their proper
behavior or simple rewards. Students move down based on verbal warnings.

Chill out & Reflection

Students are to be isolated to the chill out zone. They are too put their head
down and think about what they are doing to cause disruption. Once teacher is
done with instruction, teacher will visit student and reflect with the student
and discuss what they did and why it was wrong.

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

Morning routine

 Students are to walk in quietly and go to their seat

 Students are to take out their take home folders and turn it in the folder
 Students are then to put their backpack on the their designated hangers
and meet at the rug
 Greet the students good morning and ask how their weekend/night was
 Students will begin sharing once given “piggly wiggly” the talking pig.
o Students can also discuss homework
 Reassure the students to make today a fun filled days with good behaviors
 Play good morning songs:
o Good morning songs:
o Good morning song circle time:
 Calendar leading is called up and given a pointer
 Students will go over….
o Date
 Teacher announce the date of yesterday
ex. Yesterday date was November 7 What does that make
 Calendar leader is to points and everyone states todays date
o Days of the week
o Song: (sang as fara shaka)
 What day is it? What day is it?
Do you know? Do you know?
Yesterday was _____, Tomorrow will be______
Today is ______, Today is _______
o Number of days of school (counting)
 Refer to the number chart from 1-100
 Calendar leader is to point at the number that corresponds to
the school day
Ex. Frist day of school is number one

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

35th day of school is number 35
o Popsicles sticks (number places) (reference to the number of days of
 Calendar leader is to add one popsicle stick each day
 Every ten popsicle stick become a bundle
Ex. 35th day: 3 bundles of tens 5 ones
 Count with the students
o Weather
 Song: (sang like oh my darling )
What’s the weather? What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny? (arms over head making a circular figure)
Is it cloudy? (arms back down rounding holding hips)
What’s the weather like today?
 Teacher chooses a student from the rug to look out the window
to answer the question
 Teacher sits down calendar leader and goes over with the students the next

Procedures for sharpening pencils

 Sharpening pencils are too much for Kindergarten students

 If a pencil breaks, students are to raise their hands and wait for assistance

BUT, if I had a grade higher than kindergarten……

 In the morning the pencil sharpener will have to sharpen all the pencils in the
pencil box
 If students want to sharpen their own pencil that would have to signal a
number two
 Wait for permission

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

Throwing trash away

 Students are always responsible to clean up after every activity that

creates a mess
 During instruction, students are to wait patiently until the teacher is done
 Raise their hand
 Ask permission
 And wait for the teacher to answer

But, if I had a grade higher than kindergarten….

 Student need to signal the teacher a number two

 Wait for permission
 At the end of the day the ”house keeper” will do a quick clean up throughout
the room

Collecting papers

 Keep table is given a table leader

 Students are too give their papers to the table leader
 Table leader gives the collected paper to the teacher

Lining up

 Attention grabber
o Teacher: SHARK BAIT!
o Students: HOO HA HA!
 Teacher is to address where we are going
 Tell them to clean up their area and stay quiet
 Whoever is ready first and quiet get to line up
 Make sure line leader is in the front and door holder is in the back

Fire drill

 Attention grabber
o Teacher: SHARK BAIT!
o Students: HOO HA HA!

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

 Allow students to line up
 Do a quick count off
 Leave the room
 Reach destination
 Do another count
 Follow school procedure

Lunch time

 Attention grabber
o Teacher: SHARK BAIT!
o Students: HOO HA HA!
 Address where we are going
 Tell them to clean up their area and stay quiet
 Whoever is ready first and quiet gets to use the bathroom, wash their
hands, and drink water
 Line up quietly (if students are not quiet/get out of hand seat them back to
their seats)


 Attention grabber
o Teacher: SHARK BAIT!
o Students: HOO HA HA!
 Teacher is to address where we are going
 Tell them to clean up their area and stay quiet
 Whoever is ready first and quiet can get their backpacks
 As students are getting their backpacks and cleaning up, students will be
called up three at time to get their take home folder
 Students are to pack up and wait patiently until it’s time to leave

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

Ms. Marie’s Classroom Layout:



>The door
>Teacher Stations >Sink/water fountain

>Students tables

>Smart Board &

>Bulletin Boards computer setup

>Chill out Spot

>Calendar Board & White Board

>Cubbies/ Backpack
TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney. Jacket holders

 6 students
 2 baskets
o 3 pencils
o 3 scissors
o 3 glue sticks
o 3 types of children’s books
 Tray of crayons

>Bulletin Board

 Motivation Posters
 Posters Made during instructional period
 Art work

Calendar Board/ White Board

 Pink side: calendar side

 Number chart 1-100
 Popsicle Stick holder
 Calendar

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

Teaching Philosophy

I never expected myself to

become a teacher. I always figured I
would become the one from the typical
Filipino family to continue the footsteps
of their mother of becoming a nurse. I
remembered applying for colleges the
end of my junior year and stating I
wanted to go for the nursing path with
confidence and high hopes. In high
school, I was always well involved in school by joining a lot of clubs and doing a lot
of volunteer work. I started volunteering in multiple hospitals just to get my foot
in the water once I start working in hospitals. The first time volunteering was
excited; but I began realizing the more I volunteered with patients, the more I
realized that this career wasn’t for me. It wasn’t until my senior year; I started to
get more involved in the school system. I started helping out with leadership
workshops and volunteering for elementary schools. Then it hit me. I discovered
teaching was my calling. Since that day, I wanted to be the best teacher I could.

Throughout my college career, I’ve learned a lot about teaching and its
expectation. Not only do I want to be a cliché loving, caring teacher, but I want to
be a memorable one. I want children to remember me as role model that
formulated their minds to be the best they can offer to the world. To mold their
minds, it’s important for students to learn about responsibility and taking action.
Responsibility plays a huge role on lives because in the real world, whatever one’s
actions will reflect on whom they will be as a person. Taking actions correlates
with understanding that it’s a person's duty to take on their responsibility and
hopefully handling it the right way. Of course, students will learn this through life
experiences, but it doesn’t hurt to start in the classroom.

I am also a firm believer of children finding their passion through being

themselves. Therefore; it’s important for students to build strong minds and
embed higher level thinking at a young age to help them think for themselves.
Although, standards are given and students are required to learn them, I still want

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

to be able to allow kids to free their minds and develop their own methods of
learning materials and aiding their learning needs. I want students to feel as if
they can trust me fully with my words, the atmosphere I create for them, and
passion that I present to them.

Teaching is an instructional based learning that is demonstrated by someone

with greater knowledge or is skilled on a profession. As a future teacher, I know
that with having maybe 20 plus students, it’s my duty to guide these little minds to
eventually reach their goals. Teaching is one thing but learning is whole other level.
Learning is the process to understanding what is being presented. Learning can be
an easy or complicated task. As a teacher it is my job to get students from
getting material, processing the material, then progressing with the material.
Students have the potential; they just need to find what fits best in their learning
their practice.

With all being said of what type of teacher I would like to be, it all reflects
on what happens in the classroom. As a teacher with having a heart of students
finding their passion, I need to find out ways that students can learn for
themselves. The first step in lesson planning, I believe, is getting to know the
students. Showing interesting in them will create an interesting in the teacher.
From there, I’ll teach the lesson through multiple hands on activities and allow the
students to choose their liking in how they want to present their assessment. A
prime example would be a setting for a fourth grade classroom. The students are
learning about animals and why they migrate. For activities in class, I would first
lecture about different types of animals that migrate, why they migrate, and
where they migrate too. This lesson would be taught through my pedagogical use
of a smart board. Afterwards, I would have different subsections/ stations where
the students will break into groups and solve puzzles to irritate their learning and
have notes for their own reference when doing their future project. Then once the
whole unit lesson is done, I would assign a project that the students will be given
three choices to present in. Students are welcome to turn in a page paper, create
a poster board, or do an oral presentation on what was taught. With doing so, this
will allow the students to not only have options, but are free to design their
projects however they feel, with guidelines of course. This also demonstrates

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

integration with the curriculum. The students are learning science material, but
integrating English material. Although this can’t be done with every lesson plan, it
is still a concept that should be infused to insure students to become higher level

Not all students are the same and that is important for teachers to
understand and include differentiating in every lesson plan. In my classroom I will
always accommodate towards all students. An example of encompassing
differentiation in my lesson plan, continuing with the migration exemplar, would be
during the activity portion. Students will be divided into equal groups and will help
each other’s before asking me. Students with ELL, ADHD, etc. will be helped
throughout the activity with their fellow students. If the student is still having
difficulties with understanding the lecture and activities, the student/s will be put
aside and work on the activity during free time and get assistance from me or the
teaching assistant.

Having many obligations to juggle, teaching always has it rewards. I hope to

become a master at what I do and improve on my teaching every day. I strive that
with my classroom management I will make the room as warm and comfortable to
help my students find their passion. Students will also find this comfort through
my teaching styles as well.

TLED 479-579, Classroom Management-Practicum, Fall, 2017, McKinney.

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