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Napoles, Shanelle T.

Module 4

1. How to prepare for a party

Having a party can be always overwhelming. However, having good friends over to a common
place will always be worth it. In a party full of guests, it is important to have a menu and
shopping list prepared so the guests won’t be famished. Speaking of guests, the next step would
be to create a guest-list to avoid unexpected visitors. The date and time should also be decided
so that the guests can plot it on their schedules. Last and most important of all, of course no
party would be successful without some entertainment. One could hire an entertainment
provider or one could simply have games. It really depends on the type of the party the host is
going to throw. What is important is that the host could provide their guests a fun-filled event
they won’t forget.

2. People and their hobbies

Hobbies are the favorite activities, habits or choices of a person which he/she does regularly in
his/her free time for pleasure and enjoyment. Through the course of our lives, we bide our time
doing particular tasks that may either help us to earn our living or build the staircases to our
futures and careers. However, amidst these compulsory tasks, most of us also do things which
we enjoy doing. Hobbies are activities which help us escape the daily grind of life and work and
give us pleasure and peace of mind. Some hobbies include indoor, outdoor, enrichment, sports,
social, creative and collecting activities. Indoor activities are hobbies done inside a home or
buildings, the opposite of such are outdoor activities. Enrichment activities are educational
pursuits. Sports as hobbies may include playing basketball, volleyball and etc. Social activities as
hobbies may involve their social cliques and meeting new people. Creative hobbies create a
platform where people can express their creative capabilities. Lastly, collecting as a hobby, may
include collection of antiques, coins, and any other that interests the person. Whatever hobby a
person may have, the interesting thing about hobbies is that they dramatically improve our own
personalities and character traits, therefore improving our performances better on the whole.

3. Why distance education is relevant in our country today

Most of Filipinos today seek for higher education to get better job offers as they take their
career path. Online and distance learning could be the perfect for those that have a job or have
important personal responsibilities one need to commit to, for instance, if one has a family to
look after. In a developing country, with bad traffic, distance education is an option for those
who live far from schools because no travelling is needed. You'll be able to be at home and
complete course work while engaging towards your diploma. Another perk of distance
education is you can study on your own pace. Distance learning provides you with the
advantages of an adaptable routine. If you were taking classes at a regular university, you would
have a fixed schedule where you would have to be in class. Furthermore, according to
researches internet-based education usually involves more affordable tuition than traditional
college or university. Overall, by choosing an online degree, the extra costs such as reading and
learning materials, travelling bills, housing and etc. would no longer be a problem. Basically, in
any country not only the Philippines, convenience is the main reason why distance education is
relevant. A hard working Filipino with lesser means to access with education, can take online
courses when they need it and not just based on a school’s schedule. While doing so, he can
attend to other responsibilities.

4. Solving financial problems

Many people today are facing hard financial times. It may come as simple as having late
payments to one’s monthly bill and also it may come as complicated as having to lease your own
home. However complicated it is the impact on mental health can be significant. These
problems can seem impossible to overcome but the good news is that you don’t need a degree
from a top university to help you solve financial problems. First step is to track where your
money goes. In a little notebook, or by using an app, make a note of where you’re spending your
money. You might want to track what you spend on certain types of expenses, e.g. coffee or
drinks out, or maybe tracking what you spend in certain stores is easier. After tracking where
your money goes, you should create a spending plan. Having a spending plan or a budget makes
life so much easier because you’ve given yourself a guide to decide how you want to spend your
money. And if there’s an expense you want to cut out of your budget, start by reducing it by
half. This will tell you if you can stick it out for the long term. Next step is to find a replacement
for one large expense in your monthly budget. It means one has to cut back on spending money
on things that they can replace with cheaper alternatives. Lastly is to create a plan to pay off
your debt. Dealing with debt sooner than later leaves you with more options. One strategic idea
is to first pay off the most expensive debt and after paying such, go to the next most expensive
debt. However your financial problem is, and whatever has caused it, it is always better to spend
and pay with cash rather than credit. This is because you only pay what you have and you will
not incur any debt. Last but not least, one of the best things any high level university could instil
in its students is the desire to learn more. Any degree of learning from our mistakes is
worthwhile, especially when we’re educating ourselves about how to manage our money and
debt better. So we as earners should keep on learning to plan our future successfully.

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