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a Faces s ed Opportuniiest ere Scene er eees E Cecil Dit shea Grrrmacnaing ppoincaachcrs DUD laccd SACL) ee ee oe UR eee ocala SLE RUC riage tad Cae aL ae Ee eB ese ee Leelee eu ala a l-asalel| CONTACT Us: Sonera) SMa No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, expect as permitted under Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the author. Readers should be aware that internet web sites offered as citations and/or sources for further information may have changed or disappeared between the time this was written and when it is read. Limit of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. A method contained herein may not suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. PREFACE This method begins with a rough sketch of counselling services for student well- being in the 21* century that address a variety of issues. Most problems among students are from home and school environment. That thing can be controlled in this regard is that the school environment which should provide opportunities for students by providing an environment that will help students learn to cope with problems and create success. The ability to think critically and creatively, to collaborate with others, and to communicate clearly sets students up for success in their life, but also empowers them to lead happier, healthier lives. Every teacher can take steps immediately to help their students succeed. There are many factors that can impact the student daily lite, whether it be academics, personal concerns, or social concems. By providing access to various school and community resources, school counselors share their knowledge and provide guidance that will help students make choices and prevent students from being trapped by drug abuse. In the precautionary measure school counselors should be prepared with knowledge to address any critical issues or crisis among students especially in assisting a student involved in disciplinary, social and substance abuse. As a school counselor in charge of front line for assistance, here is something I've learned in the years of study and experience since my first encounter with the “Reward Pathway” and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders in Dr. Mohd Nazr's class. Rewards are pleasurable. Addictions hurt. Reward is experienced in response to discrete stimuli, providing enjoyment and arousal. Addictions involve persistent, compulsive, and uncontrolled behaviors that are both maladaptive and destructive, Despite these obvious differences, reward and addiction were previously thought to share common neurobiological In this book | present a method that holistic approach combines physical, psychological, sport training and games, gazebo and group to successfully treat addiction and to motivate students to reach their maximum potential. | address the root causes of addiction through 4G Edge method at school based is specifically tailored to student's needs and includes the following elements. Use 4G EDGE method, combines the best elements of school-based treatment. Counseling encourages psychological development, stimulates changes in outlook and helps the brain develop more positive thinking patterns to combat addictive behavior or other issues. Although the 4G Edge method it just that a model and not proven scientific fact, it is based on psychological methods of behavioral change. My hope is that the method will aid and inspire you to take your innate creative abilities to next level and I invite you to let me know about your result at 4G EDGE Contemporary Counselling Approach Towards Generating Students Well-Being in the 215* Century A revolutionary program addressing behavioral issues and substance use disorders Holistic Treatment Method Entering the 21" Century, counselors will need to address these challenges with commitment and creativity. However, professionals need to consider some of the challenges that need to be addressed. Today, all school counselors must have at least a degree and a license to practice. The unique training of school counselors "makes them qualified to address all students’ academic, personal, social, and career development needs by designing, implementing, evaluating, and enhancing a comprehensive school counselling program that promotes and enhances student’s success. ‘The 21° Century Education ‘Therapy Sessions Group Counselling Gym Gazebo Games Activity-based Fun-learning Student-centered Scientific evidence based Special need care Leadership Biopsychosocial spiritual Boxing / Muay Thai Club Living skills / Practical Life Skills Sensorial Approach Just Noticeable Difference There are many factors that can impact the daily life of today's youth, whether it be academics, personal concerns, or social concerns. By providing access to various school and community resources, school counselors share their knowledge and provide guidance that will help students make choices which will lead them towards personal and professional success. Advocating for the needs of all students is another important role of the school counselor. By serving as a liaison between educators, families, and community agencies, school counselors can provide guidance and support to maximize each student's potential and academic achievement. Through such partnerships, school counselors facilitate support systems (o ensure that all students are prepared academically and socially with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society. ee im Le PHILOSOPHY Contemporary Counselling Approach Towards Generating Students Well- Being in the 21st Century with Holistic Treatment Method. VISION “A leading pioneer in 21" Century Integrated Education” MISION “Make Opportunities, Take the next step, contrary to popular belief, great opportunities don’t just rely on sheer luck. New hope, great friends, and the right person” “Develop habits to create a turning point at the right place, at the right time and the right person” CORE VALUES * Prevention ‘© Scientific Evidence Based © Early intervention + Establishing a healthy routine © Therapeutic ‘+ Empowers them to lead happier, healthier lives © Recovery within a matter of months with family support ‘© Sets students up for suecess in their careers ‘* Create positive emotional change ‘* Ability to think critically and creatively * To communicate clearly ‘* To collaborate with others © Relaxation ‘* Well-structured 4G Edge Programming and counselling provide a context in which student can develop their qualities and even become mentors for others who are struggling with similar issues. SERVICES OFFERED * Biopsychosocial Spiritual + Individual and Group Counselling © Sport and Games ‘* Physical and Health Education * Career Education © Personal Development © Humanities CO & EXTRA CURRICULUM CLUB PRS, Guidance and Counselling, 21 Century Career Club, Creativity and Innovation, ‘Multi Media and Photography, Awan Teduh Production, Alumni Bantura Club WHY IS THIS 4G EDGE ESTABLISHED? * To provide holistic approach combines physical, psychological, sport training and games, gazebo for relaxation and group counselling or group discussion to successfully treat addiction and motivate student to reach their maximum potential. * To understand that student get the most out of treatment if they are physically active and highly stimulated, Our holistic programmed ties together the key components of student as a young man’s life. «To encourages psychological development, stimulates changes in outlook and helps the brain develop more positive thinking patterns to combat addictive behavior or other issues, Well-trained and licensed professionals guide all counseling activities with extensive experience in addiction treatment. neta Sa WHAT WE HOPE TO ACHIEVE? * Toestablish and use 4G EDGE program, our own integrative treatment method, which combines the best elements of school-based treatment with elements of 21 century education. * To address the root causes of addiction through our 4G Edge treatment method at school based is specifically tailored to student’s needs and includes the following elements. © To understand that a solid routine of high-intensity physical activity can encourage brain change. Physical activity not only helps to process excess energy that leads to feelings of restlessness and aids in focus and progress in recovery. Italso produces calming endorphins that help to rewire the brain over time, creating positive emotional changes. CONTACT US: by] Address: SMK BANTURA. SMK Bandar Tun Razak, 26900, Bandar Tun Abdul Razak, Pahang phone 09-445 6551 012-8867740 / 012-6220068 s website: Ppdabantura2019 Qpessorssntsanorae @. s:// https://www Pencegahan-Dadah-SMK-Bandar-Tun-Razak-Rompin- Pahang-851791568498931/ neta Sa INTRODUCTION Growing up with this level of technology means growing up with a completely ‘unprecedented amount of information at your fingertips. There are teenagers who more than a few seconds have never been away from the answers to their questions, with everything just a quick search away. The current cohort of students come from Generation Z and Generation Alpha, These two generations have grown up with advanced technology as a given in their homes and classrooms. They are digital natives, as comfortable using apps and code as their grandparents were flipping pages. A 21 CENTURY EDUCATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY In a time when mental health and wellbeing is one of the biggest challenges facing young people, a 21st century education can give students the skills they need both for now and for the future. While digital integration is also fundamental to a through 21" century education, it is not enough to simply add technology to existing teaching methods. Technology must be used strategically to benefit students. 21st century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all-knowing sage providing them with all their information. With so much access to resources of all kinds, children are invariably going to know more than teachers on different topics and be a step ahead of the technology in use. Teachers need to be empowered as facilitators and motivators for learning, so that they can empower their students in turn, This means teachers need to be forward-thinking, curious and flexible, Teachers must be learners: learning new ways of teaching and learning alongside their students. Simply asking questions like “what will my students need twenty or fifty years from now? How can T help give them those skills?” can change your mindset, make you a leader, and help you bring about change in your classtoom, school and community. RESULT The ability to think critically and creatively, to collaborate with others, and to communicate clearly sets students up for success in their careers, but also empowers them to lead happier, healthier lives. Bringing your school into the 21st century requires taking the lead instead of trailing behind, actively seeking out new ways of doing things and staying in touch with the world outside of the education system. Change on a broad scale requires leadership in the classroom and across the school community, but every teacher can take steps immediately to help their students succeed. WHAT IS SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS? Based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-S) and The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), substance use disorders relate to pathological patterns of behaviors related to use of substance, in young people especially student, is sometimes difficult to identify and often appears like bad behavior. However, substances use disorders is a brain chronic disease, progressive illness that is often genetic and does not necessarily come from substance abuse. Addiction is a brain-based disorder, ‘Many students who suffer from addiction lack the brain chemical dopamine, which provides feclings of pleasure and reward. For many, the disorder is present before they even begin using substances, causing them to exhibit symptoms such as extreme boredom, lack of meaning, and lack of purpose, restlessness, irritability and discontentedness. People struggling with these symptoms often turn to substances and processes to make themselves temporarily feel better. Chemical messages to other parts of the brain affecting things like judgment and impulse control result in addictive behaviors, and the brain adapts to this pattern, In much the same way, however, healthy patterns of brain function can be established during recovery. Early intervention can help prevent the impairment of physical and psychological development that results from continued substance abuse. Effects of even severe substance abuse are reversible, and young people especially show results very quickly. Detox can be achieved within just a few days, and young clients can be on the road to recovery within a matter of weeks or months with proper nutrition, physical activity and establishing a healthy routine. neta Sa HOLISTIC TREATMENT METHOD DESIGNED FOR STUDENT “GYM +GAME +SPORTTRAINING/ «JUST NOTICEABLE BOXING/ MUAY THAI DIFFERENT “GAZEBO GROUP “RELAXATION Ss COUNSELLING/ GROUP DISCUSSION PSYCHOTHERAPY The 4G Edge Treatment Method Programmed Our holistic approach combines physical, psychological, sport training and games, gazebo for relaxation and group counselling or group discussion to successfully treat addiction and motivate student to reach their maximum potential. We address the root causes of addiction through our 4G Edge treatment method at school based is specifically tailored to student’s needs and includes the following elements. We also understand that student get the most out of treatment if they are physically active and highly stimulated, Our holistic programmed ties together the key components of students as a young man’s life. We use 4G EDGE program, our own integrative treatment method, which combines the best elements of school-based treatment. Counseling encourages psychological development, stimulates changes in outlook and helps the brain develop more positive thinking patterns to combat addictive behavior or other issues. Well- tained and licensed professionals guide all counselling activities with extensive experience in addiction treatment. neta Sa We understand that a solid routine of high-intensity physical activity can encourage brain change. Physical activity not only helps to process excess energy that leads to feelings of restlessness and aids in focus and progress in recovery. It also produces calming endorphins that help to rewire the brain over time, creating positive emotional changes. Our well-structured sport programming and counseling provide a context in which student can develop their qualities and even become mentors for others who are struggling with similar issues Figure 1: Avoiding Trouble by Boxing rece er Nc Figure 2: Students Show Interest in The Method Introduced Figure 3: Students Show Interest in Boxing Figure 4: Students Show Interest in ND Game Figure 6: Students Show Interest in Group Discussion nt Se ak! Figure 13: Students Show Interest in Bodybuilding Figure 17: Mr. Principal Also Shows Interest in The Game

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