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Your name is not given by your parents! Believe in it. You got your name because
of the effects of the deeds done by you in your previous births. If you have do
ne good things, then your name will have the potentiality to lead you to success
in all of your undertakings. If you have done wrong things, then accordingly yo
ur name reflects bad vibrations which lead you into troubles. So remember, even
though your name is given by your parents, they have given that name to you by t
he instinct guided by your previous deeds.
Once, a person of around 30 years of age, visited me telling that he had a lot o
f problems personal as well as financial, and wanted my counseling. He was havin
g a dull, somber face, without luster like a stone. When I saw him I guessed he
was baring the burden of his previous deeds thrown on to him by Saturn (Sani). I
asked him his name. He told me it was: 'Mandeswara Rao'. Here 'manda' represent
s Saturn directly. I asked him whether he was ready to change his name. He told
me that already an astrologer has advised him to change his name, and he had cha
nged the name also, but still there was no improvement in his life. 'What is you
r changed name?' - I asked him in enthusiasm. He told me that it was 'Ravi Kumar
'. I was shocked at once. Ravi kumar means son of the planet Sun, is none other
than Saturn. Then I realized that the person was completely under the clutches o
f lord Saturn, and it was not so easy to come out of the influence of lord Satur
So, it is very difficult for any one to select a name filled with complete posit
ive vibrations. Now, as grown ups, we may not be able to change our name for goo
d or bad. But think, if we can give a better name to our kids, how nice it would
In this article, I would like to give just 3 steps to choose a better name, fill
ed with positive vibrations, as advocated by Indian Astrology and Numerology com
Step I: Set the vibration of the name according to the birth star of the child.
If you do not know your child's birth star, then click here. Astrology prescribe
s the starting sound to be used in a name, depending on the birth star of the ch
ild, as shown below:
Birth star Name should start with any one of these sounds
1) Aswini Chu,Che,Cho,La
2) Bharani Li,Lu,Le,Lo
3) Krittika Aa,Ee,Vu,Ae
4) Rohini Vo,Va,Vi,Vu
5) Mrigasira Ve,Vo,Ka,Ki
6) Ardra Ku,Kham,Jna,Cha
7) Punarvasu Ke,Ko,Ha,Hi
8) Pushyami Hu,He,Ho,Da
9) Aslesha Di,Du,De,Do
10) Makha Ma,Mi,Mu,Me
11) Pubba Mo,Ta,Ti,Tu
12) Uttara Te,To,Pa,Pi
13) Hasta Pu,Sha,Dha
14) Chitta Pe,Po,Ra,Ri
15) Swati Ru,Re,Ro,Tha
16) Visakha Thi,Thu,The,Tho
17) Anuradha Na,Ni,Nu,Ne
18) Jyesta No,Ya,Yi,Yu
19) Moola Ye,Yo,Bha,Bhi
20) Purvashada Bhu,Ttha,Bha
21) Uttarashada Bhe,Bho,Ja,Ji
22) Sravanam Khi,Khu,Khe,Kho
23) Dhanista Ga,Gi,Gu,Ge
24) Satabhisham Go,Sa,Si,Su
25) Purvabhadra Se,So,Dha,Dhi
26) Uttarabhadra Dhu,Jha
27) Revati Dhe,Dho,Cha,Chi
Note: If you could not find a name starting with the sound mentioned against the
birth star, then I advise you to use the sounds of the immediate star. For exam
ple, for Pubba born child, we can use the sounds: Mo,Ta,Ti,Tu and also Te,To,Pa,
Pi. Similarly Revati born person can use any of the sounds: Dhe,Dho,Cha,Chi,Chu,
Step II: Let us now set a harmonious vibration between the name and the birth da
te, according to Numerology. Remember, every letter is assigned a numerical valu
e as shown below:
A,I,J,Q,Y 1
B,K,R 2
C,G,L,S 3
D,M,T 4
E,H,N,X 5
U,V,W 6
O,Z 7
F,P 8

Now, take the name of the child, and find the total numerical value of the name
using the above digits. For, example: RAVI BABU is the name we have chosen.
Name Value Compound Number Single Number
RAVI 2+1+6+1 10 1
BABU 2+1+2+6 11 2

Therefore, name compound number: 10+11= 21

and name single number: 1+2= 3
Now, take the birth date of the child, and make it a single digit. Suppose, the
child is born on 27th April, 2006. Take only the birth day number, i.e, 27th = 2
+7= 9.
The following numbers are having harmonious vibrations:
Name Single Number Harmonics
1 1,2,9,3
2 2,1,5
3 3,1,2,9
4 3,6,2
5 5,1,6
6 6,5,8
7 7,1,2,9
8 5,6
9 9,1,2,3

If you observe the name single number of RAVI BABU, it is 3 and his birthday num
ber is 9. From the above table, for 3, the number 9 is harmonic. Hence we can gi
ve RAVI BABU name to the child who was born on 27th.
Note: Once, the child is named as RAVI BABU, then we should take care to call hi
m with this name only. And if others call him, RAVI only, then his name single n
umber is 1, which is a harmonic to his birth number 3. Similarly, if he is calle
d BABU only then also his name single number is 2 which is a harmonic to 3. So e
ven if he is called RAVI BABU or RAVI or BABU, still no problem.
Step III: According to Numerology, the following compound numbers have good vibr
ations (others are bad):
Now, see the name compound number is one of these numbers. For example, RAVI BAB
U's name compound number is: 21, which is falling in the above favorable numbers
. So we can confirm the name RAVI BABU is the best suitable name for the child.
Note: If the name compound number is more than 52, then add the digits again. Fo
r example, take 53, add 5+3= 8. Take it as 8 only. 54=9, 55=10, 56=11,...
By following the above steps, you can avoid any obstacles and chaos in your chil
d's future, and your child will become a happy and successful person.

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