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Zack Graham’s


Hi my name is Jake Joey. I am 13 years old and I am four foot eight. I have dark
green eyes and a bright blue cotton t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I have black hair and I’m
on a mission to collect a big red ruby from a cave in somewhere in Bear Valley. Bear
valley is a huge valley loaded with black, brown, Kodiak and even polar bears for some
reason. Now the reason I’m getting this red ruby (also known as the blood ruby) is
because once you have the ruby, you take it to the top of mount polar bear and say: I have
the ruby and I’m proud!!!!!!!. Then a treasure chest will fall in front of you loaded with
weapons, money, gold, silver, platinum and other useful stuff.
I’ve been sent by the king to restore the town, you see our town is very poor. The
houses are falling apart, there’s mice in everything, its really bad. The king says if I bring
back the chest we can restore the town with all the cash.
So here I am in the desert on a journey to the blood ruby, but I’m not alone the
king said I should bring my friend john. My friends name is John David. He is also 13
years old, he is four foot seven, and he has brown hair. So here we are in the desert, it
must be thousands of miles to bear valley. I knew we went close, because this desert was
not the way the king described bear valley at all. Just then I had an idea, I picked up a
stone, and a stick. I stabbed a crab with the stick. “ Uh Jake what are you doing” John
answered “ you’ll see” I said. I smeared the crabs blood on the stone, And lifted it above
my head and said: I have the ruby and I’m proud!!!!!!!!.” Nothing happened. “I wonder
why nothing happened” I said curiously, “Two things” John said “One that’s a dead crab
and not a huge valuable red ruby, and another were not on top of mount polar bear” “ oh
gosh your right John” I said back. “We must go onward, the kings counting on us to get
this ruby and take it to mount polar bear and say I have the ruby and I’m proud!!!!”
“Wow that was lovely Jake” John added. “I know John but we’ve got thousands of miles
to bear valley so we better pick up the pace” and me and John ran away towards bear
valley. But MEANWHILE….. all the way back in our home town: Blue Lake,
everything was getting worse, the King was getting worried. “Man, the town of blue lake
is getting messier and messier every day I sure hope Jake Joey and his friend John get
back to town really soon with the chest” said the king as he looked out the window.
But the town really was getting worse every day, the lake was getting greener, in fact
some townsfolk’s started to call Blue Lake, Green Lake. The mice and rats in town
tripled in four days, houses were burning down, even John David’s house was burnt
down. But he didn’t know it, because he was too busy walking to bear valley with Jake.
It was now 9:00 pm, and after a long day of walking, Jake and John relaxed to sleep in
front of a nice warm campfire “Boy I’ve worked up an apatite of… Hey John what are
we having?” I answered “campfire roasted beans, with a side of garlic” John said.
“Garlic?” I answered “where did you get the garlic?” “from my fridge theres lots of food
in there” John said to me. Of course John had no idea his house burnt down and all the
food in his fridge was destroyed. “well its about time I hit the hay” I said after we both
finished our supper” “yeah me too” John added, so we fell asleep .The very next morning
at the crack of dawn, I woke up , John was still fast asleep. I picked up john, Then I saw a
sign in the distance. I ran towards it, when I got there I read it ,it read: welcome to bear
valley, beware of black brown Kodiak polar and panda. highest point: mount polar bear
home of the blood ruby. I quickly woke up John. “huh what is it Jake?” “Look John we
made it!!!!” But meanwhile….. back in blue lake {or should I say green lake} The
king was Coming down with the flu. “uh!! Dear Neptune” said the king as he looked out
the window, the town was flooding,the mice were drowning, rats were getting in ,
“Grrrr!!!!! If Jake and John don’t get here soon I might just have to use plan G” the king
opened a moldy cardboard box, and pulled out a stainless steel rocket bomb. “I’d Hate to
destroy the township of Blue Lake, But people are dieing, houses got burnt down, plus It
would cost over one hundred billion dollars to repair the village, And we can’t be going
around spending all the tax payers cash!!!” The king looked at the rocket bomb. “Oh
what am I saying!!!!, Jake and John will be Back any day with the chest!!!!” The king put
the bomb away, “ Ill destroy Blue Lake First thing tomorrow morning!!!” The king
started to cry, “Oh hurry up!!! Jake and John” Meanwhile….. In bear valley Jake and
John were walking around in circles. “When are we going to get to the blood ruby” asked
John “Hopefully today” said Jake “Plus we still have to get to the summit of mount
polar bear” Jake added “Uh speaking of Bears,” John interrupted “There is a Grizzly
bear right in front of us, and he doesn’t look that Happy” The Grizzly bear charged at
them!!! “Plan A: climb a tree” Jake yelled , Jake climbed the nearest tree, But John was
still on the ground. “ Grab my hand John!!” John climbed up a bit and grabed Jakes
Hand. “On the count of 3 Ill pull you up ok. 1-2-.” The bear scratching the tree. “3!!!”
John was now up with Jake , But the Bear was climbing up. “Now what? Hes climbing
up!” Said John “Now on The count of 3 we Jump” “ Jump are You crazy?, The bear will
eat us” “Not If we jump really far o.k. now 3-2- ONE!!!” They both jumped past the
bear, and landed beside a cave. “ Inside the cave!!!” the ran in “O.k. we lost him” Said
John putting his hand on a large rock “This rock is really soft” John said “What rock?”
Jake said “This one” John said pointing to it” “Uh John That’s Not a rock!!!,It’s the
blood ruby!!!!” “really” John screamed “Yes!! Lets get to polar bear mountain” they
walked out of the cave and started walking up polar bear mountain,The blood ruby
sparkled in the sunset. “Ah, we made it to bear valley, found the ruby and now were on
are last step: getting to the top of mount polar bear and saying I have the ruby and Im
proud” said john “I know” said Jake MEANWHILE……. Back in Blue Lake (or should
I say horribly Brown Lake) The king was getting ready for bed. “I can’t beleve its bed
time already” the king went onto the balcony “Well goodbye Blue Lake, I’m sorry I have
to destroy you tomorrow morning, Its just that the Town is so poor right now, and Jake
and John aren’t Back from bear valley yet, so goodbye anyway” The king left the balcony
And hopped into bed. “ Oh dear, please hurry up Jake and John, you’re my only hope and
Blue Lake is falling apart and just one week ago there was only 500 mice In town today
theres over 5000000000 mice just in Blue Lake alone, I really need to des-tor-y bl-
zzzzzzz” The king fell asleep. CRASH!!!!!!! Just then the kings bed collapsed on the
floor. But the king was in a deep sleep and didn’t wake up. THE NEXT DAY back in
bear valley Jake and John were more than half way up the mountain. “Ah we’ve been
climbing all night long I think its time for some breakfast” said Jake “ yawn!!!!, I’m so
tired” Said John “I know but all this exercise Is good for us John!!!” said Jake. “Uhhhh
not when you have to carry around a 40 pound ruby it isn’t” Said John “Comon its only
about 35 pounds and besides, The kings counting on us to go to the top of mount polar
bear and saying I have the” “Uh Jake I know what to say at the top of the mountain, you
said it about 45 times this trip” John interrupted “Oh sorry John Now time for some
breakfast” Said Jake “Oh and what are we having today?” Asked John “Water and stale
bread!!” Said Jake “Hooray!” said John. Jake broke the bread, But just then they heard a
boom in the sky, then it started raining, and then the heavy wind kicked in. “Oh no!!
look’s like some awful weather just showed up uninvited” Said John. Meanwhile, Back
in Blue Lake, The King was just waking up, and he was surprised to wake up on the
floor, “Holy Moley!!!, why am I on the floor” the king looked around “Man!!, my bed
must of collapsed while I was sleeping again!” The king got up and looked out the
window, the whole town was flooded in dirty brown water. “Oh man!!! I forgot, I going
to destroy Blue Lake today.” The king grabbed the moldy cardboard box and opened it.
He grabbed the rocket bomb, set it up and got ready to pump the fuse, “Here goes
nothing!” said the king. Meanwhile…. Back on mount polar bear The weather was
getting really bad. “Its getting pretty tough!” shouted Jake. Suddenly The wind stoped
and both Jake And John could see the very top of mount polar bear. They ran at it.
Meanwhile.. In Blue Lake The King was counting down to pump the bomb, “30 29 28 27
26 25 24 23 22”… Jake and john ran towards the summit, but at that very moment, the
king was counting down the Bomb “16 15 14 13 12….Jake jumped towards the summit,
he was only feet away. 6-5-4- 3 2 Just then in mid air Jake screamed “I HAVE THE
RUBY AND IM PROUD !!!!!! Just then a huge light filled the sky. Jake landed,
“woah!!!!” said both Jake and John. Meanwhile back in blue lake The king yelled “1”
But just then the king looked over and saw a bright light in the sky. “Holy Moley!!!,”
The King looked out the window, “They made it.” Said the King really really happy. Just
then a huge beautiful rainbow swooped over polar bear mountain, it wrapped around the
summit, “Well John, we did it!!” said Jake “Yup!!, the king is going to be so proud of
us.” Said John. Just then the Ruby floated out of Jakes hands , it floated up to the sky just
like a helium balloon. When it got to the clouds, The ruby wrapped around a rainbow,
when the rainbow opened up, The ruby was gone, instead the was the chest. “Hey it’s the
chest the King told us about” Said John. The chest lowered and landed on the summit.
Jake opened it, But when he opened it there was not any gold or silver. There was no
platinum or diamonds or weapons, when Jake opened it, all there was, was a rainbow.
“Huh?” wondered Jake. The rainbow shot out of the chest and spoke “Hop on!” Jake
and John hopped on It zoomed towards Blue Lake. Meanwhile… In Blue Lake, The king
was still looking out the window, when a different rainbow zoomed into blue lake
“Huh” wondered the king, it touched the lake, The Lake went from moldy black to clear
blue. “ What, the” Just then all the buildings started building themselves, then the royal
gardens grew again, then the royal wall was repaired in 4 seconds. “Well ill be!” Said the
king, the flood water dried up and the walk way was fixed, people who died started
getting up!, the king looked around his bedroom his bed was fixed. Everything was better
than before!, and that day, something happened that hadn’t happened in a very long time,
People called the town Blue Lake. The King looked out the window, he picked up the
rocket bomb, he put it in the cardboard box, which was no longer moldy, and put it in the
closet “Maybe someday” Said the king , Just then the door opened up and there was Jake
and John . “Back already?!” said the King “So…. Did you get the treasure from the
chest?” Wondered the King. “Were really sorry MR. King, But we got the Ruby, got to
the summit of polar bear mountain and said the words, but there was nothing in the chest
except for a free ride back home!”. Said Jake. John looked around the Kings bedroom
and out the window, “This is weird, I expected the town to be much worse than this, But
its better than before” John said to him self. “I just can’t believe it!” Jake said to the King
“Me and John walked for 4 and a half days straight, we walked over 3000 kilometers for
nothing!, we walked and walked and walked and walked and WALKED, and then we
opened the chest and all there was, was a rainbow!!!!, nothing happened at all!” Jake
screamed. His face all red and covered with sweat. The King could tell, that Jake and
John didn’t know that, when they opened the chest a rainbow came to blue lake and
repaired the town “I have something to say Jake” said the King “When you opened the
chest, you uh, sent a rainbow to blue lake, it cleaned up the town” Went the King “What
do you mean sir” wondered Jake. “well the town wasn’t’ this nice the whole time you
were gone!, it was horrible!, The town was flooded, homes were burnt down, the lake
turned black, The town was rotting, but it all changed when you opened the chest!” said
the king. “ really?” wondered Jake “yes Jake it changed, in fact Johns house burnt
down” said the king. John ran over!! “Burnt down, what do you mean burnt down!”
screamed John “Your house was burnt down” said the king “but its fixed now”. The King
turned to Jake “Jake, you not only saved The town, you also saved everyone in the town,
including Me!” said the King. “gee thanks sir” said Jake “But that’s because I had one
heck of a leader” Said Jake “That was some thinking out there” said the King as he
picked up a crown. “The kind of thinking the vice King does” said the King as he put the
crown on Jakes head. “I’m the vice King” said Jake “I get to be your assistant, and help
you out and stuff” wondered Jake “To the max” said the King. “Now just wait a darn
minute!” screamed John, “I did the journey too!, I walked for 4 and a half days straight
too, I ate nothing but beans, water and bread, I got chased by bears too!, So Jake gets to
be vice King, What do I get in return!” wondered John, all red and sweaty. “You get to
make us breakfast!” said the King. The king and Jake were laughing so hard, John got
really mad, Jake and the King were laughing for about 2 minutes after that, when the
laughing stopped, John said all sweaty “so really what do I get in return”? outside it was
nice again, just like it was 65 years ago. The king was happy again, the new vice king-
Jake, was happy and there was only one thing John could say: SO….really what do I

The end

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