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Computers/ desk/ Backpack spot
Computer lab

Craft supply


Trash can

Reading and extra work space

with bookshelf/ table/
beanbag chairs/ rug

Desksand chairs

Trash and
recycle Whiteboard
Door way

Welcome to the 3rd grade!

Kelsey Posatiere
EDU 214-1001
September 3, 2018

This is a representation of how I would potentially set up my classroom. I would have my desk placed in the back corner, so I

can observe the students while working and they won’t get distracted by whatever I am doing. Another reason I feel like putting my

desk behind the students rather than in front is because I feel like students would feel more comfortable coming to me and asking

questions, and not feeling like the whole class in watching them. In my picture I have a total of 25 desks, however I’m sure if I need

more I could fit more. I would place the desks in rows facing the whiteboard, so they don’t get distracted as I feel like they would if

their desks were grouped. I feel like 4-5 computers for a classroom of 25 students would work, they can take turns and work in

groups. I would also have a shelving area where I could place any kind of school supplies (glue, scissors, markers, paper, etc.) for

students to grab but, still keep things organized. Something that I am really looking forward to is the place where students can go

when there is a little free time and read some books or have the opportunity to work on projects or anything of that nature as a

group. Backpacks would be placed in the back of the class so when I am teaching students won’t be able to dig through them and be


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