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Department of EducationRegion III

Schools Division of Zambales


1st Periodic Examination
Shade the letter of the best answer.

A B C D 1. The Athenian hero who came to Crete to attempt to slay the Minotaur.
0 0 0 0 a. Perseus b. Theseus c. Hermes d. Zeus e. None of the

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1. Why did Daedalus make wings for himself and Icarus?

a. to be more like the gods b. To escape their imprisonment
c. to impress King Minos d. to teach his son to fly
e. all of the above
2. This sentence appeals to which sense:
The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his youth.
a. Auditory b. Gustatory c. Visual d. tactile e. olfactory
3. This sentence appeals to which sense:
The sunset was the most gorgeous they’d ever seen; the clouds were edged with pink and gold.
a. Auditory b. Gustatory c. Visual d. tactile e. olfactory

Analyze the table below:

Students’ Punctuality
4. The same number of students are late on these days. _______________
a. Monday and Friday b. Tuesday and Wednesday c. Tuesday and Friday
d. Wednesday and Thursday e. Tuesday and Thursday
5. This type of graphic organizer is best in comparing/contrasting ideas, concept, etc._________________
a. Story board b. venn diagram c. main idea web d. pie chart e. sequence chart
6. Which sentence has an intensive pronoun?
a. When Tim saw the battleship itself, he knew that he had chosen the right profession.
b. Because she wanted to be like her sister, Renee forced herself to practice each day.
c. I consider myself fortunate to have escaped before the house collapsed.
d. The accountants perjured themselves when testifying before Congress.
e. All of the above
7. An _____________ emphasizes a preceding noun, which is often (but not always) the noun immediately before
the pronoun.
a. Antecedent b. Intensive pronoun c. Modals of Necessity d. Reflexive Pronoun
e. Modals of Obligation
8. “Please help us. We can't do this ______________.” Fill in the missing pronoun.
a. themselves b. ourselves c. yourself d. ourself e. yourselves
9. What kind of pronoun reflects the action of the sentence back to the subject?______
a. Object pronoun b. Subject Pronoun c. Intensive Pronoun d. Reflexive Pronoun
e. Demonstrative Pronoun
11. Which is the plural second-person reflexive/intensive pronoun?
a. myself b. ourselves c. yourselves d. themselves e. yourself
12.Which statement is NOT true?
a. Discrimination is the unequal treatment provided to one or more parties on the basis of a mutual accord or
some other logical or illogical reason.
b. Cyber Bullying is a form of bullying done using technology.
c. The victim of bullying should just ignore the bullies, be quiet all the time and let the incident be unknown to
everybody including your parents, teachers and the authorities.
d. social bullying is any deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt others to belittle
another individual or group.
e. none of the above
16. Which is NOT a non-verbal skill?
a. hand gesture b. body movement c. pronunciation d. facial expression e. eye contact
17. “I shall prove to you that what I say is true!” he cried, “hide your eyes, all of you who are my friends!”. This dialogue
is taken from the greek myth _____________________.
a. Daedalus and Icarus b. Orpheus c. Arachne d. The Gorgon’s Head e. None of the above
18. _____________are stories about gods, goddesses and heroes passed from one generation to another.
a. myth b. movie adaptations c. essay d. novel e. short story
19. What prophecy causes King Acrisius to lock Danae in a tower?
a. “Your son will kill you.” b. “Your daughter will kill you.” c. “Your granddaughter will kill you.”
d. “Your grandson will kill you.” e. “Your daughter and grandson will kill you”
20. Why did King Polydectes send Perseus to a quest?
a. To prove his bravery b. He hoped that Perseus would die c. to defeat Medusa
d. To help the gods e. none of the above
21. “No mortal has ever been there before, but I must try to bring back my beloved wife.” An utterance of whose
a. Hermes b. Orpheus c. Perseus d. Daedalus e. Odin
22. What did Orpheus do when he learned of his wife's death?
a. He cursed the heavens until Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt as well and he could join his love.
b. He vowed never again to play his instrument.
c. He chased down the shepherd and beat him with his instrument.
d. He traveled to the land of the dead to get her back.
e. He immediately finds a new wife.
23. What condition did Hades impose upon Orpheus in return for Eurydice's life?
a. He had to play his lyre all the way out.
b. He had to sacrifice his own life.
c. He had to return to earth, never looking back the entire way.
d. He had to give up his instrument.
e. He had to be out of the underworld and never to retur

Identification. Write the answer on the space provided.


24. The introduction of characters and basic situation

25. The peak of action and conflict.
26. Conflict are resolved, outcomes are revealed
27. The portion of the story where the conflict is fully revealed.
28. A struggle between opposing forces that drives the action of the story.

29. What is the author’s purpose in this statement?

"Eating too much cake and not exercising will give us health problems."
a. Persuade b. Inform c. Entertain d. describe e. Argue
30. "They plan to kill General Washington." He closed the book, set it on the floor, and leaned forward, his elbows on his
knees. "Tell me all". What is the tone of the dialogue?
a. informal b. happy c. serious d. optimistic e. sarcastic
31. _________ is the feeling the reader gets as he/she reads the text.
a. mood b. tone c. theme d. purpose e. technique
32. _____________ is the transfer of written work, in whole or in part, to feature film. It is a type of derivative work. A
common form of film.
a. Myth b. Oral tradition c. Movie Adaptation d. Legend e. Literature
33. Denotation is a word's ____________.
a. Literal, dictionary definition b. Emotional meaning c. synonym
d. antonym e. etymology
34. Referring to someone's house as a "shack" is an example of ____________
a. connotation b. denotation c. definition d. antonym e. homonym
35. Arachne lived in an obscure little village, and her father was a humble dyer of wool.
a. Remote b. famous c. accessible d. modern e. all of the above
36. Arachne was famous for her_______________,
a. beauty b. wealth c. skill at weaving d. grace and speed e. music
37. This myth explains the creation of_______________.
a. weaving competitions b. olive trees c. spiders d. overconfidence e. web

Fill in the most appropriate conjunctive adverb

38. He is not good-looking. , he is popular among girls.
a. nevertheless b. meanwhile c. in addition d. finally e. similarly
39. Hurry up; , you will be late for the train.
a. instead b. in addition c. Otherwise d. however e. furthermore
40. I studied hard for the exam; , I failed.
a. in fact b. however c. meanwhile d. although e. similarly
41. How Odin lost his eye?
a. due to illness b. He gave it to the blind God Hodr c. It was stolen by Mimir
d. He gave it up for a drink from Mimir’s well e. none of the above
42. Which statement is TRUE based on the story “How Odin Lost His Eye”?
a. Odin challenged Mimir, as a result he lost his eye.
b. Odin sacrificed his eye to gain wisdom in order to save his people
c. Odin was devoured by a wild boar which damaged his eye
d. Odin was born with only one eye.
e. All of the above.

Choose the most appropriate modal to complete the statement.

43. I think we are lost. The man _________have given us the wrong directions.
a. Might b. should c. would d. will e. can
44. You__________be serious about swimming outdoors in winter.
a. Would b. can’t c. could d. might e. should
45. Plants ______________have sunlight in order to make food.
b. Can b. may c. must d. will e. should
46. Since our bags are identical you _______have taken mine by mistake.
c. must b. will c. shall d. could e. should
47. She _________stay up late if she takes a nap now.
a. Mustn’t b. shouldn’t c. can d. used to e. can’t
Sir Walter Scott

Breathes there the man with soul so dead,

Who never to himself hath said,
"This is my own, my native land!"
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned
As home his footsteps he hath turned
From wandering on a foreign strand?
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;

High though his titles, proud his name,

Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
48. What is the most likely meaning of the underlined word pelf, as used in this poem?
a.power b. wealth c. stealth d. health
49. What is the poet's main idea in this poem?
a. Those who become rich must hate their country.
b. Traveling abroad helps a person appreciate home.
c. Those who do not love their country will not be honored.
d. Patriotism is the last refuge for scoundrels.
e. None of the above
50. What does the poem mean that such people will be "doubly dying" (three lines from the end)?
a. They will not die alone.
b. They will die physically and also be forgotten.
c. Their death will be painful.
d. They will die, then rise again.
e. None of the above

”A student who changes the course of history is probably taking this exam”



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