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Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
Dear editor/ producer,

Picture yourself sitting around a bonfire on a secluded island at midnight with a profound
mystic and self-realized yogi from India. Imagine having your deepest questions answered, by
this man who really knows. He is answering not only your inner yearning, but answering the
questions you’ve had buried inside for years, before you even had a chance to ask them.

Have you ever wondered if there actually is someone still alive like this who knows the answers
to life’s deepest mysteries, from his own experience, rather than from something they have been
taught, heard or read?

After 30 years of fruitless searching, Cheryl Simone had just such an experience, on just such
an island, with Sadhguru, a being who is intensely alive in every possible way -- in every
human way and in every spiritual way. Through this intense aliveness he speaks with
undeniable logic and truth, cutting right through to the deeper unknown aspects of life.
For Cheryl, encountering Sadhguru was like finding a key to a spiritual dimension that
was previously inaccessible.

"I began wondering if it was even possible for me to control my life and destiny in a much
bigger way. Is it actually possible for an ordinary human being to become completely free of
ignorance and to gain inner realization, love, peace and self mastery?"

In Midnights with the Mystic, we get to not only listen in but also experience the impact
of Sadhguru’s wisdom, humor and guidance as he speaks with Cheryl in the stillness of
midnight about everything from the mundane and practical issues of love, stress, and money, to
the deeper dimensions of life including reincarnation, and death.
You will be touched by the intimacy of her personal story and transformed by the depth of
wisdom and truth in Sadhguru’s teachings.

"Join me on this extraordinary journey of personal transformation. I hope this book serves as a
step towards a greater possibility for your own life.”
My deepest regards,
Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss
Cheryl Simone
Hampton Roads Publishing Co. | ISBN 978-1-57174-561-3 | May 2008

Midnights with the Mystic delivers a personal account as Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev answers
Cheryl’s questions about money, soul mates, love, reincarnation, stress, and how to achieve

Wise, compassionate, and witty, Sadhguru will teach you, as he taught Cheryl, how to realize
your full potential.

Enlightenment is a possibility for everyone. Sadhguru offers a way for you to get there.

Midnights with the Mystic includes a forward written by Richard Voigt, aka “Richard from
Texas,” the character in Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestseller ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ that Oprah dubbed the
“surprisingly wise cowboy” when he appeared as a guest on her show.

About the Author

Cheryl Simone, author and speaker is lifelong student of human potential, a

spiritual seeker, an entrepreneur, a wife and mother. She can be reached at For more information on Cheryl’s
experiences and to download a free introductory talk by Sadhguru entitled Inner
Engineering, please log on to:

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
Cheryl Simone Had Tried Everything

After looking into all the western and eastern conventional

religions and exploring everything on the fringe, as well from
walking on coals, to visiting shamans in Brazil, professionally
successful yet spiritually arid Cheryl Simone was distraught that
her search for understanding and personal growth was not taking
her anywhere. Cheryl still felt an insatiable thirst for answers.

She knew there was more to life than what she could sensibly,
tangibly see, yet neither religion nor sex nor even LSD pushed
her closer to the truth—until she met Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

Cheryl wasn’t looking for a guru, and actually resisted the idea.
She definitely wasn’t looking for someone to tell her what to do,
and felt that gurus always seemed to be surrounded by a bunch of failures or people looking for
someone to tell them how to live. The last thing Cheryl needed was a self-proclaimed “master”
in her life.

But when Sadhguru walked into the room, Cheryl felt like she was recognizing an old friend
she had known all her life.

She slowly came to know and trust him, and after only three months of practicing the breathing-
oriented Isha Yoga, Sadhguru uses in his teachings, Cheryl Simone found her health
dramatically improved.

Her thyroid came back under control, her chronic fatigue vanished, and she began to feel alive,
aware, and engaged.

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
About Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a yogi, mystic, and visionary. He is a spiritual

master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his
life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not an esoteric
discipline from an outdated past, but a contemporary science, vitally relevant to
our times.

Probing, passionate, and provocative, deeply insightful, devastatingly logical, and unfailingly
witty, Sadhguru’s talks have earned him the reputation of a speaker and opinion-maker of
international renown.

With speaking engagements that take him around the world, he is widely sought after by
prestigious global forums to address issues as diverse as human rights, business values, and
social, environmental, and existential issues.

He has been a delegate to the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit, a member of the
World Council of Religious Leaders, and a special invitee to the Australian Leadership Retreat,
the Tallberg Forum, and the World Economic Forum at Davos in 2006, 2007,2008 and 2009.

Listeners have been ubiquitously impressed by his astute and incisive grasp of current issues
and world affairs, as well as his unerringly scientific approach to the question of human well-

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
Praise for Midnights with the Mystic

"With the elegance of simplicity, this book takes you on an exploration of

consciousness that will shift you to a higher reality." Deepak Chopra, author of The
Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore

"Extraordinary wisdom, the insight and clarity of logic, the language of a poet. If you
read this powerful book, you will discover who you really are, who we all are."
Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God

"When you read this book, I know you'll resonate with its truths, be touched in ways
that can trigger your own transformation, and realize, as I have, that a peaceful,
fulfilling, and vibrant life is available for one and all who open themselves to receive
the abundant Grace of this unparalleled being." Richard from Texas (aka Richard Vogt)

"No lofty thoughts, just the truth. Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru not only tell it like it
is, they show us how to make use of this information to expand, enjoy, and appreciate
our lives." Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Key

"Sadhguru's piercing logic and wit reveal the true nature of life, while the author's
riveting personal journey reveals Sadhguru, the person, and the science that frames
his life's work. The book makes a compelling argument for why every person should
experience what Sadhguru has to offer." Ravi Venkatesan, Chairperson - Microsoft, India

"Meeting Sadhguru has been the most profound experience of my life. After intensely
searching, I have at last found a being with the clarity and vision to lead me to the
ultimate. While no words can fully describe what it means to encounter such a being,
this book captures the seeker's predicament and lays bare Sadhguru's mastery over life and his
ability to engineer blissfulness. For anyone that has ever questioned the purpose of life, every
page in this book will resonate with you. It is as if this book was written by you and yet for
you." Indu Jain, Chairperson of the Times of India Group

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
Reader Reviews

“I have no words to describe the journey your book took me on. It shook me from deep within,
it made me cry, laugh, remember. Several times, while reading I had to put the book down after
reading particular sentances, which struck cords within. Several times I had to blink away tears
just to keep reading on. Your own sharing, your own journey felt like mine.”

“Cheryl Simone captures the heart of the seeker. The book was un-put-downable. The
mysticism and depth of the book left a sweet haunting for the inner-dimension. Sadhguru's
message as related by Cheryl has rekindled that longing. . .” Anna

“I found myself totally relating to the author and her experiences. Very easy to read, simply
put, but very profound. After reading the book, I signed up for a class with my husband. Our
relationship with each other, with our jobs, friends, families...but most important, with
ourselves - has improved greatly.” Shannon

“Nothing but the truth as is, straight from the horse's mouth -simply, irresistibly awakens the
thirst that is dormant or waiting to be quenched in every living soul!!”
S. Gazer

“After reading the "Power of Now" and "A New Earth" this book opened up a completely new
dimension. The contents compelled me to sign up for a couple of Isha programs. I've finally
found inner peace and my life will never be the same again.” J.

“It was a great read that not only inspires one to meditate, but even if one does not wish to
meditate, it is a reminder of what life can be.”
S. Bianco

“The insight and light that it sheds is second to none & very much straight to the point. Just
from reading the book I felt perked up I didn't want to put it down & trust me, I'm not much of a
reader.” Skoobz

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
Interview Questions

1. Can you tell us the premise of this book?

2. Why did you write this book?

3. In your book, you describe several paths that you tried, but eventually found
a. unfulfilling. How was it that you knew that this one was different?

4. Who is Sadhguru and how did you meet him?

5. In the West we have the idea that a guru is someone who controls your life, can you
6. a bit about that?

7. There are so many self-help gurus writing books and giving seminars. Is Sadhguru any
different from so many other spiritual teachers?

8. Can you tell us one of the interesting stories in the book?

9. What kind of feedback are you getting from people who have read the book?

10. What was your life like before you wrote this book and how has it changed?

11. How have you changed? How is this yoga affecting you?

12. So for people listening to us, how can they benefit from what you’re talking about? How
can they have the same kind of life changing experience you’re describing?

13. Have you had much of an opportunity to visit with Sadhguru since you spent this time
together? Where? How?

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone
More Interview Questions

14. What is it about Eastern mysticism that is so appealing to you as a Westerner?

15. Of course you have had the unusual experience of spending a great deal of time with
Sadhguru and being able to ask him any question that you wanted. Could you tell us
about your conversations with him?

16. Are there other things that Isha Foundation is involved in besides teaching Yoga

17. What’s next for you?

Midnights With the Mystic – A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

Cheryl Simone

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