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Guided Meditation to Help Heal the Shadow Self This meditation is most effective if you have a problem or issue in mind before beginning the meditation 1) Connect with that part of yourself that is holding you back the most. All behaviors have a positive purpose as their original intention. They are trying to do something beneficial for you, but the intention may be confused about how to create that positive benefit. So, just focus ona behavior or attitude or feeling that needs healing now. 2) Draw Halu on your palms. Place your hands on any part of your body and send Reiki to the part that is causing the unwanted feelings or behavior. Intend for the Reiki to keep flowing throughout the meditation. You can move your hands to other areas during the meditation. 3) Visualize or feel yourself surrounded by a mist. The mist begins to clear and you find yourself standing in a safe, beautiful place that supports and nurtures you. 4) Notice a path that begins at your feet. Start to follow the path and look for a place to sit where you can relax and call forth your Karuna spirit guide. 5) You begin to see or sense your guide; and as you do, you feel the Reiki grow stronger and stronger, surrounding you and your guide. 6) Tell your guide what you want to have healed. Trust that what you say to your guide will be understood fully by him or her. 7) Tell your guide that you need to get to know this part of you that is holding you back from realizing your full potential. 8) Stand up with your guide and look down the path. You may see a large boulder, or a tree, or a cave. At the count of three, the part that has been holding you back will slowly come out from behind the boulder or tree, or from the cave. 9) Remember that your guide is with you and you may want to hold his or her hand for this special part of the journey. 10) One... two... three your Shadow Self begins to slowly emerge. What does it look like? It may be in the form of a child, a teenager or young adult, an older person, or an energy form. 11) Take in all of the details of its appearance. When you're ready, tell it that you know it has been trying to do something positive for you and because of this you respect it and would like to get to know it better. Ask it if it has a name. 12) Call on your spirit guide to work with you to heal your Shadow Self. Ask if there is any part of your Shadow Self that needs to go up to the light. Ask that it be sent up to the light now. Ask your spirit guide if there is anything else you need to do to help it heal. Begin doing it now. 13) Ask your Shadow Self what is its intention. 14) Thank it for trying to help you. 15) Ask how it feels. What kind of things does it like to do? What makes it happy? 16) Ask it if there is anything you do that makes it feel afraid, anxious, or upset. 17) Find out what your Shadow Self needs and talk about it. Tell it that you will be more responsive and pay more attention to what it needs, if it will be willing to try new ways of expressing its feelings. 18) Allow yourself to love this Shadow Self and tell it that you want to help it feel better and heal. Tell it that it must be willing to make the necessary changes in order to heal; and you are willing to help it do this now. 19) Tell it that you need its help in being creative and having fun. Ask it what positive skills or qualities it possesses. 20) Ask it if it would be willing to forgive you for ignoring it for so long. Tell it that you promise to pay more attention to it and take care of it. Tell it that you want it to be a conscious part of yourself; and it doesn’t have to hide any more. It can trust you. It can trust in Source to see that everything will work out well 21) If it feels right, you can ask it to come close; and you may embrace it, feeling love for it. 22) Give Reiki to this part and as you do, feel your Reiki growing stronger and stronger. 23) Ask that the two of you be completely healed; and you may ask assistance from your spirit guides, angels, or ascended Masters. 24) Ask your spirit guide if there is any other advice or help he or she has for the two of you. 25) Thank all parts of yourself, your spirit guide, and Source for all of the help and love you have received. 26) You may continue talking to this part of yourself and feeling love for it during the day or whenever you feel the need to connect. 27) Now, | will begin counting from one to ten. As | count, you will slowly awaken and come back. When | get to ten, you'll open your eyes and be completely alert. You will have perfect memory of everything you experienced and will be able to write it all down. 28) One... two... etc. (to ten) 29) Take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths. I'd like for you to write down your experiences. As you write, you may find additional information comes into your mind that is helpful. Afterwards, we can come together and share anything that feels comfortable for you to share.

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