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A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion – the culmination of years of hard

work; the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgement of success. So, it is only
fitting to commemorate the road that we have all travelled together for the first years of your
basic education.

It’s hard to believe that, just seven short years ago, you wandered into your Kindergarten
classroom, in your very first school uniform with a brand new lunchbox in tow. It had been so
carefully prepared by your parents and filled with nutritious, meticulously wrapped morsels to
nurture your health and wellbeing; and it may have included a few treats as well; probably to
manage the separation anxiety – your parents’ not yours. They trusted us to care for you and
have done so ever since; slowly releasing you to a place of independence and self-

It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken us to
remarkable heights. We have encountered trials and tribulations along the way…soldiered on
and come out stronger for it. We created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years

You are ready, willing and more than able to grasp the torch that we bestow upon you- yours is
the future and on you the world will come to depend

May your succeeding years of education be characterized by empathy, compassion, God fearing
and be a dedicated Christians serving in our community.

We wish you everything that you so richly deserve in the years ahead – it has been an honor and
a privilege watching your progress!

Congratulations! Batch 2019

The Resident Pastors

The School Board

The Local Church Board

CBWAI Faculty and Staff

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