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Our professor, Sir.

Rock Bryan Matias, assigned us to make an infomercial in our Basic

Microeconomics subject. This infomercial will serve as our final requirement and examination for
this semester. An infomercial is a form of advertisement which is aimed at educating the customer
about a products, series of products and services via television in a form of a program. Infomercial
typically lasts longer than a regular advertisement and thus is more detailed. The topic that was
assigned to us is all about the Law of Supply and Demand.

The first thing that we did to make our infomercial is brainstorming, each one of us gather
and shared different ideas to come up with the best one. We sat down and share our ideas about
the topic, we list down the ideas that we gathered and we think of ways on how our audience will
get attracted to watch our infomercial. Our group also cite definitions and examples for the
audience to have better und⁹erstanding with our topic. The second step that we did is making an
outline. Our group started writing an outline towards the goal. This outline helps us in organizing
thoughts, save time and facilitates in writing faster. In our infomercial the outline is more likely a
storyboard, it is a form of illustration that sequence our entire script and it pre-visualizes the whole
scene. The third step is writing the first draft of our script. After our group came up with an idea
and written an infomercial outline, we started writing our first draft. Our group explore the ideas
and started writing, with focus and perseverance, the words came out easily. We aimed to get the
whole composition out of our heads and write it all in the paper. The fourth thing that we did is
writing the final script, the first draft of script that we write was revised, edited and finalized. Each
one of us also suggested some ideas that was used to make our infomercial more informative
and attracting to our audience. In this step, we also did the audio recording that will serve as the
voice over in our project. In recording the voice audio, we emphasize some words that we thought
should have been highlighted because it was considered as the key words and phrases. After
finalizing the script and recording the voice audio, the fifth and last step that we did is the video
editing. One of our groupmates, volunteered in editing our infomercial. She used an app for editing
the video. Through the process of editing, she uses some clip arts, pictures and effects to make
our presentation more lively, colorful and get our audience attracted to watch our presentation.
Also we learned that the first part of our infomercial should be catchy to get the interest of our
audience and for them to be encourage to finish watching our video.

Over the past couple of weeks, We have been working on a group project surrounding the
creation of an infomercial. Time was the biggest challenge for us in this project. Although our
professor gave us enough time to complete this infomercial, we still encounter some difficulties.
Requirements for all the subjects for this semester were almost all performance. We had
encounter problems in managing our time because different subjects has different set of
groupmates so it is hard for us to conduct a meeting because sometimes it overlaps. Additionally,
the medium for our message also affected our message. With the infomercial itself, one can use
a combination of video, images, words, and music to create an atmosphere that makes an
individual understand the topic that were discussed. All in all the process of making an infomercial
was truly stressful but we are happy with the response, advise and comments that we get from
the panel reactors. We also appreciates their critiques for there is always a room for improvement.
And their response and advises will serve as a guide that we can use when we have an infomercial
project again and to be better in the future.

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