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I N I S - m f — 11268

Government of India

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre


December 1987





The research and development activities at BARC cover a wide range, primarily because it involves
work in the entire nuclear fuel cycle. In addition, production and utilisation of radioisotopes, safety and
health research occupy a major part of our activities.

Basic research in several disciplines has contributed to our success in the applied fields, and
continues to play the role of a stimulant. This can be seen from the characteristics of this report.

The detailed reporting of work is done through publications in scientific journals. This is necessary
since interaction with the international community is vital for working at the cutting edge of modern
science. This report attempts to give only a brief account of the work at this Centre to provide an overview.
For those who may have further interest in any specific field, there is a list of publications relevant to the
topics covered in this report.

It is hoped that this report will be useful to other individuals and organisations to identify areas in
which we may be able to help or collaborate in the years to come.

P. K. lyengar

1 • 1 Nuclear Physics 1
1 -2 Accelerator Programme *
1 -3 Reactor Physics 1
1 -4 Fusion Related Research 2
1-5 Condensed Matter Physics 2
1 -6 Theoretical Physics 3
1 -7 Lasers and Spectroscopy 4
1 8 Computers 5
1 9 Seismology 5
110 Nr.clear Research Laboratory, Srinagar and High Altitude Research Laboratory. Gulmarg 5
1-11 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta 6
112 Plasma Physics 7
1 13 MHD Generation 7
1 14 Pulse Power and Pratical Beam Technology 7
115 Electron Beam Technology 9
Publications 10
2 1 Basic Chemistry 21
2 2 Water Chemistry 21
2 3 Fuel Chemistry 22
2 4 Radiochemistry 23
2-5 Analytical Chemistry 23
Publications 25
3 1 Materials 35
3-2 Materials Science 36
3 3 Process Technology 37
Publications 38
4 1 Molecular Biology 41
4 2 Biochemistry 41
4 3 Bio Organic Chemistry 42
4-4 Nuclear Agriculture 43
4-5 Pest Control 43
4 6 Food Technology 43
4 7 Radiation Medicine 45
Publications 47
5 1 Radioisotope Production 56
5 2 Radiochemicals 56
5 3 Radiopharmaceuticals 56
5 4 Tritium. Carbon-14 and Phosphorus-32 Labelled Compounds 56
5 5 Radiation Sources 56
5 6 Radioisotope Applications 57
Publications 59
6 1 Dhruva Reactor 60
6-2 Reactor Engineering 60
6-3 Reactor Analysis ' 62
6-4 Experimental Reactor Physics 62
6-5 Reactor Control 62
6-6 Reactor Operations, Services & Maintenance 64
Publications 65
7 1 Ore Dressing 68
7 2 Uranium Metal Production 68
7-3 Uranium Fuel Fabrication 68
7-4 Plutonium Fuel Fabrication 69
7-5 Fuel Reprocessing 70
7-6 Radioactive Waste Management 70
Publications 72
8 1 Health Physics 76
8 2 Radiological Protection 76
Publications 78
9 1 Electronics 86
9-2 Instrumentation 86
9-3 Computer Based Instrumentation 87
9-4 Process Instrumentation 87
Publications 89
101 Civil Engineering 90
10-2 Electrical & Mechanical Services 90
10-3 Central Workshops 90
10-4 Remote Handling and Robotics 91
10-5 Technical Information 91
10-6 Translation 92
10-7 Landscaping 92
10-8 Contributory Health Service Scheme 92
10-9 Radiation Medicine Service 92
Publications 94

1 • 1 Nuclear Physics fluorescence spectrometer installed in the Van de
Graaf beam line was used for a number of analytical
Charged particle beams from the 5-5 MV Van de applications. Oxygen ions from the 2 MV Tandem
Graaf accelerator, 2 MV Tandem accelerator and the accelerator have been used to study excitation functions
Variable Energy Cyclotron were used to carry out a of transitions in Oil, 0III and 01V in the wavelength
number of new investigations in the areas of basic region 2000 A - 5000 A using the beam foil spectro-
Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics and other disciplines. scopic technique. Mean radiative life times for cascading
transitions in 0IV and other transitions in On have also
Proton induced fission of 235U and 238U was studied been measured
at extreme sub-Coulomb barrier energies (1 MeV < E
< 4 MeV) for the first time. An anomolously large 1 -2 Accelerator Programme
fission cross section was measured indicating the
possible presence of a shallow pocket in the deforma- The installation of the 14 UD Pelletron accelerator
tion potential energy at large deformations. Fission at the TIFR Campus is in the final phase. The civil,
following inelastic scattering of 60 MeV alpha particles electrical and air conditioning work in the Pelletron
on 238U, elastic, inelastic and continuum scattering of building has been completed. The accelerator beam
50 MeV alpha particles on 209Bi, and 6Li breakup by transport system has been installed. Its vacuum testing
45 MeV alpha particles are some of the investigations is in progress. The assembly of the user beam lines is
carried out using the Variable Energy Cyclotron in underway. The main electrical and electronic wiring
Calcutta. From the excitation function measurements from the accelerator, the wiring of remote controls for
on the {•/, I2C) and (y., -/) reactions definite evidence various magnet supplies and the installation of various
has been found for the existence of intermediate safety monitoring and interlock systems are in pro-
structure resonances at high excitation energies in the gress.
compound nucleus 2aSi. As a part of the BARC-Indiana Fabrication of a RF resonator as an elcin«##ef the
University (USA) collaboration, the giant resonance superconducting linac booster to the Pelletron accele-
region excited in 90Zr and 208Pb through the inelastic rator has now been undertaken after initial electron
scattering of 270 MeV 3He particles from the Indiana beam welding trials and satisfactory formation of
University Cyclotron Facility were measured and the copper-copper welds. Facilities for lead coating and
data have been analysed to extract the sum rule RF testing are being set up.
strengths for the various multipoles present.
Design work on the cyclotron facility for the
Several new detector systems for experiments production of short-lived radio-isotopes to be used in
with the Pelletron accelerator, now being installed in nuclear medicine is nearly completed. The accelerator
TIFR. Bombay, have been designed and taken up for is designed to deliver 30 MeV proton beams having
fabrication. These include a deep ionisation chamber maximum internal and external beam currents of 100 n
with two dimensional position sensitivity and a split A and 50 /< A respectively. Beams of alpha particles
anode for particle identification and a gamma ray sum- and deuterons of appropriate energies will also be
energy cum multiplicity spectrometer with 20 Bismuth available. The detailed plans for the building and the
Germanate detector elements Making use of the mass services are underway.
separator in Trombay and a retarding beam technique,
a slow ion facility has been set up to make direct 1 -3 Reactor Physics
deposits of enriched isotopes on thin carbon backings The nuclear design of the NAPP, to be commissioned
of 10 to 100 gm/cm2 suitable for use as targets in shortly, was extensively reanalysed to prepare the
accelerator experiments. The proton induced x-ray Physics Design Manual. In this connection, initial and
• \ \ \ l \1 KKPOKI

equilibrium core loadings, core reactivity coefficients, of the laser fusion project, five amplifiers, three optical
worths of various reactivity devices in diferent reactor relays, one Faraday Isolator and one pulse sheer have
states and xenon transients were recalculated. The been commissioned. A two zone furnace for making
Loss of Regulation Accident (LORA) was analysed glass microballoons has been commissioned Glass
both for primary and secondary shut-down systems microballoons of diameter between 50-250 microns
separately. For this analysis various reactivity inser- and wall thickness of 5-10 microns have been made in
tion rates and different initial powers were assumed. It the furnace. The one dimensional laser fusion computer
was shown that the two shutdown systems could code MEDUSA was updated to handle mutli-layered
independently shutdown the reactor in a satisfactory shell targets. Analytical models were developed for
manner. the analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solid or
shell targets The formalism covers both planar and
For the 500 MWe PHWR, being designed, bankwise curved geometry targets. Analytical profiles for the
worths of adjuster rod system were estimated for free expanding plasma in vacuum were derived
different banking schemes. The rate of change of
reactivity with change in the levels of zone control An extension of the Fluid Theoretical Formulation
compartments was calnilated. Also the startup of the has predicted the new result that a perfectly symmetric
reactor after a short shutdown for about half an hour plasma can generate a magnetic field spontaneously
was simulated. Certain two-phase aspects of the dis- (using the ambient magnetic field for the breaking of
assembly regime of hypothetical core disruptive acci- the symmetry). Based on this theory a model of
dents in fast reactors were studied both analytically Z-pinch experiments successfully explains some of
and numerically. the experimentally observed singular features in the
current waveform.
PURMMAII reactor experiments were completed and The prototype capacitors for the 500 kJ capacitor
the reactor system was dismantled to make way for bank under construction at Trombay have been tested
PURNIMA III critical experiments. PURNIMA III is a full for their full life and jitter tests are in progress Spe-
scale zero power mock up of the U-233 fuelled ctroscopic plasma diagnostics measurements have
KAMINI reactor with 30 kW power under construction been started on the poorly understood formation
at IGCAR, Kalpakkam. phase of "plasma focus" and "electric gun" devices.
KAMINI REACTOR : The four meire high stainless
steel tank for housing the core-reflector assembly of 1 -5 Condensed Matter Physics
the 30 kW KAMINI reactor was erected in position in
the basement vault at the Radiometallurgy Laboratories Neutron diffraction and scattering activities were
of IGCAR. Kalpakkam. Erection of the top structure has continued during the current year on dual fronts, viz
also been completed. Piping work for water system is instrument development for Dhruva and experiments
in progress and biological shield installation has comm- at CIRUS. Prominent features in the former category
enced Nuclear instrumentation channels are ready include design and fabrication of several new techno-
and the safety control devices are being assembled logically advanced components for neutron spectro-
for final tests. Control panel fabrication and wiring are scopy. such as neutron guides, curved monochroma-
underway. Commissioning trials of various systems tors linear position sensitive detectors, etc. On the
would commence shortly. experimental side, diffraction experiments on a number
of mixed ferntes and alloys were carried out to under-
1 -4 Fusion Related Research
stand their magnetic behaviour Magnetic quasi-elastic
For the high power glass laser under development scattering experiments from the mixed-valence com-

pound UCu5 were also carried out at Institute Laue nematic liquid crystals in the vicinity of nematic to
Langevin (France) in a collaborative experiment to smectic phase transition Frequency dependent specific
elucidate the nature of the phase transition around 1 heat measurements were performed on some polymers
K. Under the BARC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to elucidate their glass transition
(UK) agreement, inelastic neutron scattering
The protein crystallography group Is engaged m
measurements were performed leading to new results
the studies related to understanding of the structure
concerning the higher rotational excited states of
and function of biological macromolecules and their
NH',, in ammonium chloride, correlation splitting of
interaction with drugs. Analysis of the x-ray diffraction
librational modes of water in Ba (ClOJ/R.O and
data of crystals of human carbonic anhydrase comple-
molecular vibrations in glycine. Experiments relating
xed with powerful sulphonamide drugs have given
to variation of phonon width with temperature in a
insight into the mode of binding of some of these drugs
narrow gap semiconductor/ semimetal HgTe were
with the receptor protein and the mechanism of enzyme
performed using Raman Scattering technique.
inhibition by the drug. The refinement of the structure
The high pressure diamond cell based energy of native triclinic hen egg white lysozyme reported last
dispersive x-ray diffraction set up has been commi- year has been completed for the 2A' resolution x-ray
ssioned. The electrical resistance measurements of diffraction data with one of the most accurate reported
heavy Fermion UPt3 at room temperature do not show enzyme structures.
any anomalies. The design of a gas gun for launching Low temperature studies on superconducting
projectiles at velocities up to 12 km/sec, for shock NbTi wires, manufactured within the Centre, have
wave studies, has been completed. The tranformation shown that "sausaging" in the filaments in the Cu-
mechanism of high pressure body-centred tetragonal matrix is an important factor in affecting the perfor-
to hexagonal-close-packed phase change in mercury mance of these wires
cadmium alloys has been interpreted in terms of a
phonon mode softening. Valence 2 to 3 change has 1 -6 Theoretical Physics
been identified as the principle cause of shock anomaly
in europium. Calorimetric and electron diffraction In Nuclear Physics, theoretical investigations rela-
studies were carried out to investigate the quasicry- ting to phase transitions in nuclear matter, have shown
stalline-to-crystalline phase transition in the Al6CuMgv A that the (p.pV ) reaction might exhibit pronounced
theoretical basis was developed for labelling the obser- signals for the precursors to the pion condensation in
ved diffraction peaks in quasi-crystals. Investigations atomic nuclei The nuclear phase space model descri-
into various aspects of lattice dynamics, like dispersion bing pion production in nuclear collisions was further
relations, thermal expansion, bulk modulus, anhormo- improved to satisfactorily explain the most recent data
nicity etc. were undertaken through theoretical means near the absolute thresholds. Direct experimental evide-
and/or using the technique of computer simulation on nce for the occurence of "pre-equilibrium" fission, a
CRF,CIi.TlN0J.NH4Br.Mg,Si0v LiKSO, etc. new decay mode of composite systems formed in
heavy ion reactions, was demonstrated by a study of
In continuation with earlier studies on interaction the entrance channel dependence of fission fragment
of the antileprosy drug DDS. with membranes, further anisotropies
NMR and calorimetric studies with micellar and model
membranes have indicated that the drug resides at the In the area of Quantum Optics, the theoretical
membrane interface and interacts with the compo studies were centered around the behavious of atoms
nent phospholipid headgroups. X-ray diffraction studies in a cavity, cooperative resonance fluorescence and
revealed large bare coherence lengths in cybotactic optical double resonance Squeezing and other quan-

turn features of the sideband spectrum in coopera- As a part of an effort to provide analytical services
tive resonance fluorescence were investigated. The to the various units of DAE nearly one thousand
effects of detuning and fluctuations in driving fields on samples involving 8700 determinations were analysed
optical double resonance were analysed. A study of by using Optical Emission Sp'ectroscopic and x-ray
an interesting phenomenon of intermittent fluores nee fluorescence techniques. Programmes in basic and
associated with the quantum jump between the .ivels applied research on problems of relevance to the
in a three level system was carried out. requirements of various DAE projects are also being
pursued. The studies carried out in the area of atomic
A variety of statistical phenomena are modelled spectroscopy include the evaluation of the variation of
using stochastic differential equations. The noise terms nuclear mean square charge radii for all the even
in these models represent the influence of the rapidly mass number stabie isotopes of Erbium The infrared
varying degrees of freedom on the slowly varying spectra of several ion exchange resins have been
macroscopic parameters of the system. Work done in obtained in order to correlate the cross linking with
this area showed that the non-white spectrum of the infrared spectral features, it is observed that the
noise has a decelerating influence on the relaxation of degree of cross-linking for any resin could be obtained
an unstable system. A recently proposed stochastic by the intensity ratios of the bands in the 800 -
model for symmetry breaking in molecular synthesis 1000 cm ' region With a view to studying the molecular
was also studied. ions generated in high voltage discharges as well as
excited states of simple molecular species, an optogal-
The versatile path integral method was used to
vanic cell has been constructed and the optogalvanic
obtain exact expressions for the two point distribu-
signals in low pressure NH3 discharges have been
tion function and end-to-end probability function, for a
measured at several wavelengths of a line-tunable CO2
polymer chain involving harmonic interactions amongst
laser. The electronic spectrum of the hydrogen iso-
all molecular units. Path integral technique was also
cyanide molecule (HNC), has been obtained for the
applied to study the nature of electronic spectrum in a
first time in the flash photolysis of certain heterocyclic
positionally disordered system. Steiner symmetrization
azoles. The photodissociation of the alkali dimers
of the potential for a particle in quantum mechanics
NaRb and NaCs molecules have been studied for
was shown to lead to a lower bound on the ground
various lines of the argon ion laser and it has been
state energy.
found that the cross-section for the photodissociation
shows a resonance character around 4727 A" for
1 -7 Lasers and Spectroscopy
NaRb while for the NaCs molecule such a resonance
A tunable dye laser pumped by copper vapour character was not found. A one meter monochiomator
laser (CVL) finds many applications in spectroscopy and the signal detection and processing systems re-
and photochemistry Both the CVL and dye lasers quired for the Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectro-
have been developed in BARC. A technique to stabilize meter have also been designed and fabricated
the wavelength of the dye laser using a temperature
Extensive single colour and two colour ionization
controlled Fabry Perot interferometer has been deve-
experiments in uranium vapour with a tunable dye
laser, have been used for identifying a number of new
A compact and portable optical data link for high lying levels of uranium above 32.000 cm : . In
linking a main frame computer to remote terminals has many cases J assignments of the new levels could be
been developed The data link uses infrared semicon decided unambiguously. Instabilities and chaos have
ductor lasers and can carry data over distances of been investigated in a continuous wave (cw)COi laser
upto 1 km at the rate of 10 K bits per sec. operating in a single or in two axial modes Investi-

gations on the multiphoton excitation and dissociation Development ol an advanced PC based Multi-
of CDF3 have been continued. In-situ experiments, channel Analyser system has been completed The
involving monitoring of IR fluorescence, have been production of this unit would be carried at ECIL
carried out to determine the isotope selectivity in the
multiphoton dissociation of a 1:1 mixture of CDF3 and 1-9 Seismology
CHF3 using a TEA C02 laser. Real time characterization
of the CFj radical was monitored by optical absorption Continuous monitoring of globai seismicity was
at 249 nm. IR fluorescence studies on SFC and CF2C1, earned out at the Gauribidanur Seismic Array and all
were also continued. seismic signals suspected to be due to underground
nuclear explosions were analysed promptly to esti-
1-8 Computers mate their location and yield. Studies in source discri-
mination based on spectral energy in the direct and
The computer network providing data processing core reflected phases were continued to improve the
services to BARC scientists is functioning satisfacto- confidence in identifying seismic sources with encou-
rily on round-the-clock basis. To enable a super-mini raging results. Local seismicity in Deccan plateau was
computer system to act as a Remote-Job-Entry-Station examined as recorded at Gauribidanur with particular
for large computers, the necessary emulating soft- reference to a selected region around Kaiga. Technical
ware and synchronous modems have been developed. assistance was given to Kamataka Power Corporation
With the augmentation of the computer system, several to improve the seismic stations operated by them
new software and hardware projects have been under-
taken to optimally use the increased computational An indigenously fabricated seismometer was insta-
capabilities. The following software projects have lled at RAPP and it has started giving very useful data
been started, (i) A 3D solid modelling package for on seismic signals of local as well as teleseismic
structural analysis applications, (ii) Materials-Mana- origin.
gement-Software for all consumables procured by
The micro rockburst monitoring facility installed
BARC. Controlled-redundancy, preservation of data
at the Kolar Gold fields as a joint BARC-BGML colla-
base integrity and user oriented approach are some of
borative project was in continuous operation and
the salient features of this system, (iii) A query system
enabled the mining staff to locate accurately the active
that supports floating point data types in Data Base
regions in the area. The system has also provided
Management Systems for use particularly with scienti-
valuable data regarding the anisotropy and heter-
fic data bases.
ogeneity in the region.
BARC is participating in the experimental Packet-
Switched Data Network (PSDN) being operated by 1-10 Nuclear Research Laboratory, Srinagar and
Department of Telecommunications. Three stations High Altitude Research Laboratory,
have been allotted to BARC, one station connected to Gulmarg
each of the three nodes at Delhi, Bombay and Madras
over leased lines at a speed of 1200 bits/sec. With this The Gulmarg Gamma-ray Telescope has been
set-up, the stations at Delhi and Madras would be able further augmented to make a bank of three mirrors. A
to get linked to the computers in BARC. sky-patrol channel which monitors the sky transparency
conditions has also been added. A detailed feasibility
A micro computer based statistical multiplexer for study is underway to better exploit the atmospheric
multiplexing four terminals on a single communication Cerenkov technique for gamma-ray astronomy work
line has been fully developed and is undergoing field by the use of narrow-band optical filters (pass band <
test 10 nm) and extending observations into the ultraviolet

region f300 i 10 nm ) The telescope was used to Radiation Sterilization, various medical products from
track several cosmic sources including Cygnus X 3 the institute of Medical Sciences. Snnagar. were steri-
Geminga and the Crab pulset/nebular region Obser lized by ; radiation and supplied to different hospitals
vations on Crab pulsar/nebular region are being made The irradiation facility was aiso provided 10 the S K
in time coincidence with similar observations by TIFR University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology
at Pachmarhi to study possible TeV ; -ray bursts from Srinagar
this region
111 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre. Calcutta
The analysis of gamma ray data obtained from (VECC)
SAS-II and COS-B satellites was undertaken and it was
shown that Loop I supernova remnant (age -4xlO r ' The Variable Energy Cyclotron at Calcutta main-
years, distance -130 parsec) may be a source of tained the schedule of ihree weeks round-the-clock
cosmic rays Gama-ray emissions in the Galaxy as a operation for utilisation followed by one week o;
whole are shown to correlate with the known spatial maintenance and development A fast acting gate
distribution of the supernova remnants, lending addi valve has been installed a! the exit beam line of the support to the origin of cosmic rays in super cyclotron, which enables isolation of the machine
nova remnants The variation in the surface density of main vacuum system from the beam transport system
molecular hydrogen with Galocentric distance has in the event oi accidental air admittance at the users
been computed and found to be significantly smaller end in the experimental cave area One 3000 l.'m
than that derived by radio astronomers This has tuibomoiecular pump was installed at the exit area oi
important implications on the origin of cosmic rays the dee chamber in place oi the 30 cm oil diffusion
and the stability of the Oort Cometary cloud pump for providing bettei oil free pumping oi the
accelerating chamber The large gasket between the
The experiment on the detection of neutrons pro- resonatoi tank and the dee tank needed replacement
duced in lightning discharges has been continued A which involved shifting the heavy resonatci tank
rare bali lightning event was observed near the dete- away from the magnet assembly and ialei leasse-
ctor site at the same time when the system recorded mbiing the same
twentyone neutrons during 320 microseconds
A study of bone samples from the Shivaliks was In the field of research. VECC has enjoyed laige
undertaken using the energy dispeision x-ray techni- scale participator, from more than 25 different research
que for correlating uranium concentration in bones institutions and universities throughout the country
with various trace elements found in these samples Experiments covering almost all the aspects of current
As part of an R & D environmental programme an interest, especially in the field of nuclear science such
atmospheric ozone monitor with a sensitivity of - 0 1 as elastic and inelastic scattering, resonance behaviour
to 99 9 ppb and an atmospheric hydrogen peroxide in heavy ion systems, one and two nucleon iransfoi
sampier-cum-analyzer with a similar sensitivity have reactions fission dynamics and break-up and frag-
been fabricated At RAPS. Kota Unit 2. an on-line NO mentation reactions, have been carried out
removal tesi system has been successfully operated
for purification of Calandria Vault air Work was In the field of applied research VEC has been used
continued on the radiation chemistry of tetracycline to for production of radiojsotopes for medical purposes
understand the mechanism by which it degrades in and for Mossbauer studies, for radiation damage
aqueous solutions studies m materials for developing techniques for the
estimation of trace amount of oxygen in low Z-elements
In continued efforts to popularize the method of and for .studying wear of moving machine parts

• A very useful aid to all the research activities has MHD generator, 300 T electromagnet, special plasma
come through the development of a sophisticated diagnostic equipment, high temperature ceramic mate-
CAMAC based on-line data acquisition system using rials and control and instrumentation system for the
ND-560 computer. This has already been used exten- experimental plant. The complete data handling system
sively by several research groups from various parts comprising six front end processors, one intermediate
of the country. processor and microcomputer has been commissioned
at the MHD pilot plant at Trichy. Besides, a micro-
1-12 Plasma Physics processor based alarm annunciator for 168 parameters
has also been installed and commissioned at the MHD
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has been engaged plant, Trichy.
in the study of physics and technology of thermal
plasmas in the temperature range 2000 - 20,000 K at After the initial commissioning of the plant in
atmospheric pressure. Several computer codes have 1985, two major milestones were achieved during the
been developed for the calculation of thermodynamic current year. In April 1986, the plant was successfully
and transport properties and dynamics of thermal operated at rated input parameters with the MHD
plasmas with and without the presence of condensed channel delivering an output electric power of appro-
species. The thermodynamic and transport property ximately 3 kW. During September 1986, a 2200 hour
codes developed earlier for combustion plasma systems plasma run was carried out to test individual sub-
are being modified for arc plasmas in temperature systems.
ranges upto 30,000 K. The codes will be useful in
BARC has trained BHEL engineers in various
design of plasma torches, high temperature plasma-
aspects of the MHD generator and has transferred
assisted reactions and material processing. Plasma
know-how on the channel design, special processing
diagnostic equipment for the measurement of tempe-
techniques and plasma diagnostic equipment.
rature, electrical conductivity, species density, velocity
etc. have been developed and tested. Currently BARC is engaged in basic studies on
closed cycle magnetohydrodynamic systems based
Plasma jet devices based on high intensity electric on inert gas and liquid metal. A 100-kW seeded inert
arcs have been designed and operated in air and gas facility is currently under studies for plasma fluc-
under water. Recently, the 100 kW submerged plasma tuations and instabilities. A compact mercury-air liquid
cutting torch was operated to cut uranium, stainless metal MHD facility was commissioned and experi-
steel and other alloy plates under water. Plasma ments are conducted with varying parameters. Open
sprayed thin coatings have been developed for complex circuit voltages of 15mV have been obtained corre-
graphite assemblies and internal combustion engines sponding to a velocity of 3-5 m/s of liquid metal.
in response to specific user requirements. In addition,
plasma sprayed coatings of several mm thickness 1-14 Pulse Power and Particle Beam Technology
have also been developed.
Pulse power techniques and particle beams have
1-13 MHD Generation potential applications in materials research, fusion
Under the Magnetohydrodynarnic (MHD) Research research defence and industry. Pulse power systems
Project, sponsored by the Department of Non-conve- operating at 300 kV and 50-100 ns duration with
ntional Energy, BARC has developed the key compo- energy upto 1000 Joule have been developed and are
nents for setting up an experimental plant at Tiruchi- being used for Relativistic Electron Beam (REB) and
rapalli at a power level oi 5 MW (Thermal). This plasma experiments. Capacitor banks upto 100 kJ
includes the design, fabrication and on-line testing of energy have also been developed and are being used

for generating pulsed high magnetic fields and for 0 25 MeV REB in argon and hydrogen indicate maxi-
special applications in nuclear research. Some of the mum charge transport of 75% at a distance of 1 metre
industrial applications where the technology deve- at pressures of 0 25 and 2 torr respectively. Numerical
loped here has been put to use are flash x-ray dynamic calculation of charge transport and plasma current
radiography and impulse charging of permanent mag- have been carried out and the calculated parameters
nets. Using pulsed high magnetic fields feasibility has are in agreement with experimental results.
been established for repositioning of garter springs
and non-thermal joining of metals. In view of the above successful experiments in
beam generation and transport in gases around 0-1
The insulation system of the Tesla transformer of torr pressure, a foil-less system that is free from foil
REB-200 pulse power system has been improved and damage and replacement is considered feasible. Hence
this system is being regularly used for REB/plasma experiments in foil-less diodes have been conduc-
experiments. The 1 kJ pulse power system (REB-1000) ted with a copper mesh anode and superimposed
based on deionised water line was satisfactorily tested mirror magnetic fields. The experimental results with 5
at 450kV. Further tests to operate it at the design kA REB at pressure around 0 1 torr are being analysed.
rating of 600 kV are in progress. Charging supply to
charge a 5 kJ capacitor at the rate of 500 Joules/sec, The target plasma required for REB-plasma studies
has been built for the above system. Based on the has been generated using coaxial plasma gun and the
experience gained a scaled-up pulse power system of plasma produced has been characterised using cyli-
5 kJ at 1 MV has been designed and fabrication work ndrical Langmuir probes. The typical electron density
is in progress. With some modifications operation of and temperature measured by the probe were in the
four of the eight modules of the 100 kJ capacitor bank range of 1-3 5 * 10' l cm 3 and 5-7 kV respectively.
has been satisfactorily tested for producing pulsed
An area of considerable interest in beam-plasma
high magnetic fields of 3 kG in a large volume of 120
interaction is efficient transfer of energy from beam to
beam. Experiments on REB-plasma interaction using x-
Based on the simulation experiments conducted ray, microwave and optical diagnostics are being set
on repositioning of garter spring located in the annular up to study and optimise beam energy coupling to
space between pressure tube and calandria tube of plasma. A theoretical model for understanding plasma
PHWRs, a detailed project report has been prepared heating by intense REB is also being developed
and submitted to Nuclear Power Board for considera-
Collective ion acceleration and pulse neutron
tion. In view of the importance of Electromagnetic
generation have important applications in nuclear
Interference (EMI) in research and defence, and an
research. Numerical studies of collective acceleration
advisory group has been formed to study the associated
of ions by REB using single as well as multiple
injection has been carried out and the results indicate
Pulse shaping results of REB generation in gas the possibility of accelerating Fe' 2 6 ions to 2-4 GeV in
filled diodes have been interpreted to yield data for a transit distance of 10 metres using 300 keV. 25 kA.
formative time of electrical breakdown in gases. A 50 ns REB. REB-1000 system is being developed for
model has been developed to explain the results of the study of collective acceleration of light and heavy
pulse shaping in gas filled diodes. ions.

Efficient transport of intense REB in gas and The 75 joule, 300 kV REB diode earlier developed
plasma channels is important in inertial and magnetic is being modified and redesigned for pulse neutron
fusion research. Transport experiments with 10" watt, source applications.

115 Electron Beam Technology of the 80 kW EB melting furnace for melting of

Hafnium/ Niobium are ready and assembly work is in
Electron beam is a highly efficient heat source for progress.
metallurgical applications such as melting, welding
and evaporation and is almost indispensible when Design of a 20 kW EB evaporation system for
working with highly reactive and high temperature metallurgical applications has been completed and all
materials used in nuclear and aerospace industry. the major subsystems are under fabrication. An indi-
First of the two EBW machines being built for special genously built EBW machine available in BARC has
applications has been assembled. This is a high vacuum been put to extensive use for various applications for
chamber type machine with an electron beam gun users within DAE family and outside.
rated at 150 kV and 6 kW and is to be used for welding
of end discs to long thin tubes of high strength steel. Industrial Design
Design of second machine has been modified to make
it more compact by incorporating two electron beam The ultra high vacuum system for the gravitation
guns to weld the discs at two ends of the tube. It is experiment being carried out by TIFR was completed
presently under fabrication. All the major subsystems and is being set up.

Alok Saxena and V.S. Ramamurthy, "Surface diffuseness of defor- N.N. Ajitanand, R. Lacey, G.F. Peaslee. E. Duek and John M
med and rotating nuclei", Pramana (J. Phys.), 27, 679 1986. Alexander, "GANES : A computer program for the simulation of
SX Kataria, R. Govil, A. Saxena and H.N. Bajpei. "Chemical Effects in laboratory spectra of evaporative light particles in heavy ion
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis", X-Ray Spectrometry. 15, 49, reactions", Nucl. Instr. & Meth., A 243, 111 1986.
1986. M. Kildir, D. Logan, DO. Eriksen, D.J. Moses, Morton Kaplan, E. Duek,
S.K. Kataria, V.S. Ramamurthy, V.G. Gaonkar and Surendra Kumar Louis C. Vaz, N.N. Ajitanand, John M. Alexander, M.S. Zisman,
"Personal Computer-based CAMAC system for data acquisition "Fission reactions of 469-MeV S6Fe + 2MU : Detection of 4He/'H
system". Bull of Materail Science, 8, 225 1986. emission from pre- and post- fission sources", Z. Phys., A 317,
291 1984.
C. Jacquemin and S.K. Kataria, "Exact Calculation of nuclear level
densities for many non-interacting fermion systems in large N.N. Ajitanand. John M. Alexander, H. Delagrange, E. Duek, DO
• model spaces.". Z. Phys., A329, 261 1986. Erikoen, D. Guerreau, Morton Kaplan. M. Kildir, L.K. Kowalski. R.
Lacey, D. Logan, D.J. Moses, G.F. Peaslee, Louis C. Vaz and M.S.
S..K. Kataria (Ed), "Micro, mini and personal computers in the Zisman, "Multiplicities for evaporative 4He emission in heavy ion
Laboratory", Oxford-IBH, Delhi 1986. reactions : Relationships to spin and lifetime expectancy of the
composite nucleus", ibid, A 316, 169 1984.
Hashima Hasan and B.K. Jain, "Energy Dependence of the 6Li(P,
A + + ) 6He! Reaction", Phys. Rev., C 33, 1020 1986. David J. Moses, Morton Kaplan, John M. Alexander, D. Logan. M.
Kildir, Louis C. Vaz, N.N. Ajitanand, E. Duek and M.S. Zisman
M.K. Mehta and S.Kailas, "Proton-nucleus optical model potential at
"Particle spectra from reversed kinematics : Powerful probes of
low energies - a review". Pramana (J. Phys.) 27, 139, 1986.
hot rotating nuclei", ibid, A 320, 229 1985.
P.P. Singh/Q. U, P. Schwandt, W.W. Jacobs, M. Saber, E.J. Stephenson, A. K.N. Iyengar, R.P. Anand, N.N. Ajitanand. D.M. Nadkarni. A.K.
Saxena and S. Kailas, "Elastic and inelastic scattering of Mohanty. "Measurement of proton induced fission cross-section
270 MeV He particles from 5SNi, 90Zr, "6Sn and 20SPb". Pramana of 235U at sub coulomb barrier energies". Nuclear Tracks. 12.
(J. Phys). 27, 747 1986.
(1-6)333 1986.
S Kailas and S.K. Gupta. "Nucleus-nucleus potential from fusion
A.K. Mohanty, K.N Iyengar. N.N. Ajitanand. "Automatic scanning of
and elastic scattering", Phys. Rev., C34, 357 1986.
enlarged fission tracks in lexan polycarbonate", ibid, 12. (1-6)
S. Kailas. "Thermonuclear reaction rates from (p. n) reactions on 227 1986.
targets with A - 92-122". J. Astrophysics and Astronomy, 7, 53 M. Lahanas. D. Rychet. P. Singh, R. Gyufko, D. Kolbert. B.V. Kruchten.
1986. E. Madadakis and C.A. Wiedner "Inelastic scattering from MZr and
D.J. Hinde. R.J. Charity, G.S. Foote, J.R. Leigh, J.O. Newton, S. Ogaza and Zr". Nucl. Phys , A455, 399 1986 (MPI, Heidelberg).
A. Chatterjee, "Neutron Multiplicities in Heavy-Ion-Induced
P. Singh, D. Rychet, R. Gyufko, B.V. Kruchten, M. Lahanas and C.A.
Fission : Time scale of Fusion-fission", Nuclear Physics, A452,
Wiedner, Alpha Scattering from 92Zr and 9*Zr", ibid, A458, 1 1986.
550 1986.
P.K. Bhattacharya. M.J. Kansara, T.P.S. Nathan, P. Singh and A.G.
R.J. Charity, JR. Leigh, J.J.M. Bokhorst, A. Chatterjee, G.S. Foote. D.J. Wagh, "Investigation of Laser-Annealed Antimony Implanted Si
Hinde, J.O. Newton, S. Ogaza and D. Ward, "Heavy-Ion Induced by Ion Back Scattering and channeling and structure analysis."
Fusion-Fission Systematics and the Effect of the Comp- App. Phys., A39, 147 1986.
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nation", ibid, A457, 441 1986. R.K. Choudhury et. al. "The correlation of linear and angular
momentum transfer in the reactions of 310 MeV 16O With '"Sm."
Kuldeep and Animesh K. Jain, "Stopping Cross-sections of He' ions Phys.. 47, C4, 101 1986.
in the Metallic Glass Fea2 B1B", Nucl. Instrum. Meth., 815, 101, V.S. Ramamurthy and S.S. Kapoor. "Entrance Channel Effects on
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Kuldeep and Animesh K. Jain, "Artefacts in RBS Analysis of Laser fission before full equilibration, (pre-equilibrium fission)". Inter-
Treated Surfaces", ibid, B15. 250 1986. national Nuclear Physics Conf., Harrogate, Aug. 1986.
B.K. Jain. S.K. Gupta et al., "A study of ^ ( P . ,'. • *) 'He reaction in 400-
N.N. Ajitanand, G. La Rana, R. Lace, David J. Moses, Louis C. Vaz, 500 MeV range using cooled beam", Exptl. Proposal accepted by
G.F. Peaslee, DM. de Castro Rizzo, Morton Kaplan and John M. Indians University Cyclotron Facility.
Alexander, "Clues to the shapes of very hot nuclie : Calcutta
patterns for evaporative emission from deformed nuclei", Phys B K. Jain. "A(P. P n ') /I reaction, a pion-precursor probe in nuclei".
Rev., C 34, 877 1986. DAE NP Symposium, Waltair, 1986.


AB Santra and B.K Jajn. The pC'He. 1) ' ' reaction". Int. Conf on V P Salvi. S.V Vidwans. A.A. Rangwala. B M. Arora Kuldeep and
Nuclear Physics. Harrogate. 1986 Ammesh K Jam. Formation of Titanium Silicides by High Dose
A B. Santra and B K Jain. "Energy and momentum spectrum of p Ion Implantation . 5th Intl Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of
('He. t) reaction". DAE NP Symposium Waltair. 1986. Materials. Italy June 1986.

K Kumar. S.K Katana and VS. Ramamurthy. "Classical Trajectory • S K. Sharma. Kuldeep and Animesh K. Jam. Effect of Relaxation and
Model with Asymmetric friction for Heavy Ion Fusion". N.P. Crystallization on diffusion of Au and Sb in Amorphous Fe. B .
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A K Mohanty. V S. Ramamurthy. and S K Katana. "Role of neck • .NN Ajitanand. K.N. Iyengar. DM. Nadkarm. RP Anand and AK
degree of freedom in sub barrier fusion enhancement", ibid. '."• Mohanty. "Proton of coulomb excited target state 7 ". Nucl Phys
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S K Kalaria. Chemical effects in EDXRF and PIXE studies". Procee N N Ajitanand and DM Nadkarni, "Evaporation model foi LCP
ding of National workshop on XRF studies. Sept 1986 • . emission in low energy fission . ibid . 29B 269 1986

S.K. Katana. "Data Acquisition Systems". IP A Seminar on Nuclear * . R K Choudhury. B K Nayak. DC. Biswas and M Lai. L X ray line
Instrumentation for Heavy Ion Laboratories : May 1986. _ . intensity ratios in Au and rare earth elements for incident proton
• energies of 1 0 to 2 5 MeV". Nineth International Conferences on
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Application of Acceletors in Research and Industry. 1986
determined from analysis of fusion and elastic scattering ..
H1C0IED Conference. Caen. France 1986 V; R Vanna. G.K Mehta. A Saxena A Nijasure. D M Nadkarni. R K
Choudhury. S.S Kapoor and V.S Ramamurthy. Study of the
SK Gupta. A Chatteriee. S Kailas and S S Kerekafte. "Fraunhoffer
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illustrated by alphas scattered by Bismuth 209 at 50 5MeV
incident energy Int Conf on Nuclear Physics Hanogale UK M N Rao A Nijasurp and R K Choudhury. Fission fragment mass
282 1986 energy and angle measurements in •' U (n . f) using back to
back gndded lonisatinn chamber ibid . 29B 139
A Saxena. S Kailas P P Singh. P Schwanrit. EI Slephenson Q
D C Biswas. V S Ambekar R.V. Srikantiah. S R S Murthy and R K
Cher, and DN t'nesel. "Excitation of giant resonances m ' Zr
Choudhury. A position sensitive gas proportional counter tele-
inelastic scattering of 270 MeV 'He particles", ibid 85. 1986
scope for heavy ions . ibid 97
A Chatteriee SK Gupta. S. Kailas and S S Kerekatte. Continuum
M. Lai. RK Choudhury and BB Singh Investigations of toxic
spectra for Bi (•/ •/) reaction at 50 MeV '. Symposium on Nucl
metals in Ayurvedie drugs by energy dispersive X ray fluorescence
Phys . W.iitaii 29B 47 1986
analysis . Nation^ Seminar on EDXRF technique and its applications
S Kailas. A Saxena. P P Singh. P. Schwandt. E J Stephenson. Q 1986
Chen. Inelastic scattering of 270 MeV He particles to the giant RK Choudhury BK Nayak. S Gupta VR. Rao. M Sudarshan and
resonance region in Pb". ibid. 29B 87 D T Khating Multielement analysis of trace elements m stream
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Conf. on Instrumentation for Heavy Ion Laboratories. Bombay R K Choudhury. Methods of data analysis in EDXRF studies" ibid
1986 M A Eswaran Suresh Kumar. N L Ragoowansi and E T Mirgule.
S.K Gupta and S. Kailas. "Some aspects of light-ion optical potentials "Resonant Stiiictures in the excitation functions of the reactions
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A Chatteriee. SK Gupta. S Kailas and S.S. Kerekatte. "A simple 37 MeV International Nuclear Physics Conf Harrogate ( U K )
method of determining Beam Energy". Workshop on Utilisation Aug 1986
and future programme of Variable Energy Cyclotron. Calcutta P Singh and PK Bhattacharya Design of a MeV Ion Beam
Feb 1986 Mictoprobe Pioc Geiman Physical Society Meeting Heidelbeig
March 1986
S K Gupta. Elastic and Non Elastic Reactions with Alpha Particles
at VECC Energies . ibid R Gyufko, D Kolbert. UV Kiuchten M Lahanas. E Madadakis. D
Rychel P Singh and C A Wiednei Simultaneous measurement
A. Chatterjee. "4.- Neutron Multiplicity Defector IPA Conference on
of Elpcttomagnchc and Isosral.n ti.msition lates from (v ; \
Instrumentation for Heavy Ion Laboratories. Bombay 1986.
experiments ibid


R. Gyufko, D. Kolbert, B.V. Kruchten. M. Lahanas. E. Madadakis, D. P S. Goyal. J. Penfold and J. Tomkinson. "Observation of neutron
Rychel. P. Singh and C.A. Wiedner. "Inelastic 2-scattering from incoherent inelastic spectioscopy of split higher harmonics of
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R. Gyufko, D. Kolbert, B.V. Kruchten. M. Lahanas, E. Madadakis. D. Phys. Lett 127,483 1986.
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multiwire parallel plate detector", ibid. neutron diffraction study of low temperature phase transition in
R. Gyufko, B.V. Kruchten. P. Singh and C.A. Wiedner. "Field measure- LiKS04. Solid State Commun. 58. 203 1986.
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P. Singh, S. Kailas, D. Rychel, R. Gyufko. B.V. Kruchten and C.A. Indian J. Phys. 60A. 11 1986.
Wiedner. "Elastic Scattering of 35 4 MeV Alpha particles from G.P. Das and V.C. Sahni, "Determination of band occupanices from
Zr. Proc. Nucl. Phys. Symp 29B, 107 1986. Fourier transformed Compton profiles", Chem. Phys. letter, 174,
P. Singh and P.K. Bhattacharya. "Design of a Microprobe for MeV 227 1986.
Proton Beams", ibid 275. G.P. Das and V.C Sahni. "On the use of Fourier transformed
Compton Profile for the determination of band occupancies in
P. Singh. "Magnetic Spectrographs for Nuclear Reaction Studies",
certain solids", Pramana-Journal of Physics 27, 585 1986
IPA Workshop cum seminar on Instrumentation for Heavy Ion
Laboratories, BARC. Bombay May. 1986. R. Subramanian and V.C. Sahni, "Vector Spaces and the labelling of
diffraction peaks in crystals and quasicrystals", Phys. Stat. Sol.
P Singh. "DC. Quadrupoles", Workshop on Ion optics, T(FR. Bombay, (b) 135, K95 1986.
Sept. 1986.
N.C. Jain. "Resolution function of CMA systems used for Auger
P. Singh, "2 MV Tandem Accelerator", National Seminar on Teaching signal measurements", Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 24, 399 1986.
and Research in Nuclear Sciences and Technology (In Hindi).
SB. Ota and V.C Sahni. "Study of tetragonality parameter of
BARC, Bombay Dec, 1986
martensitic transition in A15 compounds". J. Phys. C . Sol. St.
S.K. Paranjpe, R. Chakravarthy, H.S Bisht and D.K. Kulkarni, "Neutron Phys. 18. 6471 1985.
Diffractions Study of mixed Li-ferntes. Physica Status Solidi, SB Ota. "Martensitic transition and superconductivity in A15
98 (a) 1986. compounds", Physica 1418 159 1986.
R. Chakravarthy S.K. Paranjpe. S.K. Kulshreshtha and L. Madhav SB. Ota. "Theoretical study of the structural transitions and related
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K.R. Rao, "Atomic Energy in India : An Historical Perspective". "The K.R.P M Rao and P.K. Iyengar. "A static and Dynamical Mossbauer
Cultural Heritage of India" Vol. VI. Science and Technology Ed. P. Study of Photochemical Biological Switch of Valence states in the
Roy and S.N. Sen, Published by the Ramaknshna Mission. Respiratory Pigments of Rhodospirillum Rubrum Bacterium".
Institute of Culture, Calcutta 1986. Phys Letters 115. 187 1986.
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1986, Newsletter ed. R 0 Weir. Ontario, Canada 70 1986


N. Choudhury. S.L. Chaplot and K.R. Rao, "Specific heat, bulk P. Chaddah, "Experimental methods in superconducting materials
modulus and thermal expansion of forsterite", Solid State Phys. research", Workshop on Physics. Metallurgy and Technology of
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S.L. Chaplot, "Lattice dynamics and pressure dependence in C6C1313", M.R.L.N. Murthy, "Crystal Growth Apparatus for preparation of
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R. Mukhopadhyay, M.S. Somayazulu and S.L. Chaplot, "Lattice Crystal Growth, Calcutta, Jan 1986.
dynamics of TLN03: rigid molecular-ion model", Solid State Y.D. Dande. "Critical Current Measurements in Practical Supercon-
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Superconducting Materials, IGCAR, Madras, Jan 1986.
S.L. Chaplot and K.R. Rao, "Computer simulation and lattice dynamics
of NH4Br", ibid., 29C, 135 1986. G. Ravi Kumar. P. Chaddah, K.L Patel and Y.D. Dande, "Resistive
Measurement of critical current in superconducting composites",
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librational modes of NH4 ion in ammonium halides : High resolution
neutron incoherent inelastic spectra". Int. Conf. on "Dynamics of S.B. Ota, "Structural instability and superconductivity in A15 com-
Molecular Crystals". Grenoble, France 1986. pounds", Fourth Colloquim for Young Physicists. SJNP, Calcutta,
1986. Seminar given in SERC School in Condensed Matter
B.A. Dasannacharya. P.S. Goyal, C.L. Thaper, J. Penfold, and J. Physics, Sannniketan 1986 and at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
Tomkinson, "Dynamics of H2O in Ba(C103)2 H20", Solid State 1986.
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pounds". Thesis. Bombay University 1986.
P.S. Goyal, B.A. Dasannacharya, C.J. Carlile and R.C. Ward, "Reorien-
tation of NH., ions in Ferroelectric phase of (NH4)2 So4",ibid., 189 P.S. Goyal, J. Penfold and J. Tomkinson. "The influence of multiple
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TV. Chandra Shekhara Rao and V.C. Sahni, "Analysis of-different Laboratory.
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Hemant Salunke and V.C. Sahni, "Effect of off-axial source location Thin Film. Instrumentation Society of India, S.V. University.
on the resolution function of CMA". ibid., 268 1986. Tirupati", (Invited talk) Aug. 1986.
M.K. Sanyal, S.B. Ota and V.C. Sahni, "New scheme for minimizing G.P. Das and S.K. Ghosh, "Exchange-correlation energy density
digitization error in a PSD system", ibid., 256 1986. functional in momentum space", Proceedings of "Symposium on
Current Trends in the Physics of Materials", Ed. M. Yussouff.
G.P. Das, K.V. Bhagwat and V.C. Sahni, "Reconstruction of Electron World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1986.
Momentum Density using Compton profiles", ibid., 112 1986.
S.B. Ota, "Band Jahn-Tellen effect and Superconductivity in A15
M.K. Sanyal, G.P. Das and V.C. Sahni, "A Rietveld fitting program for compounds", Proc. of 2nd International Conference on phonon
energy dispersive X-ray diffraction", ibid., 270 1986. physics, Budapest, (World Scientific : Singapore) 862 1985
S.B. Ota, V.C. Sahni, G.P. Das, T.V. Chandra, Sekhar Rao, M.K. Sanyal Ml. Bansal and A.P. Roy, "Raman study of the phonon spectra in
and H. Salunke, "Measurement of frequency dependent specific Hg,, K,Cd ,, Te from 10K to 250K". Proc. Xth Int. Conf. Raman
heat", ibid.,269 1986.. Spectroscopy, Edited by W.L. Peticolas and B. Hudson (Univ. of
Oregon), 7 1986.
S.B. Ota, "Effect of stress on superconducting transition in A15
compounds", ibid.,195 1986. V. Vijayakumar, CM. Sharma, S.K. Sikka and R. Chidambaram, "BCT-
HCP transformation in Cd-Hg alloys under pressure", J. Phys. F
P.S. Goyal, "Use of pulsed Neutron Sources in Condensed Matter
16, 831, 1986.
Research : Some recent results", ibid., 1986.
H. Sankaran, S.M. Sharma and S.K. Sikka, "On observation of the
K.R.P.M. Rao, "Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Biology, Medicine and volume discontiniuty in the insulator to metal transition in Csl in
Industry", ibid.,1986. X-ray diffraction experiments", Phys. Bev. B 33, 3543, 1986.
P. Chaddah, "Disorder in superconductors-a study on Cu2Mo6 Sa, V. Vijayakumar, S.K. Sikka, B.K. Godwal and R. Chidambaram.
Indo-Soviet Symposium on Low Temperature Physics. Moscow, "Isostructural electronic anomoly in La and La-Th alloys".
May 1986. Physica, 139 and 14OB, 407. 1986.
G. Ravi Kumar, P. Chaddah, K.L. Patel and Y.D. Dande, "Resistive H. Sankaran, S.M. Sharma. S.K. Sikka and R. Chidambaram. "High
measurement of critical current in superconducting composites, Pressure phase transitions in solids II: X-ray diffraction study of
Solid State Physics (India) 29C, 142 1986. /i-dicholrobenzene," Pramana 27, 835, 1986.


B.K. Godwal. V. Vijayakumar, S.K. Sikka and R. Chidambaram, M. Srinivasan and T.K. Basu. "Fusion Breeder Concept . Proc.
"Pressure reduced A1B2 to WgCu2 type transition in ThAl2", J. Seminar on Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.
Phys. F 16. 1415, 1986. Feb 198R
S.K. Sikka and V. Vijayakumar. "On the structures of the distorted V.R. Nargundkar. OP. Joneja, T.K. Basu and M. Srinivasan, "Neu-
tec phase of rare earths and actinides. Some more possible tronics of a Dense ZPinch Fusion Reactor, Proc. 4th Int. Conf
structures", Physica B 144, 23, 1986. Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Madrid. Spain 1986.
S.K. Sikka. "Shock Hugoniot equation of state electron-band theory T.K Basil T Datta S.P Dange and M Srimvasn. "Experimental,
approach". "Shock Waves in Condensed Matter", ed, Y.M. Gupta mental Study of Neutron Multiplication in BeO the Shift Register
71. (Plenium, New York) 1986. Coincidence Technique". Ann. Nucl. Energy. 13 (10). 575. 1986.
B.K. Godwal. V. Vijayakumar. S.K. Sikka and R. Chidambaram. SB Garg and R.P. Anand. "Neutron Induced Reaction Cross
A1B2 to Laves Phase Transition in Th AI2 under pressure". Sections of Fe-56 in the Energy Range 1 to 20 MeV A Work
Physica B144, 44, 1986. Programme". First CRP Meeting Sponsored by IAEA Bologna.
Italy. 1986.
S.M. Sharma, H. Sankaran and S.K. Sika, "Frozen Phonon calculation
of soft mode : body centred tetragonal to hep transformation in SB. Garg and A. Sinha. "Pre-equilibrium Effects in Neutron Proton
Hg and Cd Hg alloys", Solid State Phys. (DAE) 29C. 133, 1986. and Alpha Emission of Niobium", Radiation Effects. June 1986.
S.M. Sharma, V. Vijayakumar. H Sankaran, B.K. Godwal. S.K. Sikka SB. Garg and A. Sinha. "Generation of ENDF/B-IV Based 35 group
and R Chidambaram, "An energy dispessive x-ray diffraction Neutron Cross Section Library and its Applications in Criticality
system for studies on polycrystalline samples under pressure Studies", ibid.
with a diamon'd cell", ibid, 267, 1986. S.K.H. Auluck. "A mechanism for Taylor relaxation in Z-pinches. Part
H Sankaran, S.M. Sharma, S.K. Sikka and R Chidambaram, "High 1. Dynamo mechanism", J. Plasma Physics. 35 2, 1986.
pressure phase transitions in /i-dichlorobenzene". XVm National
Seminar on Crystallography, Jammu, 1986. S.K.H. Auluck, "New terms in MHD equations and their implications
for the inertial confinement fusion concept", ibid. 36, 211 1986.
B.K. Godwal. "Shock Hugoniot calculations and shock velocity-
particle velocity (Us Up) relations for molybdenum". Solid State S.K.H Auluck, Rrelaxation of magnetic field in a plasma via the
Phys. (DAE) 29C, 118. 1986. tearing mode", ibid, 35 (2), 311. 1986.
S.C. Gupta and Y.M. Gupta, "Piezoresistance response of mangannin S.K.H. Auluck. Anurag Shyam and M. Srinivasan, "Role of "Diagnostics
foils . Shock Waves in Condensed Matter", ed. Y.M. Gupta. in Unravelling the Physics of Plasma Focus Devices : A Historical
Perspective", Proc. Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics, Indore.
Plenum, New York, 1986.
Madhya Pradesh, (Invited paper) Jan. 1986
A. Sinha. SB. Garg and M. Srinivasan, "Sensitivity Studies of the
Neutron Multiplicity Spectrum in the spallation of Pb Targets", A Shyam, M. Srinivasan and L.V. Kulkami, "Neutron Diagnosticsin
Pulsed Fusion Experiments", ibid.. (Invited Paper)
Ann Nucl Energy, 13, 579, 1968; (A brief report also presented
at the 4th Int. Conf. on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems held at R.K. Rout. A Shyam and M. Srinivasan. "Diagnostics on a Squirrel
Madrid Spain. 1986) Cage Plasma Focus, ibid.
M. Srinivasan et al.. U-233 fuelled Homogeneous Reactor Experi- T.C. Kaushik and M. Srinivasan. "Diagnostics of an Electrically
ments Purnima II : Experimental Results", Proc. Seminar on Fast Exploded Metal Foil Plasma Accelerator", ibid.
Reactor Fuel Cycles, Kalpakkam. Tamil Nadu, Feb. 1986.
S.B. Garg, M. Srinivasan and K. Subha Rao. "Criticality Aspects of
C S. Pasupathy et al., "Physics and Engineering Constraints in the Reactor of Configurations Fuelled with Minor Actinides". Proc.
Design of U-233 Fuelled Research Reactor Kamiru". Sixth National Fourth Int. Conf. on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems. Madrid.
Symposium on Radiation Physics. Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, March Spain. June 1986.
R.P. Patel. T.N Ranganathan and V.M. Padmanabhan. Structure of
K Subba Rao and M. Srinivasan, "Validation of Cross-section Data bis (4 hydroxy-L-prolinate- N. 0) Palladium tnhydrate". Acta
used in the Design of U-233 Fuelled Reactor Experiment". IAEA Crystallographica. C42. 1333. 1986.
Interregional Training Course on Preparation of Nuclear Data for
use in Reactor Calculations BARC. Bombay April 1986. V.M. Padmanabhan. VS. Yadav. R. Chadra and N.S. Poonia. "Crystal
M. Srinivasan. K. Chandramoleshwar, C.S. Pasupathy. K.K. Rasheed structure o1 Qaicium bipyndyl Innilioplienolate National Seminar
and K Subba Rao, "U-233 Fuelled Experimental Reactors in on Crystallography. Jammu. 1986.
India Purnia. II and Kamini, Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Emerging V.M Padmanabhan and R.P. Patel. "Structure of L-prolate bipyndly
Nuclear Energy. Madrid. Spain. lune 1986. Palladim (II) chloride trihydrate". ibid.


K. Swaminathan. U.C. Sinha. V.S. Yadava and V.M. Padmanabhan DP. Choudhuri, A Chakraborti et. al. the "The characterisation of semi
"Crystal structure pf Bipyridyl (N, N diacetatoanthranilato) conductor for oxygen impurity by Charge particle acivation analysis
Chromium (III) trihydrate", ibid. VI International Seminar on Semiconductor bs Devices. Dec. 1986.
V.K. Wadhawan and M.S. Somayazulu, "Atomic Mechanism of Calcutta.
Ferroelastic Switching and Mechanical Twinning. Application to D.P. Choudhuri. A Chakraborti et al, "The determination of light
Thahous Nitrate". Phase Transitions. 7, 59. 1986. elements impurity in high purity meterials by charge particle
K.V. Bhagwat, V.K. Wadhwan and R. Subramanian, "A New Fourth- activation analysis", Seminar on Physics and techology of parti-
Rank Tensor for Describing the Acoustical Activity of Crystals". cle Accelerators and their applications, Jan. 1987.
I. Phys. C. 19. 345. 1986. DP. Choudhuri. J. Choudhury et al. "The study of wear between
V.K. Wadhwan, "Bicrystallography". Abstracts Book of XVm National piston ring and Cylinder housing of an internal Combuston
Seminar on Crystallography. Jammu, 63, 1986. engine by thin layer activation technique", ibid.
V.K. Wadhwan, "description of Twinning in Terms of the Concepts J.N. De. B C Samantha and M.M. Mazumdar "Vacuum Polarisation
of Prototype Symmetry and Dichromatic Pattern" Abstracts Book and nuclear mass formulae". Nucl. Phys. A451,160. 1986.
of XVIII National Seminar on Crystallography, Jammu, 56, 1986 J.N. De and S.K. Samaddar "Nonequilibrium nucleon emission
R. Mukhopadhyay, M.S. Somayazulu and S.L. Chaplot, "Lattice around the Fermi region.. Journal de physique, 47, C4-77 1986.
Dynamics of TINO3: Rigid Molecular-/! Model". Proc. DAE Solid J.N. De. K. Krishan and S.K. Samaddar. "Isospin correlated exchange
State Phys. Symp., 29C, 134, 1986. versus cluster exchange". Zeitschrift fur Physik A325. 79. 1986.
M.S. Somarazulu and V.K. Wadhawar, "Possibility of Reorientational Md. Ismail. "Measurement and analysis of Ta (al. 4n) reaction "
Transitions in Thallous Nitrate : : A Dielectric Study ", Abstracts Nuclear Physics Symp. Waltair. 2B 1986.
Book, 4th National Seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics,
Kharagpur, 1986. Md. Ismail. "Alpha-deuteron elastic scattering at 40 MeV". Nuclear
T. Bandyopadhya and P.K. Sarkar, "Implement and com'paratived Physics Symp. 28B 316. 1985 and International Few body
study of random sequences for nonlinear least square odata Conference, Sendai. Japan, 1986.
fittering", Pramana Physics) 28, 97, 1987. Md. Ismail "Absorption effects in alpha-deuteron elastic Scattering
S.K. Basu. T.K.Bhattachary and N.C. Bhattacharyya : "Analysisof at 40 MeV", Nuclear Physics Symp. 29B 231. 1986
magnetic field data and computation of trim Coil Current for
B.K. Khasnabis, T. Bandyopadhyay et al, "Spectrum measurement of
VEC", Proc. of 1 lth Int. CONF. on Cyclotrons and their applica- neutrons from 40 MeV alpha particle bombardment of tantalum".
tions, Tokyo 1986. Ind. J. of Phys. 61A 93 1987.
S.K. Basu, R.K. Bhowmik et. al. "Gas-Jet coupled ISOL system at
G. Muthukrishnan and D. Gopinath "Pion transport studies". Physics
VECC", Proc. of 7th Tandem Conf. Berlin, 1977.
Med. Biology. 31 (1), 17, 1986.
S.K. Basu, A. Chakroborty et. al. "Decay of 3 Sec 1<lOmHo". Proc. Nucl.
Physics Symp 29B. 35 1986. P.K. Sarkar and MA. Prasad, "A comparative study of pseudo and
quasi random sequence for the solution of integral equations", J.
S.K. Basu. A. Chakraborty and S.K. Sana. "Optimum design of a of Computational Physics, 68, 66, 1987.
beam transport system", Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons
and their applications Tokyo, 1986. R.P. Sharma and AS. Divatia "Fabrication of lithium drifted silicon
detectors by constant temperature method. Pramana - J. Physics.
A.K. Choudhuri, "Mass dependence of K /K' production and EMC 26. (3), 191. 1986.
effect", Nuclear Physics Symp. Waltair, 29B, 1986.
Bikash Sinha, "Thermometric Signals of Quark-Gluon Plasma". Nucl.
A.K. Choudhuri "Hadron-nucleus scattering at large momentum Phys. A 459,. 1109. 1986.
trasfer and anomalous A - dependence, ibid.
From Nuclear matter to Quark-Gluon Plasma - Released on Thursday
A.K. Choudhuri "A factorised density dependent interaction in the Morning, May 1, 1986 for the Special Invited Talk by the
folding model for heavy ion potential", Nucl. Phy. A459. 417. American Physical Society, Spring Meeting 1986.
A.K. Choudhuriy and B. Sinha. "A microscopic optical model analysis A. Raha and B. Sinha. "Quark-Gluon Plasma • Measuring (n,,/y) Ratio
of Heavy inns elastic scattering data using realistic NN interaction, with Dilepton," Phys. Rev. Let.. 58. 101. 1987.
ibid. A 445,169. 1986. MR. Prasad. N S. Dixit. MN Trupti. N. Venkatramani and V.K.
A.K. Choudhuri 'A density dependent interaction in the folded alphanu- Rohatgi. "Spectroscopic method of temperature measurement in
cleus potential, ibid, A449 243, 1986. MHD plasmas". Research and Industry 30. 331. 1985.


N Venkatramani ar.d V.K. Rohatgi. "Dynamic thermocouple technique S V Deshmukh. "Electron density, measurements by far infra red
to measure high gas-stieam temperature". Research and Industry laser interferometry". ibid.
30. 494. 1985. N Venkalramani. ' Diagnostics of thermal plasmas", ibid. (Invited
A V Bapat and S. Suryanarayanan, "Vibration of rectangular plates talk)
with simple supports on two opposite edges and elastic restraints J. Karthikeyan. K.P. Sreekumar and V K Rohatgi. "Recent advances
and point supports on other edges". Nineteenth Midwestern m plasma spraying". Seminar on Thermal Spraying Applications
Mechanics Conference. Columbus. Ohio U.S.A. Sept 1985. Secunderabad. Nov 1986.
P. Satyamurthy. N.S. Dixit. N Venkatramani and V.K. Rohatgi. J Karthikeyan et. al Status report on ceramic coating technology.
"Liquid metal MHD generator system". BARC-1291. 1985. Prepared by Expert Group on Ceramic Coating Technology. DST.
PR. Dastidar. V.K. Rohatgi, and S Sridharan. "Commissioning of the Govt. of India 1986
Indian MHD Installation". MHD Theory. Power Generation and PH. Ron and R P. Gupta. "Opening switches in pulsed power
Technology 2, 19. 1986. systems I". Technical Report. National Research Council of
Canada (NRC). TR-GD-007. NRC No. 25437. 1985/10
P.V. Ananthapadmanabhan. SB. Menon. N. Venkatramani and V.K.
Rohatgi. "Thermal shock behaviour of partially destabilized V R. Jujaray. ST. Iyyengar. PH. Ron and V.K. Rohatgi. "Development
zirconia". Ceramic International 12. 107. 1986. of 100 KJ capacitor bank". Proc. Intnl Seminar and Exhibition on
Capacitors CAPACIT-86. Bombay. Dec. 1986.
P.B. Shrivastava. Y.N. Rao. N. Venkatramani and C.K. Mittal. "Ni-B, Ni-P
alloy coatings on ceramic and metal substrates by electroless PH. Ron. "Breakdown in electrical insulation". Workshop on Pulse
technique". International Conference on Electrodeposition and Power Techniques and Applications. BARC Bombay. April 1986
Electroforming. Bangalore 1986 K.V. Nagesh, "Energy Storage in Marx generator and Tesla trans-
J. Karthikeyan. K.P. Sreekumar and V.K. Rohatgi. "Plasma spraying formers", ibid.
of ceramics", Seminar on Thermal Spraying. Bangalore, May R.S. Kalghatgi. Energy Storage for particle beams . ibid
PH Ron Pulse diagnostics for voltage and current", ibid
B.K. Karan, Ramkumar Nair. N. Venkatramani and V.K. Rohatgi.
"Performance of magnesia as insulator in hot MHD generator". PH. Ron. "Grounding and shielding for pulsed low level electrical
Ninth Int. Conf. on MHD Electrical Power Generation. Tsukuba. signals", ibid.
Japan No. 1986. K.V Nagesh. ST. Iyyengar. J.A. Gokhale. R.S. Kalghatgi. P.H Ron
V.K. Rohatgi. N. Venkatramani. P. Satyamurthy. A.K. Das. DP. and V.K. Rohatgi. "Fast response current, voltage and magnetic
Chakravarthy, N.S Dixit and T.K. Thiagarajan. "Analysis of field diagnostics", Proceedings Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics,
thermal and gas dynamic parameters of blue water gas combustion Centre for Advanced Technology. Indore. Ian. 1986.
products during the first plasma generation run of the Indian AS Paithankar. P. Roy Choudhury, AC Saxena and V.K Rohatgi.
MHD facility", ibid. "Characterisation of target plasma required for REB-plasma
interaction studies". APS Bulletin. 31. No. 9. 1475. 1986.
P.V. Ananthapadmanabhan and V.K Rohatgi, "Structure and thermo-
physical properties of" T Vijayan. S K Iyyengar and V.K. Rohatgi. "Collective acceleration
of ions using multiple injection in REB". ibid. 31. No. 9. 1464,
0-9 (ZrOJ, ,<CeO2) 0 1 [Yfi,]. 1986.
S K. Iyyengar and V.K. Rohatgi. "Current neutralisation and charge
Third Int. Conf. on Zirconia-Zirconia 86. Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1986.
transport of a REB in low pressure Argon". IEEE Trans. PS 14.
G.P. Gupta and ML. Mittal.' Convective Alfven-ioncyclotron instability No 3. 277. 1986.
in aniostropic turbulent plasma with a Finite Beta", Thirteenth T Vijayan. S.K. iyyengar and V.K. Rohatgi. "Collective acceleration
IEEE Int. Conf. on Plasma Science. Saskatoon. Canada. May 1986. of heavy ions using REB". JPA Workshop Cum Seminar on
G.P. Gupta. "Electrodynamic problems of plasma in combustion Nuclear Instrumentation for Heavy Ion Laboratories, Bombay.
MHD generators". Fourth Colloquium for Young Physicists. Indian May 1986.
Physical Society. Calcutta. Aug 1986. S.K. Iyyengar. G. Venugopala Rao. K.C. Mittal and V.K Rohatgi.
S N Sahasrabudhe. P.S.S Murthy. N. Venkatramani and V K. Rohatgi. •Diagnostics for intense pulsed particle beams", Workshop on
"Laser doppler anemometry measurements in a 500 kW MHD Plasma Diagnostics at CAT. Indore. Jan. 1986
channel". Proc. Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics, Centre for Adva- A C Saxena. A S. Paithankar and V.K Rohatgi. "Microwave interfero-
nced Technology. Indore 1986 metry for electron density measurements in plasmas", ibid


A S Paithankar. P Roy Choudhury and V.K. Rohatgi. 'Characterisa- N.K. Gupta and S.V Lawande. "Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Multi
tion of flowing plasma produced by coaxial plasma gun using sti uctured Spherical Targets". Plasma Phys & Controlled Fusion.
Langmuir probe", ibid 28.925. 1986
KC. Mittal. ' Gigawart pulsed relativistic electron beam generation S VG. Menon. Vinod Kumar and DC. Sahni. "Green's Function
studies in vacuum and gas filled diodes". Ph D thesis. Bombay Approach to the Solution of the Time Dependent Fokker-Planck
University. Dec 1986 Equation with Absorbing Boundary". Physica 135A. 79. 1986
V C Deniz. The Theory of Neutron Leakage in Reactor Lattices". Ashok Kumar and MR Gunye. "MicroscopicStructure Calculations
Handbook of Nuclear Reactor Calculations. Vol. II. CRC Press. in Ru. Pd and Cd Nuclei". Journal of Physics G12. 85. 1986
Inc. 1986. V.K. Jain and HP. Gupta. "Analysis of Super Delayed-Crincal Trans
S.S Joshi. K K. Arora. and fl.V. Koparde. "Applications of Neutron ients in Thermal Reactors Using 2D and 3-D Adiabatic and
Noise Analysis made at Tarapur Atomic Power Station (BWR) for Improved Quasistatic Models". Ann. Nucl Energy 13.115. 1986.
Core Internal Vibrations". Symposium on Vibration of Power
HP. Gupta and M.S. Trasi. "Asymptotically Stable Solutions of Point-
Plant Equipment. BARC. March 1986
Reactor Kinetics Equations in the Presence of Newtonian Tempera-
S.L Mehta, AH. Mistry. C.S. GopaJakrishnan. and L.R. Ramaswamy. ture Feedback", ibid 13. 203. 1986
"Micro-processor Based Scanner for Scanning of Reactor Shields".
Symposium on "Indigenous Nuclear Equipment". BARC. Feb. S.R. Swivedi and H.C. Gupta. "Biasing Parameter Limits for Synergistic
1987. Monte Carlo in Deep Penetration Calculations". Nucl. Sci. & Engg.
92. 545. 1986.
G.S. Agarwal and R.R. Puri, "Exact Quantum ElectrodynamicaJ
Results for Scattering. Emission and Absorption from a Rydberg Subhash Chandra. "The Influence of Particle Phase Size on the
Atom in a Cavity with Arbitrary Q". Phys. Rev. A 33, 1757. 1986. Disassembly Accident Transient in Fast Reactors". Nuclear
Safety 74. 189. 1986.
R.R. Puri and G.S. Agarwal, "Collapse and Revival Phenomena in the S.K. Arora. and T.K. Basu. "A seismic event on August 20.1983 : double
Jaynes-Cummings Model with Cavity Damping". Phys. Rev. A 33. explosion or a single earthquake". Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.
3610. 1986. 40(4), 309. 1985.
S.V. Lawande, R.R. Puri and R. D'Souza, "Optical Double Resonance T.K. Basu and S.K. Arora. "Complexity-TMF patterns of presumed
Spectra and Intensity-intensity Correlations under Finite Bandwidth : nuclear explosions in USSR as an aid to source discrimination",
Some Analytical Results. Phys. Rev. A 33. 2504. 1986. BARCJ-846. 1985.
S.V Lawande.DC. Khandekar, K.V.BhagwatandB.N. Jagtap, "Exact T.K. Basu and S.K. Arora. "Characteristics of Core reflected P waves
Analysis of the Critical Behaviour in the Driven Dicke Model of from known and presumed explosions in Soviet Russia. BARC I-
Interacting Atoms", Physcia 134A. 598. 1986. 860. 1986.
DC. Khandekar and S.V. Lawande, "Feynman Path Integrals : Some A.R. Banghar, "Synthesis of Seismograms for earthquakes a paper
Exact Results and Applications, Phys. Reports 137, 115, 1986. presented at a Seminar on Emerging trends in theoretical seis-
A.K. Dhara and S.V. Lawande, "Time-dependent Invariants and mology held at Calcutta University" March 1985.
Quantum Mechanics in Two Dimensions. I. Math. Phys. 27, 1331, Falguni Roy, "Source depth Estimation by Prediction Error. Filtering
1986. of Synthetic Explosion signals". BARC-1337. 1986.
DC. Khandekar. V.A. Singh. K.V. Bhagwat and S.V. Lawande.
Falguni Roy, "Depth of source from Long period P-Waves". BARC-
"Functional. Integral Approach to Posirionally Disordered Systems"
1338. 1986.
Phys. Rev. B 33. 5482, 1986.
Falguni Roy. "Identification of depth phase onsets from some
•M.K. Srivastava and S.V. Lawande, "The Rarefaction Effect during presumed underground explosion signals using prediction error
Coalscence of Converging shocks in a Laser-driven Fusion". filtering". BAC-1340. 1986.
Atomkernenergie 48. 45. 1986.
Falguni Roy. "Detection ot depth phase onsets by prediction error
N.K. Gupta and S.V. Lawande. "Effects of Density Gradients on
filtering of synthetic signals in presence of additive noise afteT
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in an Ablatively Accelerated Inertial
prefiltering the noise". BARC-1341. 1986.
Confinement Fusion Target", Plasma Phys. & Controlled Fusion,
28. 267, 1986. Falguni Roy. Studies in forensic seismology with emphasis on
N.K. Gupta and S.V. Lawande. "Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Spherical source depth estimation. Ph.D. Thesis, Bombay University. Sept.
Geometry". Phys. Rev. A 33. 2813. 1986. 1986.


A.R. Banghar. "Seismotectonics of the Andaman-Nicobar islands, L.M. Kukreja. S K Sehgal. U.K. Chatterjee and D.D Bhawalkar. "Ob
Tectonophysics", 133. 1987. obtaining well defined transverse-mode and turung of a long cw-
CO, laser". I Phys D Applied Physics. 426. 19. 1986
Vijai Kumar, "An instrument for strong ground motion measurements.
Conference on Transducers". Delhi. 1985. (BGML) L.M. Kukreja. S.K Sehgal. U.K. Chatterjee. B.L Gupta and D.D
KR Subbaramu. BSS Rao and R. Krishnamurthy "Establishment Bhawalkar. "125 Watt longitudinal cw-CO, laser, its tuning and
pulsed operation" BARC/I 8^6 1986
ol Surface and underground seismic network and monitoring
of Rockburst activity at Kolar Gold Fields 4th Conference L M Kukreja. R K Khardekar and U K Chatterjee "Longitudinal CO,
on accoustic emission/micro seismic activity in Geologies laser operating directly at line vc-JJage with hollow cathode dis-
structure and activity Pennsylvania State University. 1985 charge Rev Sci Instrum 57. 1989. 1966
SK Sehgal LM Kukreia and UK Chatierjee. "Theoretical Invest!
R Krishnamurthy. C, Srinivasan (BGML). S.S Rao. Bora. K.R
gations on the efficiency ol a longitudinal pulsed CO. laser
Subbaramu and A G Kulkami. "Study of stability of underground
Proc V Svm on Quant Electron 1987
workings by Seismic Tectonics". 1985.
A.R. Banghar, "Synthesis of Seismograms". VI Indian Geological S.K. Sehgal. UK Chatterjee. D.D Bhawalkar and V.B. Joshi. AM
Congress, held at Roorkee during Feb. 21. 1987. Bhagwat. "Laser Induced enhancement in sensitivity oJ a poly-
meric nuclear track detector CR-39'. Appi Phys. Lett. 42. 181.
C.L. Bhat. ML. Sapru and H. Razdan. "Estimate from Gulmargof PeV 1986.
Photon Flux from Cyg. X-3 and its Relevance". Astrophys. J.. 306. L.M Kukreja and Y VST. Sai. "Finite element analysis of thermai
587. 1986. distortions in Ce window for a cwCO, laser with TEM,,,, mode".
C.L. Bhat. C.J. Mayer and A.W. Wolfendale. "A New Estimate of the Proc. V Quant. Electrons Sym. 1987
Mass of Molecular gas in the Galaxy and its Implications". Trans. Vas Dev. U. Nundy. N.S. Shikarkhane. P.K Gupta and U.K. Chatterjee.
Royal Society. 319. 249. 1986. "Thermal Effect of intracavity optical components on the power
C.L. Bhat. T. Kifune and A.W. Wolfendale. "Implications of the tuning curve of a cw-C02 laser". Optics Commn Feb 110. 1986
Observations of PeV gammarays-II. The Production of High Vas Dev, U. Nundy. D.J. Biswas and U.K. Chatterjee. "Heterodyne
Latitude Compton Photons". Astron, Astrophys.. 159. 299. 1986. frequency stability measurement of a cw-C02 laser". Proc IV
Quant. Electronics Symposium. Cochin. Dec. 1986.
C.L. Bhat. C.J. Mayer. M.J. Rogers and A.W. Wolfendale. "The
Acceleration Cosmic rays in Supernova Remnants-I : Gamma- D J. Biswas. L Abhinandan. U.K. Chatterjee and U. Nundy.' Operation
ray evidence for Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations on the Scale of of UV preionized TEA CO2 laser utilising nonconventonal elect-
0 1-3 kpc". J. Phys. G. 12. 1067. 1986. rodes". J. Phys. E Sci Instrum. 19. 374. 1986.
C.L. Bhat. C.J. Mayer. M.J. Rogers. A.W. Wolfendale and M. Zan. "The U. Nundy. N.S. Shikarkhane. and U.K. Chatterjee. "A simple method
Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in Supernova Remnants-II : Long- for aligning unstable resonators". Proc. IV Quantum Electronics
Scale Intensity Variations". J. Phys. G. 12. 1087. 1986. Symposium. Cochin. 51. 1986.
H. Razdan and R. Koul. "Cosmic Gamma-ray Telescope at Gulmarg". N.S. Shikarkhane. U Nundy. and U.K. Chatterjee. "Thin polyethylene
Nuclear India. 25. 2. 1986. film as a window for pulsed CO, lasers". Proc. IV Quantum Elec-
tronics Symposium. Cochin. 9. 1986.
A Mitra. "A Novel Method of Solving for the Orbit of a Classical
Isotropic Oscillator". European I. Physics, 299. Nov. 1986 P. Deb. U Nundy. and UK. Chatterjee. "Theoretical Modelling of
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A. Mirtra. "The Equation of State of a Self-Gravitating Gas Sphere". Electronics Symposium, Cochin. 15. 1"986.
Astrophys. & Space Science. 124. 295. 1986.
R C. Bapna. and R L Verma. "Inspection of glass microballoons for
A Karnal. V Prakash and K.C. Tripathi. "Fuse Replacement by fusion targets by refraction". Nat. Symp Optical and Opto-
Variable Semiconductor". Electronic Engineering. U.K.. 34. Nov. electronic Instrum. Chandigarh. Sept. 1986.
1986 R.L Verma. R C. Bapana. D.N Joshi and D.D. Bhawalkar. "Fabrication
R Koul. "RC Circuit Detects Phase Sequence Reversal". Electronic of glass microballoons". Proc. IV Quantum Electronics Symp
Engineering. U.K.. 38. Feb. 1986 Cochin. 130. Dec. 1986.
H.S.Vora. M.N. Kumbhare and MM. Bemalkhedkar. "A Novel Mains H.C Bapna and R L. Verma. "A simple technique for estimating wall
Low/Normal High Indicator and Trip-off". IETE Tech. Rev. 3(2). thickness of glass monitoring", ibid
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L G Nair and K Dasgupta. 'Amplified Spontaneous Emission in L J Dhareshwar. PA Naik and H C. Pant. "Enhancement of ablation
narrow band pulsed dye laser oscillators". IEEE J Quantum smoothing in laser irradiated high Z coated thin foil targets
Electr QE-21. 1782. 1985 Pramana 27. Sept 435 1986
R C Khatlar. S L Makker. U C Bhartiya. "GaAs laser data communi TS Shirsat. SS Sharma and H C Pant. ' CaJonmetnc study of laser
cator". Proc IV Quantum Electronics Symp Cochin. 134. Dec irradiated thin foil targets" PRAMANA 27. 701. Nov 19B6
PK Gupta, (a) "Lasers and their relevance to photochemistry"
Sucluinta Sinha and Prndec ^ K Gupta. "Longitudinal mode selection
in hybrid CO, laser for sub threshold operation of cw discharge (b) "Mid Infrared lasers". Workshop on "Current trends in expen
mental technique in photo and radiation chemistry". Bombay,
section". Applied Phys Letters. 17 Nov 1986.
Dec 1986 (Invited ta'.)
Suchanta Sinha and Pradeep K. Gupta. "Parametric investigations of
K.C Rustagi. "Optical bistabilrty and Optical Phase Conjugation".
a hybrid CO,, laser". Proc IV Qjantum Electronics Symposium.
Dec 1986 Winter School in Engineering Optics. DT Kanpur. Nov 1986.
(Invited talk)
PK. Gupta. Suchanta Dutta. V.P. Singhal. N.S Shikarkhane. S.
Sasikumar. U Nundy and U.K. Chatterjee. " 16 urn CF, laser with G L Bnale. ST. Ahmad and S.P Reddy. "A study of variation of
pulse energies of upto 20 mJ". Proc. IV Quantum Electronics electronic transition moment of the B-X system of I2 from its laser
Symposium. Dec 1986. excited fluorescence spectrum". J. Phys. B. At Mol Phys. 18.545.
Selvakumar V. Nair. Sucharita Sinha and K.C. Rustagi. "Excitons in
spherical semiconductor microcrystals". Proceedings of Solid LC Chandola and P.P Khanna, "Determinatioon oi rare earth
State Physics Symposium. 248. 1986. impurities in ytterbium oxide by X-ray fluorescence spectro-
J S Uppal. J.C. Monga and D.D. Bhawalkar, "Performance of a genral metry". Microchimica Acta (Wien) HI. 191. 1985.
asymmetric unstable Nd : glass ring laser", Applied Optics, 25, K S.V. Nambi and A.V. Sankaran. "ESR dating of Laterite of Basaltic
J.S. Uppal. J.C. Monga and D.D. Bhawalkar, "Analysis of an unstable origin". ESR dating and dosimetry Ionics Tokyo. 175. 1985
confocal ring laser with a thermally induced active medium". S A. Ahmad. "Laser Spectroscopy of short-lived isotopes". Ind. J
Applied Optics 25, March 1986. Phys. 60B. 255. 1986.
T.P.S. Nathan. S.M. Oak. AS. Joshi and D.D. Bhawalkar. "Generation K.V.S.R. Apparao. "Dielectric mirrors for high power laser applica-
of Modulation-free pulses using an active Fabry-Perot'Optics tions". Bull Mat. Sci 8. 339. 1986.
Commun . 57. 71. Feb. 1986. K.VS.R. Apparao. N K. Sahoo and T.C. Bagchi, "Design and develop-
T.P.S. Nathan. "Near IR Lasers". ISRAPS Symposium. BARC. Dec. 1986. ment of thin films dielectric beam combiner". Bull. Mater Sci. 8.
J.C. Monga. "Design of Antireflection coatings for grazing incidence 343. 1986.
angles", Proc. IV Symposium on Quantum Electronics, Cochin K.V.S.R. Apparao and T.C. Bagchi. "Optical constants in the
Dec. 1986 ultraviolet region of evaporated high index films'. Bull. Mater Sci.
J.C. Monga and J S. Uppal. "Birefringence compensation in a polari- 8. 347. 1986.
zation flip Nd glass laser", ibid. K.V.S.R. Apparao. N K Sahoo and T.C. Bagchi. "Optical constants of
S.M. Oak. T.P.S. Nathan and D.D. Bhawalkar. "Relaxation spikes in a ZrO, films in the U.V. region". Ind. J. Phys GOA. 216. 1986
Nd . YAG laser with active Etalon", ibid. T.K. Balasubramanian and V.P. Bellary. "Rotational intensity factors
S M Oak and T.P.S Nathan "Self seeding in a Q-switched YAG for ' I - *I transition in diatomic molecules with "I displaying
laser", ibid Hund's case C tendency". Ind. J. Phys. 60B. 358. 1986.
N. Gopi. T.P.S. Nathan and B.K Sinha. "Temporal study of thermal LC Chandola and P.P. Khanna. "X-ray fluorescence analysis of
depolarization in a pulsed solid state laser", ibid. thulium oxide/oxalate for rare earth impurities". BARC-1304.
S. Singh. S.M Oak and D.D Bhawalkar. "Development of picosecond
streak camera". Proc IV Quantum Electronics Symposium, 157 LC Chandola and V.S Dixit. "Optical emission spectrographic
Cochin Dec. 1386. analysis of Lutetium Oxide for rare earth impurities". BARC-
1329. 1986
Sunita Singh. B.S Narayan. R.K. Khardekar and D.D. Bhawalkar.
"Electronic sweep drivers for streak camera", ibid. 159. 1986. B.M. Dixit and S.S Deshpande. "Determination of Ti. Cr. Cu. and Ta in
Niobium oxide by X-rav Fluroescence Method". BARC-1310.
Sunita Singh. "Short pulse generation from a flashlamp-pumped
Rh6G ring dye laser using the colliding pulse mode locking V.A Job. SB Kartha. VB. Kartha and KB. Thakur. "Rotational
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\ \ \ l M. KI.POK!

V B Kartha. V.A. Job and P.K Chakraborty. "Applications of high R D Cunha. Investigations o! hot band transitions in Ammonia IX
resolution diode laser spectroscopy". J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 63. 22. International Conference on High Resolution 1R Spectroscopy
1986 Liblice. Czeckoslovakia. (Invited talk). Sept 1986
SLNG. Knshnamachari and R Venkatasubramaman. "Absorption PS Murty. "Separation ol some trace metals from high purity
spectra of CCSH and CCSD radicals". Ind. J. Phys. 60B. 37. 1986 magnesium using a chelating resin and iheir determination by
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MVRK. Murty and R.P. Shukla. "A simple method of detecting S.A. Ahmad. Pushpaa M Rao A Venugopal and G D Saksena
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Sept. 1986
PS Murty and M Barnes , "Determination of trace rare earth
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A Sharma. M.N Dixit and G.L. Bhale. "Relative photodissociation Sm ' ". VI National Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics
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Pramana 27, (5). 695. 1986. V.P. Bellary and T.K Balasubramanian. "Collisional effects in oxygen
S.D. Sharma. A.K. Ray and G.D. Saksena. "Constant energy difference after glow; selective quenching of odd rotational levels in the
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Letters 127. 319. 1986. Physics. Varanasi. Dec 1986.
M. Singh. B.M. Suri. R. Kapoor. G.D. Saksena and P.R.K. Rao. G.L. Bhale. MAN Dixit. MAN. Razvi and A Sharma. Laser induced
"Rotational structure in XeCl laser bands at 308 nm", Spectrosc. photodissociation of NaRb molecule". VI National Workshop on
Letts. 19 (3). 249. 1986. Atomic & Mol. Physics, Varanasi. Dec. 1986
S. Urban. R. DCunha, J. Manheium and K. Narahari Rao. "High 'J1 N.K. Sahoo and K.V S.R Apparao. "Measurement of Optical losses in
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118. 298. 1986. Quantum Electronics. Cochin. Dec. 1986
K. Wendt. S.A. Ahmed, W. Klempt. R. Neugart, E.W. Often and H.H. R.M. Agrawal and P.P Khanna. "X-ray fluorescence analysis of rare
Stroke. "On the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of radium". earths All India two day Science Symp. in Hindi. Nuclear
Z. Physik D3. 1. 1986. Sciences and Technology • Teaching and Research". Bombay,
K.V.S.R Apparao. "Design of Optical thin film coatings Topical Dec. 1986.
Review of thin Film Instrumentation and Devices S.V. University. L C. Cnandola and M.D Saksena. "Modem Spectroscopic methods
Tirupati, (Invited talk) Aug. 1986. of trace analysis of nuclear materials", ibid.


2-1 Basic Chemistry Analytical Services were provided for various
other units and outside agencies. The technology
The activities were basically directed towards developed for the manufacture of bilirubin strips for
fundamental research which included thrust areas of the early detection of jaundice is being widely Utilised
radiation and photochemistry, laser chemistry reaction by manufacturers.
dynamics, isotope effects, interfacial phenomena, stru-
ctural chemistry and materials science. Applied resea- A laboratory scale process developed early is
rch and development work on reactor-oriented progra- being tested in plant operating conditions at RAPS-2 to
mmes, high technology materials, catalyst develop- remove toxic and reactive nitrogen oxide gases gene-
ment etc., essentially centered on development of new rated in the calandria vault area surrounding the
processes and products were also carried out. The reactor core, and it has shown encouraging results.
Nanosecond Pulsed Electron Accelerator has been Test runs have proved that the new hydrophobic
commissioned. A 100 Nanosecond Pulsed TEA CO,, catalyst developed for deuterium exchange in liquid
laser has been fully commissioned and integrated with water is suitable for continuous operation. A method
the Excimer Laser Kinetic Spectrometer. for the preparation of aluminium nitride, the target
material for making carbon-14 by neutron irradiation,
Development of a series of materials which are has been standardised. CaSO^-(Dy) phosphor required
superconducting at relatively higher temperatures for the manufacture of TLD radiation dose measurement
were successfully carried out. An yttrium based oxide, badges was manufactured in sufficient quantities.
Y, , Ba,, K CaO4, was found to be superconducting at New research and development programmes sta-
125 K and showed zero electrical resistance at about rted during the year include pulse radiolysis studies,
90 K. Studies carried out have also indicated that this investigation of physical phenomena associated with
material displays 50% Meissner effect, which means narrow band formation in uranium-transition metal
that superconductivity in this material is not a super- intermetallics, synthesis and single crystal growth of
ficial SKin effect but more or less a bulk property. materials for laser windows and synthesis of boron
nitride, a high technology material.
For the first time direct evidence has been obtained
for the formation of CF2 radicals in the CO2 laser
induced multiphoton dissociation of fluoroform and a 2-2 Water Chemistry
novel sigmatropic reaction was observed in the CO2
laser induced dissociation of perfluorcyclopentane. Basic and applied research and development
activities pertaining to research and power reactors
New chemiluminescent reactions between sama- and heavy water plants were continued to be carried
rium and sulphur hexafluoride, and samarium and out. A weak acid cation exchange resin loaded with
carbon tetrachloride have been observed in molecular Mg/Mg (OH)2 was effectively used to remove aluminium
beam experiments. A theoretical model involving the turbidity and associated uranium and radioactivity
formation of micellar chain formation has been propo- from the heavy water coolant moderator of Dhruva
sed to explain the viscoelastic behaviour of surfactant reactor. The resin was specifically developed and
solutions and it has been substantiated by detailed manufactured indigenously for this purpose.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and fluorescence
life time investigations. Mossbauer studies have led to Studies pertaining to the Task Force on Safety in
a better understanding of the roles of excess of tita- Indian Nuclear Power Reactors was conducted. The
nium and oxygenstabilised ternary Fe-Ti phases in the areas reviewed included the generation of hydrogen
activation of the hydrogen storage material Fe-Ti. A through metal-water reactions and radiolysis, the comb-
new and simple approach has been proposed to find ustion of hydrogen, and the influence of hydrogen
the hydrogen diffusion activation energy in metals content of the steam on chemical speciation of the
using Mossbauer Spectroscopy. radionuclides released to the vapour phase were


reviewed over the temperature range of 50CTC to problems related to process and cooling water systems
2-3 Fuel Chemistry
Chemical decontamination of some of the system
surfaces in MAPS-2 and of the hot spots on fuel Basic investigations on acrinide and fission product
transport system were carried out using specially
developed chemical formulations and significant re- systems and applied chemical work related to nuclear
duction in the radiation field could be obtained Chemi- fuel cycle were continued.
caJ cleaning procedures were also developed to remove
the scales in the heat exchangers of the Heavy Water A programme has been undertaken to investigate
Plant. Kota the chemistry of carbide fuels. The equilibrium carbon
monoxide pressures over UC, s,, • UC, ,0, phase
Other salient research problems tackled included field have been measured in the temperature range
experimentation on the relationship between chlorine 1800 to 2000K. Studies were earned out for the
dose, residual chlorine and the reaction time, and measurement of free energy of formation of Ni/re. • Ni
detection of halomine species in the chlorinated sea using a solid state e.m f. technique to evaluate the
water Water and Steam Chemistry Laboratory. Kalpa- mechanism of stainless steel clad embrirtlement caused
kkam continued studies on sea water characteristics, by the fission product, tellurium. Free energy of
marine fouling rates at MAPP Jetty, on water quality
formation of NaCrO,, a corrosion product of Na(l)
at MAPP open reservoir and for FBTR cooling tower.
To carry out activity transport measurements around interaction with steel has been determined using the
the PHT system of MAPS-I. a rig was designed for same technique in the phase field
calibrating the detector efficiency The rig will simu- NaCrO Na CrO, • Cr,0,.
late pipe surfaces of MAPS-I PHT system by using a
standardised point source. Investigation on morpholine Studies have shown that a macroporous resin.
based ion exchange resins required for condensale Amberlite XF, 270 has many advantages over the
polishing at MAPS were completed. conventional gel type resin for the recovery and puri-
fication of plutonium and it was used for the recovery
Thermal studies of mixed (La. Nd)CrO,and phase and recycling of Pu during the plutonium fuel fabrica-
transition studies of solid solutions of La. ,Nd, CiO. tion campaigns.
of varying composition were carried out under chile
rent conditions. Fluorine-19 NMR ot ammonium oxy- The need for importing enriched plutonium isotopes
flurovanadates in solution was studied to determine lor routine analysis of Pu was obviated by developing
their structures. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) a method making use of indigenously available 70-
studies of sulphide coated carbon steel were also 90'!,, enriched Pu-239. Analytical methods based on
carried out to find the species formed with different alpha spectrometry. spark source mass spectrometry.
time of exposure to sulphide environment. Mass tran- atomic emission spectrometry, controlled potential
sport studies of cobalt-60. nickel 60 and copper-64 in coulometry and amperometry were developed and
Incoloy-800 have been carried out in different tempe- standardised for the quick and accurate analysis of
rature ranges and the diffusion coefficients were uranium, plutonium. americium. curium, trace metallic,
evaluated. non metallic and gaseous impurities in nuclear mate-
rials and fuels
Instrumental analytical facilities were augmented
and analytical services were provided to various units Studies on reaction of U,OS with (NHJ,S0., at
using TG. DTA. DSC and XRD techniques. Advisory 250 C suggest that the chemical formula of U.;OS
services were rendered to Central Board of Irrigation should be U'*UU.C\ Oxides of actinides and lanthani-
and Power and National Fertilizers Corporation on des have been observed to catalyse the oxidation of


graphite in the order U,OS ThO, PuO, • • La,O3 = nature of extracted species and equilibrium constants
Nd 0,. Extensive catalysis by ThO,, indicate that redu- were determined. Complexation of actinides with ligands
ction - oxidation may not be only mechanism for this of environmental importance and complexation and
catalysis hydrolysis of Americium (Am (III)) were studied in pre-
sence of phosphate, acetate and tartrate over a wide
The expertise generated during post-irradiation range of pH. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies
studies on nuclear fuels for rare earth isotopic and carried out on americium doped barium carbonate
concentration measurements has been used for the and divalent americium was detected.
determination of l4 Sm and '-'•'Nd isotopes in granite
rocks which is useful in geochronology
2-5 Analytical Chemistry
An engineering scale semi-continuous facility for
A project on "Advanced Instrumental Analytical
the preparation of uranium dioxide microspheres by
Chemical Services with a prototype facility for Ultra
sol-gel process on 500g/scale was operated to obtain
Trace Analysis (UTAL)" was completed in two years
design parameters for a smililar facility for plutonium
using indigenous materials and technology. This is a
work A sol gel microspheres pelletisation route for
unique facility now operational in India with contro-
fuel fabrication is being developed. Preliminary results
lled clean environment for ultra trace analysis,-.the
based on dispersion of carbon at the gel formation
particle density (;,- 0-5 /< diameter) at sample handling
stage and its removal in a subsequent calcination
site is 100/cu.ft. compared to a density of • 10G/
stage gavo soft gel particles which could be readily
cu.ft in a normal laboratory environment. New and
pelletised Uranium-233 metal has been prepared to
improved.analytical methods were developed for deter-
fabricate alloy fuel elements for KAMINI reactor.
mination of zirconium in steels and monazite; aluminium
in Al Ni alloy: tungsten in low grade ores: vanadium
2-4 Radiochemistry in ferrovanadium: silver and tellurium in silver
telluride: traces of impurities in high purity silver and
Nuclear and chemical properties of actinides and lithium and plant growth regulators after HPLC
fission products were extensively investigated. Neutron separation
induced fission of Pu-241 and alpha particle induced
fission of U-238 were studied to understand the rela-
tionship between excitation energy and fragment angu- A systematic investigation on the effect of conditions
lar momentum Measurement of isomeric cross-section of precipitation of ammonium diuranate on the quality
ratio in alpha-induced nuclear reaction on Au-197 and consistency of the precipitate, along with other
showed the occurrence of pre-equilibnum multinu- characteristics including thermal behaviour, was earned
cleon emission. Charge-transfer studies on molecular out. The results and recommendations have been
complexes using positronium as a probe gave impor- communicated to the end user who is making the
tant information about the charge-transferring electron necessary modifications in the plant operation based
and the mode of quenching of positronium in organic- on these studies. Consultancy services were provided
solvent I system Perturbed angular correlation studies for the modification of a normal laboratory area for
showed the existence of larger than tetrameric form of receipt of irradiated sampies and for radiation measu-
hafnium at low acidity rement and also in the procurement and commissioning
of high resolution ladiation measurement systems for
Studies were carried out on the synergistie neutron activation analysis at the Pune unit of Geolo
extraction of uranium, amencumi. curium and californium gical Survey of India The first phase of the collabora-
with various beta dikcioncs and crown ethers and the tive work with Department of Environment on quality


assurance of environmental elemental analysis was of DAE and to outside Institutions like Council of
completed. Scientific and Industrial Research, Geological Survey of
India, Defence Science Centre, Physical Research
About 2,000 samples were analysed involving Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Air India,
more than 6000 determinations. Special analytical M/s. Brooke Bond India Ltd. (on the advice of Directo-
senrices were also provided to various constitute units rate of Marketing and Inspection) etc.


C. Gopjiiathan and S. Kapoor. "Hydrogen peroxide yields in methanol- C.G.S. Pillai. M.D. Mathews, A.C. Momin and A.M. George. "Electrical
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T. Mukherjee, K.N. Rao and Jai P. Mittal, "Photophysical and photo- study", Indian J. Chem, 25A, 748, 1986.
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photon induced concerted : CF2 elimination in octafluorocyclo- V.S Sagoria. M.S. Gill, S.C. Jain, H.S. Ahuja and G.S. Rao, "Volatile
pcntene . J. Phy. Chem. 90. 2877. 1986. compounds of /f-diketonates of dioxouranium (VI) with tetrahy-
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technique. J. Photochemistry. 35. 13. 1986. R Visalakshi, V.K. Jain, S.K. Kulshreshtha and G.S. Rao, "Studies on
D K. Palit. T. Mukherjee and Jai P Mittal. "Photophysics and Laser some diorganotin (IV) complexes of Bis-and Trispyrazolyl and
flash photolysis of hydroxy quinones : studies on Juglone and Bis-pyridyl Methanes and pyridyl pyrazoles", Inorganica Chimica
Naphthazarine", J. Ind Chem. Soc. LXIII. 35. 1986. Acta, 118, 119, 1986.
S. Kapoor and C. Gopinathan. "Electron scavenging by solvents in Hari Mohan and A.J. Singh, "Zone refined Tetraphenyl germane,
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Berlin, W. Ger. tion Chemistry. Tirupati, 1986.
S. Dhanya, R.D. Saini and P.K. Bhattacharyya. "Reaction of electro- K.I. Priyadarshini. D.B. Naik, P.M. Moorthy and R.M. Iyer, "Pulsed
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M Lai and H.S. Mahal, "Free Radical Induced Degradation of A.M. George. "A combustible Solid Seed to boost the efficiency of
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S Kapoor. C. Gopinathan and RM. Iyer. "Electron Scavenging in P. Raj. A. Sathyamoorthy and IK. Rao. "Structure of (Fe, ,MJ-
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P K Chowdhury. K VS. Rama Rao and J P Mittal. "Direct observa
tion of retro Diels-Alder reaction product in the IR multiphoton S K. Kulshreshtha. "Magnetically induced guadrupole interactions
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Dec 1986 R P Agarwala. A K Dua and B.M Pande. "Surface ion damage on
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on surfactants m solution. Delhi, Aug 1986 lyei. Hydnding behaviour ol FeTi. ,, and I'eTi ,. E.iso of
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Ru catalysts Hindi Seminar on Nuclear and Industrial Science • Klnihimi Mossb.i.iupi spnftroscopy Seventh Int Conl on Hyp
Teaching and Research. BARC. Dec 1986 Intel,ii•tions H.ingalore Sept 1986


A Sathyamoorthy, P Suryanarayana. P. Raj and R.M. Iyer. "The role D. Das and M.S. Chandrasekharaiah, "Platinum point reference in
of ternary oxides in the activation of FeTi for hydrogen storage : the calibration of the visual disappearing filamen* optical pyro-
Mossbauer Studies". DAE Solid State Physics Symp., Pantanagar meter", High Temp. Sci., 21, 161. 1986.
Dec. 1986. L.U. Joshi. "2-'5U- 2 "Pa inequlibrium studies in coastal sediments of
R.P. Patel and V.M. Padmanabhan. "Crystal structure of 1-prolinato the Arabian Sea". Ind. J. Mar. Sc. 1986.
22'-bipyridyl Palladium (II) chloride trihydrate", XVIII National C.G.S. Pillai, M.D. Mathews, A.C. Momin and A.M. George, "Electrical
Seminar on crystallography. Jammu Univ., Oct. 1986. Conductivity of strontium uranates", J. Nucl. Mater., 140, 285,
K. Swaminathan*'. R.P. Patel and V.M. Padmanabhan, "Crystal 1986.
structure of [N-(O carboxy phenyl) amino diaceto] 2-2' bipyridyl C. Manohar. U.R.K. Rao, B.S. Valaulikar and R.M. Iyer. "On the origin
chromium (III) trihydrate", XVIII National Seminar on Crystallo- of viscoelasticity in micellar solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium
graphy, lammu Univ., Oct. 1986. **IIT, Bombay. bromide and sodium salicylate". J. Chem. Soc. Chem.. Commun.
P. Suryanarayana, K.B. Bhatt and A.I. Singh. "Rare earth inter- 379, 1986
metallics for hydrogen storage". Symp. on Rare Earths Applica- PS. Parvathanathan. E.B. Mirza. GeetaDatta, S. Gurnariiand K. Usha
tions and Technology, IRE. Bombay. Sept. 1986. Deniz, "Influence of the antileprosy drugs DDS on the phase
M.S. Panajkar, "Experience with the use of mass spectrometer in transitions in Lyotropic mixed lipid-water systems," Mol. Cryst.
organic chemistry". Workshop on the maintanance of mass Liq. Cryst. 132, 105, 1986.
spectrometers. Indian Society for massspectrometry, Bombay, M.S. Chandrasekharaiah. S.R. Dharwadkar and D. Das. "Hightempe-
Mar 1986. (Invited talk) rature phase diagrams of Re-U, Ta-U and W-U,". Z. Metalikade.
K. Annaji Rao, "Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer oil", Work- 77. 509, 1986.
shop on DGA of Transformer oils. Central Power Res. Inst.. S.R. Dharwadkar. "Free energy of formation of UMoO6 by thermo-
Bangalore. April 28, 1986. (Invited talk) gravimetry" J. Materials Sci. Letters. 7, 1003, 1986.
K.N. Rao and P.N. Moorthy. ' Photoprocesses in surfactnal solutions", J.M. Mahajan. U.R.K. Rao and K.S. Venkateswarlu, "Thermal behaviour
Sixth International Symp. on surfactants in solution. New Delhi. of Samarium nitrate and Oxide," Thermochmica Acta, 111. 391.
Aug. 1986. (Invited talk) 1937.
C. Monohar. "Specificity effects in viscoelasticity in solution of K.S. Venkateswarlu, "Annealing of recoil effects in metal complexes,"
surfactants. Sixth International Symp. on surfactnats in solution. International Symposium on artificial- radioactivity, Pune, Jan.
New Delhi. Aug. 1986. (Invited talk) 1985.
R.P Agarwala. A.K. Dua ind'B.M. Pande. "Laboratory scale develo- K.S. Ver.kateswarlu and G. Venkateswaran, "Evaluation of and
pment of coating for improving characteristics of candidate improvements in the performance of zircoloy cladding during
materials for fusion reactor". IAEA progress report for the and after its residence in water cooled nuclear power reactors,"
research project. Proc. Tech. Committee Meeting, IAEA. Cadarache. France.
IWGFPT/24. 46. 1986.
M.B. Kokare. N.S. Krishnan. T. Kesavadas and A.J. Singh, "Crystal
growth of cadmium selenide", BARC/I-866 1986. A.C. Momin and M.D. Mathews, "Phase transition studies of mixed
(Le. Nd)CrO,". Proc. XVIII National Seminar on Crystallography
U.B. Pavanaja. P.D. Naik. A.V. Sapre. J.P. Mittal, K.V.S. Rama Rao. Jammu University. Oct. 1986.
R.M. Iyer and P N. Bajaj. "A molecular beam apparatus to study
chemiluminescent reactions". BARC-I-848. 1986. S.V. Narasimhan and K.S. Venkateswarlu. "Modelling of Water
Chemistry regime in the Secondary System of PHWR's." Proceed-
U R K. Rao. K.S. Venkateswarlu and B.N. Wani. "On the preparation ings of IV International Conference on Water Chemistry for
and thermal stability of (NHJ, VOFr, and (NHJ3Nb0FB hydrates". nuclear reacior systems - British Nuclear Energy Society.
J. Fluorine Chetn. 31. 29. 1986. Bournemouth. 217. 1986.
U.R.K. Rao. K.S. Venkateswarlu and B.N. Wani, "Phase transitions in S V Narasimhan. A.G. Kumbhar. S. Rangarajan. P.K Mathur and K.S.
ammonium oxyiluoro Vanadates". Thermo Chimica Acta, 98. 31. Venkaieswarlu. "Evaluation of condensate demineralisation using
1986 morpholine form of cation exchanger." Proc IVth International
V. Ramshesh. "Thermal annealing and solid state exchange in cobalt Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems.
(III) tris phenanthroline perchlorate dihydrate". J. Rad. Phys. and British Nuclear Energy Society. Bournemouth. 363. 1986.
Chem. 3. 185. 1986 P K. Mathur. "Maintenance of boiler water quality in thermal power
M.S. Chandrasekharaiah and O.M. Sreedharan, "The thermodynsmic stations - Problems and remedies." Proc. National Seminar on
stability of LaFeO,". J. Mater. Sci.. 21. 2581, 1986. Thermal Power Station Problems. Bangalore. Nov. 1986.


A.K. Sriraman. "Cooling Water Treatement Problems of Scaling, S.K Aggarwal and H.C. Jain. "Determination of the half-lives of tran-
Fouling and Corrosion," Pioc, National Seminar on Thermal sactinium isotopes by the relative activity method". I. RadioanaJ.
Power Station Problems, Bangalore. Nov. 1986. Nucl. Chem. - Letters. 103(4), 213 1986.
K. Usha Deniz, P.S. Parvathanathan, Geeta Datta and E.B. Mirza, S.K. Aggarwal. R.K. Duggal. R. Rao and H.C. Jain, "Comparative
"Calorimetric study of drug model membrane interactions," VI study of ;l "Pu. M"Pu spikes for determining plutonium conce-
International Symposium on Surfactants in solution, New Delhi. ntration by isotope dilution - thermal ionisation mass spectro
1986. metry". Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proa. 71. 221. 1986.
C. Manohar. B.S. Valuahkar, U.R.K. Rao. R.M. Iyer and M.C. Verma N. Gopinath. G.A. RamaRao and P.R. Natarajan, "A new oxidant for
Specificity effects of visco-elasticity of detergent solutions", the potentiometric determination of Pu", J. Radioanal. Nucl.
ibid. Chem. -Letters. 105(1) 7 1986.
U.R.K. Rao. K. Usha Deniz. Geeta Datta and E.B. Mirza. "Drug model V. Venugopal. N.K. Shukla. V. Sundaresh. K.N. Roy. R. Prasad and
membrane interaction calorimetric and NMR Studies," 9th Inter- D.D. Sood. "Thermochemistry of Csl(s) and Cs2Cr04 (s)". J. Chem.
national Conference on liquid crystals. Berkeley, U S.A., lune, Thermodynamics 18. 735. 1986.
J.P. Shukla. V. Shivarudrappa, P.D. Mithapara and P.R. Natarajan. "A
L.U. loshi, "Marine Corrosion," Proceedings of Winter School in
highly sensitive Ext.-photometric method for the micro deter-
Marine Chemistry, Waltair. Dec. 1986.
mination of Am(III) from cone. HN03 media with Arsenazo-IH as
L.U. Joshi. "Microbial fouling and its control in Cooling Water the chromogenic reagent", J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.-Letters.
Systems." ibid, 303 100(1). 83. 1986.
LU. Joshi. "Characteristics of micro-organisms and microbiological N. Gopinath and G.A RamaRao. "Oxidation of plutonium by Co(III)
influenced corrosion." ibid, 313. green". 1. Radional. Nucl. Chem-Letters, 104(1). 7. 1986.
L.U. loshi, "Corrosion due to micro-organisms in Marine Environ-
K.L. Ramakumar. B.P. Datta. V.Q. Kavimandan. S.K. Aggarwal. V.A.
ment." ibid. 315.
Raman. P.A. Ramasubramanian. P.M. Shah. V.L. Sant and H.C.
KM. Abubacker. C.T. Mehta and B.P. Pillai. "Material Compatibility Jain. "Spark source mass spectrometry for the characterisation
Studies for heavy water project, Kota," BARC-1232. 1986. of plutonium bearing fuel materials". Seminar on Fast Reactor
KM. Abubacker, C.T. Mehta and B.P. Pillai, "Corrosion Inhibitors for Fuel Cycle 126. Kalpakkam. Feb. 1986
carbon steel surfaces in contact with fresh water", BARC-1254. S.G. Marathe. Keshav Chander, R.B. ManoUkar and N.B. Khedekar,
1986. "Direct dissolution of mixed carbide fuel for chemical quality
B.P. Pillai, C T. Mehta and K.M. Abubacker, "Studies on Corrosion control", ibid, 119. 1986.
Inhibitors for the Cooling Water System at the Heavy Water
V V Ramakrishna, "Aqueous methods for plutonium recycling-a
Project, KotaBARC-1226. 1986.
review", ibid. 33. 1986.
A.S.Kerkar and M.S. Chandrasekharaiah, "A kundsen effusion for
the study of thermal stability of Nuclear materials," BARC-1343, V Venugopal. K.N. Roy. Ziley Singh. R. Prasad. Dilip Kumar and G.L.
1986. Goswami. "Diffusion of hydrogen through stainless steel 316
V Ramshesh and K.S Venkateswarlu, "Use of hydrazine for tubes", ibid. 38. 1986.
deoxygenation," Central Eoard of Irrigation and Power, Report G.L. Goswami, A.K. Sengupta, O.L.D.'Souza, V. Venugopal, Ziley
No. 53. Sept. 1986. Singh, K*l. Roy. S.P. Garg. Y.S. Sayi. J. Radhakrishna and D.D.
S.K. Aggarwal. G Chourasiya. R.K. Duggal, C.P. Singh, AS. Rawat Sood, "Activity of carbon in SS 316". ibid, 45. 1986.
and IIC Jain. "Determination of plutonium concentration by A.K. Sengupta. G.L. Goswami, S.P. Garg, Y.S. Sayi. J. Radhakrishna
isotope dilution alpha spectrometry without purification from and D.D Sood. "Melting temperature of mixed carbide luel for
-'•" Am and a bulk of other impurities". Fres. Z. Anal. Chem.. 323. FBTR". ibid, 50, 1986.
148 1986
G.L. Goswami. A.K. Sengupta. M.S. Sargunam, V. Venugopal, Ziley
U P Dntta and H.C. Jain, "Correlation of spark source mass spectro-
Singh, R. Prasad, S.P. Garg and D D. Sood. "Compatibility studies
metric sensitivity calibration factors with the element sensitive
of mixed carbide fuel with SS 316 clad tube at high temperatures",
physico-chemical properties". Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proa,
ibid, 53. 1986.
68. 219. 1986.
S K Aggarwal. G. Chourasiya. R.K. Duggal. R.Rao and H.C. Jain, S.P. Garg. G.L. Goswami and D.D. Sood. "A thermodynamic analysis
Experimental evaluation of: '"Pu spike for determining plutonium of fuel clad chemical compatibility in the FBTR". ibid. 56. 1986
concentration by isotope dilution - thermal ionisation mass S.P. Garg, G.L Goswami. R. Prasad and D.D. Sood. "Carbon potential
spectrometry". ibid. 69. 137 1986. of FBTR fuel", ibid. 61. 1986.


Y.S. Sayi,.N. Balachander, J. Radhakrishna, S.P. Garg. G.L. Goswami H.S. Sharma. N.B. Khedekar. S.G. Marathe and H.C. Jain. "Studies on
and D.D. Sood, "Measurement of equilibrium partial pressure of the coulometric determination of plutonium in mixed carbide
CO(g) over U-Pu-C-0 systems", ibid. 63, 1986. fuels", ibid. 1986.
V.N. Vaidya, J.K. Joshi and D.D. Sood, "A study of chemical parameters PR. Nair, Mary Xavier and H.C. Jain. "Determination of uranium and
for internal gelation based sol-gel process", ibid, 19, 1986. plutonium by sequential amperometric titration", ibid, 1986.
R.K. Sharma. N. Kumar, V.R. Ganatra, D.M. Naronha, V.N. Vaidya S.P. Hasilkar, R B. Manolkar, Keshav Chander. S.G Marathe and H.C.
and D.D. Sood, "Internal gelation process for ThO2 and (Th, U) 02, Jain, " Titrimetric determination of microgram quantities of
ibid. 23. 1986. uranium in presence of bulk of plutonium". ibid. 1986.
S.K. Mukherjee, J.V. Dehadraya, Y.R. Bamankar, V.N. Vaidya and K.D. Singh Mudher, A.K. Chedha and N.C. Jayadevan, "Interaction of
D.D. Sood. "Use of vibratory nozzle for the preparation of 700 UO3 and U3O8 with ammonium sulphate", ibid. 1986.
micron sintered UO2 microspheres of uniform sizes", ibid, 26, S. Sampath, N.K. Kulkarni and N.C. Jayadevan. "Catalytic effect of
1986 PuO2 in oxidation of graphite in air", ibid, 1986.
S. Suryanarayana, V.S. Iyer, J. Sharma, V.N. Vaidya and D.D. Sood, R.R. Khandekar, N. Krishna, K.D. Singh Mudher and N.C Jayadevan,
"Preparation of fine microspheres of uranium dioxide by jet- "Solid state reactions of monovalent sulphates with UO2". ibid.
chopper dispersion technique", ibid, 30, 1986. 1986.
V.S. Iyer. S.K. Mukherjee, R.V. Kamat, N. Kumar, K.T. Pillai. V.N. P.N. Iyer and N.C. Jayadevan "Plutonium(III) sulphate hydrates",
Vaidya and D.D. Sood. "Oxidation behaviour of plutonium- ibid. 1986.
uranium fuels", ibid, 41, 1986. D.G. Phal. R.D Bhanushali. V.V. Ramakrishna and S.K. Patil. "Evalua-
H.C. Jain. "Recent developments in the techniques of mass spectro- tion of some macroporous anion exchange resins for plutonium
metry" Symposium on Isotope based studies on problems of recovery", ibid, 1986.
Indian geology held at Presidency College, Calcutta, March 1986.
MM. Charyulu, K.J. Satao, C.K. Sivaramakrishnan. and Patil. "Studies
(Invited talk)
on the behaviour of plutonium (IV) in alkaline carbonate/bicar-
Keshav Chander, S.G. Marathe and H.C. Jain, "Application of electro- bonate media", ibid, 1986.
chemical techniques in nuclear fuel cycle", Symp. on Electro-
MM. Charyulu, S.M. Pawar. M. Ray. S. Negi. and C.K.
chemistry. Kalpakkan, Dec. 1986.
Sivaramakrishnan, "The plutonium loading and elution behaviour of
V.V. Ramakrishna. D.G. Phal, R.D. Bhanushali and S.K. Patil, "Kinetics the resin Tulsion A-27 (MP)", ibid, 1986.
of absorption of uranium and plutonium on some anion exchange
M.A. Mahajan, R.M. Sawant, N.K. Chaudhuri and S.K Patil, "Measu-
resins", Symp. on kinetics & Reaction Mechanism, Jodhpur,
rement of stability constants of Pu(III) fluoride using fluoride ion
selective electrode", ibid. 1986.
S.K. Aggarwal, R.K. Duggal and H.C. Jain, "Precision and accuracy in
PR. Nair, Vijaya Akileswaran. P. Venkatramana, Mary Xavier, S.
the alpha activity ratios for the simultaneous determination of
Vaidyanathan and PR. Natarajan. "Specification analysis of
plutonium, americium and curium", Preprints Volume of the
plutonium fuels- A bioamperometric method for the determination
Symposium on Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry, Tirupati.
of plutonium", B.A.R.C./I-882, 1986.
Dec. 1986, Paper.
N. Gopinath, TV. Vittf.1 Rao and R.V. Kamat, "Some observations on
S.K. Aggarwal. R.K. Duggal, R. Rao and H.C. Jain, "Investigations for the behaviour of distribution of Pu(IV) between Dowex-1 and
the determination of plutonium and uranium in dissolver solution nitric acid", 2r>rd Annual Convention of Chemists, Annamalai
of irradiated fuel using 233U", ibid, 1986. Nagar, 1986.
S.K. Aggarwal and H.C. Jain. "Correlation between ""Pu/( 21 "Pu + K.L. Ramakumar, V.A. Raman. V.L. Sant, V.D. Kavimandan and H.C.
"Pu) alpha activity ratio and alpha specific activity of plutonium", Jain, "Analysis of gases by spark source mass spectrometry",
ibid. 1986. ibid. 1986.
S.A. Chitambar, A.R. Parab. PS. Khodade and H.C. Iain, "Determina- A.V. Jadhav, K. Raghuraman, K.A. Mathew, P.S. Nair, and V.V.
tion of isotope fractionation factor using a double spike ( :4! Pu + Ramakrishna. "Studies on the plutonium loading and elution
"Pu) during mass spectrometric analysis of plutonium", ibid, behaviour with the resin Tulsion A-2X (MP)". Council of Chemists.
1986. Madurai, 1986.
S.A. Chitambar, A.R Parab, PS. Khodade and H.C. Jain, "Determina- A.G. Godbole, and Rajendra Swarup, "Synergic extraction of ura-
tion of the half-life of 2i"Pu relative to the half-life of2 "U". ibid. nium(VI) by combination of 8-hydroxyquinoline and some neutral
1986. donors", ibid, 1986.


K.V. Chetty. D.G. Phal. A.G. Godbole. R.D. Bhanushali and R. Swarup. S.P. Dange. H. Naik. T. Datta, A.V.R. Reddy. Satya Prakash and M V.
"Studies on the plutonium loading and elutin behaviour of the Ramaniah. "Dependent of fragment angular momentum of fission
resin Tulsion A-27 (Gel)", ibid, 1986. fragment on their nuclear structure", Radiochirmca Acta 38.127.
R.K. Rastogi and N.K. Chaudhuri. "Uranyl ion selectie electrode
based on thenoyltrifluoro-acetone in PVC matrix", ibid, 1986. S.S. Rattan, R.J. Singh. S.M. Sahakundu. Satya Prakash and M.V.
Ramaniah. "Alpha induced reactions of -'"Hi and "•'•"*Cu". Radio-
B.P. Datta, V.L. Sant. V.A. Raman, P.M. Shah. K.L. Ramakumar. V.D. chimica Acta 39, 61. 1986.
Kavimandan and H.C. Jain, "Spark source mass spectrometric
Alok Srivastava, A. Goswami. B.K. Srivastava. A.G.C. Nair. S.B
analysis of thoria samples", Vlth Conference of Indian Council of
Manohar. Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah. "Fragment shell
Chemists, Madhurai, 1986.
effect in low energy fission : Isotopic yield of technitiuni in Pu
N. Gopinath. J.V. Kamat. U.S. Sharma. S.G. Marathe and H.C. Jain, 239(n.f)". Phys. Rev. C. 33. 216. 1986
"Studies on the coulometric determination of uranium", ibid,
1986. A. Goswami, B.K. Srivastava. Alok Srivastava. S.B. Manohar. Satya
Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah. "Correlation between fractional
V. Shivarudrappa. P.D. Mithapara. S.G. Marathe and H.C. Jain, cumulative yields and neutron to proton ratio of fission products
"Distribution studies of plutonium(IV) using mono-octyl phenyl in low energy fission", Pramana. 26. 179. 1986.
phosphoric acid", ibid, 1986
N.N. Mirashi, J.N. Mathur. Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah.
J.N. Mathur and P.K. Khopkar. "Liquid-liquid extraction of trivalent
"Studies on the electrodeposition of uranium on aluminium". Int.
actinides and lanthanides with N-benzoyl-N-phenyl hydroxyla-
J. Appl. Badiat. Isotopes 37. 358. 1986.
mine". Radiochimica Acta 39. 77 1986.
M.S. Nagar, S.A. Pai. P.B. Ruikar and M.S. Subramanian. "The
N. Gopinath, G.A. Rama Rao and P.R. Natarajan, "Ni(III)-A new synthesis and characterisation of aliphatic long chain sulphoxides".
oxidant for the potentiometric determination of plutonium", J. BARC-1318. 1986.
Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.. Letters, 105(1). 7, 1986.
G.H. Rizvi. A. De and P.R. Natarajan. "Use of bromophenol red
G.H. Rizvi and P.R. Natarajan, "Determination of nitrogen in UO2 by indicator in the titrimetric determination of nitrogen in nuclear
kjeldahl spectrometry", J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Articles. 102(12), fuel materials". BARC/I-870 1986
515, 1986. P.R. Nair. V. Akhileswaran. P. Venkataraman. Mary Xavier.
N. Goyal. A.R. Dhobale, B.M. Patel and M.D. Sastry, "Atomic absorp- S. Vaidyanathan and P.R. Natarajan.-"Specification analysis of
tion spectroinetric studies of atomization of boron in carbon rod plutonium fuels-A biamperometric method for the determina
atomizer, Analytica Chimica Acta 182, 225 1986. tion of plutonium". BARC/i-882 1986.
V. Natarajan. A.G.I. Dalvi and M.D. Sastry, "Traplevel spectroscopy A.G. Page. S V. Godbole. M.J. Kulkarni. N.K. Porwal. S.K. Thulasidas.
of BaCO3 : Eu and BaCO3 : :41 Am phosphors". Radiation Effects, PS. Srimvasan and M.D. Sastry. "Setting up of a direct reading
88, 45. 1986. emission spectrometer and its adaptation for plutonium handling"
M.V. Krishnamurthy. "Self irradiation effects in plutonium compounds BARC-1325, 1986.
and the role of thermal spikes : EPR studies. J. Radioanal. Nuci.
A G. Page. A G.I Dalvi. S.V. Godbole. Y.Babu. T.K Seshagiri and M.D.
Chemistry. 104. 29. 1986.
Sastry, "Trace metal assay of fast breeder test reactor fuel using
A.G. Page. "Atomic absorption spectrometry-An analytical technique DC-arc and plasma emission spectrometrv". BARC-1334. 1986
for trace metal assay". Instrumentation Bulletin. lst/2nd Quarter.
16. 1986. S.S. Rattan. "Development of a method to transfer counting data
from series 88 imiltiparameter Canberra system to ND-560 com-
A.G C Nair. JM. Chakravarty. A. Goswami. B.K. Srivastava and Satya
puter" BARC 1333. 1986.
Prakash. "Beta branching fraction of ""Cd isomers and the
branching of '' In". J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 109. 1. 1987. b.b. Rattan. "Development of a computer program to draw the
energy level diagram of a nuclide using calcomp plotter". BARC-
A Ramaswami. B K. Srivastava. S.M. Sahakundu. S.B. Manohar. 1335. 1986
Satya Prakash and M V. Ramaniah. Charge distribution studies
Renu Agarwal. K.N Roy. V Venugopal. R Prasad. D.D Sood. ML.
in alpha particle induced fission of -"''Th : Effect of excitation
Jayanth Kumar and MR. Ponkshe. "High temperature calvet
energy". J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem Articles. 102(2). 499. 1986.
micro calorimeter". BARC/I-875. 1986
T Datta. S.P. Dange. S.K. Das. Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah. G.H Rizvi. R.K Rastogi and P.R. Natarajan. "Determination of
Influence of fragment nuclear structure on scission configura- carbon in uranium plutonium mixed carbide by conductivity
tion in •• Cf(SF)", Z. Physik A., 329. 81, 1986. method".


P.R. Natarajan, "Radiation effects on ion exchangers. Invited talk at M Kumar. MD Sastry. A.G.I. Dalvi and R.M. Kadam. "Chcmjcally
the Seminar1 on. Radiation & Photochemical Applications", Bombay induced dynamic nuclear polarisation in thermally stimulated
Nov. 1986. (ree radical reactions in i irradiated U0 ; .'' SrSO,". ibid. 1986
J.N. Mathur and P.K. Khopkar, "Extraction of transplutonium elements V. Nataraian. A.G I Dalvi and MD Sastry. "Thermally stimulated
with l-phenyl-3-methyl-4-trifluoro acetyl pyrazolone". Radiochem. free radical reactions in -'•"Am BaCO, . EPR and TSL inveshga
& Radiation Chem. Symp.. Tirupati. Dec. 1986. tions". ibid. 1986
S.K. Mundra. S.A. Pai and M.S. Subramanian. "Thermodynamics of V.R. Bhandiwad. B A. Dhawale. S. Rajeswari. T R Bangia and M D
synergistic extraction of uranyl ion with l-phenyl-3-methyl-4- Sastry, "Radiochemical studies in the chemical separation and
acetyl pyrazolone-5 (HPMAP) and some oxodonors". ibid. 1986. spectrochemical determination oi Zr in (U. Al) system1 ibid.
G.M. Nair and D.R. Prabhu, "Synergism of crown ethers on the TTA
R.M. Kadam. Y. Babu. A G.I Dalvi. and M.D. Sastry. "EPR investigation
extraction of Am(III) in benzene medium", ibid, 1986.
of Cu;" in LiKSO, single crystal". DAE Solid State Physics
M.S. Nagar. P.B. Ruikar and M.S. Subramanian. "Chelates of 1- Symposium. Pant Nagar. Dec. 1986.
pheny]-3-methyl-4-trifluoroacetyl pyrazolone (PMAP) and 1-phenyl-
S.K. Mundra. S.A Pai and MS Subramanian. "Synergisticextraction
3-methyl-4-trifluoroacetyl pyrazolone (PMTFP) with tetravalent
of uranyl ion with some substituted pyrazolones and dicyclohe-
actinides". ibid, 1986.
xano-18 crown-6 ether", Convention of Chemists. Annamalainagar.
H. Naik. S.P. Dange, T. Datta, Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah, Dec 1986
"Influence of shell closure proximity on fission fragment angular J.N. Mathur and P.K. Khopkar, "Extraction of trivalent lanthamdes by
momentum", ibid, 1986. l-phenyl-3-methyl-4-trifluoroacetyl pyrazolone-5". ibid. 1986.
A.G.C. Nair. A. Goswami, S.K. Das, B.S. Tomar, B.K. Srivastava, Satya N. Goya], P.J. Purohit. A.G. Page and M.D. Sastry, "Reaction mechanism
Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah, "Cumulative yields of short-lived in the atom formation of Cd in graphite furnace", ibid. 1986
ruthenium isotopes in the thermal neutron induced fission of
:4l S.K. Mundra. S.A. Pai and M.S. Subramanian. "Synergistic extraction
Pu". ibid, 1986.
of uranyl ion with some substituted pyrazolones and oxodonors'.
N. Chakravarty, R.J. Singh, S.S. Rattan, A. Ramaswami, S.M. Sahakundu. Council of Chemists. Madurai. Dec. 1986.
Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah, "Isomeric ratios for four and
J.N. Mathur and P.K. Khopkar. "Extraction of trivalent actinides and
five nucleon emission pathways in •'He ion induced fission of lanthanides by mixtures of l-phenyl,-3-methyl-4-trifiuoroacety]
Au", ibid, 1986. pyrazolone-5 and neutral donors". ibid. 1986.
A.V.R. Reddy, S.M. Deshmukh. P.P. Burte, S.B. Manohar. Satya
A.G. Page. N.K. Porwal, S.K. Thulasidas. A.A. Argekar. M J Kulkarni.
Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah". "Isotopic yield distribution of
M Kumar. S.V Godbole and M.D. Sastry. "Trace metal assay of
iodine in the thermal neutron induced fission of :45Cm". ibid.
(Pu. AI) matrix by AES'.' Indian Council of Chemists. Madurai. Dec.
S.K. Das. A.G.C. Nair. B.K. Srivastava. Satya Prakash and M.V. 1986.
Ramaniah. "Absolute abundances of 434 KeV gamma line of N.K. Porwal. S.K. Thulasidas, M.J. Kulkarni. A.G. Page and M.D
'""Rh and its branching fraction from '""Ru". ibid, 1986. Sastry. "Determination of Be. Li. Pb and Zn in Th (NO3), solution
using Et-AAS ". Council of Chemists. Madurai. Dec. 1986
G.K. Gubbi. P.P. Burte, A. Ramaswami, Satya Prakash, V.N. Vaidya
and K.T. Pillai. " A non-destructive technique for the measure- T.R. Bangia, V.R Bhandiwad. B.A. Dhawale. S. Rajeswari and M.D.
ment of axial distribution of smear density in uranium oxide Sastry. "Solvent extraction studies in chemical separation and
spher-pac fuel pins", ibid. 1986. spectrographic determination of rare earths in high purity thoria "
ibid. 1986
A.G.C. Nair, A. Goswami, B.K. Srivastava. Satya Prakash and M.V.
M.K. Bhide. A.R. Dhoble. N. Goyal. A.G.I. Dalvi and M.D. Sastry.
Ramaniah, "Chemical effect of the isomeric transition in telluric
"Determination of chloride in uranium matrix by electro- thermal
acid in solid and solution", ibid. 1986.
AAS". ibid. 1986.
P.K. Pujari. T. Datta. S.P Dange. H. Naik, Satya Prakash and M.V. A. Goswami. S.K. Das. B.S. Tomar. B.K Srivastava. T. Datta. Satya
Ramaniah. "Positronium interaction with charge transfer complexes, Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah. "Influence of initial excitation
ibid, 1986 energy and angular momentum on fission fragment angular
momentum". Nuclear Physcis Symposium, Waltair. Dec. 1986.
V.K. Rao. G.R. Mahajnn and PR. Natarajan. "Bicarbonate complexa
tion of Am(Ill) in neutral aqueous solution", ibid. 1986. B.K Srivastava. A. Goswami, A.G.C. Nair. B.S. Tomar. S.K Das. SB
Manohar, Satya Prakash and M.V. Ramaniah. "Isotopic yield
M D. Sastry. V. Natarajan and A.G.I. Dalvi. "Electron trapping and distribution of technitium isotopes in the thermal neutron induced
stabilisation of Am in 6f'7s' configuration", ibid. 1986. fission of MIPu", ibid, 1986.


R Parthasarathy. A V Murali. M Sankar Das. A M Nair and Narayana S Gang.idharan in Artificial Radioactivity. Eds KN Rao and HJ
Swamy. Trace, element studies of the zircon separates-Manimala Arrhkur. Trends and Developments in the Application of NAA
river. Kerala. Jour Geol. Soc. India 26. 390. 1985 Tat.) McGiaw Hill 614. 1985
R Parthasarathy. MM. Palrecha and M Sankar Das. "Chemical ages DG Iyer and Ch Venkateswarlu. "Sorption discrepancies of metal
of zircons New results'. lour Geol Soc India. 27. 110, 1986 ions in different batches of Chelex-100". Indian J of Chem 24A.
D.K Bose. M Sundaresan. R.P. Tangn. R. Kalyanaraman and G. 805. 1985
Schumacher. "Some thermocherrucal studies of caesium uranate. Usha Manian. DP. Rao AR Chhokera and CSP Iyer Studies on
molybdate and chromate". J. Nucl. Mat., 130, 122. 1985 boron controls in nuclear power reactors Significar.c <• and
A Sankaranarayanan. S.P. Awasihi and M Sundaresan. "An ammo- evaluation of basic resin properties . BARC/1 805 1984
nium ion sensitive PVC membrane electrode based on cetyl Usrui Nathan. AR Chhokera. DP Rao and CSP Iyer "Paidiiietnc
tnmethyl ammonium bromide". Transactions of SAEST, 20. 2. studies on boron controls in nuclear powei reactors'. HARC'l
1985. 852. 1985
K.V. hajagopalan. R. Kalyanaraman and M. Sundaresan. "E.M.F. Rakesh Verma. S Gangadharan and S Yegnasubramaman Deter
measurements using CaF2 cell-heats of formation of calcium minarion of lithium and oxygen using a chain of nuclear leacton
chromite". J. Electrochem. Soc. of India 34. 229. 1985. International symposium on Artificial Radioactivity. Pune 1985
J. Rangaraian and P Sundaresan. "Polarographic study of zinc
R Parthasarathy. H.B. DesaiandS.R Kayasth Individual rare earth
thiocyanate complexes in mixed solvents". Pioc. Indian Acad. element determination in monazite by NAA '. International sympo
Sci 95, 327. 1985. .sium on Nuclear Analytical Chemistry. Halifax. Canada. June
R.G Dhnneshwar. MR Dhaneshwar. S.N. Revankar. L.R Zarapkar 1985.
and S.S. Dhaktoae. "Differential electrolytic potentiometnc titra S Gangadharan. "Compositional characterisation and its mterpre
tions of thiourea, bromide and thiocyanate at trace levels , iation for environmental applications". Workshop cum symposium
Analytical Proceedings, 22, 346. 1985. on Analytical and Environmental Instrumentation, JNU. New
B.S. Chaudhari and T.P Radhakrishnan. "The uptake of catholic Delhi. 1985
hydrogen by shim steel". Corrosion bcience, 25. 1077. 1985. S.R. Kayasth. H.B. Desai and M Sankar Das. "Determination of traces
T.P. Radhakrishnan. "Diffusion and electropermeation of hydrogen of rare earths in high purity thorium oxide by NAA'. Proceedings
througn steel . Proceedings of Fundamental and Applied Electro- of the Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry Symp. held at JIT
chemistry SAEST (Bombay) 1985. Kanpur. Dec. 1985.
C.K. Pillai, S. Natarajan and Ch. Venkateswarlu. "Determination of M Ramanamurthy and K.R. Knshnamurthy. "Intercomparison analysis
niobium, tantalum and titanium in niobites and tantalites by flame on simulated air filters by NA and AAS". ibid
emission and AAS', Atomic Spectroscopy 6. No. 2 531. 1985. S V. Burangey. L.R. Zarapkar. R.G Dhaneshwar and M. Sankar D;)S.
S.S. Dhaktode. R.G. Dhaneshwar and L.R. Zarapkar. "Electrochemical "Control of blank in the determination of lead in blood samples
studies of thiourea on gold electrode". Proce. of the ATM by DPASV". International symposium on advanced electroana
published by Electrochemical Society of India. 28. Bangalore. lytical techniques. Jodhpur. Dec 22. 1985
M M. Palrecha. *V. Kulkarni and R G Dhaneshwar. "Determination
B Maiti. S Y. Shetty and R.M. Sathe. "Heterometallic Binuclear of Cr(VI) in water and air by differential pulse polarography'.
Chelates of TTHA". Indian J Chem. 24A. 970. 1985. International Symposium on Advanced electroanaiyticai techni
H Parasurama Iyer. P Murugaiyan and Ch. Venkateswarlu, "Ion ques. Jodhpur. Dec. 1985.
exchange preconcentration of cationnic impurities for testing the M A Rao. M R. Dhaneshwar and R G. Dhaneshwar. Electrochemical
purity of phosphorous". Proceedings of the National Symposium studies using tantalum wire electrode . ibid.
on "Recent Irends in micronnalytical chemistry Pub 1985
R Sundaresan and M.K TotJani. (Eds). "Proceedings of Work
R K. Malhotra ana M. Sundersanan. "Diluent etfects on synergism in shop on Electrochemistry. Institute of Science, Bombay. Feb
extraction of uranium (IV)". Indian J. Chem 24A. 223. 1985 1985
R K Malhotra. M Sudersanan and A.K Sundaram. "Synergism in the PV Ravindran and A.K. Sundaram. (Eds). Proceedings of the
extraction of uranium (V) by a mixture of oxine and /; diketones .
Advanced Workshop on Thermal Analysis ERDL. Pune.
Proc. Indian Acad Sci (Chem Sci ) 94. 515. 1985
Nov 1984
R K Malhotra and M. Sundersamn. Synergism in the extraction of R Sundaresan. M.K Totlam and K S V Santhanam (Eds). "Proceedings
lanthanides. Copper thorium in presence of HTTA and antipyrinc". of the Workshop on Electrochemical Instrumentation TIFR
Prog Indian Acad Sci. (Chem Sci ) 95. 333. 1985. Bombay. Oct 1985


CSP Iyer. High strength low alloy steels". Participation in Inter- TP Radhaknshnan. Diffusion and electropermeation of hydrogen
companson Development of Low Alloy Steel Spectrographic thirmgh steel . Symp on Fundamental and applied electro
Standards. Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory. Hyderabad chemistry. Institution of Engineers Hall Bombay Dec 1985.
Metals 1985 SAEST (Bombay Chapter)
S Gangadharan. J. Arunachalam. K.R. Bhat. S. Yegnasubramanian. S Raghupathy. J Rangarajan and M Sudersanan Synerqism in
"Neutron activation analysis in lite monitoring of healthrelated extractnn o! europium in presence of antipynum and a /;•
trace element pollutants". IAEA TECDOC-330. 147, 1985. dikeslone". Indian 1 Chemistry 24A. 898. 1985
R K Iyer. Compilation o( lecture notes for the RCA workshop on PVC Rao MC Eshwar and M Sudersanan Computation of kinetic
neutron activation analysis '. BARC/I-842. parameters from polarographic data using nncrocomputeis .
Bulletin Electrochemistry 2.417. 1986
RK Iyer. "Workshop on Quality Assurance of Analytical Data".
Lecture notes edited, July 1985. R G Dhaneshwar Electrochemical studies in mixed solvents" Int
Symp on Advanced Electroanal Techniques Jodhpur Dec
MY. Josru. T.S. Krishnamoortny and Ch Venkateswarlu. "Erroneous
characterisation of Zn/Cd citrate species by solvent extraction", 1985
Indian J Chem 24A, 991. 1985. R G Dhaneshwar. "Speciation studies employing electroanalytical
K V Iyer. S Ganapathy Iyer and Ch. Venkateswarlu, "Derivative techniques". National Seminar on Physico-chemical Methods
spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination Environmentmolecular structure. Tirupati. Oct 1986
of chromium and manganese in steel". Indian J. Tech. 24. 171. Ch. Venkateswarlu. "Surfactant sensitised metal dye systems".
1986. Dept. of Chem.. IIT, Powai. Feb. 1986.
S Ganapathy Iyer and Ch Venkateswarlu. "Sorption discrepancies Ch. Venkateswarlu. "Gases in metals". Indian Institute of Metals.
of metal ions in different batches of Chelex 100". Indian J. Chem Udaipur Branch. March. 1985.
24A 805. 1985. S. Gangadharan, "Nuclear Analytical Chemistry". Workshop on
CSP. Iyer. "Lessons from Industrial Disaster". Chemical Engg. Utilisation and future programme of Variable Energy Cyclotron.
World. April 1986. Calcutta. Feb. 1986.
M.M. Paliecha. A.V. Kulkarni and R.G. Dhaneshwar. "Determination S Gangadharan. "Utilisation of Research Reactors and Accelera
of trace amounts of copper, lead, thallium, cadmium and zinc in tors m Chemical Sciences". Radiochemistry & Radiation Chemi-
pure aluminium by differential pult:e anodic stripping volta- stry Symposium. Dec. 1986.
inmetry". Analyst. I l l 375 et seq Marrh 1986 S.S. Thantry. "Glass electrodes", Workshop on Glass to Metal Seals.
MM Palrecha and R.G Dhaneshwar. 'Voltammetric. cyclic voltamme- BARC. 1986 and Workshop on Glass to Metal Seals at Small
trie, chronopotentiometnc and chronoamperometric reduction Industries Service Institute. Ministry of Industry. Govt. of India.
of zinc at gold amalgam wire electrode". J Electrochem. Soc. of Bombay. 1986.
India 35(3). 205. 1986 P. Murugaiyan and R. Kameswaran. "Analysis of high purity samarium
R K Malhotra and M Sudersanan. "Diluent effects in synergism in oxide by spark source mass spectrometry". Third National
the extraction of uranium (VI) . Indian J Chem 24A. 223. 1985 Symposium on Mass Spectrometry • Research. Applications and
Instrumentation. 1986.
BS Chaudhan and TP Radhakrishnan. A study of hydrogen L.D Nair. P.K. Padmanabhan and Ch. Venkateswarlu. "Cation ex-
transfer reactions in steel by electropermeation". The Electro- change in Bio-Rex 63". National Symposium on Separation
chem Soc (India) 1985. p 91 Proc Annual Technical Meeting.
Techniques with Satellite Symposium on Solvent Extraction and
Bangalore July 1985
Ion Exchange. Jan. 1986.
M Sudersanan and A K Sundaram. Determination of stability K.R Krishnamoorthy, P.K Padmanabhan and RK, Iyer. "Use oi
constants of non extractable complexes by solvent extraction Chelex 100 resin for preconcentration of platinum from glass
method J Scient Ind Res 45. 147. 1986. and determination by activation analysis", ibid.
P V Ravindrnn. Algorithm for (lie calculation of kinetic parameters SC Chaurasia. S. Ganapathy Iyer and Ch Venkatcswailu. Precipi-
from thermoanalytical curves . Proc Fifth National Symposium tation ion exchange reaction of calcium oxalate on amon ex-
on Thermal Analysis. IIT. Kharagpur. Dec. 1985. changers", ibid.
P V Ravindran Differential scanning calorimetry". Workshop lect S C. Chaurasia. S. Gangapathy and Ch. Venkateswarlu. "Precipita-
ure notes Thermal Analysis of Materials. IIT. Kharagpur. Dec tion ion exchangesorption studies of metal oxalates on strong
1985 fifth National Symposium and Workshop on Thermal and weak anion exchangers". 5th Symposium on ion exchange
Analysis Indian Thermal Analysis Soc at Lake Balaton. Hungary. 1986.


R.K. Iyer. K.R. Krishnamoorthy. M. Ramanamurthi. "Evaluation of S Chaudhan. "Low cost equipment for chemical education
Analytical Methods for the Determination of Toxic Elements in International Workshop. CC Shroff Research Institute Excel
foodstuffs". IAEA Research Coordination Meeting on Nuclear Estate. Bombay. Dec: 1985
Techniques for Toxic Elements in Foodstuffs, June 1986,
K.R. Krishnamoorthy, P.K Padmanabhan and R.K. Iyer, "Use of BS Chaudhan and TP R.'idhaknshnan A study ol hydrogen
Chelex 100 resin for preconcentration of platinum from glass and transfer reactions in steel by electropermeation Annual Tech
determination by activation analysis", Symp. on Sepaiation nica! Meeting. Electrochfimiral Society of India Indian Institute of
Techniques. Andhra University. Waltair. 1986. Science Bangalore. July 198b

H.N. Bajpei and C S.P. Iyer. "Energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence BS Chaudhi'iri and R. Sundaresan. A kit for pH measurement
method for the determination of dopants in solid electrolytes". demonstration". Workshop on Electrochemical' Instrumentation.
Workshop on EDXRF Techniques and their applications, Srinagar, Indian Institure of Metals. Baroda Chapter. M S University of
Sept. 1986 Baroda. Baroda. Oct. 1986.
C.S.P. Iyer and S.M. Tnpathi. "Improvement in detection limits of
XRF analysis by preconcentration", ISAS 3rd National Sympo- M Sankar Das. T.S Krishnamoorthy. P.V Ravindran and N Mahadevan.
sium. Waltair, Jan. 1986. "Precipitation o1 ammonium diuranate A reinvestigation A
Confidential Report 1986.
M.R. Navaratna and C S.P. Iyer. "A novel method for separation of
radionuclides Ra(D)-Ra(E)". ibid. R K Iyer. KR. Krishnamoorthy and M. Ramanamurtni. An evaluation
BS Chaiidluin and TP Raclhakrishnan. "Evaluation of hydrogen of Spectruspan V DCP Emission Spectrometer . Internal Report
diffusivity in mild steel from electropenneation transients under IEPHM. Dept of Environment. April 1986
conditions of galvanostatic charging". International Symposium
on Hydrogen in Metals. Queen s University. Belfast. Northern P V Ravindran and A.K Sunciaram. "Proceedings of the fifth National
Ireland. March. 1985 Symposium on Thermal Analysis. IIT Kharagpur . Proceedings


High temperature superconductivity measurement


Gamma-ray telescope at Gulmarg.

Dye laser developed at BARC.


Pelletron tower at TIFR.

Neutron spectrometer in DHROVA reactor


Data acquisition system for

neutron diffraction experiments.

Laser set-up.

Kamani reacts tank with core support

plate and studs for mounting detectors.

BARC Training School.


Electron microscope in metallurgy laboratory.

Reaction in progress :Fe-alloy production unit.


2MW in-pile loop.

Rnite element analysis of reactor components.


Internal view of the bituminisation plant of waste immobilisation plant at Tarapur.

5 axis articulated robot


Inside view of air pollution monitoring instrument.

Air pollution monitor.


Plant multiplication by tissue culture technique

Oil palm plant by tissue culture.


Microprocessor laboratory
at BARC Training School.

Labelled compounds laboratory,

Radiation monitoring measuring instruments. £

Radiation monitoring measuring instruments.



3-1 Materials tested. Plans are underway to carryout a large scale
testing of the process at IRE, Alwaye.
Heavy Water
Studies were continued on the extraction and
A heavy water final enrichment plant based on
refining of thorium and lithium, separation of stable
vacuum distillation process was successfully commi-
isotopes, preparation of scintillation chemicals and
ssioned with light water at Thai in Maharashtra. Con-
fluorine gas, and recovery and purification of helium.
struction of the final enrichment plant at Manuguru in
The pressure swing adsorption unit for helium purifi
Andhra Pradesh and the upgrading plant at Narora in
cation was operated to establish the feasibility of
Uttar Pradesh are progressing satisfactorily. The heavy
purification by this route.
water reconcentration plant at BARC has been opera-
ting successfully and the degraded heavy water from N-15 enriched nitrogen compounds were supplied
Dhruva reactor was reconcentrated to reactor grade. to various institutions for use in agricultural research.
Test run of the pilot plant set up at BARC for the Assistance was given for commissioning of the comm-
production of high purity hydrogen sulphide gas ercial scale N-15 enriched nitric acid plant, at M/s.
directly from hydrogen and molten sulphur was conti- Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers, Trombay. The
nued and the data gathered from these runs are being plant is based on the process developed in BARC.
used in the design of the commercial size plant. A Production of plastic scintillation materials and
facility for testing larger diameter distillation columns scintillation chemicals. PPO and POPOP, was conti-
for use in the heavy water upgrading plants to be used nued to meet the increasing requirements of various
with the 500 MWe reactors, has been set up. Setting up research organisations and nuclear power plants.
of the laser laboratory for studying the feasibility of
laser isotope separation techniques for production of Metallurgy
heavy water is in progress. The national deuterium
survey for studying the variation of deuterium content The molybdenum extraction and recovery pro-
in different natural water sources was continued. grammes made good progress. A 1 kW bipolar cell has
been installed and commissioned to process molyb-
Operation of the facility set up for testing the denite concentrates in 5 to 10kg batches. As an
catalytic exchange of deuterium gas and tritiated alternate to the caustic fusion process, a reduction
reactor heavy water using the hydrophobic catalyst roastacid leaching process has been taken up for
developed in BARC, showed that more than 80% of detailed study for the recovery of tin, niobium and
tritium is removed at ambient conditions. tantalum valves from the cassiterite deposits of Bastar
district in Marihya Pradesh. The process is being
Rare Earths and Other Materials assessed in the rotary tubular furnace installed in the
At the request of M/s. Indian Rare Earths Ltd. Tin Demonstration Plant at Raipur. Investigations have
(IRE), an alternate process, for the recovery of rare also been taken up to recover nickel from spent
earths from the hydroxide cake obtained by monozite catalysts generated by fertiliser industries. A process
processing has been developed. In this process most to recover silver from silver chloride residues has
of the cerium is separated out from the rare earth been standardised and the entire amount of silver
fraction. A process for selective oxidation of cerium, weighing about 85 kg was recovered in the pure form
followed by acid leaching to obtain a rare earth from the residues supplied by IRE. Alternate routes
chloride low in cerium has been worked out. As an from the production of capacitor grade tantalum
extension of this work, further recovery of cerium as powder, vanadium metal and nuclear grade zirconium
well as uranium present in the cake has also been sponge are being investigated.


In the field of electrometallurgy, substantial pro- and hydrofluoric acid are removed from the liquor by
gress has been made in the area of electroless coating solvent extraction process and the zirconium is preci-
of nickel on ceramic bodies suitable for application in pitated out from the aqueous media.
the making of ceramic to metal seals. Coatings of Zn-
A solvent extraction process for the recovery, of
Sn alloy are presently being developed with a view to
cobalt from some of the waste streams from the plants
replacing the cadmium electroplating currently in
of M/s. Hindustan Zinc Ltd. has been developed under
practice for many engineering applications. A progra-
a collaboration agreement with them. The process was
mme on the development of high strength composites
tested on a bench scale to produce significant quanti-
involving electroplating of thin films of alternate layers
ties of pure cobalt sulphate. The process is expected to
of copper and nickel was initiated this year.
undergo pilot plant trials shortly.
High temperature refractory materials develop-
ment programme has been reoriented to meet the 3-2 Materials Science
growing demands of advanced technologies. Progra-
mmes on the development of silicon carbide and Thermophysical and thermodynamic properties
silicon nitride ceramics are being pursued to optimise of fuels
the processing conditions for improving their density Important thermophysical properties like specific
and strength characteristics Sintered sillimanite grogs heat, thermal conductivity, and hot hardness of mixed
with pore sizes ranging from 15-6 microns to 18 1 uranium-plutonium carbide and oxide fuel pellets of
microns have been successfully prepared and supplied different microstructural and chemical characteristics
to IRE for evaluation. were determined at different temperatures. A detailed
thermodynamic computation has been done on the U-
The Tin Demonstration Plant at Raipur which was Pu-C-N-0 system for predicting the composition of
inaugurated in June, 1985 has been operating regularly different phases at different temperatures.
at the rated capacity. Based on this experience a
Project Report for setting up of a 100 ton/yr.Tin Extra- Microstructure and mechanical properties corre-
ction Plant has been prepared and submitted to M/s. lation studies were carried out on laser melted zircaloy-2
MP State Mining Corporation. and 17-4-PH stainless steel materials. Quantitative
fractography was carried out on impact tested speci-
Work on the development of Niobium-Titanium
mens of 17-4 PH steel to study correlation between the
superconductor wires was continued. About 100 kg.
fracture surface characteristics and impact energy
of 0-5 mm dia. 45 filament Nb-Ti wires were produced
absorbed in the ductile-brittle transition region.
for making prototype accelerator magnets.
The improved 500 A fluorine cell was operated A computer programme was developed for predic-
and the gas produced was used in the preparation of ting the temperature distribution in the mixed carbide
certain metal fluorides. A bigger cell of 1500 A capacity fuel pins for FBTR during the beginning of life utilising
was fabricated and is being installed. A fluorine gas the thermophysical data generated.
compression system was commissioned and operated Physical Metallurgy
satisfactorily. A facility has been set up to develop
various carbon products for specialised applications. The major thrust was on the studies of micro-
structures and mechanical properties of Zr-2 5% Mb
A process was worked out for the recovery and alloy pressure tubes being processed in NFC for
recycling of zirconium from process waste streams fabrication trials. The evolution of the microstructure
like the acid pickle liquor generated by Nuclear Fuel and of the crystallographic texture of these tubes,
Complex (NFC). Hyderabad. In this method, nitric acid during various fabrication steps, was established and


the influence oi process parameters on the mechanical desalination plant is progressing. Most of the equip-
properties of finished tubes was studied- Based on ments were installed and installation of piping is under
these results of investigations the fabrication schedule way The 30 rrr/day shipborne desalination plant is in
oi Zr 25'' I\Jb pressure tubes has been finalized and the final stages of tes(::;ig. Both the plants are expect-
recommended to NFC for prototype production. Re- ed to be commissioned by April 1987. Efforts are being
search support was also provided to NFC in their made to transfer the technology for multistage flash
effort for perfecting the roiling procedure of Zircaloy-2 desalination plants.
sheets used for calandna tubes.
The reverse osmosis brackish water desalination
Studies on phase transformations and mechanical plants set up at Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh are
properties of steels and nickel base alloy used in working satisfactorily, catering to the drinking water
nuclear power stations and heavy water plants were needs of the surrounding rural population. Reverse
carried out Investigations were earned out on hydro- osmosis plants of different capacities ranging from 20-
gen embnttlement of a martensitic stainless steel used 50 m'/day are being fabricated for various uses
as end fittings of pressure tubes and the thermal including effluent treatment in a public sector under-
stability of a nickel base alloy used for reactor tubes in taking and for radioactive effluent treatment. Research
heavy water plants and development work pertaining to polymeric mem-
Basic i esearch work in materials science included branes suitable for sea water desalination as well as
studies on zirconium base and iron base metallic for industrial applications are being continued.
glasses, quasicrystalline structures of aluminium and
BARC is represented in the "Technology Mission
magnesium base alloys, the shape memory effect,
on Drinking Water in Villages and Water Management"
diffusion in crystalline and amorphous alloys and
constituted by the Department of Rural Development.
internal friction in zirconium alloys.
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, for tech-
As desired by the Commission of Enquiry appointed nological inputs to solve salinity problems and is
by the Government of India to enquire into the cause associated with drinking water projects in Karnataka.
of the crash of Air India Boeing 747 Kanishka'. on June Tamnnadu and Gujarat. Inputs, in terms of water
23. 1985 over the Atlantic, detailed metallurgical exami- design and cost estimates for the reverse osmosis
nation of the recovered parts of the aircraft were plants have been provided to the Technology Mission.
carried out The findings were reported to the Commi-
ssion Damage assessment and enquiries to ascertain Hydrogen Production
the cause of the Talcher Heavy Water Plant accident Fabrication, erection and testing of equipment,
occurred on April 4.1986 were carried out. A report electrical and ventilation systems and control panel of
and recommendations for future actions were sub- the 33 IMm'/hr eiectroiytic hydrogen plant are nearing
mitted to the DAE Enquiry Committee completion.

3-3 Process Technology

Erection work of the 425 m'/day multistage flash


RG Parr. K Rupnik and S K Ghosh. Phase space approach to the P.K. Agnihotn. "Influence of minor additions of Cr2O, and Nb2O5 on
density functional calculation of Compton profiles of atoms and densification and grain development of U02", ibid.
molecules". Phys Rev Lett 56 1555. 1986 B.R. Vyas and S.V.K. Rao. "Microstructural evaluation of muilite
U Lee and S K Ghosh. Density-gradient expansion of the kinetic bodies". Metallography and NDT. BARC.
energy functinal for molecules". Phys Rev. A 33. 3506. 1986. IG Sharma and T.K. Mukherjee. "A study on purification of metallu-
R G Parr and S.K. Ghosh. "Thomas Fermi tneory of atomic systems". rgical grade silicon by molten salt electrorefining", Met. Trans.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 83 3577. 1986 B.. June 1986.
S K Ghosh and R G Parr. Phase spare approach to the exchange J.M luneja. K.P. Abraham and G.N.K. lyengar. "Thermodynamic
energy functional of density functional theory". Phys. Rev. A 34. study of liquid Mg-Al alloys by vapour pressure measurements
785. 1986 using the boiling point method", Scripta Metallurgica, 20. 177,
WJ Mortier SK Ghosh and S Shankar. "The effective electro 1986
negativity of an atom in a molecule its equalisation and partial JM Juneja. G.N.K. [yengar and K.P. Abraham. "Measurement of
charges J Amer Chem Soc 104.4315.1986 vapour pressure of liquid magnesium by the boiling point
method". Trans I.I.M.. 38. 519. 1985.
D Sathiyamoorthy and N Knshnam. rthy. Modelling of comparl
mentaiisod gns fluidised bed reactor". National Symposium on Sohan Singh. A L Pappachan and H S Gadiyar. "Electrodeposition
Application of Computers in Chemical engineering. Kalpakkam of cerium and Ce-Co alloy". J Less Common Metals, 120. 307,
Sohan Singh. I.e. Sehra and C K Gupta, "Preparation of rare earth
D K Bose 0 K Mehra and C K Gupta. "Preparation ol RE Si t'e alloy
metals by molten salts electrolysis Chemical fundamentals, cell
by meiallothPrmii' reduction J of Less Common Metals 110.
design and limitations". Electrometallurgy. Karaikudi.
239. 1985
0 K Mehra. Sohan Singh. J C Sehra. T.S. Krishnan. D.K. Bose and
JCSehraandPL Vijay. Electrorefining ol zircaloy scrap Achi C K Gupta. Extractive metallurgy of rare earth metals - develop-
evements and prospects Electrometallurgy of Non ferrous mental work at BARC". Rare Earths. Applications and Techno-
Metals IIM Khetn Nagar Chapter 1986
logy'. Bombay
D K Bose. "Processing of raw materials for commercial superco
nductmg Materials 1GCAR Kalpakkam. 1986. A C Bidaye. T K Mukherjee and C K Gupta. 'Recovery of molybde-
num metal powder from spent acid", Annual Technical Meeting
M K Totlani Eloctroless deposition of metals'. International Work of IIM. Bombay. 1986.
shop on Clectrodeposited functional Coatings and Electrore
forming. IIT Bombay 1986 R C Hubh. IG Sharma. T.K Mukherjee and C.K. Gupta. "A study on
preparation of Nb Ti alloy". ibid.
Sohan Singh A L Pappachan ana A K Grover. Studies on the
IG Sharma and C.K Gupta. "A study on electron beam melt
electrodeposition of aluminium from tetrahydrofuranaluminium purification of hafnium", ibid.
chloride electrolyte 1NCEF 86 II Sc . Bangalore. 1986
K U Nair D Sathiyamoorthy and D K Bose. "OxychJorination kinetics
RS Dutta A Bose and P K De. Indexing degree of sensitization in
of molybdenum sulphide in fluidised bed reactor". 40th ATM of
austemtic stainless steel by non destructive in situ metallogra
IIM. Bombay
phic and electrochemical technique NDT and Metalloqaphy N Krishnamurthy and D Sathiyamootihy. "Computer aided design
and their Interaction BARC Bombay 1986 of distributors for stable gas fluidisation". 39th Annual Session of
R Bhat S.K Roy and S V K Rao Sintering studies in magnesia IIChE. Hyderabad. 1986
monticellite system 50th Annual Technical Session of the N Krishnamurthy. S.M Sherty, D.K Bose and C.K Gupta. "On the
Indian Ceramics Society Calcutta. 1986 preparation of vanadium metal". 40th Annual Technical Meeting
P. Bhat and S K Roy Microstructural evolution during the early of IIM. Bombay
stages of sintering of almmnH powder compacts 12th National IC Sehra P L Vijay V.D. Shah and R.H Rakhasia. "Iodide process •
P/M Conference Hyderabad 1986 A route lor the preparation of high purity group IV metals . ibid
Ram Prasad. A Gulnar and S V K Rao Sintering behaviour and IM Juneja. M Karuppan Chetty. Sohan Singh and I.e. Sehra.
electrical conductivity of ceria stabilized zirconia'. 50th Annual Studies on the processing of molybdenite concentrate by soda
Technical Session of lnd Cer Soc Calcutta 1986 ash roasting", ibid
G P Kothiyal. M.K Rajpurkar and Ram Prasad. Measurement of JC Sehr.i PL Vijay and CK Gupta. "Application ot molten salt
thermophysical properties of single crystals of germanium" electrolysis in reclamation of zircaloy scrap". Electrochemistry
ibid in Nuclear Technology. Kalpakkam


J T John P R SincjJi ;uitl H S Gadiyar. Study of the diffusion ol Mahesh Singh Keshava Chandra and S. Sen. Technical Evaluation
hydrogen through f'e 3 5 Ni alloy by electrochemical techniques of Indian Rock Phosphates for Phosphorus Production', Trans
40th Annual Technical Meeting of IIM. Bombay actions of Indian Institute of Metals. Regn. No 413/86, 1986.
5J K P K De and H S Gadiyar. Localised corrosion of duplex Mahesh Singh. Keshava Chandra and S Sen. "Effects of grades of
stainless steei ibid Rock Phosphates on the Conversion of Phosphorus slag to slag
A and P K De Pitting behaviour ol alloy 400". ibid cement —A comparative technoeconormc assessment". First NCB
International Semionar. New Delhi 6. Jan 1987.
JT John PK D e a n d H S Gadiyar Studies relating to the hydnding
Kesruwa Chandra. Mahesh Singh and S. Sen. "Technical Manpower
of Zr 2 5 Nb alloy ibid
Development for phosphorus plant . National Seminar at Lucknow.
GC P.ilii.mdHS Gadiyar Pitting morphologies of zirconium base Dec 1986
alloys in aqueous ami non aqueous chloride media Electroche
CN Rao Transformation of Reference Axes of Pole Figures".
mistry in Nuclear Technology. 1GCAR Kalpakkam
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. 39 No 4. 389. 1986
PR Singh and HS Gadiyar EPR lor assessing the degree of SA Mooithy CN Rao and M.K. Asundi. Internal Friction due to
sensiti7a1ion in nickel base alloys ibid grain boundary relaxation in zirconium". Transactions of the
PK Cliauhan A Sharria and H S Gadiyai Application of computer Indian Institute ol Metals. 39. 232. 1986.
programme in predicting the corrosion rates from electrochemi P K K Nayar and IS Batra. "On Thermal Analysis of Melt Spinning'.
1 al rlata ibid Trans 1IM 39. 609 1986
S S Cr.otitli.ii Kl) Gaonkar US Gadiyar S S Shinde and SV I S Batra. P K K Nayar. V V Raman and P Das Gupta. "Precipitation
¥ 'IIM.II Galv,i;ii'' corrosion ol SS 304 L in cont.ict with zircaloy 2 Kinetics and Room Temperature Fracture Mechanics Parameters
in nitric acid BARC I 880 198G in 18 Ni (350) Steel". BARC/I 884. 1986
H U Nan I) S itluyamooiihy DK BoseandCK Gupta Chlormation C N T R Ramachandran and G S Murthy. "Serrated Yielding in
c.nielli s of MoS in lluidised bed Annual Technic<il Meeting of an Al 3 wt ". Mg alloy with trace additions of indium, cadmium
IIM Bombay 1986 and tin . Journal of Materials Science Letters. 5. 93. 1986
S h (Jiiosal and P K Uc Enviionmenl induced cracking of zircaloy G K Dey. E G Baburaj and S Banerjee. "Crystallization kinetics of Zr 33
2 fuel ( .addiii'i lubo IAEA Tethnital Comrtiittee Meeting en at ' Ni amorphous alloy . Journal of Materials Science. 21. 117.
I'lopciiies of Maifii.iN loi Walei Ri'.ictoi luel Clements Vierv.a. 1986
H Venkatramam. Y J Bhatt. M Knshnamurthy and S P Garg. "Thermo
SV Phadni-and H s (Jadiyai Oxidation of zirconium alioys com gravimetric Studies on the Silicothermine Reduction of Uranium
parativi.' aspi-i t , Agueous iiicdium I 240 350 C) and High torn Tetrafluonde under Nitrogen '. Journal of Less Common Metals.
|n'Mt:i!i' 'JI'MIII i 900 (.'I Technical Meeting on Water Chemistry 118 281.1986
IAIJA CRP meeting on i lad coolant interaction on BARC. 1986 G K Dey and P Mukhopadhyay Precipitation in the Ni Cu base
fJC Sfini .iiul C; P Tr.van A i omparative study of characterisation alloy Monek K 500 . Materials Science and Engineering 84. 177.
methods f'»r UO Anniia! Meeting of IIM Bombay 1986
1986 IK Chakravarty GE Prasad.TK Sinha and M K .Asundi. "Hydrogen
S Snsai;.i and M H Baipa! Isotope Effect in Monolayer localised Embntilement of ASTM A 203 D Nuclear Structural Steel". JNM
I'hysir ,ii Ad.->oprtinn Pait I Theory Indian Journal of Chemistry 138 107 1986
2'v\ 307 198G TG Chattopadhyay. Y J Bhati and S K Khera. Phase Diagram of the
S Snsaii.i and M M Bajpai Isotope Effect in Monolayer localised Pd To System Journal of Less Common Metals. 123. 251. 1986
P!'1, ,i( ii Adsorption Part II Neon Adsorption on Porous glass at GB Kale K Bhanumurthy. K C Ratnakala and S.K Khera. "Solid
Cr/ugi-nii temperature Journal of Chemistry 25A 311 State Bonding of Zncaloy 2 with Stainless Steel'. ibid. 138. 73.
1080 1986
AH I) Sou/a l)r:tei ruination of N 15 by Mass Spectrometry . G L Goswami A K Sengupta 0 L DSouza. V Venugopal Ziley
N.ilinriai Workshop on Use of N 15 as a tracer ion Agricultural Singh. K N Hoy. S P Garg and D D Sood. "Activity of Carbon in
Research M :, Rashlnya Chemicals (4 fertilizers 1986 SS 316 Proc Seminar on Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle". IGCAR
Mahesh Singh Ke.shava Chandra and S Sen A Technical Assess Kalpakkam 45 1986
merit of Lali'pur Rock Phosphate for the Production of Phospho S P Garg G L Goswami. R Prasad and D D Sood Carbon Potential
n:s BARC 1323 198G of I'BTR Fuel ibid. 61 1986


Y S Sayi. M Balchander, J. RadhaKrishna. S.P. Garg. G.L. Goswami V.K. Shnvastava. A.K. Saxena and M.P.S. Ramani. "Developments in
and D D. Sood. "Measurement of Equilibrium Partial Pressure of the Electrothermal Process for the production of Elemental
Co (g) over UPu CO System", ibid. 63. 1986. Phosphorus. Furnace System Design", ibid.
A K Sengupta. G.L. Goswami. S.P. Garg, Y.S. Sayi. J Radhakrishna V. Ramachandran. V.K. Agarwal. B.M. Misra and M.P.S. Ramaru.
and D D Sood. "Melting Temperature of Mixed Carbide Fuel for "Search for New Polymeric membranes", BARC/J-885, 1986.
FBTR". ibid. 50. 1986.
S. Prabhakar and B.M. Misra, "Studies on the Structural. Kinetic and
G.L Goswami. A.K. Sengupta. M.S. Sargunam. V. VenugopaLZiley Thermodynamic Parameters of Cellulose Acetate Membranes".
Singh. R Prasad. S P. Garg and D.D. Sood. "Compatibility Studies J. Membrane Sci 9 143 1986
of Mixed Carbide Fuel with SS-316 Clad Tube at High Tempera-
S Prabhakar. B.M Misra and M.P.S. Ramani. "Relative Transport of
ture . ibid. 53. 1986
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S P Garg. G L Goswami and D D Sood. "A Thermodynamic Analysis (CA) Membranes", Radiochimica Acta 39, 93, 1986.
of Fuel-CJad Chemical Compatibility in the FBTR". ibid. 56, 1986
R C Bindal and B.M, Misra, "Separation of Binany Liquid systems by
G L Goswami A K Sengupta. O L D'Souza. S P Garg and D.D Sood.
Sorption-A Comparison with Pervaporation". Separation Science
' High Temperature Compatibility of Mixed Carbide Fuel with SS
and Technology, 21(10). 104-7-1058, 1986
316 . Proc Intl Conference on "High Technique Ceramics". Italy.
1986 P Raghunathan, M.G. Nayar and M.P.S. Ramani. "Porous nickel
GL Goswami. PKK Nayar. D Raj and GP Tiwari. "Acoustic Electrodes by Alloy Electroplating Technique". Bull. Electrochem.
Emission Studies of Structural Relaxation in a Metallic Glass". 2(3). 237, May 1986.
Proc of the Second Int) Conference on Acoustic Emission Ed JP M.G Nayar. S. Suresh Rao. P. Raghunathan and S.K. Mitra. "Advanced
Ohap S98-S101. 1986 Electrolysis Cell for Hydrogen Production", Proceedings on
M D Vora. M Unniknshnan and G E Prasad. "Field Metallography "Innovations in Electro chemical processing and Reactor Design",
as NDT Techniques", DAE Symposium Proc. "Metallography and 11 T Bombay. 1986.
NDT Interactions in Materials Evaluation". 80:01. 1986. P K. Tiwari. R.K. Verma. M.P.S. Ramani and S.P. Mahajan, "Effect of
KL Thalor. A.K Saxena and M.P.S. Ramani. "Solutions to the Surface Roughness and Polymeric Additive on Nucleate Pool
problem of Arc Revival in Phosphorus Plants". Symposium on Boiling at Subatmospheric Pressures", International Communi-
Electrometallurgy Karikudi Nov 1986 cation. Heat and Mass Transfer. 13. 503. 1986.


4-1 Molecular Biology for possible application in medical and bio-technological
research. This can be utilised for the slow release of
Four new mutations affecting UV-sensitivity of therapeutic drugs whenever regular intake of drugs is
bacterial cells were isolated from an 11-kb DNA clone required. Photoactivating enzyme from E. coli was
carrying gene uvrl for DNA repair. Gene for strepto- purified to homogeneity using an isoelectric focussing
mycin resistance has been self-cloned. It was observed column and its properties were determined.
that when a DNA clone of this was used in transforma-
tion, plasmid-bome transformants are recovered only Inhibition of amylase activity by chlorfluorenol
if the chromosomal DNA has also incorporated a copy was reversed by simultaneous application of gibberellic
of the gene. acid in unsoaked embryoless half seed of barley. UV-
sensitivity ot cyanobacteria (Anacystis nidulans) to
Recombinant DNA technology was used to get ultraviolet radiation (UV) has been correlated to the
tailored agrobacteria containing two structural genes inactivation of the photosynthetic electron transport
involved in nitrogen fixation. These agrobacteria were system n under conditions which allow maximal dark-
used to transfer nitgenes to tobacco plants for further repair of damage to DNA.
stur' ss.
Computer technology was widely applied in mole-
A maize cob isolated locally, which indicated the cular biology research and some software for this
presence of transposable elements, has been grown purpose was also developed indigenously.
for two generations and several mutations were obt-
ained. Studies indicated that transposable elements 4-2 Biochemistry
may be active on chromosome 9.
Research programmes on information macromole-
During soil nitrogen deficiency cowpea roots sec-
cules, cell control mechanisms,physiological and cel-
rete substances which induce the synthesis of Rhizobium
lular response to radiation and environmental pollu-
capsular polysaccharides (CPS). These in turn induce
tants, metabolic basis of diseased states and bioche:
early symbiosis-specific plant proteins (nodulins). Host-
mical applications were continued.
induced synthesis of capsular polysaccharides was
found to provoke root hair curling leading to enhanced Cellular control of enzyme biogenesis is being
nodulation efficiency. Detailed genetic studies on the investigated using diverse approaches. Studies on the
various aspects of nitrogen fixation in plants were synthesis of the well-known extracellular thermonuc-
carried out. lease in Staphylococcus aureus have revealed that
the two intracellular nucleases (one heat-labile and
Structure-function relationship of the photosyn-
another heat-stable) are not the precursors of the
thetic enzyme (RuBP carboxylase) and effects of specific extracellular enzyme despite similarities in Ca+ + requi-
and limited modifications of spinach leaf enzyme by rements and actions on both DNA and RNA. Immuno-
trypsin were evaluated. Selective inactivation of NADP- logical studies have revealed that the DNA polymerase,
Malic enzyme purified to homogeneity from maize leaf induced durinq aerobiosis of anaerobic S. cerevisiae
indicated the presence of one histidine/subunit at or cells, is mitochondrial DNA polymerase; this induction
near the active site involved in catalysis. The enzyme precedes mitochondrial DNA synthesis and de novo
d-aminolevulihic acid dehydratase from maize leaf biogenesis of mitochondria.
was irreversibly inactivated by light in presence of
flavin mononucleotide and the parameters favouring Further studies on Corynebacterium gene for //-
and inhibiting it were determined. galactosidase, which was cloned in E. coli with lac Z-
Electropermeabilisation of cells is being studied minus background, revealed that the product of the


cloned gene is a //galactosidase protein fused to an levels. Studies on pre- and post-dialysis levels of
extra peptide fragment. The chimeric plasmid is un- glutathione S-transferases have indicated that levels
stable during growth in media devoid of lactose due to of these enzymes could serve as indicators of thera-
deletion of the inserted gene. peutic efficacy during kidney malfunction.
Studies in Halobacteria have led to the detection An activator of plasminogen- which may have a
of the two enzymes ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase potential in thrombolytic therapy- has been isolated
and ribulose 5-phosphate kinase which participate in and purified from Yoshida ascites tumour cells.
CO2 fixation. This finding has significance from the
point of view of bacterial evolution. Banana peel oxalate oxidase was found to be
ideally suited for the determination of urinary oxalate
Studies on molecular mechanisms of chemical levels. The enzyme also showed promise in the pre-
carcinogens have indicated that early carcinogenic vention of kidney stone formation.
response to benzo(a) pyrene, aflatoxin B, and nitrosa-
Studies on the effects of dietary fat on the compo
mide could be modulated by potential anticarcinogens
sition and physiology of biomembranes have been
including vitamins, trace metals, phenolic flavonoids
and other derivatives. These dietary factors can con-
tribute substantially to the body's defence against - K Ra (a daughter product of natural 2'2Th) content
carcinogenic onslaught by environmental chemicals. of the samples of placentae and teeth from individuals
residing in the monazite-bearing high natural back-
Studies on neuro-endocrine mechanisms in growth, ground areas of Kerala coast is being estimated in
development and differentiation processes have been order to determine their body burden of 2:"Ra. Samples
continued. ATP-synthesizing potential of liver mito- from individuals in control areas are also being ana-
chondria was found to be impaired in streptozotocin- lysed.
induced diabetic rats on account of decreased ATPase
activity. These changes could be effectively reversed
4-3 Bio-Organic Chemistry
by insulin administration. In the neonatal rat brain, the
Na'. K' - ATPase acitivity is under direct influence of Search for more bioactive compounds were con-
catecholamines. epinephrine and norepinephrine in- tinued with whole plants and cell cultures derived
dicating their roles in nerve transmission from them. A number of natural products were isolated,
characterised, their structure determined and bioac-
Programmes on development of newer diagnostic
tivities studied. Antifeedant and insecticidal activities
tests are being continued. Significant elevation of
of several natural and synthetic products were deter-
levels of urinary pteridine were observed in cancer
mined Detailed study on the morphogenetic effects of
patients. Plasma zinc/copper ratios and platelet ag-
Plumbagin. isolated from the plant Plumbago zeylanica
gregation in whole blood were measured followed by
showed that it causes retardation of growth, interferes
fractionation of plasma lipoproteins for assessment in
with cuticle formation and hatching of eggs and also
terms of their densities and binding to cholesterol in
selectively stains prothoracic gland cells.
subjects exposed to atherosclerotic risk factors.
Sex pheromones of different insects causing havoc
A screening programme of human blood donors in cotton and okra and orchard plants were synthesi-
was undertaken to quantitate the drug detoxification sed by simple chemical methods using easily available
process in terms of activity of lymphocytic glutathione chemicals. New and simple methods were developed
S-transferases. Three distinct categories of blood donors for the synthesis of a plant growth regulator, n-
could be identified in terms of glutathione S-transferase triacantanol polyclic hetro compounds, complex chro-


menes, for acylation of phenol and for preparation of a cereal and pulse crops, was determined in
series of acyl compounds, some of which have showed collaboration with ICAR in different parts of the
significant bioactivity. Analytical methods were deve- country. This fertilizer blended with micronutrient zinc
loped for the separation and estimation of Rauwolfia, was also evaluated in a variety of Indian soils.
alkaloids, furocoumarins and sterol. Instrumental
methods including 2 D NMR spectroscopy were used Studies carried out have shown that green manu-
to elucidate the structure of different compounds. ring can be effectively used as a decontamination
method to remove the residual insecticide hexachlo-
Micropropagation of economically important plants rocyclohexane remaining in paddy fields. Salt uptake
using tissue culture technique were continued. Exten- characteristic of rice cultivars sensitive and tolerant to
sive field trials of oil palm, mulberry and sandalwood salt were estimated using radiotracer techniques. The
plants developed by the method were carried out in results indicated cation adsorption in the salt tolerant
collaboration agencies like Central Agricultural Research cultivar was comparatively more though anion uptake
Institute, Mysore and Sandal Research Centre. Bangalore. were identical in both.
Protoplasts from economically and medicinally important
plants were isolated and plants were regenerated. 4-5 Pest Control
Increased yield of medicinally important alkaloids
could be obtained by further improving the cell culture An effective method was developed to control
techniques Sorghum and oil palm plants were regene- population growth rate among potato tuber moth by
rated in the laboratory using callus. creating confusion among feral males by placing
synthetic female pheromones in the field. A single
4-4 Nuclear Agriculture authosomal recessive gene was found to be the cause
of red eye character of a spontaneous mutant that
New and improved strains of rice, pulses, oil occured in potato tuber moth. An extract obtained
seeds and jute developed at Trombay were tested in from the fruit pericap of Thespesia populnea deterred
field trials carried out in different States and by the feeding and ovi position in spotted bollworm of cotton.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Slow release of spores of Bacillus sphericus form of
Punjabrao and Mahatma Phule Agricultural synthetic briquets in an aquatic environment could
Universities and Maharashtra State Seeds Corporation be effectively used to exterminate culex fatigans
(MSSC) substantially increased the area under larvae. Pest control studies using female sex phero-
cultivation for seed multiplication of pulse varieties mones and hybridised insect species were continued.
developed at BARC. Agricultural Department of the
Maharashtra Government and MSSC distributed about 4-6 Food Technology
150 ton of certified seeds of pigeonpea and mungbean
varieties developed at Trombay to about 60,000 Development and standardisation of methods for
farmers for cultivation. the preservation of food and in-situ destruction of
pathogens in edible substances using irradiation tech-
A bacterial gene governing kanamycin resistance nology were continued. It was found that without
was successfully transferred to tobacco leaf discs. introducing ph'ytotoxicity and quality changes, gamma
Plants grown in tissue culture from leaf discs heritably irradiation of unripe mangoes with a dose rate upto 75
transmitted the character to the progeny. Evaluation of krad can be used to destroy the insects which spoils
nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers and sewage the fruit during the ripening stage. Studies have shown
sludges were continued. Effectiveness of ammonium that ripe mango pulp could be kept without deterioration
polyphosphate. a newly developed fertiliser for in quality for four months when packed in Standipack


flexible pouches at 93 C and under nitrogen. It was sufficient to control aflatoxin formation in groundnuts
observed that pathogens of banana and mangoes can when stored at 28-30 C and 100% R.H. and also to
cross infect each other fruit, susceptibility of fruits to control the growth of mould.
infections depends on characteristics of peal phenolics.
Bacillus cereus BIS-59, an isolate from shrimps
pectolytic enzyme complex oi.Aspergillus niger can
produced two toxins, hemolytic and non-hemolytic.
be used for effective masceration of various fruits
both lethal to mice. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of V
such as mango, guava and banana and an aroma
concentrate oi ripe Totapuri mango was identical with parahaeinolyticus isolated from seafoods could be
.synthetic mango essence Ripening of tomatos could detoxified by exposure to gamma-radiation, lipid A,
be delayed and shelf life could be enhanced by separated from this LPS. could not be detoxified by
irradiation at 25 krad and storage at a temperature of irradiation. This component activated macrophages.
15 C without affecting its vitamin C content and colour LPS-P complex isolated from Salmonella typhimurium
Gamma irradiation of Bengal gram resulted in significant was found to be an effective immunogen.
increase m the polar hpids and fatty acids and reduc- Macrophages elicited by lipopolysaccharides were
tion in non polar lipids without aciverse effects on the more in number and larger in size, compared to those
sensory attributes An odourless, colourless and soluble recovered following proteose-peptone (PP) or thio-
fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH) was prepared from a glycolate (TG) elicitation. However, cathepsin D and />'•
trash fish glucuronidase activities in LPS-elicited cells were
A method based on the activities of peptidases higher whereas arylsulfactase activity was lower than
was developed to assess the freshness of different fish in the other two groups. Thus, the response of the
varieties during storage. Cathepsin B. an active pro lysosomal enzymes to the stimulants was selective
teiiicise of fresh water fish Tilapia mossambica,was and specific Relative population of resident and
purified to homogeneity to study the properties. An TG-elicited peritoneal macrophages was reduced signi-
alkaline protemase optimally active at pH 8 5. identified ficantly in protein deficiency. Cells isolated from protein-
in kidney lysosomes. wa.\ found to be constituent of deficient animals showed increased neutral lipids and
lysosomal membrane cholesterol : phospholipid molar ratio and a significant
reduction in long chain fatty acids, that serve as
Blackening of green pepper berry was found to be precursors for immunoregulator eicosinoids, produced
associated with polyphenol oxidase and the precursors mainly in macrophages
as oithodihydroxy flavanones. The phenolase activity
v/a.s found to be concentrated in skin as against the Rat liver Kupffer cells isolated and purified using
corn where 1 he enzyme concentration appeared to be percoll density gradient endocytosed latex beads,
negligible when cultured in vitro

A new transportable moving bed onion irradiate-]' Erythrosine (FD & C Red 3). a widely used synthetic
h.ts been designed and is under fabrication. food colouiant, or its metabolites formed after activa-
tion with rat-liver or cecal microbial enzymes and in
Strains of AspergiUus flavus/parasitcus group were association with known co-mutagens did not show
found to produce ethylenc glycol in con mutagenicity by the Ames test However, testing with
current with the formation of aflatoxins An inverse Bacillus subtilis multigen sporulation assay revealed
relationship between lipid and aflatoxin biosynthesis i'ts mutagenicity in ail the above-mentioned conditions
was observed The presence of exogenous ethylene in consistently. The magnitude of genotoxicity of the
the medium suppressed adatoxin formation Aqueous food colourant was found to be dose dependent
solutions of 2-chloro-ethylphosphonic acid (CEPA) were Mutagenicity studies on curcumin. the active colour


principle of turmeric showed that its alcohol extract chloroplast fraction from fresh spinach leaves An
did not exhibit mutagenic activity with three Salmonella oxidase which can oxidise Mn2' ion in the presence of
tester strains in Ames assay system. Quercetm. a Cl and 2-mercaptoethanol and a ferrooxidase which
flavanol present in foods of plant origin induced exhibited ferrocynanide dependent oxygen evolution
significant loss in Tetrahymena cell population which with H^O,. as substrate.
could be attributed to injury to plasma membrane and
to lysosomes. The insecticides endosulfan, phosalone. 4-7 Radiation Medicine
malathion and permethrin were observed to interfere
Under an ongoing programme for developing ana
with the sexual life cycle of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
evaluating newer hepatobiliary agents """Tc-tnmethida,
Micronucleated erythrocytes persist in the peri- ""•"Tc bromotrimethida, have been evaluated in rats
pheral blood of mice exposed to benzo(a)pyrene, a and rabbits Both the compounds appear to be very
known chemical mutagen/carcinogen. Mice exposed promising.
to ionizing radiation and lucanthone demonstrated "'""Tc-labelled thioglycolic acid as a possible renel
migration of such micronucleated cells from bone imaging agent has been evaluated in animals. Techni-
marrow to peripheral blood in a dose dependent ques for radiolabelling blood cells and proteins with
manner thereby validating peripheral blood micro- ""'"Tc and '' (l"In using bifunctional chelates and oxine
nucleus assay as a suitable measure of induced respectively have been worked out. It appears that
chromosomal damage in mice Feeding of butylated monoclonal antibodies can be labelled with """'Tc
hydroxytoluene (BHT) at 1% level in diet did not elicit using DTPA without damaging them and may prove
any reproductive toxicity in mice However, the weights useful for immunoscintigraphy.
of several organs including lungs, heart and spleen
increased significantly in parent and first generation Monoclonal antibodies against thyroglobulin have
been prepared and two stable clones have been
A simple method has been developed for the isolated and propagated. Work on further purification
rapid purification of D-amino acid oxidase from T. and characterization of the monoclonal antibodies is
variabilis by hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl- in progress. These antibodies are very specific. It is
sepharose and negative adsorption on DEAE cellulose. proposed to radiolabel the antibodies and evaluate
The immobilization of microbia! cells in gelatine by them for immuno-scintigraphy for detecting metastasis
radiation induced polymerisation obviates the use of from thyroid cancer, immunotherapy. radioimmuno-
glutaraldehyde for sensitive enzymes. therapy and in vitro radioimraunoassay.
The immobilization of yeast cells on glass surface
could be accomplished by coating with polythylemimine An enzyme linked immunosorbant assay has been
(PEI). The PEI coated cells were stable and efficient developed for estimating serum thyroglobulin. A RIA
under extreme conditions and repeated use. Glucose technique with indigenously available kits has been
oxidase immobilised in cotton cloth was found to be developed, which will enhance the usefulness of the
suitable for the desugaration of egg melanage and in available kit and save considerable foreign exchange.
the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid. The specific crude antigen used for detection of
A pure culture of ureolytic organism that can tuberculosis in biological fluids is being purified and
tolerate high concentration of urea and ammonia was characterised. Attempts are now being made to standar-
isolated, which could continuously hydrolyze urea dise an assay for detection of tuberculosis of uterus,
even at 5% concentration.. bones and joints.

Two novel enzyme activities were detected in the Kits containing reagents for diagnosing tubercu-


losis by detecting the presence of antigen or antibody and IAEA as the regional reference centre for South-
in biological fluids are being prepared. These kits will East Asia in Nuclear Medicine. The Centre has six
be distributed to various laboratories and hospitals in research contracts with IAEA and UN on Radioimmu-
Bombay for field trials. Work is being done to standar- noassay of thyroid related hormones; Radioimmuno-
dise antigen assay for detection of leprosy PGL-1. assay procedures in filarial infections; Quality Control
Survey of gamma cameras; Phannacokinetics of radio-
In vivo animal model -in mice for cultivation of label hepatobiliary radiopharmaceuticals; Quantita-
plasmodium Berghei is being established with an tive evaluation of nuclear medicine imaging procedures
objective to prepare antigen and antibody for develop- for diagnosis of liver diseases; and Study on immuno-
ment of an immunoassay for detection of the disease. diagnostic techniques in the evaluation of tuberculosis.
Experimental studies on laboratory animals showed
Studies on developing brain of neonatal rats indi-
increased effectiveness of radiation or hyperthermia
cate that thyroid hormones are involved in its matura-
in the presence of certain drugs in cancer therapy. It
tion by influencing the malic enzyme activity. The
was observed that tumour growth was completely
activity of malic enzyme is markedly lowered in the
reduced when this was applied along with drugs like
brain of neonates from hypothyroid mothers and is
trimeprazine and melphalan. Five phenothiazine drugs-
significantly enhanced in the brain of neonates from
chloropromazine, promethazine, trimeprazine, prochlor-
mothers injected with thyroid hormone.
perazine and trifluoperazine which offered radiopro-
Radiation Medicine Centre is recognised by WHO tection to euoxic cells were evaluated upto 46°C.


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D Bhattacharjee. W Pretsch and U.H. Ehling. "Biochemical, geneti R Sivabalan and U Tarachand. Influence of streptozotocm diabetes
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Ashok V. Vyas and N.B. Mulchandani, "Polyoxygenated flavones
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1986. V. Abraham and C.R Bhatia. "Development of strains with yellow
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C.R. Bhatia. P. Viegas. A. Bhagwat. H Mathews. and N.K. Notani. 404. 1986.
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S. Eapen. AN. Suseelan. S.G. Bhagwat. P.S. Rao and C.R. Bhatia.
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L. George. V. Abraham. D.R. Suryavanshi AT. Sipahimalani and V.T. T G Krishna and C R. Bhatia. "Y-Protein. a sulphur amino acid rich
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ted in androgenetic plants in Brassica juncea. PI. Breed. 98. 72. science 10 57. 1986
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of mothbean" (Vigna aconitifolia) Curr. Sci. 55. 100 1986. 1986


V H Mathews P S Rao and C R Bhatia. Transformation of Brassica B M Bhu|bal and KB. Mistry. "Studies on the dissolution of major
luncea by Agrobactenum temelaciens harbouring plasmid Indian phsphate rocks in an acid soil". J. Ind Soc. Soil. Sci
pTiT37 and its rooty mutant pTiT37 14a/a ". I Genetics 65 37. 38 568.1986
1986 B M Bhujbal and K.B. Mistry. "Reaction products of ammonium
R Mitra and C R Bhatia Cylogenetics of wheat Characterization, nitrate phosphate fertilizers of varying water - soluble phos-
chromosome location and evolution oi repeated DNA sequences". phorus content . Fertilizer Research 10 59. 1986
Indian J Genet 46 (Suppl ) 54. 1986
V B Yadav a,nd K.B. Mistry. "Studies on reaction products of
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GSS Murty DC Joshua N S Rao and CR Bhatia. Induced V B. Yadav and K.B Mistry. "Evaluation of reaction products of
mutations in sesame Sesame and Safflower Status and potential ammonium ortho- and polyphosphate fertilizers as sources of
F'AO plant production and protection paper No 66. 168 FAO of phosphorus for plants". J. Ind Soc. Soil. Sci. 34 : 67. 1986.
UN Rome 1986
V V Athalye and K B Mistry. "Studies on the mobility of selenium in
MS Raj.idhyaksha DS Joshi. GP Phondke. R Mitra and K three major soils of India". Proc. National seminar on recent Licti'- dehydrogenase isozyme distributions in ly advances in soil research. 50th Ann. Convention of Indian
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T J D'Souza and V Ramachandran. "Plant uptake of calcium zinc
K n MVP Rao and CR Bhatia. Transfer of a vanent and manganese from four typical soils amended with municipal
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-ic'Mivuiri wli(;<i1 Cereal Res Comm 14. 1986 recent advances in soil research ". 51st Ann Convention of
T G Krishna S C Pawar R Mitra and C R Bhatia. Biochemical and Indian sociely of soil science. Coimbaiore. Sept 1986
genetic characterization of seed storage protiens in two tropical
BN Vyas. Assumptions, problems and errors involved in N15
legumes tCajanus c;ijan (L ) Millsp and Vigna radiata (L )
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in agricultural research. Bombay Dec 1986
G M Reddy and E H Coe Ir ) Oxford & IBH PubJ Co New Delhi
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(in Hindi) National seminar on teaching and research in
R Mitra and C R Bh.itia Repeated DNA sequences and polyploidy
nuclear sciences and technology. Bombay. Dec 1986
in cereal crops In DNA systematic^ V01 n plants", (ed SK
Duttaj CRC Press Boca Raton Honda. 1986 S Kannan Influence of phenylalanine and indole acetic acid on the
recovery from chlorosis in iron deficiency stressed sorghum
M G Neufler D A Hoisington Walbot Virginia and R S E Pawar. cultivars . Indian J Bot 9 114 1986
Genetic control of disease symptoms In Gene structure and
function in higher piants (eds GM Reddy and EH Coe jr ) S Kannan. Foliar absorption and transport of inorganic nutrients '.
Oxford & 1BH Pub Co New Delhi 123. 1986 (invited paper) CRC criiical rev in plant sciences 4 341 1986
T G Krishna and R Mitra Genetics and evaluation of arachin S Kannan and M S Shaikh. "Abscisic acid induced root-tip swelling
protein in ground nut Proc Annual seed protein workshop. in sorghum Biochem Physiol Pflangen 181 207. 1986
CSIRO Canberra. Australia Nov 1986 IC Dave and S Kannan. Regulation of 32 P and 86 Rb transport
from cotyledon to embryo axis by GN benzyladenine in germi
R E Pawar. R G Thakare and C R Bhatia Genetic improvement of
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National Sci Acad 52 405 1986
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gamma irradiated potatoes 55th Annual meeting of Society of
Biological Chermsis Tnvandrum Dec 1986 (Invited talk) A Sangeetha N K Ramaswamy and PM Nair. Partial purification
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M S Netrawali Toxicology of food colours a need for reappraisal
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National Conference on Environmental Mutagens and Carcino
gens Environmental Mutagen society of India. University of V S Narayan and P M Nair. The 4 aminobutyrate shunt in Solanum
Madras Feb 1986 (Invited talk) tubersoum Phytochemistry 25. 977. 1986


K K Usaf and P M rjair Evidence for the discrete synthesis of poly V Ninjoor and P N Snvastava. Partial Purification and properties
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V Satya Narayan and P M Ndir Enhanced operation on 4-arruno A S Kamat. S P Nene. DP. Nerkar and G.B. Nadkarni. "The nature of
butyr ;.e .shunt in irradiated potato tubers. Photochemistry 25. toxins produced by B. cereus BIS-59 . J Food Safety 8. 71. 1987.
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A S Kamat N F Lewis and D S Pradhan. "Mechanism of Ca-"1' and
S G Shirsat arid P M Nair The mode of inhibition of the biosynthesis dipicohnic acid requirement for L alamne induced germination
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A S Kamat and D S Pradhan, Involvement of calcium and dipicobnic
A Sanyeetha and P M Nair An immobilized system for the acid in icsistance of B. cereus BIS 59 spores to ultraviolet and
continuous production of formic acid using thylakoid membrane gamma radiations Int J Rad. Biol 51.7.1987
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Photo Biochem Photo Biophys 13 73 1986 effect of Lipoteichoic acid on Biochemical function of peritoneal
SC Tripathi A Ramanujam MN Nddkarni and C Bandyopadhyay macrophages Ind J of Exp Biology 24. 159 162. 1986
Thin layer chromatographic separation and determination of J R Bandekar R Chandei and D P Nerkar. Radiation control of
dibutyiphosphonc acid in a mixture of monobutyl phosphonr Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp J Food Safety. 68. 83 88
acid and tnbutyl phosphate Analyst 111 239 1986 1987
A S Gholap C B.indyopadhyay and G B Nadkarni. Aroma develop DP Netkar and JR Bandekar. Stimulation of macrophages and
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B V K Rao and C Bandyopadhyay Changes in muscle lipid com 30 893 1986
position of -white Pomfrete (Stromateus cinereus) during ice R Chandct KB S.unis and NF Lewis. Role of thymus derived
temperature storage ) Food Sci Technol 23 334 1986 lymphocytes in acquired immunity to salmonellosis in mice '.
Microbiology & Immunology 30 9001 9006. 1986
Aruri Shanna SR Padv/al Desai and GB Nadkarni Possible
implications of recorocity between ethylene and aflatoxin bio R Ohander and NF Lewis. Lipopolysacchande protein complex
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Arun Sharma and S R Padwai Dfsai. On the relationship between A C Pansare N F Lewis and V Venugopal Characterization of
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A run Shanna and S R PadwaJ Biogenesis of some antibiotics V Venugopal M D Alur and D P Nerkar. "Storage stability of non
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K Krishnamurthy KSS Sarma and DR Bonqirwar Radiation
MS Netrawali and KAS Nair. Enhancement of DNA repair in
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P Hankumar and V Ninjoor Influence of starvation. Triton WR 139 chloroplasts Environ Exptl Botany. (USA). 26. 271. 1986
and ' "I HSA on rat liver ivsosomes J Bioscitnces 10 44 1986
MS Netraw.ih SR Gandhi and MD Pednekar. "Effect of endosulfan
SV Sherekar SN Dolr MS Gor<? and V Nirjoor Protemases of nirilathion and permethnn on sexual life cycle of chlamydomonas
tropical fish and their role in autolysis Indian J L'xptl Biol 24 remhaidti Bull Environ Contain Toxicol (USA). 36. 412. 1986
440 1986 R Kaul SF DSouzaandGB Nadkarni. Co immobilized glucose
P Hankumar and JP Reeves Lysosomal proton pump New oxid.ise E coli coniugate system for the hydrolysis of lactose in
Insi'lht1-. i n t o i r i l . I I H I M i i i h r . u i f ' T I . I I I .|>or1 P r o c e s s e s <•&., G milk and its preservation '. J Microbiol Biotechnol I. J2. 1986
Poste and ST Crooke Plenum Press New York 1986 BS Kubal SS GodboleandSF DSouza. Preparation and charac
R P Scott V Nmioor and P N Snvastava Isolation and character! tenzation of magnetic hen egg white beads containing co
zation of cathespm B from rabbit testes J Reprod Feri 71.6779 immobilized glucose oxidase. magnetite and MnO, . Indian )
1987 Biochem Biophys. 23 240. 1986


S F D Souza. I S Meio. A Deshpande and G.B. Nadkarni. Immobili- P S Chauhan. "Scope of Genetic Toxicology Monitoring in developing
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leneimine . Biotechnol Letts 8. 643. 1986 toring of the Human Population exposed to Mutagens and/or
K Sankaran Endgoenous protein inhibitor of mitochondiral c AMP Carcinogens. Bombay. Nov. 1986
phosphodiesterase in tumor bearing rats" Indian J Biochem M Aravindakshan. PS. Chauhan and K Sundaran. "Benzo(a)
Biophys 23 66 1986 pyrene induced dominant lethal mutations in male germ cells of
Vinay Kumar K Sankaran. and KK Kannan. "Crystallization and Swiss mice'. National Conference on Environmental Mutagens
preliminary data of Indian buffalo erythrocyte carbonir anhydrase'. and Carcinogens. Madras. Feb. 1986. (Book of Abstracts)
I Mol Bio! 790.729 1986
M Aravindakshan. PS. Chauhan and K. Sundaram. "Dcmmant lethal
A Deshpande SF D Souza and G B Nadkarru "Immobilization of mutations based on scoring of uterine contents at mid and
microbial cells in geltin using gamma irradiation" Indian J terminal stage of pregnancy. XII Annual Conf EMS1. Hissar. Feb.
Biocherr, Biophys 23 353. 1986 1987 (Book of Abstracts)
JS Melo SF DSouza and GB Nadkarni. "Ocium basilicum seeds HN Bhilwade. RC Chaubay, P S . Chauhan and h Sundaram.
as a pellicular support for immobilizing cells Biotech Letts. 8. "Migration of nucronucleated erthrocytes from bonemarrow to
885 1986 peripheral blood in gamma irradiated mice", ibid
A Debhpande K Sankaran. SF DSouza and GB Nadkarni. A R C Chanbay. P S. Chauhan and K Sundaram. "The use of bone'
r.ipid method for the purification of D ammo acid oxidase of marrow micronucleus assay to evaluate clastogemci y of ben2o(a)
Tncjonopsis vanabilis by hydrophibic chromatography". Bio pyrene and its non-carcinogenic analogue pyrne in mice".
technology Techniques 1. 55 1987 National Conf on Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens.
Madras. Feb 1986 (Book ol Abstracts)
S R Ufiupa and S F D Souza. Microbial Adhesion and Aggregation
(ed KC Marshall) Indian ! Experimental Biol 24.201 1986 R C Chaubay. PS Chauhan and K Sundaram. Low do:;e-mutagenic
effects of hycanthone. MMS and EMS in mouse bonemarrow",
GB Nadkarni Proceedings of the 16th FEBS Congress . (cd Yu A ibid
Ovchmmkov/. Indian I Exp Biol 24 330. 1986
M Kumar M Seshadn. T.B Poduval. PS Chauhan and K Sundaram
PS Chdiihan On the role of whole mammsls m Environmental Chromosomal constitution and sister chromatid e> change ana-
r/'jt.igenesis 15 years in retrospection. Environmental Mutage lysis of munne lymphosarcome". National Conf on Environ.
nesis and Carcinogenesis (Eds NK NotaniandPS Chauhan) Mutagens and Carcinogens. Madras. Feb 1986 (Book of Absts.)
BARC Bombay 1986

PS Chauhan RC Chaubey and K Sunaaiam. Bone marrow OPD Noronha. "Solvent extraction technology of "'""Mo "'""Tc
micronucleus test in Swiss male mice International Programme generator system". An Indian experience Process design consi-
on Chemical Safety in vivo Assays (Eds J Ashby et al) Cambridge derations Isotopenpraxis. 22. 53. 1936
University Press U K Vol 1. Chapter 31. 1 202 1986 OPD Noronha "Solvent extraction technology of ''''Mo "'""Tc gene
rator system Radiation dose and personnel exposure conside
PS Chauhan. M Aravmdakshan and K Sundaram. Dominant rations ibid. 22, 58. 1986.
Lethal Mutation test in Swiss male mice'. International Programmes
on Chemical Safety in vivo Assays (Eds J Ashby et al ) OPD Noronha and A B Sewatkar. "Comparison of three RE agents
Cambridge University Press. U K Vol II. Chapter 31. 2133 1986. '"""Tc phyiate. '"""Tc sulphur colloid and "'""Tc-Sb^S, colloid In
the rodent species". Nuclear Medicine Biology (International
PS Chaunan ana K Sundaram "ScoDe of genetic toxicology in Journal. Part B). 13 67 73. 1986.
developing countries Bulletin of Sciences 2fl). 36. 1986
OPD Noronha Biliary propensities of technetiurn-9Emi glucohep
? S cnauhan and K Sun^aram Genetic Toxicology of environmental tonate I Nucl Med 37. 1647. 1986
chemicals A perspective Bulletin of Sciences 2(1). 41 1986
AM Samuel G V Kadival. MD Ashterkar and AS Dhalla, "Evaluation
P S Chauhan Meeting the challenge of accidental chemical exposure of Nuclear Techniques in tuberculosis", Annals of National Acad
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rial Working Group on Prevention. Control and Management of GD Nadkarni KN Pestonjamasp and CS Soman, "Efficacy of
Chemical Accidents. Ministry of Environme:;' and Forests. Govt propylthiouracil treatment in carbon tetrachloride induced liver
of India. Baroda Oct 1986 cirrhosis in rate". Indian I Gastroenterol. 5(3). 183. July 1986


G D Nad<\arni and N B D souza. Hepatic superoxide dismutase, SM Sharma and HA Krishna. Radioiodine therapy for cancer of
catalose system and lipid peroxidation dunng turpentine indused thyroid Proceeding of an International symposium on Nuclear
acute inflammation in rats'. Indian ) Biochem Biophys . 23. 238. Medicine and related medical applications for nuclear techniques
Aug 1986 in developing countries Aug 85. 335. IAEA, Vienna
G D Nadkarm and K N Pestomjamsp. "Effect of long term feeding of S S Dewan. Incidence of thyroid cancer in solitary and multinodular
eggs on liver and plasma protein". Indian 1 CUn Biochem 1. 8. goitre'. Proc of a seminar on Thyroid Cancer . Role of Radio
1986 nuclides in diagnosis, management and treatment eds D H. Shah
D H Shah and 0 P D Nuronha. (Eds) Proceedings of a seminar on and OPD Noronha. Pub Radiation Medicine Centre, BARC. 15.
Thyroid Cancer. Role of radionuclides in diagnosis, management 1986
and treatment". Radiation Medicine Centre. BARC. 1986
P Ramanathan Nuclear imaging of thyroid nodules ". ibid. 33 1986
D H Shah. M N Devdhar. R D Ganatra. R N Kale. S S Virdi and M D
Deshmukh. A combined detection and drug susceptibility testing UR Raikar. Ultrasound imaging of nodules of thyroid' .ibid. 44 1986
of Mycobactenum tuberculosis in smear positive sputum samples B A Krishna. Large dose wholebody radioiodine scan in differentiated
using biphasic vial system '. Ind J Med Res 83 123 1986 thyroid cancer-concepts, usefulness and pitfalls", ibid, 159.
R K leevanram. D H Shah. S.M. Sharma and RV Ganatra. Influence
of initial large dose on subsequent uptake of therapeutic radio U R Thakare, D ri Shah and U Vijayan. "Increased Thymidine
iodine in thyroid cancer patients". Nucl Med Biol 13. 277. lnt 1 kinase level in firbosarcoma of swiss mice treated with thyroxine'
Rad Appln Inst Part B. 1986 Ind J Clin Biochem 1986
D H Shah. A Kumar. S R Dandekar. U Vijayan. B A Krishna and AM Samuel. AS Dhalla and T.MS Mazevello. "Myelin Basic
S M Sharma. Serum thyroglobulin in management of thyroid Pmteins determination in tuberculous meningitis " Proc of an
cancer . Proc of an International Symposium t>n Nuclear Medicine International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine and related medical
and related medical applications of Nuclear Technique m develo application of Nuclear Techniques in developing countries Vienna.
ping countries. Vienna. 1986 441 1986 IAEA
R K leevanram. D H Shah. S M Sharma and R D Ganatra "Useful
ness of the determination of specific actvity of thyroglobulin in S M Sharma Radioiodine therapy for cancer of the thyroid".
the management of thyroid cancer". Proc of a seminar on Proceedings of the seminar on Thyroid cancer; Role of radio-
Thyroid Cancer Role of radionuclides in diagnosis, management nuclides m diagnosis management and treatment held in March.
and treatment eds DH Shah and OPD Noronha. Pub Rad 1985 ods DH Sh.ih. &0PD Noronha. Pub Radiation Medicine
Med Centre BARC 73 1986 Centre BARC 1986
A A Narkar R K leevanram P Sundercsan G P Phonclke R D S M Sharma and U H Raikar. Teaching and training programmes
Ganatra and DH Shah Immune aspects of thyroid cancer", in nuclear medicine lor medical and paramedical personnel at
ibid 80 1986 the Radiation Medicine Centre. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre".
DH Shah Ajay Kumar SR Dandekar U Vijayan. B A Krishna and Proceeding of an International Symposium on nuclear medicine
S M Sharma Serum thyroglobulin in management of thyroid and related medical applications of nuclear medicine techniques
carcinoma ibid 61 1986 in developing countries. August. 1983. 587. IAEA-Vienna. 1986.


5-1 Radioisotope Production stigations in cardiology and nephrology. A series of
technetium complexes of fatty acid derivatives have
During the year 1000 samples of various target been synthesised and characterised for possible applica-
materials were irradiated in the Cirus reactor lor tion in myocardial perfusion imaging. The radioimmu-
production of radioisotopes and for neutron activation noassay screening test for the detection of hypothy
analysis roidism was evaluated and 5000 samples have been
analysed The method has been found to be highly
A total of 65.000 consignments of radioisotopes
effective for the timely detection of hypothyroidism in
and related equipment valued at Rs 2 54 crores were
new born children. Extension services were continued to
supplied to various users in the country and abroad
be provided to several hospitals and medical institu-
Important consignments were 11 cobalt-60 teletherapy
tions from the regional centres for distribution of
sources supplied to cancer hospitals. 4 gamma chamber
radiopharmaceuticals set up at Bangalore in Kamataka
uruts housing hjgh intensity cobalt 60 sources supplied
and Dibrugarh in Assam
for radiation research and a 9 25 • 10'4Bq (2 5 -
10*Ci) cobalt 60 source supplied for a gamma irra 5-4 Carbon-14, Tritium and Phosphorus-32
diation facility set up at Sri Ram Institute for Industrial Labelled Compounds
Labelled compounds of carbon-14. tritium and
Work on the project for the utilisation of Dhruva phosphorus 32 were supplied to a number of research
reactor foi isotope production has started an lnadiation institutions in the country (or the use in genetic
container for irradiating xenon gas under pressure for engineering, biochemistry, drug research etc Two
the production of iodine-125 has been fabricated and important phosphorus 32 labelled nucleotides, which
tested Processing facilities incorporating a modified havf; significant demand, were produced on a regular
sequential scheme for fission products separation arc- basis for supply to 40 users working in the field of bio-
being sot up technology The construction of the new Labelled
Compounds Laboratory at Vashi. New Bombay, is
neaiing completion and the laboratory is expected to
5-2 Radiochemicals
bo commissioned during 1987 The laboratory for the
Various reactor produced isotopes totalling 3 3 • production of P 32 labelled nucleotides being set up at
10 Bq (9 • 10Ci) of activity were processed in 215 the ol CCMB. Hyderabad, is at an advanced
batches during this year About 100 consignments of stage of construction and will be commissioned shortly
phosphorus 32 labelled fertiliser were supplied for A wide range of labelled compounds and labelled
use in agricultural research 935 tritium filled light nuclcoiides required for research in biosciences will
sources and 927 consignments of promethium 147 be produced indigenously when these laboratories
activated self luminous compounds were supplied to become fully operational
defence establishments
5-3 Radiopharmaceuticals 5 5 Radiation Sources
Production and supply of radiopharmaceuticals A total of 2350 consignments of sealed radiation
was continued and over 48.000 consignments of difle sources with a total activity ol 3 03 - 10 ls Bq(8-2 -
rent products were supplied to hospitals and medical 10'CO were supplied lo various users These include
research institutions It is estimated that about 500.000 5 2 - 10"Bq M 4 • 10'Ci) of iridium 192 sources
patients would have benefited from the diagnostic supplied for use in industrial radiography and 9 25 '
and therapeutic use of these products Uses include 10"Bf(l2 5 • 104Ci) of cobalt 60 sources for use in
dynamic imaging of various organs, advanced inve mdustiy and research and 15 • 10"Bq (4 25 -


104Ci) ol cobalt 60 teletherapy sources for cancer Negotiations are underway for setting up of two
therapy Twenty three numbers of tritium targets and more radiation plants in the country for sterilisation of
sources were supplied lor use in accelerators, electron disposable medical products. The civil engineering
capture detectors etc work of Sewage Slucjge Irradiation Facility at Baroda
has been completed and the installation of the process
5-6 Radioisotope Applications and control equipment is in progress. The facility is
expected to be commissioned by May 1987.
Tracer Applications in Industry and Hydrology
Radiotracer investigations were carried out at a Radiation Sterilisation of Medical Products
petrochemical complex near Bombay to defect the
leaks, if any in the heat exchangers of the DMT plant The Isomed Plant continued to operate satisfactorily
The performance of the stripping column in the phenol and offered gamma irradiation service for sterilisation
production plant of a chemical factory near Bombay of medical products to about 300 user industries. A
was evaluated using radioiiacer techniques and the total of 5840 cu metres of a variety of medical products
malfunctioning section was identified Residence time were sterilised The sale value of radiation sterilisation
distribution studies in the precalcinator of a cement services rendered totalled Rs. 30 lakhs. In order to
plant were carried out using short lived radiotracers promote the use of radiation sterilised products in
medical practice, ready-for-use products such as dra-
The study of salinity of groundwaters in coastal
pes and surgical kits were produced and. supplied to
Minjur aquifer near Madras. Midnapore district of
several hospitals on a limited scale Research and
West Bengal and in certain parts of Haryana were
development work for extending the scope of radiation
carried out using isotope techniques The circulation
sterilisation technique to pharmaceutical products was
of geothermal v;aters at Tatapani in Madhya Pradesh
continued Physio-chemical investigations were carried
was studied by measuring the environmental stable
out on a number of pharmaceutical products and raw
isotope and the tritium content of the geothermal
materials to establish the feasibility of sterilising them
by radiation
Radiation Technology
Industrial Radiography/Nudeonic Gauging
A cobalt 60 radiation facility housing 9 25 •
10-Bq (2 5 • 10"Ci) of cobalt 60 was designed and Specialised radiography service was provided for
commissioned at Shn Ram Institute of Industrial Re inspection of welds on equalising line and bypass line
search Delhi The facility is being used for radiation to the Tarapur Atomic Power Station. Dhruva. and to
polymerisation studies The design of the radiation Neutron Physics Division for the installation of a
sterilization plant to be set up at the Kidwai Memorial neutron spectrometer being fabricated by them A
Institute for Oncology. Bangalore was completed The gamma transmission gauge using cesium-137 source
construction of the building and fabrication of equipment was developed and successfully used for locating the
are in progress and the facility is expected to be ready position of fuel element in the fuel channels of the
before mid 1987 Dhruva reactor


(Figures in Rupees Lakhs)


Research &


Rs 2 5 4 LAKHS


1980 1981 198V. 198S 1«H'«

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 19B0

TS Murtliy Radiation Energy Sources and their availability m NGS Gopal. KM Pate! and G Sliarma. Effects of Heat ETO &
India Pruc National Seminar on Applications oi Radiation GriimiM Radiation on PsylmmHusk Indian I PharmaSci March
Eneiqy in Industry and Research. Delhi. 1987
C M.ithai. A Dash. KR Balasubramanian. TS. Murthy. Separation T V Ramamurthy and K V Viswanathan, Studies on :""C0. exchange
ol Rn from Fission Product Solution". Proc of D A E Radio reaction with p fiurophenyl acetic and Microsynthesis of Carboxyl
<:MM!i!stiy ,ind Radiation Chemistry Symposium. Tirupati C labelled p flurophenyl acetic acid ". J Radionaal Nucl Chem
Lettrs 104. 13. 1986
I S Murthy Status of Radiation processing in India". Special on Radiation and Photoclieimstry. BARC Harish Chander. T V Hamamurthy -and K V Viswanathan. "An.
impioved synthesis of I4C labelled glycerol using sodium boro
1 K Miirtiiy Status of Radiation processing in India" . -2nd meeting
hydride . J. Label Compds. Radiopharm.. 24. 49. 1987.
of i UNDP/RCA project) National Coordinators for Radiation
pmcessiiKj Ku.ila Luinjnir Malaysia D Padmanabhan. R. Lakshmi. A.U. Garana and K.V. Viswanathan.
h hii^ KSS Sarma and DR Bongirwar "Radiation ' Studies on self radiolytic decomposition of tritium labelled ATP
Safely of a Tiansportable Moving Bed Onion Irradiator' . Bulletin of different specific acitivity". Proc. DAE/BRNS symp. on Radio-
of Kadiation Protection. 9. No I & 2 Jan June 1986 chemistry and Radiation Chemistry Tirupati. 148. 1986.
K Kn^hMHiiiurtliy and K S S Sanna Mathematical and Computers S. Mallika. B Muralidharan and K V Viswanathan. "Degradation of
Aids for the Optimisation of Gamma Irradiation systems . BARC U MC D Glucose during displacement with dilute acid", ibid.
1.865 1986 194.
TV Ramamurthy and K.V Viswanathan. "Studies on reaction of
K Krishnamuilhy Irradiation Plants lor Medical Products Steril)
tryptophan with hydroxylamine O sulphonic acid using I4C
sation and Material Processing". Nat Seminar on Appln of Rad
labelled tryptophan", 23rd Annual Convention of Chemists.
Energy in Industry and Research Shn Ram Inst of Inci Research
Annamalainagar. 1986.
Now Delhi March 1986
S Mallika. B Muralidharan and K.V Viswanathan, "A new synthesis
K Knshnamurthy and AD Naik. "Irradiation Plant for Sewage
of uniformly MC labelled glucosamine". Sixth meeting of Indian
Treatment in India and Abroad", ibid.
Council of Chemists,, Madurai 1986
D A Dabholkar and K. Knslinamurthy et al. "Radiation Processing
S Mallika. B. Muralidharan and K.V Viswanathan. "A facile prepa-
Research Review . ibid . ration of U 1JC i. /f-Metasaccharlnic acids". 1 lth Radiochemical
K Knshnamurthy Nuclear Techniques in Pollution Control-Workshop Conference in Marianke Lazne. Czeckoslovakia. 1987
on The Ganga as a Resource. Allahabad". National Academy of
N Ramamoorthy. P. Vanaja. Saraswathy S. Iyer and R S Mani.
Sciences. India. March . 1986
Development of a new "Tc generator using neutron irradiated
K Knshnamurihy. Parametric Relationships for Gamma Dose and titanium molybdate as column matrix'. IAEA's Seminar on Radio-
Irradiation Homogeneity in a Sewage Sludge Irradiator". Int J nuclide Generator Technology. Vienna. Austria. Oct 1986
Rad Phy Chem . 28. No. 4. 381. 1986
N Ramamoorthy. M K Das. B.R. Sarkar and R.S. Mani. "Production
h Krishnamurthy. Process Irradiators Techno Economic Aspects
of "Tc and "'"Tc via the "'Nb (-/ , xn) Reactions". Journal of
Management Appraisal Seminar on Application of Radiation in
Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Articles 98. 121. 1986
Industry". Bombay. BARC/NAARRI/OPPI Sept 24. 1986
T. Jyotsna. M R A. Pillar N.Pal. J.H. Gupte. C.N. Desai and R.S. Mam
K S Aggarwal. Gamma Irradiators for Research and Development"
Simultaneous assay of Triiodothronine and thyroxine in serum '
Paper presented at the National Seminar on Applications of Radia
ibid Articles 97. 45, 1986
tion Energy in Industry and Research. Sri Ram Institute for
Industrial Research. Delhi. March 1986 Grace Samuel. MR A Pillai. U.K. Singh. CN Desai. RS. Mani. Radio
VK Iya. K Knshnamurthy and A B Majali Treatment of Hue gases immunoassay of somatotropin using second antibody polyethy
Need and Poiential for advanced technology in India . Consultants lene glycol combination separation system". ibid Articles 97
Meeting on Electron beam processing of combustion flue gases 309. 1986
at Karlrushe. FRG. Oct 1986 T Jyotsna MR A Pillai. JyotiH Gupte R S Mam Carbodimide used
SV Navada. SK Jain. K Shivanna and S.M. Rao. Application of in couphivi tniodothyronme antibody to cirboxymethyl cellulose
environmental isotopes in groundwater'. Indian J Earth Sciences powder foi solid |)hase rariioimmunoassay . Clinical Chemistry
13. 2. 223. 1986 32 229 1986


6-1 Dhruva Reactor sing and proving schemes for solving some critical
operating problems of our nuclear power plants was
Based on the results obtained from detailed ana- continued. Development of fuel handling system for
lysis of fuel vibration from reactor and from mock up 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor and design
tests conducted on fuel element in the flow test station and engineering of facilities for utilisation of Dhruva
in Dhruva. design of fuel assemblies was modified, were some of the other important activities pursued.
since the earlier type of fuel suffered damage due to
excessive vibration. After loading the reactor with Zirconium-2 5% Niobium alloy is the pressure
modified fuel assemblies reactor operation was resumed tube material chosen for future 235 MWe and 500
on November 25, 1986 and power level was raised to MWe PHWRs. Experimental development of the rolled
25 MW. Performance of fuel assemblies and other joints between pressure tubes made of this alloy and
reactor systems was tested at this power level and end-fittings for 235 MWe PHWRs was continued. On the
was found to be satisfactory. Power level was subse- basis of the results, the design of the joint was frozer
quently raised to 40 MW, and will be further raised to enable further machining of the end fittings for KAPP-2.
progressively after gaining experience. Radioisotope A computer code was developed for carrying out
production was also started soon after raising power creep analysis of PHWR coolant channels. This code
level to 25 MW. was used to predict the limit on the life of some MAPP-
2 coolant channels with displaced garter springs. This
During the initial operation phase of Dhruva, it analysis is useful in identifying the stage at which
was observed that coolant heavy water was getting repositioning of these garter springs would need to be
turbid due to erosion of the aluminium cladding of fuel carried out. Experiments are being carried out to
assemblies The turbidity also contained uranium and develop a mechanical technique for carrying out such
fission product activities. The turbidity and associated repositioning. Work has been initiated to examine the
radioactivity was successfully removed. feasibility of detection of garter spring movement
through analysis of vibration signals measured on
Design, fabrication and installation of special safety accessible parts. A compact mechanical snubber was
lock mechanisms in all fuel channels, commissioning designed and is being tested for incorporation in the
of one of the main heavy water coolant pumps, with a energy absorber devices of the PHWR coolant channels.
prototype grease lubricated return stop unit, shifting Use of this snubber will eliminate the need for carrying
of check valves of main coolant pumps to a zone of out periodic creep adjustment of these energy absor-
streamlined flow, installation of split bulges in the bers involving considerable expenditure of man-rems.
modified fuel assemblies and installation of piping and
instrumentation for emergency core cooling system Development work on liquid poison shut-off system
were some of the important activities carried out for NAPP was continued to increase its reliability.
during this year. Readability of the failed fuel detecting Assembly of the Zircaloy-2 to stainless steel transition
system was improved by direct display of linearised pieces to be incorporated in the liquid poison shut-off
signals. channels of NAPP-1, was carried out by using thin
sleeve rolled joint technique developed earlier. The
6-2 Reactor Engineering Primary Heat Transport (PHI) pump test facility which
had been used for qualification and acceptance testing
Engineering R & D support to the 235 MWe and of NAPP-2 PHT pumps was adapted for carrying out
500 MWe Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) long term endurance testing of these pumps. The
system in different areas ranging from analysis, design, testing of KAPP-1 PHT pumps is in progress. The first
experimental development and testing of several im- two fuelling machines of NAPP are in an advanced
portant systems, equipment and components, to devi- stage of testing using the Integral Thermal Facility.


The engineering facilities set up earlier were used failure scenarios.

to solve some critical operating problems of power
reactors. A special feeder isolation plug was designed As a part of the design and analysis work for 500
and developed for blocking the flow in one of MAPP-2 MWe PHWRs. the mechanical design of the pressurizer
feeders to permit the repair of a leakage. An incident was completed. Theoretical studies were carried out
for estimating the growth of liquid poison front after
causing a prolonged shut down of MAPP-2 occurred
injection and corresponding negative reactivity inser-
when a pair of spent fuel bundles was trapped within
tion rates for various configurations. Preliminary as-
the fuel transport port. This situation was analysed,
sessment of the internal flow distribution in calandria
and gadgets and procedures required to retrieve
these bundles were developed and tested, and opera- was completed. Flow coast down studies were carried
tion personnel were trained on mock up facilities set out. Detailed stress analysis of Primary Heat Transport
up for this purpose. A special procedure was developed system piping, reactor building under various loading
to solve another operational problem at RAPP-2, in- conditions, and several components-including calan-
volving a fuel bundle caught in the snout region of the dria nozzles, end shields, header tee, seal disc and
fuelling machine. fuelling machine head-were completed.

A proposal to operate RAPS-1 in a partial core For the first Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, part
mode which would eliminate hot coolant channels of fuel handling system is being designed in BARC. A
around and above the defect zone in the end shield quarter size model of the Inclined Fuel Translift Mecha-
was examined in detail with the objective of evaluating nism is under fabrication.
its engineering feasibility. Detailed calculations on Work for the design and engineering of several
heat generation, temperature and stress distribution facilities for utilisation of Dhruva was continued. With
in various structural parts were carried out. Work is in the completion of fabrication of the control system
progress for developing a sealing scheme which does both the self serve facilities have been installed and
not call for removal of the endshield lattice tubes. are in the final stages of commissioning. Piping work
In the field of thermal hydraulics and safety studies of pneumatic carrier facility was completed. The Plug
a computer code was developed, and validated by Handling Facility to be used with neutron beam holes
comparing with experimental data for carrying out is being assembled. Layout of the cold neutron guides
transitient analysis of thermosyphon. An analysis was has been frozen and their design is in an advanced
carried out for a Standard Problem Exercise, sponsored stage.
by IAEA, pertaining to a partial cold leg break accident. Detailed experimental investigations were carried
Design of a chamber for testing instrumentation and out on Dhruva system to simultaneously record vibra-
control canbles under simulated loss of coolant accident tion signatures on a large number of points. These
conditions was completed. Hot commissioning of the signatures were analysed in detail with the objective
Boiling Water Loop is in progress of understanding the mechanism of vibration of Dhruva
Safety and reliability analysis of a majority of
process systems and engineered safety features in Benefits that can be realised by recycling pluto-
NAPP was completed. In the context of the Chernobyl nium in RAPS and the possibility & usefulness of
accident detailed safety evaluations of PHWR was irradiation of plain thorium oxide fuel in once-through
carried out. An exhaustive list of possible reactivity mode in a PHWR were evaluated through study of a
excursions was drawn up and the worst cases were large number of cases. An IAEA Coordinated Research
studied in detail. The source term for Indian PHWRs Programme on 'Growth Scenario with PHWR using
was estimated for single, dual, triple and multiple Thorium Cycle' was completed.


In connection with the setting up of the 2 MW in- For the proposed 500 MW(e) PHWR steady state
pile loop in Dhruva reactor for carrying out fuel core thermal hydraulic analysis, the location of control
irradiation and other experiments, installation of equip- rods, shut off rods, and detectors were completed.
ment, piping, instrumentation control and electrical
supply work for out of pile testing were completed. 6-4 Experimental Reactor Physics
Procurement of hanger supports, insulation etc. are in
progress Preparation of design and safety manuals Shielding measurements with first laminar model
were completed. were completed at Apsara, and measurements with
two other models have been started. Design of shielding
In the case of the 150 kW in-pile loop to be set up model for advanced reactor was completed and feasi-
in Dhruva reactor, the flow sheet and control and bility of the measurement programme is being ascer-
instrumentation logic were finalised. Some of the tained. Silicon ingots and discs were irradiated at
equipment like pumps, valves and pipes have been Cirus and Apsara reactors for studying neutron trans-
received, (Th02-Pu02) cluster presently undergoing mutation doping for the production of solid state
irradiation at Cirus has completed more than 8000 power devices by BHEL. The basic procedure for
MWd/Te burn-up and irradiation is still continuing. startup of NAPP power reactor was finalized and some
Design of container and handling assemblies for the check quantifications are being examined. A system
irradiation of xenon in isotope tray rod position was for on-line determination of coolant transit times in
completed. power reactors is being tested. Improved methods for
processing noise data from power reactor methods
6-3 Reactor Analysis and for assessing radiation damage in reactor materials
using damage cross-sections and damage function
Development of the dynamic model for the NAPP analysis are being set up. Computation of capture
steam generator has been completed. This model has cross-section of thorium was completed.
been used to generate open loop dynamic responses
for this type of steam generator for different disturbances 6-5 Reactor Control
and to design the control strategies for feed water
A microprocessor based failed fuel detection system
control of these steam generators. Software develop-
capable of detecting very small failures in fuel cladding
ment for the Training Simulator has been completed.
and the control system for the pneumatic carrier
System commissioning at the Nuclear Training Centre,
facility have been commissioned in Dhruva reactor. A
RAPS, has commenced.
set of spare shut-off rod drive mechanism for Dhruva
have been manufactured, assembled and tested. Design
With the help of a comprehensive computer code of adjuster rod drivo-mechanism for Dhruva has been
developed earlier, analysis of Loss of Coolant Accident completed, and a prototype drive for functional testing
(LOCA) in the PHWR has been undertaken. Simplified has been fabricated and assembled.
analytical models have been developed to predict the
temperature transients in the core by accounting for Kamini
metal-water reaction, clad melting etc.
The design response spectra and spectrum com- Analysis for automatic power control of the reactor
patible accelerogram for ground motion have been has been completed and microprocessor based regu-
evaluated for the seismic design of the proposed lating and protection systems have been developed.
Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant. Seismic design basis of Kamini would be the first reactor designed to have
various other proposed PHWRs were reviewed. Direct Digital Control scheme with a microcomputer


based reuulutinq system m which all operator com 11 24 computer as master and microcomputer as
m.iP.ii.s iiii; entered through .1 colour CRT monitor and slave has been developed and commissioned at site
i-'.''.' bend combination All the required opeiator
.ii nmis .in- prompted on. the CRT where the status of A microprocessor based channel temperature
;iit' N'.irtui .states air also displayed When the operator monitoring system has been installed at MAPS II The
r'.'V's in ilie command to stall the reactor, a trip system system, an improvement over the MAPS I system,
'invk ;s automatically initiated and. upon its successful provides channel to channel isolation among process
completion the command is executed. The reactor inputs and uses non volatile storage for alarm limits
protection system (Trip Logic; System) also is micro entered alter security checks through the CRT keyboard
processor bused with exhaustive self-check features In addition, it uses an improved algorithm for power
to enhance the safety of the reactor. Upon detection of calculation and provides better presentation of infor-
fault anywhere in the system it makes appropriate mation on the CRT
annunciation and bi incjs the 1 eactor to a safe shut own
Design of four way solenoid valve for the purpose
state An Integrated Process Information System using
of indigenisation of MOROTTA valve has been comp-
three microprocessors configured in two sybsystems
leted. A prototype valve for functional testing has been
and two colour CRTs have been developed The first
fabricated and assembled
subsystem configured using dual redundant micro-
processors, acquires plant trip, alarm and digital status MHD Generation
information, actuates the window annunciation and
conveys change of status and event sequence infor- The complete data handling system comprising
mation to the second subsystem The second subsys- six front end processors, one intermediate processor
tem acquires all process sensor information and pro- and a microcomputer has been commissioned at the
vides it to the opeiaior. organised as mimics, tables MHD pilot plant at Trichy Besides, a microprocessor
and trend curves on one colour CRT It also provides based alarm annunciator for 168 parameters has also
alarm and event sequence information on another been installed and commissioned at MHD plant, Trichy
colour CRT and logs all events on a printer
Control Engineering
Production of twenty mechanical shut-off rod
drive mechanism for NAPP 1 reactor has been com Thirty canned motors with special glass to metal
pleted Design of shut off rod drive mechanism for 500 seal have been fabricated and despatched for pressure
MW(e) reactor has been completed and the fabrication testing at Heavy Water Plant. Baroda Fiftyfour motors
of prototype mechanism is m progress. are installed in HWP, Thai and these motors are
operating satisfactorily. Forty motors for shut off rod
A computer based control system along with the drive mechanism have been manufacured and mstal
manual mode backup control system for testing two led. After successful testing of the first prototype 60
fuelling machines operating simultaneously in unison kW canned motor, a canned motor of 96 kW rating for
or independently was developed and commissioned. PHT pump has been fabricated.
The system built around a computer network of one
TDC 312 computer as master and two microcomputers Indian Railways have decided to equip 20 motor
as slaves, is being used for calibration and testing of coaches of the Bombay suburban train services with
NAPP fuelling machine heads. chopper controllers based on the know-how developed
by BARC. This know-how is being transferred to M/s
Fuel handling control system for NAPP-1 develo- BHEL and M/s. ECIL for commercial exploitation The
ped around master-slave computer network with PDP engineering design has been finalised for regular


production The development of microprocessor based were evaluated for reactivity eifftct, heat production
control for chopper equipment has been taken up. and radiation shielding. Design assistance was provi-
Eight inverter systems each of 50 kVA capacity, have ded to users in industry for irradiation of silicon in
been fabricated and tested under simulated load con- Cirus and trial irradiation of the same was successfully
ditions. carried out. For monitoring the transient status of
xenon-poisoning in Cirus reactor, a microprocessor
6-6 Reactor Operations, Services and Maintenance based xenon monitor system was developed and
successfully tested. Another microprocessor based
unit was designed, fabricated and commissioned in
Apsara and Cirus reactors continued to be opera
Cirus for monitoring of gaseous fission products
ted in a safe and efficient manner. Apart from making
the reactor facilii ss available for research radioisotope Over 38.000 samples of water, heavy water, helium
production and irradiation, testing of fuels and1 other and ion exchange resins were analysed for chemical
materials continued to be the major on-going activities. control of Apsara, Cirus and Dhruva reactor systems.
Fabrication of a spare calandria for Cirus was in Assistance was also given to other units of DAE for
progress in Central Workshops. Over 2000 radioisotope analysing over 200 samples of water, heavy water and
samples meant for irradiation in the Trombay reactors- ion exchange resins


V K M«-.'iu Ali MiiJ-hcr.c-i- and R R S Ycdav Parametric Study of N L Soru. R G Agrawal and Ra)esh Chandra. Performance Evaluation
\A(f%[.\i:v:-,fd Thermal Shock IAEA speciaiista meeting on Reactor of Oil Hydraulic High Torque Low Speed Motors tor 500 MWe
Pr'-sf-'iie Vf-ssel Behaviour under transient conditions caused PHWRs Fuelling Machines". Symp on Quality Assurance for
!,y thermal shoct Prague Czechoslovakia. May 1986 Safety and reliability of Nuclear Power Plants. Trombay. March
J1 T.' '.'•,-.:> Anupani Sharma R Sugandhi and S Basu. Piping Data
RK Sinha. B B Rupani JN Kayal and V loeman. "An Overview of
Hi-tiK-..iJ System (PDRS; an integrated package to aid piping
Progiamme for Large scale Replacement of Coolant Channels in
My.-.ijt BARC 1330 1986
PHWRs'. Symposium on Indigenous Nuclear Equipment Trombay
D G BfiofT RB Gro.erar.dV VenkatRaj. Design and Development Teb 1987
'A GditiDd rav D^nsitometer for Voil Traction Measurement in
V Muthuramalingam. A K Kohli and Rajesh Chandra. "Study of
Steady Stale Two Pna^e flow Conference on TheimaJ Systems
abnormal conditions in transfer machine of PFBR fuel handling
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 397. Veto 1986
system". Fuel Handling Workshop at MAPS. Kalpakkam Feb
7 V'T'^t Ra; and A W Date Analysis of Conduction Controlled 1986
Rev.-etung oi Hu! Surface Based on Two Region Model 8th V MthuramaJingam. A K Kohli and Rajesh Chandra. "Self orientation
Irrt'Tii.itiun.jl Hcii Transfer Conference San Francisco Any scheme and its implications in Fast Reactor fuel handling system '
!980 ibid
:-J K r/i-nl.i and V V-iiKit Raj Transfer and Fluid Dow A K Das. A K Kohli and Rajesh Chandra, "Abnormal conditions in
B"!-f,iich Relevant to Indi.i s Nuclear Power Programmes transfer cell arrangement of PFBR and its inhtrent safety features",
'_u;r''Hi Rt^'virod in Heat and M.v.^ Transfer A Compendium and ibid
a !<-:,<v J>r;f! for Prol At- ,/, Rair.achandran 1986
A K Das. A K Kohli and Rajesh Chandra, "Proposed transfer cell
Y .iit'.ila Bai i'Kitoni'iiti Recycling With Thormni in PHWR arrangement lor PKBR ', ibid
Seminar on f'.isi fv.xi'.r lur-j Cycle 1GCAR feb 1986 G K Agrawal and Rakesh Kumar, "Programme for development pre-
commissioning & testing of Fuel Handling Sysiem components",
YAW II.) B.ii.)riisiir;.ii S'-i! Sustaining Thorium C y d e in a High
Teniper.jiiiif yr.iprijV- R'.'.jctor IAEA Teciinicai Corninitiee
iT-.-tiriT on G;;s rrioiorl reactor and their application Julich Oct RG Agrawal Rl Patel. D Panchapkesan and Rajesh Chandra.
Procedure for retrieving fuel bundle, accidently fallen in snout
area with guide sleeve in retract position", ibid
AC I3.ibar.irri/. Kai-ccikar SUf.rj o1 PSA :n India !AEAAF:RAH
7/orKh'ijjo:- PH'.VR SaMy Ar.aiy.sis May 1986 D Panchapahesan. R G Agrawal and Rajesh Chandra, "Fuel bundle
extraction from coolant channel", ibid
S K f/el.t-i .if»l Kaniaia iialaj< r ishnan Growth Scenario for HWR
v/irh-Tnoniim CyrJc:, JALA CRP Research Contract No 4025/RB S Hoy R G Agrawal and Rajrsh Chandra. "Testing of seal discs of
PHWRs' ibid
P K Vi)ayan D Sa.-.a rind V Vrnka! Raj "Studies on Natural
Ccnvf-i.tiop ir> V'-rTicxl Annili H«-.i!rui fiotr. Bf low 8'h Inlernatjonai R 1 Patel. S V Raul R G Agarwal and Rajesh Chandra.' Experiment
Heat Transfer Corference San f'rancisco Aug 1986 to study the possible interference between magazine rotor and
separators and relaiion between magazine rotor movement and
Kaniaia B.ilaKrishnar. Adequacy of Indian cross section lib cam shaft relation ibid
r.ines IT. the reactivity predictioii of thonum systems BARC 1297 N L Som and Rajesh Chandra. Design and Development of Differen-
A Y holili and P.d)esh Chandra luel Handling Concept for tial Pressure Reducing valve", ibid
nunipi'im in pilr \",f\ mvr-ntory Seminar on last Rea'.ior fuel R 1 Palel and Rajpsh Chandra Simple tools to increase the availability
Cy-i" IGCAR I'eh 1966 of fuel handling system (1) Separator calibration plug and (2)
A K Kohii .inn Raiesii Chandi.i inclined Ti/ol Tiansiift Mechanism Remote Sensing Ram load calibration device . ibid.
Nn PI BR Syi'iposriin r'ii Indifjcpoiis fJi;rn»,ir Crj'upment Troinlviy
['•I. 1987 1R Rege R J Patel R G Agarwal and Rnjeoh Chandra. Measurement
of fuelling machine snout cavity temperature to safe guard
V '.' R.'inaiiri'ian /• K hohli .irvl Raiesh Chandra Iiici h>indiinq
oolenoiii valves of leak detector circuit and to monitoi the gross
(iriMpF-r fo» PCRR ilm! leal-aip through se-il plug ibid
Ml, S'/i.i RG Af)i,i-.v.jl aliri Ra|cs!i Chandra lnciiq'-n<)iJb Dcsi'jn
ai.fl Dfvc.opnicn' nl I)itf''Tfiiti,ii Pressure Hcdurinn valves for S V Raul R G Agarwa) and R;i|es)i Chandra Modifications ill
PHV/R:, central logics to safe ijuaid damage to separator tips ibid


Piee: K .wid H.IICS.N CI..HKJF.. Operating Lo g g in g .mrl H .S Soru G R.uiureddy HS Kushwaha GV Karandikar. A Kakodkar.
Tol.m.-ji.'Kj System !o; Fijeiimq M.i'Twie Controls ibid and N N kuikarni Seismic Analysis of 500 MWe Pressurised
P i a d e e p Kumar (NAPP i ai.d Rajes!- C.'ur.dra The Computer Con H'-avy Water Reactor Building ibid
troiied Fuel Handling S y s t e m lor '-.'APP ibid G R.imirtddy R S Soni HS Kushv^aha and A Kakodkar. Seismic
R a k e s h Kumar R J Patei j n d Rjjesri O i a n d M Use of Magnetic Analysis of Cajandrirt Vault ol 500 MWe. PHWR ibid
co-jpu',g in l'jfri!:ny ma', nine head 1o mf-re^se its a v a i l a b l y a n d HS Kushwan.i R S Soni and A Kakodkar. "Modelling of Reactor
maintainability Building in Seismic Analysis Earthquake Ground motion &
AK Si'-^r, H S huvi/.-.m-. . m r i P S Bjn',,. f , , n I Pudeep Antiseismir Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plants. Moscow. March
S:ngr F riaanuna!! ,ir. R G Aqarwai <i,'i<i R.iiesh O'.andr i Pail II 198G
Etlect o! Nev; Refueling mode (Ambient temperatures operation i V Venk..t R,i| HC Dhall. SG Markendeya and D N Shenrire.
on e n d fittings ibid Design and fabrication of Some Special Equipment for a High
R G Agarwai a n d Rajesh Ch.indra Testing e x p e r i e n c e of fuelling Pressure High Temperature Facility for Thermal Hydraulic Studies .
machine heads ibid Symposium on Indigenous Nuclear Equipment. Bombay Feb
A Kakodkar H S K'jsmv.jha a n d A K Ghosh Structural Consult*
rations for PHWR internals a n d containment und'-r various Ak Pal 1) Sana and V Venakat Ra] Development of Simulaiois lor
Populated :n;tialing events Presentation Workshop on Stiuctuies Hoi! Cluster J'tir-i Hlement ibid
for M'jcle/jf P o w e r Reactor Technology F e b 1987 V V' Raj and p. K Sinh.i Equipment foi Research and Develop
R S Soru H S kusrr.v.ih.jand A Kakodkai New improved Interference ment to suj)|iort Nuclear Programmes and Associated Basic
lit design for TAPS Feedwater No?yl»» Sytup O^aiity A s s u r a n c e
Rfsr-arrh ibid
a n d Iridj'jrrrsoiis Huckzt Eq'jjprnent T e b ]98V \>Y Vijayan AW Date V Venkat Raj and S K Mehta. "Transient
R S Son/ A. rjeeiv/arr.e H S K u s h w a h a a n d A K.ikodl-.ii Revis'-d Behaviour o! Natural Convection in a Figure of Eight Loop Case
fr-ift'ii" Analysis of TAPS I I'eeci W.Her N o / . / ' - usii.g 1980 of Initiation from Res ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Confer
n Cr.j' c Gro-.'/tf' Rales ilwi ence Honolulu. March 1987
.S K r 0 fJ arid H S Kjsrn'.aha Load R S Modak and S B Degwekar Convergence of the iteration
f o, fi! PHW 'Jut iejr Power Stations ibid scheme in the nodal expansion method for the solution of the
BK Dutfa HS r ;,:>/.•..'•. and A KaKodKar Modelling Methods ir. diffusion equation Ann Nucl Engergy. 13. No 10 539 1986
H'Tc-y, Ar.<i.y,iv --' ; i ; - ' C. rr>r»s 9!h SKIRT Coni^rencf in DP Burte and SG Vaidya A sector symmetric core concept for
UKjsanr'j S-.v!t/'.-!!arr| A i'i I 37 BWRs Ann Nucl Energy. 13 No 6. 317. 1986
BK Diift.1 J/S Mshv;.iha .tnd A Kakodkar Cffed o! Pressure of
SK Gupta HG LeleandLGK Moorthy. NODE 1. A computer code
fsi'juai Strt-vses ir' ' «;JUOJ Rod drive Mechanism on Reactor
lor PHWR LOCA analysis . IAEA AERB symposium on PHWR
Saloty ibid
safety analysis May 1986
•i K D'.tta '.VV Rarnana HS Ki-shwah,i anfi A Krfk.odkar Stress
•>nd Fatigue Anaiysjs of Fuciiinq Machine housing of 500 MWe KP Chakraborty and LGK Moorthy. Tarapur Dual cycle BWR
PHWR ibid Analysis of steam generator by pass incident". BARC 1298.
RS Sor.i GR Redrfy HS K;ishr/aha GV UN Kulkarm 1986
and A Kar.odkar A Unified -ipproach Jcr the Seismic design of
A K Ghosh N Muralidaran and R.D Sharma. "Spectral shapes for
500 MWe PHWR Building ib.d
accelerograms recorded at rock sites" BARC 1314. 1986
GR Reddy R S Sonj H S Ku~Jiv;aha A Kakodkar GV Karandikar
Dyanmir Analysis of Containment building of 500 MWe PHWR S K Charagi and SK Gupta Accurate Relatives for nuclear mass
Ansymmetnc Wodcl ibid calculation Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Waltair. 1986
R S Son-. GR Reddy H S Kushv/aha GV Karandikar A Kakodkar
Seismic Analysis of 500 MWe PHWR Reacior Building and D Das S K Parulkar. Y K Taly. Manjit Singh and B R Bain Micro
processor based testing of shut off rod drive mechanism lor
Generation of floor Response Spectra National Symposium on
Dhruva Reactor IFAC Symposium. Bangalore during Dec
Vibration oi Power Plant equipment BARC March 1986
N N Kuikarni I S Goray H S Kushwaha R S Soni and A R Manjii Singh YK Talya SK Paruikar. S S Talian. VR Nair. P B
Chandrasnekaran Standardised Earthquake Resistant Design of Desai Ajit Singh and G L Goswami. Design and Development of
500 MWe Reactor Building 8th Symp of Earthquake Engine an automatic resistance welding system for fuel rod production".
enng Roorkee Dec 19B6 JOM 3 proceedings. Denmark. Dec 1986


D Dd^ P. Tdnc),) SK Paruikar iK Taiy <ind Manjit Singh Quality Symposium on Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Indian
.insurance during testing o) shut oil rod drive mechanisms for Society of Analytical Scientists. Waltair. 1986
Dhr'jva reactor Symposium on Qudli'y Assurance for safety
and reliability of nuclear power plants Bombay March 1987 S K Mishra. Break-down of Dhruva MCP. FW Radial Ball Bearings
Lubrication System related investigations". Indian Oil Corporation.
V K S:id>.la Kuclear data utilisation for saiety evaluation of pile
Bombay 1986
irradiation r«juested via research reactor computer codeSHARDA'.
IAEA Inter regional Training Course on Preparation of Nuclear MP Kem and MR Hardiya. 'Fabrication of Aluminium Thermal
Daia for use in Reactor CaJcuiations Bombay. March 1986 Column plate ior APSARA Reactor". International Welding Con
H Bose and LK Prabhu. An Extraction -Stripping Procedure !or ference. Delhi. 1987
Enhanced Sensitivity in Trace Estimation ol Fiuonde Ion in water P Ganeshan. K K Rathore. "Centrifugal Fans Selection and Perfor-
•as 'is complex with Lanthanum Alizar in complexan Third mance . Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research . Kalpakkam.
!«itir;nal Symposium on Separation Technique with Sa1eli!e Jan 1987

ANNl \ l . R1.P0KT

7-1 Ore Dressing mulated reject oxide material could be recycled How-
ever, during this year effort was made to recycle
An integrated gravity concentration flow sheet some of the in plant recovered uranium in the form of
was developed lo the recovery of uranium various concentrates and also a few batches of yellow
values from the tailings of copper plants in Singhbhum cake received from Uranium Corporation of India Ltd ,
<tnd for exploiting low grade uraruuin ores from Jaduguda It has been established that all the normally
Jaciuguda Narwapahar and Turamdih and was expected inputs for the plant operation can be conve-
successfully tested It was found that substantial niently taken up.
increase in the recovery of uranium from these
sources could be effected Large scale tests 7-3 Uranium Fuel Fabrication
conducted at Mosabani Plant Site in association with
UCIL have shown that more than 40% ol uranium About 100 metallic uranium fuel elemenis (x-
values could be recovered from the Mosabani rods) were fabricated and supplied to Cirus towards
Copper tailings Low grade uranium ores responded replacement charge In addition, more than 1000 x rod
to benefit ation -.and about 60 to 75'J., ol uranium values components and 12 thorium oxide rods (1-rods) were
' ouid be recovered at an enrichment ratio of 3 to 4 also fabricated and supplied to Cirus. For Dhruva
Baich tests earned out on different types ol iow reactor, 143 metallic uranium fuel clusters of modified
'jtride wolframite ores from Degana in Rajasthan lor design. 136 modified aluminium shields. 1 tray rod
recover/ of tungsten showed encouraging ies'uits A and 50 ball guides were fabricated and delivered
rapid spectrophotometnc method lor the analysis ol
Besides. 175 power reactor components were
tungsten in low grade ores has also been standardised
nitrided. 1 control-blade was fabricated for use in the
Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS). 6 zircaJoy neutron
Studies on the recovery ol copper values Jrom
beam source assembly components were machined
Walan;khtir ci copper ore and economic minerals from
and 6 assemblies were electron beam welded and
the beach s-snds ol Kerald 0'isja and Ratnagin by
supplied to Karruru reactor. 12 stainless steel mechanical
spirals and wet high intensity magnetic separators
shut off rod assemblies were fabricated for use in the
were earned out a? the request oi M/.% Hindustan
Narora Atomic Power Station,about 230 thorium oxide
Copper Ltd and IRE respectively Petrornmeralogjca!
elements were fabricated and supplied for experimental
study ol lead 7inc ores of Rajpura Danba and Zawar in
work on fission/fusion hybrid systems. 6 uranium
Rrffaslhdn has been earned out with particular reJerence
alloy rods were made and supplied to Defence Metal-
to mineralogy of silver Presence ol native salver and
lurgical Research Laboratory; and electron beam (EB)
ores of Silver have been observed Fundamentai studies
welding of tantalum protector tubes for acid recovery
on improving various aspects ol mineral benefjcition
plant was taken up for OSCOM project of IRE and 5 EB
and petrominerajogy of ores were continued
welded tubes were supplied to them
7 2 Uranium Metal Production
Work was earned out on the development of
Production o! uranium metal in (he expanded hollow uranium rods, fuel surface welding ol bearing
uranium mrtai plant was continued and the melai was pads and spacers on zircaloy fuel sheaths for PHWR
made available for fabricaJion ol nuclear luel for fuel bundles, electropolishing of zircaloy elements,
Dhrrva and Cirus reactors palladium silver foils and dispersion strengthened
Since the recommissioning of (he expanded plant. copper
only uranium oxide received from me luel fabrication
shop was used as starting material so that the accu- About 400 kg zircaloy 4 strips from Nuclear Fuel

\ \ M \1. RKI'OKT

Complex (NFC). Hyderabad were reduced from 3 4 source reactur Kamini In this connection, a number of
mm to 0 83 mm thickness by cold rolling in connection NDT techniques based on radiography, ultrasonic and
with the spacer grid development work for TAPS. A infrared imaging have also been developed for eva
large number of tubular components made from special luation of the fuel plates in terms of micro-homogeneity
alloy steel were electron beam welded and bond quality Several dummy fuel plates and subas-
sembhes have been fabricated using natural uranium
Trial production campaigns with around 400 kg Kamini core is likely to be delivered before the middle
'A UO powder were taken up to suggest ways of of 1987
.mprovir.g the overall efficiency of PHWR fuel fabrica-
tion at NFC Strict control in press tooling tolerance Sol Gel Microsphere Pelletisation (SGMP) is an
and addition of admixed lubricant were found to be advanced method for fabricating ceramic nuclear fuel
very effective using sol gel derived calcined dust free and free
flowing fuel rmcrospheres (400-800 microns) for pellet
Quality Assurance pressing and sintering Unlike the currently followed
route using powder the SGMP process avoids gene
Quality surveillance on fuel bundles, zircaloy com ration and handling of fine powder thereby minimising
pononls coolant tubes calandna tubes lor PHWRs. radiotoxic aeiosols and process losses Further, the
fuei bundles for BVVRs. SS stops for HWP. forged Juel pellets prepared by the SGMP route have excellent
flanges and seam welded tubes for CHED and fuel pins rrucrohomogeneity and a pore structure suitable foi
and some core assemblies for FBTR were earned out pelletization The know-how on the SGMP process is
being transferred to NFC. where a demonstration trial
Against specific requests from other DAE units has been successfully carried out with UO, microsph
and outside agencies, material evaluation jobs, spe eres prepared by the "internal gelation route
ciahsed non-destructive testing (NDT). heat treatment.
machining welding and mechanical forming jobs on Post Irradiation Examination (PIE)
various materials were aiso undertaken
Post irradiation examinations of several Dhruva
Under an IAEA coordinated research programme. luel assemblies, mixed uranium piutonium oxide (MOXI
an eddy current testing technique for detection and bundles containing fuel pellets prepared by the low
classification of cladding defects in irradiated nuclear temperature sintering (LTS) rouie. RAPS pressuie
fuel elements has been standardised lubes and some components of RAPS and TAPS have
been carried out
7-4 Plutonium Fuel Fabrication
The PIE of Dhruva fuel assemblies provided a data
base thai helped in arriving at several design modifi-
An additional 194 stainless :."•" {6S 316) clad cations for improved inpile performance
mixed uranium plutomurn carbide! jel pins were fabri-
cated for FBTR This was the first time that high dose The performance ol MOX pellets prepared by the
piutonium was used at Trombay Special neutron and LTS route were found to be comparable to the enriched
/;. . shieldings were provided in the glove boxes for UO, peliets for BWR j,""pared by the conventional
keeping the personnel exposure to a minimum route

A process flow sheet using the melting casting The PIE of RAPS pressure tubes revealed increased
roll bonding route, has been developed for fabricating yield strength reduced ductility and no significant
dluminuium cl3d Al 20% u711 fuel piates for the neutron hydrogen pick up.

\ \ M \l RII'OKT

7-5 Fuel Reprocessing tion Plant (Trombay) lor treatment and conditioning of
high level i adioactive waste generated in the Plutonium
Reprocessing of spent fuel from Cirus reactor was Plant (Trombay) is in progress and civil works have
continued in the Plutonium Plant at Trornbay Plans for been started
reprocessing spent fuel from the new reactor. Dhruva.
are being prepared At the Power Reactor Fuel Repio Civil construction of Waste Management Plant at
cessing Plant (PRERE) at Tarapur. reprocessing o) Narora (WMPN) is completed The installation oi equ-
.spent fuel from PHW power reactors is in prdgress ]n ipment and piping are in progress and are scheduled
th • K.iipakkam Reprocessing Plant Project, detailed to be completed by the middle of 1987 Planning for
f r't;inopnnq fiosiyn procurement and labiication ol testing and commissioning activities is being done
m.i;or itei..., o! equipment HIP in progress Conduction The facilily is expected to be ready by the end of 1987
of the iov.' bfj'-'r <•' 'lie mam plant bunding lias been Design oi Wrisie management plants at Kakrapar for
• ornpi--'<jd <ii.d t h e c o n s ' r ; ; c 1 i o n o! lug!', b k n i- w h i c h RAPP '5 & 4 and for Kaiga Atomic Power Project is
f/'ih'-h t h e lij'ihly ;«)d)o<ic!iv'.- par* ol th<- plan? is in pioqu'ssmq Design of the Tarapur Radwaste Augmen
;>:-;qri :,:, C o m ; J t e r . s <;;e b e : n g w~c(i U> t h e :ii.mjmMT! t.ition Plant Phase III(TRAPNI) lor immobilisation of
'•'';<•:';< for ! h ' d<-si'j;i .ir.d ioi r i j o r i t n i i n g ' l i e p r o y n s s :,pf%nt lesins find sludges is also progressing as sche

7fic</;;r-r,ii'<;M.-> T< st F a c i l i t y i«'i ! h c P'ljion;;;:;; PI, Operation

issioiK^i A : r ; m b
Waste Management Facilities ai Ttombay. Tarapur.
H i}.i^ih,ui H y d e i a b a d and Kalpakkam for low a n d
iiii»-iitK-di.ito k'Vd waste: from p o w e r r e a c t o r s fuel
< f << • : : . . ; • f ' / t(;<- •;]><•',.iV.;vi pi.;: '•• J.ii>/i' ,iti';n fc-triiitjf»s a n d resr>a;ch facilities functioned
s.itis!,ict(j:ily Th'- discti.drgo of activity during Ihc yeai b " c n less th.i.'i 8 of 1he maximum p p u n i s s i b l c
- • ' T : ' 1
:•••/; •'•- • i » - ' . v i , > i ^ > ' • J i w , - ; ' . ' - 7Z~r, i<;'' u * ^o.u1i'-n :.nut:.
:: i , \",; ; . i ' i - i r - ' i ' ' f j i v r r i ' ' i • < • f / > ; r j r - I n i ! - ; f i t i < - r p i < > ' <••

•: / ; .):•!! !'i-'i' i ' ' r

r . i s !••;«•: !';: !
h<-pr»,pfr..!i r>.ji;i,pi
Research and Development

RosfHit.-b and development work on verification

IX-sK-j!: /.•/'!• •>? * h r P ! . « i n e e : ! r i r j j-'^ie i-i'sijty 10 .m(i ( homjc.'il Ij-iiiieis in t,idii;active w a s t e l e p o s i t o n e s
r e p : i'-^.-is t'if. i r r - i d i . i f e d Jhorturn { l i e : ro-'i.s f r o m ; h ' j v:-iy, continur-d In the o/prnmenls conneciecJ with
fO'.r.irr.i-, rc-iMors Cirus -anri Dhruva h^.s i>efn t.i!"'i. tlieim;> mechanica! .studios in deep geological foima-
;;p --.nd i.s prorir^s-->mrj .•^fi.sJ^ "ions undei smiulatrd condition, design modification
in heater layout and insttumentaiion has been done
7-6 Radioactive Waste Management and 1he experiments are being started again The data
oi»i.iiiK<j will be useful in the development of a reposi
ConsirsKiion of the hurveill-mce anri chaiactff! lory !oi immobilised waste in a deep underground
sation hlock o! the Solid Storage Sutvoiilance Facility yeoJoqjcal foi mation
v:hich lirfb br-rn |v.r.t» at Taiapur. made considor.'iblo Centralised Waste Management Facility
progress This block meant for lonq tcrrn product
evaluation is expected fo be commissioned »>y middle A proposal for sorting up an Alpha Waste Manage
of 1988 Design and detailing of the Waste immobiJisa ment facility at Kalpakkam incorporating the cost


estimates was prepared and submitted An interim to provide security at the file and data item level by
facility v/:th two glove boxes is being installed Studies assigning Security codes and Privacy levels Several
were continued to evaluate the phenol and urea application and report generation programs have been
formaldehyde matrices developed for fixation of low developed for processing information on the status of
and intermediate level beta gamma wastes and tntium material flows and inventories of nuclear materials,
concentrates Biological fixation m Aspergillus Jiger and to generate accounting report. By giving simple
is being tned for treatment of selenium bearing effluents commands, the required information can be retrieved
by an authorised user in any user-onented report
Nuclear Materials Accounting Database format Application programs using a graphics software
package have also been developed to provide graphic
A computer based data storage and retnevaJ system outputs pertaining to the data All the application
!or nuclear materials accounting from the fuel cycle programs and the database are available on-line The
{ jn DAE ha:-; been developed by the Nuclear system has been in operation for more than one year
f.'atenalb Accounting Cell (NUMAC) A genera] purpose The database can be extended to accommodate new
d-'jUiJ^iKc- managenipni system (DBMS) software pack types of accounting data with minimal amount of
h'le v/Hh interactive commands is used U is possible changes to the existing software


'.:•. ii,ir,.1.-; ,.'i:iy.;y .:.•.•: I .'•:•..-.ri,H-..II Reliability of artificial NPH P.idmanablwn M Manmadha Rao. S K Shukla.PS Muiihy.
:<-!<.K-[,. ,- s! : : i i i' : LYi.tionii Testing Plot of 3rd D Naiasimlian and N K Rao. "Laboratory investigations on
.N.ii:wri.i, .'iviT.po-.;;.;- .,.. l ! . " • , .- , M NSU III i NP1. New Delhi iiijkliand copper ore to optimise copper recovery. Part 1
.•>!.• 198G Benefications studies Part 11 Petiographic studies BARC /R 7.
3 986
PH bt-..!i V G ! J . I ! I - . ! ! " i H V;;.iV-ir.)'j!!.iv,iti Developments in the
••>• r r . i - . ' / j y o! |'jin::iq of .ipp'-r.dages foi PHWR I'uei Plot <->! h K Das VH Bafna. PS Murthy and N K Rao "Feasibility studies
IAEA Syi'iposKjr'. 'JJI lr';['rfi;'^]iH j n1s in Water Reactoi luel on upgradation of activated carbon". Report submitted 1o Indian
It- r r f j i o a / S:rx rho,;;i S.v<-d<-r. Sepl 1986 Rare Earths July 1986

'/ H.inO'j;j>j'J."y.jy.i and i. Veh.^t.jiainan Ultiasonit Testing rif Pielimmary sludies on recovery of uranium from Narwapahar low
T.'.«.r:ina Sit'*-, 'iVe.da Pro;, o! National Welding Seminar 86 <jt.«le ore by improved gravity concentration process . Report
<,V,75 80) ,;MJV7 » . j i j i . i . , O-! ]9B6 subimtted to Atomic Minerals Division July 1986
/ ?.' Hr "'- Snjtif c«n(-r;i-!i( <'s in 'jnconventioriai uses of Eddy S K ShuMa and N K Rao Benefication of tungsten minerals A
C .rr« ;.' 1'".1;:.'J „• Iri'i jst:y Pro' of National 5" on NDT iivicw (if studies earned out in Ore Dressing Seel ion BARC .
i i p ; ,,'•') ' ' " '],'<••.•<•;•, ,;i fJ.jtiDn.ji Giiuvljs Cain-tta Dei Communii atfd lor publication in Tungsten in India a status
icpoti being puljlished by Sub CommiHee (Group XII) on Strategic
'.: i;,,,: 1'f; r1 ,,r :•••: • ••" !• Vi('i);,i.,in Applicjtion ol
Minci.ils G SI Oct 1986
':r:u ^ ; ! . i [ . : . . .: ' i ; ]• .•' '.' y ,v\ t . V l h f r i l u f n . u c li^iti Ch Hamb.ibi; Problems of beneficatmq slimes and the techniques.
Piescnh-d ,il International Symposium on Beneficationand Ag
": i !'••], i' H 1'i . i. i' ! ' . ' ( ; ji.i'< !rifi'>..j*i.•< M ^ l i ' i d - . ir- H<" l s L i n c r
<ll'imi'Mtioii Bhubaneswar Dec 1986
,',1'i' ; /.'i t ; ' j ' ' 1 ' • i'.i; I'I ( ; i " . i ! . i - i ! , P' •• lit InK'
'.'.'• •) ' ;'•••• . r r.. .-, !)• • , l , i : 198V
HS Jh.i R,u.i)<i;i VH Balna KK Das U Sndhar. NP
;>'; (• ,.- •. > . •', • ,. i ; (, i i i ' . .null-; Vi|!')) f;H Subi.thmanyam Cli Rambabu and IM K Rao. Recovery of
'.','• '. • : ' 'i . > : ' ! • • j ••••• ' ' • ; - i ; ' ] ' » r i ibi'i
ui.iinum values from copper tailings by gravity process On site
test I]" scale up sludies at Mosaboni Pilot Plant Investigation
'.,", }'- • ; '.'I '.' j • ii', . i;'|-, i . ] • • ' ) • / M T ' I " " ••in- l.ihii .IVJII R<-|ior! submitted 1o UCIL Teb 1987
' -'- ! ,. , t ' ' ' , . ('">• ' •' ' • . ; ; i i i i i i .::i C' > ! V J I < - . • IJcv.

[»-' ••• !•--•/ IJ and N K Rao Nature of Occurrence of silver in

'.-,',, '•'.", ' '.''"• ''•!'• V I", y ,,f,iin j n d fi Vi>-i,'-!r.i')l'.!i.!ii 1 IIJ;I
H.iiptjia Dariba ores Raiasthan Investigation Report submitted
:• .: •' (,•••< • : . ; • : - ] •-»: j ' H 7 / H s !-,<« "' SVIM|I.^;-,IH mi
\<i Hindustan Zm< Ltd Jan 1987
l : ! r ( - . ' i: • ,:•••: • •' V. ,',--.n f - f - i j . - i r ••;.••. H/-H'' 'I Y S Muiti'v .Hid SL Mishr.i Recovery of Copper and Nickel from
.",• ' • : , ! , ' • : l i ? / .1 Complex Solution using Di(2 ethyl heryl) Phosphoric Acid
(' r; K ,.-.:•. <,..••;•:. . . • • • • " . ' • ; / ' j'i I . i : , ' '.-••"», Ic.j; I ,iiit;
iDIJMPA) !>ti,ic:t,inf Trans Indian Insl of Metals 39(2) 130
iV:.- ?;•, •.' .,"•;•'•• ••• "r i).•>.•.; /- . . i . s r u <• m Mcl.n

I ;- .- • <: d . ' ' >' ,f ; •','••• i..i; |V-ii ] ' W 1 KS .hy KS KoppiK-i and C K Gupta .Solvent Extraction In
ion Metallurgy Recent Develop S'-j>n S'K-h'e 8 1
- r B :--:'i: r : : / i , : H V R I : : . M ! }• f i h -.iS-.iri'.; Fl

• ; . . ! , ! ' ; ; • t • :• 0 " •• ' V •'• - •••••' - , - • > • • • • •' •••' -: M . ! t T i ! . i f i : : t < -

Y Hh.ittai liary.j P HarnaMishnaii J 5 UilJ and U H Mar wan Soim
••if *.j i- ,t'-i' F 1 ''.'.' ^ Pc' -' •*'-. 1 ^. , f""'>' f •' ^^yiT!]) v > ; • j I'", ' j : * O';.)li1v
f Aspects of tfie Decomposition of Isopropanoi ovet Cart)
^ --. ;r-tr< - ^ ' i ' . V / - ' * y <# 1'^ .. '.ii ; ,.;'v of !u ;' i '-i1 p'v'.v*-' Fia:.1s
O'ides Syni|>osiuni on Raie T.arths Application and Technology
;;ipr ; V ' " : -iv '.' ••' • V-Ml
IRE Bombay 1980
.". : ; . • ! ) • ; i' : •!? .-• •• V V, i ,-.iff.; h'jh.'V-in
).S OifJ V Hlt.M.H li.ify.i P U R M.irw.ih Study
0 i-i . ' . ' - . • .:•"-• ' /'••:•' " > l '•' f T ' - - - ~ • » ' • T•;(>'•• f' i PH'.VP-- ilml
'if the !\lV k"i Clii'iii.i.j','af.ilyst for Hydrogen Watel Deuterium
P V S Mi-rr-iR.f P r i f • ..f-itfi;-»r>rl P 7 n - i y . i ' . r i n . i v , i ! ; i;*-j»»-t i»Tif-*-r, ]'.>< h.iii'i" H'MCIIO'I !<<•' ''tit Advances In Catalysis and Catalytic
it 0 ..n;tv / - s s 1 ; : . ) 1 ! ' " *'.r f ' o t f , j - '.crr'-iiio-. >i ' f > r i ; > o n " n ) ' fr.t Ri-a'1jnp Iji'diieciirig Indo Soviet Seminat on Catalysis Hydeiabad
IHTP ibid 1 '.m,
RS !:vi .ir d V H B.i'n-i pfr1<-rTn,-)r>'" fvaiuafmn of finp^f-ivily .inrt C c;.in.jiii; C,r. l.nn PV Hegde U Uasak RS Mehiotia S
hf-rf-fin,a;if<n iiro'""->s for 'Jtaru'im rp<"ovr?ry rjattr.nai .Sym;>f»;;i!ini M.iMiind.ii .iiul PR Boy Developttient and fabtication of 7C
>r. appii'^tion of Comp'!f«?r in Chernic^i nncjirwnnq JGCAR PiC .'0 IJC fuel fot fast hreedei reacto) in India Nuclear
•pT'i 1986 Tf-r hn-.loqy 7'U 1) 59 1986


C Ganguly H Lanyen E Znnmer aiid E Merz. Sol gel microsphere Joining of Metals 3 Helsinger. Denmark. 1986.
pelietization process lor labncation ol high density ThO 2~- UO J K Ghosh IP Panakkal. V.D Pandey. S Muralidhar. K N
(,,<=•; fur ,idv;ir.ct-d PHWRs Nuclear Technology 73. 1966 Chandrasekharan. T R G Kutty. A. Subramanian. "Quality control
C Canguiy U Linke and E Kaiser Characterisation ol UO ThO. ot FBTR nuclear fuels An overview". Proc' of the Seminar on
!'i*-i pellets prepared by the sol gel pelietization process Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle. Kalpakkam. Feb 1986
P.-aMische f/etallographic April 1986 G C Jain C Ganguly. P V Hegde U. Basak. R S Mehrotra S
C G.uiu.ily U Linke and E Kaiser Mia ostr jctural characterization Maiumdar DSC Purushotham and PR Roy, "Process controls
of so; gel pehetized UO CeO peliets Metallography 20(1) in mixed carbide fuel fabrication for FBTR'. 1986.
IP Panakkal S Mukherjee and J K Ghosh. Thermal non-destructive
C G;>rvr.;y E Zimnte: and E Mer/ S J I gel microsphere pelletization
evaluation ultrasonics and metallography their interactions in
;>r'/' j .ss fo,' f.iJjfK .jtion of uranium and thorium base fueis
bond testing of composites . Proc of National symposium on
'Ir i:i.,.tic: Ann-ii'••IJI N'J< <-i,ir Sot ifly 52 44 July 1980
Metallography and NDT Interactions in Materials Evaluation.
A f S.-ri(j..j-\i (.' (':;:;y S M<i]urndar D S C PuiushoUiani and BARC Bombay 1986
f'H it'.,' 1)( inn,in.itior. o! some important therrnophysical
;-f.p'-r1i« '•• i UO . P-; )C fu«-i American Ceramic society IP Panakkal S Muralidhar S Gangotra and J K Ghosh. Charade
.". ...c'iP f/>i7i 1057 1986 nsation ot materials using ultrasonics ibid 1986
/' r1 .-<T"ri|>'.i r B Anna S Majuni'Mi C Gripyiiy and PR Roy JP Panakkal KN Chandrasekharan A Subramanian and JK
T:<-nt n • f(:i(iuiii/iiy ol sintered piutcruurn caibidt- Journal of Ghosh Role of m.crodpusitometry in quantitative evaluation of
•; .. ,.-.n t/.i).-n..;s iT;r» ?a? 1986 ladioiji.iphs ibid 198G
I \ {1' "•.,'. IP i'.ir .i»-r .i. .<r«i P R Roy Quantitative non 'icstructivo TRG Kutty VD Pandey and J K Ghosh Application of quantitative
'. ..iri'ir. i,' .«-,!,i(i it.:;i ;<•.« fjeicli'incnts Internation.iJ imago analysis 11. microstructuial evaluation ibid 1986
:i'7 ' : ; s 4 i 12 i960
AK Scnyupt.. Arun Kumar K B S Arora V D Pandey MP Nair and
IP P.,I...-- r.', !f GiK):,:! ,md PR Roy Analysis of o|>ii<,ij rUt.t
H S Kainath Effect of litarua addition on the thermal conductivity
;<•• • •'-fl .;,' i.t- .'•:•.:• •arljo'jraphs of UMniwi :>liiior.iiiiii mixed
of UO luel ibid 1986
• ••:•',!• '•;< . |.<-,,<'t-> :;'S"1" ",'-ai«'f| ruif !car fuei pin instru
in".,'--, -.:•'• mi' 1 ' •>'!• ir- prv/si'-H i w . i i ' !i (HfUif-rUnrlsi Voi B A K Scngupta U Basak S Majumdar and C Ganguly High
14 '/JS6 temperature microhardness measurements Its application in
T F-i fi f- • J 11>• K i ; ) P'K.iii )K Ghosh Hit- evaluation of nuclear material Preprints vol DAE 86 01
?M't'.r<- t'ci jf-rif ,:> -ar-'J (r.idsj'f suif^ic etvt'jy ol bint'^rcd on metallography and NDT Interactions in materials evaluation
.T-ir.i'.jrt. dm,;<'.<• Us-, y-,',i^u Journal 'A'-n.u SCTTI^P letters BARC Bombay 1986
A> ' «'jiied fr>r piit/ii' .ilion GL Goswami and PR Roy. Location of weld delects by Acoustic
K Ch a"*-r ,*••'• S^an UK Vir/.vari.ith.)1! KS H.ii.ic rishnan emission Proc of the seminar on Acoustic Emission. Kalpakkam
K S Sivar.jrnakrjshnari and P f. Roy BV.'B pipss'it" vessel Dec 1936
r,ur«e'.;ance programme Puh.tshf-fi :r< A.STM STP 90? 1986 G t Goswaim and G P Tiwari Thermally induced relaxation beha
viour in metallic glass ibid 1986
U Bas,ir ,ir .i C Ganqi;.'/ faljiir ,)1ion of TriO 4 PuO !uel peiieis
!c: PHVr/R Trans PWAI 1986 GL Goswami VR Nair MS Sargunam. SK Iha and PR Roy
GL Gosv/Hmi .irri P R Roy T/nntnrin'i 0? w-id defects and v/eld Monitoring of resistance welds Proc of the National Welding
process by .r_Tjstu fr"issior' tr.'iiar W'-j'liri'jJourn.ii I .r;l')80 symposium Madras 1986
C G.inq'iiv Advanced m"thof{5> n) !.ihrK.i?;on r/fThO 2 UO fuels E Rarnadasan ) K Hahl and K S Sivaramakrishnan Failure inves
for PHV/R« Pror EfJC S6 Geneva 1986 libation of failed carbon steel plug from PHT pump outlet of RAPS
C G.m.'jwiy Arlv.inrfd fi;f>; .ind .i-l/arirffl !.-jbri( alion rn'-thods in unit 2 HARC 1 869 1986
India Pro; of 6fi CirUK Con) Mii/in Italy 193f L Ram,)(l.)-,,iii IK H.ihi and K S Sivaramakrishnan, Failure analysis
• ' !•/•(• •• - . < • • ) • , „ , !„:<• T',73 212 BARC I 867 1986
G I. («osv/.imi A K Sf-nqupt,i 0 1 ».Sr,-,i7^ S P GargaficlDD Sood
High temporature compatibility of (UO pi;, )C HP Ram ! J | i :>i;i)b.ii,ikshmi and SV Kumar Application of
Ojvtiiiii/.iti'ir, !'•( iitngii'1 in 1hc Design and Operation of Fuel
Manjit Singh 1 ¥ Taliyan PB Desai Apt Singh SR Perulhar VR
R'-IM 1 >'•<•:. •.!!;() Plants 1 ast Read or I'uel Cycles Seminar. IGCAR
Nair and G L Gosv/arru Design and development of an automata
reistance weiding system for fuei rod production Pioc on


S c Trip.nhi A R,.iii.muiam M N NadKarni tind C Bandopadhyay K R.i)iindMT Samuel. Modified Pot Glass Process foi Vitrification
Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation and Determination of of High, level Radioactive Waste Piocess Engineering Aspects'.
Dib;;tyl Phosphoric Acid m a mixture of Monobutyl Phosphoric XIV International Congress on Giass Delhi March 1986
Aciri and Tnbi.iyl Phosphate Analyst Vol III I'eb 1986 GA Vaswani and P B Jahagndar. Tornmlation and characterisation
of Boiosilicate Glass- for Immobilising Highly Radioactive Wastes'.
S V Kumar Roie ol Computers in Radiochemical Plants National
XIV Inter national Congress on GJas.v Demi March 1986
Symposium on Application ot Computers in Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers 1GCAR April 1986 ZA Khan and Satya Brat. Behavioui of Fission Products m Soil
Waste systems Radjochemistry & Radiarjonchenustry Symposium.
S Yuvr.i) P R R Piii.ii SV Kumar SK Bose and RK Talwar Dec 1986
Appin ation of Computer Aided Drafting Package in the prepa C NagalaHshim KB Lai and R V Amalraj Mocrobia Denitnficahon
lalmfi "i Pi or <•!,.•, Instrumentation Diagram ibid
of Nitrate bearing mdusttiai Effluents Indian Environmental
H.S Cnnorra and SV Kumar Computerised Data Acquisition He.,1th (?) 140 1986
System for .i R I'IM" :"-!Tii' .si I'ia:»t ii«iri Hipiol' P.iul K H l,ai and R V Amalrai Development of Genera)
Plotter pi ocjr.uti with typical application Pioc of the Symposium
1A Sid'.iiil'ii R S Chin<r I.I mil S V Kumar Application of Compu •in appiii a'MM 11 if Compute!., in Chem Ijigy (11 CHE ) KH I pah ham
'••trvfi Graphu i*i-»(•!.Jv — Hi (•'!•• - i i ' i i •<> P i i i n l ii>i<i

V V S f.' iiii . i n l . . i i » ! r . i SI' Mam Duii'if- .ind A D Murthy L»penence P S.isidhar V Aiumiigam C Anan Babu and K B Tei hnujue
/ ! ' " i ' i," . j » > f i i l j u f i • ' ! ' tihn.i' Ti»••- s a m p i e s In' an.i./sis IAEA for evaluation and (oridHioii/ni) of sites for shallow Bund of
I i . ' ' - : r . S ' I I 11..11 Syt'ij"'.i .it mi t|.e |>.n r a g i n g and Transport of Radio.ii ti.'e v.'asles Ptor ol the IAEA Symptjsium
Hidi'.j t,.< !.'.ii.-r;.i, DAVOS Si.'.'il/e:l.K.d J:;rif- J986 i m thi ,itin<| Design anrl Constiudion of Undeiground Repositories
f"i R.idinai live v.'astes Hanover ("RG Match 1986
Hi'. -S.r..• ?f t- K YI-I , !n(.ji r.".it!i'-//Thomas RK Singh VR Raman
a:n! '.' y T '."a.:«n.i!i/ry Stidie.-, on the in situ elect roiylx PC Kaisi and RH lyei Det(jrmination of Uranium in Crude
ri-d . -in: ••! [.. ,'iiio'si 1 m Mix-r S'-tt.'-rs SymposiuMi on Ck-ctro Drn.inate C,I(T-S produi ed ,it the Uranium Conversion Plants by
. !;.-!'•i-,!r/ ir 11 . ,< a; T<-r hlioluijy KX'AR iJr-r 1986 Gamma lays Speetiometry DAE Symposium on Radiochemistry
and Radiation Chemistry Venkateswara University Tnupathi
I'h D'-y V V Rariaii ,IM! M h T fJ.iu D''V(-,oj>mon' of t i e I r o i y s e t s Paper No RA 3 Dec 1986
to: .arqi '. .lie prod i'lion uf ui.inrjus nitiat''to meet Rcp:o'c:-
-,uv) He) urcjncjits )l;ld PC h.iisi AU Hh.iiiu S Sahoo and R H Iyer Assay of Uranium in
1 used Salt Cahes generated at the Natural Uranium Metal I'uej
y h G:i|»t.i C;«-oi'(f ,uul U V.iradaraian Apph'ation of I abm ation I'l,jnt:> by Gamma ray Spectrometry Paper NO RA
,!ir)jr<-' 1 ni<Dio;l IOT di*l<>niunat<iin of t):;.ili1y of .Spirit Solvent in <i il)id

R"pro'f-ssiii'j 1'iant Rarliot licmistry and Radi.iiion Chemistry PK Kaisi l i e S'harma.LR Sawant S Vaidyanathan and R H Iyer
Symposium Vrpr.itestr.vara Urnversity Tirupathi Dei 1986 Polypiopylene Weight Buroties as suiiable Containers for the
Storage- and Transportations of Uranyl nitrate Working Standard
Pii.t.i Sf-n .md U ( eas;!>ility Studies on f i e DwonMnii
Solutions Results of a two year study. RA 11 ibid
nation < I Caesium 137 in Pur", process Streams by use of
morqanj' inn err harn" Ammonium Molybrio Phosphate ibid P K Kalsi R C Sh.-inna L R Sawant S Vaidyanathan and R H Iyer.
Contiolled Potential Coulometnc determination ol Uianium and
R Sl'.yrniai S G Ta,n:.-ar anc! A Ramairiiarn Estimation of Plutonium
Iron in the same aliquot using a Pt gauze electrode Paper No
iii Hirjii A.-tr/e •.v.i-.te IHAV.'I Raffuwtc Streams by TOPO nrtrartion
RA 12 ibid
RC Sharma PK Kalsi.LR Sawant. S Vadiyanathan and R H Iyer
i.'I) S i!/baia!--,hmi RP R.iiuand.SV Kumar Reliability Study of a Iterative Compulafioricil mothod (or t/ie rapid analysis of Iron
Radio i hernn ai using } anit Tree Analysis 39lh Annual and Plutonium by Controlled Potential Coulometry at the Pt
Ses-,i'm of Indian Institute of Ch"mi(al Encimeers^id electrode in 1M HCIO., medium Paper NO RA 13. ibid
!>•' 1986
AK PandeyandRH Iyer Potentiometric Deterinmntion of Uranium
V b God.-,r RK Math ir PK fJar.i/.m and MS Sunder Rajan in Phsophate sulphate medium using Ti(Ill) as the reductant and
Status rif Investigations for C"h,ii,)rierisatif)n to loi ate a hiyh its applicability in Nucelar Industry Sixth Conference of the
i " v i r idina! t i v •.vaste repository IAEA Hanover meeting Indian Council of Chemists Madura). University. Madutai Dec
Mar'i; 1986 1986


R C Sharma, P K. Kalsi. G R Relan. S Vaidyanathar, and R.H Iyer, R.H. Iyer. "Some aspects of nuclear track registration from solution
Preparation and characterization of U,Oe working standard" media". 5th National Seminar on Solid State Nuclear Track
ibid. Detectors : Application to Nuclear Physics. Saha Institute of
R H Iyer. "Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs)a Versatile Nuclear Physics. Calcutta. March 1987 (Invited talk)
experimental tool for research in basic and applied sciences. A.U. Bhanu. A.K. Pandey. PC. Kalsi and R.H. Iyer, "Alpha particle
NUMAC Report No NUMAC/86-20/TECH/R & D/GEN. 1986. and fission fragment track registration characteristics of CR-39
LR Sawant. A.V Bhanu. PK Kalsi. RC Sharma. PC. Kalsi. S in solution medium", ibid.
Vaidyanathan and RH Iyer, "Standard Reference Materials for A.K Pandey, PC Kalsi. A U. Bhanu and R.H. Iyer, "Possible effects of
Assay oi Uranium and Plutonium". NUMAC Report No. NUMAC/ high intensity ultra sound in chemical etching of particle tracks
86 21/TECH/R & D/GEN 1986 in polymers some observations", ibid



8-1 Health Physics and was found to be far below the levels prescribed
by DAE which is much below the levels fixed by
Special radiation surveys were conducted during International Commission on Radiological Protection
recommissioning and power operation of Dhruva. in (ICRP). Periodic measurements of chemical pollutants
RAPS I and MAPS-II and during fabrication of mixed in the environment due to effluents released from NFC.
carbide fuel pins for FBTR Hyderabad. Rare Earths Plant, Alwaye, Uranium Mill.
Advice was given on the safety aspects in the Jaduguda. Heavy Water Plant, Kota, and Beryllium
design of 500 MWe power reactor. Kalpakkam Repro- Pilot Plant. Vashi were found to be well below the
cessing Plant Project and Waste Immobilisation Plant water quality standards prescribed by Indian Standards
Project Trombay Safety assessment of Indian nuclear Institution (ISlj and the World Health Organisation
power plants was undertaken in the light ol Chernobyl (WHO)
accident A VHI" based telemonitoring system has been
Stand .IIOIKJ computer systems h.ivc been installed developed for continuous monitoring of ambient ra-
in m,i|or lu.vlth physics units ro facilitate radiation dution levels in the environment of a nuclear facility
pioU-f lion d<it<i t'.isc man.iqenirnt .nui to improve and transmitting the digitised data to a central proces-
operational etfuirnry A speu.ii training and quaiifi sor .station
ration programme has been introduced for health Several numbers of microprocessor based 4K
physics personnel in nuclear reactor and fuel repro multichannel analysers, micro R survey meter, auto-
cessmg plants matic sample changer and alpha activity counting~set
Radiation exposures to the radiation workers of up and spark counter for counting of etched trac' n
DAE were well within the permissible limits Radionuc SSNTDs were fabricated and supplied to the users
hde intakes by employees were also determined using Improvements in alpha ray spectrometry and etched
diffoient u <• hni<|U(."s and resulting exposures were track counting in SSNTDs are being attempted in
found to be //ell within the permissible levels Analysis order to measure very low levels of alpha emitters in
o! i.irli.ition doses to peisonnel in all DAE facilities biological materials
< or.firmed the effectiveness ol the radiation protection The distribution of thorium in lungs, whole-body,
procedures adopted blood and urine of occupationally exposed workers
Industrial hygience surveys were conducted re were compared with those in general population A
gularly in all DAE installations and special attention study has been taken up with Chitra Thirunal Institute
was given to all public sector undertakings under it of Medical Sciences & Technology. Trivandrum. to
The levels of toxic chemicals in the work environment determine the distribution of thorium in different organs
were found to be within the threshold limit values in all of laboratory animals
the DAE institutions The accident frequency and Under an Indo-French bilateral cooperation oro-
seventy rates were also less compared to similar gramme, comparisons are made between the passive
industries in the country radon persona) dosimeter developed in the division
Environmental surveys were conducted around and an active dosimeter developed by CENFAR. France
all nuclear power plants and at other DAE sites The Studies are also being conducted on a number of
computed doses to the population due to radioactive coordinated research programme sponsored by IAEA.
releases from these facilities to the environment were
far below the authorised limits Radiation exposure 8-2 Radiological Protection
level of a number of persons living around these Radiation safety measures were continued to be
instaJJatjons were determined, both external and internal. implemented in about 2.800 institutions located throu-


ghout the country where radiation sources are used Radioactive fall out in India from reactor accident
for various applications in medicine, industry, agricul- at Chernobyl in USSR in April 1986 was extensively
ture and research About 35,000 radiation workers are studied as a part of countrywide environmental moni-
covered under this scheme. Indi genous production of toring for natural and fall out radionuclides. A large
thermoluminescent dosimeters has been taken up to number of samples, including milk powder, tea, grass
replace all tht .»lm badges used for personnel monito- and edible articles were analysed. Food items imported
ring in a phased manner Computers are now extensi- and meant for export were also subjected to analysis,
vely used in the analysis and processing of radiation to determine radioactivity levels. The results showed
dose data About 400 medical, research and industrial that radioactivity level in air. land and food articles
establishments were surveyed for radiation levels and were within the back ground levels. Microwave instal-
authorisation and technical advice was given to a lations surveyed for non-ionising radiation on a routine
large number c' medical and scientific institutions for basis and indoor radiation measurements were done
the procurement and installation of radiation sources in Bombay and a number of other places in India.
Radiation saicty advice service and help were rende
red to all radiation source users in the country Inspection Section
including medical, industrial, radiation sterilisation
units Inspection of various constituent units of DAE was
carried out to confirm the adherence to various factories
The radiation monitors in various nuclear reactors acts and laws of the Government of India. Fresh and
were calibrated An intermediate energy neutron source necessary guidelines were prepared for the compliance
ol 0 5 keV energy and a standard of photon radiation of the laws and also safety provisions applicable to
at 60 keV were established for calibration purposes nuclear installations.


V. Abrol, "Design Basis Tropical Cyclone for the East Coast of India" V.K. Iain, "Use of thermoluminascent dosimeters in measurement of
Mausam. 1986. radiation", Hindi Seminar on Nuclear Science and Technology,
M.C. Abani, M.M.K. Suri. S. Somasundaram and S.D. Soman. "Technical Teaching and Research, Dec. 1986.
requirements of a computer aided health Physics survellance D.D. laiswal, H.S. Dang, V.R. Pullatm, K.B.S. Murthy. P.P.V.J. Nambiar
programme", Bulletin of Radiation Protection, 9, Nos. 1 & 2,1986. and CM. Sunta, "Urinary Thorium levels in normal and group of
I.S. Bhat. et al, "Behaviour of Ni-63 in the marine environment", ibid. Occupationally Exposed Persons", Bulletin of Radiation Protection
9. Nos, 1 and 2. 1986.
IS. Bhat. et al. "Distribution of Pu in the Tarapur marine environment",
ibid. 9. No. 3, 1986. K.V. Kamath, R. Venkatramani. D.P. Pirnputkar and S.K. Mehta,
"Radiation safety experience in 60Co processing hot. cells in ten
A.M. Bhagwat, "Plutonium and the human system-A short Review", continuous years of their operation", ibid. No. 3, 1986.
A.H. Khan and M. Raghavayya, "Radiological characteristics of
B.D. Bhasin, G.N. Kalyane and S.P. Kathuria. "TL Characterisitcs of uranium mine atmosphere", ibid, Nos. 1 and 2, 1986.
LiF pellets for reassessment of absorbed dose by Photo-transferred
Thermoluminescence". ibid, 9. Nos. 1 & 2, 127, 1986. S.P. Kathuria, S. Somasundaram and T. Subbaratnam, "Training
programmes in radiation protection and certification of health
B.D Bhasin, "An inexpensive crystal growing system for LiF and TL physics personnel in nuclear fuel cycle facilities", ibid
Characterisation", Proc. DAE Symp on Crystal Growth. VECC
Calcutta. Ian. 1986. K.N. Kirthi, S.D. Pradhan and S. Somasundaram, "Design safety
considerations for pelletron acceletor", ibid.
S. Bhati. S.P. Gard and R.C. Sharma. "Monte Carlo Simulation of
K.N Kirthi, S. Sengupta, T.S. Iyengar, S. Somasundaram, PN.
Phoswich response to a beta emitting nuclide present in the liver
Moorthy and R.M. Iyer, "Safety considerations during the operation
of MIRD Phantom", VI National Symp. Radiation Phys", Kalpakkam,
of a 7 MeV electron linear acceletor", ibid.
March 1986.
K.V. Kamath. I.L. Kapoor, S.K. Mehta and S.R.K. Iyer, "Safety experience
M.V.M. Desai, V.V. Kulkarni. N.N. Dey and K.C. Pillai, "Distribution of
in transportation of radioactive materials". 1986.
Cesium-137 in Sand. Silt and Clay Fractions of Marine sediments"
Bulletin of Radiation Protection, 9, No. 1 and 2, 1986. L.M. Kukreja, V.B. Joshi, A.M. Bhagwat, U.K. Chatterjee and D.B.
Bhawalkar, "Laser induced enhancement in the sensitivity of
S.B. Dabhadkar, DR. Raipurkar and K.V. Kamath, "Health Physics polymeric nuclear track detector CR-39", Applied Physics Letters,
Aspects of Radiotracer Experiments", ibid, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1986. 49, No. 3, 181. 1986.
R. D'Souza, V.N. Shastry, G.R. Doshi, T.M. Krishnamoorthy and T.P. A.R. Lakshmanan, T. Krishna Rao and S. Viswanathan, "Nitrate and
Sarma. "Disposal of radioactivity onto Arabian sea-bed-Radio- Fluoride levels in Drinking waters in the Twin-Cities of Hyderabad
logical Impact Calculations", ibid. 9. Nos. 1 and 2. 1986. and Secunderabad", Indian Journal Environ, Hlth, 28. No. 1, 39,
K.P. Eappen, P.M. Markose and K.C. Pillai, "Amine Extraction for 1986.
Uranium Estimation", ibid. O.H. Mahajan, T.R. Joshi, K.S.V. Nambi and R.V. Joshi, "Gamma ray
S.P. Garg, R.C. Sharma and S. Somasundaram, "A shadow shield radiation dosimetry using a NACL",: Ba(T) thermoluminescent
bed counter of in-view Uranium detection", Rad. Prop. Dos. 15. phosphor", Health Physics 51, 127, 1986.
61, 1986. G. Muthukrishnan and D.V. Gopinath, "Pion transport studies". Phys.
S.P. Garg and R.C. Sharma, "Non-applicability of gas-gain formulae Med. Biol. 31, No. 1, 17. 1986.
for prediction of light gain in gas Scintillation Proportional R. Mukherji. S.K. Basu, M. Bar and B.K. Khasnabis. "Measurement of
counters", VI National Symp. Radiation Physics. Kalpakkam, induced activity at VECC". Bulletin of Radiation Protection. 9.
March 1986. Nos. 1 and 2, 1986.
K.K. Gopalkrishnan. S.G. Sahasrabudhe and M.R. Iyer, "An Acffivation G. Muthukrishnan, "Monitoring of cyclotron produced radiations",
Method for the assay of enrichment", Presented at the XIII ibid.
Annual Conference on Radiation Protection. Calcutta. March K.K. Narayanan, P.R. Pillai, K.N. Kutty. K. Somanathan, Jacob John, S.
1986 Janardhanan and P.M. Ouseph, "In sevice Ventilation Study of
V.K. lain, "Thermoluminescence mechanism in LiF (TLD-100) from Hot Cells Using a radioactive tracer", ibid, No. 3, 1986.
90-300 K' Soiid St. Physics. 19. 1719, 1986. K.K. Narayanan, B.M.L. Sah and T. Subbarafnam, "Application of the
V.K. Iain, "Mechanism of Thermally Stimulated Luminescence in LiF ICRP Paris Statement (1985) for revision of Derived Limits for
(TLD-100) below room temperature". Paper presented at the 8th Environmental Discharges from Indian NPPs", ibid. Nos. 1 and 2.
Int. Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. Oxford, U.K. 26, 1986. 1986.


K.S.V. Nambi. V N. Bapai. M. Devid, V.K. Sundaram, CM. Sunta and R.C. Sharma. T. Surendran. T.K Haridasan. G. Knshnamachan -ind S
S.D. Soma/i, 'Natural background radiation and population dose Souiasundaram. "Measurements on IAEA realistic TJiorax
distribution in India". BARC Publication. 30 1986 Phantom. Evaluation and efficacy to investigate cases of internal
K.S.V Nambi and S.D Soman. "Inverse correlation between cancer Contamination". IAEA Second Research coordination Meeting on
risk and natural background radiation in five Indian cities". Bull. the use of Realistic Chest Phantom for the calibration of the
Radn Prot. 9. Nob. 1 and 2. 115. 1936. counting facilities for assessment of Pu & other actimdes
K.S V. Nambi and A V Sankaran, "ESR dating of Caterite of Basaltic- deposited m the lungs". Tokyo. Japan. May 1986.
origin in ESR dating and Dosimetry .Ed by M Ikeya and T. Miki. G K. Snvastava. "Analysis of radium body burden data of uranium
Ionics. Tokyo 175. 1986. mine workers". Bulletin of Radiation Protection. 9. Nos 1 and 2.
K S V. Nambi and M J Aitken. "Annual dose conversion factors for 1986.
TL and ESR dating. Archaeometry". 28(1). 107. 1986 CM. Sunta. H.S. Dang and DO laiswal. "Thorium in Man and
RN Narendaran Nair. TM Krishnamoorthy and TP Sarma. "A Environment". International Conference on Low level Measure-
nomogram to Compute Concertration jf radionuclides in Canals" ment of Actinides and long lived Radionuclides in Biological and
Bull Rad Prot. 9. Nos 1 and 2. 198G Environmental Samples. Lund. Sweden June 1986.
A C Paul and K C Pillai. "Distribution and Transport of Radium in a S M Shah and V.R. Deo. "Dielectric Plastic films as high level
Tropical River' Water Air and Soil Pollution 29 261 1986 dosimeters". Rad Phy. & Chem 27. No 5. 329. 1986
A C Paul and K C Pillai. "Transfer and Uptake of Radium in a Natural N. Swaminathan. A.M. Bhagwat and S.D. Soman. "Evaluation of
and in a Technologically Modified Radiation Environment". J neutron dosimetric of CR-39 (PM-555I00) By electrochemical
Environ. Radioactivity 3 55. 1986. etching (ECE)", VI Nat Symp. on Rad. Phys. March 1986
A C Paul and P.MB. Pillai. Radiation exposure in the mining and S.M. Shah and V.R. Deo, "Dielectric Plastic Films as High level
mineral separation of coastal sands". Bulletin of Radiation Pro- Dosimeters". Radiat. Phys. Chem. Vol-27. No. 5, 329. Int. J. Radiat.
tection. 9. Nos. 1 and 2. 1986. Appl. Instrum Part C. 1986
V.K. Panday. M. Parameswaran and S.D. Soman. "The distribution of J. Swarup and L.H. Pishori, "Transmitted Photon Spectra of Low-
mercury in the Indian Population". Sci. Tot. Environ, 48 223. Energy Gamma Rays through Nuclear Grade Graphite". Appl.
1986. Radiat. 1st. Vol. 37. No. 1.13. Int. J. Radiat. Appl. Instrum. Part A.
V.K. Panday. ."Calcium and Magnesium". Chapter 40. " Quantitative 1986
trace Analysis of Biological Materials". Elsevier Sci Publishers G.K. Snvastava, M Raghavayya. P. Kotrappa and S. Somasundaram.
Ed H A. Nekenzie and L.L'. Smythe. "Radium 226 Body Burden in U miners by measurement of Rn in
R.G. Purohit. V.K. Jain and T. Subbaratnam. "A method of determing Exhaled Breath ". Health Physics. 50. No. 2, 217, 1986.
H intakes as fraction of ALP, Bulletin of Radn. Prot. 9. 47. V.N. Shastry, A.C. Paul and K.C. Pillai. "Environmental Safety Eval-
1986. uation of mixed Cake Storage in Underground Trenches". Bulletin
Pushpa Raja. S Somasundaram, P.P.V.J. Nambiar. SB. Watamawar of Radiation Protection 9. No. 1-2, 1986.
and R. Rangarajan. "Safe Handling of Natural Uranium ". BARC/I- K. Unnikrishnan. K.B.S. Murthy. Shiv Data and CM. Sunta, "Estimation
879. 1986. of Intake of Pu and Th from the Measurement of Lung Burdens
S.S Ranade and V.K. Panday. "Magnesium in neoplastic tissues. and Elimination Rates". Implications for Internal monitoring
Cells and Subcellular fractions'". 2nd Ann. Meeting of Am. Soc. Periodicity, ibid.
for Magnesium Research. Salt Lake City USA, Sept. 1986. K. Unnikrishnan, K.B.S. Murthy, and CM. Sunta, "Organ Burdans
M. Raghavayya. AH. Khan and G. Jha. "Dose estimation for Jaduguda and Elimination Rates of Inhaled Thorium and Plutonium". BARC-
1312, 1986.
mine workers". Bulletin of Radiation Protection, 9. Nos. 1 and 2.
1986. R Venkatramani. and G.R. Naik. "Gamma Radiation Dosimetry in
P M. Ravi. M.R. Iyer. S G. Sahasrabudhe. M.S. Subramanian and S. Kilorad range using trihydroxy methyl aminomethane". Radio-
Somasundaram. "Estimation of ""I by low energy photon chem. and Rad. Chem. Symp. Tirupathi. Dec. 1986.
spectrometry and neutron activation analysis", The DAE symp. M.S. Valiathan. C.C. Kartha. V.K. Panday H.S. Dang and CM. Sunta.
and Radiochemistry. Tirupathi. Dec. 1986. "Geochemical basis of endomyocardial fibrosis". Brit J. Cardio-
S.D Soman. T.M. Krishnamoorthy. G.R. Doshi, S.H. Sadarangani. M.L. vascular Research. 1986.
Joshi, S. Rajan and P.K. Vaze. " M C Releases from nuclear S. Venkatesan. "Study of Response of Process Radiation Monitoring
facilities". Annual Report of The Research contaract Rc/2904/ and the application to determine Alarm and Trip Points". Bulletin
R4/India IAEA working group Argentina, Nov. 1986. of Rad. Prot. 9. Nos. 1 and 2. 1986.


S. Venkatraman and A.H. Khan. "Radium-226 content of effluents A.K. Nehate. T.R. loshi, SP Kathuria and RV Joshi. "Effect of
from a copper mine and concentrator", ibid. variable UV dose on TL of NaCl: (T) material". Health Physics. 50.
AC. Paul and K.C. Pillai. "Distribution and transport of radium in a 485. 1986.
tropical river". Waier, Air and Soil Pollution. 29. 261, 1986. S.K Dua. N. Gopalan. P Kotrappa and P.P. Chakraborty. Double
G Muthukrishnan and D.V. Gopinath, "Pion transport studies'. Phys. filter method for measurement of concentration of radioactive
Med. BioL 31. 17. 1986. Krypton and Xenon gases". Radiation Prot. Dosimetry. 15. No 3,
203. 1986.
G.K. Srivaatava. M. Raghavayya. P. Kotrappa and S. Somasundaram,
Radium 226 Body Burden in U Miners by Measurement of Rn in P.M. Ravi. M.R. Iyer. S.G. Sahasrabudhe. M.S. Subramanian and S.
Exhaled Breath". Health Physics 50. No. 2. 217. 1986. Somasundaram. "A method of quick estimation of 1-129 bv low
energy photon spectrometry". J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Letters.
A C Paul and K C Pillai. 'Transfer and Uptake of Radium in a Natural 108, 99. 1986
and in a Technologically Modified Radiation Environment". J.
P.K. Gopalkrishnan. S.G. Sahasrabudhe and M.R. Iyer. "An activation
Envuon Radioactivity. 3. 55. 1986.
method for the assay of U-enrichment", XIII Annual Conference
M V M Desai. V V Kulkarni. N.N. Dey and K.C Pillai. "Distribution of of IARP. Calcutta, 1986.
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I S Sachidanandam. The Photon in Perspective", Sixth Symp. on

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MA. Prasad. "A Restricted Random Walk on a one-dimensional D Sharma. M.G. Shaham. U.V Phadnis and B K Kambo) 14 MeV
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low Energy Electrons. Proc. VI National Workshop on Atomic & Methods in Physics research A 244. 513. 1986.
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K.D. Pushpangadan, G. Subrahmanian, A. Kannan and V.D Kadam.
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Vapour for Electron Impact, ibid. 75, 1986. Phys. Bull.. 11 (3 and 4), 41. 1986.
V.V. Dcorukhaker and M.S.S. Murthy, "Effect of anoxia on Cellular A. Kannan and S.B. Naik. "Procedures for Absorbed Dose Calibration
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M.SS. Murthy and. K.B. Anjaria, "On the Genetic Status of Normal
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381. 1986. "Calibration of Brachytherapy Sources", ibid. 221. 1986.
V.V. Deorukhaker, B.S. Rao and K.B. Anjaria. "Hyperthermic Inhibition K.N. Govindrajan. "Paterson-Parker Tables in units of Air Kerma".
of Recovery from Radiation Damage in Diploid Yeast", Symp. on ibid. 223, 1986.
Biophysical Aspects of Cell Structure and Function, Lucknow. P.N.M.R. Vijayan. V.W. Naik and A. Kannan. "Calibration of Radiation
65, 1986 Monitoring Instruments in terms of Dose Equivalent Units", ibid.
B.S. Rao, "Radiation Carcinogenesis", Proc. workshop on ICRP and 547. 1986.
Related Publications , Bombay. 33, 1986. A. Sankaran. "Investigations on a Scanner for Radiation Field
B.S. Rao. "Non Stochastic Effects or Radiation", ibid, 43. 1986. Studies". Ph.D. Thesis Bombay University. March 1986
Gouri Unnikrishnan. Kamala Gopakumar and D. Krishnan. "Ozone S Kannan, M.D Lalsare and P. Gangadharan, "A Microprocessor
Plus Radiation on Aqueous Solution of DNA-A suggestion for Based Radiation Survey Meter". Bull. Radiat. Prot.. 9. 41, 1986
treatment of waste water", Radiat. Phy. Chem. 28. 281, 1986.
A. Sankaran. "Derivation of Absorbed Dose in Tissue Equivalent
M.H. Doshi, G. Unnikrishnan, K. Gopakumar, N.S. Bhandari and D. Phantoms using the DRP Secondary Standard and Digital Dosi-
Krishnan. "Estimation of Inorganic Phosphate in Aqueous Solutions meters. AMPI. Med Phys. Bull.. 11(2). 81. 1986.
of DNA : A modification of the Berenblum-Chain method". J.
Radional. Nucl. Chem. Letters 103, 291, 1986. HO. Mittal. R.N. Das Sarma. K. Aravindakshan and P. Gangadharan.
D. Krishnan and Gouri Unnikrishnan. "Routine Internal Monitoring "A Microprocessor Based Film Dosimeter Reader". AMPI Med.
and ALT', Letters to the Editor. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry, 12, 377, Phy. Bull 11 (3 and 4). 298. 1986.
1986. A. Sankaran and A. Narayanan, "Compact Rugged Solid State Film
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Dose Modifiers on Fractionation in Radiotherapy". (Abs.), Med. ibid. 302, 1986.
Phy. Bull. 11, No. 3 and 4. 339. 1986. V.H Risbud. G. Ramanathan and P. Gangadharan. "Scintillation
D. Krishnan. "Patient Dose in Diagnostic Medicine : How to Quantitate" Monitor with Fast Response for Monitoring around Diagnostic X-
(Abs.), ibid, 456. 1986. ray Installations" ibid, 306. 1986.


M.R. Deokar, P. Jacob and P. Gangadharan "DRP Secondary Standard S. Sadasivan. B.S. Negi and U.C. Mishra. "EDXRF Analysis of
Dosimeters-A Field Performance Evaluation", ibid. 310, !986. Environmental Samples-lntercomparison of results with other
analysis methods and results of International Intercompanson of
A. Sankaran. V.S Patki and R.S. Gokarn "Patient Dose Measurement Fly-ash Samples", National Workshop on Engery Dispersive X
and Quality Assurance Tests in X-ray Diagnosis with a novel ray Fluorescence Technique and their applications. Srinagar.
"diamantor" Chamber and Photodetector System", ibid, 320. 1986.
S. Sadasivan. R.K. Verma and U.C. Mishra, "Source and Tube
T.N. Mahadevan. V. Meenakshy and U.C. Mishra. "Fluoride Cycling
excited EDXRF system for Environmental and Geological Appli
in Nature through Precipitation", Atmos. Environ. 20, 9.1745.1986.
cations" abid.
BY. Lalit. TV. Ramachandran and U.C. Mishra, "Natural Radiation
B.S Negi, S. Sadasivan and U.C. Mishra. •Application of EDXRF
Environment of Nasik and Neyveli Thermal Power Plants",
Analysisto air quality monitoring in India", ibid.
Science of Total Environment, 52, 221, 1986.
U.C. Mishra and G.N. Shaikh, "Simultaneous Multi-element Deter- U.C. Mishra. S. Sadasivan and B.S. Negi. "Source Characterisation of
mination of Chewing and Snuff Tobacco used in India by INAA", Aerosis for a few cities In India by muln-variate analysis and
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Technique". National
Journ. Radio. Analy. & Nucl Chem. Articles 98 (2), 297, 1986.
Seminar on Environmental Pollution Control and Monitoring.
U.C. Mishra, "Status of Air Monitoring Instruments Developments in CSICO. Chandigarh, 1986.
India", Chem. Engg. World, XXI, 4, 65, 1986.
R.N. Khandekar. R.M. Tripathi. R. Ragunath and U.C. Mishra. "Toxic
S. Sadasivan and U.C. Mishra. "Radioactive Fallout from Chernobyl", Heavy Metals in the Environment of Greater Bombay". National
Nature 324, 23. 1986. Seminar on Env. Pollution Control & Monitoring, Chandigarh.
TV. Ramachandran. BY. Lalit and U.C. Mishra. "Measurement of 1986.
Radon and Thoron present in the Environment using Nuclear R.N. Khandekar. R. Ragunath and U.C. Mishra. "Dental Lead Levels
Track Etch Detector Technique", Nuclear Tracks and Radiation in Urban Indian Population". Science of Total Environment. 58.
Measurements. 11, (4-5), 245, 1986. 231. 1986.
U.C. Mishra. G.N. Shaikh and S. Sadasivan. "Trace Elements in J.P. Gupta and R.N. Sachdev, "Microwave Radiation Hazards and
Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke by X-ray Fluorescence Techniques" Safety Limits Adopted by Different Countries". Bull, of Rad Prot..
J. of Radio-analytical & Nuclear Chemistry-Articles 102, (1), 27, 9. 167. 1986.
1986 T.V. Ramachandran. T.3. Muraleedharan and M.C. Subba Ramu.
BY Lalit, TV Ramachandran and U.C. Mishra, "Radiation Exposures "Some Preliminary Measurements of Working Level Concentration
due to Coal Fired Power Stations in India", Rad. Protection of Radon in Dwellings in Bombay". Bull. Rad. Prot.. 9 (1 and 2).
Dosimetry. 15. 3, 197, 1986. 151. 1986

TV. Ramachandran, BY Lalit and U.C.Mishra. "Measurements of T.S. Muraleedharan, TV. Ramachandran and M.C. Subba Ramu. "A
Radon Levels in some Non-Uranium Mines in India using Nuclear Computerised model for the calculation of activity to dose
Tract Etch Techniques". Buil. Rad Prot., 9 (1 and 2), 83. 1986. conversion factor for radon daughter inhalation in dwellings".
BARC Report No 1317. 1986.
U.C. Mishra. "Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence for Trace M.C. Subba Ramu. G.N. Shaikh. T.S Muraleedharan and TV.
Element Analysis in Environmental Samples". IANCAS Bulletin. 1 Ramachandran. "Present Status of Health Hazard Evaluation
(2), 14. 1986. Problems associated with radon progeny inhalation'. 2nd
Symp. on Deposition and Clearance. Salsburg. 1986
U.C. Mishra. "Auto Pollution" Science Today. 10. 1986.
M.C. Subba Ramu and T.S. Muraleedharan. "Formation of aerosols
P.V.N. Nair. P.V. Joshi and U.C. Mishra, "A New Method of Characte- in Irradiated atmosphere". I Aerosol Sci, 17. 1986
risation of Condensation nuclei using an Expansion Counter",
Aerosols-Formation and Reactivity. Pergamon Press, 859, 1986. TV. Ramachandran and M.C. Subba Ramu. "Control of radon and its
progeny Concentration in Indoor Atmosphere". Bull. Rad. Prot..
G.N. Shaikh. U.C Mishra and D. Krishnan. "Estimation of some 9. 4. 1986.
corrections in ALI and DAC for Indian conditions for Unsealed G.N. Shaikh, "Analysis of toxic and harmful elements by netron
Radionuclides', Asian Regional Conference on Medical Physics. activation and ingestion risks due to human habits of smoking
Bombay. 1986. and other tobacco uses". Ph.D. thesis. Gujarat University. 1986.


C Rangarajan. R Madhavan nnd S Gopalaknshnan. Spatial G Swarup. I P Gupta. K K Rajan and R N Sachdev ' Infrared based
and Temporal Distribution of Lead-210 in the Surface Layers of carbon monoxide and methane monitors for environmental
the Atmosphere . I of Envt. Radioactivity. 3, 23. 1986 health and safety". Bull Rad Prot. 9 21. 1986
C Rangaraian. CD Eapen and S. Gopalaknshnan Measured A M Mohan Rao. G G 'Pandit and R Rajagopalan. Determination ol
Values of the Dry Deposition Velocities of Atmosphere Aerosols benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons in atmosphere by gas
Carrying Natural and Fallout Radionuclides using Artificial col Chiomatoyraphy . he Nat.onal Seminar on Environmental
lectors. ] Water. Air. an1 Soil Pollution. 27. 305. 1986 Pollution Control and Monitoring. CSIO Chandigarh 1986
C D. Eapen and C. Rangarajan, "Radon Measurements in the South
Indian Ocean during the Third Indian Antarctic Expedition of A J Netravalkar and A M. Mohan Rao. "Estimation of C. C. hydro
1983-84. Current Science. 55(9). 460 1986. carbons in air by preconcentration on silica gel at dry ice
temperature. Chromatographa. 22(1). 183 1986
C. Rangarajan and CD. Eapen. "The Use oi Radon Gas as an index of
the input of Continental air into the South West Monsoon AN. Singh. "Continuous Monitoring of Plutonium-in-Air". Eull of
Current". National Conference. Scientific Results of the First Rad. Prot.. 9,(4). 27. 1986.
GARP Global Experiment. Miami. Florida. 1986.
T.N. Mahadevan. V. Meenakshy and U C. Mishra, "Trace Elements in Nalini Raja. PK Arora and J.P.S. Chatna. "Rate Constants of Ov (1
Precipitation over an industrial area of Bombay". Science of the AB)". Int. J Chem. Kinetics. 18. 505. 1986
Total Environment, 48. 213. 198fi

\ \ \ l U. Rf PORT


9-1 Electronics radiation zone, get irradiated for the predetermined

time interval and to eject out at the starting point m a
CAMAC instrumentation and a Camac-Crate Con- sequentially defined manner. The system has provision
troller for IBM-PC confirming to international speci- to identify the location of the sample in case ol power
fications have been developed. Electronic systems for failure. Manual controls are also provided for commi-
reactor and process control personnel monitoring ssioning and maintenance runs
and radiation monitoring systems for NAPP and
instrumentation for Kamini reactor and the pelletron Two 600 kW current regulated DC. power supplies
accelerator have been developed and are under fabri- for testing reactor components, a switch mode type 7 5
cation Failed fuel defection system based on delayed kV 120 mA laser power supply, a 2kW 27 MHz radio
neutron monitoring has been commissioned at Dhruva. frequency power generator to couple to argon plasma
torch for analysis work and a microprocessor based
A radioimmunoassay counter has been developed hot cathode ionisation gauge controller for process
and fabricated for use in medical diagnosis and research. control applications were designed, fabricated and
A multiprocessor i>ased 4K Data Acquisition and Pro- successfully tested. An ultraviolet photo-electron spec-
cessing system with enhanced system capability has trometer for binding energy determination of valence
been designed. A linear array ultrasonic imaging electrons of solid and gaseous samples has been
system has been developed to view defects in metals. designed and is being fabricated.
Based on field studies the design of a microprocessor The YAG:Nd laser crystal puller was installed.
based impedance cardiograph has been finalised. The facilities for the characterisation of laser rods
were set up. A novel technique based on "thermocouple
A coal/ash monitor for estimating coal and ash pulling' was developed for the growth of alkali halide
content was-fabricated and supplied to M/s. Coal India crystals Crystals of lead germanate. KDP and alkali
Ltd. halide were grown and infrared detectors, second
harmonic generators and transmitting windows were
The telecryptor II, which was earlier made to
fabricated for the laser programme. Surface barrier
function with electromechanical teleprinter, has been
detector fabrication was continued.
upgraded to function with electronic teleprinter. One
unit was installed at DAE secretariat, New Delhi A mass spectrometer for isotopic analysis of solid
nuclear materials with provisions for multiple sample
9-2 Instrumentation loading and automatic data acquisition was designed
and is being fabricated. A Knudsen cell ion source for
Design, development and production of power operation upto 2500 K and meant to be used with a
supply units, radiofrequency power generators, various mass spectrometer for measuring high temperature
types of spectrometers, electronic instruments, crystals, thermodynamic properties of nuclear materials has
detectors, night vision equipments and other devices been fabricated. A general purpose double focussing
required for nuclear and laser programmes were high resolution mass spectrometer with many special
continued. technical features has been designed. The UHV mass
spectrometer for geochronological applications lor
Pneumatic Carrier Facility for Dhruva
National Atomic Energy Agency, Indonesia was fabri-
A sequential process controller unit for controlling cated and tested and is ready for shipment. A rock
the relevant parameters of the pneumatic carrier facility argon extraction system for the above machine was
was developed and installed in Dhruva reactor. This also desinged. Two mass spectrometers for heavy
facility enables the samples to be inserted in the water analysis were fabricated and commissioned at


I Thal-Vaishet Heavy Water Plant and three mass spec- passive gamma scanning of MOX fuel pins at Tarapur
trometers were also supplied for leak detection. plant Automated scanning of 10 fuel pins was earned
out after mechanical alignments were made perfect
Special high capacity sorption pumps and high
vaccum valves were developed for critical applications Another microprocessor based system was deve-
involving ultra high vaccum, radiation and high tempe- loped for weld quality assurance. A provision has
rature. An ultra high vaccum furnace for degassing been made for monitoring current, voltage and electrode
vaccum materials at 1000°C and 10 9 torr pressure force during welding. These values are compared with
was designed and is being fabricated. A third unit for allowable tolerances for weld qualification during
monitoring hydrogen concentration in sodium in FBTR production. The system was installed at NFC, Hyderabad.
was supplied. A turbomolecular pumped vaccum micro-
balance for material analysis was commissioned. Phonetic Coding Project
An organic quenched Geiger Muller tube with For uniquely identifying every citizen of the country,
silver cathode for neutron burst counting was success- a compact and selfchecking erson-number formula
fully developed. Xenon flash lamps for lasers, glass to was evolved. It is based on u.e concept of phonetic
metal seals for canned motors and level sensors for numbers with 128 as base. The basic numerals are
Heavy Water Projects, hollow cathode lamps for spec- composed of 16 soft consonants and 8 unambiguous
troscopic analysis and pocket dosimeters for radiation vowels common to all the Indian languages. They are
monitoring were routinely produced. easily workable through any Indian language. Phonetic
numbers are short in respect of digits and sound, and
The development of 100 microfarad 5 kV DC
are easily memorizable possessing high information
castor oil impregnated energy storage capacitors for
density. Being basically an extension of binary, they
lasers and fusion programmes was completed. Ten
easily fit into computer logic.
such capacitors were fabricated and delivered to the
Pressure, Tube Gauging Equipment
9-3 Computer Based Instrumentation
A microprocessor based controller for gauging
Optical encoders for spectrometers and diffracto- equipment was designed and fabricated. This enables
meters for use in Dhruva were developed. 60 pieces of positioning of Linear Variable Differential Transformers
encoders of 100 counts/rotation sensitivity have been (LVDT) along the length of gauging tube and at
already delivered. New encoders of sensitivity 500 various angles of diameter using stepper motors. The
counts per rotation are under development. A prototype LVDT data give values of diameters and sag along the
of full height turnstile gate has been developed for the length of the tube.
access control in DAE establishments. 9-4 Process Instrumentation
Details of an image analysis system based on IBM-
Facilities for fabrication, calibration and testing of
PC/XT were finalised. Hardware for video camera
various process instruments, systems and other equip-
interface, frame grabbing and image display operations
ments required for power and research reactors were
was designed, and software was developed for feature
established. A centralised process instrumentation unit
specific measurements.
and an electrical test laboratory having state of the art
A microprocessor based input/output controller test facilities were made operational. Precise calibra-
for monitoring and control of magazine and fuel pin tion and testing of instruments can be carried out in
movements was developed, tested and installed for the pressure range of 1 to 1200 bar, 0-400°C tempera-


ture, to be extended to 1100°C, 0-1500 lpm of water evaluation of strap on surface type RTD's required for
flow, to be extended to 4500 lpm, and a pH range of 235 and 500 MW(e) nuclear reactors were installed.
0-14. Process instruments and equipment for various Instrumentation for Dhruva under LOCA. and test set
units of DAE are being designed/modified and fabri- ups for NAPP secondary shut off system and emer-
cated and tested on a regular basis. Test set up for gency core cooling system were commissioned

t \ \ ( y. RI.POKi

G D hiul.i] Impedance- piethysmoyraphy tor screening vasr-iilar V K J/ .Hid H li Kei-ie I ' r e q j t n c y ')<iin;ui\ I'lli^nno ol N.i'-ifctii
disorders Guest Journal ot post graduate medicine. S;i"cii.>i li;:i.t Nudear liisliumen'..-; a;io F/ieihods jn P.1 y^i'-s
32 ! 1986;,rc): A .'A'i 1986
Dclj.ishislJ.jij.intiiiH Bain Pawn s:ij.i|jjies o! I n s i i u m c n i a t i ''.d
S.ulhana R>K.ii CD Jindal MD JP H...bu SO
Cv-ntrai S v s i e ! i r of D h i u v a R e s t d i c J i R e . i d o i IAEA rj.j'.i<M!
Dowoolkai and G B Parulkar. On line impedance plethyame
J'D',V(-J Piaii! Cuiitioi .iiid J n s t r J i n e r . t j u o n bjjfcciaiisib m( j eiinu
giaphy loi the diagnosis ol deep vemthrombesis Progress in
W:iH-nl!!!C|cii S'.-.'it/eiland St-pl 1986
Aruiioloity (Mirmrva Medici) 5 1986
li R B.iiii .m<! Df;|j.:slns U.ii-. Ainomatjc P o w e i Cc-ntiai Sy.^kih ul
Smif.i I) MO JP B.ibu GD Jinrlal S.idhana B DJiniv.i R c i c i o r S y m p o s i u m m Aulomaiioii j j i d lTi-itu
Sui.iokar and G B Parulkai Nonmvasive assessment c! distal meiilaliDii fni jiowc-i p l a n t s 1J AC Bang;sloTr- (IFAC j o u r n a l
arteraml mn off using impedance plethyamography". Progress AUTOMATJCA) Dec 1986
in Angiology (Minerva Medica). pp 39 43. 1986
RK Nig.'im Security Hazaids anci Role o) Gadgets in Security
Systems Semiiiai cii Scien'jiir: Gadgets in security functiorung
G D Jindal. S B Suraekar. J P Babn J B Dharan!. M.D. Kelkar and
Deifil Marc}) 198?
G B Parulkar. "Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in patients
with nitra! stenosis using vector impedance cardiography". D N Snvastava. Xvoiution oi the concept oi Phonetic Numbers ar.d
Progress in Angiology (Minerva Medica). 83. 1986. then Relevance m the Indian Context . ' Nalional Seminar Cum
Workshop on Digitai Phonetics Unr.'ersal Djgilaj Communication
P P Vaidya. K R Gopalakrishnan. V.A. Pelhe and T Anjaneyulu. ' A Research Centre New Delhi March 1967
New Method for Reducing DNL in Nuclear ADCs using an V K Chadda ct ai Image Processing Techniques ior quantitative
Interpolation Technique". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in MctalJociraphy Workshop Image Processing In Astronomy
Physics Research A 250. 1986 Ooty. Radio Astronomy March 1987



10-1 Civil Engineering ment of Science and Technology (National Institute of
Immunology) and Institute of Hotel Management, Cate-
Civil Engineering Group undertakes the responsi- ring Technology & Applied Nutrition, Bombay.
bility for the planning, design and construction of all
the buildings and associated infrastructure required 10-2 Electrical and Mechanical Services
for the activities of this Research Centre at Trombay,
Vashi, Tarapur, Srinagar and Gauribidanur. During Operation and maintenance work of all the elec-
this year schemes totalling Rs. 359-50 lakhs were trical installations, air conditioning plants, ventilation
completed at Trombay and Vashi. These include labo- systems, pneumatic controls, hydraulic and vaccum
ratories for Labelled Compounds and Reactor Control systems, cranes and water supply facilities, etc. was
Systems, office facilities for 500 MWe PHWR group, DP carried out. Electrical and mechanical services for
& S and TSD, workshop facilities for TSD, Transport nine projects at Trombay, Tarapur and Srinagar were
Section and a road from Gamma Field to Trombay completed and commissioned. Four major projects at
village etc. Civil works for the Waste Immobilisation Trombay, Tarapur and Vashi are at various stages of
Project, workshops of Reactor Control Systems and a implementation.
laboratory for Labelled Compounds and allied facilities
altogether totalling Rs. 1349 lakhs are at various 10-3 Central Workshops
stages of implementation. During this year new works
totalling Rs. 1110 lakhs for a helipad and FRD guard Centra] Workshops laid greater emphasis on deve-
house were taken up. The schemes under planning lopment of new techniques and processes and ventured
are expected to cost Rs. 186-80 lakhs. This includes on new designs for development of equipments for R &
laboratories, electron accelerator building for ISOMED, D work for the Department during the year. A low
glass house for biological studies and residential pressure casting method for getting premium sand
facilities for medical officers. An amount of Rs. 72 castings in high yield aluminium alloys was deve-
lakhs was spent for the maintenance of various facilities loped. This technique has been adapted for nuclear
at Bombay. grade components for Cirus reactor for age hardenable
Al-4-5% Cu and was used in conjunction with invest-
In Tarapur construction of the 6th and 7th sets of ment casting method for spacers in large quantities for
RCC trenches for radioactive waste management, boun- Dhruva reactor. Prototypes have been made and
dary walls for SWMF, construction of residential quar- successfully proven by the development of diffusion
ters etc. at a total cost of Rs. 190-30 lakhs is under bonding process for seal discs for PHWRs. Preliminary
progress. Plans for the hospital, School Complex and work has been completed for adapting the explosion
Staff Recreation Centre were finalised. New buildings cladding technique for manufacture of heat exchangers
are proposed to augment the present facilities of NRL for nuclear duty. Manufacturing a full charge of 70 nos.
at Srinagar. of catalyst tubes, involving Inconel-600 and Inconel- 800
H was undertaken. A unique Neutron Radiography rig
Architectural Section continued to render archi-
has been designed and manufactured for IGCAR. A
tectural services in designing buildings for BARC, NPB
work handling unit for RMP for high precision welding
and for other units under DAE including aided institu-
by electron beam (EB) process has been designed
tions like TIFR. SINP, etc.
and fabricated indigenously. Another heavy duty unit
Architectural services were provided to other for general purpose was also designed and manufac-
departments and outside agencies which included the tured for developing various EB techniques for inhouse
Department of Electronics (Society for Applied Micro- use. Developing of different types of goneometers
wave Electronic Engineering and Research), Depart- were also undertaken.


Design and development of several other equip- being developed. Prototypes are expected to roll out
ments for various purposes are under progress. This shqrtiy.
includes a 5 MeV Medical Cyclotron, Air Cushion
based Spectrometer, different types of Scattering Cham- A pneumatic pick and place robot has been deve-
bers, Centrifigual Extraction Bank, and a 5 k J caster loped and installed at NFC, Hyderabad,as part of the
bluemlein pulse generator. programme for automating the oxide fuel fabrication
plants. An automated radioisotope capsule assembly
system of the pick and place type has been conceived,
Mechanical and fabrication services and expertise
designed, constructed and installed in the Hot Cells of
were provided to various constituent units of DAE.
Radiation Technology Division. The system can assem-
Some of the major works completed are Degas Heat
ble and weld sources of different strengths automati-
Exchangers, In Core Flux Mapping Assemblies, Filter
cally and remotely. A prototype scale model of remo-
Vessels, Components for Secondary Shut Down Systems,
tised drum closing and sealing for use at Waste
End Fittings and Linear Tubes for KAPP-II, Fuel Cluster
Management cell at NAPP was designed, fabricated
Assembly Components for Dhruva and Spherical Sector
and has been tested successfully. A servo manipulator
Analyser and Electrolytic Cell in monel, development suitable for operation in Hot cells without windows,
of radiation frequency resonator, precision Scanning using TV viewing is under development. This will
Stage Assemblies for Fuel Scanning, Precision Cham- result in substantial savings in foreign exchange.
bers for Hadron Calorimeters. The transport maintena- First Power Manipulators indeg i nously manufactured
nance unit continued the maintenance of all vehicles based on know how transferred from BARC'and
in BARC. The Centralised transport project has been having capacity of handling 50 kgs. will be available
completed. for use in early 1987.

10-4 Remote Handling and Robotics Design, development, fabrication and also procure-
ment of several specialised and remote handling equip-
For the proposed 'Nuclear Robot Project' work ments for various units of DAE has been undertaken.
has been started on several fronts. A servo robot Some of items are : Remote pipe cutting and welding
driven by AC servo motors capable of lifting more equipment. Remote ultrasonic inspection for piping,
than 5 kg is nearing completion. Controlled by a Precision ultrasonic probe manipulator, Macrograph,
computer, it will be suitable for use in hot cells for Remote diameter measuring light.
dismantling and reconstitution of irradiated fuel from
Fast Reactors. The walking mechanism of a mobile, six 10-5 Technical Information
legged walking robot is currently being assembled
and will be ready for evaluation of the configuration in BARC Library has now nearly 760,000 publications
early 1987. Each leg will be controlled by a micropro- consisting of about 79,000 books, 57,000 bound volumes
cessor which in turn is controlled by another 16 bit of periodicals. 19,920 patents and standards and
computer. It will perform diverse tasks in nuclear about 640,000 technical reports. Library regularly
installations and could be controlled by wireless means receives more than 1800 scientific and technical journals
by high level commands. It is expected to substitute published from India and abroad. Most of the activities
man in highly radioactive areas. The robot need only of the library are now computerised making full use of
little maintenance and will have long life. For handling the PRIME 450 computer installed in the premises.
Plutonium based fuel in PREFRE expansion projects Circulation of books is computerised. A catalogue of
development and production of small robots was the technical reports is being prepared on the computer
taken up Conveyors and other requirements are also for easy retrieval of information.


India continued the participation in International hills at Indore. Landscape plans for various units of
Nuclear Information System (IMS) of IAEA and all the DAE were prepared.
relevant titles publised in India were added to INIS
data base. Computer based facilities are now available 10-8 Contributory Health Service Scheme
for scientists in the organisation for dissemination of
bibliographic information as per the requirements The scheme at present covers 62,620 beneficiaries.
from INIS output tape received from IAEA. Necessary BARC Hospital and zonal dispensaries continued to
software for this purpose was indigenously deve- extend diagnostic and therapeutic facilities to the
loped In c d e r to train the DAE scientists and beneficiaries. About four and a half lakh patients
engineers on the use of the INIS data base available availed the CHSS facilities.
online on the ND computer, two training programmes In addition to a total of 23 beds in special areas like
were conducted. Library maintained its position as the Labour Room, Casualty. Pre-and Post operative rooms,
biggest library in Asia in the matter of nuclear energy
the bed strength in the BARC Hospital is now 169.
and related fields.
Active family welfare programme was carried out
During this year a number of technical and scientific during the period of report. More than 200 Medical
reports, brochures and other publications pertaining Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) cases and more than
to the activities of BARC were brought out The BARC 200 permanent sterilizations were carried out. The
highlights were also published for the first time A infants addition to the Scheme was around 850 and
machine readable to the catalogue of the available annual birth rate is 13 46 per thousand The Social
books is being created Service Section continued to render assistance to the
10-6 Translation
10-9 Radiation Medicine Service
Translations ot technical reports and scientific
articles were done fro-i French. German. Italian.
Clinical sei vices extended to the patients attending
Japanese and Russian languages at the request of
the Centre included a variety of in vivo imaging and
scientists and engineers of BARC and other constituent
non imaging investigations like static and dynamic
units of DAE Copies of the translations were deposited
scintrigraphy. nuclear haematology. radionuclide the-
in the National Science Library. New Delhi, for the
rapy and in vitro diagnostic tests such as radioimmu-
National Data Bank of Translations. Interpretation ser-
noassay (RIA) of thyroid related hormones, human
vice in foreign languages was also provided on many
growth hormone, serum thyroglobulin estimations and
detection of the presence of tubercular antigen and
antibodies A total of 5.780 new patients attended the
10-7 Landscaping Centre and more than 22.000 investigations were
carried out during the year.
Landscaping was done on about 18,000 m' area in
Trombay & Anushaktinagar. Rejuvenation of about The newly acquired Single Photon Emission Tomo-
3000 m2 garden in Trombay was also carried out. graphic Camera (SPECT) has become fully operational.
Nuclear cardiology investigations including Tellurium-
About 250,000 saplings of various types were planted
201 myocardial imaging and both left ventricular and
and about 50 kg seeds of different types of trees were
global cardiac ejection fraction studies were continued.
sown on Trombay Hills for afforestation purposes. A
large number of trees and shrubs were planted at the Hypothyroidisrn was found to be due to congential
Centre for Advanced Technology and the surrounding defects in thyroid in children under two years of age.


In 50% of the children in Hepatobillary imaging study medullary carcinoma of thyroid. During the year, 2730
was found useful in differentiating between biliary new patients were referred for various thyroid inves-
atresia and neonatal hepatitis in infants. tigations. One hundred and one (101) patients of
hyperthyroidism and one hundred and seventy-five
Scinti-scanning has proved to be quite sensitive (175) patients of thyroid cancer were treated with
in picking up overt and occult metastasis arising from radioiodine.


S. Challappa, R.S. Koppikar and B.N. Lahiri, "High Conductivity of B.C. Pal. N.R. Wadhwa and S.H. Goveas. "Development of triple axis
material welding-some innovative facets", IIW-National Welding neutron spectrometer1, ibid.
Conference. 1986.
N.V. Ramaswamy and R.L. Suthar, "Remote operated decladding
J Krishnan and GP Reddy. "Joining of Reactive Metals", IIW
machine for reactor maintenance". Symp. on Indigenous Nuclear
(Bombay Branch), Annual Welding Seminar, Bombay, Feb. 1987
Equipment. BARC. Bombay, Feb. 1987.
J. Krishnan. G.P. Reddy. S.K. Salwan and S. Challappa. "Explosion
Welding of Titanium to Steel: Some observations, International S.K. Sinha and K. Mahajan, "Indigenous development of neutron
Welding Conference. New Delhi. Jan. 1987. radiography rig", ibid.
G.R. Kamat, A. Manjunatha and S. Challappa, "Quality Assurance A. Mohan Rao. R.L. Suthar and C.P. Mahajan. "Manufacture of spent
through Machine Tools Calibration", Symp on Quality Assurance fuel chopper", ibid.
for Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants. Bombay.
M.D.P. Gupta and C.P. Mahajan. "Manufacture of evaporator moduies
March 1987.
for a multi-stage flash desalination pilot plant", ibid.
G.S.K. Murthy and N. Devarajan, "Expansion Mechanisms for Indi-
genously developed honing machines". Symp. on Indigenous S. Challappa and S. Guha. "Indigenous robotics technology in
Nuclear Equipment. BARC. Bombay. Feb. 1987. nuclear industries", ibid.
D Vijaykumar. N. Devarajan and S. Challappa. "Design and fabrica-
M.R. Balakrishnan, "Modern Technological Developments in infor-
tion of Electron beam welding equipment", ibid.
mation Storage and Retrieval and the need to include them in
K.S. Bhat, R.B. Mulay and B.V. Lahiri. "Formulating Welding Procedures Library Science Curriculum", National Seminar on Library and
for pipe to dissimilar metal but joint for a nuclear filter vessel Information Science in India, New Perspectives, Trivandrum,
assembly", ibid. December 1986 & Alis Bulletin
R.K. Choudhary. S.R.S Murthy, G.S.K. Murthy, M Jayendranath and
1. Venkatappiah. "A large area ionisation chamber for nuclear M.R. Balakrishnan, "International Nuclear Information System".
reactions studies using heavy ion beams", ibid. NISSAT Newsletter. 6(1) 15. 1987



Although the major technologies developed at transfer fees from these technology transfers during
Trombay in the field of electronics, nuclear fuel fabri- the year.
cation and production of special materials are trans-
ferred to the Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. and During this year fifteen technologies were trans-
the Nuclear Fuel Complex, there are a number of ferred. These are : (i) production of Bilirubin Strips
relatively small processes where special expertise developed by Chemistry Division and transferred to
and technologies which emerged from the R&D work M/s. Water-Chem Laboratories, Hyderabad, (ii) Fabri-
carried out in BARC have importance in a wider cation of Gamma Radiography Equipment developed
context. With a view to making these technologies by Radiation Technology Division to M/s. Bhabha
available for large scale exploitation for the benefit of Radiation Engg. Co., Baroda, (iii) X-ray Generator Sta-
the nation, without overburdening the facilities and blised Power Supply System developed by the Variable
infrastructure available at Trombay, a Technology Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta to M/s. Radon House
Transfer Group was constituted. This Group is entrusted Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, (iv) Production of Elemental Phos-
with the responsibility of identifying processes and phorus developed by Desalination Division to M/s. UP
methods developed by the R&D community at Trombay State Mineral Development Corpn., Lucknow, and M/s.
which can be transferred to private or public sector Dalai Consultants and Engineers (Pvt) Ltd., Bombay,
undertakings for commercial scale operation. The (v) Gamma Switch developed by Electronics Division
Technology Transfer Group so far has identified a total to M/s. Comtek, Pune, (vi) Reverse Osmosis Water
number of 75 technologies which are suitable for Desalination Plant developed by Desalination Division
transfer to outside agencies. Out of these, twenty six to five firms including M/s. RCF Ltd., Bombay, and
technologies have already been transferred, 19 tech- (vii) Production of Boron Carbide developed by Meta-
nologies have been processed and brought to a stage llurgy Division to M/s. Boron Carbide (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
where they can be transferred in the immediate future, Bombay. The technology developed by Division of
and thirty technologies are being evaluated by specia- Radiological Protection for the following eight air
lised groups in order to facilitate commercial produc- pollution systems were transferred to M/s. Rajasthan
tion. An amount of Rs. 10-4 lakhs has been received as Electronics and Instrumentation Ltd., Jaipur.



Two hundred and forty three trainees belonging delegates from abroad specially from RCA countries
to different disciplines successfully completed the attended the conference which dealt with use of
29th Course and were absorbed in the various units of radioisotopes in industry, medicine, hydrology and
DAE in August 1986. Currently 197 trainees joined the agriculture. A five day IAEA coordinated meeting for
30th Course and are undergoing training. In plant Indian and foreign delegates was held from November
scheme was extended to cover 0 & M manpower 24,1986 which dealt with the fuel element cladding inter-
needs of the Fast Reactor Programme at IGCAR. The action with water. The First Asian Regional Conference
existing curricula were suitably restructured to induct on Medical Physics was held in BARC during December
and enlarge specific areas of interest like Fusion, 8-12,1986. About 400 delegates from various countries
Accelerators, Computers etc. Experiments in Mir cop- of the world attended the conference which dealt
rocessor Development System were started this year with applications of physics in medicine.
for Electronics trainees. BARC continued to assist DRDO
n organising their Electronics Fellowship Training Two meeting of IAEA consultants were held on
Programme. Poona, Bombay and SNDT universities 'Radioaerosol inhalation imaging for diagnosis of res-
were also assisted in their academic programme. piratory diseases in developing countries' and on
'Immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis'.
IAEA and BARC jointly organised a four week
course from March 31 to April 25,1986 on preparation The 14th batch of trainees in the one year full tone
of nuclear data for use in reactor calculations. Of the training in Nuclear Medicine leading to Diploma in
39 delegates who participated in the Conference, 26 were Radiation Medicine (DRM) and Diploma in Medical
from foreign countries including Algeria, Argentina, Radioisotope Techniques (DMRIT) of the University of
Brazil, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Peoples Democratic Bombay consisted of 9 doctors and 9 science graduates.
Republic of Korea, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland,
Romania, Thailand, Vietnam and Yugoslavia. On June During the year a total of 220 scientists went
4, 1986 an IAEA Research Coordination Meeting on abroad for the purpose of attending seminars, meetings,
Nuclear Techniques for Toxic Elements in Foodstuffs higher studies and as IAEA experts. The collaboration
was held under the auspicies of BARC and Division of schemes with'IITs and University of Bombay in the
Life Sciences of IAEA. A two week training programme field of higher studies were continued. This centre
on CNC Machines was conducted in BARC in May have so far been recognised for post-graduate studies
1986 for the benefit of shop supervisors and engineers. by 30 universities of India. Three lecturers are carry-
A six week course on Radioimmunoassay and its ing out research here under the UGC Faculty Improve-
Clinical Applications was held in this Centre from ment Programme. Under IAEA technical assistance
September 29,1986. This IAEA-RCA sponsored course programme and in terms of India's objectives for the
was attended by about 200 delegates including sixteen peaceful use of atomic energy seven scientists from
from the RCA countries-China, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Vietnam and one each from Bangladesh, Sudan, Ghana,
Bangladesh, Thailand, Srilanka, Indonesia and Phillipines. Malaysia and Syria were given training in the fields of
Training demostration on uses of Tracer Technology nuclear energy in the Centre. Two scientists from
in Industry sponsored by UNDP-IAEA-RCA was held Indonesia were trained in mass spectrometry with
in this centre from Nov. 10-12,1986. A large number of special emphasis on geochronology.




Accelerator Programme the range of 10 to 20 watts were made operational. A

copper vapour laser designed to give average power
D.C. accelerators capable of giving 500 keV to in excess of 20 watts was designed, fabricated and
l-5MeV energy and electron beam current of 80 mA assembled. This laser has given 12 watts output in its
have been designed for industrial applications. Two start up runs.
varieties of machines, viz. rectifier type and single
cavity linear accelerator type, were designed. Infrastructure

Design was completed for microwave cavities to The construction of two laboratory buildings
be used for a 10 MeV linear accelerator to be used as (costing Rs. 65 00 lakhs) and the 2nd Multipurpose
an injector to Synchrotrons. Material procurement has Shed (costing Rs. 2600 lakhs) has been completed
been initiated for the Synchrotron Radiation Source and both are in occupation by the users. The
and the Booster Synchrotron. About 50 scientists are construction of Hostel-cum-Efficiency Apartments
now engaged in the design of these machines. (costing Rs. 85 00 lakhs) and 3rd Multipurpose Shed
are in progress. Construction of sub-station for insta-
Laser Programme llation of 500 kVA transformer has been completed. The
preliminary drawings for construction of Laser Labo-
The laser activities at the Centre for Advanced ratory are under preparation. Construction of 90 resi-
Technology, Indore started with shifting of three groups dential quarters, water tower and underground tanks
in May 1986. In a brief spell of six months the laborato- has been completed. The renovation of Sukhniwas
ries were set up and scientific activities were started. Palace has also been completed. Part of the shopping
Three copper vapour lasers with average powers in centre complex has been constructed.

Published by Library 6f Information Services
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay-400 085.
Printed at : SUDARSHAN ART PRlnTIMQ PRESS BOMBAY-400 0 3 1 .

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