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Name: Ghina Meidiana Utami (12619602)



Bullying, harassment, or intimidation is the use of violence, threats, or coercion to abuse

or intimidates others. This behavior can become a habit and involve an imbalance in social or
physical power. This can include verbal abuse or threats, physical violence or coercion and can
be directed repeatedly at certain victims, perhaps based on race, religion, or ability. The act of
oppression consists of four types, namely emotional, physical, verbal, and cyber. The culture of
oppression can develop anywhere as human interactions occur, starting at school, workplaces,
households, and the environment. Usually, bullying occurs not because of anger or unresolved
conflict, but rather refers to a sense of superiority or in other words to show that the most
powerful bully perpetrators have the right to humiliate, insult or act arbitrarily towards others.
The cause of bullying can come from the victims and bullies. Some factors that might
cause a child to become a victim of bullying are physical appearance the first most common
cause of bullying. When a child has a physical appearance that is considered different from other
children in general, the bullies can be used as material to intimidate the child. Different physical
appearance can include overweight or underweight, using stirrup, using clothes that are
considered not cool like other children. Race racial differences also often cause a child to be
affected by bullying. His generally happens when a child of different races enters one
environment and is considered a minority. Several surveys and studies have also shown that
bullying due to different races is indeed quite common. Causes of bullying from the bullies Side
is, have personal problem, one of the triggers for someone to be bullied is because he has a
personal problem that makes him helpless in his own life. Has been a victim of bullying, some
cases show that the perpetrators of bullying are also victims of bullying.
There are 3 types of bullying is verbal bullying the types of actions taken on this bullying
are in the form of bad nicknames, reproaches, cruel criticisms, insults, intimidating letters, gossip
and so on. Bullying in verbal form is one of the easiest types of bullying and this bullying will be
the beginning of other bullying behavior. Physical bullying this type of bullying is in the form of
beating, kicking, slapping, strangling, biting, scratching, spitting, spitting, and damaging and
destroying goods the property of an oppressed child. This type of bullying is the most visible and
easily identified type of bullying, but physical bullying is not as much as other forms of bullying.
Teenagers who often carry out bullying in physical form are often the most problematic
adolescents and tend to turn to further criminal acts. Electronic or cyber bullying This type of
bullying is a form of bullying behavior carried out by electronics such as computers, mobile
phones, internet, websites, chat rooms, e-mails, SMS and so on. Bullying is usually intended to
terrorize victims with writing, animation, images, and video or film recordings that are
intimidating, hurting or cornering. This type of bullying is usually carried out by groups of
teenagers who already have a fairly good understanding of information technology facilities and
other electronic media.
The impact or effect of Bullying can have a positive or negative impact on the bullies,
recipients. The effects of bullying action problems that will occur in victims of bullying is the
emergence of various mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and sleep problems and these
problems are likely to carry over into adult victims. Insecurity when in his environment.
Decreased enthusiasm for learning and academic achievement. In rare cases, victims of bullying
may show violence. Bullying can encourage them but the victim must have a strong mentality to
get through that. Victims of bullying tend to be stronger and more resolute in facing problems,
motivated to show their potential so that they are no longer humiliated, motivated to introspect
Bullying also occurs or exist among students in higher education even among students
bullying is somewhat cruel in doing it in higher education even though they will become adults
and be educated. Bullying among students is usually done by students who form gangs or
students who are jealous and have hatred towards other students. Bullying among students is
often experienced by male students. Forms of bullying experienced by students are usually in the
form of oppression, ridicule, and gibberish. This is believed to make students who are victims of
bullying will feel scared and can change the nature and attitude of students who are victims of
bullying, such as being inactive again in class or on campus. Bullying experienced by female
students can be cruel than bullying experienced by male students. Bullying of female students
takes the form of sexual harassment, bullying, and intimidation. This bullying can have a direct
impact on their psychology and can cause anxiety and fear when it comes to campus.
How to deal or stop bullying is education regarding providing knowledge about bullying
to everyone especially for students is one of the most effective ways to prevent bullying. From
an early age, you must inform the students about the meaning, danger, and impact of bullying.
Give them the understanding that bullying is wrong and is only done by losers. Knowledge given
early will prevent the student from becoming bullies or victims of bullying. Build the character
early because victims of bullying are usually closed, shy, and less sociable people. In a higher
education, the role of the lecturer is needed because if the lecturer does not know this will make
the bullying student rampant and victims more oppressed because there is no protection or
follow-up from the lecturer. Lecturers here must know and be active in observing the behavior of
their students. Lecturers must also be responsive to ask that question to students so that lecturers
know what problems are being faced by their students and the lecturer is obliged to provide
solutions and direction to students who are experiencing problems. The best way is for students
who experience bullying to tell or tell what has happened clearly and coherently because through
this it will provide a solution to overcome bullying and the role of lecturers will be very involved
in overcoming problems.
The fitting punishment for bullies in higher education is giving the lower score for bullies
or give them a lot of assignment it makes the bullies stop doing that. If bullying is particularly
severe, the bullies should be thrown off the campus and take responsibility for what the bullies
do. They will get the kind of social punishment that they get to be expelled from the people. The
bullies should apologize and feel ashamed of themselves.

After going through the result of the peer review, I found that I committed errors in the following
1. Change the wordy words
2. The verb does not correct with the subject
3. Adding a comma

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