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Renette Hilario

According to David Buckingham (2003);

He sees media as an ecosystem embedded in the larger discourses and
experiences of our daily lives, and positions media as extensions of our beliefs,
attitudes, and dispositions. Buckingham also believes that media literacy is an outcome
of the media education process: "Media education, then, is the process of teaching and
learning about media; media literacy is the outcome-the knowledge and skills learners

According to Presidential decree no. 1018(1976);

The term "mass media" refers to the print medium of communication, which
includes all newspapers, periodicals, magazines, journals, and publications and all
advertising therein, and billboards, neon signs and the like, and the broadcast medium
of communication, which includes radio and television broadcasting in all their aspects
and all other cinematographic or radio promotions and advertising.

According to Callison and Tilley(2006);

The ability to analyze information needs and to move confidently among media,
information, and computer literacy skills, resulting in the effective application of a
strategy or strategies that will best meet those needs.

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