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Team Sports is a physical activity class that focuses on participation as it relates to cultural, ethnic,
gender, and physical diversity in such sports as basketball, baseball, football, soccer, softball,
speedball, dodgeball, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball or any game that incorporates teamness.

COURSE OBJECTIVES- the student will:

 Demonstrate a level of competency in particular skills, and performs those skills with
consistency in the appropriate setting in covered sports.
 Apply rules and strategies of the sport or activity appropriately in such activities.
 Display appropriate etiquette, interaction, care of equipment, and safety during an activity
during such activities.
 Identify and apply critical elements essential to competent performance in such activities.
 Describe principles of training and conditioning appropriate to specific sports and activities.

 Students must dress out everyday with proper shorts, shirts and shoes.
 Students are recommended to shower daily after each workout session.
 Students are responsible for all toiletries and securing their valuables.
 Each day counts 6 points with a beginning grade of 99:
o 1 point for timeliness
o 1 point for proper dress
o 1 point for following directions
o 3 points for participation/attitude

 Participation First 9 weeks 37.5%
 Participation Second 9 wks 37.5%
 Midterm 10 %
 Final 15 %

*Each student is expected to participate daily with a positive attitude. The LHS discipline code will be
followed for those that choose not to do so. Upon the second(2 nd) no dress and participation the
student’s administrator and parent(s) will be notified.

PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________________________________DATE_______

STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________________________________________________________DATE_______

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