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General Education - English

- November 22, 2018

1. Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the U.S.

A. Was C. Will be
B. Would have been D. Would be

2. When helping in the kitchen, I am always careful not to hurt _________________.

A. Ourselves C. Himself
B. Myself D. herself

3. Neither the teacher nor the students ________________ present in the affairs.

A. Were C. Am
B. Was D. is

4. My sister and I met an acquaintance of ____________ on the shopping mall.

A. Ours C. Mine
B. Us D. Ourselves

5. We admire ___________ when Cynthia speaks English fluently with


A. Him, them C. Her, us

B. Him, we D. Him, me

6. On your trip to Tagaytay, if you chance upon Arsenio, please give __________
my warm

A. Himself C. Him
B. Myself D. Me

7. The student’s request to re-set the test _____________ reasonable.

A. Were C. Are
B. Very D. Is

8. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now
recall with fondness and awe. She was full-time housewife, wholly dependent on my
father’s monthly salary. How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and
did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me.”
The mother’s financial resources are________________________.

A. More than enough C. Miserable

B. Abundant D. Limited

9. “The firgures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.” The

capitalized word means ______________________.

A. Estimated C. Surpassed
B. Changed D. Summed

10. Some preachers suggest the _____________ that the end of the world is near.

A. Proposal C. Prophecy
B. Prophetic D. Prophet

11. The courage of the child who saved his brother from a raging fire is
worth _________________.

A. Emulating C. Narrating
B. Mentoring D. Watching

12. The expression of “baduy” connotes:

A. Uneducated C. Awkward looking

B. Low profile D. Smart

13. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound ___________________.

A. Query C. Change
B. Decision D. Problem

14. “Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.” The
capitalized word means?

A. Obscenity C. Decency
B. History D. Falsehood

15. A story put together through an exchange of letter is called __________ literature.

A. Fiction C. Episodic
B. Epistolary D. Classic

16. What figure of speech is: “The Lord is my sheperd”

A. Simile C. Irony
B. Hyperbole D. Metaphor

17. What figure of speech is the following: “He is the black sheep of the family.”

A. Metaphor C. Alliteration
B. Simile D. Hyperbole

18. “Sturdy and strong, the Filipinos are like the molave” is _____________________.

A. Simile C. Metaphor
B. Irony D. Hyperbole

19. “She is a lovely rose” is ____________________.

A. Simile C. Irony
B. Hyperbole D. Metapor

20. “ droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven” is what figure of speech?

A. Personification C. Hyperbole
B. Simile D. Metaphor

21. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” Portia, the judge said: “The quality
of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place
beneath... It is twice blesst; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mighter
than the mightiest... and one is likened to God when mercy seasons justice.”

The main thought of the excerpt it that ___________________

A. Mercy is only for deserving

B. Mercy is limited in extent
C. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.
D. Mercy comes from the rain.

22. Though nothing can bring back

The hour of splendor in the glass,

Of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not,
Rather find strength in what remains behind.

This stanza expresses _________________________.

A. Grief C. Loss
B. Hope D. Despair
23. Cognitive skills are not easily observable because they are ________________.

A. Overt C. Hidden
B. Psychological D. Mental

24. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare about two ill-starred who come from
warring families.

A. Romeo and Juliet C. Anthony and Cleopatra

B. Hamlet and Ophelia D. Ana and the King

25. Who is the father of Modern Psychology?

A. Watson C. Thorndike
B. Skinner D. Wundt

26. Famous sculptor of landmark structures.

A. Jacinto C. Castrillo
B. Manansala D. Cuevas

27. What is the lowest form of learning?

A. Perceiving C. Conditioning
B. Responding D. Teaching

28. Which of the following is the study of human behavior?

A. Philosphy C. Psychology
B. Morality D. Ethics

29. The Filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiousity instills the
NEGATIVE attitude of_____________________.

A. Social responsibility to participate in the development of the society.

B. Resignation and ends up into doing nothing to improve one’s condition.
C. Total surrender to God in times of helplessness is best.
D. God who is omnipotent and omniscient will allow what is best.

30. Which of the following statements is true about textbook laid on the table?

A. No force is acting on it.

B. The textbook undergoes acceleration.
C. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
D. The textbook undergoes deceleration.
31. Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and good
human relation, are attributed to:

A. Mao Tze Tung C. Mencius

B. Confucious D. Lao-Tzu

32. Which of the following is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in
various forms?

A. Antique C. Contemporary
B. Modern D. Classical

33. What is the application of the principles of theories of human behavior in teaching
and learning?

A. Educational theory C. Educational psychology

B. Educational philosophy D. Educational sociology

34. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in

school. The pupils dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that
behind my unpopular facade was a heart full of compassion. But how did I earn this
moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanter them to know that clealiness
of body was good for their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchief,
clothes, ears, noses and hair.”

The public school teacher gives much importance to her pupils’


A. Cleanliness C. Absence
B. Study D. Posture

35. Considering the “tayo-tayo” mentality of the Filipinos, one goal for CHANGE that
should be worked on is to develop _____________________.

A. A sense of common good. C. “Pakikisama”

B. A sense of national pride. D. The habits of discipline and
hard work

36. Who is the proponent of the arena theater?

A. Carpio C. Montano
B. Tinio D. Avellana

37. She is known for the love sonnets she wrote.

A. Paz Marquez Benitez C. Gilda Cordero
B. Edith Trempo D. Ophelia Dimalanta

38. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns?

A. Rig Veda C. Upanishad

B. Mahabharata D. Ramayana

39. Which is NOT characteristic of people with a strong sense of self-efficacy?

A. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered.

B. Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointements.
C. Avoid challenging tasks.
D. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate.

40. Who is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his vivid
descriptions of lands and people encountered by his hero Ulysses?

A. Virgil C. Homer
B. Plato D. Cicero

41. Haiku is traditional Japanese poems consisting of ___________________.

A. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic.

B. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as topic.
C. Three lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic.
D. Four lines that rhyme with love as topic.

42. This Filipino writer in English who used Hispanic Filipino culture and traditions in
his fiction works.

A. Edilberto Tiempo C. Sionil Jose

B. Nick Joaquin D. Jose Garcia Villa

43. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist?

A. Buenaventura C. San Pedro

B. Cenizal D. Cayabyab

44. Which among the following is the part of the newspaper where you can see the
opinions of people?

A. Classified Section C. Headline

B. Obituary D. Editorial Section
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. D
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. C
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. C
41. C
42. B
43. C
44. D

General Education - Social Science

- November 22, 2018

1. Which policy of the state provides preferential attention to the welfare of the less
fortunate members of the Philippines society?
A. Social justice C. Distributive justice
B. Criminal justice D. Bill of rights

2. What is the possible consequence of meritocracy in a social system?

A. Rule by the wealthy and powerful.

B. Leadership by people of talent.
C. Culture of elitism.
D. Rule by those with noble birth.
3. Which constitutional safeguard prevents one branch of government from
becoming powerful or abusive?

A. Impeachment C. Check and Balance

B. Ombudsman D. Laissez Faire

4. What is the predominant characteristic of eastern religion?

A. Optimism C. Mysticism
B. Secularism D. Pessimism

5. What economic policy in 16th century in Europe influenced Spain’s expansionist

policy to discover new lands?

A. Spice-trading C. Mercantilism
B. Capitalism D. Colonialism

6. The righ invoked in the “writ of habeas data” is ________________________.

A. The right to information privacy.

B. Right to gather information data.
C. The right to search for information.
D. Right to transmit data.

7. Whose philosphy advocate the use of reason in understanding the existence of


A. St. Benedict C. St. John

B. St. Peter D. St. Thomas Aquinas

8. Which is a check on the executive department by the judiciary in the principle

check and balance among branches of the government?

A. Impeachment of the Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court.

B. Determining the salary of the Presiden and Vice-President.
C. Declaring a legislative measure unconsitutional.
D. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional.

9. Which is the fundamental law of the land?

A. Bill of Rights C. Civil Criminal Code

B. Constitution D. Ten Commandments

10. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband ________ charge for treason by fellow
Filipinos who have formed the Philippine Revolutionary force to fight Spain.

A. Marcelo H. Del Pilar C. Andres Bonifacio

B. Emilio Aguinaldo D. Jose Rizal

11. What did Nelson Mandela mean to South African and the rest of thw world? He
gave up armed struggle and chose the peaceful way to freedom.

Nelson Mandela is a world leader who is a model of _________________.

A. Black supremacy C. Non-violence

B. Armed struggle D. Imprisonment

12. Which band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of the national anthem on June
1898 during the declaration of Philippine Independence?

A. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros C. Malabon Band

B. Kawit Cavite Band D. San Franciscodel Monte

13. Agency tasked to nurture Philippine Arts


14. The ultimate objective of the comprehensive Agrarian Reform is:

A. Abolish share tenancy in favor of lease tenancy.

B. Distribute all arable lands to the landless.
C. Establish once cultivated land.
D. Ensure the cultivation of an idle lands.

15. Which was the first labour union in the country founded by Isabelop de los Reyes
on July 1901?

A. Association of the Philippine Labor

B. Union Obrera Democratica
C. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos
D. Association de Compania Tabacalera

16. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended contacts
with ________.

A. Spain C. China
B. Spice Island D. Mexico

17. How many days are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law?

A. 75 days C. 60 days
B. 90 days D. 30 days

18. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.S. Congress established a partial free
trade in the Philippines?

A. Bell Trace C. Treaty on General Relations

B. Payne-Aldrich Act D. Underwood-Simmons Act

19. In a martriarchal family which family member plays the leading role?

A. Grandmother C. Oldest sister

B. Mother D. Aunt

20. Who was the Spanish mestizo priest who first led the native secular clergy in the
Secularization Movement in 1861?

A. Father Jacinto Zamora C. Father Pedro Pelaez

B. Father Gregorio Aglipay D. Father Jose Burgos

21. What was the term given by Marcelo H. De Pilar to hidden control and domination
by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government?

A. Pase region C. Complace

B. Las suerte partidas D. Frailocracia

22. While authority should be respected, its opinion may be an error. Which of the
following represents a better/more certain avenua to the truth?

A. Replication (repeat and check) C. Overgeneralization

B. Selective observation D. Fallacious reasoning

23. Who is known as the “Father of the Local Government Code”?

A. Joey Lina C. Jovito Salonga

B. Joseph Estrada D. Aquilino Pimental

24. Who was the first editor of La Solidaridad, and an orator of the Reform Movement?

A. Juan Luna C. Jose Rizal

B. Graciano Lopez Jaena D. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

25. The Philippines is the only ___________ country in the world.

A. Communist C. Christian
B. Buddhist D. Muslim

26. In social trends, how do you call those who are for the revival of the classics?

A. Existentialists C. Humanist
B. Rationalists D. Reformists

27. What happens to a good action when it is perform on account of an evil motive?

A. It becomes good C. It becomes morally

B. It becomes evil D. It becomes an amoral

28. The tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of the Philippines is the

A. Community tax C. real estate tax

B. Income tax D. Inheritance tax

29. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of amparo” is ________________.

A. The right to due process

B. The right to self-defense
C. The right to be defended by a public attorney
D. The right to life, liberty and security

30. What is one of the man-made wonders of the Philippines?

A. Rice terraces C. Manila Bay

B. Mount Makiling D. Taal Volcano

31. As a Social Science teacher which should Teacher Nora avoid?

A. Abreast with all the other issues C. Facilitator of learning

B. Appreciative of change D. As a sage on the stage
32. Governor General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the ________________.

A. Abolition of the Galleon Trade

B. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly
C. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos
D. Establishment of the Galleon Trade

33. Whose philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of


A. St. Benedict C. St. Augustine

B. St. Peter D. St. John

34. Who among the following Filipino statesmen was the most vocal to speak against
the country’s foreign policy of close association with Americans?

A. Claro M. Recto C. Cayetano Arellano

B. Manuel Luis Quezon D. Jose P. Laurel

35. Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by big bodies
of water, the biggest (30.1 percent of the earth) is ______________?

A. Asia C. Europe
B. Australia D. Northern America

36. Civilization is where large ideas and tools, as well as human settlements
flourished. Where do historians say civilization had first been born?

A. China C. Egypt
B. Middle East D. Jordan

37. Which is the largest country in Asia?

A. China C. Japan
B. Philippines D. Thailand

38. What was the power to set aside certain by the Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-
General of the Philippines?

A. Veto power C. Conditioned Power

B. Condign Power D. Compensatory power

39. What best describes the form of government of England with its parliament, a
prime minister, and a queen (or king)?
A. Constitutional monarchy C. Ethnocracy
B. Anarchism D. Demarchy

40. Who was the revolutionary leader who refused to surrender to the Americans even
after General Malvar’s surrender, and declared himself President and Commander-in-
Chief of the Supreme Government of the Tagalog Archipelago?

A. Julian Montalan C. Licerio Geronimo

B. Macario Sakay D. Artemio Ricarte

41. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the Philippines?

A. Dominicans C. Jesults
B. Franciscan D. Augustinians

42. Who were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding migrants who
crossed the seas from the Southern Philippines?

A. Sumatians C. Borneans
B. Malayans D. Negritos

43. What religious institution is the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of
1896 today?

A. Philippines Independent Church

B. Roman Catholic Church
C. Unitarian Church of the Philippines

D. United Church of the Philippines

43. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the Senate and the House
of Representatives?

A. Bicameralism C. Unicameralism
B. Bipartisanship D. Co-legislative

45. Who was the last Spanish Governal-General of the Philippines?

A. Ramon Blanco C. Basilio Agustin

B. Diego de los Rios D. Fermin Jaudenes

46. Which demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental

A. Industrialized countries’ toxic disposed to poorer countries.
B. Temperature warming and rise of sea level.
C. Desertification of verdant regions.
D. Extinction of rare animal species.

47. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry’s ________________.

A. Political rights C. Socio-civic rights

B. Right of suffrage D. Right to due

48. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry’s ___________________.

A. Right to due process C. political rights

B. Socio-civic rights D. right of suffrage

49. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals

A. Income tax C. Community tax
B. Reas estate tax D. Inheritance tax


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. B
16. D
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. D
24. B
25. C
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. D
32. C
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. B
37. A
38. A
39. A
40. B
41. D
42. D
43. A
44. B
45. B
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. A

General Education - SCIENCE

- November 22, 2018

1. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

A. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.

B. The plant cell will shrivel.
C. No effect on the plant cell.
D. The plant cell will swell.

2. An ant colony stores food in the summer, defends itself by stinging enemies and
invades a competing ant colony and steals larvae and use them as new workers. What
is the term to best describe how this species copes with everyday life?

A. Ecological defeat C. Ecological success

B. Environmental habitation D. Ecological niche

3. What are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and
changes in cell shape?

A. Myosin filaments C. Monofilaments

B. Pseudo filaments D. Microfilaments

4. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to _________________.

A. Surface tension C. Atmospheric pressure
B. Buoyancy D. Viscosity

5. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by what color of


A. Bright green C. Brick red

B. Gold D. Lilac

6. Which is true of metalloids?

A. Conduct heat and electricity less effectively than non-metal.

B. Conduct heat and electricity better than metals.
C. Conduct heat better than metals.
D. Have properties of both metals an non-metals.

7. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth, promoting auxillary bud
growth and apical dominance?

A. Auxins and Gibberellins C. Auxins and abscisate

B. Cytokinins and Gibberellins D. Cytokinins and auxins

8. Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3?

A. Manganese flouride (III) C. Manganese (III) flouride

B. Manganese (I) flouride (III) D. Manganese (III) flouride (III)

9. Which of the following is a heterotrophe?

A. Algae C. Grasshopper
B. Fern D. Moss

10. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are classified as


A. Carbohydrates C. Phopholipids
B. Acids and bases D. Macromolecular

11. Which of the following is a measure of pressure, defines as one newton per square

A. Pascal C. Milliliter
B. Atomic Units D. Poise

12. A metric carat ia a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to

A. 1, 000 mg C. 2 kg
B. 200 mg D. 100 mg

13. Kingdom plante includes which organisms?

A. Prokaryotes C. Magnoliidae
B. Fungi D. Protozoa

14. Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Which of the

following is NOT characteristic of scientific assertion?

A. Logic and validity C. Conformity with actual observation

B. Empirical support D. Hearsay

15. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and then replicated can result in genetic

A. Mutation C. Embryology
B. Pathology D. Speciation

16. What organism would most likely be in an arctic environment?

A. Crocodile C. Turtle
B. Walrus D. Maya Bird

17. How are bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything?

A. They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of
B. They are able to fluoresce in the dark
C. They have supersonic eyesight
D. They can disappear

18. This demonstrated the feeding connections between all life forms.

A. Nutrition cycles C. Fossil cycl

B. Biochemical pathways D. Food web

19. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is

A. Euthanasia C. capital punishment

B. Salvaging D. suicide
20. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area a group
of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They then developed differing
characteristics and became a distinct species. Which of the following concepts explain
this speciation?

A. Geographical isolation C. Episodic isolation

B. Chronotropic isolation D. Behavioral isolation

21. The protein shell of a virus is called____________.

A. Capsid C. Virions
B. lambda bacteriophage D. Capsomeres

22. Air, flood and water are essential elements in human existence. Carried by the
wind, polluted air called ________________falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying

A. La Nina C. Greenhouse rain

B. El Nino D. Acid rain

23. In the pacific area, a storm is called _____________.

A. Hurricane C. Typhoon
B. El Nino D. La Nina

24. When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when the sun
shines all the time both day and night, what is this called?

A. Twilight sun C. Summer light

B. Northern Light D. Midnight Sun

25. The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a
practice that advocates _________.

A. Environmental protection C. Ecological destruction

B. Sustainable potential D. Forest Demolition

26. Ecosystem is the relationship between the physical and biological environments in
a certain plain. Among desert ecosystems, the world’s largest ecosystem is

A. Sahara C. Tian shan

B. Sonoran D. Namib

27. The Philippines lies in the ____________, an area where many volcanoes are
A. Archipelagic fault line C. Wheel of fire
B. Ring of fire D. volcanic rim

28. The energy source which is abundant in the Philippines but still not fully developed
is the?

A. Gas C. Sea
B. Sun D. Mineral

29. Which is an example of a non-pathogenic microorganism?

A. Palsmodium falciparum C. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria

B. Influenza sp. D. Yersinia pestis

30. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are types of

A. Proteins C. Nucleotides
B. Lipids D. Carbohydrates

31. Air like food and water is an essentail element in human existence. Carried by the
wind, polluted air called ______ falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying vegetation.

A. El Niño C. La Niña
B. Greenhouse rain D. Acid rain

32. What are the components of a fungal cell wall?

A. Chitin, proteins and sugar C. lipids, proteins and

B. Nucleic acids, proteins and sugars D. Cellular and proteins

33. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from sunlight?

A. Carbohydrates C. ATP
B. Chlorophyll D. Oxygen
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. B

General Education - Mathematics

- November 22, 2018

1. What percent of 75 is 15?

A. 20% C.38%
B. 30% D. 40%

2. How long will it take A and B together, to finish a job which can be done by A
alone in 6 days and be alone in 3 days?

A. 2 1 2 days C. 3 days
B. 2 days D. 3 ½ days

3. Guzman Company manufactures beds. In its catalogue, a double bed is priced at

P5,000.00 less a discount to the trade of 20%. What will Rosan Departments Store
have to pay for the bed?

A. P4,000.00 C. P4, 000. 00

B. P4,500. 00 D. P4,980. 00

4. A receipt calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour. If a head chef uses 28 cups of
flour, how many eggs will he need?

A. 56 eggs C. 65 eggs
B. 14 eggs D.55 eggs
5. What is the total amount after adding interest of 8% on P10,000.00 for 3 years?

A. P12,400.00 C. P13,400. 00
B. P11, 000. 00 D. P15, 000. 00

6. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is ________________.

A. ½ C. ¼
B. 1/3 D. 1/8
7. The slope of a line described by the equation 3x = (y + 4) 2 is

A. 6 C. 4
B. 3 IF / 2 NOT x2 (3/2) D. 8

8. It can be used to show the progress in academic grades over four quarters.

A. Circle graph C. Pie graph

B. Line graph D. Bar graph

9. It illustrates how a portion of the data relates with the whole.

A. Line graph C. Bar Graph

B. Pie graph D. Area diagram

10. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16,
24, 12, 14. What is the median score?

A. 14 C. 15. 5
B. 14. 5 D. 15

11. Find the least common multiple of 5, 2, 7

A. 35 C. 15
B. 140 D. 70

12. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km per hour leaves the house 2 hours after a
Kia car has left and overtakes it. In 5 hours at what rate was the Kia car travelling?

A. 30 kilometers per hour C. 20 kilometers per hour

B. 50 kilometers per hour D. 40 kilometers per hour

13. If the average or arithmetic mean of x and -5 is 10, then what must be the value of
A. 15 C. 30
B. 25 D. 20

14. Which of the following gives the numerical value of the population?

A. Range C. Parameter
B. Statistics D. Variable

15. The grades in Mathematics of students in section A are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95,
100. What is the population variance of their group?

A. 230 C. 264
B. 270 D. 224 – NO ANSWER : 206

16. Which among measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

A. Mode C. Weighted mean

B. Mean D. Median

17. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number described by 2?

A. ½ C. ¼
B. 1/3 D. 1/6

18. If a student has an average of 76 % on his first two tests and has an average of 85
% on the next four tests, what is the final average on all six tests?

A. 82. 0 % C. 80. 5 %
B. 82. 5 % D. 81. 3 %

19. In the example of 10 to the 5th power + 6x the exponent is


A. y C. 6
B. 5 D. 10

20. Simplify: 6 – [3 – (-4) + 11 + 8]

A. -26 C. 26
B. 20 D. -20

21. Simplify: [(3x – 12) / (3x)] divided by (x – 4)

A. 3x C. x
B. X–4 D. 1/x
22. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 12, 10, 13, 11, 15,
20, 19, 17. What is the median score?

A. 14 C. 17
B. 16.5 D. 15.5

23. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9)

A. 3 / (x – 3) C. 3 / (x + 1)
B. 3 / (x + 3) D. 3 / (x – 1)

24. What are the prime factors of 120?

A. 2x2x2x6x5 C. 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
B. 2x4x3x5 D. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

25. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60?

A. 340 C. 120
B. 140 D. 360

26. The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and 4 is ______.

A. 13 C. 24
B. 14 D. 12

27. Simplify (x2 – Y 2 ) / ( x + y)

A. y–x C. –x - -y
B. X–y D. –x + y

28. Simplify 3(x – 4y) – (4y – 3x) – (2x + y)

A. 4x + 17y C. 4x – 17y
B. -4x + 17y D. -4 – 17y

29. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the __________.

A. Area C. legs
B. Volume D. perimeter

30. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. What is the area of
the triangle?

A. 50 square meters C. 20 square meters

B. 60 square meters D. 24 square meters

31. A rectangular block of steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters

and weights 1000 N. How should this block be placed on a surface to exert the least
pressure on the sruface?

A. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side. C. On the 5 meters by 15

meters side.
B. All sides have equal pressure. D. On the 10 meters by 15
meters side.

32. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of
the larger angle?

A. 110. 5 degrees C. 102. 5 degrees

B. 95. 5 degrees D. 77. 5 degrees

33. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats?

A. 95 C. 105
B. 120 D. 100


1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. A
28. B
29. C
30. B

General Education - Filipino

- November 22, 2018

1. Pillin and angkop pagpapakahulugan: Bilang at sukat kung mangusap ang dalaga.

A. Mahirap unawain C. Madaldal

B. Mahina and boses D. Maingat

2. Ito ay pagbasa ng pansamatala of di palagian. Ginagawa ito kung nais magpalipas

ng oras.

A. Scanning C. Kaswal
B. Pre-viewing D. Masusi

3. Isang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos na ginagamitan ng sunod-sunod na tatlong

tuldok para ipakita na may mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata.

A. Ellipsis C. Synopsis
B. Abstrak D. Sintesis

4. Uri ng sanaysay na pangkaraniwan ang paksa, waring nakikipag-usap lamang.

A. Malikhain C. Masining
B. Malaya D. Maanyo

5. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay nauunawaan ng lahat at napagkasunduan ng isang


A. Dinamiko C. Arbitrary
B. Likas D. Masistema

6. Ano ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping ika at tambilang?

A. Gitling C. Panaklong
B. Tuldok D. Kuwit

7. Isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa pag-

aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikipanayam at sinusulat sa paraang kawili-wili ay

A. Pangulong tudling C. Lathalain

B. Kumento D. Editoryal
8. Kapapasok pa lang nya sa silid. Ang pandiwa sa pangungusap ay nasa aspetong

A. Imperpektibo C. Pangnagdaan
B. Kontimplatibo D. Perpektibo

9. Katangian ng mahusay na mananaliksik na marunong tumanggap ng kritisismo para

sa ikagaganda ng pananaliksik.

A. Malikhain C. Maparaan
B. Bukas ang isipan D. Marunong tumanggi

10. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa “Bakit gabi na ay di pa sya


A. Pagkatuwa C. Pagkatakot
B. Pagkapoot D. Pagkagalit

11. Sistematikong paglalarawan ng mga datos na estatistika.

A. Talahanayan C. Balangkas
B. Grap D. Mapa

12. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga salita sa loob ng

A. Semantika C. Pragmatika
B. Syntax D. Ortograpiya

13. Pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.

A. Temporal C. Penomenal
B. Eksistensyal D. Modal

14. Orihinal: Mother cooked adobo for kuya Manuel. Salin: Si nanay ay nagluto ng
adobo para kay kuya Manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling?

A. Adaptasyon C. Idyomatiko
B. Malaya D. Literal

15. Tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula.

A. Talinghaga C. Tugma
B. Kariktan D. Sukat
16. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga lugar at babasahing
mapagkukunan ng mga literatura at pag-aaral?

A. Kabanata V C. Kabanata I
B. Kabanata IV D. Kabanata II

17. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The present problem is only a storm in a teacup.

A. May galit C. Matagumpay

B. Bale-wala D. Buong puso

18. Pinakapayak na anyo ng salita na walang kahalong panlapi.

A. Gitlapi C. Salitang ugat

B. Ponema D. Laguhan

19. Nagpapahayag lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at nabuo sa pagsasama-

sama ng mga salitang pinaikli o pinahaba.

A. Kolokyal C. Pampanitikan
B. Lalawigan D. Balbal

20. Uri ng panghalip na ginagamit na panturo sa mga bagay.

A. Palagyo C. Pamaklaw
B. Pamatlig D. Palayon

21. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng

ponema sa salita.

A. Asimilasyon C. Pagkaltas
B. Paglapi D. Metatesis

23. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

A. Okasyon C. Pagyayabang
B. Paksa D. Tagapakinig

24. Ang pariralang nalaglag-nahulog ay nagpapakahulugan ng _________________.

A. Magakahawig C. Magkapares
B. Idyoma D. Magkasalungat

25. Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo,” ang salitang malakas ay isang
A. Pangatnig C. Pang-uri
B. Panghalip D. pandiwa

26. Anu ang salitang ugat ng PINAGLABANAN?

A. Laban C. Labanan
B. Ilaban D. Paglaban

27. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita.

A. Participant C. konteksto
B. Tsanel D. Pdbak

28. Kalabang mortal ng pakikinig.

A. Ingay C. Oras
B. Okasyon D. Salita

29. Paraan ng pagbuo ng salita na ginagamitan ng tatlong uri ng panlapi.

A. Kabilaan C. Inunlapian
B. Laguhan D. Hinulapian

30. Isang uri ng pamamatnubay kung saan ang mga reporter ay lumilihis sa
pamatnubay; lumilikha sila ng sariling paraan sa mga gawaing pag-ulat.

A. Kombensyunal C. Masining
B. Masaklaw D. Di-kombensyunal

31. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga

sagisag ay tinatawag na _____.

A. Pagtuklas C. paglalahad
B. Pakikinig D. talastasan

32. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin
ang damdamin.

A. Jornalistik C. malikhain
B. Akademiko D. teknika

33. Piliin and salitang walang diptonggo.

A. Musika C. kasuy
B. Bahay D. Sisiw
34. Nakapandidiri ang asong kalye na _______.

A. Dumihan C. madumi
B. Ma-dumi D. dumumi

35. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

A. Paksa C. Tagapakinig
B. Okasyon D. Pagyayabang

36. Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais ipahayag
ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ay ___________.

A. Wika C. bokabolaryo
B. Sining D. tunog

37. Ang mga salitang teka, saan, tena, dali ay nagtataglay ng

A. Asimilasyon C. Tono

B. Metatesis D. Pagkaltas

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. D
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. C
35. D
36. A
37. D

General Education - ICT

- November 22, 2018

1. Activities connected by a computer system is described as


A. Virtual C. Network
B. Distance D. Online

2. Which symbol is used to open a document?

A. Ctrl + V C. Ctrl + D
B. Ctrl + S D. Ctrl + O

3. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the


A. E-shopping C. E-mail
B. E-registry D. E-learning

4. ALT is the symbol for ________________

A. Back space C. Enter key

B. Alter key D. Control key

5. Which of the following is not an input device?

A. Keyboard C. Monitor
B. Mouse D. Gaming Application
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
General Education Drill 8.1
- December 19, 2018
1.Father of English Essay.
a.Francis Bacon
b.William James
c. Alexander Dumas
d. Edgar Allan Poe

2. The normal lifespan of a red blood cell.

a. 60 days
b. 45 days
c. 24 hours
d. 100 days

3. In his despair, Judas _____ himself.

a. hunged
b. hanged
c. hang
d. hung

4. Dahilan kung bakit naging masigla ang pagsulat ng mga Pilipino sa magasing
"Liwayway" nuong panahon ng Hapon.
a. may mga naglakas-loob magsulat
b. walang takot sa mga Hapon
c. malaya silang sumulat
d. nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika

5. The scientific name for application of energy.

a. Kinetics
b. Power
c. Work
d. Simulation

6. The International Women's Day was held on March _?

a. 3
b. 24
c. 1
d. 8

7. Select the best answer that produces the most effective sentence. The warm humid
air irritated he.
a. irritated he.
b. irritated him.
c. irritation him.
d. irritating him.
8. What is the numerical value for the hardest mineral on the Mohs hardness scale?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 20
d. 100

9. How are distances in the universe measured?

a. Location of a star
b. Light year
c. age of a star
d. distance from the sun

10. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution.
a.6 years
b. 3 years
c. 3 years with re-election
d. 6 years with re-election

11. "Blessed are _____ sorrowing for _____ shall be comforted."

a. they-they
b. you-they
c. the-you
d. the-they

12. The ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health.
a. Eye of Hour
b. Mind’s Eye
c. Eye of Horus
d. Eyes

13. What season is it, with the line, "He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms kiss
and part."
a. Autumn
b. Spring
c. Summer
d. Winter

14. The correct way of eating fruits is when eaten _____.

a. with an empty stomach
b. before sleeping at night
c. during snacks
d. after meals

15. Ang katotohanang inihahayag sa awiting "Florante at Laura" ni Balagtas.

a. pag-iibigan ng magka-ibang lahi
b. katiwalian ng mga Kastila
c. kahirapan sa buhay
d. paraan ng pamumuhay

16. Part of tropical seas formed by the accumulation of the remains of marine animals.
a. Sediments
b. Bottom Rocks
c. Coral reefs
d. Islands

17. The particles and rays that results from the disintegration of the atom of a
radioactive material.
a. Nuclear fission
b. Neutron
c. Gamma rays
d. Radiation

18. If 2 tablespoons = 1 liquid oz., and 5 tablespoons = 1/4 cup, then, how many liquid
ounces are there in one cup?
a. 16 ounces
b. 10 ounces
c. 4 ounces
d. 8 ounces

19. In how many ways can 5 boys be stated in a row of 5 seats?

a. 102
b. 98
c. 120
d. 72

20. These are small hair-like intestinal structure which aids in the fast digestion of food.
a. Villi
b. Cilia
c. Gastric lining
d. Capillary

21. Ang pinakagamiting paraan sa pagsusulit ng sanhi at bunga.

a. true or false
b. matching type
c. recognition test
d. multiple choice

22. What radius of a circle whose area is 25 cm2?

a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 25
23. An allegory:
a. a short story
b. a poem of sadness
c. a verse of 3 stanzas
d. a narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface

24. "Kasingganda ni Teresita ang nanalong Bb. San Luis." Ayon kay Mayor Santos.
a. Magkatulad
b. Panukdulan
c. Katamtaman
d. Di-magkatulad

25. 6 is to 15 as 36 is to _____.
a. 60
b. 90
c. 72
d. 70

26. Which part of the blood carries oxygen to the different parts of the body?
a. White blood corpuscles
b. Hemoglobin
c. Plasma
d. Blood cells

27. Space age _____ on October 21, 1957 when Sputnik was launched by Soviet Union
a. flourished
b. commenced
c. cited
d. ended

28. It is the best type of soil for the plants to grow well specially in temperate regions.
a. Sandy soil
b. Humus and sandy
c. Sandy and pebbles
d. Muddy

29. If I could speak English well, I _____ next year studying in the States.
a. will spent
b. would spend
c. has spend
d. would have spent

30. A designation that serves as an index of popular literary taste and judgement.
a. Golden Glove
b. Pulitzer Prize
c. Best Seller
d. Nobel Prize

31. Find the value of x in the equation 3x + 7 = 28.

a. { - 7 }
b. { ± 7 }
c. { 7 }
d. { 4 }

32. It is the part of the atmosphere which filters the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
a. Lithosphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Ozone Layer
d. Ionosphere

33. The most important and central message of the Moral Recovery Program.
a. self
b. government
c. family
d. national moral regeneration

34. When the heat rays are caught/ trapped in the earth’s atmosphere, what is the
condition called?
a. Greenhouse effect
b. Northern lights
c. Tornadoes
d. Hurricanes

35. Which is an unlawful act of scaping from payment of taxes?

a. Evasion
b. Shifting
c. Exemption
d. avoidance

36. -144 / (-12) = ?

a. -12
b. 12
c. -1728
d. 1728

37. Which question is CORRECT?

a. Which television are you going to buy?
b. What time we going to arrive?
c. When is your arrival?
d. Where you are going to stay?
38. Rizal's winning poem which is considered a classic in Philippine Literature.
a. The Tales
b. El Amor Patrio
c. To the Filipino Youth
d. Los Viajes

39. The rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at the instance of private
individuals for the purpose of securing the enjoyment of their means of happiness.
Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.
a. Civil Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Political Rights
d. Constitutional Rights

40. ______ na ng magaling na barbero ang buhok ni Felix.

a. Gugupitan
b. Hahagupitin
c. Maggugupit
d. Gugupitin

41. Plunder means most nearly

a. Discriminating
b. Fatigue
c. Frivolous
d. Illegal enrichment of public officials using his office

42. Some bacteria are classified as saprophytes because they _____.

a. undergo photosynthesis
b. have a hydrolytic enzymes
c. feed on dead organic matter
d. feed on other living things

43. Which of the following involves chemical weathering?

a. oxidation
b. decomposition
c. carbonation
d. all of the above
44. Complete the sentence: That's not my bag. It's my _____.
a. brother
b. brother’s
c. brothers
d. borthers's

45. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation what right is violated?
a. Right to protection
b. Right to due process of law
c. Right to process paper
d. Right to secure persons

46. When a force is applied to a body, several effects are possible. Which of the
following effect CAN'T occur?
a. the body rotates
b. the body increase its mass
c. the body changes direction
d. the body changes shape

47. Ingress means most nearly

a. Gallantry
b. Delicate
c. Embarkation
d. Expedite

48. Add: 48.63 + 96.28 + 436.45 + .2385 = ?

a. 581.5985
b. 581.5986
c. 581.60
d. 581.5990

49. Which sentence is CORRECT?

a. Don't tell anyone! It's a secret.
b. Don't tell nobody! It's a secret.
c. Don't to tell anyone! It's a secret.
d. Don't telling someone! It's a secret.

50. Insipid means most nearly

a. Obstinate
b. Delineate
c. Character less
d. Formulate

Answer Key:
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. A
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. A
25. B
26. B
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. A
40. D
41. D
42. C
43. D
44. B
45. B
46. B
47. C
48. A
49. A
50. C
General Education Drill 8.3
- December 19, 2018
101. Ang kanyang may mababang-loob ang siyang pinagmamalaki ng kanilang
a. mahina ang loob
b. mapagkumbaba
c. pagka-mahiyain
d. katalinuhan
102. A television program that tells of animal life is entitled
a. Voltes V
b. Discovery
c. Batibot
d. Brigada Siete
103. A prisoner was approached by a priest. I will keep all you say in confidence, the
priest assured him. This means he tried to.
a. Win the confidence
b. Arouse the confidence
c. Be confident
d. Be taken in confidence
104. Ang "Kodigo ni Kalantiaw" ay naglalaman ng?
a. batas na dapat sundin ng mga mamamayan
b. pamantayan para sa maayos na pamumuhay
c. batas ng kagandahang-asal
d. kasunduang pang-kalakalan
105. The sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism which can eight
result in a wholesome or un-wholesome by-product.
a. growth
b. modification
c. mutation
d. infusion
106. What is the production of two usable forms of energy at the same time from the
same process?
a. Sustainable energy
b. Energy efficiency
c. Cogeneration
d. Conservation
107. World history recorded that art became emotional and dramatic during the
Renaissance. What popular painting is part of the "idyllic golden age" of art?
a. Saint Teresa by Bernini
b. Last Supper by Tintoretto
c. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci
d. The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio
108. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of
the larger angle?
a. 90 degrees
b. 110 dregrees
c. 102.5 degrees
d. 77.5 degrees
109. The number, 512115273999132, is NOT divisible by which of the following factors?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
110. Only world-class athletes win medals at the Olympic Games. Michael Phelps won
several gold medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Therefore:
a. Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming
b. Michael Phelps is an all-time American swimmer
c. Michael Phelps is a swimmer
d. Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian
111. A train moves with the speed of 180 km/hr. Find the speed in m/sec ?
a. 20 m/sec
b. 30 m/sec
c. 50 m/sec
d. 70 m/sec
112. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation
policy during the American colonial years of the Philippines?
a. William Mckinley
b. Woodrow Wilson
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. Franklin Roosevelt
113. What is the unit’s digit of the product of the first smallest prime numbers?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 5
114. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Researchers also speculate that some teachers might have given boys more computer
time because parents and teachers expected boys to need computers for future
a. expected
b. expecting
c. will expect
d. will have expected
115. Who was among the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and
established the so-called "Tagalog Republic"?
a. Macario Sakay
b. Gregorio del Pilar
c. Miguel Malvar
d. Manuel Tinio
116. Ang saging _____ ay di magbubunga ng santol.
a. kailan man
b. kaylanman
c. lamang
d. kailanman
117. The wounded soldiers were visited by the president who honoured them with ____
for their _____.
a. medals – valor
b. gun salute – bravery
c. appointments – dedication
d. money – sacrifice
118. When a person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and
differences in the cutoms, values and beliefs of one's culture, he/she is said to _____.
a. possess global awareness
b. sociocultural aware
c. possess social literacy
d. possess multicultural literacy
119. Sinabi ni Carlos P. Romulo sa isa niyang akda, “Ang Pilipino ay may dugong
maharlika.” Ano ang kahulugan nito?
a. Ang Pilipino ay nanggaling sa malayang lahi
b. Ang Pilipino ay sadyang mabuti ang budhi.
c. Ang Pilipino ay galing sa mayamang lahi
d. Ang Pilipino ay madaling maipagbili
120. How much liquid containing 6% boric acid should to be mixed with 2 quarts of
liquid that is 15% boric acid in order to obtain a solution that is 12% boric acid?
a. 3 quarts
b. 5 quarts
c. 1 quart
d. 2 quarts
121. Have you ever been to my _____?
a. brothers-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage
b. brother-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage
c. brother-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage
d. brother's-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage
122. I suggest that he _____ in the room for one week.
a. Stay
b. Stayed
c. Staying
d. Stays
123. He also known as “Papa Doc”
a. François Duvalier
b. Slobodan Milosevic
c. Vladimir V. Putin
d. Patrick J. Lyons
124. It is a collection of religious poetry written by Rabindranath Tagore.
a. Mahabharata
b. Gitanjali
c. The Ramayana
d. Bhagavad Gita
125. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This stands for the following EXCEPT
a. Loveliness
b. Comeliness
c. Homeliness
d. Physical beauty
126. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy sa pahayag.
Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si Miguel.
a. Pagtutulad
b. Pagbibigay katauhan
c. Pagmamalabis
d. Pagwawangis
127. Kami ang kabataang siyang magiging pag-asa ng bayan. Paano ginamit ang
salitang may salungguhit?
a. Pagtukoy
b. Pagpuri
c. Panghalip
d. Pagmamalaki
128. What is the missing terms in the series 5, 20, 80, ___,1280, ___, 20, 480?
a. 50;210
b. 40;160
c. 35;135
d. 320;5120
129. Calculate the mean absolute deviation of the following numbers: 60, 80, 100, 75
and 95
a. 12.4
b. 14.2
c. 16.1
d. 18.9
130. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or
indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government, suffrage and
information in matters of public concern.
a. Economic Rights
b. Political Rights
c. Constitutional Rights
d. Civil Rights
131. One side of a 45° - 45° - 90° triangle measures x cm. What is the length of its
a. X √3 cm
b. X cm
c. (X √3)/2 cm
d. X √2 cm
132. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint
Filipino-American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?
a. Bataan
b. Capas
c. Corregidor
d. Manila
133. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it?
a. Earth
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Mercury
134. The son of Zeus and Hera.
a. Jesus
b. Hephaestus
c. Damian Wayne
d. Daimon Hellstrom
135. Ruben’s grades in 6 subjects are 88, 90, 97, 90, 91 and 86? What is the least
grade that he should aim for in the 7th subject if he has to have an average of 88?
a. 92
b. 74
c. 88
d. 85
136. Which of these has the longest perimeter?
a. A square 21 cm on a side
b. A rectangle 19 cm long and 24 cm wide
c. An equilateral triangle whose side is 28 cm
d. A right triangle whose two legs are 24 and 32 cm
137. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap?
a. Ang mga kabataan sa lansangan ay naglalaro at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan.
b. Ang kabataan ay naglalaro kung maliwanag ang buwan at nagtatakbuhan sa
c. Ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan kung maliwanag ang
d. Ang mga kabataan kung maliwanag ang buwan ay nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan at
138. . _____ not making the most of _____ opportunities.
a. You – your
b. You're – you
c. You're - you're
d. You're – your
139. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215?
a. 43/200
b. 27/125
c. 21/50
d. 108/375
140. The Constitution after it has been ratified, can only be amended through initiative
after _____ years.
a. once every 6 years
b. two
c. anytime
d. 5
141. On a certain day, three computer technicians took turns in manning a 24-hour
internet shop. The number of hours Cesar, Bert, and Danny were on duty was in the
ratio 3:4:5, respectively. The shop owner pays them P50 per hour. How much would
Danny receive for that day?
a. P 230
b. P500
c. P160
d. P480
142. Chona actively participates in a task and also dutifully performs tasks assigned to
her. What scientific attitude is displayed in this situation?
a. Responsibility
b. Camaraderie
c. Being a team player
d. Unity
143. What is the measure of an interior angle of a dodecagon?
a. 150 degrees
b. 120 degrees
c. 140 degrees
d. 130 degrees
144. Piliin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: Kasiyahan ko nang makitang kayo’y
a. Pangarap
b. Pagkontrol ng kilos
c. Pagkuha ng impormasyon
d. Pagbabahagi ng damdamin
145. "Invictus" is a short Victorian poem by the English poet
a. Emily Dickenson
b. Timothy McVeigh
c. Ted Kaczynski
d. William Ernest Henley
146. How many square inches are in 2 square yard?
a. 900
b. 144
c. 1296
d. 2,592
147. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215?
a. 43/200
b. 27/125
c. 21/50
d. 108/375
147. As a result of EDSA I, the Philippines _____.
a. changed its form of government to parliamentary
b. intesified its participation in international affairs
c. saw the empeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
d. became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution
148. Ang kaugnayan ng pagkakapatay kina Burgos, Gomez at Zamora sa panitikang
Pilipino ay
a. Nanatiling masigla ang diwang Pilipino
b. Nakagising sa damdaming makabayan ng mga Pilipino
c. Natutong lumabag sa batas at lumaban sa may kapangyarihan ang mga Pilipino
d. Naimpluwensyahan ang diwang alipin ng mga Pilipino
149. What is the primary aim of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)?
a. achieve a dignified existence for the small farmers
b. make a tiller the owner of the land he cultivates
c. provide the necessary support facilities, institutions and services
d. provide credit facilities like loans and financing
150. Si Lope K. Santos ay tinaguriang _____ sa dahilang siya ang kauna-unahang
sumulat ng Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa na batay sa Tagalog.
a. Ama ng Wikang Pilipino
b. Ama ng mga Dalubhasang Pilipino
c. Ama ng Panitikang Pilipino
d. Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino

Answer Key
101. B
102. B
103. A
104. A
105. C
106. C
107. C
108. C
109. D
110. D
111. C
112. A
113. A
114. D
115. A
116. D
117. A
118. D
119. A
120. C
121. B
122. A
123. A
124. B
125. C
126. C
127. A
128. D
129. A
130. B
131. D
132. C
133. B
134. B
135. B
136. D
137. C
138. D
139. A
140. D
141. B
142. A
143. A
144. D
145. D
146. D
147. A
147. D
148. B
149. A
150. D
General Education Drill 8.3
- December 19, 2018
101. Ang kanyang may mababang-loob ang siyang pinagmamalaki ng kanilang
a. mahina ang loob
b. mapagkumbaba
c. pagka-mahiyain
d. katalinuhan
102. A television program that tells of animal life is entitled
a. Voltes V
b. Discovery
c. Batibot
d. Brigada Siete
103. A prisoner was approached by a priest. I will keep all you say in confidence, the
priest assured him. This means he tried to.
a. Win the confidence
b. Arouse the confidence
c. Be confident
d. Be taken in confidence
104. Ang "Kodigo ni Kalantiaw" ay naglalaman ng?
a. batas na dapat sundin ng mga mamamayan
b. pamantayan para sa maayos na pamumuhay
c. batas ng kagandahang-asal
d. kasunduang pang-kalakalan
105. The sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism which can eight
result in a wholesome or un-wholesome by-product.
a. growth
b. modification
c. mutation
d. infusion
106. What is the production of two usable forms of energy at the same time from the
same process?
a. Sustainable energy
b. Energy efficiency
c. Cogeneration
d. Conservation
107. World history recorded that art became emotional and dramatic during the
Renaissance. What popular painting is part of the "idyllic golden age" of art?
a. Saint Teresa by Bernini
b. Last Supper by Tintoretto
c. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci
d. The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio
108. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of
the larger angle?
a. 90 degrees
b. 110 dregrees
c. 102.5 degrees
d. 77.5 degrees
109. The number, 512115273999132, is NOT divisible by which of the following factors?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
110. Only world-class athletes win medals at the Olympic Games. Michael Phelps won
several gold medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Therefore:
a. Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming
b. Michael Phelps is an all-time American swimmer
c. Michael Phelps is a swimmer
d. Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian
111. A train moves with the speed of 180 km/hr. Find the speed in m/sec ?
a. 20 m/sec
b. 30 m/sec
c. 50 m/sec
d. 70 m/sec
112. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation
policy during the American colonial years of the Philippines?
a. William Mckinley
b. Woodrow Wilson
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. Franklin Roosevelt
113. What is the unit’s digit of the product of the first smallest prime numbers?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 5
114. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Researchers also speculate that some teachers might have given boys more computer
time because parents and teachers expected boys to need computers for future
a. expected
b. expecting
c. will expect
d. will have expected
115. Who was among the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and
established the so-called "Tagalog Republic"?
a. Macario Sakay
b. Gregorio del Pilar
c. Miguel Malvar
d. Manuel Tinio
116. Ang saging _____ ay di magbubunga ng santol.
a. kailan man
b. kaylanman
c. lamang
d. kailanman
117. The wounded soldiers were visited by the president who honoured them with ____
for their _____.
a. medals – valor
b. gun salute – bravery
c. appointments – dedication
d. money – sacrifice
118. When a person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and
differences in the cutoms, values and beliefs of one's culture, he/she is said to _____.
a. possess global awareness
b. sociocultural aware
c. possess social literacy
d. possess multicultural literacy
119. Sinabi ni Carlos P. Romulo sa isa niyang akda, “Ang Pilipino ay may dugong
maharlika.” Ano ang kahulugan nito?
a. Ang Pilipino ay nanggaling sa malayang lahi
b. Ang Pilipino ay sadyang mabuti ang budhi.
c. Ang Pilipino ay galing sa mayamang lahi
d. Ang Pilipino ay madaling maipagbili
120. How much liquid containing 6% boric acid should to be mixed with 2 quarts of
liquid that is 15% boric acid in order to obtain a solution that is 12% boric acid?
a. 3 quarts
b. 5 quarts
c. 1 quart
d. 2 quarts
121. Have you ever been to my _____?
a. brothers-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage
b. brother-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage
c. brother-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage
d. brother's-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage
122. I suggest that he _____ in the room for one week.
a. Stay
b. Stayed
c. Staying
d. Stays
123. He also known as “Papa Doc”
a. François Duvalier
b. Slobodan Milosevic
c. Vladimir V. Putin
d. Patrick J. Lyons
124. It is a collection of religious poetry written by Rabindranath Tagore.
a. Mahabharata
b. Gitanjali
c. The Ramayana
d. Bhagavad Gita
125. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This stands for the following EXCEPT
a. Loveliness
b. Comeliness
c. Homeliness
d. Physical beauty
126. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy sa pahayag.
Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si Miguel.
a. Pagtutulad
b. Pagbibigay katauhan
c. Pagmamalabis
d. Pagwawangis
127. Kami ang kabataang siyang magiging pag-asa ng bayan. Paano ginamit ang
salitang may salungguhit?
a. Pagtukoy
b. Pagpuri
c. Panghalip
d. Pagmamalaki
128. What is the missing terms in the series 5, 20, 80, ___,1280, ___, 20, 480?
a. 50;210
b. 40;160
c. 35;135
d. 320;5120
129. Calculate the mean absolute deviation of the following numbers: 60, 80, 100, 75
and 95
a. 12.4
b. 14.2
c. 16.1
d. 18.9
130. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or
indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government, suffrage and
information in matters of public concern.
a. Economic Rights
b. Political Rights
c. Constitutional Rights
d. Civil Rights
131. One side of a 45° - 45° - 90° triangle measures x cm. What is the length of its
a. X √3 cm
b. X cm
c. (X √3)/2 cm
d. X √2 cm
132. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint
Filipino-American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?
a. Bataan
b. Capas
c. Corregidor
d. Manila
133. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it?
a. Earth
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Mercury
134. The son of Zeus and Hera.
a. Jesus
b. Hephaestus
c. Damian Wayne
d. Daimon Hellstrom
135. Ruben’s grades in 6 subjects are 88, 90, 97, 90, 91 and 86? What is the least
grade that he should aim for in the 7th subject if he has to have an average of 88?
a. 92
b. 74
c. 88
d. 85
136. Which of these has the longest perimeter?
a. A square 21 cm on a side
b. A rectangle 19 cm long and 24 cm wide
c. An equilateral triangle whose side is 28 cm
d. A right triangle whose two legs are 24 and 32 cm
137. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap?
a. Ang mga kabataan sa lansangan ay naglalaro at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan.
b. Ang kabataan ay naglalaro kung maliwanag ang buwan at nagtatakbuhan sa
c. Ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan kung maliwanag ang
d. Ang mga kabataan kung maliwanag ang buwan ay nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan at
138. . _____ not making the most of _____ opportunities.
a. You – your
b. You're – you
c. You're - you're
d. You're – your
139. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215?
a. 43/200
b. 27/125
c. 21/50
d. 108/375
140. The Constitution after it has been ratified, can only be amended through initiative
after _____ years.
a. once every 6 years
b. two
c. anytime
d. 5
141. On a certain day, three computer technicians took turns in manning a 24-hour
internet shop. The number of hours Cesar, Bert, and Danny were on duty was in the
ratio 3:4:5, respectively. The shop owner pays them P50 per hour. How much would
Danny receive for that day?
a. P 230
b. P500
c. P160
d. P480
142. Chona actively participates in a task and also dutifully performs tasks assigned to
her. What scientific attitude is displayed in this situation?
a. Responsibility
b. Camaraderie
c. Being a team player
d. Unity
143. What is the measure of an interior angle of a dodecagon?
a. 150 degrees
b. 120 degrees
c. 140 degrees
d. 130 degrees
144. Piliin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: Kasiyahan ko nang makitang kayo’y
a. Pangarap
b. Pagkontrol ng kilos
c. Pagkuha ng impormasyon
d. Pagbabahagi ng damdamin
145. "Invictus" is a short Victorian poem by the English poet
a. Emily Dickenson
b. Timothy McVeigh
c. Ted Kaczynski
d. William Ernest Henley
146. How many square inches are in 2 square yard?
a. 900
b. 144
c. 1296
d. 2,592
147. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215?
a. 43/200
b. 27/125
c. 21/50
d. 108/375
147. As a result of EDSA I, the Philippines _____.
a. changed its form of government to parliamentary
b. intesified its participation in international affairs
c. saw the empeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
d. became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution
148. Ang kaugnayan ng pagkakapatay kina Burgos, Gomez at Zamora sa panitikang
Pilipino ay
a. Nanatiling masigla ang diwang Pilipino
b. Nakagising sa damdaming makabayan ng mga Pilipino
c. Natutong lumabag sa batas at lumaban sa may kapangyarihan ang mga Pilipino
d. Naimpluwensyahan ang diwang alipin ng mga Pilipino
149. What is the primary aim of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)?
a. achieve a dignified existence for the small farmers
b. make a tiller the owner of the land he cultivates
c. provide the necessary support facilities, institutions and services
d. provide credit facilities like loans and financing
150. Si Lope K. Santos ay tinaguriang _____ sa dahilang siya ang kauna-unahang
sumulat ng Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa na batay sa Tagalog.
a. Ama ng Wikang Pilipino
b. Ama ng mga Dalubhasang Pilipino
c. Ama ng Panitikang Pilipino
d. Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino

Answer Key
101. B
102. B
103. A
104. A
105. C
106. C
107. C
108. C
109. D
110. D
111. C
112. A
113. A
114. D
115. A
116. D
117. A
118. D
119. A
120. C
121. B
122. A
123. A
124. B
125. C
126. C
127. A
128. D
129. A
130. B
131. D
132. C
133. B
134. B
135. B
136. D
137. C
138. D
139. A
140. D
141. B
142. A
143. A
144. D
145. D
146. D
147. A
147. D
148. B
149. A
150. D

General Education Drill 8.4

- December 19, 2018
151. Which is TRUE of the earth throughout geologic time?
a. Warmer and colder than the present
b. Always colder than the present
c. A steady temperature
d. Only warmer than the present
152. Choose the correct option. He is an _____ member of the community.
a. eminent
b. Immanent
c. Imminent
d. eminet
153. Ang pag-iibigan nina Florante at Laura ay matimyas. Ano ang kasalungat ang
kahulugan ng salitang “matimyas?”
a. dalisay
b. wagas
c. di-magmamaliw
d. di-totoo
154. Nelia takes ¾ hour to dress and get ready for school. It takes 4/5 hour to reach the
school. If her class starts promptly at 8:00 am; what is the latest time she can jump out
of bed in order not to be late for school?
a. 6:42 am
b. 6:27 am
c. 6:57 am
d. 7:02 am
155. Laging UMUUKILKIL sa isipan ng ama ang nasirang pangako ng anak.
a. Sumasagi
b. Gumugulo
c. Bumubuhay
d. Sumasapi
156. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2?
a. ¼
b. 1/6
c. ½
d. 1/3
157. Which term refers the measures undertaken by the government which would
remove anything that hinders the entry of foreign products, services and capital
between countries?
a. Internationalization
b. Globalization
c. Liberalization
d. Privatization
158. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12, while those of another right triangle are
12 and 16. How much longer is the perimeter of the larger triangle than the perimeter of
the smaller triangle?
a. 84
b. 7
c. 12
d. 14
159. An online shop sells a certain calculator for P950 and charges P150 for shipping
within Manila, regardless of the number of calculators ordered. Which of the following
equations shows the total cost (y) of an order as a function of the number of calculators
ordered (x)?
a. y = (950 + 150)x
b. y = 150x +950
c. x = 950y + 150
d. y = 950x + 150
160. Environmental law providing for an ecological solid waste management program
creating necessary mechanisms, incentives, prohibitions and penalties.
a. Recycle, Re-use and Reduce Act
b. Rep. Act # 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
c. Waste Recycling and Disposal Act
d. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
161. In the processing of expenditures reports or documents, except otherwise provided
by law, how many signatures must any written action or decision contain?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5
162. We should work for the total ban _____ of pesticides.
a. on using
b. with
c. on the use
d. by the use
163. In a playground for Kindergarten kids, 18 children are riding tricycles or bicycles. If
there are 43 wheels in all, how many tricycles are there?
a. 8
b. 9
c. 7
d. 11
164. One trip around a running track is 440 yards. One jogger can complete one lap in 8
minutes, the other can complete in 6 minutes. How long will it take for both joggers to
arrive at their starting point together if they start at the same time and maintain their
jogging pace?
a. 12 minutes
b. 24 minutes
c. 36 minutes
d. 48 minutes
165. Which of the following statements best describes a hypothetical element with an
electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p5?
a. The hypothetical element has an atomic number of 11.
b. The hypothetical element is a member of Group V, otherwise called the Nitrogen
c. The hypothetical element is in the fifth position in the p-block, along the third period of
the periodic table.
d. The hypothetical element is located at the third position of the p-block, along the fifth
period of the periodic table.
167. In President Quezon's time, the country had the Philippine Commonwealth. What
is TRUE about the Philippine Commonwealth? The Filipino people _____.
a. were fully independent.
b. were partially independent
c. were citizens of the United States
d. were granted total freedom to course their destiny only in matters of education
168. Despite the observed diversity among organisms, they are all made from the same
set of biomolecules composed of monomeric units except:
a. Proteins
b. Carbohydrates
c. Nucleic Acids
d. Lipids and Fats
169. Can the accused waive his right to remain silent and to have competent and
independent counsel?
a. No, except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
b. Yes, if there is no counsel offering his service.
c. No, it cannot be waived.
d. Yes, if he voluntarily does so.
170. What factor was a major cause of both World War I and World War II?
a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe
b. The dropping of atomic bombs
c. Nationalism and national borders
d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states
171. In which organization is the Philippines a member to fight communist aggression?
b. ASA
c. UN
172. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" is taken from the poem
a. The Arrow and the Song
b. O Captain, My Captain
c. Invictus
d. The Tragedy of Lords
173. Ang Kagawaran ng Ugnayang Panlabas ng Pilipinas ay gulong-gulo kapag may
giyera sa ibang bansa. Ano ang unang ginagampanan ng ambassador ng bansa?
a. Bilangin ang mga nasugatan at nasawi
b. Alamin ang mga tirahan ng mga Pilipino sa bayang iyon.
c. Ipunin ang mga maykaya at ipalipad pauwi.
d. Bayaang magsipag-uwian sa sariling sikap ang bawat isa
174. How does forest protect our source of water?
a. they keep water in the streams
b. they let water flow to the lowlands
c. they use water for food production
d. they serve as water holders
175. Kabaliwan at paglulustay ang inyong ginagawa taon-taon. Higit na marami ang
maralitang nangangailangan ng salapi at dunong. Ang nagsasalita ay
a. Kuripot
b. Matipid
c. Maramot
d. Praktikal
176. Which of the following statements about acid and base is TRUE?
a. The end point is reached when the color of the indicator in titration changes
b. Both acids and bases conduct electricity
c. Baking soda is acidic
d. The concept of H3O+ was introduced by Arrhenius
177. Give ____ the book.
a. mine
b. we
c. his
d. them
178. The ancient people made a _____ that the end of the world is near.
a. prophesy
b. prophetic
c. prophet
d. prophecy
179. Which of the following examples best illustrates application of Boyle’s Law?
a. A tire becomes harder as more air is pumped into it.
b. A sealed aerosol can explodes when thrown into a fire.
c. A balloon expands and bursts when exposed to direct sunlight.
d. A scuba divers stops at certain depths as he ascends to the ocean’s surface.
180. Three liquids A, B, C were studied in a laboratory. Liquid A was found to float over
B and C. It was also found that liquid A flows fastest among the three. What can be said
about liquid A?
a. Densest and most viscous
b. Densest and least viscous
c. Least dense and most viscous
d. Least dense and least viscous
181. In Aladdin, what kind of animal is Abu?
a. tiger
b. bird
c. monkey
d. dog
182. “Magtatrabaho ako at ikaw ay mag-aaral upang makatapos ka ng pag-aaral.”
Anong uri ng pangungusap ito?
a. Payak
b. Tambalan
c. Hugnayan
d. Langkapan
183. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a base?
a. Slippery feeling
b. Bitter taste
c. Reacts with carbonates to produce carbon dioxide
d. Able to change litmus from red to blue
184. To govern is to rule and the government rules by laws. Whose main duty is the
enforcement of laws?
a. Police department
b. Judiciary department
c. Legislative department
d. Executive department
185. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent
a. Timawa
b. Maharlika
c. Aliping namamahay
d. Aliping saguiguilid
186. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas
a. Magellan’s expedition
b. Loarca expedition
c. Legaspi expedition
d. Villalobos expedition
187. To which type of political system do we belong?
a. Democracy
b. Colonialism
c. Capitalism
d. Totalitarianism
189. Every June, Manila has its festival of outstanding Filipino films. This was a project
initiated by
a. Arsenio Lacson
b. German Moreno
c. Antonio Villegas
d. Ramon Bagatsing
190. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure
of the surrounding atmosphere.
a. critical point
b. freezing point
c. boiling point
d. melting point
191. The Nibelungenlied is a
a. Latin Myth
b. Chinese legend
c. Russian folk song
d. Medieval German epic
192. In English verse, a poetic foot having 1 stressed syllable followed by 1 unstressed
syllable is ______.
a. Trochaic
b. Iambic
c. Dactylic
d. Anapaestic
193. During the Spanish era, who was the revolutionary leader who waged a long war
against the government because it did not allow proper burial for his brother?
a. Francisco Dagahoy
b. Diego Silang
c. Macario Sacay
d. Andres Bonifacio
194. Ang katawagan sa pangngalan, pang-abay, pang-uri at pandiwa ay?
a. Palabuuan
b. Pangkayarian
c. Pangnilalaman
d. Palaugnayan
195. The "Asean +3" was recently expanded with 3 new partner-countries during the
2006 APEC in Vietnam to foster broader regional free trade in the region. These
countries are?
a. Australia, New Zealand and India
b. Russia, China and Japan
c. U.S., Canada and Japan
d. Australia, US and New Zealand
196. Pinakamahalagang nobelang Pilipino sa maraming taon na nalimbag noong 1906
at tumalakay nang masinsinan sa paksang puhunan laban paggawa at sa sosyalismo
ang _____.
a. Luha ng Buwaya
b. Banaag at Sikat
c. Ibong Mandaragit
d. Pangginggera
197. Which term refers to social aspects of sex or socially defined roles and
expectations that are associated with sex?
a. Cultural
b. Social class
c. Social differentiation
d. Gender
198. Noong taong 1962, ano ang pagbabago sa paglimbag ng diploma at sertipiko ng
a. Pinahihintutan ang pribadong paaralan na maglimbag sa wikang Ingles
b. Nilimbag sa Tagalog ang diploma sa di-Tagalog na bayan
c. Nilimbag sa Filipino ang diploma ngunit may Ingles
d. Nalimbag sa Filipino ang diploma
199. A group of young people from four countries gathered together for an international
conference: 40 from Manila, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand and 45 from Singapore.
The paticipants will form discussion groups with equal number of members from each
country in each group. What is the greatest number of dicussion groups that can be
a. 20
b. 5
c. 25
d. 15
200. Ang gintong panahon ng mga manunulat noong panahon ng Amerikano ay batid
sa uring
a. Sanaysay
b. Nobela
c. Panulaan
d. Maikling kwento

Answer Key:
151. A
152. A
153. D
154. B
155. B
156. C
157. C
158. C
159. D
160. D
161. B
162. C
163. C
164. B
165. C
166. BONUS
167. B
168. D
169. A
170. D
171. D
172. C
173. B
174. D
175. D
176. B
177. D
178. D
179. D
180. D
181. C
182. D
183. C
184. D
185. A
186. D
187. A
188. BONUS
189. C
190. C
191. D
192. A
193. A
194. C
195. A
196. B
197. D
198. D
199. B
200. D

General Education 7.1

- December 13, 2018
1. Which is the BEST synonym for the word ADVOCATE?
a. Determine
b. Predict
c. Pronounce
d. Support

2. A distinctive type of literary composition such as epic,

tragedy, comedy and novel.
a. Genre
b. Literature
c. Prose
d. Form

3. Which term proves there is a gap of knowledge about the

research topic?
a. Research Local
b. Blank Spot
c. Research Instrument
d. Blind Spot

4. Which of the illustrative verbs in stating objectives does NOT

belong to the group?
a. Define
b. Realize
c. Explain
d. Cite

5. Eight pumps can fill a tank in 25 minutes. How long will 5 pumps of the same kind
can fill a tank?
a. 50
b. 30
c. 80

6. A car of Mr. Reyes consumes 9 liters of gasoline to cover 84 km. How far can it go on
12 liters of gasoline?
a. 112
b. 118
c. 110
d. 120

7. A square lot has an area of 121 square meters. What is the length of each side of the
a. 13
b. 8
c. 11
d. 9

8. Ang tawag sa mga Pilipinong pumupunta sa ibang bansa upang magsimula ng

HIMAGSIKAN laban sa mga dayuhan?
a. Pilibustero
b. Kristiano
c. Terorista
d. Dayuhan

9. “Habang maiksi ang kumot. Matutong mamaluktot.” Ano ang

nais sabihin nito?
a. Matutong bumili ng bagong kumot
b. Matutong maglustay at gumastos ng gumastos
c. Magtiyaga muna,matutong magtipid at mag-ipon
d. Matutong mamaluktot habang natutulog

10. "Malalim ang bulsa" ng kanyang Nanay. Ang ibig sabihin nito ay _____.
a. mapera
b. walang pera
c. kuripot
d. mapagbigay

11. This is considered to be the first manual data processing device developed in China
in the 12th century A.D.
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Papyrus
c. Printing Press
d. Abacus

12. A methodology widely used for developing new training programs.

a. Microsoft
b. World Wide Web
c. Instructional Systems Design
d. Computer Technology

13. Can a person be imprisoned for debt?

a. Yes, if he stubbornly refuses to pay.
b. Yes, if he has no property with which to pay his debt.
c. No, if he can't pay the interest of his debt.
d. No.

14. The first poem of Dr. Jose Rizal.

a. To My Fellow Children
b. My Last Farewell
c. A la juventud filipina
d. A Poem That Has No Title

15. Which part/s of the Visayas has/have comparatively more excessively moist climate
and limited arable lands?
a. Western
b. Eastern
c. Eastern and Central
d. Central and Western

16. Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by big bodies
of water, the biggest (30.1 percent of the earth) is ________?
a. Asia
c. Europe
b. Australia
d. Northern America

17. With the opposition of the parity rights in mind, who does NOT belong to the group?
a. Claro M. Recto
c. Manuel Roxas
b. Jose Laurel
d. Pedro Taruc

18. Iyon lamang nakakaranas ng mga lihim na kalungkutan ang maaring makakilala ng
lihim na kaligayahan. Ang mga Pahayag na ito ay nagsasaad ng _____.
a. paghihikahos sa buhay
b. kapangitan ng buhay
c. kalungkutan ng buhay
d. kagandahan ng buhay

19. Kilala siya sa tawag na “Piping Dilat”

a. Jose Rizal
b. Marcelo Del Pilar
c. Juan Luna
d. Andres Bonifacio

20. Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi tuluyang anyo ng panitikan?

a. Korido
b. Alamat
c. Kuwentong bayan
d.Maikling kuwento

21. The study of contemporary human societies.

a. Psychology
b. Cosmology
c. Cosmetology
d. Cultural anthropology

22. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Zambales
B. Tarlac
C. Nueva Vizcaya
D. Nueva Ecija

23. Which of the following quotations is the best example of aphorism?

a. "Out of the frying pan and into the fir."
b. "I fear thee, ancient mariner."
c. "That is no country for old men."
d. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

24. “Father of modern periodic table of elements”

a. Socrates
b. GaLiLei
c. Aristotle
d. MendeLev

25. According to the 1987 Constitution, when should religion be taught to children in
public elementary and high schools?
a. After the regular class hours
b. During Saturdays
c. Within the regular class hour
d. During Fridays

26. The language problem was defined in the studies and surveys conducted as early
as 1929. The proposal to solve the problem is the use of the _____ for instruction from
Grades 1 to 3.
a. vernacular
b. mother language
c. second language
d. first language

27. Whose values are most evident in children before they go to school?
a. Peer value system
b. Teacher-classmate value system
c. Mother-father value system
d. The maid or yaya value

28. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution.
a. 3 years
b. 3 years with re-election
c. 6 years
d. 6 years with re-election

29. Civilization is where large ideas and tools, as well as human

settlements flourished. Where do historians say civilization had
first been born?
a. China
c. Egypt
b. Middle East
d. Jordan

30. If one side of a square is doubled in length and adjacent

side is decreased by two centimeters, the area of the resulting
rectangle is 96 square centimeters larger than that of the original
square. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
a. 6 x 16
c. 17 x 24
b. 10 x 24
d. 24 x 24

31. What is the production of two usable forms of energy at the same time from the
same process?
a. Energy efficiency
b. Cogeneration
c. Conservation
d. Sustainable energy

32. A projectile always travels in a ____.

a. parabolic path
b. linear path
c. circular path
d. linear and parabolic paths

33. The words "inappropriate, illegal, irresponsible and unaware" have prefixes which
are classified as _____.
a. neutral
c. positive
b. common
d. negative

34. Since he met his new girlfriend, Mico never seems to be_____ home.
a. at
b. in
c. towards
d. on

35. Which among the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?

a. The supplement of an angle is acute.
b. Two supplementary angles are congruent.
c. The complement of an angle is obtuse.
d. The complement of any acute angle is acute.

36. Evaluate the following expression:

5 + 3 (42 + 7) - 7 (2 + 32 x 8)0
a. 0
b. 7
c. 152
d. -444

37. What number is 65 more than 40?

a. 100
b. 105
c. 130

38. What country culture usually shows courtesy by living their footware on the stairs?
a. Italian
b. Japanese
c. American
d. Chinese

39. Who made the geocentric model of the solar system?

a. Fred Hoyle
b. Georges Lemaitre
c. Ptolemy
d. Geoffrey Burbidge

40. Who was the revolutionary leader who refused to surrender to the Americans even
after General Malvar’s surrender, and declared himself President and Commander-in-
Chief of the Supreme Government of the Tagalog Archipelago?
a. Julian Montalan
b. Macario Sakay
c. Licerio Geronimo
d. Artemio Ricarte

41. Mary and Samantha have 72 pieces of candy altogether. If they split them in half,
how many would each girl have?
a. 30
c. 37
b. 25
d. 36

42. This law promotes responsible family and proper use of reproductive methods to
eliminate over-population growth.
a. RH Bill
b. Reproductive Law
c. Family Planning
d. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law

43. The Philippines are located in ___________.

a. Southeastern Asia
b. Southwestern Asia
c. Southeastern Europe
d. Southwestern Europe

44. Which is an example of a non-pathogenic microorganism?

a. Palsmodium falciparum
b. Influenza sp.
c. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria
d. Yersinia pestis

45. Ito ay isang agham na tumatalakay sa produksyon at distribusyon ng yaman ng

a. Pisika
b. Biyolohiya
c. Ekonomiks
d. Pamamahala

46. Alin ang wastong salita ng bata?

a. Nanay, darating ako diyan
b. Ako, nanay, darating ako diyan
c. Darating nanay ako.
d. Nanay, akoy darating diyan?

47. What is the best description of a point?

a. straight path that has no thickness and extends forever
b. names a location, has no size
c. flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever
d. none of these

48. Justin mows lawns for extra money. If he mows 5 lawns in one hour and has 30
lawns to mow, how long will it take him to mow all of them?
a. 6 hours
b. 5 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 3 hours

49. Which of the given fraction is equal to 12/84?

a. 7/42
b. 1/8
c. 6/42
d. 1/7

50. Which of the following is the best technique to loosen two tumblers that are stuck
one inside the other?
a. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with hot water
b. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with cold
c. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with hot water
d. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with cold water

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. B
32. A
33. D
34. A
35. D
36. C
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. D
42. D
43. A
44. C
45. C
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. D
50. D

General Education 7.2
- December 13, 2018
51. The nearest post office is on _____.
a. Twenty Second Street
b. Twenty second Street
c. Twenty-second Street
d. Twenty-second street

52. The term of office of the President and Vice-president of the Philippines shall be up
to how many years?
a. 3 years
b. 6 years
c. 5 years
d. 4 years
53. Find the correct spelling from below options.
a. Puerille
b. Puerile
c. Puerrile
d. Purrile

54. “Huwag ka ng mahuhuli sa lakad, “ayon kay Shiela. “Oo naman, “ sagot ng kapatid.
Ano ang kahulugan ng sagot?
a. Sasama siya talaga
b. Sasama siya ngunit depende sa gising
c. Di nakatitiyak siya’y makakasama
d. Tiyak siyang sasama

55. How many meters in 5 kilometers?

a. 3000
b. 7000
c. 5000
d. 8000

56. The executive power shall be vested in the ____.

a. The Congress
b. House of Representatives
c. President of the Philippines
d. The Supreme Court

57. Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1919. What
was the title of the poem that he was most known for?
a. "The Victim"
b. "Pearl"
c. "The Stranger"
d. "Olympian Spring"

58. The Vice-Governor said, "I _____ won the election without the backing of a religious
a. could had
b. should have not
c. shall have not
c. should

59. How far is the sun away from the earth?

a. 149.6 million km
b. 22.3 million km
c. 126.9 million km
d. 304.2 million km

60. Which one cannot be found in Bicol Region?

a. Sorsogon
b. Camarines Norte
c. Romblon
d. Camarines Sur

61. The Philippines counts more than 7, 114 islands. Why are some islands not fully
a. Some are not inhabited
b. Some submerged after a volcanic eruption
c. Some have not been surveyed
d. Some are only seen during low tides

62. Families in the troubled Mindanao areas were _____.

a. Scared so they left their homes,
b. Satisfied with the peace efforts,
c. Unmindful of the events so they stayed home,
d. Happy gunshots filled the air,

63. A girl scout qualified to join an encampment in England.

What advantages would she profit from the experience?
a. Understanding of other girls in the world
b. See the world
c. Present Filipino values at the camp
d. Feel the sisterhood among other girls

64. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

a. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.
b. The plant cell will shrivel.
c. No effect on the plant cell.
d. The plant cell will swell.

65. Igor's nipa hut was destroyed _____ by typhoon Peping.

a. altogether
b. at all
c. altogether
d. all together

66. Neither of them _____ expert on the subject.

a. is
b. are
c. is an
d. is

67. The weather bureau gave this warning during thunderstorm.

Which comes first?
a. Lightning flashes first
b. Lightning and thunder are simultaneous
c. Thunder sounds spread fast
d. Thunder follows all lightning

68. Rabies comes from dog and other bites. How could this be prevented?
a. Have the dog vaccinated with anti-rabies
b. Tie the dogs at all times
c. Keep the dogs in cage
d. Kill the dog that bites

69. An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something that

represents it.
a. Personification
b. Metonymy
c. Euphemism
d. Comparison

70. Roset can finish a project in 10 hours while Sheena can do the same project in 8
hours. How long will it take them to finish the project together?
a. 4.00 hours
b. 3.44 hours
c. 4.44 hours
d. 18 hours

71. A projectile always travels in a _____.

a. parabolic path
b. circular path
c. linear path
d. linear and parabolic paths

72. World body with 143 member-countries that set governing rules in economic
relations and trade.
a. World Trade Organization
b. United Nations
c. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
d. U.N. Conference on Trade and Development

73. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti-pollution

devices and ban the use of incinerators.
a. The Greenpeace Act
b. The Environmental Care Act
c. The Clean Air Act
d. The Anti-Pollution Law

74. The Father of Philippine Democracy and Philippine Army Special Forces.
a. Jose Rizal
b. Guillermo E. Tolentino
c. Crisanto Evangelista
d. Fidel V. Ramos

75. "And it seems to me you lived your life, Like a candle in the wind."
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Hyperbole
d. Irony

76. Anong babala sa Maynila na dapat sundin ng lahat?

a. Huwag umiihi sa pader
b. Huwag umihi sa pader
c. Huwag mag-iihi sa pader
d. Huwag mag-iihi sa pader

77. Tapos na ang klase kapag tumunog na ang _____.

a. agunyas
b. kampana
c. batingting
d. kampanilya

78. Stagflation occurs when the economy experiences _____.

a. falling prices and falling output
b. falling prices and rising output
c. rising prices and falling output
d. rising prices and rising output

79. The sum of three consecutive integers is 96. What are the
a. 31, 32, 33
b. 33, 34, 35
c. 32, 33, 34
d. 30, 32, 34

80. If 25% of 50% of 80 is 10, then 1/4 of 5/10 of 80 is _____.

a. 15
b. 40
c. 10
d. 20

81. Add: 48.63 + 96.28 + 436.45 + .2385 = ?

a. 581.5985
b. 581.5986
c. 581.5990
d. 581.60
82. In the Philippine history, who was known as "The Great Dissenter"?
a. Eulogio Rodrigues
b. Claro M. Recto
c. Camilo Osias
d. Manuel Roxas

83 Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3?
a. Manganese flouride (III)
b. Manganese (I) flouride (III)
c. Manganese (III) flouride
d. Manganese (III) flouride (III)

84. What is the smallest positive number which, when it is divided by 3, 4 or 5, will leave
a remainder of 2?
a. 22
b. 222
c. 62
d. 182

85. __ is to insects as toxicology is to __

a. phraseology : behavior
b. etymology : toxicity
c. ichthyology : dinosaurs
d. entomology : poisons

86. What is the measure of an interior angle of a dodecagon?

a. 120 degrees
b. 140 derees
c. 150 degrees
d. 130 degrees

87. The statue was erected in _____ to war heroes.

a. irreverence
b. homage
c. defence
d. protection

88. The suggestions of the employees _____ appropriate.

a. seem
b. is very
c. is
d. seems

89. He is known as the “poor boy from Lubao”, in the province

of Pampanga.
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Manny Pacquiao
c. Diosdado Macapagal
d. Benigno Aquino

90. What utterance shows determination?

a. I have good news for you
b. What a shame, she came back
c. This time, I have not made my mind
d. This time I won't stop schooling

91. Which among the following is an example of a transfer payment?

a. Government purchases
b. Profit
c. Unemployment benefits
d. Rent

92. What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an icosagon?
a. 3140
b. 3100
c. 3240
d. 2850

93. Who was among the last Filipino generals who fought the
Americans and established the so-called "Tagalog Republic"?
a. Gregorio del Pilar
b. Manuel Tinio
c. Miguel Malvar
d. Macario Sakay

94. “Pinaniwala niya ang mga tao na siya ang kanilang

tagapagligtas mula sa delubyo.” Anong uri ng tayutay ito?
a. Oksimoron
b. Aliterasyon
c. Personipikasyon
d. Alusyon

95. Is land grabbing an act of deprivation of property without due process?

a. No, if the land grabber is landless.
b. Yes
c. Yes, if the land grabber is rich.
d. No

96. I think Carmen spent the entire afternoon _____ the phone.
a. at
b. in
c. on
d. with

97. “The rush of this stream, its bamboo shaft, its humid air, is a whisper of nature.” This
is an example of _?
a. Onomatopoeia
b. Alliteration
c. Apostrophe
d. Exclamation

98. It is the distance traveled by the body per unit time and tells how fast or slow the
body moves.
a. velocity
b. acceleration
c. speed
d. thrust

99. What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

a. Abakada
b. Roman alphabet
c. Alibata
d. Balitaw

100. During the Spanish era, who was the revolutionary leader who waged a long war
against the government because it did not allow proper burial for his brother?
a. Macario Sacay
b. Andres Bonifacio
c. Diego Silang
d. Francisco Dagahoy

Answer Key:
51. C
52. B
53. B
54. D
55. C
56. C
57. D
58. B
59. A
60. C
61. D
62. A
63. A
64. D
65. C
66. C
67. A
68. A
69. B
70. C
71. A
72. A
73. C
74. D
75. B
76. B
77. B
78. C
79. A
80. C
81. A
82. B
83. C
84. C
85. D
86. C
87. B
88. A
89. C
90. D
91. C
92. C
93. D
94. D
95. B
96. C
97. C
98. C
99. C
100. D
General Education 7.3
- December 13, 2018
101. The Philippines is dominantly a Christian country in the
Orient, yet according to survey it is the top 5 as the most corrupt nation in Asia. What
does this point to in Philippine Society?
a. Prevalence of ethnocentrism
b. Lack of cultural integration
c. Prevalence of xenocentrism
d. Presence of cultural differences
102. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with
a. Check-and-balance
b. Domination
c. Restraint
d. Authority
103. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produced by man.
Which are examples of material culture?
a. Ceremonies of Ivatans
b. Stone walls of Tasadays
c. Moriones festival
d. Sinulog celebrations
104. Under the 1987 Constitution, which among its' basic principles embody the
sociological aspects of life?
a. Separation of State and Church
b. Recognition of Family as a basic social institution
c. Empowerment of People Power
d. Empowerment of Suffrage
105. What is the main goal of drug abuse education?
a. arrest
b. control
c. prevention
d. rehabilitation
106. A losing senatorial candidate may file a protest against the winner. What body will
assume jurisdiction over the case?
a. Electoral Tribunal
c. Supreme Court
d. Regional Trial Court
107. Which of the following would refer to the "Funnel Effect"?
a. very few criminals are actually punished
b. every criminal would be caught and be punished
c. criminal justice is fully implemented in the Philippines
d. all crimes are under the same criminal justice
108. It is the corporate mind of the pupils and teachers organized around principles of
knowledge in which all minds are thinking as one.
a. educative mind
b. social mind
c. philosophical mind
d. intelligence
109. Refers to the passing of culture to the next generation.
a. arts
b. language
c. religion
d. education
110. What does "capital" in economics refer to?
a. Profit and labor spent for the business
b. Outcome of a business transaction
c. Investment and loss computed
d. Money/machines invested to transact business
111. Who was the American president who proclaimed the
Benevolent Assimilation policy during the American colonial years of the Philippines?
a. William Mckinley
b. Theodore Roosevelt
c. Franklin Roosevelt
d. Woodrow Wilson
112. How is the crime of rape classified?
a. Homicide
b. Heinous
c. Malicious Mischief
d. Slander
113. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used
to judge any culture-based?
a. Ethnical relativism
b. Cultural relativism
c. Culture shock
d. Cultural diversity
114. Which of the following state is the right to human dignity?
a. honor and reputation
b. political independence
c. property ownership
d. fair trial
115. Under which group do the Sunday churchgoers in a Cathedral fall?
a. Primary group
b. Tertiary group
c. Elementary group
d. Secondary group
116. Which among the following best describes a recession?
a. A fall in real GNP over two consecutive time periods
b. No change in real GNP from one period to the next
c. Norminal GNP declines from one period to the next
d. An increase in real GNP from one period to the next
117. Which is an unlawful act of scaping from payment of taxes?
a. Exemption
b. Avoidance
c. Evasion
d. Shifting
118. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. A square is a rhombus.
b. A rhombus is a rectangle.
c. A parallelogram is a trapezoid.
d. A rectangle is a square.
119. What is 44 percent of 80?
a. 25.5
b. 40.5
c. 35.2
d. 30.2
120. How many years are there in a centennial?
a. 50
b. 100
c. 10
d. 20

121. If the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is

1980 degrees? How many sides does it have?
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 11
122. When +3 is added to -5, the answer is ____
a. -15 b. +2
c. -8 d. -2
123. Siya ay may “kutsarang pilak” nang ipinanganak. Ito ay nangangahulugang _____
a. masalita
c. mahirap
b. mayaman
d. tahimik
124. Birds have shapes that influenced the building of aircrafts.
What feature is most present in airplanes?
a. The presence of hollow oblong body
b. The presence of head
b. The presence of a tail
d. The presence of wings
125. What element has six protons, neutrons and electrons?
a. Carbon
b. Calcium
c. Copper
d. Curium
125. 2 is what percent of 5?
a. 25%
b. 35%
c. 40%✓
d. 38%
126. What is the average of the first 100 positive integers?
a. 50
b. 50.5
c. 51
d. 49.5
127. A man receives 96 for 6 days. At the same rate how much will he receive on 10
a. 120
b. 140
c. 160
d. 180
128. The world of nations is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing
the following EXCEPT .
a. there is a drop in total spending
b. production is slowing down
c. people are losing their jobs
d. businesses are raking bigger profits
129. Which of the following sentences is a Metaphor?
a. The light flows into the bowl of the midnight sky, violet, amber and rose.
b. Gunpowder was discovers in the process of looking for the elixir for immortality
c. They ran like greased lightning.
d. Laugh a drink from the deep blue cup of sky
130. A distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy and novel.
a. genre
b. literature
c. prose
d. form
131. A square lot has an area of 121 square meters. What is the length of each side of
the lot?
a. 13
b. 8
c. 11
d. 9
132. "LASER" is derived from the phrase?
a. Light Application by Simulated Emission of Radiation
b. Light Amplification by Simulated Ejection of Radiation
c. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
d. Light Application by Simulated Emission of Radiation
133. What number is the solution for 24 more than 90?
a. 145
b. 66
c. 90
d. 114
134. Which of the following statements is TRUE about parasites and their relationships
with their host?
a. Neither the parasite nor host is really harmed in their symbiotic relationships.
b. The host enjoys the benefits of a relationship in which the parasite is harmed or
c. The parasites enjoy the benefits of a relationship in which the host is harmed or killed.
d. The host enjoys the benefits of a relationship in which the parasite is harmed or
135. Which of the following is not an input device?
a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Monitor
d. Gaming Application
136. Whose philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of
a. St. John
b. St. Augustine
c. St. Benedict
d. St. Peter
137. If a=3, b=4, and c=6, find the value of square root of b square?
a. 2
b. 8
c. 16
d. 4
138. The palay harvested is 2 and ½ kg. Convert this into grams.
a. 2000 grams
b. 3000 grams
c. 2500 grams
d. 3500 grams
139. He wrote the famous letter "To The Women of Malolos."
a. Emilio Jacinto
b. Gregorio del Pilar
c. Andres Bonifacio
d. Jose Rizal
140. Many a man _____ to be rich and famous.
a. desire
b. is desiring
c. desires
d. desiring
141. Which statement does NOT describe the “Homo Habilis?”
a. Stone tools were discovered alongside their remains.
b. They have more technical knowledge compared to the
c. Their body structure suggests that they walked upright.
d. There were signs that they knew how to manipulate fire.
142. A certain number doubled and increased by 10 is 14. What is the number?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
143. What is the greatest common factor of 4, 6, 8?
a. 2
c. 4
d. 6
144. Bile is secreted by the ___.
a. lungs
b. liver
c. gallbladder
d. stomach
145. What number is the solution for 24 more than 90?
a. 90
b. 112
c. 130
d. 114
146. What is the missing number in 4/6 x 2/3 =?
a. 3/8
b. 4/9
c. 2/6
d. 3/7
147. What is the word for 150 year anniversary?
a. Sesquicentennial
b. Quasquicentennial
c. Centennial
d. Septuagennial
148. One half of what number is 15?
a. 16
b. 12
c. 30
d. 34
149. To which type of rock does granite belong?
a. Metamorphic
b. Deposits
c. Igneous
d. Sedimentary
150. The proper disposal of garbage has improved the environment. The best process
of handling waste is through
a. Recycling biodegradable waste
b. Emerging waste water soluble waste
c. Utilization of organic compounds
d. Burning non-biodegradable waste

Answer Key:
101. B
102. D
103. B
104. B
105. C
106. A
107. B
108. B
109. D
110. D
111. A
112. B
113. B
114. A
115. D
116. A
117. C
118. A
119. C
120. B
121. B
122. D
123. B
124. D
125. A
125. C
126. B
127. C
128. D
129. A/D
130. A
131. C
132. C
133. D
134. C
135. D
136. B
137. D
138. C
139. D
140. C
141. D
142. A
143. A
144. B
145. D
146. B
147. A
148. C
149. C
150. A

General Education 7.4

- December 13, 2018
151. What is the power of the State to take private property for public use upon payment
of a just compensation?
a. right of confiscation
b. right of sequestration
c. right of eminent domain
d. right of limiting resources
152. At San Antonio's Town Plaza, the number of trees planted by a group of students
increased from 1,350 in 2012 to 2,175 in 2013. What was the rate of increase in the
number of trees planted?
a. 82%
b. 61%
c. 55%
d. 75%
153. Mel is 67 years old. His son Jay is 29 years old. In how many years will Jay be
exactly half his father's age?
a. 10
b. 8
c. 9
d. 6
154. Add: 48.63 + 96.28 + 436.45 + .2385 = ?
a. 581.60
b. 581.5990
c. 581.59
d. 581.5985
155. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. Asspersion
b. Voluptuous
c. Voguei
d. Equestrain
156. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. Schedule
b. Schdule
c. Schedeule
d. Schedulle
157. How does forest protect our source of water?
a. they use water for food production
b. they let water flow to the lowlands
c. they prevent flash floods and landslides
d. they serve as water holders
158. A father was misunderstood by his teenage boy because:
a. The father could not tolerate a live-in arrangement of his son.
b. The father abhorred and mistook modernization as being fresh
c. The father imposed on his values on courting and marriage
d. The father did not understand the teenage values on dating
159. There are four rooms for rent in a corner building. Each room is 114 sq m in area.
How much will Ms. Cruz pay for the 4 rooms for one year if the cost per square meter is
a. P 1,925,200
b. P 1,915.20
c. P 19,915,200
d. P 1,915,200
160. Anatole France in Thais is quoted often for these lines-“Fish, which are put upon
dry land, die, in the same way, monks who leave their cells and mix with the world
deviate from their holy purpose.” This means _____________.
a. One should stay only in his habitat
b. Living another life means death
c. Monks living out of the monastery violate their holiness
d. Monks should never live out of the monastery
161. Which of the following is a NONRENEWABLE source of energy?
a. Natural Gas
b. Geothermal Power
c. Wind Power
d. Solar Power
162. Opening of cement plants requires getting a DENR clearance. Which of these
clearances are required?
a. Air Pollution Clearance
b. Waste Disposal
c. BIR
d. Environmental Clearance (ECC)
163. A refrigerator van brought fish from Davao. The total fish brought in was 1, 250 kg.
There were 48 kg left after dealers brought their share. How many kg were sold?
a. 1202 kg
b. 1102 kg
c. 1302 kg
d. 1203 kg
164. A poem written on the death of someone love and lost.
a. ode
b. epic
c. sonnet
d. elegy
165. Army men who are rescued from insurgent kidnap undergo medical check-up. Why
is this done?
a. To protect the prisoner from further harassment
b. To avoid relapses from illness while in hiding
c. To determine the physical and mental state of the army men
d. To determine the loyalty of this army men
166. Teachers allow students to explain their answers in dialects. This is an approach
on ________.
a. Multilingual level
b. Bilingual level
c. Dialectic level
d. Monolingual level
167. In Italy, each flock has 40 heads. There are a total of 2,240 heads. How many
flocks will the farm have?
a. 54
b. 50
c. 56
d. 57
168. Brenda has saved 300 coins, consisting of 25 centavo and 10 centavo coins. If the
total value of her savings is 45 pesos, how many 10 centavo coins did she save?
a. 300
b. 200
c. 100
d. 400
169. Miss Santiago's class has 20 boys 15 girls in her English class. What percent of
the students are girls?
a. 44%
b. 43%
c. 28%
d. 50%
170. Children are fond of pets. One time a pet dog growled and bit a child. How will the
owner handle the situation?
a. Allow the dog to be observed for 10-18 days before giving anti-rabies injection
b. Use the dog’s brain to treat the wound
c. Kill the dog
d. Tie the dog and feed it regularly
171. Give the substitute: NUMISMATIST
a. One who collect dresses
b. One who collect tickets
c. One who collect coins
d. One who collect autographs
172. Local peace negotiations should be the primary concern of what office?
a. Local municipal and provincial executives
b. Church hierarchy
c. Philippine National Police
d. Philippine marine SWAT force
173. What is the atomic number of Potassium?
a. 20
b. 15
c. 19
d. 17
174. If 35% of the graduating class failed in NSAT and 260
passed. How many failed?
a. 105
b. 140
c. 130
d. 91
175. “Ang di marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay di makararating sa paroroonan.
a. Babala sa maikli ang pag-iisip
b. Babala sa mga mayaman
c. Babala sa nakalimot ng kanyang tunay na buhay
d. Babala sa bagong mayaman
176. How many years are there in a decade?
a. 10 years
b. 50 years
c. 20 years
d. 5 years
177. A traveler was helped by other passengers for his extra weight of 112kg. There
were travelers who gave their allotment of 25kg. How many more extra weight will be
a. 35 kg
b. 37 kg
c. 48 kg
d. 38 kg
178. What comes out of this conversation? “Really?” “Yes, she
wanted to find out all about your house. She even asked how old your servants were.”
And Jeanne burst out laughing. “I’m distrustful Isn’t it. Very natural to feel uneasy about
what one cannot understand.”
a. Someone was scrutinizing Jeanne
b. Jeanne was wary about the questions raised
c. There is an inquiry going on
d. People can be snoopy at times
179. Give the Antonym: SARTORIAL
a. Sincere
b. Inelegant
c. Cheerful
d. Homespun
180. Monica obtained the following results from her mathematics exams: 80, 82, 83, 91.
What score must she get on the next exam so that her average score is 85?
a. 89
b. 92
c. 85
d. 93
181. 7 is 5% of what number?
a. 140
b. 145
c. 120
d. 125
182. For the fruit punch, 3050 mL of fruit juice is needed. How much fruit juice is needed
in dekaliters?
a. 5.03 daL
b. 0.053 daL
c. 3.05 daL
d. 0.305 daL
183. What is the Antonym of the word EXODUS?
a. migration
b. arrival
c. offgoing
d. retreat
184. Antonym of: Subservient
a. aggressive
b. straightforward
c. dignified
d. supercilious
185. Antonym of RECONDITE is _?
a. occult
b. pedantic
c. hermetic
d. manifest
186. Which type of syllabus would contain the following set of topics: taking notes;
writing essays; study techniques and examinations; improving your reading, etc?
a. Skill syllabus
b. Skills and strategies
c. Discourse/skills syllabus
d. Functional/task-based syllabus
187. Higit na naipapamalas ng mga mag-aaral ang kanilang kakayahang komunikatibo
sa pamamagitan ng paglalapat ng wika sa mga sitwasyong pang-araw araw na buhay.
ito ay nasa yugto ng _____.
a. aktwal na pagsasalita
b. paglalahat
c. paglalahad
d. pagsasanay
188. The result when there is lack of cohesion among gas molecules.
a. molecules are compressed into smaller volumes
b. gas molecules are confined and kept together
c. opposing forces come into play
d. molecules move freely in all directions
189. "I will take the road less travelled by and be condemned if necessary" said one
politician. His decision shows ____.
a. regrets come before decision
b. regrets come after decisions
c. decisions are made despite differences from the majority
d. decisions are made on the crossroads
190. The _____ of the story is not to count your eggs until they are hatched.
a. morale
b. moralism
c. morality
d. moral
191. People who are too _____ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals.
a. demanding
b. cynical
c. credulous
d. wary
192. The Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War.
a. Frige
b. Zeus
c. Athena
d. Odysseus
193. I rent out for P 10,000 per, month my only building and lot to the Jesus is Lord
Group which uses it exclusively for religious purposes. I am exempt from payment of
a. professional tax
b. property tax
c. income tax
d. community tax
194. The secret society Jose Rizal established designed to promote civic and patriotic
education among the Filipinos.
a. Companerismo
b. Propaganda
c. La Liga Filipina
d. La Juventud
195. In which form of government are all citizens treated as equals on certain
dimensions such as religion, politics,
economics, social status and culture?
a. Totalitarianism
b. Democracy
c. Socialism
d. Egalitarianism
196. A policy that controls taxes and government expenditures
a. monetary policy
b. trade policy
c. fiscal policy
d. investment policy
197. Who said eureka?
a. Archimedes
b. René Descartes
c. Francis Bacon
d. Dr. Stephen R. Covey
198. A bill becomes a law even if not signed by the President after _____ days.
a. 40
b. 20
c. 60
d. 30
199. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the _____.
a. intermediate goods
b. final goods and services
c. interior goods and services
d. manufactured goods
200. Carter’s part in relinquishing U.S. control of the Canal Zone to Panama is
described as a victory for ___.
a. conservatism
b. anti-imperialism
c. isolationism
d. imperialism

151. C
152. B
153. C
154. A
155. B
156. A
157. D
158. D
159. D
160. A
161. A
162. D
163. A
164. D
165. D
166. C
167. C
168. B
169. B
170. A
171. C
172. A
173. C
174. B
175. C
176. A
177. B
178. A
179. D
180. A
181. A
182. D
183. B
184. C
185. D
186. A
187. A
188. D
189. C
190. D
191. C
192. C
193. B
194. A
195. D
196. C
197. A
198. D
199. B
200. B

General Education - drill 6 - Part 1

- December 09, 2018
1. Taking an examination is like baking an apple pie. The first step is to gather the
ingredients, mix them, prepare the crust, place it on a pie pan and then bake in an oven
at 350 degrees this suffers from.
a. an omitted conclusion c. alteration
b. a hasty generalization d. a faulty comparison

2. Which of the following lines is an example of iambic pentameter?

a. And this alas is more than we would do
b. Her desk once red with heroes blood
c. I will lament and cry
d. She loves the way I hold her hand

3. Van Gogh, the felt that GOD should not be judged on his earth which he felt
represents one of his sketches that turned out badly. Which of the following may be
inferred from this passage?

a. Van Gogh felt that more evil than good exists on earth
b. Van Gogh believed that more than one universe
c. Van Gogh felt that GOD created more than once universe
d. Van Gogh felt that this earth was created but not completely by GOD

4. “How much money did you bring for shopping?” Which of the following answers
this question?
a. None, but I have a credit card
b. All the cash I have was spent at the grocery store yesterday
c. I have some change in my purse
d. I have P 500.00 inside the envelop in my desk

5. In writing his Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin stated that he was unable to

arrive at perfection. “Yet, I was, by the endeavor, a happier and better man than I
otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it”. Which of the following best
describes Franklin’s attempt to achieve perfection?
a. Cleanliness is next to Godliness
b. Ambition is its own reward
c. Time is money
d. Nothing ventured, nothing gained

6. Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes’ immoral novel, rode forth

a. To see the world and seek a fortune
b. To depend the oppressed and right the wrong
c. In quest of the holy grail
d. To see his king and country

7. In the count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dante was wrongfully imprisoned in:
a. Devil’s Island c. The Castle of Chillon
b. The conciergerie d. The Bastille

8. An electric industrial company has developed a computer program that can use
photographs of faces to predict how an unborn child will look like.
a. A computer can predict the number of children for newlyweds
b. A computer can predict the looks of future children as well as of their parents
c. A computer can choose the right mate and predict the aging process
d. A computer analyzes facial characteristics from a photograph

9. Of the following quotations, which is the best example of an aphorism?

a. “ That is no country for old men”
b. “ I fear thee, ancient mariner”
c. “ Out of the frying pan and into the fire”
d. “ Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

10. “Once I passed through a Populous city imprinting my brain for further use its
shows, architecture , customs, Traditions. Yet now, of all that city I remember only a
woman I casually met who detained me for love of me”. This is an example of:
a. Prose
b. Blank verse
c. Free verse
d. Metered poetry
11. Identify the meter and beat of the verse: “For the moon/never beams/ without
bring/ ing me dreams/ of my beau/tiful An/nabel Lee”.
a. iambic octameter
b. anapestic heptameter
c. trochaic trimeter
d. dactylic hexameter

12. Adults acquire new words and experience primary through:

a. formal instruction in school
b. use of thesaurus
c. exposure explanation from peers
d. casual explanation from peers

13. “Values education is integrated in the curriculum at all levels”. Which of the
following supports this statements?
a. New teacher will be hired
b. Additional classrooms will be needed
c. There is a need for training of teachers to teach
d. Values education is stressed in all subjects at all levels

14. The Nibelungelied is a:

a. Medieval Geran epic
b. Latin myth
c. Russian folk song
d. Chinese legend

15. According to current linguistic, which of the following is the best definition of the
meaning of a word?
a. Its object to which it refers
b. Its corresponding idea in the mind
c. Its general, dictionary definition
d. Its use is a particular situation

16. Gothic architecture is known for its:

a. pointed arches c. round domes
b. decorated ceilings d. height

17. The ash from Mt. Pinatubo has been found to have gold content of only 20 parts
billion which is far below commercial levels. Such, have warned hopes of a new “gold
a. There is a possibility of existing gold mines beneath Mt. Pinatobo.
b. There is a need to explore what else lies beneath Mt. Pinatobo
c. There is new hope for boosting the economy of the Philippines.
d. The gold content of the ash from Mt. Pinatobo does not have commercial value.
18. Teachers have the responsibility for the development of children’s competencies
in basic concepts and principles of free speech, if we want children to develop their own
voices in a free society, teachers must support participatory democratic experiences in
the daily classroom activities through?
a. Indoctrination on the principles of society.
b. Concepts and principles of free speech.
c. Considerations for cultural and gender differences.
d. Developing children’s citizenship competence.

19. All of the following correctly describes the BALLAD, EXCEPT:

a. A ballad uses dialogue.
b. A ballad often rhymes a b c d.
c. A ballad is a narrative poem.
d. A ballad often uses learned language.

20. Severe financial crisis would cause reduction in teaching positions, increase in
class sizes, decrease in the number of special programs, reduction of supplies, etc. In
such a situation, those who will be most affected in schools are?

a. The teachers c. The school Administration

b. The parents d. The students

21. A readability mismatch happens when the reading levels of books exceed the
reading levels of students. In this situation, the student experience frustration and they
fall short of the expected or desired output. A student who finds himself/herself in such a
mismatch will likely do which of the following?
a. Write a comprehensive reaction paper regarding the selection or story read.
b. Present an argument that the selection or story read was not properly written.
c. Manifest an expected and commensurate emotional reaction to the selection or story
d. Give an intelligent critique of the selection or story read.

22. In Macbeth we see a man whose downfall was caused by:

a. An unfair plot against his life.
b. Supernatural intervention.
c. A naturally blood-thirsty disposition.
d. Overwhelming ambition for power.

In each of the following sentences a part of the sentence or the entire sentence is
underlined. The underlined part presents a problem in the appropriate use of language.
Following each sentence are four ways of writing the underlined part. One of them
indicates no change ( that is, it repeats the original). Select the best answer sheet
shade box corresponding to the letter of your answer.

23. This is Tom, Who I am sure, will be glad to help you

a. no change
b. Tom whom, I am sure
c. Tom, who I am sure
d. Tom who I am sure

24. Ronnie has scarcely no equal as a pitcher

a. Has scarcely with equal
b. Has scarcely an equal
c. No changed
d. Has hardly an equal

25. Having studied eight weeks he now feels sufficiently prepared for the examination
a. No change
b. Since he’s been spending the last eight weeks in study
c. For eight weeks he studies so
d. Due to eight weeks of study

26. The belief of ancient scientist was that maggots are generated form decaying
bodies and filth and are not formed by reproduction
a. The ancient belief of scientist was
b. No change
c. The ancient scientists believe
d. The ancient scientists believe were

27. The amount of water in living cells vary, but it is usually 65 percent and in some
organisms may be as high as 95 percent or more of the total substance
a. The amount of water vary in living cells
b. The amount of water varies in living cells
c. No change
d. The amount of water exchanges of gas occurs

28. The respiratory membrane , through which exchange of gases occurs, are the
things of the lungs
a. no change
b. after gases are exchanged
c. through which is gas exchanged
d. through which exchanges of gas occurs

29. Delegates to the political convention found difficulty to choose a candidate from
among the few nominated
a. no change
b. it difficult in making the choice of
c. making a choice difficult in selecting
d. if difficult to choose

Select the letter of the word phrase that defines the capital of word(s) in each sentence.
30. Lepidopterology is WHERE YOU STUDY moths and butterflies
a. The study of moths and butterflies is lepidopterology
b. Moth and butterflies are studied by lipedopterology
c. Lepidorterology study moths and butterflies
d. Lepidopterology is the study of moths and butterflies

31. He was NEITHER QUALIFIED to lead this country NOR WAS HE SERIOUS
a. neither was he qualified nor was he serious to this country
b. He was neither qualified nor serious to lead this country
c. He was qualified but not serious to lead this country
d. Neither qualified nor serious was he to lead this country


a. She enjoys going to plays, exhibitions, and to walk morning
b. She goes to plays, cultural exhibits, and walking every morning
c. She enjoys plays, cultural exhibits and morning walks
d. She goes to plays, watching exhibits, and walking every morning

33. Patricia is taller than ANY GIRL IN HER CLASS.

a. Patricia is taller than any other girl in her class
b. Patricia is taller than other girls in the class
c. Patricia is the teller girls in the class
d. Patricia is the taller than other girls in the class

34. The hunter stalked the wild boar slowly, cautiously, and IN A SILENT MANNER.
a. And in silent
b. And also used silence
c. And by acting silently
d. And silently

35. How much HAS FUEL COSTS RAISED during the past year?
a. Has fuel costs risen c. Has fuel costs rose
b. Have fuel costs raised d. Have fuel costs risen

36. About a thousand people GATHERED, THEY WERE THERE PROTESTING the
construction of a nuclear power plant.
a. Gathered, protesting against
b. Gathered to protest
c. Gathered for the purpose of protesting
d. Gathered – they were protesting

Select the letter of the word or phase that defines the capitalized word in each

37. They were showered with extraordinary AMENITIES of the luxurious hotel.
a. Hostilitie
b. Pardons
c. Comforts
d. Jokes

38. From all the reports of the Philippines Atmosphere Geophysical and Astronomical
Service Administration we DEDUCED that we were in for bad weather.
a. Subtracted c. Led away
b. Undermined d. Reached a conclusion

39. There was a CONFLAGRATION in the forests of Palawan.

a. Fierce encounter c. General assembly
b. Large destructive fire d. Massive free-planting

40. The EQUINOX usually occurs on or close to March 21 and September 23.
a. Time when days are longer than the nights
b. Time when day and night are equal length all over the earth
c. Time when heavy rains fall
d. Time when days are shorter than the night

41. The usually DOCILE cows become unruly during a storm.

a. Easy to manage c. Helpless
b. Lovable d. Innocent

42. The next millenium is another PHASE in history.

a. A shadow of the past
b. A confusion of mind
c. A stage or changing state of development
d. A trouble to anticipate

43. She had ILLUSIVE dreams of instant wealth.

a. Based on false ideas c. Tending to slip away
b. Beyond comprehension d. Moving swiftly

Select the letter of the word or phrase that defines the capitalized word in each
44. There was a QUEUE at the lunch counter.
a. Line of people awaiting for their turn
b. New service strategy
c. Slow service
d. Fast service rendered

45. That was the most CHAOTIC era of the Hundred Years War.
a. Unfortunate c. Helpless
b. Disorderly d. Disgusting
46. Astrology is a form of DIVINATION.
a. State of bliss c. Foretelling future event
b. Sanctification d. Unfortunate events

47. There was an ESOTERIC lecture on holography.

a. Something ancient
b. Irrefutable proof
c. Understable only by a select group
d. Out of context

48. The brain can store ADMONITORY information.

a. Warning to avoid danger c. Past experience
b. Valuable data d. Advanced knowledge

49. Those tribes are INTREPID pioneers of the islands.

a. Self-reliant c. Unfriendly
b. Very brave d. Hardworking

50. TRANSCENDENTAL meditation is practiced in Yoga:

a. Momentary c. Heavenly
b. Interpretative d. Supernatural

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. B
37. C
38. D
39. B
40. B
41. A
42. C
43. D
44. A
45. B
46. C
47. C
48. A
49. B
50. D

General Education - drill 6 - Part 2

- December 09, 2018
Filipino: Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot sa bawat bilang
51. Kami ang kabataang siyang magiging pag-asa ng bayan.
A. Pagtukoy C. Pagtula
B. Pasasalamat D. Pagtatanong

52. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap?

A. Ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro kung maliwanag ang buwan at nagtatakbuhan sa
B. Ang mga kabataan kung maliwanag ang buwan ay nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan
at naglalaro.
C. Ang mga kabataan kung maliwanag ang buwan ay nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan
at naglalaro.
D. Ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan kung maliwag
ang gabi.

53. KUMATHA ANG MAKATA NG TULA. Ang kaganapan ng pandiwa sa

pangungusap Na ito ay?
A. Ganapan B. Tagaganap C. layon D. layon

54. Ikinalulungkot ko ang mga nangyayari.

A. Paghingi ng paumanhin C. Pagtatanong
B. Paghula D. pagsagot

55. Alin sa mga sumusunod and pinakatamang pangungusap?

a. Nagpapabata sa kutis ng mukha ang pulbos Na clinique
b. Nagpapabata sa kutis ang pulbos Na clinique
c. Nagpapabata ang pulbos sa kutis Na clinique
d. Nagpapabata ng mukha sa kutis ng pulbos Na clinique

56. Ikaw naman kasi, nagpahuli ka pa:

a. Paglikha
b. Pagbibigay ng impormasyon
c. Pakontrol ng kilos ng iba
d. Pagbabahagi ng damdamin

57. Ang timawag Na madamdaming mananaysay ni Carmen Guerrero Nakpil ay is:

a. Teodoro A. Agoncillo c. Alejandro Abadilla
b. Virgilio S. Almario d. Teo S. Baylen

58. Kami ay nakikipagsapalaran sa lunsod. Ano ang ayos ng pangungusap?

a. Walang paksa c. karaniwan
b. Di-karaniwan d. walang pandiwa

59. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakataming pangungusap?

a. Ang pinagtatrabahuhan nilang malapit sa amin ay bago’t malaking pabrika
b. Ang pabrikang malapit sa amin, bago’t malaki ay pinagtatrabahuhan nila
c. Ang pabrikang pinagtatrabahuhan nila malapit sa amin ay bago’t malaki
d. Ang bago’t malaking pabrikang pinagtatrabahuhan nila ay malapit sa amin

60. Walang tubig kahapon. Ito ay pangugusap Na:

a. May paksa c. May panaguri
b. walang pandiwa d. walang paksa

61. “ Sa lunes Na pala tayo pupunta sa subic. Ano ang___________ mong pagkain?”
tanong ni Lito:
a. nadala b. dinadala c. dadalhin d. dinala

62. “Oo Ate,___________ Na muna ako nang tubig”

a. Umaakyat c. mag-aakyat
b. umakyat d. mag-akyat

63. Ang karangalan ng pagka “Unang tunay Na makata” ayon sa mananaliksik ay

ibinigay sa kanya atnalathala noong 1708 ang kanyang tulang ipinamimigay Na may
katangian ng tunay tula. Siya ay is:
a. Jose Corazon de Jesus c. Francisco Balagtas
b. Jose dela Cruz d. Phelipe de Jesus

64. “Hoy, Michelle! tigilan mo muna ang___________ at kumain ka muna”

a. lalabhin b. paglalaba c. lalabhan d. paglaba

65. Ipinagmamalaki mo siya, BAHAG naman pala ANG kanyang BUNTOT. Ang ibig
sabihin ng may malaking titik ay:
a. kuripot b. traidor c. duwag d. mahiyain

66. Sabihin ang gawi ng pagsasalitang ito: “Iwasan ang imburnal, may nagtatrabaho”.
a. Pagkukuwento c. Babala
b. Pagtukoy d. Pasasalamat

67. Pinakamahalagang nobelang Pilipino sa maraming taon Na nalimbag noong 1906

at tumalakay nang masinsinan sa paksang puhunanvs. Paggawa at sa sosyalismo ang?
a. Kundangan c. Ang Pangginggera
b. Banaag at Sikat d. Salawahang Pag-ibig

68. Kabaliwan at paglulustay ang inyong ginagawa taun-taon. Higit Na marami ang
maralitang nangangailangan ng salapi at dunong. Ang nagsasalita ay?
a. matipid b. praktikal c. kuripot d. maramot

69. Ito ay isang dulang nagsasalaysay ng buhay at kamatayan ng ating Mahal Na

Poong Hesukristo at masasabing parang PASKONG itinatanghal sa entablado. Ito ay
a. Moro-Moro b. Karagatan c. Duplo d. Senakulo

Panuto: Piliin sa mga sumusunod (Nos. 42 – 44) ang gawi ng pagsasalita.

70. Ipinadala niya ang mga aklat sa mga kaklase?
a. Layon b. Sanhi c. Aktor d. Direksyon

71. Ayokong sumunod sa mga sinasabi mo?

a. Pakiusap b. Pagtanggi c. Pamungkahi d. Babala

72. Kasiyahan ko nang makitang kayong’y nagmamahalan.

a. Pagkontrol ng kilos c. Pagbabahagi ng damdamin
b. Pangarap d. Pagkuha ng impormasyon

73. Ang kaugnayan ng pagkakapatay kina Burgos, Gomez at Zamora sa panitikang

Pilipino ay?
a. Naimpluwensyahan ang diwang alipin ng mga Pilipino.
b. Natutong lumabag sa batas lumaban sa maykapangyarihan ang mga Pilipino.
c. Nanatiling masigla ang diwang Pilipino.
d. Nakagising sa damdaming makabayang ng mga Pilipino.

74. Ang mga sumusunod, maliban sa isa, ay ilan sa mga akdang pampanitikang
nagdala ng maling impluwensya sa buong daigdig.
a. Ang Romeo at Juliet c. Ang Divina Commedia
b. Ang Banal na Kasulatan d. Ang Koran

75. Ang mahalagang ambag ni Severino Reyes sa dulang Tagalog Na hangarin ay

reporma sosyal at patriotismo ay ang?
a. Walang Sugat c. Ang Kalupi
b. Puso ng Isang Pilipino d. R.I.P.

76. Ang pangunahing kaisipan ay matatagpuan sa:
a. ikaapat na pangungusap c. ikalawang pangungusap
b. unang pangungusap d. ikatlong pangungusap

77. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap?

a. Isang guro Na bunsong lalaking anak ni Marcia is John.
b. Isang guro Na bunsong lalaking anak ni Marcia.
c. Isang guro Na lalaking anak Na bunso ni Marcia is John.
d. Isang guro Na is Jonh, ang bunsong anak Na lalaki ni Marcia.

78. Ang kauna-unahang nagsalin sa Tagalog ng MIULTIMO ADIOS ni Jose Rizal ay is:
a. Andres Bonifacio c. Apolinario Mabini
b. Rafael Palma d. Emilio Jacinto

79. Ikaw ba ang dapat sisihin sa nangyari?

a. Pakikipagkapwa c. Pagbati
b. Pagbibigay ng impormasyon d. Pagsasadula

80. Ang mga sumusunod maliban sa isa ay mga sagisag-panulat ni Marcelo H. del
Pilar. Ito ay ang:
a. Pupdoh c. Kinting Kulirat
b. Dolores Manapat d. Piping Dilat

81. Multiple regression equation analysis in a study revealed the relative contribution
of story elements to reading achievement, and that the contribution of these story
elements is substantial. Which of the following conclusions about the correlation of story
elements to reading achievement is suggested in the finding?
a. That correlation of 1.0 is needed for this study to be significant
b. That story elements are important variables to consider in reading achievement
c. That there is little variance between story elements and reading achievement
d. That other important story elements be included in the analysis

82. The ratio of men to women at Mabuhay High School is 3:7. If there are 6,153
women in the said school, how many men are
a. 879 b. 2,051 c. 1,895 d. 2,637
83. If n<m and a<b, then-
a. n+a>m+b b. m=b c. n=a d. n+a<m+b
84. The following table shows some fixed algebraic correlations of the quantities m and
n. What is the value of n if m is equal to –4?
a. 12 b. 9 c. –12 d. –9

85. If a function is defined by the set of ordered pairs (1,2), (2,4), (3,8), (4,16), (5,y)
then value of Y is-
a. 10 b. 20 c. 25 d. 32

86. “While attempting to explain the role of imitation in language acquisition,

investigators studied the deferent aspects of language development. “ An inference
which parents may make from this passage is that they should:
a. realize that their talking may over-stimulate their child’s activities
b. be concerned when child imitates their language
c. realize that their child’s imitations may reflect several aspects of language
d. should be unconcerned as imitation is too complex

87. A rectangle has sides of 10 and 12 units. How can the area of a square be
computed if it has the same perimeter as the rectangle?

a. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divide by 4, then multiply by 2

b. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divide by 4, then square the quotient
c. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, then multiply by 4
d. Add 10 and 12, double the sum, divided by 4, then multiply by 4

88. If scores of 10 students are: 76, 80, 75, 83, 80, 79, 85, 80, 88, 90, the mode is:
a. 80 b.79 c. 88 d. 85

89. A computer system is actually made up of actual physical machines known as:
a. Hardware b. monitor c. printer d. software

90. Which of the following figures represents closed curves?

a. b, d and e b. b and d c. a, b and d d. a and b

91. If p is a positive integer in the equation 12p = q, must be a:

a. negative odd integer c. positive even integer
b. positive odd integer d. negative ever integer
92. Of 50 students enrolled in the subject, Curriculum and Instruction, 90% took the
final examination at the end of the term. Two-thirds of those who took the final
examination passed. How many students passed the exam?
a. 33 b. 30 c. 45 d. 43

93. What value of x will satisfy the equation 5x+7 = 3x-9?

a. x = 10 b. x = + 8 c. x = - 8 d. x = - 16

94. The value of the expression 3xy + 5y + 7 when x = 2 and y = 3 is:

a. 34 b. 40 c. 36 d. 42

95. Which of the following values is CLOSET to the square root of 4000?
a. 200 b. 19 c. 63 d. 22

96. A vehicle consumes one liter of travel 10 kilometers. After a tune-up, it travels 15%
farther on one liter. To the nearest tenth, how many liters of gasoline will it take for the
vehicle to travel 230 kilometers?
a. 20 ltrs. b. 20.15 ltrs c. 23.15 ltrs d. 23 ltrs

97. If the scores in a Mathematics test of 45 students are arrange from the highest to
the lowest, the 23rd score is the
a. Variance b. Mode c. Mean d. Median

98. If 5 x > 0, which of the following must be TRUE?

I. x < 0 II. 1/x >0 III. –x < 0
a. II only b. I only c. II and III d. I and II

99. Which of the following illustrates the procedure and correct answer of multiplying:
1 2
2 – x 3 -- ?
2 3
5 11 55 1 3 6 9 30 270
a. = -- x --- = --- 9 -- c. = -- x -- = -- x --- = ---- 54
2 3 6 6 5 3 5 5 5
2 5 4 15 60 2 3 5 30 150
b. -- x -- =-- x -- = ---=10 d. -- x -- = --x --= ----= 30
3 2 6 6 6 5 11 50 50 5

100. A rectangular solid is a right angled figure that has length, width and height. Find
the volume of a rectangular solid whose: length = 6 cm. width = 4 cm height = 3 cm.
a. 72 cm3 b. 48 cm3 c. 90 cm3 d. 120 cm3

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. B
32. D
33. B
34. –
35. D
36. C
37. B
38. A
39. A
40. –
41. C
42. B
43. C
44. –
45. C
46. A
47. D
48. A
49. A
50. A

General Education - drill 6 - Part 3

- December 09, 2018
101. Change the following percents to decimals: 23%, 5%, 3%, 3.5%
a. 023, 5.00, 3.0, 03.5 c. 2.3, 500, .30. 30.5
b. 23, .05, .003, .035 d. .23. 50, 30, 3.05

102. What is the cube root of ( 32 x 3)?

a. 3 b. 27 c. 3x3 d. 9

103. A number which is divisible only by itself and 1 is called prime. Which of the
following are prime?
I. 9, II. 13, III. 113, IV. 121
a. I and II only c. all are prime
b. II, III and IV only d. II and III only

104. Which of the following is the numerical form for “twenty”?

a. 20,000,20 b. 2,020 c. 20,020 d. 2,000,020

105. The entry of data and commands into the computer system is made possible
through the:
a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. Printer d. Diskette

106. Which of the following gives the sum of the polynomials (a2 + b2 + ab) and (3a2 +
a. 5a2 + 5b2 + 5ab c. 4a2 + 5ab – b2
b. 3a + 5ab – 2b
2 2 d. 4a2 + b2 + 5ab

107. To find the perimeter (P) of a length of 16 inches and a width of 12 inches, which
of the following equations can be used?
a. P=(16)+(12) c. P=2(16)(12)
b. P=2(16+12) d. P=2(16)+(12)

108. Express the integer 50 as a percent.

a. 5% b. 500% c. 50% d. 5000%

109. A cube is a rectangular solid, the length, width, and height of which have the
same measure called the edge (e) of the cube. The volume of a cube is found by
‘cubing’ the measure of the edge. What is the volume of a cube whose edge is 4 cm.?
a. 64 cm3 b. 127 cm3 c. 27 cm3 d. 206 cm3

110. The final grades and corresponding credits earned by a college student are given
below. What is her grade point average for the term if: Grade A=4; Grade B =3; Grade
C = 2; Grade D =1?
Subject Credit Grades

English 5 A
Mathematics 3 C
Social Science 3 B
Foreign Language 2 D
PE 2 B

A. 2.00 B. 3.25 C. 2.87 D. 3.5

111. Why is 1/5 called a unit fraction?
a. The number 5 is the denominator
b. Unit fractions have 1 as the numerator
c. The unit is less than one
d. It is between 0 and 1, the basic unit

112. List fractions 1, 2 and 3 from LEAST to GREATES

9 15 12
1 3 2 2 3 1
a. --, ---, --- b. --- ,---, --
9 21 15 15 21 9
1 2 3 3 1 2
c. --, ---, -- d. ---, --, ---
9 15 21 21 9 15

113. How many twenty thousands are there in one million?

a. 100 b. 500 c. 50 d. 1000

114. The amount of simple interest denoted by “I” paid by the bank on a savings
account, uses which of these formulas?
a. I = Principal invested x annual rate of interest
b. I = Principal invested x annual rate of interest x months
c. I= Principal invested x annual rate of interest x years x months
d. I = Principal invested x annual rate of interest x years

115. The arithmetic of a set of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers 45 and 55 are
discared, the mean of the remaining set of members is:
a. 37.2 b. 37.5 c. 36.5 d. 37.0

116. What is the range of the following: 86,70,83,90,85,78,79,81,87.

a. 16 b. 20 c. 12 d. 15

117. In figure below, a square and a circle interest. If N is the center of the circle, what
percent of the circle remains unshaded? (Consider 360 degrees in circle)
a. 50% b. 25% c. 45% d. 30%

118. If each of the five members in a basketball team shakes hand with every other
member of the team before the game starts, how many handshakes will there be in all?
a. 10 b. 6 c. 8 d. 9

119. In the figure below, MNOP is a parallelogram. Given the measurements, find (A)
and perimeter (P) of the figure.
a. A= 18 sq. in. P= 18 inches
b. A= 18 sq. in. P= 20 inches
c. A= 22 sq. in. P= 27 inches
d. A= 24 sq. in. P= 20 inches

120. If 4a=b,then a is equal to:

1 b
a. --- b. 4b c. 4 + b d. ---
4b 4

121. Which of the following statements is TRUE of nuclear fission?

a. The energy process is identical to the which occurs in the sun
b. Energy is obtain by getting nucleus of the atoms to break up or split
c. Scientists can combine lighter atoms to form heavier atoms
d. Matter from the lighter atoms is changed immersed in a fluid is due to:

122. Apparently, the loss of weight of objects immersed in a fluid is due to:
a. Archemedes principle c. buoyant force
b. specific gravity d. Newton’s theory

123. When lighted, the energy of the alcohol in a lamp is:

a. Completely destroyed
b. Transformed from chemical energy
c. Lost while heating is done
d. Transformed from chemical to heat energy

124. Two glass tumblers that are stuck one inside the other may be loosened by:
a. Pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with cold
b. Pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after the inside tumbler with equally hot
c. Pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with
equally cold water
d. Pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with hot

125. All of the following statements about the routinary use of pesticides are TRUE,
a. Pesticides tend to become progressively less effective as the organisms become
b. It results in the evolutions of exiting new types of organisms
c. It may not only kill the insects but also those that feed on them
d. Due to the widespread use of DDT, a new type of housefly emerged

126. If a doctor describes a patient as dehydrated, he means that the patient:

a. Needs insulin c. has lost a great deal of water
b. needs oxygen d. has a contagious disease

127. Which of the following causes the seasons?

a. The distance of the Earth from the Sun
b. The rotation of the Sun about the Earth
c. The rotation of the Earth about the Sun
d. The tilting of the earth on its axis

128. To achieve ecological balance, which of the following sets of components about
an aquarium contain?
a. water, plants c. water, fish
b. water, snail, plants, fish d. water, snail, fish

129. Which of the following statements best explains why copper is the most widely
used in electrical wiring?
a. It is a better conductor than aluminum and cheaper than silver
b. It is the best conductor of electricity
c. It is cheaper than aluminum
d. It has high resistance to electricity

130. Radium was discovered by:

a. Joseph John Thomston c. Pierre and Marie Curie
b. Albert Einstein d. Albrecht Van Haller

131. Aboard the space shuttle, astronauts strap themselves to a wall or bunk when
they sleep. This is because during a change of shuttle velocity an unstrapped sleeping
astronaut would likely slump into the shuttle wall and be injured. These astronauts have
to be strapped down because:
a. They are unable to sleep while floating free in space
b. Gravity is weak to have them remain in bed
c. Their bodies have inertia
d. Their body functions have to be constantly monitored

132. Which of the following Statement(s) is/are TRUE?

I. Water in a cup and water in a pot at 1200 C have molecules
II. It takes more burning of fuel to produce a potful of boiling water than to
produce a cupful
III. The unit used in measuring the quantity of heat is the calorie
IV. A potful of water has a greater number of active molicules than does a
cupful of water.
a. III and IV only c. All of these statements
b. I and II only d. None of these statements

133. Two items of similar and weights are dropped simultaneously from a ten-storey
building. Which of the following statements is corrects is correct about the falling rate of
the object?
a. The weight of the object has no effect on the falling rate
b. The shape of the objects has a minor effect on the falling rate
c. The resistance of the air has no effect on the failing rate
d. The distance of the fall has an effect on the falling rate

134. An atom or a group of atoms which has an excess/deficiency of electrons is

a. iron b. proton c. molecules d. electron

135. Which of the following statements about atomic structure is NOT right?
a. Atoms are mostly empty space
b. All atoms of the same atomic numbers are atoms of the same element
c. Most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in its nucleus
d. An atom can gain or lose electrons without changing its charge

136. Which of the following is closest to normal body temperature?

a. 50 degrees C c. 37 degrees C
b. 32 degrees F d. 212 degrees F

137. Symbiosis is defined by biologists as individuals of different species living together

in intimate association, regardless of whether the association is harmful, neutral, or
beneficial. All of the following pairs are examples of symbiosis EXCEPT:
a. cats and mice c. humans and tapeworms
b. dogs and fleas d. ants and aphids

138. In what state are most matter in the universe?

a. Plasma b. Liquid c. Gas d. Solid

139. The first Filipina who was declared as a national scientist who has contribute
mush in discovering to a plants that can be used as medicine.
a. Dr. Pacifico Macos c. Dr. Eliseo Kintanar
b. Dr. Henry Moseley d. Dr. Alfredo C. Santos

140. A change in the composition of a substance of a substance resulting in the

formation of a new substance is called.
a. mechanical change c. physical change
b. chemical change d. nuclear change

141. A British physician and bacteriologist, Sir Ronald Ross was awarded the Nobel
Prize in medicine for his researches in the.
a. transmission of malaria c. prevention of hepatitis
b. liquid fuel rocket d. control of cholera

142. The history of the earth has been divided by scientists into eras. Which of the
following shows the arrangement of these eras into the proper sequence from the oldest
to the most recent?
a. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
b. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian
c. Precambrian, Mesozoic, cenozoic, Paleozoic
d. Paleozoic, cenozoic, Precambrian, Mesozoic

143. Which of the following audio-visual sets of equipment can best project visual
materials in a classroom that is difficult to darken?
a. Filmstrips c. Opaque projector
b. Overhead project d. Color materials

144. When water evaporates, it changes into which of the following states?
a. Liquid b. Matter c. Solid d. Gaseous

145. A group of students tried to find out how volume would affect the mass and
density of a piece of metal. The data are shown on the table below:
Trial Volume(cm) Mass(g) Density(g/cm
1 10 15 1.5
2 40 60 1.5
3 5 1.5 1.5
4 160 240 1.5
Based on the trials made, which among the following conclusions can be formulated?
I. Density of a material on constant
II. Mass is inversely proportional to volume
III. Volume is directly proportional to mass
IV. Density is dependent on mass and volume
a. I and II b. I and III c. III and IV d. I and IV

146. Which of the following forms of energy travels in waves?

a. Mechanical energy c. Sound energy
b. Electrical energy d. Chemical energy

147. Fossils are most likely to be found in:

a. Sedimentary rocks c. Ocean floor
b. Igneous rocks d. Metamorphic rocks

148. When the Sun, Earth and Moon are arranged as shown in the figure below, what
phenomenon is likely to occur?
a. Earthquake c. Lunar eclipse
b. Solar eclipse d. Neap tide

149. A soda-acid type fire extinguisher is recommended for putting out fires which
involve burning:
a. insulation on wires c. fats or vegetable oil
b. dry chemical d. painted woodwork

150. The skull of a increases in size rapidly during:

a. adolescence c. puberty
b. adulthood d. babyhood

General Education - drill 6 - Part 4
- December 09, 2018
151. In countries where medical skill and a public understanding about health and
disease are wide spread, which of the following changes are evident?
I. Accidental deaths have decreased
II. The communicable disease death rate has decreased
III. Infant mortality rate has decreased
IV. More people live a full life
V. People live long cough to succumb to degenerative disease

a. I, II, III, IV b. I, II, III, IV, V c. II, III, IV,V d. I, II,


152. Four circular holes of equal size arranged from top to bottom were cut 2 cm apart
into a large plastic bottle. The holes were covered with tape, and bottle was filled with
water. The tape was then removed. Which of the following statements will BEST
describe result?
a. Water from each hole will squirt out the same distance from the bottle
b. Water from the top hole will squirt out the farthest
c. Water from the bottom hole will squirt out the farthest
d. The sudden release of water will cause the cause the bottle to collapse

153. The El Nino phenomenon which grabbed control of the world’s weather machine
is identified by climatologists as:
a. landslides, flash floods, warm air currents
b. all of these
c. heavy downpours, tropical storms in some parts of the earth
d. lack of rains, droughts, crop failure

154. Metabolism and combustion are chemically similar. They both result in the
oxidation of some compounds. If completely oxidized which of the following foodstuffs
would yield the MOST thermal energy?
a. A cup of milk c. A cup of sugar
b. A cup of ice cream d. A cup of flour

155. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about comets?

a. Comets generally have elongated, elliptical orbits
b. Comets are mostly frozen gases and cosmic dust
c. Comets may go around the sun in any direction
d. Comets glow by their own light

156. Which of the following part of the circulatory system carries digested fats away
from the intestines?
a. Pancreatic duct c. Arterial capillaries
b. Pulmonary artery d. Lacteals
157. The thermometer measure:
a. pressure b. energy c. heat d. temperature
158. Which process occurs when dry ice, CO2(s) is changed into CO2 (g)
a. evaporation c. decomposition
b. condensation d. sublimation

159. A change in the shape or size of an object can be classified as:

a. Chemical change c. nuclear change
b. mechanical change d. physical change

160. The volume and mass for each of five metal pieces are shown in the following
table. Which of the metal pieces has the LOWEST density?
METAL VOLUME (cm3) MASS (grams)
Beryllium 100 185
Calcium 100 155
Osmium 10 225
Titanium 10 45
Zinc 1 7

a. Calcium b. Zinc c. Beryllium d. Osmium

161. The Philippine constitution, recognizing the natural right and duty of parents in
rearing the youth for civic efficiency and in developing moral character, mandates that
this should be supported by the:
a. Church c. Community
b. Government d. Schools

162. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions- The Magdiwanf and the
Magdalop. While the Mgadiwang in Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the
magdalo faction?
a. Baldomero Aguinaldo c. Ciriaco Bonifacio
b. Artemio Ricarte d. Daneil Tirona

163. The constitution provides that no educational institute shall be establish

exclusively for aliens, EXCEPT those for:
a. Citizens of ASEAN member countries
b. Permanent alien residents
c. Foreign diplomatic personnel and their dependents
d. Employers of Filipino overseas workers in the middle East

164. One of the stages in the moral development approach which is an instrumental
relationship is best illustrated by:
a. Good work is rewarded and bad work is punished
b. “You scratch my back and I will scratch yours”
c. I will do what I think is right no matter what happens
d. Everyone is an instrument for good deeds

165. What is the social scientist’s explanation of the relationship of a leader to history?
a. Leaders are product of their times
b. History is a reflection of great leaders
c. Every great movement is the lengthened shadow of a great man
d. Had any great leader been than he was, the course of history would have been

166. Who was the founder and first editor of La Solaridad in Barcelona, Spain and was
considered the greatest orator of the Filipino colony in Spain?
a. Mariano Ponce c. Graciano Lopez Jaena
b. Gregorio H. del Pilar d. Marcelo H. del Pilar

167. An important factor which has contributed to the weakness in the internalization of
desirable social values is the:
a. use of approaches which are cognitive rather than effective
b. lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another
c. lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values
d. minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers

168. The comprehensive Land Reform Program ( CAPR) provides that by July 1, 1992
a person, association, or corporation cannot or retain agricultural land which is more
than how many hectares?
a. 7 b. 50 c. 3 d. 24

169. Which is the correct chronological order for the events in history listed below?
I. Execution of Dr. Jose P. Rizal
II. Declaration of the 1st Philippine Independence
III. The EDSA revolution
IV. World War II

a. I, IV, II, III b. I, II, IV, III c. II, I, III, IV d. II, I, IV, III

170. During the American Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg was fought in:
a. Georgia c. Virginia
b. Pennsylvania d. South Carolina

171. The moral recovery program (MRP) was formally launched and promoted
encouraging all sectors to adopt the ideas of Pro-People, Pro-country and Pro-Nature
a. Senate Resolution No. 10.
b. DECS ORDER No. 6, s 1990
c. Presidential Proclamation No. 62.
d. Article IV, Section 3 of the constitution
172. In the teaching of democratic beliefs in the classroom, which of the following is
most consistent with current educational throughout?
a. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs in the
b. Democratic beliefs can be taught on respect for individual worth and faith in the
ability of people to govern themselves
c. Democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebrations are observed to
honor national heroes
d. Democracy as the smoothest of government is emphasized

173. The breakdown of feudalism started FIRST in:

a. Russia b. England c. France d. Hungary

174. The Benevolent Assimilation proclamation on December 21, 1898 was the first
official indicator of American policy regarding the Philippines. It expressly the intention
of the United States to stay in the Philippines. It expressly indicated the intention of the
United States to stay in the Philippines by exercising the right of sovereignty over the
Filipinos. Who was the American President who issued this “Benevolent Assimilation”
a. Roosevelt b. Mckinley c. Eisenhower d. Wilson

175. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the Constitution
provides compulsory elementary education for:
a. all physically able individuals
b. all children of school age
c. all children of pre-school age
d. adult citizens and-of-school youth

176. Emilio Jacinto’s literacy works were written in Tagalog and a small part in Spanish.
The best in all of this works was written on October 8, 1897. It was visibly an imitation of
Rizal’s “mi Ultimo Adios.” What was the title of this poem:
a. Ala Juventud Filipina c. Ala Patria
b. Amor Patrio d. Mi Madre

177. The code of Kalantiao which written in 1433 gave the early Filipinos insights into:
a. the formal and informal systems of education
b. families characterized by nobility
c. the country’s educational system
d. personal and social relations

178. The primary source of the objectives of education in the Philippines at present is
a. Philippines Constitution
b. The Swanson Report
c. Tydings McDuffie Act
d. Report of the Monroe Commission
179. In every society, certain positions are assigned to individuals on the basis of age,
sex, marital status, and similar other criteria. These patterns are:
a. culturally defined
b. learned from parents
c. taught in school
d. universally accepted and practiced

180. The principal legal forms of business organizations are:

a. single proprietorship, partnership, corporation
b. corporation, charter, stock company
c. open shop, union shop, closed shop
d. partnership, charter, single proprietorship

181. Democracy refers to the involvement of all citizens in the control of government,
while an oligarchy relegates control of government to:
a. an autocrat c. a select few
b. the mother country d. a religious group

182. “It is important to consider that the world population problem cannot be adequately
removed by simply producing more food. Increased food production cannot keep pace
with current increases in world population.” It may be concluded from this quotation that
the author
a. Opposes cooperatives sharing of the world’s food pressures
b. Opposes economic suctions against countries that encourage overproduction of
c. Advocates a drastic reduction in the birth rate
d. Favors a policy allowing food production to keep pace with population

183. Who was know as the “ tagalog Joan Of Arc” because of her martial exploits
during the revolution?
a. Gregoria de Jesus c. Agueda Kahabagan
b. Teresa Magbanua d. Trinidad Tecson

184. Which of the following characterizes the behavior pattern of deferred gratification?
a. The upper class c. The lower class
b. The minority groups d. The middle class

185. After the revolution Macario Sacay went underground and established a republic
based on the ideology of Bonifacio Jacinto Katipunan. What do you call the republic
established by Macario Sacay at his headquarters on top of Mount Cristobal?
a. Republika ng Katagalugan
b. Republika ng mga Filipino
c. Republika ng Katipunan
d. Republika ng San Cristobal
186. To be a moral person is
a. be acceptable by society
b. be integrated in speech, feelings, thinking and action
c. know and act upon the “ ought to be” and the “ ought to do”
d. be able to follow the dictates of one’s conscience

187. The fundamental aim of the ASEAN as an organization of Southeast Asian

Nations is to
a. provide facilities for professional and technical training
b. foster economic, social and cultural cooperation
c. safeguard the peace and prosperity of the region
d. develop the natural resources of the member countries

188. One of the strengths of the Filipino character is “ pakikipagkapwa-tao”. This is

manifested in all of the following except
a. “ Malasakit” (solicitous concern for others)
b. “ Pakikiramay” ( generosity in time of other’s need)
c. “ Pakikiramdam” ( sense of gratitude)
d. “ Lakas ng loob” ( moral strength or fortitude)

189. A society that adopts the democratic view of education places great emphasis on:
a. compulsory schooling for all its citizens
b. the selection of textbooks to be used in school
c. choice of leaders in charge of education
d. the essential dignity of all individuals

190. Which is LEAST likely to be a function of a trade association?

a. Protecting the reputation of the industry
b. Influencing government of the industry
c. Standardizing types of products
d. Encouraging competition

191. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to promote interpersonal

communication beyond the community boundary is the:
a. tagalog movies c. television
b. fiesta celebration d. zarsuela

192. Which of the following teaching-learning process demonstrates the action learning
approach to values education?
a. Students engage in role playing of different characters
b. Teacher assigns groups to discuss different national moral issues
c. Teacher and students debate activity on moral issues
d. Students and teachers participate in a community immersion program

193. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:

a. satisfy his personal needs and drives
b. function as a contributing member of the group
c. become an adult member of society
d. learn to dialogue with peers and adults

194. Of the following statements, the best example that represents functional illiteracy
a. inability to apply basic communication skills in expressing ideas
b. failure to graduate from high school
c. inability to comply with graduation requirements
d. failure to pass a qualifying examination

195. The voyage of Ferdinand Magellan is considered the greatest single achievement
in the history of sea exploration and discovery because it:
a. made Spain the mistress of the sea
b. proved that the world is not flat
c. marked the discovery of westward route to the East
d. Marked the first circumnavigation of the globe

196. Which of the following forces of social change have the greatest impact upon the
traditional Filipino family in the 20th century?
a. Industrialization and Urbanization
b. Immigration and Migration
c. Socialization and Assimilation
d. Specialization and Assimilation

197. Mass society is described as being composed of anonymous individuals. The

word “anonymous” is used to convey the idea that the individuals involved:
a. have little influence on decision making since they are not organized
b. are unaware of other individuals exposed to the same stimuli
c. are unaware that there are mass audiences
d. are known only to those who control the mass media

198. The Filipinos wants to be accepted by his fellowmen for what he is and to be
treated according to his status. He can achieve this by
a. Socializing with his fellowmen within the norms of society
b. Offering his services in whatever form that suits him
c. Participating in group activities that interest him
d. Being obedient to all demands that come his way

199. The preservation and development of Filipino culture should be one of the
responsibilities of the state as provided in the constitution in order to promote
a. Historical awareness
b. International recognition
c. National interest
d. National identity
200. “ Thou shalt love God and thy honor above all things. God as the fountain of all
truth, of all justice and all of activity; and thy honor is the only power which will obligue
thee to be truthful, just and industrious”. This is one of the commandments lifted from
whose Decalogue?
a. Emilio Jacinto c. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Apolinario Mabini d. Andres Bonifacio

General Education - drill 5 Part 1
- November 29, 2018

Direction: Choose the answer for each item. On the Answer Sheet provided, shade the
CHOICE, which corresponds to your answer.

A Study made a number of years ago said the more education a man has, the
less likely he is to be an inventor. Now, the reason for that is quite simple. From the time
the boy or girl starts in school, he or she is examined three or four times a year, and of
course, it is very, very disastrous if he/she fails. An inventor fails all the time and it is
triumph if he succeeds once. Consequently, if education is an inhibition to invention, it is
due entirely to the form by which we rate things and not because of any intellectual

I can take any group of young people any place, and teach them to be inventors, if I can
get them to throw off the hazard of being afraid to fail. You fail because your ideas are
not right. You should not be afraid to fail, but you should learn to fail intelligently. By that
I mean, when you fail, find out why you failed, and each time you fail it will bring you
nearer to the goal.

-from 100 Stories You Can

Use by Frank Mihalic

1. What relationship is shown between education and invention?

A. The former is the cause of the latter
C. Education is not useful for the inventor
B. One’s education guarantees an invention
D. Education does not encourage a person to be an inventor
2. According to the selection, what is true about an inventor?
A. An inventor succeeds in all endeavors
B. An inventor always succeeds in the first attempt
C. An inventor gives up on the first failure of the experiment
D. An inventor experiences failures several times before he/she succeeds
3. How are the ideas mentioned in this statement connected, “If education is an
inhibition to invention, it is due entirely to the form by which we rate things”?
A. The sentence enumerates reasons for invention
B. The sentence conveys the result of being uneducated
C. The sentence compares education and invention
D. The sentence gives cause-effect relationship between education and invention
4. What is the writer’s view about failure?
A. I is disastrous
C. It is an inhibition to invention
B. It helps people learn and get near their goal
D. It hinders one’s desire to succeed
5. What could be the message of the selection?
A. Success comes to those who persevere
B. Success brings pride to one’s country
C. Failure reflect one’s limited intellect
D. Failure stops people form inventing thing
Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands
By Eva DorotheeSchmid
1 Human beings have known about the healing properties of music since
Biblical times –according to the Old Testament for example David soother King Saul’s
aching brow by reaching for his harp.
2 There are also many references to the healing potential of music in texts left
behind by the ancient Greeks.
3 The same properties are not put to good use in the modern filed of music
therapy. Music therapy is psychotherapeutic procedure which does not compete with
traditional medicine but rather tries to complement it.
4 Music arouses emotion, soothes, comforts and can lead to changes in
behavior. It can also encourage the healing process, increase a person’s ability to
tolerate pain and help them overcome their fears.
5 All this can result in changes in the body’s chemistry
6 Studies show that the right sort of music cause the body to release an
increased amount of so-called endorphins with the results that the person becomes
less sensitive to pain and feels much better.

Manila Bulletin, August 2007

6. The writer discusses

A. The causes of music therapy

B. The effects of music
C. the music in Biblical times
D. the music for life

7. The ideas are arranged using _____________ as a pattern of organization.

A. Enumeration
B. cause-effect
C. Problem-solution
D. chronological

8. The writer defines a concept/term in paragraph

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
9. According to the selection. the following are the effects of music except:

A. Emotional healing
B. academic excellence
C. Pain tolerance
D. behavioral change

10. There are ___________ effects of music mentioned in paragraph 3.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

11. The writer wants to explain

A. That music can replace medicine

B. When music can complement medicine
C. How music can useful for well-being
D. Why music is popular

The Cook’s Prayer

Lord of all the pots and pans and things, since I’ve no time to be
A saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee,
Or dreaming in the dawnlight, Or storming heaven’s gates,
Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.

-from 1000 Stories You Can use by Frank Mihalic

12. Who is speaking in the poem?

A. A saint
B. The Lord
C. A cook
D. A wife

13. Which of the following tells what the speaker does?

A. Watches late at night

B. Storms heaven’s gate
C. Dreams in the downlight
D. Washes up the plates

14. How does the speaker in the poem regard the saints?
A. With admiration
B. With compassion
C. With understanding
D. With sympathy

15. What do the last two lines mean? The speaker is saying that he ______________

A. Be given patience so he can do his work

B. Wants to be a saint of pots and pans
C. Like his job and praying to his saints
D. Does not like to work at night

It is said:
That there is hardly a bar of music which Beethoven did not rewrite at least a dozen
That Bryant rewrote THANATOPSIS a hundred times
That Gibbon rewrote his AUTOBIOGRAPHY nine times
That Plato wrote the first sentence of his REPUBLIC nine times
That Virgil spent 12 years writing his AENEID

-from 1000 Stories You Can Use by Frank


16. What does the word bar mean in the selection?

A. A vertical line drawn to show division of notes

B. A gate closing a road
C. A strip of wood used for obstruction
D. A railing in a court

17. What could be the reason for capitalizing some words in the selection?

A. They show the importance of greatness

B. They stand for concepts difficult to understand
C. They reflect insights on human nature
D. They represent great works of persistent people

18. What could be inferred about the people mentioned in the selection?

A. They are gifted with power

B. They are born to succeed in life
C. They are admired for who they are
D. They are recognized in their discipline
19. Which is the best statement that tells the main idea of the selection?

A. One’s greatness is the product of brilliance

B. Success is measured by one’s effortless creation
C. Perseverance makes one reach his or her goal
D. Success is for every person who waits for it patiently

20. Which is the best way to paraphrase the sentence?

Theresa was worried about passing the very difficult test.

A. Receiving a passing grade on the difficult exam concerned Theresa.

B. Theresa was worried about receiving good marks on the test, which was very hard.
C. he is worried about the results of the test.
D. The outcome of the test made Theresa so worried.

21. Which among the following is not a type of thesis statement?

A. Analytical thesis statement

B. Expository thesis statement
C. Argumentative thesis statement
D. Literary thesis statement

22. Which two questions is essential in writing the supporting details of an

argumentative paragraph?

A. Why and So Why?

B. How and Why?
C. Where and When?
D. When and Why?

23. For thousands of years, rice _________ a staple for many people.

A. Is
B. Had been
C. Was
D. Has been

24. Beth’s new digital camera is more user-friendly than ______I have seen.

A. Anyone else
B. Any other
C. Another
D. others

25. What makes the sentences below wrong?

Patrick bought a new car- a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII- last week.
A. The indefinite article “a” was overused
B. The verb “bought” should have been “has bought”
C. The verb “bought” should have been “ has been buying”
D. The writer should have used dash instead of hyphen

26. All of the following have misplaced modifiers except:

A. The pianist played a new composition sitting on the piano bench

B. We heard the bus crashed on the radio
C. We boarded the train with three suitcases heading toward our ancestral home in
Ilocos Sur
D. I arranged the flowers for my mother using the new vase

27. All of the following are parallel except:

A. She left me angry, frustrated and wearing a frown

B. We have things to do, people to see, and places that should be visited
C. I enjoyed the opportunities it offers, the fringe benefits I receive and I earn a good
D. My father prepared the main course and fixed the dessert

28. Which would be appropriate subordinator to be used to complete this sentence?

_________she finally grew accustomed to the dark; she noticed a small chest in the
corner of the room.

A. When
B. Where
C. While
D. Because

29. All of the following show faulty use of the coordinating conjunctions except:

A. Marian sings in the choir, for she is a soprano

B. The clock chimed nine times but JC knew he had overslept
C. I studied the children and they were watching in awe as the parade floats went by
D. I tried to sleep , yet the thought of tomorrow’s math exam kept me awake

30. Which illustrates the proper use of comma?

A. When you call, and need someone, Rommel will come

B. When, you call and need someone Rommel will come
C. When you call and need someone Rommel, will come
D. When you, call and need someone Rommel will come

31. Which is a sample of a proper use of (“ “ )?

A. Irene laughed nervously and began, “Ladies and gentlemen.”
B. “Irene laughed nervously” and began, ladies and gentlemen.
C. Irene laughed nervously and began, “Ladies and gentlemen.
D. “Irene laughed nervously and began, ladies and gentlemen.”

32. Which of the following expressions can help you involve other members of the group
in the discussion?

A. Do you agree with his opinion?

B. Let’s go on to another point,
C. What do you mean?
D. Personally, I believe that….

33. Mathematics_______________ to be one of the least popular subjects among


A. Appear
B. appears
C. appeared
D. has appears

34. Technology ______________classroom teaching and learning in the last decade.

A. Changed
B. changes
C. will change
D. has changed

35. Dr. Day is one of the language teaching experts___________________.

A. Who advocates reading for pleasure

B. Who advocated reading for pleasure
C. Who advocate reading for pleasure
D. Who will have advocated reading for pleasure

36. Maria wishes to say no to a friend who is asking for help in their homework. What
should she say?

A. I’d be glad to help

B. I’m with you
C. Can you repeat what you said?
D. I’m sorry but I’m busy

37. What error is committed in the sentence below?

Having eaten their supper, the cook told the men to clear the table
A. Fragment
B. Dangling modifier
C. Faulty Coordination
D. Faulty Parallelism

38. The hyphen is correctly used in all of the sentences below, except for.

A. The Democrats won a landslide election, 24-0

B. I am looking for the editor-in-chief to submit my grade
C. My father witnessed the signing of the Filipino- American treaty
D. Vanessa acquired a second-hand refrigerator lately

39. Which among the following is a thesis statement?

A. Tarsiers are considered as the smallest species of primate, and they are also
considered as one of the tourist attractions in Bohol. However, they easily get stressed,
making their lifespan shorter. Thus they should be returned to the wild.
B. Tarsiers are considered as the smallest species of primate, and they are also
considered as one of the tourist attractions in Bohol. Because of this, they should be
returned to the wild
C. Tarsiers, the smallest species of primate and one of the tourist attractions in Bohol,
should be returned to the wild because they easily get stressed , making their lifespan
D. Tarsiers, the smallest species of primate and one of the tourist attractions in Bohol,
should return to the wild

40. All of the transitional/cohesive devices below may be used when writing / showing a
process, except____________.

A. Nevertheless
B. moreover
C. finally
D. next

41. Which word in this sentence needs to be capitalized?

Whatever you do, father, will please me very much.

A. You
B. much
C. will
D. father

42. Which sentence illustrates the proper use of ( : )?

A. There are three causes: poverty, indolence, and injustice

B. There are three causes: poverty, indolence, and injustice:
C. There are three causes: poverty, indolence: and injustice
D. There are: three causes poverty, indolence, and injustice

43. What intonation contour or pattern applies to the question “Who will join the

A. 232
B. 223↑
C. 231↓
D. 233↑

44. Which sentence is marked as 233↑231↓?

A. Do you like to join torch parade?

B. We want peace, good health and a happy family life
C. Diane, as well as her friends ,are planning a trip to the north
D. Do you prefer to go swimming or jog in the park

45. Which of the following sounds in the Trager and Smith Transcription System would
you consider a critical sound for Filipino learners of English?

A. /a/
B. /iy/
C. /i/
D. /uw/

46. Every woman, man, child ____________the right to live.

A. Have
B. has
C. had
D. do have

47. The excellent speaker can ________ even the most complicated ideas.

A. Get across
B. get through
C. Get away
D. get along

48. I drive my neighbors up a wall with the loud banging of my new set of drums. The
underlined phrase means__________

A. Bump into my neighbor’s fence

B. Make them envious
C. annoy
D. let them listen and enjoy

49. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark. I didn’t mean to offend her. The
underlined idiom means____________

A. Impossible
B. joke
D .sketch

50. How did the students react when the teacher __________________ the mistakes
on their test papers?

A. Provided for
B. picked out
C. Pointed out
D. gave away
General Education - drill 5 Part 2
- November 29, 2018

51. Ang batayang pangungusap ay umalis ang mag-anak. Alin sa mga sumusunod sa
pahayag ang may pampalawak na pang-abay?

A. Umalis ang mayamng mag-anak.

B. Umalis ang mag-anak na iyon
C. Umalis agad ang mag-anak
D. Ang mag-anak na nagmamadali ay umalis

52. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang may paningit?

A. Kalabaw raw ni Kuya ang nawala

B. Kalabaw ni Kuya sa bukid ang nawala
C. Ang kalabaw na mataba ni kuya ang nawala
D. Walang tamang sagot

53. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ng diptongo?

A. Salaysay
B. Aliwan
C. Sayawan
D. Luya

54. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ng paghingi ng tawad ang di-pormal?

A. Pasensya ka na
B. Pagsisikapan kong di na mangyari itong muli
C. Patawarin mo ako
D. Huwag ka nangmagalit, Hindi ko na gagawin muli

55. Alin sa sumusunod na mga slaita ang wasto ang pagkakabaybay?

A. Panbukid
B. Pambukid
C. Pam-bukid
D. Pangbukid

56. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang pokus sa aktor/tagaganap?

A. Bumili ng laruan si Gel sa SM para sa kanyang inaanak

B. Binilhan ni Gel ng laruan ang SM para sa kanyang inaanak
C. Binili ni Gel ang laruan sa SM para sa kanyang inaanak
D. Ibinili ni Gel ng laruan ang kanyang inaanak sa SM

57. Alin ag tamang pangungusap na patanong na hango sa batayang pangungusap na

BP: Mamamasyal sila sa Biyernes

A. Saan sila mamamasyal?

B. Kanino sila pupunta?
C. Bakit sila mamamasyal?
D. Kailan sila mamasyal?

58. Uri ng tulang nagsasaad ng marubdob na pandamdamin sa isang paksang

matatawag din tula ng puso.

A. Pandamdamin
B. Pasalaysay
C. Pandulaan
D. Paawit

59. Mga salaysay na nagmula sa Banal na Kasulatan na kinapupulutan ng

magagandang aral.

A. Oda
B. Dasalan at Tuksohan
C. Parabola
D. Pabula

60. Mahiwagang dasal na ginagamit bilang agimat, pangkulam, pangagamot at pang-

A. Bugtong
B. Bulong
C. Tula
D. Dasal

61. Epiko ng Bikolano na isinalin ni Padre Constancio.

A. Hudhud
B. Ibalon
C. Alim
D. Mahabharat

62. Itinuturing na pinakamahabang epiko sa buong mundo.

A. Iliad and Oddyssey

B. El Cid Campeador
C. Divina Comedia
D. Mahabharata

63. Epiko ng mga Munslim na naglalarawan sa kagitingan ng isang prinsipe.

A. Ibalon
B. Bidasari
C. Alim
D. Bantugan

64. Mala romansang Malay na nasasalig sa matandang paniniwala na magtatagal ang

buhay kung papaingtan sa hayop.

A. Ibalon
B. Bidasari
C. Bantugan
D. Lilasari

65. Mga salaysay na nagmula sa Banal na Kasulatan na kinapupulutan ng

magagandang aral.
A. Oda
B. Dasalan at Tuksohan
C. Parabola
D. Pabula

may isinuksok , may madurukot
66. Ang halimbawang kawikaan ay bagay sa komposisyon ukol sa_______

A. Katipiran
B. Kasipagan
C. Katapangan

67. Paano mo ilalarawan ang isang ahente na mahusay kumumbinsi o humikayat sa

pamamagitan ng mga salita?

A. May tali ang dila

B. Matamis ang dila
C. Mahaba ang dila
D. May dilang anghel

68. Kapag napagod tayo sa katatanaw sa taong ating hinihintay, sinasabi natin:

A. “Nanghahaba na ang aking leeg sa kakatanaw sa iyo.”

B. “Itaga mo sa bato.”
C. “Itanim mo sa iyong isip”
D. “Ilista mo sa tubig”

69. Sa awit na: “O, ang babae kapag minamahal

May kursunada’y aayaw-ayaw

Pag panay ang dalaw ay nayayamot
Huwag mong dalawin, dadabog-dabog.”

70. Anong uri ng tayutay ang matatagpuan?

A. Pag-uuyam
B. Pagtawag
C. Pagsalungat

71. Kung ang pagpapalit-tawag (metonymy) ay nagpapalit ng katawagan o pangalan sa

bagay na tinutukoy, alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ang di-dapat maisama sa

A. Tatlong baso ang nainom ni Jimmy dahil sa matinding uhaw

B. Natanggap ni Lisette ang hampas ng langit sa mabibigat niyang kasalanan
C. Dapat nating igalang ang puting buhok
D. Ang kahabag-habag na payong ay nahulog sa kanal
72. Kung ang pagpapalit-tawag (metonymy) ay nagpapalit ng katawagan o pangalan sa
bagay na tinutukoy, alin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ang di-dapat maisama sa

A. Tatlong baso ang nainom ni Jimmy dahil sa matinding uhaw

B. Natanggap ni Lisette ang hampas ng langit sa mabibigat niyang kasalanan
C. Dapat nating igalang ang puting buhok
D. Ang kahabag-habag na payong ay nahulog sa kanal

73. Kung ikaw ay gagamit ng paghihimig (onomatopoeia) sa pahayag na ito, alin sa

mga sumusunod na tunog o himig ng mga salita ang angkop na piliin mo?
________________ang hanging dumating dala ng malakas na bagyo.

A. Dumadagundong
B. Kumakalabog
C. Rumaragasa
D. Umuugong

74. Piliin ang taglay na kahulugan na iba kaysa sa karaniwang pakahulugan sa mga
sumusunod na pahayag.
Mataas ang kanilang paminggalan

A. Ambisyoso
B. Maramot
C. Kuripot
D. Kumain dili

75. Malakas ang hangin ni Erni, siya na naman ang bida.

A. Matalino
B. Mayabang
C. Madaldal
D. Matapang

76. A man jogs around a circular path whose diameter is 50m. About how many times
will he have to go around the circular path to jog a distance of 1 ½ km?

A. 5 times
B. 10 times
C. 12 times
D. 15 times

77. What is the probability of getting a prime number when a die is tossed?

A. 1/6
B. ¼
C. 1/3
D. ½

78. The mean score of a set of 30 tests is 85. Find the sum of the 30 test scores.

A. 2,250
B. 2,360
C. 2,550
D. 3,240

79. A show manufacturer conducted a survey of the average shoe size among women
to help him decide what shoe size to put on display. What measure of central tendency
would be most appropriate for his purpose?

A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Any of the three

80. Suppose that the family has 2 children. What is the probability that the family has at
least 1 girl?

A. ¾
B. ½
C. 1/3
D. ¼

81. A card picked at random from an ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability of
picking a black ace

A. ½
B. ¼
C. 1/13
D. 1/26

82. How many combinations can be made from the letters A, B, C and D if the letters
are taken 2 at a time?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

33. In how many ways can two swimmers chosen from a group of six swimmers?

A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 90

84. How many 1/16 are there in 2 5/8 ?

A. 42
B. 44
C. 46
D. 48

58. Which of the following is divisible by 3 , but not 9?

A. 11,070
B. 40,206
C. 45,072
D. 19,386

36. The distance between towns on a given map is 2 ¾ cm . It ½ cm represents 6km,

what is the distance between the two

A. 18 km
B. 33 km
C. 36km
D. 42km

86. Margo paid P400 for a blouse. If the blouse was sold at 20% discount , what was its
original price?

A. P80
B. P480
C. P500
D. P540

87. Which o the following numbers is greater than -3/2?

A. -4/3
B. -3
C. -7/4
D. -2

88. Simplify 1/3 +2/5 +2/6

A. 1/14
B. 1/5
C. 2/3
D. 2/5

89. The area of a square is 144cm2 . What is the perimeter?

A. 12 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 48 cm
D. 72 cm

90. What is the area of the largest circle that can be cut out of a square paper whose
side is 40 cm?

A. 62. 8 cm2
B. 84 cm2
C. 524 cm2
D. 1 256cm2

91. What is the mode of the scores?

A. 18
B. 20
C. 23
D. 25

92. What is the range of scores?

A. 18
B. 22
C. 23
D. 25

93. Marco has two sticks of lengths 9 cm and 12 cm. He needs a third stick to form a
triangle. What could be the length of the third stick?

A. 12 cm
B. 13 cm
C. 14 cm
D. 15

94. The volume of a cube is 1000cm3 , What is its surface area?

A. 10 cm2
B. 100cm2
C. 600cm2
D. 625cm2

95. The volume of a cube is 1000cm3 , What is its surface area?

A. 10 cm2
B. 100cm2
C. 600cm2
D. 625cm2

96. Which of these triangles CANNOT be a right triangle?

A. Obtuse
B. scalene
C. isosceles
D. equilateral

97. The area of a square is 144cm2 . What is the perimeter?

B. 12 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 48 cm
D. 72 cm

98. What is the area of the largest circle that can be cut out of a square paper whose
side is 40 cm?
A. 62. 8 cm2
B. 84 cm2
C. 524 cm2
D. 1 256cm2

99. A card is picked at random from ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability of
picking a black ace.

A. ½
B. ¼
C. 1/13
D. 1/26

100. Each of the six faces of a certain cube is painted either green or blue. When the
cube is tossed, the probability of the cube landing with the blue face up is 2/3. How
many are green?

A. One
B. two
C. three
D. four
General Education - drill 5 Part 3
- November 29, 2018

101. When we say that chemical reactions in the cell waste energy, we mean that:

A. Energy is being destroyed

B. Pieces of chemicals are being broken
C. Chemical energy is being converted to heat energy which is lost
D. Cells use only the chemicals they need and get rid of all excess

102. Which of the following process takes place when ice cubes form vapor without
passing through liquid state?

A. Transpiration
B. Condensation
C. Sublimation
D. Evaporation

103. In which of the following mediums will sound travel slowest?

A. Air
B. Brick
C. Oil
D. Water

104. Large quantities of calcium carbonate are dumped into polluted lakes to fight
the effect of acid rain. It is inferred from this action that calcium carbonate is a/an

A. Acid
B. Base
C. Neutral substance
D. Powdered substance

105. Today, a computerized machine could send regular electrical impulses to the
heart muscles in order for it to beat rhythmically. What is this machine called?

A. Homeostatic machine
B. Laser
C. Pacemaker
D. Pressure maker

106. A grasshopper was put inside a covered bottle. After sometime, the
grasshopper died. The statement: “the grasshopper died because of the oxygen in the
bottle was exhausted is__________________.
A. A fact
B. A hypothesis
C. An inference
D. A conclusion

107. Chemical heat energy mechanical energy (with wasted heat)

The sequence of energy changes shown explains which event?

A. A flashlight is on
B. A candle burns
C. Gasoline burns to power a car
D. Electric current runs a refrigerator

108. Consider the problem: “which toothpaste brand is more effective in killing
mouth bacteria?” which of the following variables is manipulable?

A. Brands of toothpaste
B. Brands of toothbrush
C. Number of time to brush teeth
D. Number of persons to brush teeth

109. The following statements given the underlying principles of technology except:

A. All the technological system could fail

B. All technologies involve control
C. Technologies always have side effects
D. Technology often provides tools for science without constraint

110. ________are professionals who are experts in handling animal disease

A. veterinarians
B. animal husbandry
C. doctors of cattle
D. doctors of medicine

111. The school physician prescribed ______________ to children in inner town who
are suffering from night blindness.

A. vitamin C
B. vitamin A
C. iron sulfate
D. vitamin B 12

112. ________is used to measure the volume of liquids.

A. beam balance
B. beaker
C. meter
D. graduated cylinder

113. Among the materials below which can best transmitted sounds?

A. gas
B. water
C. metal
D. air

114. Earthquake intensity can be measure by using

A. anemometer
B. barograph
C. seismograph
D. psychrometer

115. Voting is one of our constitutions rights. Those who are deprived their votes are

A. execute
B. disenfranchised
C. franchised
D. exiled

116. Glass breaks easily. Which property of matter is exhibited?

A. Tenacity
B. Ductility
C. Malleability
D. Brittleness

117. Phenomenon when the length of day and night varies depending on the
inclination of the earth’s axis?

A. Coriolis effect
B. Solstice
C. Spring
D. Equinox

118. Why does the greenhouse effect result temperature near the earth’s surface?

A. Ozone traps ultraviolet radiation

B. Clouds trap infrared radiation
C. Carbon dioxide traps infrared radiation
D. Soil absorbs incoming radiation

119. Why do the four seasons occur on earth?

A. The sun’s axis is tilted

B. The earth rotates on its axis
C. The earth rotates from west to east
D. The earth’s axis is tilted

120. Simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by ordinary

chemical means?

A. atom
B. compound
C. mixture
D. element

121. What may occur when the blood vessel going to the brain is blocked?

A. Heart attack
B. Stroke
C. Hemorrhage
D. Tumor

122. Which of the following concepts is relevant to environmental education?

A. Infiniteness of resources utilization

B. Advent of inorganic fertilizers
C. Balance of nature and interdependence
D. Rapid urbanization and dependence

123. This is the amount of space occupied by matter.

A. density
B. Volume
C. Weight
D. Mass

124. Greenhouse effect is caused by

A. excessive use of solar energy

B. use of carbon dioxide by green plants
C. destruction of our forests
D. depletion of minerals by over farming
125. A diet full of animal fat usually come up with Patients found ill of:

A. diabetes
B. Hypertension
C. kidney malfunction
D. Sclerosis

126. Molds are under what kingdom?

A. protista
B. fungi
C. plantae
D. Animalia

127. Diffusion in the human body_____

A. regulates blood
B. plays an insignificant role in the body’s functioning
C. allows an even distribution of substances throughout all cells of the
D. comes into play in times of extreme illness

128. Streptococcus is under what kingdom?

A. Protista
B. Fungi
C. Plantae
D. Monera

129. When a bus suddenly stops, standing passengers tend to move forward, this
because of

A. friction
B. centripetal force
C. gravity
D. inertia

130. Smoke is a harmful form of ozone. This can be found in _______

A. troposphere
B. stratosphere
C. ionosphere
D. exosphere

131. Children in upland areas are prone to goiter. What do they need for their diet?
A. Multivitamins
B. iodine
C. Protein
D. iron

132. The source of energy responsible for life on earth is_____

A. moon
B. star
C. wind
D. sun

133. Flooding is often times attributed to:

A. wanton destruction of gold mines

B. wanton cutting of forest trees
C. conversion of agricultural land to subdivisions
D. using wood for fuel

134. _____ is the simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by normal
chemical means.

A. molecule
B. mixture
C. compound
D. element

135. ______explains why a bullet from a gun eventually falls to the ground.

A. Universal Gravitation
B. Applied force
C. Action and reaction
D. Inertia

136. During wars, what is most dreaded by nations?

A. biological war
B. Atomic bomb
C. anthrax
D. hydrogen bomb

137. Children are discourage to play in floodwater since:

A. feces of cockroaches are floating

B. urine of rats are contagious
C. feces and urine of animals abound
D. urine of people around

138. Which of the following is an important factor in explaining why seasons occur in
the Earth?

A. Earth rotates on its axis

B. The sun rotates on its axis
C. Earth axis is tilted
D. The sun’s axis is tilted

139. Which of the following is an orderly, systematic approach to problem solving?

A. Conclusion
B. hypothesis
C. experiment
D. scientific method

140. What is the correct order for steps in the scientific method?

A. Gather data, formulate hypothesis, have a question , develop method, draw

B. Formulate hypothesis, have q question, draw conclusion, gather data, develop
C. Have a question, formulate hypothesis, develop method, gather data, draw
D. Develop method, have a question, formulate hypothesis, draw conclusion, gather

141. Which of the following environmental conditions has been blamed for the usual
occurrence of “fish kills”?

A. Acid rain
B. Eutrophication
C. Atmospheric pollution
D. Silting of lakes

142. What is the escape mechanism by which the mud fish and the catfish change
from darker colour to a lighter colour one depending on the colour of the water called?

A. Protective mimicry
B. Adaptive coloration
C. habitat protection
D. aggressive coloration
143. Good weather usually prevails in a high-pressure area .This is because the
descending air which characterizes a high-pressure

A. Cools and increases its capacity to hold water vapour

B. Warms and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour
C. Warms and increases its capacity to hold water vapour
D. Cools and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour

144. Which of the following technologies can serve as alternatives to scalpels and
i. Lasers ii Inoculation iii.
Ultrasound iv. Radiation

A. i and iii
B. i,iii,iv
C. ii,iii,iv
D. ii and iv

145. Which of the following is an example of a physical change?

A. Burning metal
B. Changing of iodine crystals into a violet gas
C. Formation of two gases during electrolysis of water
D. Formation of a black solid from heated iron and sulfur

146. Good weather usually prevails in a high-pressure area. This is because e

descending air which characterizes a high-pressure

A. Cools and increases its capacity to hold water vapor

B. Warms and increases its capacity to hold water vapour
C. Warms and reduces its capacity to hold water vapor
D. Cools and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour

147. Ultrasound is often used by medical workers to obtain features of internal body
parts. Infrasound on the other hand is commonly used in ________________________.

A. Monitoring conditions in pregnant women

B. Detecting harmful living tissues inside the body
C. Seismographic surveying of structures below the earth’s surface
D. Providing instant moving pictures of tidal waves and earthquakes

148. How is the conservation of mechanical energy described in a falling object?

A. A falling object loses kinetic and gains potential energy

B. A falling object loses kinetic energy and loses potential energy
C. A falling object gains kinetic energy and gains potential energy
D. A falling object gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy

149. When we say that chemical reactions in the cell waste energy, we mean that:

A. Energy is being destroyed

B. Pieces of chemicals are being broken
C. Chemical energy is being converted to heat energy which is lost
D. Cells use only the chemicals they need and get rid of all excess chemicals

150. He is known for his “Philippine 2000” which is meant to make the Philippines as
an economically developed country.

A. Ferdinand Marcos
B. Fidel Ramos
C. Diosdado Macapagal
D. Joseph Estrada
General Education - drill 5 Part 4
- November 29, 2018

151. Which of the following example shows the heroism of the Filipinos during
Japanese period in the Philippines.

A. Support for KALIBAPI

B. Defending Bataan
C. Being a Makapili
D. Cooperation with the kempetai

152. “ The Man of the Masses” , he promised to give the common tao justice

A. Manuel Roxas
B. Elfidio Quirino
C. Ramon Magsaysay
D. Cooperation with the kenpetais

153. For two centuries the chief source of official and individual income in the
Philippines was the

A. Obias Oias
B. Tobacco monopoly
C. Royal company of the Philippines
D. Galleon Trade

154. First woman President who restored democracy in the Philippines as an

economically developed country.
A. Melchora Aquino
B. Corazon Aquino
C. Imelda Marcos
D. Gregoria de Jesus

155. The American introduction of the democratic ideas made Filipinos aware of their
rights as citizen of the Philippines. Which of the following rights shows abused of

A. Right to vote during elections

B. Right to be elected to office
C. Right to express grievance through demonstrations even if traffic is
D. Right to own properties anywhere in the Philippines

156. It is that definite or portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject to
sovereignty rights and interests. From the political standpoint , it is referred as

A. State
B. Government
C. Sovereignty
D. Territory

157. Despite the strong protestations from Mang Jose, the government took away
from his private property for public use upon payment to him or just compensation.
What power of the State was involved in the particular case?

A. Police power
B. Power of Eminent Domain
C. Power of taxation
D. Absolute power of the State

158. It is the department which has the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal

A. Administrative department
B. Executive department
C. Judicial department
D. Legislative department

159. Its advantage is that it serves as the training ground for the national leaders.

A. Bicameralism
B. Constitutionalism
C. Primary jurisdiction
D. Parents patria

160. It is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called upon to protect those with
less than full capacity to take adequate care of their own interests.

A. Eminent domain
B. Parents patria
C. Police
D. Taxation

161. The term of office of the senator

A. One year
B. Three years
C. Six years
D. Twelve years

162. The power to declare the existence of a state of war belongs to

A. Congress
B. President
C. Sandigang Bayan
D. Supreme court

163. Amendment or revision of the Constitution may be proposed through any of the
following except

A. Constitutional convention
B. Constitutional assembly
C. People’s initiative
D. People’s power

164. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 40 days
D. 90 days

165. The canvassing of the votes of the president shall be done by congress and
presided by :

A. Chief Justice
B. Secretary of National Defense
C. ombudsman
D. Vice president
166. It refers to the act of the president of staying the execution of a convict

A. Amnesty
B. Pardon
C. Commutation
D. Reprieve

167. It is the only constitutional court in the Philippines

A. Court of Appeals
B. Family Court
C. Sarah court
D. Supreme court

168. It is designed to prevent any person or class from being singled out as a special
subject of hostile discriminating legislation

A. Due process
B. Equal protection
C. Right speech
D. Writ of Habeas Corpus

169. The government under President Aquino was

A. De facto
B. De jure
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

170. The president declared martial law on the ground or rebellion. What if any, is the
effect of such act?

A. The declaration of martial law will not automatically suspend the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus
B. The operation of the constitution is not in any manner suspended
C. A state of martial law does not supplant the functioning of the civil courts
D. All of the above

171. Which of the following positions does need the confirmation of the Commission
on Appointments?

A. BIR Commissioners
B. Navy captains
C, Consul
D. Ambassador
172. The following are the members of the judicial and bar council except:

A. Professor Law
B. Retired justice of the Supreme Court
C. Ombudsman
D. Secretary of justice

173. The budget of fiscal year 2012 was submitted to the President for action. He
called a press conference saying that he will exercise his pocket veto on certain items of
the said budget. Is the President clothed with the pocket veto power?

A. Yes
B. No
C. None of the above
D. both of the above

174. The General Appropriation Act of the year 2012 allocated P10 million to each to
the members of the House of Representatives P150 million to the senators for
countryside development notwithstanding that the President recommended its abolition.
What remedy can the present president employ to refuse release of the funds?

A. Abolish congress
B. Exercise the power of impoundment
C. Exercise his pocket veto
D. All of the above

175. A division of the Supreme Court failed to decide a given case. How shall the case
be resolved?

A. Raffle the case to another division

B. Archive the case
C. Decide the case end banc
D. Decide the case in absentia

176. Can the Supreme Court justice be removed by filling a criminal case against him?

A. No
B. Yes
C. both of the above
D. All of the above

177. Police officers arrested the accused based on the information supplied by the
rape victim herself who pointed at him. Is the arrest without warrant valid?

A. No
B. Yes
C. both of the above
D. All of the above

178. When may stoppage and search of vehicles without warrant be valid?

A. There is a report supplied by undercover agent

B. Where accused is carrying bulging bags and was suspiciously quiet and nervous
when asked about its content
C. Where the physical appearance of the accused fitted the description given in the
confidential report
D. All of the above

179. Who has sole power to try and decide an impeachment case?

A. Supreme Court
B. Senate
C. People
D. House of Representatives

180. The following maybe removed by impeachment except:

A. Chairman of COMELEC
B. Senator
C. Commissioner of BIR
D. Chief of Justice

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. –
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. D
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. B
23. D
24. B
25. C
26. B
27. D
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. C
32. D
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. D
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
41. D
42. A
43. C
44. D
45. C
46. B
47. A
48. C
49. B
50. C
51. A
52. A
53. A
54. A
55. B
56. A
57. D
58. A
59. C
60. B
61. B
62. D
63. D
64. B
65. C
66. A
67. B
68. A
69. –
70. D
71. D
72. D
73. D
74. B
75. B
76. B
77. D
78. C
79. B
80. A
81. D
82. D
83. A
84. A
85. B
86. B
87. C
88. A/88D
89. C
90. D
91. A
92. B
93. D
94. C
95. C
96. D
97. C
98. D
99. A
100. B
101. A
102. C
103. C
104. B
105. C
106. C
107. C
108. A
109. B
110. A
111. C
112. D
113. C
114. C
115. B
116. D
117. B
118. C
119. D
120. D
121. B
122. C
123. D
124. C
125. B
126. B
127. A
128. D
129. D
130. A
131. B
132. D
133. B
134. D
135. A
136. A
137. B
138. C
139. D
140. C
141. B
142. B
143. C
144. B
145. B
146. B
147. C
148. D
149. C
150. B
151. B
152. C
153. D
154. B
155. C
156. D
157. B
158. D
159. A
160. B
161. C
162. B
163. D
164. A
165. A
166. D
167. D
168. B
169. C
170. D
171. A
172. B
173. A
174. C
175. C
176. B
177. B
178. D
179. B
180. B
General Education - SET D - Part 1
- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET D - Part 1

1. Which refers to FUNNEL EFFECT?

A. The belief that every criminal gets caught and is punished.

B. The belief that crime is under control in the United States.
C. The idea that only a very few suspects arrested for committing a crime are actually
D. The idea that all crimes put into the same criminal justice system.

2. One of the most outstanding accomplishments of the cooperative movement is the

encouragement of thrift. Which maximum of God puts this into practice?

A. “God Helps those who help themselves”.

B. “Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet
your Father in heaven takes care of them!”
C. “He is near to those who call to Him, who call to Him with sincerity.”
D. “Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!”

3. Which is NOT personal integrity?

A. Time
B. Place
C. Order
D. Harmony

4. Carter’s part in relinquishing U.S. control of the Central Zone to Panama is described
as a victory for ________.

A. conservatism
B. anti-imperialism
C. isolationism
D. imperialism

5. Of the following changes in the socio-economic, political cultural and physical that
have occurred in the Filipino family, which one remains to be TRUE?

A. The loss of the traditional evening prayer and ritual of blessing (mano)
B. The unity of the family despite competing demands
C. The continued parental influence over children’s language dress and other behavior
D. The continued support for parents and siblings
6. Mang Tacio has been unemployed for quite sometime due to his negative attitude
toward work. Which program of the Department of Social Welfare and Services will help

A. Income in Kind Program

B. Anti-Medicancy Program
C. HRD Program
D. Social Insurance Program

7. The main message of the Moral Recovery Program launched by Leticia Ramos
Shahani starts with the ________.

A. world
B. family
C. self
D. nation

8. Which are limited only to the sale of real property and stock transaction?

A. Business incomes
B. Capital gains
C. Employment incomes
D. Passive incomes

9. If a farmer would want assistance like pricing, guarantee for all agricultural produce or
cooperative management training, where would he go?

A. Support services of the Department of Agrarian Reform

B. Special Agrarian Court under the Regional Trial Court
C. DAR adjudication board
D. Land Bank

10. The Soviet Union’s attempt to establish a missile base in Cuba is interpreted as a
direct violation of

A. The Truman Doctrine

B. The Monroe Doctrine
C. The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
D. The Declaration of Independence

11. As a representative of the Urban Poor Commission of the Association of Religious

Superiors (ARS), which action will you most likely take to resolve the long-term roots of
structural inequalities-proliferation of child labor and child prostitution?

A. Raise views of human rights abuse.

B. Organize regular programs for information and discussion of human rights
C. Conduct skills training
D. Raise questions over the government’s commitment to rebuild human rights

12. What values are being given priority by juries in criminal cases?

A. The rights of the criminal over the strict interpretation of the law
B. The safety of the community over the sympathy for the criminal
C. The needs of the criminals over the advice of the judge
D. The punishment of the criminal over the safety of the community

13. Lucy’s husband has been a drug dependent. She wanted him rehabilitated to be
economically productive. Where will she commit her husband?

B. Bukang Liwayway Ceter

14. Which will solve poverty caused by capitalism?

A. Fascism
B. Communism
C. Empirism
D. Socialism

15. Which family obligation is especially valued?

A. Supplying groceries to relatives in remote barrios

B. Providing health assistance to relatives living in the same locale
C. Sending to college relatives in remote barrios
D. Keeping immediate family members out of trouble

16. Which theory was asserted by the Pan-German belief in the superiority of the Aryan
race and that the strength of the German culture came from a strong, healthy and rustic

A. Dependency Theory
B. Culture of Poverty Theory
C. Social Darwinist Theory
D. Theory of Capitalism

17. Why was San Andres Cooperative Association of Paco, not exempted from

A. I accumulates reserves and undivided net savings of P8,000,000.00

B. I accumulates reserves and undivided net savings of P10,000.00
C. I accumulates reserves and undivided net savings of P9,000,000.00
D. I accumulates reserves and undivided net savings of P11,000.00

18. Juliet Villaruel was a landowner from Cabio, Nueva Ecija. Under the CARL, she was
claiming 8 hectares, 5 hectares of which represented the retention limit and the 3
hectares for her only child. Why was her child denied 3 hectares?

A. Her son was 15 years old who was actually tilting the farm
B. Her son was 17 years old who was managing the farm
C. Her son was 13 years old who has been helping till the farm
D. Her son was 19 years old who was actually tilting or managing the farm

19. Which part of the Allied action has been detailed in this passage?

After Saddam Hussein violated international arguments by sending Iraq troops to

Kuwait and missiles into their neighboring countries, the Allies responded with military

A. The Allied bases in Saudi Arabia

B. The ground was in the desert
C. The movement of Allied troops in Iraq
D. The campaign in the Baghdad area

20. Which one is the human right to life?

A. Peace
B. Live in national and international order
C. Own Property
D. Fair trial

21. Two days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt made the following
“In the past few years and most violently in the past few days, we learned a terrible
lesson. We must begin the great task that is before us by abandoning once and for all
the illusion that we can ever again isolate ourselves from the rest of the humanity.”

In the statement, Roosevelt is expressing the ideas of ________.

A. an internationalist
B. an anti-imperialist
C. an imperialist
D. an isolationist

22. The following are defects present at the time of marriage which is voidable and
annullable EXCEPT
A. impotence
B. deceit
C. fraud
D. threat

23. Why does a pendulum in a grandfather clock once set in motion continue to swing,
thereby regulating the clock’s movement? This is due to the Law of

A. Universal Gravitation
B. Action and Reaction
C. Applied Force
D. Inertia

24. New ponies, perennial plants that produce shows flowers can be propagated from
the parent plant by dividing corns that grow underground. The reproductive form
resembles a _____________.

A. bulb
B. runner
C. seed
D. bud

25. The San Pascual Credit Cooperative of Quezon City wishes to apply for a loan of
five pesos from one of the financial institution, EXCEPT?

A. Development Bank of the Philippines

B. Central Bank of the Philippines
C. Philippine National Bank
D. Land Bank of the Philippines

26. The following are legitimate children EXCEPT?

A. those born by artificial insemination.

B. those legitimate.
C. those born during a valid marriage of parents.
D. those born out a valid marriage of parents.

27. Of the following, which is imposed a final tax of ten percent (10%)

A. PSCO and lotto winnings.

B. Books literary works and musical compositions
C. Currency banks deposit
D. Royalties

28. Which of the following foreign policy actions today is a direct result of early
American imperialist policy?
A. Station of American troops in West Germany
B. American’s military support of Israel in the Middle East
C. American’s patrolling of waters of the Libyan coast
D. American’s establishment of military bases I nth Philippines

29. Which area of the brain controls feelings on the side of a person’s face?

A. The left occipital lobe

B. The left parietal lobe
C. The right parietal lobe
D. The right occipital lobe

30. Why does a bullet when discharged into the air eventually fall to the ground? This is
due to the Law of ___________.

A. Universal Gravitation
B. Applied Force
C. Inertia
D. Action and Reaction

31. The principle under which thermostat operates is the same when?

A. a gas expands to fill the container in which it is held.

B. a pendulum swings when it is set into motion.
C. a chemical reaction occurs when two substances combine.
D. the level of mercury rises or falls in a glass tube.

32. Which explains the reason why there are continuous and increasing human rights

A. The United Nation’s General Assembly approved only resolutions on human rights
and the basic freedoms which are not binding
B. The solutions used are ineffective.
C. The United Nations as an international body is rather slow in the exercise of its
D. The United Nations uses as a single solution on all forms of human rights violations.

33. In an experiment, a vacuum is created when air is removed from a tube. A coin and
bits of confetti are released in the vacuum at the same time. They fall at the same rate
and reach the bottom at the same time. The experiment proves that

I. In a vacuum, the rate of accelerator is the same for all objects regardless of weight.
II. Outside a vacuum air resistance is what makes different objects fall at different rates.
III. Gravity has no effect at all on objects that fall in a vacuum.
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I, II and III
D. II and III

34. Thousands of street children in large Brazilian cities were murdered by

parliamentary death squads which includes police officers. What could be the reason
why these operations were not suppressed by the government?

A. Totalitarian governments do not give protection

B. The business people even funded these operations to clean up their streets and
C. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was only lip service
D. To how they treat their people was nobody else’s business.

35. Which of the following procedures used by a farmer is NOT related directly to
preventing erosion?

A. Contour plowing around a hill

B. Planting more seeds than are necessary to yield a bountiful crop.
C. Planting grass in gullies to act as a filter
D. Planting crops in alternate rows (Strip farming)

36. You buy a new refrigerator for P12,800.00 and make a down payment of P2,500.00.
If you finance the remainder at 8% annually for three years, how much will you actually
pay for the refrigerator?

A. P12,190.00
B. P10,309.00
C. none of these
D. P12,772.00
E. P15,272.00

37. 4 1/5 or 4 1/5 + 3 2/7 = __________.

+ 3 2/7

A. 7 3/12
B. 7 3/35
C. 7 17/35
D. 7 1/35
E. none of these

38. In which kingdom should MOLD be classified?

A. Protista
B. Plantae
C. Fungi
D. Animalia

39. Which of the following BEST demonstrates the greenhouse principle?

A. A heated aquarium
B. A car with rolled-up windows
C. A microwave oven
D. A solar battery-powered calculator

40. Which of the following should you expect to be true about the rate of cellular
respiration for a group of students who are the same age, height, and weight?

A. Athletes would tend to have higher rates of cellular respiration than nonathletes.
B. Africans would have higher rates of cellular respiration than Asians.
C. Boys would have a higher rates of cellular respiration than girls.
D. Nonathletes would have higher rates of cellular respiration than Athletes.

41. Which kingdom should STREPTOCOCCUS be classified?

A. Protista
B. Plantae
C. Fungi
D. Monera

42. What is the function of DIFFUSION in the human body?

A. Regulates blood flow

B. Plays an insignificant role in the body’s functioning
C. Allows an even distribution of substances throughout all cells of the body
D. Comes into play in times of extreme illness

43. In an experiment, a drop of blue ink is placed on the surface of a glass of water. In a
few minutes, the drop of ink is dispersed throughout the water, turning it light blue. The
result of the experiment proves that

A. molecules of ink and molecules of water are in constant motion

B. heat causes the ink to disperse
C. a new compound is formed by the combination of ink and water
D. ink molecules have less density than water molecules

44. Which Law of force and motion explains this occurrence, when a rocket is propelled
upward by the powerful downward discharged of exhaust gases?

A. Universal Gravitation
B. Action and Reaction
C. Applied Force
D. Inertia

45. An elderly woman suffered a stroke-a restriction of blood flow to the brain. if the
stroke caused to the right side of her body to become temporarily paralyzed, she most
likely experienced a decreased blood flow to

A. the left side of her body

B. the front of her brain
C. the left side of her brain
D. the right side of her brain

46. Which of the following methods can all diabetics control their condition and avoid
heart disease and blindness?

I. Regulates their intake of glucose

II. Increase the levels of insulin in the body by taking insulin injections
III. Maintaining a reasonable exercise regimen to keep weight down

A. I
C. I and II
D. I and III

47. Scientist also find that other stalky vegetables such as carrots also help lower
pressure. This statement is BEST classified as

A. experiment
B. nonessential fact
C. finding
D. prediction

48. Each of the following objects is designed to employ the buoyancy principle EXCEPT

A. life preserver
B. kite
C. submarine
D. canoe

49. What is the difference between the largest 4-digit number and the smallest 4-digit

A. 8999
B. 8000
C. 9998
D. 8888
E. none of these

50. Four mangoes cost P29.00 at that price what will 2½ dozen mangoes cost?

A. P217.50
B. P188.50
C. P348.50
D. P870.00
E. none of these

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. D
32. B
33. A
34. B
35. A
36. E
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. A
41. D
42. C
43. A
44. C
45. C
46. A
47. C
48. B
49. A
50. D

General Education - SET D - Part 2

- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET D - Part 2

51. Which of the following internal forces interrupt the external forces erosion?

I. Forces that cause volcanoes

II. Forces that cause ocean trenchers
III. Forces that cause create mountains

A. I, II and III
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I and II

52. The How many gallons of water will fill a fish tank that is 18 inches by 12 inches by
48 inches (There are 231 cubic inches per gallon) Round your answer to the nearest

A. 45 gallons
B. 40 gallons
C. none of these
D. 47 gallons
E. 37 gallons

53. What is the sum of all the two digit numbers which are divisible by 5?

A. 945
B. 950
C. 960
D. 1050
E. none of these

54. How many whole numbers can divide 30 exactly?

A. Eight
B. Six
C. Five
D. Four
E. none of these

55. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas is the largest component of the Earth’s

A. Oxygen gives Earth’s crust its lightness

B. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the world
C. Oxygen is capable of combining with most of the elements in the Earth’s crust
D. Oxygen is needed to sustain all life on Earth

56. To pass the English Test, Lucille must get 75% of the items correct. Out of 80
questions, how many must she correctly answer?

A. 55
B. 60
C. none of these
D. 65
E. 70

57. Employees at Shaira’a Musicmart get a 20% discount on all purchases. If Teresa
buys three tapes at P47.49 each. How much will she have to pay after her employee

A. P16.98
B. P19.98
C. P18.98
D. P17.98
E. none of these

58. One package is 100 pounds, and the other is 150 pounds. The weight of the second
package is how many times of the first?

A. 1 ½ times heavier
B. ½ as heavy
C. none of these
D. 10 pounds heavier
E. 20 pounds heavier

59. A carpenter wanted three piece of wood each 1 5/8 feet long. If he planned to cut
them from a 6-foot piece of wood, how much of the piece would be left?

A. 4 3/8 ft
B. 1 1/8 ft
C. 4 7/8 ft
D. 3 ft
E. none of these

60. How much larger is the supplement of a 57 degree angle than the complement of a
75 degree angle?

A. 108 degrees
B. 18 degrees
C. none of these
D. 123 degrees
E. 105 degrees

61. If a baseball player hits 10 home runs in the first 45 games, at the same rate how
many home runs can he expect to hit during 162-games season?

A. 38
B. 42
C. 36
D. 40
E. none of these

62. Which are the next three terms in the progression 1/125, -1/25, 1/5…7 terms?

A. –2,6,-26
B. –3,7,-27
C. –4,8,-28
D. –1,5,-25
E. none of these

63. How many ways can a committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people?

A. 35
B. 70
C. 140
D. 210
E. none of these

64. Which is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs 5 inches and 12

A. 17 in.
B. 13 in.
C. 11 in.
D. 20 in.
E. none of these

65. Which of the following is the BEST example of self-preservation?

A. A mouse runs when it sees a cat.
B. A dog barks when it sees its owner
C. A Man decide to quit smoking
D. A salmon swims back to the place of its birth to lay eggs.

66. A meter was cut at the 35-cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the
larger piece?

A. 7:13
B. 65:35
C. 35:100
D. 65:100
E. none of these

67. The hypotenuse of a triangle is 25 feet. If one leg is 24 feet, what is the length of the
other leg?

A. 6 ft
B. 5 ft
C. 20 ft
D. none of these
E. 7ft
68. Which is the equivalent common fraction of the repeating decimal 3.242424…?

A. 107/33
B. 110/33
C. 109/33
D. 108/33
E. none of these

69. Tides, caused by the moon’s gravity, create a fractional force that is gradually
slowing down Earth’s rotational speed. One million years from now, scientist may
discover that compared to today, Earth’s

A. day is longer
B. year is shorter
C. day is shorter
D. year is longer

70. How much topsoil is needed to cover a garden 25 feet by 40 feet to a depth of 6

A. 480 cuft
B. 440 cuft
C. 500 cuft
D. none of these
E. 460 cuft

71. A car dealer is offering a rebate of P7,500.00 on any new-car purchase. If the
purchase price of a car is P200,000.00 more than it was last year. What is the rate of
the discount offered by the rebate?

A. 10%
B. not enough information is given
C. 7.5%
D. 13.3%
E. 14.2%

72. In the progression 18, -12,8……which term is 512/729?

A. the 8th
B. the 6th
C. the 9th
D. the 7th
E. none of these

73. Which of the following facts support the big bang theory’s explanation of the creation
of the universe?

A. The universe does not expand nor contract.

B. The universe seldom expand.
C. The universe will have background radiation.
D. The universe has no beginning nor end.

74. Mr. Garcia owns a 10½ hectares tract of land. He plans to subdivide this tract into ¼
hectare lots. He must first set aside 1/6 of the total land roads. How many lots will this
tract yield?

A. 30
B. 35
C. 42
D. 45
E. none of these

75. Find m in the proportion m/12=30/24.

A. 30
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
E. none of these
76. If P75,000 is shared among three children in the ratio of 3:7;15, the size of the
smaller share is?

A. P9
B. P15
C. P25
D. P35
E. none of these

77. In how many ways can you arrange three mathematics books (Algebra, Geometry,
Trigonometry) in order on shell?

C. 12
D. 24
E. none of these

78. Which are the next three terms in the progression 1,4,16…8 terms?

C. 66,258,1026
D. 65,257,1025
E. none of these

79. Which one should be TRUE is Earth’s rotational axis not tilt?

I. Days and nights would be the same length everywhere on Earth.

II. There would be no hours of darkness on points along the equator
III. Earth would have no seasons.
IV. Each part of the Earth would have the same daily temperature pattern

A. II and IV
B. III and IV
C. IV and I
D. I and III

80. The carat is a unit of measure used to weight precious stones. It equals 3.086
grains. How many grains does 2.8 carat diamond weigh?

A. 864.08
B. 86.408
C. 8.6408
D 5640.8
E. none of these

81. Robert Frost wrote the poem “Acquainted with the Night” from which the stanza is

I have been one acquainted with the night.

I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
I have outwalked the farthest city light.
The poet in the stanza talks of

A. isolation and loneliness.

B. happiness in having been acquainted with the night.
C. joy getting out of the house.
D. youthful delight playing in the rain.

82. What is meant by AT SIX AND SEVENS in this sentence?

We moved into the house last week, but I’m afraid everything is still at six and sevens.

A. The things have not been shipped

B. In a state of confusion
C. In an orderly manner
D. The boxes are still intact

83. Sa “Espiritu ni Bathala ang nangangalaga ng kanilang kalusugan” ang ipinahihiwatig

na katangian ay _______.

A. malinis
B. mabisa
C. maliksi
D. makapangyarihan

84. The stanza below is taken from “Barter” by Sara Teasdale

Life has loneliness to sell,

Music like a curve of gold,
Scent of pine trees in the rain,
Eyes that love you, arms that hold,
And for your spirit’s still delight,
Holy thoughts that star the night.
To what does Teasdale compare music?
A. The scent of pine trees
B. A curve of gold
C. Eyes that love
D. The rain

85. Which word ends with [S] pronounced [Z]?

A. Maps
B. Jokes
C. Laughs
D. Buys

86. Which of the following lines is a simile?

A. “Holding wonder like a cup”

B. “Life has loneliness to sell”
C. “Eyes that love you, arms that hold”
D. “Buy it ang never count the cost”

87. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence? A person
should keep in mind some basic safety rules when you are deciding whether or not to
use a fire extinguisher.

A. Rules you decide

B. Rules when you decided
C. Rules you are deciding
D. Rules when deciding

88. What is meant by the expression TO GET BLOOD OUT OF A STONE in this
Geraldo has owned me fifty thousand pesos for over a year now. I‘ve asked him for it on
several occasions, but it’s like trying to get blood out of a stone.

A. Something is impossible.
B. Someone refuses to cooperative.
C. Someone is willing to give what is asked.
D. Someone wants revenge.

89. What correction should be made to this sentence? First born often pattern their
behavior after they’re parents and other adults.

A. Replace their to they’re

B. Change pattern to patterned
C. Replace they’re to their
D. No correction is necessary

90. What is meant by SOFT OPINION in this sentence?

Rebecca realized that if she stayed in her present job it would mean competing with an
envious rival. Leaving the company would probably be a soft option.

A. An action that is difficult to take

B. An action that is not agreeable
C. An action that is easier
D. An action that is weakly funded

91. What correction should be made to this sentence? Most State tourism departments
and some travel agencies have bed and breakfast listings.

A. Insert a comma after agencies

B. Change have to has
C. Change tourism to Tourism
D. Change State to state

92. What is suggested in the opening line?

June 13, 1986-they came from all over America- 200,000 heroes strong, with their

A. The writer holds great admiration for the veterans

B. The writer was a veteran of the war
C. The writer is opposed to the Vietnam War
D. The writer is a flag-waving patriot

93. To gain the attention of the audience, the trick is __________.

A. start low, speak hurriedly

B. start high, speak loudly
C. start high, speak rapidly
D. start low, speak slowly

94. What correction should be made to this sentence? Recently, educators exammined
the effectiveness of computer instruction in schools.

A. Replace educators with educator’s

B. Change the spelling of exammined to examined
C. Change schools to Schools
D. Replace computer with computer’s

95. Which is BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
There is smoke detectors in many homes to warm residents of a fire, but fire
extinguishers can actually help people fight fires.

A. They’re is
B. Their is
C. Their are
D. There are

96. What do the following lines CONVEY?

Midnight, not a sound from the pavement.
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone.
In the lamp light the withered leaves
Collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan.

A. Confusion
B. Optimism
C. Loneliness
D. Eagerness

97. What correction should be made to this sentence?

Most fire-related death’s result from households fries, yet many people do not have fire
extinguishers in their homes.

A. Remove the comma after fires

B. Change result to results
C. Change have to has
D. Replace death’s with deaths

98. Which verb in the sentence is pronounced with the ending as [d]?
They laughed and joked as they walked and played.

A. Joked
B. Laughed
C. Walked
D. Played

99. Which of the following words DOES NOT contains the [voiceless th]?

A. Mouth
B. Breath
C. Teeth
D. Health

100. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
However, their VCR kept them from missing their favorite prime time shows.

A. Keepes
B. Keeps
C. Had kept
D. Keeped


- November 22, 2018

General Education - SET D - Part 3

101. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Researchers also speculate that some teachers might have given boys more computer
time because parents and teachers expected boys to need computers for future

A. Will expect
B. Expected
C. Will have expected
D. Expecting

102. Which word contain the [ae] sound?

A. Carriage
B. Cabin
C. Castle
D. Can

103. What correction should be made to this sentence?

One of their theories is that the first child receives more of the parents’ attention than
other children so first-borns tend to be more intellectual.

A. Change is to are
B. Insert a comma after children
C. Change parents to parent’s
D. Change theories to theory’s

104. What is meant by LAST DITCH in this sentence?

The aged bishop prepared to fight to the last ditch to defend his good name.

A. One’s last courage

B. One’s last strategy
C. One’s last hope
D. One’s last defense

105. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Recently psychologists have been researching birth order, their research suggests that
personality and intelligence are based partly on where a child ranks in the family.

A. Order, Their
B. Order and their
C. Order, or their
D. Order, their

106. What is meant by TWO PINS in this sentence?

For two pins I could have hit him on the nose.
A. A second course of action
B. Without much persuading
C. The second chance
D. Have a second alternative choice

107. Which is the BEST way to write the underline portion of this sentence?
The hosts also benefit from running such a business because they can stay at home
make money, and meeting a variety of people.

A. Get to meet
B. To meet
C. And meet
D. And be meeting

108. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of the sentence

The studies revealing that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with
computers than boys.

A. Revealing studies
B. Studies revealed
C. Studies’ revelations
D. Studies will reveal

109. Which word contains the voiced Th?

A. Thank
B. These
C. Think
D. Thing

110. Which word is read on a high note to describe the kind of day?
This is a cold day.

A. Is
B. Cold
C. Day
D. This

111. What is the mood of these lines?

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life
And I mustn’t give in.
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory, too
And a new day will begin.

A. Afraid
B. Sarcastic
C. Depressed
D. Hopeful

112. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
However, if a fire extinguisher is handy, a quick-thinking person often can use them to
put out small fire.

A. They
B. Him
C. Them
D. It

113. What correction should made to the sentence?

Buying fire extinguisher knowing how to use it, and placing it in a location familiar to all
family members can help protect families against fire.

A. Insert a comma after extinguisher

B. Change the spelling of families to familys
C. Change placing to place
D. Insert a comma after help

114. Which one is the right to human dignity?

A. Choose the goals and means of development

B. Share in scientific and technological advances of the world
C. Right to information
D. Sovereignty over our natural resources

115. Which antidote would have a similar effect if vinegar or citrus juice were not

A. Milk
B. Raw egg white
C. Vegetable oil
D. Water

116. Which method of reproduction provides for the most variety of offspring?

A. Cloning
B. Sexual reproduction
C. Asexual reproduction
D. Cellular reproduction
117. Spouses Jose S. Luz and Celerina Luz filed a petition to adopt Gregorio Luz Ona,
their nephew. The spouses are childless and they reared from his birth 1971 until 1975
and they continue to support him. Gregorio had to be left in the Philippines when the
spouse went to the United States where Jose is employed. The MSSD recommended
the adoption to the court on the premise that petitioners are in a better position to
provide for the minor child than the natural parents who are impoverished.
What could be the possible decision of the court on he petition?

A. The court denied the petition because the spouses are already aliens.
B. The petition for adoption was granted because the court finds that it is to the best
interest of the child.
C. The petition for adoption was denied because the spouses are non-residents of the
D. The court denied the petition on the premise that the trial custody required by PD 603
cannot be effected for spouses are non-residents.

118. The undeclared war in Korea most closely resembled the situation of

A. The Spanish-American War

B. Vietnam War
C. World War I
D. World War II

119. Which is the MOST important perceived need and problem of the Filipino family?

A. Unemployment or financial problem

B. Proveness to vices
C. Protectiveness of children
D. Double standard on the roles of male and female

120. Which has become a prototype of other schemes that defeated the real and true
purpose of the CARL?
A. The conversion of farmlands to industrial complexes
B. The stocks option scheme of Hacienda Luisita
C. The conversion from agriculture to subdivision
D. The voluntary offer to sell

121. Carolina Diaz filed a petition for habeas corpus against Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Alde
to recover custody of Lina Diaz Tan alias "Gracia Alde,” the natural daughter of Carolina
Diaz, who was a hostess.
What could be the possible action of the court on the petition filed by Carolina Diaz?

A. Her petition would be granted because she now works as a clerk in a prestigious
B. Her petition would be denied because she was a former hostess.
C. Her petition would be denied because when Gracia was given to the Aldes it was
tantamount to abandonment of the child, resulting to termination of parental authority.
D. Her petition would be granted because she is the natural mother.

122. Why did the register of deeds charge Lucio Cruz registration fee the instrument
relative to his loan?

A. His loan was 30,000.00

B. His loan was P60,000.00
C. His loan was P50,000.00
D. His loan was P40,000.00

123. Which one BEST defines personal integrity?

A. The unity between ignorance and reality

B. The unity of man’s deeds, words, thoughts and realities
C. The unity of mans social, political and physical aspects
D. The relationship between virtue and conduct

124. Which of the following ethnocentric behavior?

A. A tourist who lectures his foreign hosts on the “uncivilized” nature of their marriage
B. A student who tutors an immigrant in English
C. A Hispanic community group demands that public aid forms be published in English
and Spanish
D. A peace Corps volunteer who helps dig wells in Central Africa

125. Which one is the right to human dignity?

A. Political independence
B. Honor and reputation
C. Form association
D. Social and economic reforms

126. Where would you commit a drug dependent for him to achieve a natural,
tensionless, and anxiety-free state?

D. Bukang Liwayway Center

127. Mary Rose, an 18 year old was sexually abuse by 3 teenagers from well-to-do
families from Makati. Despite pressures, she came out into the open to get justice.
Which need did Mary Rose satisfy?
A. Need for family unity
B. Need for civic responsibility
C. Need for universal solidarity
D. Need for personal integrity

128. 10
- 3 2/7 or 10-3 2/17= __________

A. 7 2/17
B. 6 2/17
C. 6 1/17
D. 6 15/17
E. none of these

129. At which time during the year does the ozone level present a particular health
threat in urban areas for people with respiratory problem?

A. Spring
B. Fall
C. Summer
D. Winter

130. What day follows the day before yesterday if 2 days from now will be Sunday?

A. Tuesday
B. none of these
C. Saturday
D. Wednesday
E. Thursday

131. Which is the BEST evidence that helium gas is lighter than air?

A. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all elements.

B. Helium atoms do not combine with other air atoms.
C. Helium-filled balloons rise in air.
D. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of air.

132. During a recent shopping spree, Tomas and Nena bought some new accessories
for their apartment. Nena choose a crocheted throw pillow at P24.95, and Tomas
purchased a rural landscape painting for P135.00. How much did they actually spend if
they paid 7% sales tax on their purchases?

A. P 171.15
B. P 139.25
C. none of these
D. P 159.95
E. P 148.75

133. Which location will have most nearly twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of
darkness during December? A town that is located

A. halfway between the equator and South Pole

B. close to equator
C. close to the North Pole
D. close to the South Pole

134. A nation in which loess would likely to be found today is

A. Iceland
B. United States
C. Japan
D. Ecuador
135. It was also discovered that the chemical 3m butylphthalide can lower the blood
pressure of rats. This statement is classified as ________.
A. prediction
B. experiment
C. finding
D. nonessential fact
136. Which is NOT among the hazardous effects of water pollution to health?
A. The epidemic threat of hepatitis and dysentery
B. The increase incidence of liver cancer
C. The dumping of mercury in the sea causing blindness, brain damage or death
D. The presence of certain bacteria in the digestive tract causing methemoglobinemia
137.Without the process of meiosis, we can infer that offspring from sexual reproduction

A. have a high degree of genetic variety

B. have twice assigned number of chromosomes
C. be identical
D. have a number of mutations.
138. The Jones family has four children, all girls. The fifth child born is a boy. This
change is the result of
A. conception classes takes by the parents
B. the timing of fertility cycles.
C. the father’s contribution of a “Y” chromosomes.
D. the “law of averages” finally catching up.
139. Which of the following will occur if a cold bottle of soda is left open on a kitchen

A. The pressure that the soda exerts on the bottle will increase.
B. The temperature of the soda will decrease.
C. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide gas will decrease
D. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide gas will remain the same.
140. What do you predict will happen when you bring two bar of magnets closer
A. They will repel each other.
B. They will create an alternating current.
C. Nothing will happen.
D. They will attract each other.
141. A tightly coiled spring demonstrate?
A. Steam energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Potential energy
D. Chemical energy
142. What does a stick of unlit dynamite demonstrate?
A. Chemical energy
B. Nuclear Energy
C. Kinetic Energy
D. Potential Energy

143. Which is the main goal of drug abuse education?

A. Arrest
B. Prevention
C. Control
D. Rehabilitation
General Education - SET D - Part 4
- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET D - Part 4

Situation 1
Below is the poem written by Edgar Lee Masters in 1915:

At first I suspected something __________

She acted so calm and absent-minded.
And one day I heard the back door shut,
As I entered the front, and I saw him slink
Back of the smokehouse into the lot,
And across the filed.
And I meant to kill him on sight.
But that day, walking near Fourth Bridge,
All of a sudden I saw him standing,
Scared to death, holding his rabbits,
And all I could say was, “Don’t, Don’t Don’t,”
As he aimed and fired at my heart

144. Who is the speaker of this poem?

A. Tom Merritt
B. Merritt’s wife
C. God
D. The sheriff

145. The way in which the poet present these words in line 12 implies that Tom

A. tried to annoy the other man.

B. was shot before he finished the statement
C. did not want to hurt the other man.
D. begged the man to stop seeing his wife.

146. The poet introduces the poem with lines 1-3 to show us that Tom Merritt

A. had suspected that his wife was seeing another man

B. was sure that his wife was ill
C. was a very suspicious person
D. was sure that his wife still loved him

147. Which of the following techniques is used in the poem?

A. Verse
B. Rhyme
C. Free verse
D. Personification

Situation 2
below is an excerpt from John F. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address.” Read the excerpt and
answer the questions that follows

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of
our course. Since this country as founded, each generation of Americas has been
summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans into
answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again-not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need,
not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long
twilight struggle, year in and year out, “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,” a struggle
against the common enemies of many tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East
and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join me in this
historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of
defending freedoms in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink responsibility; I
welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people
with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotions
which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow
from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you
can do for your country.

My Fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together
we can do for the freedom of man.

148. One of the purposes of the speech is to motivate listeners to

A. serve their country

B. enlist the armed forces
C. prepare themselves for battle
D. preserve the right to bear arms

149. The speech is characterized by all of the following stylistic devices EXCEPT

A. the use of the personal pronouns we and us to build rapport with listeners
B. catchy turns of phase in which subjects and objects are inverted
C. a standard, predictable rhythm and the use of rhyme
D. the repetition of key words

150 The tone of the speech can BEST be characterized as

A. sad
B. uplifting
C. light-hearted
D. sarcastic

151. In the speech, Kennedy paints a picture of the United States as a nation that is

A. longing to return to the past

B. on the brink of world war
C. struggling to survive
D. the leading defender of freedom

Situation 3
Below is a Boigraphical sketch of an American movie writer:

How did Elvis Presley Achieve Recognition

Success often comes to those with humble beginnings. Elvis Aaron Presley was born
on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. He first sang in a church anf taught himself to
play the guitar, but he never learned to read music. By 1953, he had moved to
Memphis, Tennessee, graduated from high school. And enrolled in night school to
become an electrician. That year, at Sun Records, Presley recorded a personal record
for his mother, a song that was heard by the company’s president. As a result of the
president’s recognition Presley’s first record “That’s All Right Mama,” was out in 1954.
He toured the South, and in 1955 five of his record were released simultaneously. His
first national television appearance was that year of Jackie Gleason’s “The Stage
Show.” But Presley became known for his appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,”
where young singer gyrated as he sang “rock n’ roll” music. During the live television
performance, Presley wad photographed only from the waist up because his motions
were considered obscene.

“Elvis the Pelvis” began his film career in 1956 with LOVE ME TENDER and signed a
long-term film contract. The movie critics were not always kind, but teenagers flocked to
Presley’s films. Within a few short years, Presley had established a career that would
span twenty-five years of ups and down and make him one of the most popular
entertainers in history. Long after his untimely death at age 42, Presley would be
remembered as “The King of Rock n Roll.”

152. The author uses the phrase ups and downs to refer to Presley’s

A. gyrations as performed
B. increasing and decreasing finances
C. successes and disappointments in his career
D. use of drugs, “uppers and downers”

153. The main idea of the sketch is that

A. singers are more successful if they appear in films

B. there has always been obscenity on television
C. opportunity and luck are often as important as hard work
D. celebrities are usually more famous after their death

154. The last sentence reveals that the author’s attitude toward Presley is one of

A. indifference
B. admiration
C. disbelief
D. disgust

155. The statement that ”success often comes to those with humble beginnings” would
apply best to which of the following figures?

A. Ramon Magsaysay
B. Gloria M. Arroyo
C. Corazon C. Aquino
D. Joseph Estrada

Situation 4-
The poem below is entitled “Suburban Prophecy” which is
written by Howard Nemerov

On Saturday, the power-mowers’ whine

Begins the morning. Over this neighborhood
Rises the keening, petulant voice, begin
Green oily teeth to chatter and munch the cud.
Monster, crawling the carpets of the world,
Still send from underground against your blades
The roots of things battalions greens and curled
And tender, that will match your blades with blades
Till the revolted throats shall strangle on
The tickle of their dead, till straws shall break
Crankshafts like camels, and the sun go down
On dinosaurs in swamps. And night attack
Follows and by the time the Sabbath dawns
All armored beasts are eaten by their lawns.

156. To what does the phrase “your blades” in line 8 refer?

A. Lawmowers
B. Roots
C. Carpets
D. Monster

157. The poet’s use of words such as whine, voice, teeth, chatter and munch is to
suggest that the power-mowers are

A. very powerful
B. alive
C. like cows
D. green

158. The imagery in the first stanza appeals to the reader’s sense of

A. sight
B. touch
C. smell
D. hearing

159. How long does the action of poet take place?

A. A week
B. Twenty-four hours
C. An Afternoon
D. A morning
Situation 5 –
Ang sumusunod ay isang talumpati na may pamagat na SA KABATAAN
na isinulat ni Onofre Pagsanghan

Isa sa mga salitang napag-aralan natin sa wikang Pilipino ay salitang NABANSOT.

Kapag ang isang bagay daw ay dapat pang lumaki ngunit ito’y tumigil na sa paglaki,
ang bagay na ito raw ay NABANSOT. Marami raw uri ngpagkabansot ngunit ang
pinakamalungkot na uri raw ay ang ng isipan, ng puso at ng diwa.

Ang panahon ng kabataan ay panahon ng pagklaki, ngunit ang ating paglaki ay

kailangang paglaki at pag-unlad ng ating buong katauhan. Hindi lamang ng atinmg
sukat at timbang. Kung ga-poste man ang ating at ga-pison man angating bigat ngunit
kung ang pag-iisip namat nati’y ga-kulisap lamang kay pangit na kabansutan. Kung
tumangkad man tayong tangkad-kawayan at bumilog man tayong bilog-tapayan, ngunit
kung tayo nama’y tulad ni “bondying” ay di pagkatiwalaan anong laking kakulangan.
Kung magkakatawan tayong katawang “Tarza” at mapatalas ang ating isipang sintalas
ng kay Rizal, ngunit kung ang ating kalooban nama’y itim na duwende ng kasamaan
anong kapinsalaan para sa kinabukasan.

Kinabukasan, kabataan, tayo raw ang pag-asa ng inang Bayan. Tayo raw ang
maghahatid sa kanya sa lagnit ng kaganaan at karangalan o hihila sa kanya sa putik ng
kahirapan at kahihiyan. Ang panahon ng pagkilos ay ngayon, hindi bukas, hindi sa
isang taon. Araw-araw ay tumatawid tayong palangit o bumabaluktod tayong paputik.
Tamang-tama ang sabi ng ating mga ninunong kung ano raw ang kinamihasnan ay
siyang pagkakatandaan. Huwag nating akalaing makapagpapabaya tayo ng ating pag-
aaral ngayon at sa araw ng bukas ay bigla tayong maging mga dalubhasang
magpapaunlad sa bayan. Huwag nating akalaing makapaglulublob tayo ngayon sa
kalaswaan at kahalayan at sa mahiwagang araw ng bukas bigla tayong magiging
ulirang mga magulang.

Kabataan, tunay na pag-ibig sa bayan, ang tunay na nasyonalismo, ay wala sa tamis ng

pagnarap wala rin sa pagpag ng dila. Ang tunay na pag-ibig ay nasa pawis ng gawa.

160. Alin salita ang paulit-ulit na binabangit ni Onofre Pagsanghan?

A. Nabansot
B. Bayan
C. Kabataan
D. Kung

161. Sa alin makikita ang tunay na NASYONALISMO?

A. Diwa
B. Gawa
C. Sulat
D. Salita

162. Bakit di dapat tumangkad tulad ni “bondying”?

A. Di ito mapagkakatiwalaan
B. Di totoo ito
C. May kakulangan ito
D. Magulo kasi ito

163. Alin sa mga sumususnod ang mensahe ng taluimpati?

A. Ang mataas na paniniwala at taimtim na pananalig ay

kailangang taglayin upang ang hangarin sa buhay ay ating kamtin.
B. Ang panahon ng kabataan ay panahon ng paglaki at
pagbabagong makabuluhan.
C. Ang gawa ang siyang sukat ng kadakilaan.
D. Ang kabataan ay siyang pag-asa ng bayan.

164. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy nito?

Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si Miguel

A. Pagtutulad
B. Pagbibigay katauhan
C. Pagmamalabis
D. Pagwawangis

165. Anong aral ang ibinibigay ng sumususnod na salawikain?

“Ang taong napapailalim ay naipapaibabaw rin.”

A. Maaring ngayon ay hirap pagdating ng bukas ay may ginhawa rin

B. Tiyak ang pag-unlad kapag nauna ang hirap
C. Kung ano ang ibig natin ay mangyayari
D. Magtiis kung dumarating ang hirap.

166. Sa aling salita magkakaroon ng saglit na paghinto kung pinapilitang si Rose ang
nakabasag ng pinggan?
Hindi si Rose ang nakabasag ng pinggan.

A. Rose
B. Pinggan
C. Hindi
D. Nakabasag

167. Alin ang naayong pamagat sa tanagang sinulat ni Jose Villa Panganiban?

Ano man sa daigdig,

Maaring magamit,
Ano mang masaisip;
Di sukat maiipit.

A. Pagkainip
B. Paraya
C. Pag-asa
D. Pagbibigay

168. Ano ang ipinahihiwatig ng salitang may salungguhit?

Matayog ang lipad ni Pepe kaya’t bata pa siya’y nagsisikap na siya.

A. May kayabangan si Pepe.

B. Mataas ang pangarap ni Pepe.
C. Marunong si Pepe.
D. Ibig ni Pepeng maabot ang langit.

169. Alin antas ng tono ng lumilitaw sa bahaging may salungguhit ng pangungusap na

Nagpuputol ng puno ang lalaki.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3

170. Alin ang kahulungan ng AGAW-BUHAY?

A. Masiglang-masigla
B. Malapit ng mamatay
C. Pagpapatuloy ng buhay
D. Mahirap na buhay

171. Kaninong tula hango ang sumusunod?

“Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika mahigit sa hayop at malansang isda”

A. Jose Rizal
B. Emilio Jacinto
C. Apolinario Mabini
D. Graciano Lopez Jaena

172.Ano ang pinakaangkop na kahulugan nito?

“Nagsasaya tayo ngayon sapagkat ang inyong namatay na kapatid ay muling nabuhay;
ang nawawala ay muling nakita.”

A. Ang pagbabalik ay dapat ipaghanda nang malaki.

B. Ang pagbabago ng kapatid ay dapat pahalagahan.
C. Dapat silang magsaya sa muli nilang pagsasama-sama
D. Ang pagsasama nila ay dahil sa muling pagbabalik ng kapatid.

173. Alin ang kahulugan ng KAHIRAMANG SUKLAY?

A. Kakilala
B. Kaibigan
C. Karibal
D. Kalahi

174. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinibigay ng epikong Muslim


A. Pagmamahal
B. Katapangan
C. Katapatan
D. pagtanaw ng utang-na-loob

175. Alin sa mga salita ang kasingkahulugan ng salitang may salungguhit?

Ang ama ni Anita ay kilalang bulanggugo sa kanilang lalawigan

A. Laging ibinubulong
B. Laging handang gumasta
C. Laging handang makipag-away
D. Laging handang makipagtalo

176. Si Mariano Ponce ay propagandistang may sagisag sa panulat na ________.

A. Tamaraw
B. Tikbalang
C. Kapre
D. Kalapate

177. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang HINTAY KA?

A. Tay
B. Tayka

178. Ano ang kahulugan ng taludtod na ito

“Ang anak mo ay alagaan sa marubdob na pagsuyo sikapin mo sa sarili’y huwag siyang

maging luko talipandas sa paglaki na sa sama marahuyo sa lahi mo’t sa Bayan moy
isang tinik sa balaho.”
A. Mahalin ang anak ng walang hangganan.
B. Tamang pagpapalaki sa anak ang dapat.
C. Suyuin ang anak at ibigay lahat ng hilig.
D. Paligayahin ang tahanan.

179. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Many viewers taped shoes to watch later.

A. Tapped
B. had taped
C. Tape
D. Had tapped

180. Which word in the passage does NOT require a change in pitch to show
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

A. Am
B. Captain
C. Master
D. Fate

181. Which pitch is used for the word STRANGE in this sentence?
What a strange story!

A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 1

182. Carl Sundburg wrote “Jazz Fantasia” which has for its first stanza:

Drum on your dreams, better on your bajos, sob

On the long cool winding saxophones.
Go to it, O jazzmen.
Which words illustrate alliteration

A. Batter and banjos

B. Long and cool
C. Sob and winding
D. to and it

183. Anong uri ng panghalip ang salitang may salungguhit sa pangungusap?

May padalang tulong ang pamahalaan para sa kanila.
A. Pambalana
B. Palagyo
C. Paari
D. Palayon

184. Alin uri ng parirala ang may salungguhit sa pangungusap?

Utang sa kanyang sipag at sikap sa paggawa ang kanilang maalwang pamumuhay

A. Pangngalan
B. Pangngalanng-diwa
C. Pawatas
D. Pang-ukol

185. Sabihin ang aspekto ng pandiwa sa pangungusap na ito.

”Mag-aral sa bahay ng mga araling ukol sa halaman.”

A. Pawatas
B. Kontemplatibo
C. Imperpektibo
D. Perpektibo

186. Kilalanin ang uri ng pariralang may salungguhit.

Ang pangangalaga sa mga likas na yaman ay tungkulin nating lahat.

A. Pangngalan
B. Pangngalang-diwa
C. Pang-ukol
D. Pawatas

187. Si Dr. Jose Rizal ay sumulat ng aklat ng itinampok sa ibat ibang bansa.
Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang _______________.

A. panuring
B. pamuno
C. tuwirang layon
D. paksa

188. Lines 11 and 12 are taken from the poem

“maggie and milly and molly and may.”
For whatever lose (like a you or a me)
It’s always ourselves we find in the sea
Which of the following ideas is the author expressing?

A. The sea is a source of life and death.

B. The sea represents all of our moods.
C. The sea is the best place for a person to reflect about life.
D. The sea and its surroundings can give people a fresh view on life.

189. Nasa anong kaganapan ng pandiwa ang pangungusap?

Naglaro ng basketball sa Rizal Stadium ang koponan ng aming pamantasan.

A. Sanhi
B. Tagaganap
C. Kagamitan
D. Ganapan

190. Alin antas ng tono ang lumitaw sa bahaging may salungguhit ng pangungusap na
nagsasalaysay? Magbabasa ng mga gawain ang guro

A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4

191. Dadalaw sa mga paaralan si Dr. Filemon S. Salas, ang tagapamanihala ng mga
paaralang lungsod, sa lungsod ng Pasay.
Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang _____________.

A. panuring
B. paksa
C. tuwirang layon
D. pamuno

192. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinigay ng ANG ALAMAT NI MARIANG
MAKILING na ikinuwento ni Jose Rizal?

A. Pagyamanin at pangalagaan ang ating bayan at lahi pagkat hiyas at yaman natin ito.
B. Pag-ibig ang makapagbabago sa mundong ito.
C. Kabanalan ang magpatawad at tulungan ang isang nagkasala.
D. Dahil sa pagmamalabis at pagsasamantala, maraming biyaya ang sa kanyay

193. A Politician wants to get his message to 2/3 of the population of 48,000 in Bulacan.
However advertising campaign reaches only 3/ 4 of the number he intended. How many
people does he actually reach

A. 16,000
B. 10,000
C. 24,000
D. 36,000
E. none of these
194. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mensahe ng epiko ng Ilokano na BIAG NI LAM-ANG?

A. Pinatutunayan ng epiko ang yaman ng Ilokano sa lahat ng bagay.

B. Kailangan paniniwalaan ang ukol sa bisa ng mga anting-anting dahil sa mga
pangyayaring nagpapatunay dito.
C. Dito nagpapatunay na walang kamatayan.
D. Masasalat ang mga katutubong ugali at mga tradisyong dapat pagyamanin at
panatilihin upang pakinabangan ng kabataan.

195. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang WINIKAKO?

A. Ikako
B. Wikako
C. Kako
D. Wika ko

196. The Miranda Family purchased a 250-pound side of beef and had it packaged.
They paid P365.00 for the side beef. During the packaging, 75 lb of beef were discarded
as waste. What was the cost per pound for packaged beef

A. P 2.08 per lb
B. none of these
C. P 2.50 per lb
D. P 2.06 per lb
E. P 2.30 per lb

197. Which is the sum of the infinite progression 3/2. 1, 2/3, 4/9…?

A. 6 1/2
B. 5 ½
C. 4 ½
E. none of these
D. 7 ½
198. What indoor relative humidity range would probably be comfortable to preventing
temperature and humidity levels are extremely low?

A. 90% to 100 %
B. 60% to 70 %
C. 20% to 30 %
D. 30% to 40 %

199. As a representative of the Urban Poor Commission of the Association of Religious

Superiors (ARS), which action will you most likely take to resolve the long-term roots of
structural inequalities-proliferation of child labor and child prostitution?

A. Raise views of human rights abuse.

B. Organize regular programs for information and discussion of human rights.
C. Conduct skills training.
D. Raise questions over government’s commitment to rebuild human rights.

200. What are the next four numbers in this sequence 8,5,4,9,17_____,_____,____

A. 4,3,2,1
B. 5,4,3,2
C. 6,3,2,0
D. none of these
E. 3,2,1,0


General Education - SET C - Part 1

- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET C - Part 1

1. Had I studied very well, I ___________ rewarded with vacation in the U.S.

A. Was C. Will be
B. Would have been D. Would be

2. When helping in the kitchen, I am always careful not to hurt _________________.

A. Ourselves C. Himself
B. Myself D. herself

3. Neither the teacher nor the students ________________ present in the affairs.

A. Were C. Am
B. Was D. is

4. My sister and I met an acquaintance of ____________ on the shopping mall.

A. Ours C. Mine
B. Us D. Ourselves

5. We admire ___________ when Cynthia speaks English fluently with


A. Him, them C. Her, us

B. Him, we D. Him, me

6. On your trip to Tagaytay, if you chance upon Arsenio, please give __________
my warm

A. Himself C. Him
B. Myself D. Me

7. The student’s request to re-set the test _____________ reasonable.

A. Were C. Are
B. Very D. Is
8. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now
recall with fondness and awe. She was full-time housewife, wholly dependent on my
father’s monthly salary. How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and
did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me.”

The mother’s financial resources are________________________.

A. More than enough C. Miserable

B. Abundant D. Limited

9. “The firgures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.” The

capitalized word means ______________________.

A. Estimated C. Surpassed
B. Changed D. Summed

10. Some preachers suggest the _____________ that the end of the world is near.

A. Proposal C. Prophecy
B. Prophetic D. Prophet

11. The courage of the child who saved his brother from a raging fire is
worth _________________.

A. Emulating C. Narrating
B. Mentoring D. Watching

12. The expression of “baduy” connotes:

A. Uneducated C. Awkward looking

B. Low profile D. Smart

13. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound ___________________.

A. Query C. Change
B. Decision D. Problem

14. “Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.” The
capitalized word means?

A. Obscenity C. Decency
B. History D. Falsehood

15. A story put together through an exchange of letter is called __________ literature.

A. Fiction C. Episodic
B. Epistolary D. Classic

16. What figure of speech is: “The Lord is my sheperd”

A. Simile C. Irony
B. Hyperbole D. Metaphor

17. What figure of speech is the following: “He is the black sheep of the family.”

A. Metaphor C. Alliteration
B. Simile D. Hyperbole

18. “Sturdy and strong, the Filipinos are like the molave” is _____________________.

A. Simile C. Metaphor
B. Irony D. Hyperbole

19. “She is a lovely rose” is ____________________.

A. Simile C. Irony
B. Hyperbole D. Metapor

20. “ droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven” is what figure of speech?

A. Personification C. Hyperbole
B. Simile D. Metaphor

21. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” Portia, the judge said: “The quality
of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place
beneath... It is twice blesst; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mighter
than the mightiest... and one is likened to God when mercy seasons justice.”

The main thought of the excerpt it that ___________________

A. Mercy is only for deserving

B. Mercy is limited in extent
C. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.
D. Mercy comes from the rain.

22. Though nothing can bring back

The hour of splendor in the glass,

Of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not,
Rather find strength in what remains behind.
This stanza expresses _________________________.

A. Grief C. Loss
B. Hope D. Despair

23. Cognitive skills are not easily observable because they are ________________.

A. Overt C. Hidden
B. Psychological D. Mental

24. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare about two ill-starred who come from
warring families.

A. Romeo and Juliet C. Anthony and Cleopatra

B. Hamlet and Ophelia D. Ana and the King

25. Who is the father of Modern Psychology?

A. Watson C. Thorndike
B. Skinner D. Wundt

26. Famous sculptor of landmark structures.

A. Jacinto C. Castrillo
B. Manansala D. Cuevas

27. What is the lowest form of learning?

A. Perceiving C. Conditioning
B. Responding D. Teaching

28. Which of the following is the study of human behavior?

A. Philosphy C. Psychology
B. Morality D. Ethics

29. The Filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiousity instills the
NEGATIVE attitude of_____________________.

A. Social responsibility to participate in the development of the society.

B. Resignation and ends up into doing nothing to improve one’s condition.
C. Total surrender to God in times of helplessness is best.
D. God who is omnipotent and omniscient will allow what is best.

30. Which of the following statements is true about textbook laid on the table?
A. No force is acting on it.
B. The textbook undergoes acceleration.
C. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
D. The textbook undergoes deceleration.

31. Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and good
human relation, are attributed to:

A. Mao Tze Tung C. Mencius

B. Confucious D. Lao-Tzu

32. Which of the following is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in
various forms?

A. Antique C. Contemporary
B. Modern D. Classical

33. What is the application of the principles of theories of human behavior in teaching
and learning?

A. Educational theory C. Educational psychology

B. Educational philosophy D. Educational sociology

34. “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in

school. The pupils dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know that
behind my unpopular facade was a heart full of compassion. But how did I earn this
moniker? I did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanter them to know that clealiness
of body was good for their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchief,
clothes, ears, noses and hair.”

The public school teacher gives much importance to her pupils’


A. Cleanliness C. Absence
B. Study D. Posture

35. Considering the “tayo-tayo” mentality of the Filipinos, one goal for CHANGE that
should be worked on is to develop _____________________.

A. A sense of common good. C. “Pakikisama”

B. A sense of national pride. D. The habits of discipline and
hard work

36. Who is the proponent of the arena theater?

A. Carpio C. Montano
B. Tinio D. Avellana

37. She is known for the love sonnets she wrote.

A. Paz Marquez Benitez C. Gilda Cordero

B. Edith Trempo D. Ophelia Dimalanta

38. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns?

A. Rig Veda C. Upanishad

B. Mahabharata D. Ramayana

39. Which is NOT characteristic of people with a strong sense of self-efficacy?

A. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered.

B. Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointements.
C. Avoid challenging tasks.
D. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate.

40. Who is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his vivid
descriptions of lands and people encountered by his hero Ulysses?

A. Virgil C. Homer
B. Plato D. Cicero

41. Haiku is traditional Japanese poems consisting of ___________________.

A. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic.

B. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as topic.
C. Three lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic.
D. Four lines that rhyme with love as topic.

42. This Filipino writer in English who used Hispanic Filipino culture and traditions in
his fiction works.

A. Edilberto Tiempo C. Sionil Jose

B. Nick Joaquin D. Jose Garcia Villa

43. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist?

A. Buenaventura C. San Pedro

B. Cenizal D. Cayabyab

44. Which among the following is the part of the newspaper where you can see the
opinions of people?
A. Classified Section C. Headline
B. Obituary D. Editorial Section

45. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the Senate and the House
of Representatives?

A. Bicameralism C. Unicameralism
B. Bipartisanship D. Co-legislative

46. Who was the last Spanish Governal-General of the Philippines?

A. Ramon Blanco C. Basilio Agustin

B. Diego de los Rios D. Fermin Jaudenes

47. Which demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental


A. Industrialized countries’ toxic disposed to poorer countries.

B. Temperature warming and rise of sea level.
C. Desertification of verdant regions.
D. Extinction of rare animal species.

48. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry’s ________________.

A. Political rights C. Socio-civic rights

B. Right of suffrage D. Right to due

49. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry’s ___________________.

A. Right to due process C. political rights

B. Socio-civic rights D. right of suffrage

50. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals

A. Income tax C. Community tax

B. Reas estate tax D. Inheritance tax

General Education - SET C - Part 2

- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET C - Part 2

51. Which policy of the state provides preferential attention to the welfare of the less
fortunate members of the Philippines society?

A. Social justice C. Distributive justice

B. Criminal justice D. Bill of rights

52. What is the possible consequence of meritocracy in a social system?

A. Rule by the wealthy and powerful.

B. Leadership by people of talent.
C. Culture of elitism.
D. Rule by those with noble birth.

53. Which constitutional safeguard prevents one branch of government from

becoming powerful or abusive?

A. Impeachment C. Check and Balance

B. Ombudsman D. Laissez Faire

54. What is the predominant characteristic of eastern religion?

A. Optimism C. Mysticism
B. Secularism D. Pessimism

55. What economic policy in 16th century in Europe influenced Spain’s expansionist
policy to discover new lands?

A. Spice-trading C. Mercantilism
B. Capitalism D. Colonialism

56. The righ invoked in the “writ of habeas data” is ________________________.

A. The right to information privacy.

B. Right to gather information data.
C. The right to search for information.
D. Right to transmit data.

57. Whose philosphy advocate the use of reason in understanding the existence of

A. St. Benedict C. St. John

B. St. Peter D. St. Thomas Aquinas
58. Which is a check on the executive department by the judiciary in the principle
check and balance among branches of the government?

A. Impeachment of the Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court.

B. Determining the salary of the Presiden and Vice-President.
C. Declaring a legislative measure unconsitutional.
D. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional.

59. Which is the fundamental law of the land?

A. Bill of Rights C. Civil Criminal Code

B. Constitution D. Ten Commandments

60. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband ________ charge for treason by fellow
Filipinos who have formed the Philippine Revolutionary force to fight Spain.

A. Marcelo H. Del Pilar C. Andres Bonifacio

B. Emilio Aguinaldo D. Jose Rizal

61. What did Nelson Mandela mean to South African and the rest of thw world? He
gave up armed struggle and chose the peaceful way to freedom.

Nelson Mandela is a world leader who is a model of _________________.

A. Black supremacy C. Non-violence

B. Armed struggle D. Imprisonment

62. Which band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of the national anthem on June
1898 during the declaration of Philippine Independence?

A. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros C. Malabon Band

B. Kawit Cavite Band D. San Franciscodel Monte

63. Agency tasked to nurture Philippine Arts


64. The ultimate objective of the comprehensive Agrarian Reform is:

A. Abolish share tenancy in favor of lease tenancy.

B. Distribute all arable lands to the landless.
C. Establish once cultivated land.
D. Ensure the cultivation of an idle lands.
65. Which was the first labour union in the country founded by Isabelop de los Reyes
on July 1901?

A. Association of the Philippine Labor

B. Union Obrera Democratica
C. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos
D. Association de Compania Tabacalera

66. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended contacts
with ________.

A. Spain C. China
B. Spice Island D. Mexico

67. How many days are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law?

A. 75 days C. 60 days
B. 90 days D. 30 days

68. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.S. Congress established a partial free
trade in the Philippines?

A. Bell Trace C. Treaty on General Relations

B. Payne-Aldrich Act D. Underwood-Simmons Act

69. In a martriarchal family which family member plays the leading role?

A. Grandmother C. Oldest sister

B. Mother D. Aunt

70. Who was the Spanish mestizo priest who first led the native secular clergy in the
Secularization Movement in 1861?

A. Father Jacinto Zamora C. Father Pedro Pelaez

B. Father Gregorio Aglipay D. Father Jose Burgos

71. What was the term given by Marcelo H. De Pilar to hidden control and domination
by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government?

A. Pase region C. Complace

B. Las suerte partidas D. Frailocracia

72. While authority should be respected, its opinion may be an error. Which of the
following represents a better/more certain avenua to the truth?
A. Replication (repeat and check) C. Overgeneralization
B. Selective observation D. Fallacious reasoning

73. Who is known as the “Father of the Local Government Code”?

A. Joey Lina C. Jovito Salonga

B. Joseph Estrada D. Aquilino Pimental

74. Who was the first editor of La Solidaridad, and an orator of the Reform Movement?

A. Juan Luna C. Jose Rizal

B. Graciano Lopez Jaena D. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

75. The Philippines is the only ___________ country in the world.

A. Communist C. Christian
B. Buddhist D. Muslim

76. In social trends, how do you call those who are for the revival of the classics?

A. Existentialists C. Humanist
B. Rationalists D. Reformists

77. What happens to a good action when it is perform on account of an evil motive?

A. It becomes good C. It becomes morally

B. It becomes evil D. It becomes an amoral

78. The tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of the Philippines is the

A. Community tax C. real estate tax

B. Income tax D. Inheritance tax

79. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of amparo” is ________________.

A. The right to due process

B. The right to self-defense
C. The right to be defended by a public attorney
D. The right to life, liberty and security

80. What is one of the man-made wonders of the Philippines?

A. Rice terraces C. Manila Bay

B. Mount Makiling D. Taal Volcano

81. As a Social Science teacher which should Teacher Nora avoid?

A. Abreast with all the other issues C. Facilitator of learning

B. Appreciative of change D. As a sage on the stage

82. Governor General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the ________________.

A. Abolition of the Galleon Trade

B. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly
C. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos
D. Establishment of the Galleon Trade

83. Whose philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of


A. St. Benedict C. St. Augustine

B. St. Peter D. St. John

84. Who among the following Filipino statesmen was the most vocal to speak against
the country’s foreign policy of close association with Americans?

A. Claro M. Recto C. Cayetano Arellano

B. Manuel Luis Quezon D. Jose P. Laurel

85. Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by big bodies
of water, the biggest (30.1 percent of the earth) is ______________?

A. Asia C. Europe
B. Australia D. Northern America

86. Civilization is where large ideas and tools, as well as human settlements
flourished. Where do historians say civilization had first been born?

A. China C. Egypt
B. Middle East D. Jordan

87. Which is the largest country in Asia?

A. China C. Japan
B. Philippines D. Thailand

88. What was the power to set aside certain by the Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-
General of the Philippines?
A. Veto power C. Conditioned Power
B. Condign Power D. Compensatory power

89. What best describes the form of government of England with its parliament, a
prime minister, and a queen (or king)?

A. Constitutional monarchy C. Ethnocracy

B. Anarchism D. Demarchy

90. Who was the revolutionary leader who refused to surrender to the Americans even
after General Malvar’s surrender, and declared himself President and Commander-in-
Chief of the Supreme Government of the Tagalog Archipelago?

A. Julian Montalan C. Licerio Geronimo

B. Macario Sakay D. Artemio Ricarte

91. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the Philippines?

A. Dominicans C. Jesults
B. Franciscan D. Augustinians

92. Who were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding migrants who
crossed the seas from the Southern Philippines?

A. Sumatians C. Borneans
B. Malayans D. Negritos

93. What religious institution is the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of
1896 today?

A. Philippines Independent Church

B. Roman Catholic Church
C. Unitarian Church of the Philippines
D. United Church of the Philippines

94. The Philippines lies in the ____________, an area where many volcanoes are

A. Archipelagic fault line C. Wheel of fire

B. Ring of fire D. volcanic rim

95. The energy source which is abundant in the Philippines but still not fully developed
is the?

A. Gas C. Sea
B. Sun D. Mineral
96. Which is an example of a non-pathogenic microorganism?

A. Palsmodium falciparum C. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria

B. Influenza sp. D. Yersinia pestis

97. Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are types of

A. Proteins C. Nucleotides
B. Lipids D. Carbohydrates

98. Air like food and water is an essentail element in human existence. Carried by the
wind, polluted air called ______ falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying vegetation.

A. El Niño C. La Niña
B. Greenhouse rain D. Acid rain

99. What are the components of a fungal cell wall?

A. Chitin, proteins and sugar C. lipids, proteins and

B. Nucleic acids, proteins and sugars D. Cellular and proteins

100. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from sunlight?

A. Carbohydrates C. ATP
B. Chlorophyll D. Oxygen
General Education - SET C - Part 3
- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET C - Part 3

101. What will happen to a plant cell in a hypotonic solution?

A. The plant cell will develop a thickened cell wall.

B. The plant cell will shrivel.
C. No effect on the plant cell.
D. The plant cell will swell.

102. An ant colony stores food in the summer, defends itself by stinging enemies
and invades a competing ant colony and steals larvae and use them as new workers.
What is the term to best describe how this species copes with everyday life?

A. Ecological defeat C. Ecological success

B. Environmental habitation D. Ecological niche
103. What are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and
changes in cell shape?

A. Myosin filaments C. Monofilaments

B. Pseudo filaments D. Microfilaments

104. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to _________________.

A. Surface tension C. Atmospheric pressure

B. Buoyancy D. Viscosity

105. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by what color of

A. Bright green C. Brick red

B. Gold D. Lilac

106. Which is true of metalloids?

A. Conduct heat and electricity less effectively than non-metal.

B. Conduct heat and electricity better than metals.
C. Conduct heat better than metals.
D. Have properties of both metals an non-metals.

107. What are the hormones responsible for plant growth, promoting auxillary bud
growth and apical dominance?

A. Auxins and Gibberellins C. Auxins and abscisate

B. Cytokinins and Gibberellins D. Cytokinins and auxins

108. Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3?

A. Manganese flouride (III) C. Manganese (III) flouride

B. Manganese (I) flouride (III) D. Manganese (III) flouride (III)

109. Which of the following is a heterotrophe?

A. Algae C. Grasshopper
B. Fern D. Moss

100. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are classified as


A. Carbohydrates C. Phopholipids
B. Acids and bases D. Macromolecular
111. Which of the following is a measure of pressure, defines as one newton per
square meter?

A. Pascal C. Milliliter
B. Atomic Units D. Poise

112. A metric carat ia a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to


A. 1, 000 mg C. 2 kg
B. 200 mg D. 100 mg

113. Kingdom plante includes which organisms?

A. Prokaryotes C. Magnoliidae
B. Fungi D. Protozoa

114. Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Which of the

following is NOT characteristic of scientific assertion?

A. Logic and validity C. Conformity with actual observation

B. Empirical support D. Hearsay

115. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and then replicated can result in genetic

A. Mutation C. Embryology
B. Pathology D. Speciation

116. What organism would most likely be in an arctic environment?

A. Crocodile C. Turtle
B. Walrus D. Maya Bird

117. How are bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything?

A. They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of
B. They are able to fluoresce in the dark
C. They have supersonic eyesight
D. They can disappear

118. This demonstrated the feeding connections between all life forms.

A. Nutrition cycles C. Fossil cycl

B. Biochemical pathways D. Food web
119. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is

A. Euthanasia C. capital punishment

B. Salvaging D. suicide

120. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area a group
of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They then developed differing
characteristics and became a distinct species. Which of the following concepts explain
this speciation?

A. Geographical isolation C. Episodic isolation

B. Chronotropic isolation D. Behavioral isolation

121. The protein shell of a virus is called____________.

A. Capsid C. Virions
B. lambda bacteriophage D. Capsomeres

122. Air, flood and water are essential elements in human existence. Carried by the
wind, polluted air called ________________falls to earth poisoning fish and destroying

A. La Nina C. Greenhouse rain

B. El Nino D. Acid rain

123. In the pacific area, a storm is called _____________.

A. Hurricane C. Typhoon
B. El Nino D. La Nina

124. When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when the sun
shines all the time both day and night, what is this called?

A. Twilight sun C. Summer light

B. Northern Light D. Midnight Sun

125. The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a
practice that advocates _________.

A. Environmental protection C. Ecological destruction

B. Sustainable potential D. Forest Demolition
126. Ecosystem is the relationship between the physical and biological environments
in a certain plain. Among desert ecosystems, the world’s largest ecosystem is

A. Sahara C. Tian shan

B. Sonoran D. Namib

127. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18,
16, 24, 12, 14. What is the median score?

A. 14 C. 15. 5
B. 14. 5 D. 15

128. Find the least common multiple of 5, 2, 7

A. 35 C. 15
B. 140 D. 70

129. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70 km per hour leaves the house 2 hours after
a Kia car has left and overtakes it. In 5 hours at what rate was the Kia car travelling?

A. 30 kilometers per hour C. 20 kilometers per hour

B. 50 kilometers per hour D. 40 kilometers per hour

130. If the average or arithmetic mean of x and -5 is 10, then what must be the value
of x?

A. 15 C. 30
B. 25 D. 20

131. Which of the following gives the numerical value of the population?

A. Range C. Parameter
B. Statistics D. Variable

132. The grades in Mathematics of students in section A are as follows: 80, 75, 60, 95,
100. What is the population variance of their group?

A. 230 C. 264
B. 270 D. 224 – NO ANSWER : 206

133. Which among measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers?

A. Mode C. Weighted mean

B. Mean D. Median
134. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number described by 2?

A. ½ C. ¼
B. 1/3 D. 1/6

135. If a student has an average of 76 % on his first two tests and has an average of
85 % on the next four tests, what is the final average on all six tests?

A. 82. 0 % C. 80. 5 %
B. 82. 5 % D. 81. 3 %

136. In the example of 10 to the 5th power + 6x the exponent is


A. y C. 6
B. 5 D. 10

137. Simplify: 6 – [3 – (-4) + 11 + 8]

A. -26 C. 26
B. 20 D. -20

138. Simplify: [(3x – 12) / (3x)] divided by (x – 4)

A. 3x C. x
B. X–4 D. 1/x

139. In an English test, eight students obtained the following scores: 12, 10, 13, 11,
15, 20, 19, 17. What is the median score?

A. 14 C. 17
B. 16.5 D. 15.5

140. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9)

A. 3 / (x – 3) C. 3 / (x + 1)
B. 3 / (x + 3) D. 3 / (x – 1)

141. What are the prime factors of 120?

A. 2x2x2x6x5 C. 2 x 3 x 4 x 5
B. 2x4x3x5 D. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

142. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60?

A. 340 C. 120
B. 140 D. 360

143. The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and 4 is ______.

A. 13 C. 24
B. 14 D. 12

144. Simplify (x2 – Y 2 ) / ( x + y)

A. y–x C. –x - -y
B. X–y D. –x + y

145. Simplify 3(x – 4y) – (4y – 3x) – (2x + y)

A. 4x + 17y C. 4x – 17y
B. -4x + 17y D. -4 – 17y

146. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the __________.

A. Area C. legs
B. Volume D. perimeter

147. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20 meters. What is the area
of the triangle?

A. 50 square meters C. 20 square meters

B. 60 square meters D. 24 square meters

148. A rectangular block of steel has dimensions of 5 meters x 10 meters x 15 meters

and weights 1000 N. How should this block be placed on a surface to exert the least
pressure on the sruface?

A. On the 5 meters by 10 meters side. C. On the 5 meters by 15

meters side.
B. All sides have equal pressure. D. On the 10 meters by 15
meters side.

149. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of
the larger angle?

A. 110. 5 degrees C. 102. 5 degrees

B. 95. 5 degrees D. 77. 5 degrees

150. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5 seats?

A. 95 C. 105
B. 120 D. 100

General Education - SET C - Part 4
- November 22, 2018
General Education - SET C - Part 4

151. What percent of 75 is 15?

A. 20% C.38%
B. 30% D. 40%

152. How long will it take A and B together, to finish a job which can be done by A
alone in 6 days and be alone in 3 days?

A. 2 1 2 days C. 3 days
B. 2 days D. 3 ½ days

153. Guzman Company manufactures beds. In its catalogue, a double bed is priced
at P5,000.00 less a discount to the trade of 20%. What will Rosan Departments Store
have to pay for the bed?

A. P4,000.00 C. P4, 000. 00

B. P4,500. 00 D. P4,980. 00

154. A receipt calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour. If a head chef uses 28 cups of
flour, how many eggs will he need?

A. 56 eggs C. 65 eggs
B. 14 eggs D.55 eggs

155. What is the total amount after adding interest of 8% on P10,000.00 for 3 years?

A. P12,400.00 C. P13,400. 00
B. P11, 000. 00 D. P15, 000. 00

156. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is ________________.

A. ½ C. ¼
B. 1/3 D. 1/8
157. The slope of a line described by the equation 3x = (y + 4) 2 is

A. 6 C. 4
B. 3 IF / 2 NOT x2 (3/2) D. 8

158. It can be used to show the progress in academic grades over four quarters.

A. Circle graph C. Pie graph

B. Line graph D. Bar graph

159. It illustrates how a portion of the data relates with the whole.

A. Line graph C. Bar Graph

B. Pie graph D. Area diagram

160. Activities connected by a computer system is described as


A. Virtual C. Network
B. Distance D. Online

161. Which symbol is used to open a document?

A. Ctrl + V C. Ctrl + D
B. Ctrl + S D. Ctrl + O

162. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the

A. E-shopping C. E-mail
B. E-registry D. E-learning

163. ALT is the symbol for ________________

A. Back space C. Enter key

B. Alter key D. Control key

164. Which of the following is not an input device?

A. Keyboard C. Monitor
B. Mouse D. Gaming

165. Pillin and angkop pagpapakahulugan: Bilang at sukat kung mangusap ang

A. Mahirap unawain C. Madaldal

B. Mahina and boses D. Maingat
166. Ito ay pagbasa ng pansamatala of di palagian. Ginagawa ito kung nais
magpalipas ng oras.

A. Scanning C. Kaswal
B. Pre-viewing D. Masusi

167. Isang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos na ginagamitan ng sunod-sunod na tatlong

tuldok para ipakita na may mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata.

A. Ellipsis C. Synopsis
B. Abstrak D. Sintesis

168. Uri ng sanaysay na pangkaraniwan ang paksa, waring nakikipag-usap lamang.

A. Malikhain C. Masining
B. Malaya D. Maanyo

169. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay nauunawaan ng lahat at napagkasunduan ng

isang lahi/pangkat.

A. Dinamiko C. Arbitrary
B. Likas D. Masistema

170. Ano ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping ika at tambilang?

A. Gitling C. Panaklong
B. Tuldok D. Kuwit

171. Isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa

pag-aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikipanayam at sinusulat sa paraang kawili-wili ay

A. Pangulong tudling C. Lathalain

B. Kumento D. Editoryal

172. Kapapasok pa lang nya sa silid. Ang pandiwa sa pangungusap ay nasa aspetong

A. Imperpektibo C. Pangnagdaan
B. Kontimplatibo D. Perpektibo

173. Katangian ng mahusay na mananaliksik na marunong tumanggap ng kritisismo

para sa ikagaganda ng pananaliksik.

A. Malikhain C. Maparaan
B. Bukas ang isipan D. Marunong tumanggi
174. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa “Bakit gabi na ay di pa sya

A. Pagkatuwa C. Pagkatakot
B. Pagkapoot D. Pagkagalit

175. Sistematikong paglalarawan ng mga datos na estatistika.

A. Talahanayan C. Balangkas
B. Grap D. Mapa

176. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga salita sa loob ng

A. Semantika C. Pragmatika
B. Syntax D. Ortograpiya

177. Pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.

A. Temporal C. Penomenal
B. Eksistensyal D. Modal

178. Orihinal: Mother cooked adobo for kuya Manuel. Salin: Si nanay ay nagluto ng
adobo para kay kuya Manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling?

A. Adaptasyon C. Idyomatiko
B. Malaya D. Literal

179. Tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtod ng tula.

A. Talinghaga C. Tugma
B. Kariktan D. Sukat

180. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga lugar at babasahing

mapagkukunan ng mga literatura at pag-aaral?

A. Kabanata V C. Kabanata I
B. Kabanata IV D. Kabanata II

181. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The present problem is only a storm in a teacup.

A. May galit C. Matagumpay

B. Bale-wala D. Buong puso

182. Pinakapayak na anyo ng salita na walang kahalong panlapi.

A. Gitlapi C. Salitang ugat
B. Ponema D. Laguhan

183. Nagpapahayag lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at nabuo sa pagsasama-

sama ng mga salitang pinaikli o pinahaba.

A. Kolokyal C. Pampanitikan
B. Lalawigan D. Balbal

184. Uri ng panghalip na ginagamit na panturo sa mga bagay.

A. Palagyo C. Pamaklaw
B. Pamatlig D. Palayon

185. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng

ponema sa salita.

A. Asimilasyon C. Pagkaltas
B. Paglapi D. Metatesis

186. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

A. Okasyon C. Pagyayabang
B. Paksa D. Tagapakinig

187. Ang pariralang nalaglag-nahulog ay nagpapakahulugan ng _________________.

A. Magakahawig C. Magkapares
B. Idyoma D. Magkasalungat

188. Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo,” ang salitang malakas ay isang

A. Pangatnig C. Pang-uri
B. Panghalip D. pandiwa

189. Anu ang salitang ugat ng PINAGLABANAN?

A. Laban C. Labanan
B. Ilaban D. Paglaban

190. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita.

A. Participant C. konteksto
B. Tsanel D. Pdbak
191. Kalabang mortal ng pakikinig.

A. Ingay C. Oras
B. Okasyon D. Salita

192. Paraan ng pagbuo ng salita na ginagamitan ng tatlong uri ng panlapi.

A. Kabilaan C. Inunlapian
B. Laguhan D. Hinulapian

193. Isang uri ng pamamatnubay kung saan ang mga reporter ay lumilihis sa
pamatnubay; lumilikha sila ng sariling paraan sa mga gawaing pag-ulat.

A. Kombensyunal C. Masining
B. Masaklaw D. Di-kombensyunal

194. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng mga

sagisag ay tinatawag na _____.

A. Pagtuklas C. paglalahad
B. Pakikinig D. talastasan

195. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin
ang damdamin.

A. Jornalistik C. malikhain
B. Akademiko D. teknika

196. Piliin and salitang walang diptonggo.

A. Musika C. kasuy
B. Bahay D. Sisiw

197. Nakapandidiri ang asong kalye na _______.

A. Dumihan C. madumi
B. Ma-dumi D. dumumi

198. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati?

A. Paksa C. Tagapakinig
B. Okasyon D. Pagyayabang

199. Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais ipahayag
ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ay ___________.
A. Wika C. bokabolaryo
B. Sining D. tunog

200. Ang mga salitang teka, saan, tena, dali ay nagtataglay ng

A. Asimilasyon C. Tono
B. Metatesis D. Pagkaltas

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. D
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. C
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. C
41. C
42. B
43. C
44. D
45. B
46. B
47. A
48. A
49. C
50. A
51. A
52. B
53. C
54. A
55. C
56. A
57. D
58. D
59. B
60. C
61. C
62. C
63. D
64. B
65. B
66. D
67. D
68. B
69. B
70. C
71. D
72. A
73. D
74. B
75. C
76. C
77. B
78. A
79. D
80. A
81. D
82. C
83. C
84. A
85. A
86. B
87. A
88. A
89. A
90. B
91. D
92. D
93. A
94. B
95. A
96. C
97. D
98. D
99. A
100. B
101. D
102. D
103. B
104. A
105. A
106. D
107. D
108. C
109. C
110. D
111. A
112. B
113. C
114. D
115. A
116. B
117. A
118. D
119. B
120. A
121. A
122. D
123. C
124. D
125. A
126. A
127. B
128. D
129. D
130. B
131. C
132. D
133. A
134. D
135. A
136. B
137. D
138. D
139. A
140. B
141. D
142. C
143. D
144. B
145. C
146. D
147. B
148. C
149. B
150. A
151. A
152. B
153. A
154. A
155. A
156. A
157. B
158. B
159. B
160. C
161. D
162. C
163. B
164. D
165. D
166. C
167. A
168. B
169. C
170. A
171. C
172. C
173. B
174. C
175. B
176. B
177. C
178. D
179. D
180. D
181. B
182. C
183. D
184. B
185. D
186. C
187. A
188. C
189. A
190. B
191. A
192. B
193. D
194. D
195. C
196. A
197. C
198. D
199. A
200. D


- November 05, 2018

51. The following EXCEPT one are experience that help students build a global

A. Teach about the United Nations and its specialized agencies

B. Explore some of the reasons for the differences in ways of living
C. Conduct training with schools from other countries
D. Promote the development against stereotypes and ethnic bias

52. Alin ang paksa sa sumusunod na pangungusap? Ginagawa niya ang pagdarasal

A. ginagawa
B. araw-araw
C. pagdarasal
D. niya

53. What instrument is used to measure the intensity of earthquakes?

A. barograph
B. thermograph
C. seismograph
D. hygrograph

54. Excuse me, can I borrow _____ dictionary?

A. your
B. yours
C. you
D. a

55. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang HINTAY KA?

A. tay
B. tayka
C. intay
D. teka

56. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinigay ng ANG ALAMAT NI MARIANG
MAKILlNG na ikinuwento ni Jose Rizal?

A. Pagyamanin at pangalagaan ang ating bayan at lahi pagka’t hiyas at yaman natin ito.
B. Pag-ibig ang makapagbabago sa mundong ito.
C. Kabanalan ang magpatawad at tulungan ang isang nagkasala.
D. Dahil sa pagmamalabis at pagsasamantala, maraming biyaya ang sa kanya'y

57. Which is the main goal of drug abuse education?

A. arrest
B. prevention
C. control
D. rehabilitation

58. The amount of substance having 6.02 x 10^23 of any kind of chemical unit is called
a/an _____.

A. mass number
B. mole
C. formula
D. atomic weight

59. How many ways can a committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people?

A. 35
B. 70
C. 140
D. 210

60. A rectangle is 4 times a long as it is wide. If the length of the third side?

A. 2 x 32
B. 4 x 16
C. 3 x 14
D. 5 x 12

61. What law was passed by Philippine Congress in 1995 which affirms the total
integration of persons with disabilities into the mainstream of society?

A. R.A. 7277
B. R.A. 7784
C. R.A. 7722
D. R.A. 7776

62. Far _____ Terry’s small plane lay the freezing waters of the North Sea, where his
father’s boat had disappeared many years before.

A. down
B. under
C. underneath
D. below*

63. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to an e-

waste recycling system?

I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only

64. A molecule or an ion is classified as a Lewis base if it has which of the following

A. donates a proton to water

B. accepts a pair of electrons
C. has resonance structures
D. accepts a proton from water

65. Kailan natin ipinadiriwang ang Lingo ng Wika?

A. Hunyo 13-19
B. Agosto 13-19
C. Agosto 1-31
D. Marso 13-19

66. Excuse me, _____ the time?

A. have you
B. have you got
C. got you
D. do you

67. Nowadays, _____ are much better behaved than their parents were at the same
age, don’t you think?

A. teenagers
B. the teenagers
C. a teenager
D. teen an ager

68. If x = 1 and y = -2, what is the value of the expression, x22xy−4x+3xy2?

A. -9/2
B. 15/2
C. -7/2
D. 17/4

69. Which among the following statements is always true?

A. The supplement of an angle is acute.

B. The complement of an angle is obtuse.
C. The complement of any acute angle is acute.
D. Two supplementary angles are congruent.

70. A losing senatorial candidate may file a protest against the winner. What body will
assume jurisdiction over the case?

A. Supreme Court
B. Electoral Tribunal
D. Regional Trial Court

71. Ano ang pormasyon na pantig sa mga titik na "prin" sa salitang prinsesa?


72. The Philippines belong to the type of biome called _____.

A. dicidous forest
B. taiga
C. tropical rainforest
D. grassland

73. A square has an area of 400 sq. cm . What is its perimeter?

A. 20 cm
B. 80 cm
C. 100 cm
D. 40 cm

74. If 500 or 25% of a graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?

A. 2000
B. 5000
C. 10000
D. 20000

75. What type of thermo-nuclear reaction occurs in the sun which generates a
tremendous amount of heat energy?

A. fission
B. radiation
C. convection
D. fusion

76. Nobel Prize winners are chosen from different levels. Where was Pres. Quirino

A. politics
B. literature
C. human rights
D. economics

77. Organisms that eat plants only are called _____.

A. ovipores
B. herbivores
C. omnivores
D. carnivores

78. Piliin ang salitang may diptonggo.

A. yoyong
B. kamay
C. lawa
D. tihaya

79. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 100?

A. 23
B. 24
C. 25
D. 26

80. You cannot share what you do not have, Who portrayed it best?

A. Heaven is built on stilts. One can buy all happiness.

B. The Man scorned on the Cross not redeem the world without suffering.
C. Patience on the rice store cue was tested by a grumbling lady.
D. Words without deeds can never go far.

81. When a person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and
differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one's culture, that person is said to

A. possess multicultural literacy

B. possess sociocultural awareness
C. possess global awareness
D. possess social literacy
82. Mr. Lucido deposited 225 pesos in the bank. If his deposit consisted of 29 bills,
consisting of 5 peso, and 10 peso bills, how many 10 peso bills did he deposit?

A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 16

83. Marumi ang baso. Huwag mong ____ yan!

A. inumin
B. inuman
C. uminom
D. pag-inuman

84. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your free had away
from your body in order to _____.

A. change the weight of your body and load

B. change the mass of your body
C. be ready to grab something in case you fall
D. change the center of gravity of your body and load*

85. If a picture frame is 27 cm long and 18 cm wide, what is the ratio of its length to its

A. 3:2
B. 2:3
C. 3:5
D. 5:3

86. When a teacher is charged with administrative case committed in the lawful
discharge of professional duties, what right may the teacher invoke for their defense?

A. right to receive compensation in the duration of the case

B. right to be given the due process of law
C. right to be defended by the organization of teachers to which they are a member
D. right to be provided with free legal service by the appropriate office

87. In how many ways can a team of 10 basketball players be chosen from 12 players?

A. 62
B. 64
C. 66
D. 72
88. Find m in the proportion m/12 = 30/24.

A. 3
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

89. People who are too _____ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals.

A. wary
B. credulous
C. cynical
D. demanding

90. _____ natin ng mapa si Kenny para hindi siya maligaw.

A. Iwan
B. Mag-iwan
C. Iwanan
D. Pag-iwan

91. Pinandirihan ni Mico ang aso niyang _____.

A. ma-galis
B. mag-alis
C. magalis
D. galis-aso

92. Any individual has the right to question why he is being arrested, and to summon his
accusers to court so that due process may be performed. This right is embodied in
which of the following?

A. reclusion perpetua
B. res ipsa loquitur
C. prison mayor
D. habeas corpus

93. The elevator can carry a maximum load of 605 kg. How many passengers of weight
50.5 kg each can the elevator hold?

A. 12
B. 11.9
C. 11
D. 10
94. 4 1/5 + 3 2/7 = _____

A. 7 3/12
B. 7 3/35
C. 7 17/35
D. 7 1/35

95. For the fruit punch, 3050 mL of fruit juice is needed. How much fruit juice is needed
in dekaliters?

A. 0.305
B. 3.05
C. 5.03
D. 0.053

96. "Ang babae ay huwag mong tingnang isang bagay na libangan lamang kundi isang
katuwang at karamay sa mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan." (E. Jacinto) Ang tungkulin
ng wika sa linya ay _____.

A. pangheuristiko
B. pang-interaksyunal
C. panregulatori
D. pang-instrumental

97. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy nito? Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si

A. pagtutulad
B. pagbibigay-katauhan
C. pagmamalabis
D. pagwawangis

98. Yes, the script was excellent, but the performances were _____ weak.

A. completely
B. extremely
C. utterly
D. absolutely

99. The smallest angle of a triangle is two-thirds the size of the middle angle, and the
middle angle is three-sevenths of the largest angle. Find all three angle measures.

A. 30°, 60°, 90°

B. 45°, 45°, 90°
C. 35°, 45°, 110°
D. 30°, 45°, 105°
100. Tandaan mo na lahat ng paghihirap ni Luis ay _____ sa iyong magandang

A. tungkol
B. upang
C. sanhi
D. ukol


- November 05, 2018

101. Ang mga mata mo ay tulad ng bituin sa kalangitan. Ano ang ginamit na
pagpapahayag dito?

A. pagtutulad
B. personipikasyon
C. pagwawangis
D. pang-uyam

102. What science deals with the study of outer space?

A. Astronomy
B. Oceanography
C. Paleontology
D. Geology

103. To pass her English Test, Lucille must get 75% of the items correct. Out of 80
questions, how many must she correctly answer?

A. 55
B. 60
C. 70
D. 65

104. To stimulate the nation's economy and to increase employment, former President
Diosdado Macapagal _____.

A. abolished government repressive controls

B. borrowed money from the World Bank
C. standardized the salaries of government employees
D. gave incentives to home cottage industries
105. The ratio of the number of red, green, and blue balls in a box is 2:5:6. How many
green balls are there if there are 52 balls in all?

A. 4
B. 8
C. 20
D. 24

106. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has no
structural error?

A. Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness; not in the method but in their
hearts - a place where intellect, emotion, spirit, and will converge in the human self.
B. Good teachers possess a capacity for cooperation; not in the method but in their
hearts where they knowledge, spirit and emotion converge.
C. Good teachers are capable to promote nterrelationship among learners, parents,
school heads, and community.
D. Good teachers have the capacity to develop interpersonal relationship among the
factors in the learning environment.

107. We’re late. By the time we get to the cinema, the film _____ .

A. will have started

B. has started
C. will start
D. will have been starting

108. One of the objectives of Philippine Education as provided in the 1987 Constitutions
is to promote respect for human rights. To gave flesh to this constitutional mandate,
President Aquino issued an order requiring human rights to be integrated in the school
curricula. Which of the following specifies the said directives?

A. DECS Order No. 61

B. Executive Order No. 27
C. Presidential Decree No. 603
D. Administrative Order No. 2

109. In which part of the flower develop into seeds?

A. pistil
B. ovary
C. ovules
D. ovary wall

110. renewable
A. a resource that is inexhaustible
B. a process where one plate is forced under another
C. the blanket of air surrounding the Earth
D. describes how different types of rocks are formed

111. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has no
structural error?

A. Albert himself told me it was true.

B. Albert, himself, told me it was true.
C. Albert told me it was true himself.
D. Albert told me himself it was true.

112. Did you have _____ on holiday?

A. a good weather
B. good weathers
C. good weather

113. A behavioral psychologist would probably say that _____.

A. introspection is a useful way to study mental processes

B. the mind is most important when analyzing behavior
C. we act based on rewards and punishments received
D. the unconsciousness stimulates our behavior

114. Sino ang naglimbag ng "El Guinto de Pueblo ng panahon ng Amerikano?

A. Sergio Osmena
B. Pascual Poblete
C. Jose Palma
D. Francisco Balagtas

115. When two missing digits in a given number are replaced, the number is divisible by
99. What is the number?

A. 85021
B. 85031
C. 85041*
D. 85051

116. Which of the following documents embodies the general principles of human rights
which set forth the minimum standard of living for all people pf the world?

A. International Covenant on Civil, Political Rights

B. International Covenant on socio-Economic, Cultural rights
C. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
D. United Nations Declaration on Rights to Development

117. Ibigay ang tayutay na nagamit sa sumusunod: Ilaw ng tahanan - Ikaw ang
sandigan - Lamyos ng pagmamahal - Sa pag-unlad ko'y tangan

A. metonimiya
B. sinekdote
C. onomatopeya
D. pagtawag

118. A secret word that must be entered into the computer before a person is allowed
access to information is called _____.

A. input
B. password
C. program
D. statement

119. Are you going shopping now? No, but _____ later.

A. I might go
B. I might to go
C. I might going
D. I might be go

120. The Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers provides that a teacher has the right
and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion of learners. What is the
obligation of the teacher in relation to the aforementioned right as mandated in the
Education Act of 1982?

A. Refrain from making deductions in students ratings for acts not of poor scholarship.
B. Refrain from discriminating high and low achievers in the classes they handle.
C. Refrain from influencing corporal punishment and make it a basic for deductions in
scholastic ratings.
D. Refrain from segregating the fast and slow learners for convenience in rating them.

121. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has no
structural error?

A. A strange car kept blinking the lights at us as he followed closely.

B. A strange car followed closely, and he kept blinking his lights at us.
C. A strange car followed us closely, and its driver kept blinking his lights at us.
D. A strange car, blinking the lights at us, followed closely.

122. Which of the following is the catalytic converter on cars in the control technology?
A. carbon monoxide
B. carbon dioxide
C. nitrogen dioxide
D. sulfur oxide

123. What type of cooperative provides assistance to general public such as

transportation, health and housing?

A. consumer
B. producer
C. credit
D. service

124. Which is at the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are?

A. environment
B. heredity
C. training
D. school attended

125. _____ up! Or we'll be late.

A. You hurry
B. Be hurrying
C. Hurry
D. Hurry you

126. Which of the following demonstrate sublimation?

A. dry ice evaporating

B. perspiration drying
C. laundry drying
D. steam forming water droplets

127. Ano ang salitang-ugat ng kanluran?

A. kalan
B. kanlong
C. lunan
D. lunod

128. A teacher wants to group her pupils into groups of 3 or 5 or 6. However, she found
out that if she do that there will always be 1 pupil left. What is the least possible number
of pupils in the class?
A. 81
B. 31
C. 21
D. 11

129. Ibigay ang aspekto ng pandiwa sa sumusunod na pangungusap. Mag-aral sa

bahay ng mga araling ukol sa agham at teknolohiya.

A. pawatas
B. kontemplatibo
C. imperpektibo
D. perperktibo

130. _____ taong masipag sa loob ng bulwagan.

A. May
B. Mayroong
C. A at B
D. Wala ang sagot sa mga pagpipilian.

131. Who has greater moral responsibility and why? The lazy master teacher who does
not teach well or the beginning teacher who is groping while she teaches and so does
not teach well either.

A. The master teacher, who is older and more experienced.

B. The master teacher, who is expected to have more knowledge and freedom.
C. Cannot be determined. Age, experience, or freedom does not necessarily make
some one more or less morally responsible than the other.
D. Both are equally morally responsible.

132. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has no
structural error?

A. I would not want to be he.

B. I would not want to be himself.
C. I would not want to be themselves.
D. I would not want to theirselves.

133. Alin and tamang babala sa pagtatapon ng basura?

A. Gamitin and basurahan sa inyong bahay, huwag dito

B. Dito and tambakan ng basura
C. Huwag mag-tapon ng basura dito
D. Huwag mag-ipon ng basura dito
134. 166. Which is the MOST important perceived need and problem of the Filipino

A. Unemployment or financial problem

B. Proneness to vices
C. Over protectiveness of children
D. Double standard on the roles of male and female

135. Which of the following statements about living things is false?

A. All living things use energy to function.

B. All living things are composed of cells.
C. All living things have a nervous system.
D. All living things are capable of reproduction.

136. Robert Frost wrote the poem "Acquainted with the Night" from which the stanza is

I have been one acquainted with the night.

I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
I have out walked the farthest city light
The poet in the stanza talks of

A. isolation and loneliness.

B. happiness in having been acquainted with the night.
C. joy getting out of the house.
D. youthful delight playing in the rain.

137. What form of government is characterized by the separation of powers?

A. Parliamentary
B. Presidential
C. Aristocracy
D. Monarchical

138. Which is the BEST evidence that helium gas is lighter than air?

A. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all elements.

B. Helium atoms do not combine with other air atoms.
C. Helium-filled balloons rise in air.
D. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of air.

139. I _____ get up at six o'clock this morning with much difficulty.

A. could
B. managed to
C. can

140. One package is 100 pounds, and the other is 150 pounds. The weight of the
second package is how many times that of the first?

A. 1½ times heavier
B. ½ as heavy
C. none of these
D. 10 pounds heavier

141. Excursions are encouraged to allow participants to see places. All the 400
personnel fell ill. Doctors’ laboratory findings traced the cause to _____.

A. congestion on the bus

B. food poisoning
C. excitement
D. excessive fat

142. Which of the following facts support the Big Bang theory's explanation of the
creation of the universe?

A. The universe does not expand nor contract.

B. The universe seldom expand.
C. The universe will have background radiation.
D. he universe has no beginning nor end.

143. In a university, the ratio of female professors to the male professors is 8:5. If there
are 75 male professors, how many are female professors?

A. 120
B. 180
C. 225
D. 375/8

144. He_____ his leg while he _____ rugby.

A. was breaking - played

B. broke - was playing
C. breaks - is playing

145. Someone wrote: "Environment relates to the profound relationship between matter,
nature, and society, and in such a context, ICTs bring new ways of living in a more
interconnected society, all of which reduces our dependency on matter and affects our
relationship with nature." What does this convey?

A. Environment and ICT are poles apart.

B. ICT impacts on environment.
C. Environment affects ICT.
D. ICT brings us away from an interconnected society.

146. mantle

A. the thickest layer of the Earth

B. a process where one plate is forced under another
C. the blanket of air surrounding the Earth
D. describes how different types of rocks are formed

147. "Heto na, heto na, heto na, /wahh! Doo bidoo bidoo, bidoo, bidoo." Alin ang
nabuong salita o tunog sa linya na nabuo ayon sa teoryang pooh-pooh?

A. wahh
B. heto
C. na
D. doo bidoo

148. A town that is located ______ is a location that should have most nearly twelve
hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness during December.

A. halfway between the Equator and the South Pole

B. close to the Equator
C. close to the North Pole
D. close to the South Pole

149. And now for this evening’s main headline: Britain _____ another Olympic gold

A. had won
B. wins
C. won
D. has won

150. Charity begins at home. What illustrates this value?

A. Millionaires send checks anonymously

B. Patrons check out donations by the size of the advertisement
C. Grandparents stay with the Home for the Aged. They are nuisance to modern
D. An ambassador in Jeddah shelters battered Filipino OCW’s and avoid social
gatherings to be able to save food for these refugees

ET Reviewer : MODULE DRILLS 2 - General Education part 1

- November 02, 2018

1. The new teacher expressed with ______ how she financed her college education
through loans.

A. aplomb
B. rancor
C. pulchritude
D. candor

2. If you want to be an anchor for a TV show, you must have a command on your
language and be really _____.

A. pulchritude
B. loquacious
C. cosmopolitan
D. aplomb

3. Arthur ______ fifteen kilometres before she realized that he was going north instead
of south.

A. has driven
B. drove
C. had driven
D. was driving

4. Joseph’s got his only failing mark from ___________.

A. a boring old Physics instructor

B. an old Physics boring instructor
C. an old boring Physics instructor
D. a boring Physics old instructor

5. Which does NOT belong?

A. Foot
B. Centigrade
C. Kilometer
D. Mile


A. sports fan : stadium

B. professor : college
C. cow : farm
D. criminal : jail

7. Everyone, except ____ is attending the meeting today.

A. they
B. them
C. us
D. we

8. Read the sentence:

Also, distracting a blind person’s guide dog could put the owner in danger,
so do not pet it.

If you rewrite the sentence beginning with Also, don’t pet a blind person’s guide dog
because distracting, the next word(s) should be ______.

A. them
B. her
C. it
D. him

9. Some college graduates make career decisions based on salary and

prestige, irregardless

of their desires and intellectual aptitudes.


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

10. A glossary of terms, a section on clauses, and using idiomatic expressions are
Included in the new grammar textbook. No error..

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

11. Which of the following sentences is grammatically nonparallel?

A. Higher education is suffering from the twin evils of bureaucracy and politics.
B. Maria is a professor of linguistics but who teaches in an English department.
C. Syntax, morphology, and phonology are the core areas of linguistics.
D. I was happy and my parents were happy too when I graduated.

12. Which of the following statement expresses the thought clearly and without
structural errors?

A. The teacher education institutions as well as the Department of Education,

collaborates in
teacher education and training.
B. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education trains.
C. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education,
coordinate in
teacher education and training.
D. The teacher education institution as well as the Department of Education,
coordinates in
teacher education and training.

13. Paolo is terribly on edge. What does ON EDGE mean?

A. Shrewd
B. Unprepared
C. Eager
D. Nervous

14. What figure of speech is used in this line:

Twenty sails came into the Manila harbor today.

A. Synecdoche
B. Metonymy
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

15. Which - ED end sound is different?

A. Greeted
B. Committed
C. Granted
D. Joked

16. Which among these words DOES NOT have the voiced (th) sound?

A. Bathe
B. Teeth
C. Mouth
D. Health

17. The following words below have the zh sound except one?

A. Show
B. Massage
C. Visual
D. Leisure

18. The tone of the phrase “Forgive me for violating my student’s individual personhood”
is _____

A. respectful
B. optimistic
C. sarcastic
D. objective

19. Which phrase should be used to provide explanations?

A. Today, you will have to learn this, or else …

B. This is a long assignment, but you’ll just have to do it.
C. Complete this exercise, otherwise, there’ll be trouble.
D. This will be difficult, but it fits with …

20. Which phrase gives praise and encouragement?

A. That was quick

B. You can never pay attention, can you?
C. That’s a dumb answer
D. I can see you never study.

21-23 Read and understand the following paragraph then answer the questions after it.

Researches suggest that there are creatures that do not know what light means at the
bottom of the
sea. They don't have either eyes or ears; they can only feel. There is no day or night for
them. There
are no winters, no summers, no sun, no moon, and no stars. It is as if a child spent its
life in darkness in bed, with nothing to see or hear. How different our own life is! Sight
shows us the ground beneath our feet and the heavens above us - the sun, moon, and
stars, shooting stars, lightning, and the sunset. It shows us day and night. We are able
to hear voices, the sound of the sea, and music. We feel, we taste, we smell. How
fortunate we are!

21. Judging from the passage, we can say that this story is mainly about _______.

A. life of sea creatures at the bottom of the sea

B. how wonderful our lives were and will be
C. the differences among creatures of the earth and those of the sea
D. the superiority of human beings over some creatures in terms of senses

22. We discover that the sea creatures in the story __________.

A. have the same senses that we do

B. have no sense of hearing as well as sight
C. hear the sounds of the ocean
D. live in darkness because no light reaches to the bottom

23. In the passage a child in darkness is likened to __________.

A. someone who lives where there are no seasons

B. an animal without the sense of touch
C. a sea creature with no seeing or hearing ability
D. a deaf child unaffected by the environment

24. The Master said:

“Only one who bursts with eagerness do I instruct. Only one who bubbles with
excitement do I
These lines give one the idea that true learning_________.

A. makes man a disciple of instruction

B. involves patience and a dash of lethargy
C. is capable of making a nation
D. comes with commitment and passion.

25. What figure of speech is present in this popular line by Alexander Pope:
“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”

A. irony
B. anaphora
C. antithesis
D. alliteration

26. In Joyce Kilmer’s poem “Trees”, what part of the tree is referred to in the following
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

A. Fruits
B. Stems
C. Roots
D. Leaves

27. What is the key idea expressed in the stanza below?

Time is a pair of scissors
And life, a bolt of brocade
When the lost section is done
The scraps are committed to a bonfire.

A. transitoriness of life
B. beauty of life
C. cruelty of time
D. destruction of beauty

28 – 29. Based on an excerpt from William Shakespeare’s play, choose the best answer
to the
following questions.

She never told her love,

But let concealment, like a worm i’th’ bud, Feed on her damask cheek.
She pinned in thought,
And with a green and yellow melancholy.
She sat like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief.
Was not this love indeed?

28. The passage describes a woman who is

A. experiencing the joy of falling in love

B. overwhelmed by regret for the man she has lost
C. worried that her change of heart will be discovered
D. consumed by the love she holds in secrecy

29. Lines 2 and 5 contain examples of

A. allusion
B. simile
C. metaphor
D. alliteration

30. What is the last line of the following nursery rhyme?

Little Jack Horner

Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,

A. And said 'What a good boy am I!'

B. And then after had so much fun.
C. And made all the girls cry.
D. And waited for Santa to come.

31. Ipapatupad ng pamahalaan sa buong Pilipinas ang Kasambahay Act upang

ang mga karapatan ng mga kasambahay sa buong bansa. Ano ang pokus ng pandiwa?

A. Aktor
B. Benepaktib
C. Gol
D. Kawsatib

32. Ang idinagdag na walong titik sa alpabetong Filipino ay ginagamit sa mga

maliban sa:

A. Mga salitang idyomatiko.

C. Mga katutubong salita.
B. Mga pantanging pangalan.
D. Mga salitang walang katumbas sa Filipino.

33. “Mahal kita, mahal kita, hindi ‘to bola/ Ngumiti ka man lang sana ako’y nasa langit
na.” Ang salitang pampanitikan na ginamit sa linya ng kanta ay

A. Pakikipagkaibigan
B. Sinisinta
C. Napakasaya
D. Bolero

34. Ang mga salitang hilaw at hanay ay tinatawag na________.

A. Ponema
B. Morpema
C. Diptonggo
D. Klaster

35. Ang salitang utol ay mauuri bilang isang ______.

A. Balbal
B. Dayalekto
C. Kolokyal
D. Lalawiganin

36. Pen pen de serapen/ de cuchillo de almasen/ haw haw de carabao batuten/ sipit
gintong pilak, namumulaklak sa tabi ng dagat.” Pinatutunayan ng linyang ito ang
paglaganap ng wika dahil sa____________.

A. Pananakop
B. Pakikipagkalakalan
C. Heograpiya
D. Modernisasyon

37. Sa pagpapatupad ng K-12, ano ang barayti ng wikang gagamitin sa mga paaralan
sa unang

A. Idyolek
B. Sosyolek
C. Dayalekto
D. Register

38. Ang salitang KATA ay tumutukoy sa _____________

A. Tagapagsalita
B. pinag-uusapan
C. Kinakausap
D. tagapakinig

39. Ito ay isang bahagi ng pamahayagan na batay sa pananaliksik at isinusulat sa


A. Pangulong Tudling
B. Editoryal
C. Lathalain
D. Komento

40. Ano ang tawag sa nasa malaking titik sa sumusunod na pangungusap?

NAGING MABAGAL ang pagdating NG RELIEF GOODS sa Tacloban.

A. kataga
B. sugnay
C. salita
D. parirala

Matulog ka na bunso
Ang ina mo’y nasa malayo;
May putik may balaho
Hindi ko masundo

41. Ito ay isang halimbawa ng:

A. Diona
B. Soliranin
C. Oyayi
D. Kumintang

42. Ang epikong isinalin ni Padre Jose Castano sa tulang Kastila at inilathala sa
Espanya noong
1895 ay nahihinggil sa kauna-unahang tao sa Kabikulan.

A. Ibalon
B. Darangan
C. Hudhud at Alim
D. Maragtas

43. Halaw sa tulang Filipino na isinulat ni Jose Corazon de Jesus noong 1929 at
nilapatan ng
musika ni Constancio de Guzman.

A. Bayan Ko
B. Magkaiisa
C. Pilipinas kong Mahal
D. Ako ay Pilipino

Hila mo’y tabak…

Ang bulaklak, nanginig!
Sa paglapit mo.
(“Tutubi” ni Gonzalo K. Flores)

44. Ang tula ay isang_________.

A. Tanaga
B. Epiko
C. Haiku
D. Oyayi

45. Ang mimetikong larong isinasagawa kapag may lamay upang aliwin ang mga
namatayan sa
pamamagitan ng pagtula.

A. Duplo
B. Huwego de Prenda
C. Karagatan
D. Dung-aw

46. Ang naitalang mahabang akdang panrelihiyon na naglalaman ng mga aral na aakay
sa mga
tao sa mga gawaing banal sa pamamagitan ng mga gawa ng mga pangunahing tauhan

A. Urbana at Felisa
B. Doctrina Christiana
C. Barlaan at Josaphat
D. Nuestra Senora del Rosario

47. Siya ang kinikilalang “Ama ng mga Manggagawa”.

A. Virgilio Almario
B. Rogelio Sicat
C. Amado V.Hernandez
D. Wilfredo Pa.Virtusio

48. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang MALI ang pagkakatumbas?

A. Jose Rizal: Laong Laan

B. Andres Bonifacio: Agapito Bagumbayan
C. Marcelo del Pilar: Dolores Manapat
D. Jose Corazon de Jesus: Huseng Sisiw

49. Anong uri ng tayutay ang ginamit sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap :


A. Pagmamalabis
B. Senekdoke
C. Metonimya
D. Balintunay
50. Anong taon ipinatupad ang ang anim (6) na yunit ng Filipino rekwayrment katumbas
dalawang (2) sabjek para sa mga digring di-HUSOCOM sa kolehiyo?

A. 1973
B. 1997
C. 1987
D. 2007
LET Reviewer : MODULE DRILLS 2 - General Education part 2
- November 02, 2018

51. Ang tulang pananambitan ng mga Ilokano na nagsasalaysay ng paghihinagpis ng

naulila at
paghingi ng kapatawaran sa mga nagawang kasalanan o pagkakamaling nagawa
nabubuhay pa ang yumao.

A. Dung-aw
B. Dallot
C. Balitaw
D. Bayok

52. Ayon sa Kautusang Tagapagpaganap Blg. 134 na nilagdaan ni Pangulong Manuel

Quezon noong Disyembre 30, 1937, ang pambansang wika ng Pilipinas ay batay sa

A. Ilokano
B. Waray
C. Tagalog
D. Hiligaynon

53. Nakatiwangwang: lupa?

A. Isda: tubig
B. Inaanod: basura
C. Ibon: himpapawid
D. Oras: ginagamit

54. Which are the next three terms in the progression 1/125, 1/25, 1/5…..?

A. 0, 5, 25
B. 5, 25, 125
C. 1, 5, 25
D. 10, 50, 250

55. What is the least common multiple of 24 and 80?

A. 360
B. 240
C. 80
D. 480

56. Which number has more than 4 factors?

A. 99
B. 95
C. 93
D. 97

57. If a = 9 x 23 and b = 9 x 124, what is b – a?

A. 809
B. 906
C. 806
D. 909

58. What is the largest prime number less than 100?

A. 91
B. 95
C. 93
D. 97

59. The product of 2 whole numbers is 36, and their ratio is 1:4. Which of these is the

A. 2
B. 9
C. 3
D. 12

60. If the ratio of the number of carabaos, pigs and cows in a farm is 5:1:2 and there are
animals in all, how many of them are pigs?

A. 2
B. 6
C. 4
D. 8

61. A water tank contains 8 liters when it is 20% full. How many liters does it contain
when it is
75% full?

A. 15
B. 58
C. 30
D. 60

62. The number of boys attending a high school is twice the number of girls. If 1/6 of the
girls and 1/4 f the boys play soccer, what fraction of the students plays soccer?

A. 1/3
B. 2/9
C. 1/24
D. 5/24

63. What is 3/4 of 2/3 of 12?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6

64. John wants to have an interest income of P3,000 a year. How much must he invest
for one
year at 8%?

A. P240
B. P37,500
C. P3,750
D. P53,700

65. How many 75-grams packs of sugar can be made from a 30-kilogram sack?

A. 25
B. 400
C. 40
D. 2500

66. Carol’s average score on her first 3 tests is 90. If her average on her last 2 tests is
80, what is her
average score for all 5 tests?
A. 85
B. 87
C. 86

67. If 5 = ax, then 5/a = ?

A. ax+1
B. ax-1
C. ax/5
D. a5/x

68. If Pedro’s scores in the three exams are 97, 94, and 89. What score should he get
on the
fourth exam to get an average of 95?

A. 100
B. 98
C. 99
D. 97

69. If 8x + 8y = 64, what is the average of x and y?

A. 2
B. 8
C. 4
D. 16

70. Simplify: 3 (2x – 5) – (6 – x)

A. 4x + 9
B. 7x – 9
C. 5x – 21
D. 7x – 21

71. Which of the following is equal to .....


72. Factorize: 2x2 – 5x – 3

A. (2x – 1)(x + 3)
B. (2x – 3)(x + 1)
C. (2x + 1)(x – 3)
D. (2x + 3)(x – 1)

73. Ed and Lori went shopping. Ed spends P30 more than Lori in the first store and Lori
spends P12 less than Ed in the second store. Which of the following must be true about
Lori’s total spending in the first two stores compared to Ed’s?

A. Lori spent 2/5 of what Ed spent.

B. Lori spent P21 less than Ed.
C. Lori spent P18 less than Ed.
D. Lori spent P42 less than Ed.

74. Carmela drives 20 miles from her home to the store at a speed of 30 miles per hour.
If she makes a return trip home at a speed of 40 miles per hour, what is the total
amount of time she spent driving?

A. 35 minutes
B. 1 hour and 10 minutes
C. 50 minutes
D. 1 hour and 30 minutes

75. Rosa, using a super mower, can mow a lawn in 20 minutes. Her brother, Fidel,
using a hand
mower, can mow the same lawn in 30 minutes. If they work together, how long will it
them to complete the job?

A. 12 minutes
B. 25 minutes
C. 21 minutes
D. 52 minutes

76. The sum of two numbers is 52 while their difference is 14. Find the smaller number.

A. 15 37 37 – 15 = 22
B. 19 33 33 – 19 = 14
C. 17 35 35 – 17 = 18
D. 21 31 31 – 21 = 10

77. The area of a rectangle is 64. If its length is 16, what is its perimeter?

A. 48
B. 20
C. 40
D. 8
78. A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side is 5
more than
the equal sides, what is the length of the third side?

A. 15
B. 25
C. 20
D. 10

79. Which two angles are complementary?

A. 22 degrees and 78 degrees

B. 67 degrees and 23 degrees
C. 56 degrees and 24 degrees
D. 140 degrees and 40 degrees

80. What is the slope of the line whose equation is 5y = 3x + 10?

A. 2
B. 5/3
C. 3
D. 3/5

81. What is the probability of getting a total of 11 when a pair of dice is tossed?

A. 1/6
B. 4/18
C. 1/18
D. 7/18

82. Two lottery tickets are drawn from 20 for first and second prizes. Find the number of
the two tickets can be drawn.

A. 380
B. 60
C. 270
D. 90

83. How many ways can 7 people be assigned to 1 triple and 2 double rooms?

A. 120
B. 210
C. 270
D. 630
84. With the Batasang Pambansa in mind, which form of government was implemented
the Marcos regime?

A. Monarchical
B. Democracy
C. Presidential
D. Parliamentary

85. Which principle states that no man in this country is above the law and those laws
must be
obeyed by all and applied to everyone without fear or favor?

A. Social Justice
B. Rule of law
C. Rule of the majority
D. Separation of Church and State

86. Our present government is a democracy. Where does power reside?

A. In the 1987 Constitution

B. In the Filipino People
C. In Congress
D. In Local Government Units

87. The government wants a piece of private land for a government project. The owner
the government. How may the government own the land?

A. Right of eminent domain

B. Right of habeas corpus
C. Right of government ownership
D. Right of sovereign over the governed

88. The Writ of Amparo is NOT an available remedy for violations or threatened
violations of the:

A. Right to life
B. Right to liberty
C. Right to property
D. Right to security

89. Who is the humble automobile mechanic-turned-president who became known as

“Champion of the Masses”?
A. Magsaysay
B. Macapagal
C. Quirino
D. Osmena

90. In which order did the following events take place in Philippine history?

I. The passage of the Jones Law or the Philippine Autonomy Act

II. Advocacy of the Tydings-McDuffie Bill by Pres. Quezon and the Philippine Senate
III. Establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth
IV. The establishment of Public School System in the Philippines


91. Following his capture in 1901, which American vessel carried Aguinaldo?

A. USS Vicksburg
B. USAT Thomas
C. NOAA Ship McArthur II
D. USS McCulloch

92. In 1565, Legazpi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred

A. Sikatuna
B. Rajah Tupas
C. Raja Sulayman
D. Lakandula

93. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint
American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?

A. Corregidor
B. Manila
C. Bataan
D. Capas

94. On June 12, 1898, Gen. Emilio Aguinado declared the Philippine Independence
from Spain.
Which band played “Lupang Hinirang”?

A. Kawit, Cavite Marching Band

B. Manila Marching Band
C. Malabon Marching Band
D. Magdalo Marching Band

95. For more than three centuries of Spanish rule, the church played a major role in the
political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the Filipinos. This is also known as:

A. Mercantilism
B. Utilitarianism
C. Frailocracy
D. Pharisaical

96. Who was the American President who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation
during the American colonial years of the Philippines?

A. William McKinley
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Franklin Roosevelt

97. At 16, Rizal experienced his first romance. He fell in love with which girl?

A. Segunada Katigbak
B. Leonor Rivera
C. Gertrude Beckett
D. Leonor Gonzalez

98. Which of the following work of Rizal indicate/s his religion?

A. El Filibusterismo
B. Noli Me Tangere
C. Mi Ultimo Adios
D. All of the above

99. The study of human behavior.

A. Psychology
B. Sociology
C. Economic
D. Anthropology

100. It is the smallest unit of society.

A. Home
B. Family
C. School
D. Barangay
LET Reviewer : MODULE DRILLS 2 - General Education part 3
- October 25, 2018
Click here to Download

101. When one company controls the supply of softwares, what term applies?

A. Inflation
B. Laissez Faire
C. Monopoly
D. Law of Supply

102. Apples are off-season and so its price is up. Which principle in economics explains

A. Law of supply and law of demand

B. Marginal utility
C. Substitution effect
D. Production possibility frontier

103. What results when the government spends more than what it solicits in the form of

A. Fiscal overspending
B. Unfunded mandates
C. Excessive allotment
D. Fiscal deficit

104. Which among the following best describes a recession?

A. No change in real GNP from one period to the next

B. Nominal GNP declines from one period to the next
C. An increase in real GNP from one period to the next
D. A fall in real GDP over two consecutive time periods

105. Determinants of demand other than price include all of the following except one.

A. The tastes and preferences of households.

B. Wealth or net worth
C. The prices of other goods and services
D. Technological innovation
106. Which of the following graphs is useful in displaying data or information that
continuously over time?

A. Bar chart
B. Line Graph
C. Pie chart
D. Histogram

107. A tax whose burden, expressed as a percentage of income, increases as income

increases is called:

A. A progressive tax.
B. A regressive tax.
C. A proportional tax.
D. None of the above.

108. Which of the following paintings earned Juan Luna a silver medal at the Exposition
Nacional de Bellas Artes?

A. Spolarium
B. Christian de Aqueronte
C. La Barca de Aqueronte
D. La Muerte de Cleopatra

109. Who is the Father of Zarsuela in the Philippines?

A. Severino Reyes
B. Lucio San Pedro
C. Ryan Cayabyab
D. Alejandro Cuvero

110. Who was the famous Austrian opera composer during the Classical Period known
as “Child Prodigy”?

A. Mozart
B. Verdi
C. Haydos
D. Beethoven

111. Two of his best-known works are Pieta and David.

A. Michelangelo
B. Donatello
C. Raphael
D. Da Vinci
112. Who among the following is given the distinction as the National Artist for

A. Jose Alcantara
B. Juan Luna
C. Napoleon Abueva
D. Jose Blanco

113. The following are National Artists for Theater, except:

A. Rolando Tinio
B. Severino Montano
C. Ramon Valera
D. Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero

114. In what part of the female reproductive anatomy does a fetus develop?

A. the vagina
B. the ovary
C. the cervix
D. the uterus

115. Which hypothesis would you test by the scientific technique of experimentation?

A. Mitosis is the universal means of cell reproduction.

B. The cell is the structural unit in living things.
C. The rate of photosynthesis is independent of temperature.
D. All proteins are composed of amino acids.

116. What does the Pascal (pa) measure?

A. velocity
B. mass
C. pressure
D. temperature

117. A form of matter that can be further simplified may either be _______

A. an element or a compound
B. a mixture or an atom
C. an element or a mixture
D. a mixture or a compound

118. When the moon is between the sun and the earth, the moon blocks the light from
the sun,
therefore casting a shadow on the earth. This phenomenon is called ____

A. lunar eclipse
B. Halley’s comet
C. solar eclipse
D. umbra

119. Materials made of _______ are good conductors of heat and electricity

A. Glass
B. Cloth
C. Plastic
D. Metal

120. All acids contain the element.

A. Neon
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen

121. In which layer of the atmosphere can you find the Ozone layer?

A. Troposphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Exosphere

122. What is the unit for mass?

A. Kilogram
B. Mole
C. Ampere
D. Liter

123. A body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in uniform motion
along a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This is stated by ______.

A. Law of Acceleration
B. Law of Amalgamation
C. Law of Interaction
D. Law of Inertia

124. Meteorology can predict which of the following natural phenomena?

A. Volcanic eruptions
B Solar flares
C. Typhoons
D. Earthquakes

125. Because these rocks are formed from molten or partly molten magma, they will
most likely
be found around Mt. Pinatubo and Mayon Volcano.

A. Metamorphic
B. Organic
C. Sedimentary
D. Igneous

126. These statements about planets are true, EXCEPT:

A. The denser a planet is, the closer it is to the sun.

B. Planets closer to the sun have shorter years.
C. The farther a planet is from the sun, the cooler it is.
D. The larger the planet, the stronger is its gravitational pull on the sun.

127. Which of the following is an application of the thermodynamic property of change in

of matter in response to a change in temperature?

A. Putting steel utensils in a pot cooking food

B. Inflating of a rubber balloon
C. Placing small gaps in concrete or steel in railroad tracks and bridges
D. Handling hot kitchenware with thick cloth

128. What will happen to blue litmus paper when soaked in soda drinks? It will:

A. remain blue because soda is a base.

B. remain blue because soda is an acid.
C. turn red because soda is a base.
D. turn red because soda is an acid.

129. Which of the following organelles is not present in all cells?

A.cell membrane
B.Membrane bound nucleus

130. Which statement best describes veins?

A. they have smaller diameters than arteries

B. they have thick walls
C. they carry oxygenated blood
D. they carry blood towards the heart

131. A man with type A blood marries a woman with type B blood. Which of the
following is

A. They have a type A child

B. They have a type O child
C. They have a type AB child
D. None of the above

132. Which phase change is correctly defined?

A. Condensation is the change from gas to liquid.

B. Melting involves a change from liquid to gas.
C. Evaporation is a change from solid to gas without passing the liquid state.
D. Sublimation is a change from solid to liquid.

133. Which of the following pairs demonstrates symbiosis?

A. Man and lice

B. Chick and corn plant
C. Monkey and banana
D. Butterfly and bean flower

134. The zigzag road to Baguio represents which kind of simple machine?

A. Lever
B. Wedge
C. Wheel and axle
D. Inclined Plane

135. Why is a dam built wider at the bottom than at the top?

A. To withstand the greater pressure at the bottom.

B. To balance the pressure at the top
C. It holds up the dam better than at the center.
D. It anchors the dam better.

136. Two pots of the same size are filled with boiling water. One pot is colored white
and the
other is black. In which pot will water cool faster?

A. Will cool at the same rate

B. In black pot
C. In white pot
D. In both pots

137. Which is/are (an) advantage/s of the coming oif Genetically Modified Organism

I. Improved resistance of plants to diseases, pests and herbicides

II. Increased maturation time of fruits
III. Enhanced taste and quality

A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I only

138. Nuclear power relies on which of the following chemical reactions?

A. Nuclear fusion
B. Chemiosomosis
C. Binary fission
D. Nuclear fission

139. You inherited tallness from your father. Physical traits are transmitted from parents
offspring through ________.

A. gametes
B. alleles
C. chromosomes
D. genes

140. If no more solute can be dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature, then that
solution is
called _________.

A. saturated
B. saturable
C. unstable
D. dispersed

141. A horizontal row of elements on the Periodic Tabel is known as a(n) _________.

A. group or family
B. size
C. atomic number
D. period or series

142. Geothermal energy, an energy resource in the country, is based on which


A. Earth’s internal energy heats its surface more than the sun does.
B. There are concentrations of heat in some places of earth’s crust.
C. Heat energy from the sun penetrates deep into the earth.
D. Human activity is the largest source of heat energy on earth.

143. A virus has a protective shell that encloses its nucleic acid which is called

A. Capsid
B. Plasmid
C. Nuclear membrane
D. Nucleoid

144. Which one links the computers to base computer making it possible to share
software materials?

A. Local Area Network

B. Interface
C. Modem
D. Internet

145. Which desktop icon can be used to access the files and programs in the

A. My Briefcase
B. My Computer
C. My Documents
D. Taskbar

146. Which statement/s on ICT is/are TRUE?

I. The use of ICT has negative effects

II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits
III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries

A. I and II
B. III only
C. II only
D. I and III

147. Which of the following shows file size from largest to smallest?
A. Gigabyte, Megabyte, Kilobyte, Byte
B. Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte
C. Megabyte, Gigabyte, Kilobyte, byte
D Kilobyte, Megabyte, Byte, Gigabyte

148. In line with the green use of ICT, which should be done when device breaks down?

I. Refurbish it
II. Break it apart and use its components and parts
III. Use parts a spares

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. I, II and Ill

149. What does digital divide refer to?

I. The gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology
and those
with very limited or no access at all
II. The imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills
needed for
effective participation
III. The gap in the ages of ICT users

A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II, and III

150. To reduce electronic wastes, implement a recycling system. Which activities

belong to an
e-waste recycling system?

I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment

A. I, II, and III

B. I and II
C. I only
D. II only

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. –
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. A
31. C
32. A
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. –
40. –
41. –
42. A
43. A
44. C
45. –
46. C
47. C
48. D
49. –
50. C
51. A
52. C
53. C
54. C
55. B
56. A
57. D
58. D
59. D
60. B
61. B
62. B
63. D
64. B
65. B
66. C
67. B
68. A
69. C
70. D
71. –
72. C
73. D
74. B
75. A
76. C
77. C
78. C
79. B
80. D
81. C
82. A
83. B
84. D
85. B
86. B
87. A
88. C
89. A
90. D
91. A
92. A
93. A
94. C
95. C
96. A
97. A
98. D
99. A
100. B
101. C
102. A
103. D
104. D
105. D
106. B
107. B
108. D
109. A
110. A
111. A
112. C
113. C
114. D
115. C
116. C
117. D
118. C
119. D
120. D
121. C
122. A
123. D
124. C
125. D
126. A
127. C
128. D
129. B
130. D
131. D
132. A
133. D
134. D
135. A
136. B
137. C
138. D
139. D
140. A
141. D
142. B
143. A
144. A
145. B
146. A
147. A
148. D
149. A
150. b

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