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UNIX Operating System Section 1

1. Explain buffer header.

2. Explain link() and unlink() system call in detail.
3. Write a note on Kernel’s data structure for process.
4. Write a note on redirection of I/O.
5. Draw and explain data structures of Kernel related to file system and
process subsystem.
6. Explain creat ( ) system call.
7. Explain different operating system services.
8. Explain open system call and its algorithm in detail. Which data
structures are manipulated after. Open system call ?
9. Describe the actions taken by Kernel while allocating a buffer for a disk
block, when the Kernel can not find the block on the hash queue and free
list of buffers is empty.
10. How Kernel maintains processor execution level to prevent occurrence
of interrupts during critical activity ?
11. Which system call is used for creation of special files explain in detail ?
12. Why Unix is called as multiprogramming ? Give an example and explain.
13. Suppose Kernel does a delayed write of a block. What happens when
another process takes that block from its hash queue or free list ?
14. Write short note on lseek system call.
15. Describe data structures used by running processes in UNIX.
16. Describe link and unlink system call.
17. Explain pipe system call with syntax example.
18. Explain “bwrite” algorithm.
19. Give the formula for computation of byte offset, also find out the byte
offset for inode number 8 in the block if each disk inode occupies 64 bytes
and there are 8 inodes per disk block.
20. List the fields in Super block.
21. Processes running in kernel mode cannot be preempted by other processes.
22. List scenario of “getblk” algorithm.
23. Explain “creat” system call.
24. What will be the output of below given commands ? Describe.
a. Who
b. who &
c. cd/usr/src/uts
d. cd ../..
e. Who am i
25. Describe “mount” system call.
26. List the fields present in in-core inode.
27. List the features of UNIX operating system.
28. Describe fie system layout.
29. Give the formula for computation of block number, also find out the disk
block number for inode number 8 if block 2 is the beginning of the inode
list and there are 8 inodes per block.
30. Explain “lseek” system call.
31. Explain “bread” system call algorithm in detail.
32. What are processor execution level and how the influence the interrupt
handling ?
33. Write a short note on User Perspective of the Unix System.
34. Write a short note on Iseek system call.
35. Write a short note on System Structure of Unix OS.
36. Write a short note on Creation of named pipe.
37. Write a short note on File System Abstractions.
38. Write a short note on Amount system call.
39. Write a short note on iget system call
40. Write a short note on Super block of file system
41. Write a short note on History of Unix OS
42. Write a short note on Creation of Special File
43. Write a short note on Advantages and disadvantages of cache
44. Write a short note on File system maintenance.
45. Explain link () and unlink () system call in detail.
46. Describe Kernel data structure for file.
47. Describe advantage and disadvantage of buffer header.
48. Write a note on directories.
49. Draw and explain Unix System Architecture.
50. Draw and explain structure of buffer header.
51. Draw and explain file system layout.
52. Write bread algorithm.
53. Explain conversion from pathname to inode (algorithm namei).
54. Explain fourth scenario and fifth scenario for allocation of buffer by
getblk algorithm.
55. Explain the architecture of UNIX Operating System with the help of
block diagram.
56. Explain architecture of unix operating system with the help of block diagram.
57. Explain in detail structure of regular file with the help of example.
58. Write and explain alloc algorithm in detail.
59. Write and explain algorithm for buffer allocation.
60. Explain Kernel stack and User stack in detail with example.
61. Explain in detail how Kernel read and write the disk block.
62. Explain an algorithm for conversion of path name to an inode.
63. Describe allocation and release of disk block (alloc and free algorithm).
64. Explain algorithm for open system call. Also explain the data structure
used for open system call with example.
65. Explain the algorithm for conversion of a path name to an inode.
66. Explain Open system all and its algorithm in detail. Which data
structures are manipulated after Open system call ?
67. To keep the inode structure small yet and still allow large files. How disk
blocks are arranged in System V Unix System ?
68. Draw and explain the block diagram of the system kernel.
69. Explain the algorithm for inode assignment to a newly created file.
70. Give the classification of system calls based on different category.
71. Explain with example “the race for free buffer” and “race for locked
buffer” in getblk algorithm.
72. Explain following terms in the light of System architecture of Unix OS :
a. User stack
b. Kernel stack
c. Context of a process
d. Context Switch
e. Process State
73. Explain the structure of Buffer header and Buffer pool. What are the
advantages of Buffer Cache ?
74. Explain the structure of a Regular file and describe with example how
conversion of byte offset to block number takes place.
75. Explain following terms in the light of hardware assumption for Unix OS
Kernel mode
User mode
Execution levels.
76. Explain what are inodes ? Describe in-core inodes and disk inodes.
77. Explain in details allocation of disk blocks (alloc algorithm) with neat diagram
and example.
78. Explain the architecture of UNIX operating system with help of block
79. Explain the algorithm of inode assignment of newly created file.(ialloc
80. Explain getblk algorithm for buffer allocation scenarios.
81. State what is inode. Explain all fields of disk inode and incore inode in detail.
82. Explain direct and indirect block with respect to storage of block in inode.
Draw the diagram.
83. Write and explain getblk algorithm.

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