Hydro Test Procedure

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NDT Competency Centre] ” Document no. - D&A-NDE-HPT-001 Rev 0| PROCEDURE NO-DBANDE/MPT/OO1 DATE: 87,2018 PROCEDURE FOR HYDROSTATIC. EXAMINATION ‘Prepared by ee A Arab, pcan fe uy 2018 Clasifeation: Pub Page 1 of 8 NDT Competency centre LARSEN & TOUBRO DDEFENCE-IC Document no, - DRAYNDE-HPT-001 Rev 0 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cove Page “Table of Cones 0 Scope 20 Requirement 3.0 Appliatle Docanests 20 53.0 Miselacoas Regent 6.0 Calitston 710 Test method ‘80 Acceptance Standard 910 Post Cleaning 100 Report 0 Repsir Rees 12, Resord Reston yo Test Examination Report LARSEN & TOUBRO DEFENCE Document no, - DRANDE-HPT-0O1 score ‘This Procedure covers the yrostatc Testing of upstream piping spots of DRDL site The ayo test shal be conducted ony ater the piping is completely supported on the permanent supports ‘The test methods or techniques of thse methods canbe used fr dhelocatonofleaks or ‘the measurement of leakage rates. [REQUIRMENT: For the loak testing method or technique specified by the referencing Code, the referencing ‘Code Seton shall then be consulted forte fllwing {@) personnel qualifeation/cersieation (b) techniquo()/calloration standards (¢) exentof examination (a) acceptable test sensitivity or leskage rate (c) report requirements (O retention of records APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Drawing No, 7012-01-¥-03 Ro, 77012-02-X.01 A, 77012-01X-02 RO, 77012-01-X-07 RO, 177012-91-%-09 RO, 77012-01-X-10 RO.77042-01-X-12 RO, 77012-01X-05 RD,77012-01%- 11 0, 77012-01-G.01 RE, 7012-0-6-01 Rs, 77012-01-G01 RO, 77012-01-6-03,77012 01-6-02 0, Section Vit Div 0699 "EQUIPMENT: Gauge Range When dial ndeating and recoding pressure gages) ae used in leak testing they Should preferably have the dal) graduated over arange cf approximately double the Intended maximum pressure, but inno case shall he rangebeless than LS nor mare ‘han four mes that pressure Gauge Location: ‘When components ae to be pressure tested the da indetng gauge) shall be Eonnected othe component oro the component froma remete loston withthe [puge(e) really vile tothe operator controling the promireacuum throughout the duration of pressurizing evacuating testing and depressurizingorventingof the ‘Component For large vesas or systems where neor mor gages are specied oF Feqlred, 2 recording ype gauges recommended, and It maybe substitute for one of| the wo ormore ndeating ype gages ‘© When other types of gnges) are required by an applicable Mandatory Append they ‘may be used in conjunction with orm place of aia ndeatig or reconing pe gages uly 2018 Claeifcation: Publ Page 3 of 8 tes LARSEN & TOUBRO DEFENCE Document no. NDT Competency Centre DAA-NDEHIPT-001 Rev 0 5, MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS: Gesones: ‘The surface areas tobe tested shal be fre of ol groase pin, or athr contaminants that might masa eae Iiquids are used to clean the component orifahydrosatc or hyo pneumatic ests prformed before ea testing the component shall be dry before leak testing, Opening ‘Allopenings shal be sealed using plugs, covers, sealing wes coment or other sultable ‘mater hat canbe ready and completely removed ater completion a the est. ‘Sealing materials shall be tracer as ree. ‘Temperate: ‘The minimum metal temperature forall components during tes shall beas specified {nthe applicable specication ‘The minimum or maximum tomperatue during the tst shall not exceed that ‘temperature compatible wth the leak testing method or technique ure, Pressure/Vacuum (Pressure Lit) Unless specified inthe applicable drawing speciation or bythe referencing Code Section, components that ae to be pessureeak tested stall ot betested ata pressure ‘exceeding 25% ofthe Design Pressure, 6. CALIBRATION: ‘A. Pressure/Vacuum Gauges: (@) Al da indicating nd recording type gauges used shalbecallbrated against a Standard deadweight tester, a calibrated master gauge, ora mercury column and calibrated at east once ea, when in use unless speed diferent bythe "eferencing speifistion, Ill gages ued shal provide results accurate to within the Manufacture’ listed scciracy and shal le reaibrated at anytime that theres reason to beleve they arin {@) When other shan ial indicating or recording typ gauges are required by an applicable standard, they shal be caloated a required beh Mandatory ‘Appendix or eferencng code Section Temperature Measuring Devices: ‘When temperature measurements required by the eerencing Standard, the device(s) ‘shallbe calibrated in accordance wid the requlrements ofthat Code Seton iendary Ape fads uy 2018 Coane Pe meat] 'NDT Compatency Contre LARSEN & TOUBRO = DEFENCE-IC Document no, - DRANDE-HPT-001 Rev 0 ‘Test medium shall be clean potable water. The quality of wate shall be analyzed after fl ‘up but rior to pressurization The chloride shall nt exceed 4Nppin. Before applying pressure spodl/ valve shall examine tose that fastens are tht as per required argue ‘Value. Torgue tighten shall performed as per drawing A. SoakTime Prior to examination the test pressure shal be eli fora ininum te a pete in dri 8, Temporttre: Asa tandard technique, he temperature of surface of the part be ass] ap (ev iets i 7 | esac Crag neo] TOT - Heater 05 e ~ - =| ect ope pine LGT | > Tass] ap (sesintwtac) i 74 REMOTE VISUAL EXAMINATION: In some ases,remote visual examination may have tobe substted for direct ‘examination Remote visual examination may use visual lds ich as mirror, telescopes, ‘oreseopes Aber opis, cameras, oF other suitable instrument Such syst shall have 3 resolution capability at east equivalnt a that obtainable by dct visual observation. 172 TRANSLUCENT VISUAL EXAMINATION: ‘Translucent visual examinations a supplement of rec visual examination. The method of ‘ransucont visual examination ure te ad of artical lighting which canbe conaine Snluminator that produces directional iting The luminatr shall provide ight ofan intensity tht wil uminate and dase te light evenly throug the area or region under ‘ramon, The ambient lighting mist be so arrange tat there are no surface ares ot feflections from the surface der examination and shall ele than the ight applied {hrough the area or region under examination The aril ight source shall have sulicent Intensity to permie“canding” any translucent laminate hieknes arations | LARSEN & TOUBRO | DEFENCE-IC DBANDE-HPT-001 Rey 0 {ACCEPTANCE STANDARD: ‘Unless otherwise specified in the referencing standard the aceptance criteria given in technique the area under tests aceptable when no sweat, drplt or continous bubble formation is observed, 9, POSTTEST CLEANING: After testing surface cleaning may be required for product serviceabily. 10. REPORT: Report ofthe examination shall be made as per the enclosed report format (Sample Report format Attached) Al ecordable indications shall be reported “The test report shall contain, 84 minimum, the following information as applicable to the method or technique: (@) ate ortst (Qycertied evel and name of operator (e)tes procedure (aumber) and revision number (@)eest method or technique (test results (0 component identification (Gq) testinsrument standard leak and material dentition (hy test conditions, est pressure (i) gauge(s) manufacturer model range and idenieation Nunber (jtempersture measuring device(s) and idemifcation number(s) (sketch showing method or technique setup. 11, REPAIR / RETEST: ‘When leakage ts observed, the locaton ofthe leak() shall be marked. The component shall, ‘hen be depressurized, and theleak(s) repaired a5 required bythe referencing Standard [Aer repairs have been mae the repaired area or areas shallbe retested in accordance ‘withthe requirements 12, RECORD RETENTION: "The test report shal be maintained in accordance with the requrements ofthe relerencing Standard Babes i IREFORTO- © LARSEN & TOUBRO Hyorosranic test [pate DEFENCEAC TALEGAON REPORT [PAGE No. Projea. [ease pment Narre [Equpnent Sc inspection Agerey [ead Spe [Procedure NOB Rav [SuppeShep Na [nspeced iy saree mee [Examinsten ‘Sa9e |iSTRUMENTS USED FOR TESTING : insumer Tira Wo wy ‘cava [premsre Guage [Pressure Guage [Pressure Guape [Recoraer Tanase aie vee Tester Teen Tking Tine (at Test re Hs Temp. at Yet Deg 5 yerotes Peston intl Veal lord Content eM Date of Test JROTES Cann Ti Gandia) Test Winenedy es TOMER OCTIPT— rage-tor

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