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Laboratory Exercise No.

Control Design Toolkit in LabVIEW 

1. Objective:
The activity aims to create models, simulation and analysis using control design toolkit in LabVIEW.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 Create s-transfer functions and simulate frequency response using LabVIEW.
2.2 Create standard transfer function using matlab.
3. Discussion:
The ​Model Construction palette contains several functions for creating models. The resulting model is
represented as a cluster. This cluster can be used as input argument to other functions, e.g. for simulation,
frequency response analysis, etc.
On the ​Model Construction palette there are also functions for displaying the transfer function nicely on
the front panel.1
Once the model is created, you can simulate it using functions on the ​Time Response palette​, and you
can perform analysis, for example frequency response analysis using functions on the Frequency
Response palette. Note that these simulation and analysis functions can be used on both continuous-time
models and discrete-time models.
● The CD Construct Transfer Function Model function (CD means Control Design) (on the Model
Construction palette) defines a transfer function.
● The CD Draw Transfer Function function (on the Model Construction palette) displays the transfer
function nicely in on the front panel (using a picture indicator which can be created by right-clicking
on the Equation output of the function).
● The CD Step Response function (on the Time Response palette) simulated the step response,
assuming the input step has amplitude 1.
● The CD Bode function (on the Frequency Response palette) plots the frequency response in a
Bode plot.
4. Resources:
5. Procedure:
A. Creating s-functions 

1. Create  a  folder  with  a  filename  Maranan_YourSurname_LabExer12.  All  virtual 
instruments must be save inside this directory. 
2. Using the block diagram as shown below, create the model and show its simulation 

3. Use the following data: 

4. Save it as YourSurname_le12_procA. 
B. Standard Transfer Function 
1.Using the block diagram as shown below, create a first order transfer function with 
gain 2, time constant 3 seconds and time delay 4 seconds and show the result. 

2. Save it as YourSurnamce_le12_procB. 

C. Standard Parallel PID Controller 

1.Using  the  block  diagram  as  shown  below,  create  and  display  a  PID  Academic 

2. Use the following data: 

3. Save it as YourSurname_le12_procC. 

D. Series connection of transfer function models 
1.Using the block diagram as shown below, obtain the resulting transfer function of two 
transfer functions connected in series using the CD Series function. 


2.Use the following data: 

3. ​Save it as YourSurnamce_le12_procD.

E. Feedback connection of continuous-time transfer function models 
1.Using the block diagram as shown below, get the resulting transfer function of two 
continuous-time transfer functions connected in a feedback loop. 


2.Use the following data: 

3. Save it as YourSurname_le12_procE. 

F. Control system analysis and simulation 
1.Using  the  block  diagram as shown below, analyze and simulate feedback control 


2. Use the following data: 


3. Save it as YourSurname_le12_procF.

Course: ​ECE 003 Laboratory Exercise No.: ​12
Group No.:  Section: 
Group Members: ​Naranjo, Zeny N. Date Performed: ​September 23, 2017
Date Submitted: ​September 30, 2017
  Instructor: ​Engr. Crispulo Maranan
6. Data and Results: 
A. Procedure A 


B. Procedure B 


C. Procedure C 


D. Procedure D 


E. Procedure E 


F. Procedure F 




I therefore conclude that LabVIEW or Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is
a system-design platform and development environment for a visual programming language​. Through this
activity we are able to create models, simulation and analysis using this design toolkit.

8. Further Readings:
Seborg Dale E., Edgar, Thomas F., and Mellichamp Duncan A. (2004). Process Dynamics and
Control. Singapore: Wiley.
Knopf, F. C. (2012). Modeling, analysis and optimization of process and energy systems.Hoboken,
New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Velten, K. (2009). Mathematical modeling and simulation: introduction for scientists and engineers.
Singapore: Wiley-VCH.

9. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):
(Engineering Programs)
Student Outcome (e): Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
practice in complex engineering activities.
Program: ​Chemical Engineering​ Course: CHE 506 Section: _______ ____Sem SY ________
Performance  Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Score
Indicators 1 2 3 4
1. Apply Fails to identify Identifies Identifies modern Recognizes the
appropriate any modern modern techniques and is benefits and
techniques, techniques to techniques but able to apply these constraints of
skills, and perform fails to apply in performing modern engineering
modern tools discipline-specifi these in discipline-specific tools and shows
to perform a c engineering performing engineering task. intention to apply
discipline-spe task. discipline-specifi them for engineering
cific c engineering practice.
engineering task.
2. Demonstrate Fails to apply Attempts to Shows ability to Shows ability to
skills in any modern apply modern apply fundamental apply the most
applying tools to solve tools but has procedures in using appropriate and
different engineering difficulties to modern tools when effective modern
techniques problems. solve solving engineering tools to solve
and modern engineering problems. engineering
tools to solve problems. problems.
3. Recognize Does not Recognizes Recognizes the Recognizes the
the benefits recognize the some benefits benefits and need for benefits
and benefits and and constraints constraints of and constraints of
constraints of constraints of of modern modern engineering modern engineering
modern modern engineering tools and shows tools and makes
engineering engineering tools. intention to apply good use of them for
tools. tools. them for engineering practice.

Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 12) x 100%
Evaluated by: ​Engr. Crispulo G. Maranan June 31, 2017
Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date


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