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A BYTE OF LIFE Monday, August 4, 2008

10 08
RANVIR’S RUN Return of the Kingmaker
Channel [V] to Ugly aur Dalmiya returns to cricket adminis-
Pugly tration with a bang!


Last band standing Parikrama and Strings performed at Wesley

Grounds, Royapettah, on Saturday. While a
prolonged sound-check session marred
Parikrama’s act, Strings more than
» PAGES 2 & 3
02 NAMMA CHENNAI ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

From the website

Parikrama says: “We can still boast virgins,
teetotallers, immoderate non-smokers, two
married men, and at least one bisexual man
amongst the seven of us.” It’s your guess!

Father’s clout Forget sound check

saves son
The son of a senior IPS
officer, now attached to
the Railways, was
caught red-handed for
shoplifting from a video
rental store in
Nungambakkam. The
youngster attempted to slip
away with a few CDs but the store
staff nabbed him and handed him over
to the cops. His father’s clout and a
sympathetic policeman saved the son
from further trouble.

Lucrative compromises
Most of the cases that come to the
Land Grabbing Cell of the city police
head to ‘lucrative compromises.’ The
reason – a ‘flexible’ senior lady cop.
Some cases are talked and sorted
around the table with the cop’s lawyer-
husband acting as the mediator. The
husband is also known to be soliciting
land dispute case clients from his side
and bringing it to the ‘attention’ of his
wife in khaki.

SIM cards in prison

The price to hold a SIM card inside the

Puzhal prison for convicts is known to

be nearly Rs. 75,000. The recent busting
of SIM cards inside the prison held by a
terrorist made headlines. Reliable khakis
reveal that SIMs are handed to some
convicts by money-minded cops who
keep the handset and hand it over to
the detainees whenever they need to
make a call. (From left) Nitin Malik, Chintan Kalra, Saurabh Choudhary, Sonam Sherpa

MITHRA SURESH (keyboard), Chintan Kalra (bass), crowd jumping and applauding Srijan Mahajan (drums), Shambu at these precise moments. Espe-
Nath (tabla), Imran Khan (violin). cially worthwhile was Imran

arikrama, one of the most With such a variety of sounds, it is Khan’s solo ‘Open Skies’, besides
popular rock bands in In- no wonder that the band quotes which the band performed their
dia, who boasts of having their favourite influences as Lyn- highly famous ‘But it Rained’, a
played 1000 concerts in In- ryd Skynyrd, The Doors, Led Zep- tribute to the victims of the Kargil
dia and abroad, performed along pelin and others. war.
with Pakistani band Strings, on The original songs that they did Although the band was satis-
Saturday at Wesley Grounds in perform were only amplified in factory in their performance, they
Royapettah. They performed as their performance because of the played covers which has often
part of IIPM’s annual cultural sound of Imran Khan’s violin, been a source of contention
fest, A-maze ‘08. which was heavenly and had the amongst fans of the band. The
The band performed succeeding band, Strings
several of their crowd- played only originals,
favourites along which as some of the crowd
with a number of members said, is their plus
covers, including point.
Highway to Hell Since the band arrived
(AC/DC), The late, and also had their
Trooper, Fear of sound check to top it all,
the Dark (Iron the concert started two
Maiden) and a badly hours late. However, Ergo
done version of Yellow managed to catch up with
(Coldplay). Parikrama’s grace is Subir, who was rushing to
that, like many other successful set up the equipment for
Indian rock bands, they have the band.
used ethnic sounds with the help Listen to the podcast to
of the violin and the tabla. hear what he has to say
The band members of Parikra- about the band, their stage
ma are Nitin Malik (vocals), So- performances with Iron
nam Sherpa (guitar), Saurabh The star of the ensemble: Maiden and Saif Ali Khan.
Choudhary (guitar), Subir Malik Imran Khan ■
Monday, August 4, 2008
All Strings attached
Strings undid what Parikrama didn’t do

SHALINI SHAH Strings’ first live performance in India after the release of
their new album, Koi Aane Wa-

S trings came as a refreshing

break – not just because the
band that preceded them had a
la Hai. ‘Humsafar’ and the al-
bum’s title track figured on the
evening’s play list.
three-hour sound ‘Na Jaane Kyun’, that haunt-
testing session ing track from the OST of Spi-
followed by an der-Man 2, also Strings’ first
hour-and-a-half- movie assignment, proved a
long concert, hit with the audience.
that too mostly As did ‘Dhaani’, with the au-
comprising covers. dience more than keeping up
With an antics-free, no- with the duo.
theatrics approach to singing, The shy Bilal, who confined
it’s easy to understand how himself to the guitar-playing
Strings has endeared itself to and backup vocals till this
fans here – probably the best point, took centrestage with
and most successful Pakista- ‘Anjaane’, here too ably joined
ni crossover band since Ju- in by the crowd.
noon. At IIPM’s While most recall ‘Duur’ as
Amaze’08, held at Wes- Strings’ first hit, it was ‘Sarki
ley Grounds, Royapet- yeh pahad’ which made Faisal
tah, Strings was and Bilal optimistic about a
welcomed with a singing comeback eight years
sigh of relief. after the original four-member
As lead vocalist band’s split in 1992.
Faisal Kapadia “This song gave us the cour-
brought to our age to come back,” said Faisal.
attention, Sat- Strings ensured that an eve-
urday’s con- ning that didn’t start too well
cert was ended on a right note. ■

Strings and notes

Any Strings fan would notice the attention
that goes into most of Strings’ videos.
Commenting on the role music videos have
played in the band’s popularity so far, Bilal
says, “Video did play a role in the band’s
success initially. Now we hardly see our
music videos. It’s just Bollywood now. We
can’t depend on the videos anymore. With
corporate funding and the kind of money
being pumped into films now, it’s difficult
for us to compete when it comes to music
The lyrics for all of Strings’ songs, since the
time of its formation, are written by none
other than Anwar Maqsood, Bilal’s father. “I
don’t think we can work without him,” says

While Faisal and Bilal are the face of Strings,

Adeel on the lead guitar, Haider on
keyboards, Qaiser on drums and Shakir on
the bass guitar have become almost a
permanent fixture on Strings’ concert
04 KALEIDOSCOPE ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Find a mate in 90 secs

This image taken from the internet shows the home page of, a US start-up built on a belief that it does not
take more than 90 seconds to find a life partner. The website
and its competitors apply the latest Internet technology to
speed dating, a phenomenon that started a decade ago with
men and women darting from table to table to chat in
rapid-fire succession at a time keeper’s signal. AFP PHOTO

Feathers, building
blocks of future?
Scientist creates a new composite building board made of chicken feathers

Filipino scientist says he
has created a new compos-
ite building board made of
쒀 chicken feathers that could
A military leg amputee catches a wave be a major breakthrough for the
during Operation Amped, a surf camp for construction industry in Asia.
injured service men and women on The new material would be re-
Saturday at Camp Pendleton, California. sistant to the region’s armies of
Patients from Naval Medical Center San termites, and could also solve a
Diego (Balboa) with amputations, spinal major environment problem in
injuries and traumatic brain injuries learn the Philippines by providing a
to address cognitive, physical, and way to dispose of millions of kilos
psycho-social skills during the surfing of waste feathers each year.
instruction as part of their rehabilitation The research done by Universi-
program. AFP PHOTO ty of the Philippines Los Baqos
professor Menandro Acda, which
is funded by the Ford Conserva-
tion and Environmental Grants
programme, is being heralded as
economically and environmen-
tally sound.
Acda said the material, made of
compressed cement and chicken
feathers, could be widely used for
housing, replacing boards now
made with wood chips, which are
easily ruined by hungry insects.
The composite boards are “re-
sistant to insect infestation such
as termites because the feathers
are inedible,” Acda said.
“They are also not as flamma-
ble or combustible as conven-
tional cement and wood-fibre
composite boards,” he added. Al-
though more research needs to
be done, Acda said the feather
boards could be used for panel-
ling, ceilings and as insulation
but not for weight-bearing build-
ing components like walls or pil-
A Philippino worker plucks a chicken beside a pile of waste
chicken feathers at a farmers market in Manila. (Below)
The researcher said his work
University of the Philippines professor Menandro Acda
would also solve the significant
displays processed chicken feathers at left and a composite
problem of disposing of the 2.4
building board made with mixture of feathers and cement
million tonnes of feathers pro-
at his laboratory in Los Banos. AFP PHOTOS
duced each year by the Philip-
pines poultry industry, while
doing less damage to the environ-
ment. ■

The researcher said his

쒀 work would also
Michelito, a 10-year-old rising star in
Mexico’s bullfighting world poses near solve the significant
Sonnailler bull ring on Saturday in the problem of disposing
French city of Arles. A controversial event of the 2.4 million
in Arles in which a child matador was to
participate in a so-called beginner’s tonnes of feathers
bullfight with calves, was banned by produced each
authorities hours before it was set to take
place. AFP PHOTO year by the Philippines
poultry industry
Monday, August 4, 2008
Websites of the day
Test your spelling ability - are you
as good as you think? Lots of
people called Peter. All in one

Shalin Jain,
Founder and
CEO of

to go
Shalin Jain’s software product development firm is an extension of his high-school hobby
markets. a four-page website I created for action development tool kit for online opinion sharing portal)
the benefit of her students,” Sha- flash), Flash Wallpaper (an inter- and Addza (address book soft-
Hobby to a profession lin recalls the first salary he got active wallpaper), (an ware for Windows). ■
Though Shalin says the last from an international customer.
eight years has been “a slow and By purely creating websites and
organic growth,” Tenmiles is a ad banners, the turnover of his
case in point from other aspiring company was $1000 in the first
entrepreneurs who are either year itself. Juggling college and MILES TO GO!

t 15, when boys of his age conceiving the idea or waiting to work was no hindrance, and one How the name Tenmiles came? “I worked for a brief
were burning the midnight get VC funding before launching. thing just led to another. period with a multimedia company as web designer,
oil preparing for IIT, Shalin “I was lucky in that way as one where I had to commute between my home and office
Jain was busy creating web- product helped in funding the Building products (Vepery to Mylapore up and down was around 10 miles).
sites as a hobby. His first big-bud- other,” says the statistics gradu- Though computers were not I did not want to travel and so decided to start my own
get commercial project for a ate from Loyola College, Chen- his core subjects, programming company and thus the name,” he explains.
music company got him Rs. nai. became interesting with the There’s one lesson he learnt as an entrepreneur. “We
15,000. He started doing business from teacher. He soon picked C++ and never did market analysis on any of our products. I went
By 18, he held sole proprietor- his college days with his bedroom was ready with the company’s with my gut feeling and took calculative risks,” says the
ship of Tenmiles Corporation, a being the office – his PC and the first product. “Screenswift, our entrepreneur, whose hobbies include writing poetry and
software product development internet connection was enough first product, ranks among the photography.
company started out of an exten- to coordinate with clients. A step top three in its market share,” he Tenmiles is mulling to become India’s most well-known
sion of his hobbies. Today, at 26, forward was the launch of Ten- says. “My biggest challenge – we product development company. “What Adobe is today
this self-taught entrepreneur is miles (2000), where he catered to worked eight weekends on the we want to achieve,” he says.
his own boss and has released customers abroad. product.” Their other products (If you are an entrepreneur with a successful business model or
seven software products, both in “A school teacher in the US include Livemon (web analytics know one, write to us at
the national and international sent me a cheque worth $100 for software), Dash Projector (a rapid
IN A MINUTE Company: Tenmiles Corporation I Started: 2000 I Founder/ CEO: Shalin Jain I Team: 10 I Know Me Better:
06 VILLAGE ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Shower before gambling

A New York City man is livid after
being ejected from an Atlantic City
casino for having unbearable body
odour. The man said he knew he stank,
but he didn’t deserve to be kicked out.

Don’t streak, get drunk or Punishing airlines whose

sleep outside passengers misbehave
Do not sleep outdoors to save money at the China will punish
Olympics. It is banned to “maintain public hygiene airlines whose
and the cultured image of cities.” Do not let the passengers refuse to
stifling summer heat tempt you into streaking, do disembark or
not get drunk nor set off fireworks nor wave misbehave in protest
“insulting banners.” Anyone with mental illnesses over problems like
or sexually transmitted diseases is banned. Smoking delayed flights, an
is not allowed at Olympic venues. “Foreigners must official said on
respect Chinese laws,” the website says. Thursday, as the
Reuters Olympics host tries to
lift standards before
the Games. Frustration
at mysterious delays
Staff urged to dress down, stay and abrupt diversions
and cancellations have
cool as U.N. heats up at times boiled over
The United Nations is encouraging its New York staff to into violence at
trade wool business suits for cooler attire this summer so Chinese airports, with passengers trying to storm
the organisation can slash air conditioning costs and help grounded aircraft and police having to be brought in to
the environment. “There is going to be a relaxing of the keep the peace. There have also been cases in which
dress protocols and people are being encouraged to wear passengers, after delayed arrivals, have refused to get off
lighter clothing,” said U.S. architect Michael Adlerstein, aircraft in protest. Deputy head of the civil aviation
who is overseeing a US$ 1.8 billion renovation of the 60- regulator, Yang Guoqing, said enough was enough after
year-old U.N. skyscraper. Adlerstein said about US$ 100,000 numerous warnings to airlines to treat their passengers
would be saved by turning the thermostats up 5 degrees to better appeared to have failed.
77 Fahrenheit (25 Reuters
Celsius) in the U.N.
secretariat building and
to 75 F (24 C) in
conference rooms, Charity home robbed of its
during a trial run in the
scorching month of cooking utensils
August. It would also A Malaysian charity home for mentally- disabled
help the environment in children discovered on Saturday morning that it was
New York City, he said. robbed of all its cooking utensils, a news report said
He said staff were being on Sunday. The robbers have taken 15 stainless steel
encouraged to shed and aluminium cooking pots as well as an electric rice
their trademark dark cooker. The caretaker of the home said the theft was
suits and switch to discovered when one of the six workers was about to
lighter business casual prepare food for the children. He said that he had to
clothing. borrow several cooking pots to prepare the food.
Reuters DPA

Is he too thin to win White house?

The Wall Street Journal has suggested that Obama might too fit to appeal the voters who tend to like
candidates with flaws that they can identify with

e may have all the qualities der’s suddenly vulnerable presi- While most candidates tend to
to become the next presi- dential campaign. tuck in fearlessly, thereby assur-
dent of the US but it looks Obama’s craze for exercise first ing themselves positive coverage
like there is one area Sen- raised eyebrows last month, in the local paper, Obama once “Sometimes it’s
ator Barack Obama falls short - when he stopped three times in visited a chocolate factory in
his slim physique. one day for workouts at Chicago Pennsylvania but turned down a hard to tell if
The Wall Street Journal has
suggested that Obama might too
gyms, prompting a reporter to
wonder: “Sometimes it’s hard to
piece of cake on the grounds that
it was “too decadent for me”.
Barack Obama
fit to appeal voters who tend to tell if Barack Obama is running Government statistics indicate is running for
like candidates with flaws that for president or Mr Universe.” that two-thirds of the overall vot-
they can identify with, reports It has also been widely noted ing population is overweight and
president or
Times Online. that Obama sometimes seems almost a third is obese. Mr Universe,”
Suggestions that Obama’s slim appalled when presented at elec- Yet, the 6ft 1in senator is reck-
a report said

physique is a liability in a nation tion meetings with the pride of oned to weigh 10lb-20lb less than
of mostly overweight voters has local cuisine, often a fat-smoth- the 190lb recommended weight
now marked a dangerous new ered hunk of meat or a sugary for his height. ■
turn for the Democratic conten- bun dripping in aerosol cream. ANI
Monday, August 4, 2008
Clean up your own mess This day, that year
Officers in Devon have developed a way to avoid
cleaning urine from city streets - they’ve put mops It was in August 4, 1993 that Japan
and buckets around the small town of Torquay so formally apologised for the first time to
drunks can do it themselves. Those refusing to clean women forced to serve its soldiers as
up their messes could face fines and jail time. sex slaves during World War II.

Britain’s silliest law bans person

from dying in Parliament!
bizarre law in UK that bans on the grounds that it is a Royal
a person from dying in the palace.
Houses of Parliament has “Anyone who dies there is
been voted as Britain’s technically entitled to a state fu-
most ridiculous law. neral. If they see you looking a bit
This law which topped the poll, sick they carry you out quickly,”
carried out by television channel said Nigel Cawthorne, author of
UKTV Gold, left behind other The Strange Laws of Old England.
weird laws like the law making it At number seven, is the Royal
an act of treason to place a post- Prerogative of 1324 which de-
age stamp bearing the monarch’s crees that any whale or sturgeon
head upside down on an enve- found on the British coast be-
lope. longs to the monarch.
Standing third in the poll was a Also on the list is Oliver Crom-
bye-law in Liverpool where wom- well’s decree from around 1644 to
en were apparently banned from combat gluttony by banning peo-
going topless in public unless ple from eating mince pies on
they worked in a tropical fish Christmas Day and the old Lon-
store. But this law has been called don bye-law allowing pregnant
an urban myth. woman to relieve themselves in a
“It’s something that has been policeman’s helmet.
heard of before and does crop up The poll also asked people to
from time to time, but it is ab- comment on some of the more
surd,” The Daily Telegraph quot- absurd international laws, and
ed a spokesman for Liverpool topping the list was a bye-law in
City Council, as saying. Ohio banning residents from get-
However, people are really ting a fish drunk. ■
banned from dying in parliament ANI

Standing third in the poll was a bye-law in

Liverpool where women were apparently
banned from going topless in public unless
they worked in a tropical fish store

Newborns for Dear terrorist uncle

11,000 pounds
N ewborn infants are allegedly
being sold by a controversial
‘baby factory’ for 11,000 pounds.
The centre in Warsaw, capital
city in Poland, is run by Elizhbeta
Shimanskaya, 32, who is a nurse.
It is home to 37 young surrogate
mothers who give birth for cou-
ples who are unable to have chil-
dren, but are happy to pay for a
The women have been medi-
cally examined and checked for
any family history of genetic dis- already has orders, and that she
ease. They have also promised will give birth to three babies.
never to touch alcohol or smoke “Poland needs more people -
during pregnancy. 1.5 million couples
Babies are usually 37 young face being childless.
conceived using the surrogate We are offering a ser-
male partner’s sperm. vice,” the Mirror quot-
Couples have to mothers are ed her as saying.
adopt the babies im- giving birth for While the Catholic
mediately after birth couples who Church is vehemently
irrespective of their opposing the initia-
health conditions. are unable to tive, most Poles are 쒀 Children hold placard messages to stop terrorism on World Friendship Day in
Elizhbeta has re- have children backing it. ■ Hyderabad on Sunday. PTI PHOTO
vealed that the centre ANI
08 SPORT ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Anil Ambani-led Reliance

Communications is looking for a
possible takeover of Premier League
football club Newcastle United for an
estimated 260 million pounds.


agmohan Dalmiya has final- After successfully challenging Shashank Manohar and current
ly made a fairytale comeback his BCCI ban from cricket admin- BCCI secretary Niranjan Shah to
to cricket administration istration at the Calcutta High take on his bitter critic and IPL
from an 18 month wilder- Court, it seems Dalmiya is ready oligarch Lalit Modi, who has rose
ness after the Board of Control for to bury the hatchet and forge a to great power following the
Cricket in India (BCCI) had strong relationship with few of grand success of the inaugural In-

Thriller 170-run barred him from holding any post

in cricket administration in the
country. The former Internation-
the influential members of the
board. “It doesn’t take long to
mend fences. But now if few of
dian Premier League.
With strong backing from the
Railways minister Lalu Prasad Ya-
win to India, al Cricket Council and Asian
Cricket Council president had si-
them have something against me,
they should treat the matter as a
dav (three votes belonging to the
Railways in the CAB elections

series levelled lently left the scene but now has

made a thunderous comeback
downing the current incumbent
personal tussle. The entire asso-
ciation (CAB) should not be made
a target.”
were cast in Dalmiya’s favour) it
will be difficult to dislodge this
astute administrator in his sec-
India inflicted a crushing 170-run Prasun Mukherjee at the annual The cricketing circle is abuzz ond innings at the helm. Only
defeat on Sri Lanka on the fourth Cricket Association of Bengal with rumours that Dalmiya has time will tell, whether, Dalmiya
day of the second Test at Galle on elections. cut a deal with the Sharad Pawar can once again emerge as a king-
Sunday to bounce back into the The return of the cricket czar is faction backed by president elect maker in BCCI politics. ■
three-match cricket series which now sure to give sleepless nights to a
stands levelled at 1-1 now. few current BCCI office bearers.
After India set Sri Lanka a target of They will find little solace al-
307, Harbhajan Singh (4/51) and though Dalmiya has made it clear
Ishant Sharma (3/20) bundled out the that he is not in the running for a
hosts for a paltry 136 on a dramatic BCCI post.” I have come back to
fourth day’s play which saw as many cricket administration not to grab
as 16 wickets fall. India thus made any power but for the improve-
amends for the Colombo debacle ment of the game and particular-
where Sri Lanka pounded them by ly cricket in Bengal. The BCCI
an innings and 239 runs. The teams may have some personal prob-
now return to Colombo for the lems with me but I don’t think
series decider beginning on August that will get into the day-to-day
8. handling of CAB,” he says.
For Sri Lanka, Thilan Samaraweera “Right now my focus is on Ben-
(67 not out) stood tall amid ruins gal cricket and we have been rele-
today but barring Tillakratne Dilshan gated to the plate division and we
(38), none of the home batsmen need to find the solutions imme-
offered any resistance. India earlier diately. I will sit down with my
could add only 69 runs to their colleagues and devise a strategy
overnight score of 200 for four to improve the situation. I will
before they collapsed, their last five personally speak to the players
wickets falling for just 14 runs in the and find out what went wrong.”
second essay. For the hosts, Ajantha
Mendis finished with four wickets in
the second innings to complete his
first match haul of 10 wickets.
After setting the hosts a victory
target of 307 runs, India’s pace duo
of Ishant and Zaheer Khan mowed
down the Lankan top order as the
pitch in the Galle International
Stadium suddenly sprang to life. In
fact, by the time Sri Lanka’s score
reached double digit in the fourth
over, the hosts were without in-form
Malinda Warnapura (0), dependable
Kumar Sangakkara (5) and batting
mainstay and captain Mahela
Jayawardene (5).
Monday, August 4, 2008

Everything is absolutely first class. They make
a huge effort in the security stakes. At no
stage have I felt in danger in Pakistan,"
Simon Taufel urging the Aussie cricket team
to take part in next month’s Champions Trophy in Pakistan

4 Days to Go....

Michael Phelps will be gunning
for 8 Olympic golds in Beijing

S swimming sensation Michael
Phelps has broken countless
world records and won a hatful of
Olympic medals, and it has all
been achieved with a blank mind.
The 23-year-old, who is aiming for an
unprecedented eight gold medals in
Beijing, revealed that when he hits the
water, he is totally in the zone.
I don’t think “Absolutely nothing,” Phelps said
when asked what went through his
mind while racing.
about anything “Someone asked me the other day
what I think about when I push off or
much when I’m when I first get in the water, and my
answer was ‘I have no idea’.”
in the water. It’s “I don’t think about anything much
when I’m in the water. It’s something
something I’ve I’ve done pretty much my whole career
and it works. I’m not going to change it
done pretty much now.”
The 23-year-old is aiming to better
my whole career Mark Spitz’s record of seven gold
medals at one Games.
and it works. I’m He fell short of that goal in Athens
four years ago, coming away with six
not going to gold medals and two bronze.
The American will swim the same
change it now events in Beijing that he tackled in
Athens: the 200m and 400m individual
medleys, the 100m and 200m butterflies,
the 200m freestyle, and the three relays.
“As of right now I feel the best I have
ever felt,” he said after a week of
training at the Singapore Island Country
Club with the rest of the US team. ■
10 FLICK ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Mind own business, Lindsay Lohan tells police chief

Lindsay Lohan hit back at the Los Angeles police chief who recently said the star of
films like Freaky Friday had “gone gay.” “Police chiefs shouldn’t get involved in
everybody else’s business or their personal lives. It’s inappropriate,” Lohan told
photographers. Video of the encounter was posted on celebrity website

SHOMA A. CHATTERJI for interviews for television and

the print media. It comes with

eet Ranvir Shorey. Fif- the trade. My emotional invol-
teen years of struggle vement is with the shooting and
have brought him to my role. I feel that as an actor I
where he is – the hero in have a responsibility towards
Mithya and again in Ugly Aur my audience and I must be hon-
Pugly, the drug addict-cum-con est to them.
man in Traffic Signal, the not-ve-
ry-successful but good-natured What is your definition of
older son in Khosla Ka Ghosla, acting and do you believe
the ditched groom in Honeymoon in freedom given to an
Travels Private Limited. He now actor by the director?
has five, big-banner releases I will borrow from someone
lined up from August till Decem- else’s definition because I truly
ber this year. An interview: believe in it. Acting is all about
living truthfully under imagina-
How would you define ry circumstances.
yourself as an actor? Are And yes, I do expect a lot of
you a natural actor, a freedom from my directors,
trained actor or a director’s whether I am anchoring a tele-
actor? vision show, a stage show or do-
For me, it is a combination of ing a film. I am lucky that all the
all three. I trained in acting at the directors I have worked with,
Atlantic Theatre in New York for from Rajat Kapoor to Saurabh
one year in 2003 much after I be- not sleep the night before the child and the entire film traces Shukla to Nikhil Advani and
gan working in films and on tele- shoot because I hade to look UGLY AUR my journey in love that is also a Madhur Bhandarkar, have given
vision. I could afford the drugged and have that vacant ex- process of my coming-of-age. It me a lot of freedom to explore
sabbatical because I had no work pression in the eyes, a familiar PUGLY is a love story that is also a com- and interpret within the frame-
at all, so my ‘career’ did not suf- sight in the nooks and corners of ing-of-age film. It is Sachin work the script spelt out.
fer. I am a natural actor because I
believe in giving myself totally to
Mumbai, especially in the Fort
area. Mere observation is not
HAS JUST Khot’s debut film as director.
How do you cope with the
the character I am doing at a giv-
en point of time. I am a director’s
enough. I needed to recreate it
for the screen and that needed
RELEASED. Now that you are in a
position to pick and choose,
constant clashes between
the media’s probing into
actor because I believe that the
director is the captain of the ship
some preparation. For Mithya, I
had to play a struggling actor. I
RANVIR what is your criterion for
accepting a role or a film –
your personal and
professional lives?
and I listen to him and also sug- was one myself for some years the banner, director, role, I think this invasion into the
gest if he is open to suggestions. but that was not enough. I had SHOREY money, or script? privacy of actors comes with the
seen lots of struggling actors I have devised a two-tier list territory. I have just one sen-
How did the transition from around me. Usually, the prepara- ON THE of priorities for myself as my cri- tence for all of them – “I don’t
television to films happen? tion is born out of the script itself teria for accepting a role. I look talk about my personal life.” As
I deejayed for Channel [V] from
1997 to 2002. I also did some the-
except for historical or period
films, where one has to do some
JOURNEY at the script, the director and
the role. My business manager
for coping, I fall back on lots of
stress-busters such as friends,
atre and Ek Chhotisi Love Story
with Manisha Koirala in 2002. It
academic research apart from
preparation. Usually, the entire
SO FAR. takes care of logistics like dates,
schedules and money. The
listening to music, watching
films and reading a lot.
was an adaptation of one of the preparation is done with the con- length of the role does not mat-
stories from the Kieslowski Deca- junction of the script, the direc- ter to me at all. In Singh is Kinng Pick you personal favourites
logue. This was my first film. I tor and the actor to make the I do not have a very big role. But from the films you have
also did roles in Freaky Chakra, character credible on screen. I wanted to do it and so I am in done so far and the
Jism and The Great Indian Come- the film. directors you would love to
dy Show for another television What is your character like in work with.
channel. But I always wanted to Ugly Aur Pugly? What is your personal My personal favourites are
do films. Much before my face I play Ugly, the hero opposite response to so many big Mithya, Khosla Ka Ghosla, Traf-
became familiar through televi- Pugly, being portrayed by Mallika releases beginning August? fic Signal and I am 24 (to be
sion I worked behind the camera Sherawat. I am the only child of I simply focus on my work released). I would love to work
for non-fiction, assisted some di- middle-class Maharashtrian and work means much again and again with Rajat Ka-
rectors in television fiction, parents who have pro- more than finishing poor, Nikhil Advani, Saurav
worked for films as well and then tected me so much with your shooting Shukla and Anees Bazmi,
shifted to the other side of the that I have never and dubbing though I have worked with them
camera. It’s been 15 years that I really grown up. I these days. I already. Among those I have not
have been around. Films had to have cheerfully have to be worked with are Gulzar, Mukesh
happen and they did. It’s been a remained in present at Bhatt, Vishal Bharadwaj and An-
long journey. the same promotion- urag Basu.
class in col- al events
Do you prepare for your lege for linked to What is your take on
roles? four years. the film success?
The preparation differs from The girl I to be re- Choices are the luxuries of
script to script and from one fall in leased, I life. To put it in another way,
character to another. For exam- love with must success happens when the
ple, for the drug-addict-cum- is also an be pre- choice is yours. ■
conman in Traffic Signal, I did only pared Trans World Features
Monday, August 4, 2008
People, Hello! buy first photos of Jolie-Pitt twins
The first pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s newborn twins have been sold to entertainment news
magazines People and Hello!, with all proceeds going to charity. Getty Images said on Friday it had done an
exclusive photo shoot of the twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, with Jolie, Pitt and the couple’s four
other children, Maddox, Zahara, Pax and Shiloh – three of whom are adopted.

Timberlake’s Cine City

Oscar tryst
Justin Timberlake might host the
2009 Academy Awards

J ustin Timberlake has so impressed the Oscar

bosses with his turn as the host of the ESPY
awards that they’ve shortlisted him to host the
2009 Academy awards.
According to the grapevine, Oscar bosses were
bowled over by Timberlake’s natural and sponta-
neous amusing act at the ESPY awards last month.
“Justin is more than a singer, he’s a song-and-
dance man – and turned in a performance at the
ESPY Awards any comedian would envy, our first
question was, ‘Can we get him?’ ” Contactmusic
quoted a source, as telling the National Enquirer.
“Justin does it all, and knows how to work a
star-studded audience,” the source added.
Meanwhile, Timberlake has another reason to
be delighted as he is reportedly planning his wed-
ding to girlfriend Jessica Biel. ■
Trisha goes for a change
With young actresses grabbing a share of the pie,
Trisha is looking to make her position in the industry
stable. At the moment, Trisha is worried that age
would catch up with her if she continues doing only
glamorous roles and has assured that she will be
focusing more on the storyline. Her next film,
Abhiyum Naanum, is close on the heels of getting
completed and her other projects are Chennayil Oru
Mazhaikalam, directed by Gowtham Menon, and a
Selvaraghavan movie with Suriya in the lead.

Simbu Deven
ready for his next

Director Simbu Deven is ready for his

next flick. At present, he has no
intentions of deviating from his forte,
i.e. comedy. Vivek will be playing the
lead role. Simbu Devan is known for
utilising the comedians to the best, and
his previous films, Imsai Arasan 23m
Pulikesi and Arai 305il Kadavul, stand
testimony to it. Discussions are on now
and the launch will be marked officially.
London Karunaas of Ayngaran
International produces the film.
12 SCAN ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Arnold’s 13
According to, Arnold
Schwarzenegger has the record for
winning the most bodybuilding
contests in history, 13.


Filmy Star Movies Zee Studio Zoom

Page 3 – 8 pm Jurassic Park – 9 pm Batman and Robin – 7-45 pm Gayab – 9-30 pm
Page 3’ takes a behind-the-scenes On a remote island where an The dynamic duo are back but this Vishnu is middle-class & lives with
look at A-list celebrity lifestyles amazing theme park with living time they are up against the his dad and mom. Fed-up, he prays
through the eyes of a female cloned dinosaurs is located, five nefarious Mr. Freeze, who is bent that since no one really notices him,
entertainment journalist. It is also people must battle to survive on turning the world into an he would be better off invisible -
the story of three girls trying to among the prehistoric predators iceberg, and the slyly seductive but and his wish comes true. Alarmed at
make a decent living in an indecent when the security system breaks highly toxic Poison Ivy. first, then delighted with his new
society. down and the beasts are released powers, he goes about trying to
from their enclosures. make things right for himself

Annual Day for your drawing room

It looked like your regular school annual event. Only, this was
for your television only. Our student reporters go behind the
scenes of Kanaa Kanum Kalangal’s school day celebrations.

MONISHA MOHANDAS AND part of the Kanaa Kanum Kalangal crew,

SWETA GANESAN were practising their instruments – key-
board, drums, mridangam and ghatam. The

s we entered Kalaivanar Arangam, crowd was excited to see its favourite char-
Anna Salai, we weren’t sure if we had acters in person.
reached the right venue. The setting The setting up of the ‘school auditorium’
was that of a school Annual Day. A had started early in the morning. Despite
mock school Annual Day, we learnt imme- the fact that we reached there in the middle
diately. We were attending the shoot for the of shooting, the technicians were nice
carnival of Kanaa Kanum Kalangal, the enough to answer our queries in-between
popular teenage sitcom. shots. There were five cameras set up in the
PACM School, a fictional school stadium and a ‘jimmy’ jeep was to catch the
made popular by the serial, was audience response. The producer and au-
having its Annual Day celebra- dio technicians were working backstage.
tions. We were expecting re- The cameraman was sitting in front of the
takes. We were proved stage, all ready to shoot the function.
wrong. By 6 p.m. the ‘aran- But tension prevailed, and we heard the
gam’ was packed with par- cameraman yelling “a little left”, “a little
ents and students, though right”, “ok, ok”, simultaneously checking
the event was to start only the multi-coloured spotlights. Once eve-
by 7 p.m. Before the event rything and everyone were in their respec-
started, practice sessions tive positions, a complete re-check was
were on in full swing back- done, followed by a mini rehearsal. Around
stage. 5 p.m. the makeup man walked in. After
Black Pandi, Pu- hurried application of blushes and
likesi and foundation, the team was ready to per-
Kishan, all form.
As we sat up to play the role of audience,

we could see a few strict-looking but famil-

iar faces in the first row. They were the ar-
tistes who played the role of school
correspondent, vice-principal, maths
teacher and PT teacher. Finally, it was

“Lights, Camera, Action”. ■

Monday, August 4, 2008
Aspiring poet Jokes Corner
“Have you written this poem by yourself?” Teacher: Johnny, you know you
“Of course,” said the young poet, “Every word of it.” can’t sleep in my class.
“Well, I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Edgar Allan Poe, I Johnny: I know. But maybe if you
was afraid you are dead for long time.” were just a little quieter, I could.

Dear Shalu,

Happy re tu rn
Wish u Many of the
od gives u
Quiz 2008
day... May G The Landmark quiz is back with its 16th edition presented by
of ha pp iness
th is Year... Playstation. The Quiz will be held at Music Academy on Au-
and joy on Always... gust 15. If you are interested in participating, get together a
Be Happy
Pavan, team of 3, and register yourself at Landmark.
Optimus Registration forms available at:
Landmark, Apex, Citi Centre and Spencers
Download the form from:
Register at: Landmark, Apex Plaza, Nungambakkam
Dear Gopi Thamba, High Road
If there’s something Contact: 4214 4444
that you’re dreaming of
then may it all come
true, because you
deserve it all...HAPPY
bless you with health,
Lemuria (In search
wealth and prosperity
in your life. of the dream land)
Loving sister Punitha, An exhibition of
HCL Technologies paintings & sculp-
tures by various art-
ists is being
exhibited at Vinnya-
sa Premier Art gal-
lery. The theme of
Dear Vandana e get the exhibition is Le-
a ye ar W
Once wish
muria - In search of
the chance To eer. It the dream land.
rt hd ay ch
you bi Where: Vinnyasa
end to
pleases us,No u Premier Art Gallery,
e w is h yo
say, W C I T Colony,
t year.
another grea Mylapore,
Happy B’ da y When: Till 10th
Sherly ,Santo
,Suja, August,
11:00a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Give Life
Perot systems Contact: 2498 The registrations for Drive of Givelife Chennai Marathon have
2515 started. Interested people can register online at www.givelife-
Registration: Online:
Contact: Goodwill Communications: 24994344,
Dear Vasu, 24980201, 24990201.
It is a lovely and special Registration fee: Rs.100
day today Just because
it is your birthday May
every dream of urs
come true Wishing a
very happy birthday to TOP 5 SCI-FI MOVIES
Heartiest Wishes from, Pari, Blade Runner (1982) Dir: Ridley Scott a lifeform with concentrated acid for blood and two sets of
Nalini, Prem and Shobi Whether you prefer the original theatrical version (with a jaws, which then messily dispatches the crew. It is notable
Patni Computer Systems bored-sounding narration and without the famed unicorn for its underlying themes of motherhood, penetration and
scenes) or the director’s cut of a few years later (sans birth.
narration and unicorn duly re-inserted), Blade Runner was the Terminator (1984)/T2: Judgment day (1991)
runaway favourite in our poll.The story revolves around Dir: James Cameron
Harrison Ford’s policeman, Rick Deckard, and his hunt for four Robots from 2029 send a relentless cyborg (Arnold
Dear Nandhin cloned humanoids, known as replicants, in a dystopian version Schwarzenegger) back to 1980s Los Angeles to assassinate
bi rt hd ay of Los Angeles. Replicants have been deemed illegal and the mother of a future human rebel. One of a few films to
Belated Hope
he s to yo u! Deckard is a blade runner, a specialist in exterminating them. deal with problems of time travel, such as the grandfather
wis derful
a w on Star Wars (1977)/Empire Strikes Back (1980) paradox: if you travel back in time and kill your grandfather,
you had rs !
birthday! Ch Infosys
The first two films of the original Star Wars trilogy make it you wouldn’t exist so wouldn’t be able to travel back in time
Team onto the list probably for reasons of nostalgia rather than to...
Technologies science. The epic saga revolves around the battle between the The Matrix (1999) Dir: Andy & Larry Wachowski
all-enslaving Empire (led by the Emperor, a force-wielding Cod philosophy, fetish clothing and incredibly cool special
maniac and his part-human part-machine henchman Darth effects combined in 1999 for a fresh take on man-made
Hello gang, Vader) and a small band of rebels. artificial intelligence enslaving the planet.The science behind
Send your greetings to Alien (1979) Dir: Ridley Scott the fiction is conspicuously absent, being replaced with the Make sure Remembered for the iconic scene of an infant creature permanently befuddled Keanu Reeves stumbling around
the subject line has ’greetings bursting bloodily through John Hurt’s chest, but Alien was being confused by nonsense about spoons, and jumping off
followed by the preferred about much more. An interstellar mining vessel takes onboard buildings.
publication date’.
14 TRAFFIC JAM ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Targeted cottage
A woman from Wales is scared to watch TV in her own
home, for fear that a truck will crash into her home.
Although it may seem like an odd fear, it’s already
happened 15 times. Truckers are not able to stay on the
narrow road outside her house, and crash into her cottage.


Juna Suresh
from Congruent
Solutions clicked
this macro at the
Society in Adyar
using his Canon
450D with
EOS Lens.
reading books,
gardening and
classical dance.

So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had the platform?
Mail us your best work and we’ll publish it in this space, with credit.

Editor: Karthik Subramanian

Sr Dy Chief Designer: J.A. Prem Kumar

Dy Chief Designer: R. Ravi Kannan
Illustrator: R. Venugopal

Technical Support:
V.R. Vasudevan, K.G. Gurumurthy
N. Ravichandran, E. Baskar

Head of Advertising:
Sriya Narayanan

Head of Circulation:
RA. Babu Vijay

859/860, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002
mail your feedback to
FAX 2857 6691

Call our
Advertisement Manager
at 2857 6695.

Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf of

KASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7,
CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin:
603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860,
Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik
(Editor responsible for selection of news under
the PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553
Monday, August 4, 2008
Biggest puzzle Word’s worth
An English pensioner is quite happy "Kakistocracy" (kack-i-stah-kruh-see) the government of a state
after completing the world’s largest by its worst citizens. The adjective is kakistocratical. A lovely piece
jigsaw puzzle. Eric Smith, 73, spent 573 of rhetoric is the 1876 citation in the OED: Is ours a government
hours completing a 24,000 piece of the people, by the people, for the people, or a Kakistocracy
puzzle. rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?



Ganesha finds you very practical and analytical at
work today. This will boost your performance for
your routine activities; hence feel free to take up
more responsibilities. Your energy and enthusiasm
might astonish your beloved. Enjoy it while it lasts.


If you assess things in advance, you will find ease
in dealing with them. Overall, Ganesha finds you to
be very decisive and confident today. Try to be
practical in love life. However, in the process of
maintaining peace, do not ignore your love life.


Ganesha feels that your domestic life will require
BORN LOSER special attention today. Nevertheless, your practical
abilities will help you balance office and work. Work
at office will be very smooth. It is advisable that
you do not enter into arguments with superiors.
You will be active today. Hence you want to go into
some research. You might come across a lot of new
information. Ganesha advises you to save the
information. Another red signal from Ganesha, do
not ignore love life or your beloved might get upset.
LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20
You are in a mood to talk a lot today. Hence you
may give suggestions to everyone. However
Ganesha wants you to be careful with words as
everyone might not be able to welcome suggestions.
This applies to your love life as well, adds Ganesha.
You might not be able meet your deadlines.
FREE RANGE WORKING IT OUT Ganesha feels it is high time you start managing
time. You will be judgemental about things. See
that you don’t form offence. Grace of Ganesha will
keep your lovers tuned to each other’s frequency.
Being a true Libran, problem solving come naturally
to you. Hence, you might end up spending a lot of
time in problem solving. Ganesha advises you not to
get frustrated due to unsolved issues. Love life may
take a back seat due to heavy work load.
Work will be easier today as office will be nearly
empty today. The day is favourable for you on the
career front. Superirs may encourage you to take up
challenging tasks. On the love front, try to add
more spice to the relationship by an outing.
In second half of the day some technical issues may
bother. Your mindset will require a change and you
will need to forget and forgive. Ganesha advises
you to be as nice as possible to your beloved or life
partner in order to avoid heartburns today.
Attending a lot of meetings is on the cards today.
Ganesha thinks you might depend a lot on your
luck today. A far as work is concerned, you will be
able to fix your deadlines. To the pleasure of your
beloved, you may devote due time to your love life.
PREVIOUS You might have to focus on pending work. You
have to do a lot of communication with colleagues
ISSUE’S to sort out the pending work. Your work efficiency
might turn some eyes green. Be careful from jealous
SOLUTIONS people. Love life might remain uneventful.
Emotions might seem important today. Do not feel
hurt if someone tries to point out your mistakes. Try
to avoid any pressure or tension due to this.
However, on the love front ‘happy times’ will rule.
In addition to this, love life will smoother than ever.
Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pattni
16 ! ERGO Monday, August 4, 2008

Corny proposal
A 27 year-old English man proposed
to his girlfriend by spelling ’Sarah
Marry Me’ into a corn field. Robert
Szabo took Sarah Garside up into a
plane so she could see the special
message. She said yes.

Not the usual

FRANCIS P BARCLAY tion of the superstar’s visit. Kuselan, a remake of Malaya-
lam movie Katha Parayumpol, is

f you are looking for the reg- surely a respite from the usual
ular Superstar punch dia- masala fare that we have come
logues and superhero to expect from Rajinikanth. In
elements, verily I say my some ways, in the climax there
friend, Kuselan will belie your are traces of the ‘actor’ we last
expectations. saw in the movies of yesteryears
Think you are not at all going like ‘Mullum Malarum,’ ‘Engeyo
to watch a Rajinikanth movie, I Ketta Kural’ and ‘Aarilirunthu
mean forget about punch dia- Arupathu Varai’. But only traces
logues, challenges, stunts and as he appears to have handed
all. You will have to wait for over the main role to Pasupathy
about half an hour to see the and underplayed for most part.
matinee idol on screen. Vadivel struggles hard to
The story is about the simple evoke laughter and succeeds in
reunion of two friends, a poor some sequences. Nayanthara has
barber Balu alias Balakrishnan added glamour quotient and the
(played by Pasupathi) and the camera has played the voyeur.
reigning Superstar of Tamil mo- Though the movie has above par
vies Ashok Kumar (Rajinikanth). performances from Pasupathy,
Meena plays Balu’s wife and like Rajinikanth and Meena, most of
most filmi families, they have the supporting cast appear as
learnt to live happily despite though they are acting in a stage
their poverty. The story is about play. ■
Balu unites with his childhood Mail us your verdict on ‘Kuselan’
friend and how the entire village to Keep it short.
plays up in anticipa- We want to accommodate as many
verdicts as possible.

Rajini fans pouring milk on the
banner of the actor, put up at Kaasi 쒀 Rajini fans celebrating the
Theatre, Ashok Nagar in Chennai, release of his new movie ‘Kuselan’ at
where the new movie ‘Kuselan’ is Kamala Theatre, Vadapalani in Chennai.

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