Lecture Notes On Philippines Budgeting

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Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques

Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Lecture Notes VIII

Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques

Government budget

-is the financial plan of a government for a given period, usually for a
fiscal year, which shows what its resources are, and how they will be generated
and used over the fiscal period.
- The budget is the government's key instrument for promoting its socio-
economic objectives.
- It can influence the level and direction of economic activity, including
the social and political behavior of the people
- For advance countries, the budget has become a tool for economic
growth and instrument with which to attain full employment and stability
- For less developed countries, it has become a means for economic
development, to bring about an increase in the per capita real income of the

The National Government budget (also known simply as the budget)

- refers to the totality of the budgets of various departments of the

national government including the NG support to Local Government Units
(LGUs) and Government- Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs).

-It is what the national government plans to spend for its programs and
projects, and the sources of what it projects to have as funds, either from
revenues or from borrowings with which to finance such expenditures.

Contents of the Budget

The national budget is allocated for the implementation of various government
programs and projects, the operation of government offices, payment of salaries
of government employees, and payment of public debts. These expenditures are
classified by
Expense class:
Personal ser ices, like salaries and ages, social securit contributions,
overtime pay, etc.;
Maintenance and other operating e penditures, such as tra eling e penses,
supplies and materials, water, illumination and power Services, rent, etc.;
Interest pa ments;
Allotments to Local Go ernment Units;
Subsidies to go ernment-owned and controlled corporations
- social services, economic services, defense, general public services, and debt
Implementing unit of government.
-specific department or agency
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

The planning-programming-budgeting system (PPBS)

is a concept that stresses the importance of establishing a strong linkage
between planning and budgeting. It emanates from the policy of the government
to formulate and implement a national budget that is an instrument of national
development, reflective of national objectives, strategies and plans.

Under the PPBS concept, the budget is anchored on the degree by which the
accomplishment of economic plans and the attainment of target contained in
the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) and the Medium-Term
Public Investment Program (MTPIP) are supported.
Budgetary procedure

Budget Preparation

The preparation of the annual budget involves a series of steps that begins with
the determination of the overall economic targets, expenditure levels, revenue
projection and the financing plan by the Development Budget Coordinating
Committee (DBCC).

The DBCC is an inter-agency body composed of the DBM Secretary as

Chairman and the Bangko Sentral Governor, the Secretary of the Department of
Finance, the Director General of the National Economic and Development
Authority and a representative of the Office of the President as members. The
major activities involved in the preparation of the annual national budget
include the following:

a. Determination of overall economic targets, expenditure levels and

budget framework by the DBCC;
b. Issuance by the DBM of the Budget Call which defines the budget
framework; sets economic and fiscal targets; prescribe the priority thrusts and
budget levels; and spells out the guidelines and procedures, technical
instructions and the timetable for budget preparation;
c. Preparation by various government agencies of their detailed budget
estimates ranking programs, projects and activities using the capital budgeting
approach and submission of the same to DBM;
d. Conduct a budget hearings were agencies are called to justify their
proposed budgets before DBM technical panels;
e. Submission of the proposed expenditure program of
department/agencies/special for confirmation by department/agency heads.
f. Presentation of the proposed budget levels of
purpose funds to the DBCC for approval.
g. Review and approval of the proposed budget by the President and the
h. Submission by the President of proposed budget to Congress.

To meet the Constitutional requirement for the submission of the President's

budget with 30 days from the opening of each regular session of Congress, the
budget preparation phase is guided by a budget calendar.
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Budget Authorization

In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution, the President submits

his/her proposed annual budget in the form of Budget of Expenditure and
Sources of Financing (BESF) supported by details of proposed expenditures in
the form of a National Expenditure Program (NEP) and the President's Budget
Message which summarizes the budget policy thrusts and priorities for the

1. In Congress, the proposed budget goes first to the House of

Representatives, which assigns the task of initial budget review to its
Appropriation Committee.

2.The Appropriation Committee together with the other House Sub-

Committee conduct hearings on the budgets of departments/agencies and
scrutinize their respective programs/projects. Consequently, the amended
budget proposal is presented to the House body as the General Appropriations

3.While budget hearings are on-going in the House of Representatives,

the Senate Finance Committee, through its different subcommittees also starts
to conduct its own review and scrutiny of the proposed budget and proposes
amendments to the House Budget Bill to the Senate body for approval.

4.To thresh out differences and arrive at a common version of the

General Appropriations Bill, the House and the Senate creates a Bicameral
Conference Committee that finalizes the General Appropriations Bill.

Under the constitution the president may veto any particular item or
items of an appropriation bill. If two-third of the members of the House and the
Senate voting separately, override the veto, then the bill becomes a law as if the
president signed it

General Appropriations Act

The General Appropriations Act (GAA) is the legislative authorization that

contains the new appropriations in terms of specific amounts for salaries,
wages and other personnel benefits; maintenance and other operating
expenses; and capital outlays authorized to be spent for the implementation of
various programs/projects and activities of all departments, bureaus and
offices of the government for a given year.

Budget Execution

Budget execution deals with the management and administration of the

approved General Appropriation Act.

1. Budget implementation starts with the release of funds to the

agencies. To accelerate the implementation of government programs and
projects and ensure the judicious use of budgeted government funds, the
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

government adopted the Simplified Fund Release System (SFRS) beginning

1995. the SFRS is a policy-driven system which standardized the release of
funds across agencies which are similarly situated in line with specific policy
initiatives of the government.

2. Following the SFRS, the agency budget matrix (ABM) is prepared by

the DBM in consultation with the agencies at the beginning of each budget
year, upon approval of the annual General Appropriations Act.
The ABM is a disaggregation of all the programmed appropriations for
each agency into various expenditure categories. As such, the ABM serves as a
blueprint which provides the basis for determining the timing, composition and
magnitude of the release of the budget.

3. Based on updated resources and economic development thrusts and

with the cash budget program, the Allotment Release Program (ARP) which
prescribes the guidelines in the prioritization of fund releases is prepared.

4.The ARP serves as basis for the issuance of either a General Allotment
Release Order (GARO) or a Special Allotment Release Order (SARO), as the case
maybe, to authorize agencies to incur obligations.

5. Subsequently, the DBM releases the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA)

on a monthly or quarterly basis. The NCA specifies the maximum amount of
withdrawal that an agency can make from a government bank for the period

6.The Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), replenishes daily the government

servicing banks with funds equivalent to the amount of negotiated checks
presented to the government servicing banks by implementing agencies.

7. The release of NCAs by the DBM is based on: 1) the financial

requirements of agencies as indicated in their ABMs, cash plans and reports
such as the Summary List of Checks Issued (SLCI); and 2) the cash budget
program of government and updates on projected resources.

8. Agencies utilize the released NCAs following the "Common Fund"

concept. Under this concept of fund release, agencies are given a maximum
flexibility in the use of their cash allocations provided that the authorized
allotment for a specific purpose is not exceeded. Project implementation is thus
made faster.

Adjustments are made on the budget even during implementation

because of the following:

Enactment of new laws - Within the fiscal year, new legislations with
corresponding identified new revenue sources are passed which necessitate
adjustments in the budget program.
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Adjustments in macroeconomic parameters - The macroeconomic targets

considered in the budget are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect the
impact of recent developments in the projected performance of the national
economy and on the set fiscal program for the year.

The relevant indicators affecting the budget aggregates include the

following: the Gross National Product (GNP), inflation rate, interest rate, foreign
exchange rate, oil prices, and the level of imports. Thus, a sensitivity measure
on the impact of these parameters on the budget will determine whether recent
macroeconomic developments have a negative or favorable effect on the budget.

Change in resources availabilities - Budget adjustments are undertaken when

additional resources becomes available such as new grants, proceeds from
newly negotiated loans and grants. Corresponding budget adjustments are also
made when resources generation falls below the


Cognizant of the fact that no propitious results can be obtained, even with
maximum funding, if agency efficiency is low and funds are wastefully spent,
systems and procedures are set in place to monitor and evaluate the
performance and cost effectiveness of agencies.

1. These activities are subsumed within the fourth and the last phase of
the budget process-the budget accountability phase. At the agency level, budget
accountability takes the form of management's review of actual performance or
work accomplishment in relation to the work targets of the agency vis-à-vis the
financial resources made available.

2. Also, detailed examinations of each agency's book of accounts are

undertaken by a resident representative of the Commission on Audit (COA) to
ensure that all expenses have been disbursed in accordance with accounting
regulations and the purpose(s) for which the funds have been authorized.
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Budgetary Procedure

1. Budget Preparation

2. Budget Authorization

3. Budget Execution

4. Accountability and

Budget Formulation and Enactment

Legislative Body


Submits proposed annual

budget to congress with his/her
Budget Message which
summarizes the budget policy Bicameral
thrusts and priorities for the conference
House of the Senate
year. Representatives

DBCC Determination of the overall

economic targets, expenditure
levels, revenue projection and These is were both houses
the financing plan by this unify there respective
council proposed budget

Committee on These Committee on

DBM Reviews proposed Appropriations committees Appropriations or
projects and budget of conduct budget Finance
respective dept and hearings and
offices deliberations

Dept, offices Specific Projects

Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan


Administrative Budget - it includes the collection and disposition of all

funds which belong exclusively to the government. However, it omits the income
and outgo of the so-called trust and similar funds administered by the
government. This budget states for each fund the amount actually appropriated
for, and obligations actually incurred for expenditure by, each agency; inter-
fund transfer are also included.

Consolidated Cash Budget It includes everything shown in the

administrative budget, plus trust funds. All cash transactions between the
government and the public are shown. Transactions not involving payment of
money to, or receipt of money from, the public are included. The consolidated
cash budget is more useful guide for e aluating the effects of the go ernment s
fiscal operations on the economy.

National Economic Budget It is the type of budget which reflects the

impact of the go ernment s ta ing and spending acti ities on the econom . It
tabulates the main economic transactions in the following major sectors of the
economy: consumers, businesses, international and governmental. For
example, taxes are shown as they accrue rather tan as they are collected.

Capital Budget It provides a vehicle for financial planning over a period

of years. It separates financing for capital outlays from current operating
e penses. The capital budget group transactions according to character hich
has been traditionally defined to mean a distinction based on the time element.
It thus contributes to financial soundness since there is assurance that funds
foe needed improvement will be available.

Program Budget It is a means by which program officials are constantly

reminded of the objectives for which they are responsible and by which they can
determine progress, in terms of time, money, man-hours and materials,
towards these objectives. This budget provides data not found in traditional
budgets. It also enables policymakers to evaluate the relative cost and
effectiveness of alternative projects largely through operational analysis and
quantitative economics, thus deciding on the most advantageous use of
programs. It is sometimes known as performance budget. However, some
textbooks make a distinction between the program budget and the performance
budget in that the former looks forward into the future while the latter looks
back to the past.

Different Types of Budget

Line –Item Budget is a highly detailed budget. It is often adopted with the
idea of a greater control over expenditures. It gets its name for the fact that it
expresses each kind and quantity of expenditures and revenues as a single item
on one line of budget. The format has been criticized for being too rigid as it
poses difficulties is adapting to changing conditions that may develop during
the fiscal years. It is in contrast to the program and performance budgets which
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

are more flexible in that they budget by program and performance budgets
which are more flexible in that they budget by program rather than by the
individual components of the program.

Program Budgeting is the budgeting for the delivery of a particular program.

The focus is on the purpose of the program and its outcome rather than the
components of the program. As is the case in line items budgets, it pays less
attention to the specific spending items of the program and more on its
expected output. They allow for more flexibility.

Performance Budgeting it uses statement of missions, goals and objectives to

explain why the money is being spent. It is a way to allocate resources to
achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured results. The
key to understanding performance-based budgeting lies beneath the word
result . In this method, the entire planning and budgeting frame ork is result
oriented. There are objectives and activities to achieve these objectives and
these form the foundation of the overall evaluation.

Planning Programming Budgeting System (PPBS) is a concept that stresses

the importance of establishing a strong linkage between planning and
budgeting. It emanates from the policy of the government to formulate and
implement a national budget that is an instrument of national development,
reflective of national objectives, strategies and plans. Under the PPBS concept,
the budget is anchored on the degree by which the accomplishment of economic
plans and attainment of target contained in the Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan (MTPDP) and the Medium-Term Public Investment Program
(MTPIP) are supported.

Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) System a method of budgeting expenditures in

which each expenditure is justified on its overall merits rather than being based
on the budget for the previous year. A zero-base budget is most often proposed
(but seldom implemented) for governments. Governments generally establish
budget expenditures based on expenditures for the previous year.
Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Required Video Review

Philippine Center For National Budget Legislation


Required Reading

Book VI National Government Budgeting



Romualdez, Eduardo Sr. E., Yoingco, Angel Q. and Cosem, Antonio O.

Philippine Public Finance, Manila, Philippines, G10 Enterprise, 1994


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