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Valerie F. Leonard
Alderman, 24th Ward
“A leader for such a time as this”

For Immediate Release

December 1, 2010
Contact: Valerie F. Leonard
Candidate for Alderman
24th Ward

Chauncey Stroud and Richard Barnett Team Up to Deny

Ballot Access to 24th Ward Candidates

Chauncey Stroud, Candidate for Alderman of the 24th Ward, filed objections to each of
the other 22 candidates for Alderman of the 24th Ward, including the incumbent,
Sharon Dixon. The challenges were filed late yesterday afternoon, between 2:30 pm
and 5:00. November 30 was the last day to file objections. This move comes less than
24 hours before candidates were expected to participate in a lottery for ballot position.

"I find it very interesting that Richard Barnett, who is credited with being a civil rights
activist and expert on protecting our freedoms under the Voting Rights Act of 1964 is
working with a candidate to try to deny ballot access to the citizens", said Valerie F.
Leonard. Ms. Leonard is a candidate for Alderman of the 24th Ward, and is also being
challenged. Richard Barnett has been a stalwart in the Independent Democratic
Movement, and has supported candidates like former State Representative Jesse
Madison, former State Representative Arthur Turner, Alderman Freddrenna Lyle and the
late Mayor Harold Washington. Mr. Barnett successfully argued in U.S. District
Court that the City's re-districting process denied African Americans and Latinos the
opportunity to be represented in City Council in numbers proportionate to their
population in the City of Chicago. He has supported Alderman Dixon in the past but is
now working with Chauncey Stroud as an advisor.

"Why didn't Chauncey Stroud attend any public hearings to fight for equity of
distribution of NSP funds to North Lawndale?", Ms. Leonard asked. " Why didn't he
attend any of the public hearings regarding the Ogden-Pulaski TIF that was originally
structured in such a way that it would have displaced 1,200 people? Why didn't he
attend any public hearings on the need for the TIF Sunshine Ordinance? Why didn't he
attend any hearings on the negative impact of school closings or the magnet school
admissions policies? Yet he has time to file 22 challenges and appear in court to

4111 West 21st Place Chicago, IL 60623 Phone 773-521-3137 Fax: 773-521-3137
Website: Blog:
maintain his own ballot access while trying to deny ours?"

Ms. Leonard indicated that she just learned of Mr. Stroud's challenge to her petitions,
and is waiting to receive an official summons to an administrative hearing next
week. The hearings for all objections will begin Monday, December 6, 2010, 69 West
Washington Street, Chicago, IL, in the Chicago Board of Elections 8th Floor Conference
Room, the Board's Lower Level Conference Room and the Building's Lower Level
Conference Room. The administrative hearings are open to the public.

"I think the citizens of the 24th Ward should come down and watch democracy in
action", Ms. Leonard said.

4111 West 21st Place Chicago, IL 60623 Phone 773-521-3137 Fax: 773-521-3137
Website: Blog:

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