Immersion Narrative

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Tobasco, Abbygale C.


Work immersion is one of the course requirements of Senior High School students.
Through work immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related
environment to their field of specialization.
In relation to this Senior High School Students were deployed to different schools,
government agencies and other institutions to be trained in a realistic environment. During the
work immersion the Senior High School Students able to apply the skills they learned in school,
and familiar themselves in the work place. Senior High School in Malvar has partnered with
several government offices such as PNP, BFP and Public Schools. Before the work immersion,
a pre immersion orientation activities on and off campus were conducted by the school
guidance Ms. Joi Miranda to prepare the students on site immersion. Several teachers chosen
to be the advisers of the immersion students. One of the adviser was Ms. Jillian Nuneza whose
handling PNP and Luta elementary School Before the students deployed the principal also
meeting the grade 12 students and gave some reminders.
November 5 2019 is the first day of the immersion all of the grade 12 students were ask
to arrive early in the school to complete all the requirements. After completing the requirements
all grade 12 students were ask to go with their collogues. Mrs. Reachelle Suidad was the
teacher that assign to our group that the one who will accompany us to the Immersion site,
when we arrive in the immersion site Mrs Suidad accompanied us to the guidance counselor.
Mrs Mylene Dela Cruz was the assign guidance counselor and the one who orient us on the
school, we are fifteen students that are deployed in the luta Elementary School Mrs Dela Cruz
decided to do draw lots in which grade we were assigned in order to be fair with one and
another. After we pick what grade we were assign Mrs Dela Cruz sent us and introduce us to
the adviser. I was assigned in grade 1- Camia Mrs Geneth Ada advising class she introduce me
to the students and ask me question related to the immersion. After a minute Mrs Ada gave me
my own table the first thing that I did is I observe the class because I’m not still familiar in the
things they done during their class. During break time some students were already calling me
ma’am and asking on my help on opening their snacks. After break time I help my supervisor to
check the student’s seatwork because she was busy reviewing the MTAP participants. After
lunch I help my students to clean their classroom and teach some students how to read I make
sure that when the students go back to his/her seat he/she know how to read the lesson she
was assigned to read. After teaching some students how to read I also help them to understand
the seatwork’s they are doing and make sure that it will be done on time the last thing I did is
clean the classroom after all of the students left. On my second day I arrive 6:35 in the morning
when I enter the classroom I put my bag down and then greeted my supervisor after greeting
Mrs. Ada I take some cleaning materials and help the parents to clean the classroom. When the
bells rang it means its already time students greeted Mrs. Ada and Me, Mrs. Ada sent me to the
gym and ask me to bring the table and chair with me she said that me and my colleagues will be
put there and teach the students that they will sent on how to read before lunchbreak I came
back to the classroom to ask permission to my supervisor to take a lunch break. After lunch time
I came back to the classroom and help the student in cleaning their classroom, after that I came
back to the gym and continue completing the task that are given to me, before dismissal time I
came back to the classroom and help again the student in cleaning their room and make sure
that the room is clean and organize. On my 3rd day of my immersion I arrive in the classroom
early I immediately clean the classroom and make sure that the students are behave before the
time because my supervisor is absent that day. I was assign to supervise the whole section with
the help of my co immersion. Mrs. Padora was the one who gave the students the seatworks
and activities that they will do, while we are the one who will guide and check if they are doing
the seatwork correct. When break time came I was the one who sell the food that the canteen
sent. Before lunch time I make sure that before they leave the classroom they complete and
finish their seat works. Parents of the students pick up their sons/Daughter because they found
out that Mrs. Ada was absent that day all of the students left and didn’t comeback after
lunchbreak. I decided to stay in the classroom and eat my lunch their then after that I decided to
clean the classroom, I sweep the whole classroom and mop it after then I arrange the chair
properly. Before leaving the classroom I make sure that I unplugged all the electric fan and turn
off the breaker and close the windows and lock the door. On my 4th day of immersion I arrive
6:30 in the morning and help the student to clean the classroom immediately because there will
be a flag ceremony. I help my supervisor in disciplining the student in the flag ceremony. Then
after the flag ceremony my supervisor was told me too teach students how to read after that my
supervisor ask me to watched over the students while she was on meeting. I help the students
to understand the seatwork that Mrs. Ada give to them and assist them on there seatwork. On
the 5th day of my immersion I clean the classroom in the morning and teach some students how
to read, I also guide the students toward proper conduct. In the afternoon I was assigned to
watch over the students that are not participating in the investiture while Mrs. Ada and other
teachers are practicing the BSP and GSP. On the next day which is my 6th day in my immersion
I help the students to clean the classroom because there will be visitors that will check the
bathroom, garbage bin and other stuff that can may affect the student’s health. My adviser asks
for my help in putting label in the trash can and I make sure that the classroom is clean and
ready to welcome a visitor. On my 7th day of immersion I make sure that the classroom is clean
before the time so that the students can have a good environment. I help my students in terms
of doing their seatwork’s and opening their snacks during break time. In the afternoon I was
assigned by my supervisor to watched the student while they are getting ready for the event
tomorrow. Next day

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