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I , test cove 01237020] FORM TP 2016019 ° JANUARY 2016 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNC (CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION L OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency 2 hours READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. |. This paper consists of SEVEN questions: THREE in SECTION I and FOUR in SECTION I 2 Answer ALL THREE questions in SECTION 1 and any THREE questions in SECTION It 3. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this answer booklet. 4, Number each answer corel 5. DoNOT write inthe margins. 6 You may use silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions 7. you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the ‘original page, you nus use the extra lined pages) provided at the back of thi booklet Remember to draw a line through Your original answer, 8. Ifyou use the extra page(s) vou MUST write the question number clearly inthe box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the ‘question part beside the answer, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved, [L_osreouanuaryer 2016 MENA | ‘0123702003 SECTIONI [Answer ALL questions in ths section, 1. @_—@__State TWO office support functions ofthe centralized office. @mans) (ii) State TWO disadvantages of using the cotelied office system. @maris) (&) An organization is structured according 1 levels of staff; Describe EACH ofthe following Teves of staf (Superior Gi) Assistant Gi) Comvorker (Gv) Subordinate Gmaris) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012370200 ANUARYIF 2016 L muggy 4 | ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 7 (©) Reid and Co. Ld just started its operations and had to decide on the type of office layout to implement, The company implemented the traditional office layout, ‘Suggest THREE ways in which the traditional office layout could promot effective monitoring and supervision atthe company, Gmaris) (4) Explain how the effectiveness of an organization can be increased through the following, lectronie channels of communication: (Telecommuting i)” Telemarketing ‘Total 1S marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (012370204ANUARY/F 2016 L A008 _| "0123702005 r (2) Suggest TWO cultures that are observed in EACH of the following: (@Aschoot i) A business organization (marks) (&) State ONE characteristic of EACH of the following information management data systems: (Batch processing Gi) Data inpet Archiving Gimaris) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01237020/5ANUARY/F 2016 L 12702008, | Suggest TWO cultures tha are observed in EACH ofthe following: (@Aschoot (Gi) A business organization (marks) (b) State ONF characteristic of EACH of the following information management dta systems: (Bach processing Gi) Data inpet Archiving Grmaris) | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01237020/4ANUARY/F 2016 L ‘mma 4 I 7 “1 (©) Sienna Hepbur, who lives at 24 Highfield Close, Kingston 6, Jamaica, applied to Myers and Mason Manufacturing Co, 16 Kranston Avent, Kingston 10. Jamaica, for the Position of accounts cletk. The post was advertised inthe Jamaica Daily Globe on Sunday 2 January 2016, Inher excitement, Sienna mailed the application immediately to Me Richard Richmond, the human resource manager. Its now thee weeks and she has had no response Assume you are Sienna Hepbur, writ letter tthe organization enquiring about the progress ofthe application, DONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA HISAREA — DONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a) 01237020. ANUARY/F 2016 L (012370201 ANUARYIF 2016 L (marks) ‘Total 1S marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 2 | 3. (@_ Sate the function of EACH of the following Aticker file Gi) Anoutsheet DONOT WRITE IN THISAREA (id) A card indicator maria) (b) State FOUR ways in which a receptionist can maintain postive interpersonal relationships between an organization and the publi ‘WRITE IN THIS AREA DONOT (maria) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01237020ANUARV/F 2016 L (N00 0 | ‘0123702008 ° -10- ~] Kathryn Ramla was recently employed as a receptionist at Grey's Medical Complex. She as asked to cancel the following appointments made for 4 January 2016, January 2016 APPOINTMENT BOOK Time | FirstName | LastName | Telephone No. | Doctor 9:00 aa MeGregor __|282-2240 | lan Green Toso) ‘Sonia Brown n Groen 100 12:00) ane Hawthom [20-1014 | Michelle White 145 [Geraldine [Thompson [383-1719 | Michelle White ‘The nurse in charge asked Kathyn to reschedule all these appointments to I! January 2016; rescheduling all the moming appointments forthe afleroon session, and the ateroon for the morning session, The reason given vas that Dr Michelle White would not be available in the aftemoon session on 4 January and Dr Green agreed to switch times with her on 11 January. Dr Green also made his appointments in error, as his oie will be closed on 4 January ()_Reschedling the apointments can cause negative Feelings between the nurse and liens Recommend FOUR suitable way’ in which the nurse could communicate the changes tothe clients to resolve the rescheduling problem satisfactorily. mars) Gi) Onthe appointment sheet provided on page 1, reschedule the appointments made or 11 January 2016 as outlined inthe scenario, (marks) Total 1S marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (012370200ANUARY/F 2016 L manne a) I ou Appointment Book for Question 3 (@) i) ‘APPOINTMENT BOOK Grey's Medical Complex ‘Telephone No. ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THISAREA. IN THIS AREA WRITE DONOT | ‘DQ NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | (01237020/JANUARYIF 2016 L a SECTION IL Answer any THREE questions inthis seetion 4 @ (fine the terms “quorum' and ‘adhoc as they relate to meetings. Quorum k Adhoe @imarksy | i) State TWO protocols that are followed during mectngs. @ marks) ii) Identify TWO duties to be performed by the secretary before the meeting date @ marks) GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE | a) (012370200 ANUARY/F 2016 L | 1B (©) Sashanna Alexander won atip to Trinidad and Tobago for being the most outstanding customer service employee at Moulton Car Rental Ld. The company made a tentative booking for het to say ata five-star hte and offered 1o pay all expenses forthe rp inluding the ar fare and rental car. She was allowed USS3,000 spending money in traveller's cheques, Sashanna decides to take he trp atthe begining of February and has just a short time in which to make the final arrangements. The company had done most of the planning but she now has to complet the final arrangements. Using the information provided above, prepare a checklist of FIVE outstanding actions thet Sashanna must rake to complete her travel arrangements. THIS AREA. marks) (ii), Assume you are Sashanna, share FOUR experiences you had which show the benefits ‘of using the travellers cheques while on you trp z : 2 a marks) ‘Total 1S marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01237020ANUARY/F 2016 UT _| ‘0123702013 | “ “] 5. (@)_State TWO roles ofthe procurement office. @maris) (©) Givethe meaning of BACH ofthe following terms: Cost, insurance and freight (CIP) Free on board (FOB) marks) (©) David Kingsley isthe payroll clerk at Brydson & Sons Co, Lid. He is responsible for the Payroll of three employees. The monthly parol for these staff members sas follows Juliet Butler $3,550 Gamey Green $10,000 Beverly Williams 59,880 (David has to prepare a curency memorandum for the thee employees. Each ‘employee must receive 10 five-hundred dll bills. The remaining amounts should be paid using the next highest denominations. Complete the form provided below to show the disbursement of eash to these employees, Currency Memorandum Name ‘ssoo | sioo | sso | s20 | sto | ToalCash Juliet Butler 0 38,550 Garey Green 0 $10,000 Beverly Williams | _10 $9,840 TOTAL 30 marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01237020 ANUARVIF 2016 L — J | | 15+ i) Complete the cash summary sheet below to be taken tothe bank to withdraw the exact amount of cash needed wo pay employees. ‘Cash Summary Sheet No. of Notes Notes (S)_| Total Cash 6) marks) ‘Tal 15 marks ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘0 8 | (0125702015 123702011 ANUARYIF 2016 ' aie | 6 (@) State TWO duties that a cletk in the customer services department i required to perform. @ marks) (©) One ofthe functions ofthe transpor office isto collect relevant documents fom the despatch office. (© Wentity TWO of those documents other than the destination sheet. @ marks) i) Explain the purpose of a destination sheet. @ marks) (© @__Bujmar Manufacturing Co. Lid created a fine of sportswear forthe 100-stong ‘Caribou track ream ro the Olympics, with colours that reflect the spirit and prige oF Caribbean people, ‘As the marketing clerk, compose an adverising gimmick, not exceeding 25 words, ‘hat reflects the spirit and pride of the Caribbean and its peopl, marks) Gi) Create a brand name that represents the Caribbean and is people forthe line of sports wet. (mari GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01237020/ANUARV/F 2016 L — | | a | (iy) What THREE precautions could Bujmar Manufacturing Co. Lid putin place to ensure the safe movement ofthe sportswear tothe team’s headquarters? Gmarks) ‘otal 1S marks DONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | (012370205 ANUARY(F 2016 18 7 7. (@)__State THREE items ofinformation that are found ona customs form, Gmarks) (©) List THREE key esponsbilities ofthe operations offic. marks) (©) (@_The following information was sent from Superior Office Supplies, 10 Duke Strect, ‘St John's, Antigua to Mr Richard Dillard, 1A Barbuda Crescent, St John's, Antigua Date: 2 January 2016 Involve No. 50| Order No. IT Delivered by company truck To supply: 3 fourdraver filing cabinets at $800 each 6 ergonomic ofice chairs at $300 each Less12¥ % quantity discount ‘Ad 15% VAT E&OE Use the form provided on page 19 1 complete the invoice. (7 marks) (i) What would be the consequence i the term “E & OE? was omitted from the invoice? @imaris) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01237020ANUARYIF 2016 L _—ee a I | | i i | 1 Form for Question 7 (©) () INVOICE | No. To: Date: Onder No, Delivered by: ‘Quantity Description Unit Price [Total @) 124% quantity discount ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 15% VAT | | TOTAL E&OE ‘Total 1S marks END OF TEST 0123702011 ANUARYIF 2016 i mua a =20- “7] EXTRA SPACE Ifyou use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. | I Li ae (01237020/1ANUARY/F 2016 — | a | EXTRASPACE you use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. | Question No. LDONOTHRITEINTHISAREA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (0123702011 ANUARYIF 2016 L ‘OT A | 0128702021

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