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DISKPART> list disk

DISKPART> select disk =number

DISKPART>detail disk
DISKPART>select volume =number
DISKPART>detail volume
DISKPART>dtail partition
DISKPART>select volume =number
DISKPART>clean or clean all ( then convert mbr )
DISKPART>creat partition primary
DISKPART>select partition 1
DISKPART>format fs=ntfs quick
Logical drive : D:\ Capacity: 0.0G
Device ID : VID = 2013 PID = 0917
Device SN : 11100000561
Device version : 1.10

Device vendor : F8
Device model : T5
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 100mA

Partition type : "à Device active : no

Aligned state : 1024 KB, Have been Aligned

Controller : Skymedi
Controller model: SK6211/SK6281

Tools :
OS Version : Windows 8 Professional

Trying to read the drive IDs using physical access with admin rights

Drive 0 -
Primary Controller -
- Master drive
Drive Model Number________________: [ST2000LM015-2E8174]

Drive Serial Number_______________: [ ZDZ12AHJ]

Drive Controller Revision Number__: [SDM1]

Drive Type________________________:
Drive Size________________________: 2000398934016 bytes

Trying to read the drive IDs using the SCSI interface

Drive 0 -
Primary Controller -
- Master drive
Drive Model Number________________: [ST2000LM015-2E8174]
Drive Serial Number_______________: [ ZDZ12AHJ]

Drive Controller Revision Number__: [SDM1]

Drive Type________________________:
Drive Size________________________: 2000398934016 bytes

Drive 1 -
Primary Controller -
- Slave drive
Drive Model Number________________: [ST2000LM015-2E8174]

Drive Serial Number_______________: [ ZDZ12AHJ]

Drive Controller Revision Number__: [SDM1]

Drive Type________________________:
Drive Size________________________: 2000398934016 bytes

Trying to read the drive IDs using physical access with zero rights

**** STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR for drive 0 ****

Vendor Id = []
Product Id = [ST2000LM015-2E8174]
Product Revision = [SDM1]
Serial Number = [DZ1ZA2JH]

**** DISK_GEOMETRY_EX for drive 0 ****

Disk is fixed fixed
DiskSize = 2000398934016

**** STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR for drive 1 ****

Vendor Id = [F8]
Product Id = [T5]
Product Revision = [1.10]
Serial Number = [1101000065]

**** DISK_GEOMETRY_EX for drive 1 ****

Disk is removable fixed
DiskSize = 68719476736

**** STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR for drive 2 ****

Vendor Id = [Msft]
Product Id = [Virtual Disk]
Product Revision = [1.0]
Serial Number = []

**** DISK_GEOMETRY_EX for drive 2 ****

Disk is fixed fixed
DiskSize = 8589934592

Trying to read the drive IDs using SMART

Drive 0 -
Primary Controller -
- Master drive
Drive Model Number________________: [ST2000LM015-2E8174]

Drive Serial Number_______________: [ ZDZ12AHJ]

Drive Controller Revision Number__: [SDM1]

Drive Type________________________:
Drive Size________________________: 2000398934016 bytes

Hard Drive Serial Number__________: ZDZ12AHJ

Hard Drive Model Number___________: ST2000LM015-2E8174

Starting check disk for D:

D:\ Volume Label: , File System: exFAT
Volume Serial Number is EE08-9928
Windows is verifying files and folders...
Corruption was found while examining the volume bitmap.
Windows is verifying file allocations...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows is verifying free space...
524245 free clusters processed.
Free space verification is complete.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
No further action is required.
67104768 KB total disk space.
640 KB in 2 files.
512 KB in 4 indexes.
Check Disk Callback: 26
256 KB in use by the system.
67103360 KB available on disk.
131072 bytes in each allocation unit.
524256 total allocation units on disk.
524245 allocation units available on disk.
Check Disk: Finished OK

vEXFAT .........................................................................
..... ...........0.........€........3.Ž.Ž.Ž...{..|ˆ.o|.A..U..ri  .U.uc...t^...|
€Š.o|‹...fXfXfXfXfar..^.f@Iu..f`..........fa.B.O.O.T.M.G.R...Remove disks or other
media....Disk error...Press any key to

Media has filled up earlier than expected!

In the beginning there were 65531 MByte free, but only
65485 MByte could be written.
Warning: Only 65531 of 65532 MByte tested.
Writing speed: 532 KByte/s
H2testw v1.4

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