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Poseidon is my name, and in greek it means “husband.” I am the god of seas, earthquakes,
floods, horses and the Protector of all oceans. Sailors rely on me for safe passage. In rome, I am
known as Neptune. I am the son of cronus and rhea. I had siblings but when we were babies, we
were swallowed by my father because of his fear that we might dethrone him. I was allotted
dominion after the fall of the titans. I have the power to cause an earthquake just by striking the
ground with my trident. I can manipulate the weather, I can shape shift usually in elemental
form. I have power over horses. Despite of not being powerful on land, I can cause tremendous
earthquakes. People would often call me moody. Do you think I am? If you think so, they how
dare you disrespect a god? I am the god of waters! It’ll be easy for me to drown you so don’t
ever think of such. People would usually call me unstable because of my attitude. My wife was
amphitrite,a nereid. Together, we had a triton, who was half-human and half-fish. Medusa and I
conceived the Pegasus one of the many mythological creatures. I am also the biological father of
orion, polyphemus, pelias and many others. And did you know? Athena and I knew each other?

Poseidon and I deeply knew each other. Other than being his niece and him being my uncle, we
competed for the possession. He tried to sway the people In his favor therefor he made it spring
at acropolis. I gave the people olive trees which would produce wood, olives, and olive oil. I won
the possession of Athens.

Enough of that rivalry with my uncle, let me introduce myself. I am Athena. I am the favorite
offspring of my father. I am one of the virgin goddesses. My beloved people also refer to me as
as athene. my roman name is Minerva I am famously known as The goddess of wisdom and
war. I am also known as the goddess of courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice,
strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. I am a child of zeus
and metis. My father swallowed metis and months he felt a severe headache. As crazy as it
sounds, I sprang from my father’s forehead fully grown with my armor on. It was like I was
really born to fight. During wars, I help my fellow gods strategize and teach them how to play
their cards right. I use my father’s thunderbolt, aegis, a shield that has medusa’s face in it and a
vest made out of goatskin. I have an owl as a pet because I am fascinated by it and is a
representation of wisdom. I am an immoral goddess and could never die. I have special powers
included the ability to invent useful items and crafts. She invented the ship, chariot, plow, and
rake. i also invented many of the skills used by women in Ancient Greece such as weaving and
pottery. They say that I am the embodiment of discipline, strategy, skill and diplomacy. I favor
the wise and creative, and truly despise the proud. And there was even a time wherein i punished
a mortal for being too arrogant. People say that I am the counterpart of Ares, but in truth, we are
different. I do not like being compared to that pompous God. Mortals seem to think highly of me
and even named the capital of greece 'athens' in honor of me, and for that I am truly grateful.

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