November Newsletter

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Language School
W I T H C A N D A C E M I C H A U D N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0
Language and Celebration
My three and a half months here you know what they said. brate it. We had the day off
STILL UNDE- have gone by so quickly. I only from school and were able to
For our graduation I will be
CIDED, BUT I have a little over a week left and watch the parade in the morning.
speaking on behalf of the stu-
WOULD LOVE then I will be back home. I have In the afternoon we all came
dents that were only here for
TO KEEP YOU learned so much. I would defi- together and had a Thanksgiving
UP TO DATE. nitely recommend learning a dinner. Each family contributed a
THANK YOU second language in a country different part. I brought a green
where it is the primary language. bean casserole and an apple al-
You learn so much more. I have mond cheesecake. After the
also been able to learn a lot dinner we went to Jenna’s house
FINANCIAL more because I live with a lady and watched Elf and made
SUPPORT OVER that only speaks Spanish. This Christmas cookies. It was my
THE PAST forces me to use my Spanish and first Thanksgiving away from
THREE I am able to learn practical, every Having fun making Christ- home, yet it was still a wonderful
MONTHS. -day stuff from her. I might not day. I missed my family, but
mas Cookies
be totally fluent, but I can usually thanks to Skype, I was able to
PRAYER say what I need to say and get talk with everyone before they
REQUESTS my point across. It is such a ate dinner at my grandparents.
good feeling when you under- one trimester. I am very excited
Final exams and nervous as well. God has been so faithful while I
stand an entire conversation and have been here. Every financial
Direction you are able to give your input as Here in Costa Rica they obvi- need has been supplied and I
well. It is especially great when ously don’t celebrate Thanksgiv- have grown so much.
The missionaries
you can laugh with them because ing, but we as a school did cele-
going to their

Prison Ministry
Traveling mercies

The kids from

Linda Vista

Women in Prison This month a group of missionary know that the day will come Bible studies and then had a
ladies from CINCEL went with when they have to say goodbye. beauty salon for them. They did
some Costa Rican ladies to a It is wonderful though that they their hair and their nails. The
women’s prison. In this prison are able to cherish their gifts women were so appreciative.
the mothers are allowed to keep from the Lord, even for just a The rest of us worked with the
their children until they turn few short years. children. All the kids loved the
three. The child is required to Some of the ladies worked with attention and love that we were
leave once they pass the age the women and did small-group giving to them. It was very hard
deadline. It must be so sad to to leave.

Ministry in Churches
Two Sundays ago we went to a ory verse and played a game prayed for people in Spanish
new church plant in Moravia. with them. Of course, all of for the first time. It wasn’t
They let us take over the re- this ministry was in Spanish. overly profound, but I said
mainder of the service after This past week we went to a what I could and allowed God
they did a few worship songs. large church in Turrialba. to do the rest. It doesn’t mat-
We led more worship, gave They had two morning ser- ter what language we speak;
testimonies, took up the offer- vices in which we ministered. God can minister to us in any
ing, preached, and did art dur- In each service we did a testi- way that He chooses.
ing the worship and preaching. mony, a special song, and a Children’s Church
I played the piano for worship sermon. I did a special with
and altar and sang as well. one of the other missionary
Some of the ladies worked ladies. We sang “Revelation
with the children. I helped out Song” in Spanish. It is called
David Isabelli with the children during the “Digno y Santo” in Spanish.
(missionary to Mexico) time that I wasn’t on the plat- After the service this week I
preaching form. I taught the kids a mem-

Chicas con promesa

"If the Great Three times this month I went hill I felt like I had just started a of saying goodbye, it was such
with two other girls to a missions trip. It is a much a joy to minister to them.
Commission is school called Linda Vista to poorer area where there is a
work with sixth grade girls in lot of drugs, prostitution, and
true, our plans are
an after-school program. This abuse. It was very sad to hear
not too big; they school is a part of Latin some of the stories of the girls.
American Child Care.. LACC Every week we would share a
are too small." — is an organization that provides devotional, play games, have a
schools for underprivileged snack, have prayer time, and
Pat Morley children. chat with them. The best part
The school is very high up on a was just getting to love on
hill. As we would drive up the them. In spite of the sadness

On our way
MK Blowout
Robyn and I worked ing we prayed for them before
to the
with the directors of they left. I began to cry as I
house after CINCEL to put on a thought of these young lives
eating pizza Missionary Kid sleep- that were being changed for-
and Go over. We went Go ever by the mission field. I
Karting Karting, ate pizza, know that God is going to use
played games, them in a mighty way. I pray
watched movies, and that He keeps them and they
ate junk food. It was continue to serve the Lord all
a blast. In the morn- the days of their lives.


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