Computer Security and Computer Viruses

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Midterm Period

Computer Security and Computer Viruses

Steven John C. Montaña August 2, 2019

BSIT/IT11FC1 Instructor: Ms. Arceli F. Salo

Laboratory Activity No. 1

1. Computer Virus: Macro virus

Effect: This is another type of file-based virus. It attaches to files made from programs that
support macros. Some examples are Microsoft Excel and Word, and people often unknowingly
download them from email attachments.
Propose Computer Security: A good security program scans these types of files before you
download them to detect any threats.

2. Computer Virus: Browser Hijacker

Effect: Imagine typing in an internet address and automatically bouncing through several
different sites. When this happens, a browser hijacker is responsible for the incident.
Unfortunately, hijackers are usually attached to appealing toolbars, programs and other free
downloads you choose.
Propose Computer Security: Most trusted browsers have built-in features to block them ahead.

3. Computer Virus: File Infector

Effect: One of the most common types of computer viruses is a file infector. These viruses
attach to host files, so this means they usually stick to files you use often. Any time you open or
run the file, the virus is running. It can even take over the file completely.
Propose Computer Security: You can right click the file and click scan with Windows Defender.
Always make a backup file.

4. Computer Virus: Web Scripting Virus

Effect: These viruses come from the programming used for a site's display. The image
placement, videos, links and layout of a site are all constructed with coding. This can be altered
with the intent of infecting your computer when you click links or watch videos on a malicious
site. A site may unknowingly host malicious codes added by a third party, so be careful about
visiting any sites.
Propose Computer Security: There are security programs that have features that detect
malicious sites while you browse the Internet.
5. Computer Virus: Direct Action Virus
Effect: Direct action viruses attack certain types of files, typically .exe and .com files. The main
purpose of this virus is to replicate and infect files in folders. On the lighter note, they do not
typically delete files or affect PC performance and speed.
Propose Computer Security: It can be easily removed by antivirus programs.

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