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Constitutional and Political Development in Pakistan

1. Problems of State Building and Nation Building.

1. Administrative and political problems
2. Constitutional problems federation and provincial autonomy.

2. Constitution Making 1949-1956

1. Constitutional legacy of colonial rule
2. Quaid’s vision about the nature of the state
3. The Objectives Resolution 1949
4. Major constitutional issues (representation, provincial autonomy, joint and separate electorates and languages;
ethnicity; the role of religion in politics etc).

3. Constitutions of Pakistan: A Comparative Study:

1. 1956 constitution.
2. 1962 constitution
3. 1973 constitution
4. Constitution under the shadow of 8th amendment.
5. Constitution under the shadow of 13th & 14th amendment.
6. Legal Framework Order 2002
7. Constitution under the shadow of 17th amendment.

4. Power Politics and Transfer of Powers.

1. Politics parties and pressure groups
2. Elections.

5. Military Rule (1958, 1969, 1977, 1999, 2007)

1. Causes of political ascendancy.

2. Role of the military in Pakistan.

6. Civilian Rule (1947 – up to date)

1. The impediments in the growth of democracy.
2. Working and breakdown of parliamentary democracy in Pakistan.

7. Role of Religion in the Politics of Pakistan.

Zia Islamization Process Backlash of Afghan Soviet war U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and its impact on Pakistani
Politics Role of Anti-American sentiment in Pakistani’s politics
Suggested Books:
Khan, Hamid 2001. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
Ziring, Lawrence. 1997. Pakistan in the Twentieth Century: A Political History Karachi Oxford University Press.

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