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 They breath with lungs.
 They are cold-blooded.
 There bodies are covered with dry scales.
 They lay eggs.
 Black snakes, Bearded dragons, Turtles, Crocodiles, and Alligators are
 Geckos and Skinks are unusual reptiles.
 Frogs and Toads are non examples.
 They breathe with lungs and gills.
 They are cold blooded.
 Their skin is smooth and moist.
 Their birth of young is eggs.
 The examples are frogs, salamanders, newt, and mud puppies.
 African clawed frog is a unusual example.
 The lizard is a non-example.
 Mammals breathe with lungs.
 They are warm blooded.
 They have hair/fur.
 Most give birth to live young.
 Some examples are bears, lions, tigers, and people.
 Some unusual examples bats, whales, and dolphins
 Non-examples are sharks and penguins.
 Birds breathe with lungs.
 They are warm-blooded.
 They are covered with feathers.
 They give birth to eggs.
 Examples of birds would be a red bird, hawk, and chicken.
 Some unusual birds are the ostrich, flamingo, and penguin.
 Some non-examples are the bat and the dragonfly.
 They breathe with gills.
 They are cold blooded.
 Their skin is covered with scales and bony plates.
 They lay eggs and have live births.
 An example of a fish is a gold fish and sharks.
 A unusual example would be a sea horse and an eel.
 A non-example would be a dolphin, whale and starfish.
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