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11716738 FEBRUARY 26, 2018
Individual Business Case: Exclusive Stores

In this world, everything has to be bought and exchanged with money. In short, nothing is free.
In addition, money does not just fall from the sky when you need it, people work hard to earn money.
The greed for money is one of the main reasons for the moral evil and negligence that people practice
in this world, which is unethical and must be avoided especially by business entities. It must be avoided
because business entities are one of the main sources of developments in the economy of the country
since they conduct business transactions with other entities worldwide. Thus, the reputations and credit
ratings of the business entities will be at stake once they do not practice good business ethics.

Exclusive Stores does not exercise good business ethics because of what Dean Matthew has been
practicing. The practice of Dean Matthew does not portray integrity and due care because his actions are
dishonest which will then lead to distrust, and people will avoid doing business transactions with entities
who are dishonest and who do not practice good business ethics. People will gladly conduct business
transactions with companies who practice good ethics because they are assured that they will not be
cheated upon and that their business transactions will be above board.

The unjust actions of Dean Matthew harm the stakeholders of Exclusive Stores, including the
creditors of Exclusive Stores and as a matter of fact, the Exclusive Stores themselves. The creditors of
Exclusive Stores are harmed because they are not being paid on time by Exclusive Stores. Exclusive
Stores is not supposed to be able to take the cash discount because it was already beyond the discount
period, thus, the creditors are shortchanged by Exclusive Stores. Exclusive Stores is benefited from this
because not only were they able to get additional interest but they were also able to avail the discount.
However, the reputation of Exclusive stores will also be harmed with this unethical practice. In the long
run, their creditors will learn about this unethical practice which will then harm the name of their business.

Marvin should not continue the practice started by Dean because it is unethical, it does injustice
to others and it does not portray good conduct. Businesses should practice good ethics such as integrity
and due care because people rely on their work. Not only that, but it is important to take care of the
reputation of the business for it to survive for a long time. In the long term, they will lose their credibility
if they continue to practice this because word will spread around the business circle and it will harm the
reputation of Exclusive Stores. Thus, Marvin has the responsibility to report Dean Matthew to the higher
management for proper disposition of the unethical business practice which has been introduced by Dean

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