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Kiara Fisher and nine other

athletes who shined in 2018



A bill should be a
for NY state right
Jon Campbell
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – Gov. Andrew Cuomo
called Monday for including abortion
rights in the New York Constitution,
calling it an unprecedented opportuni-
ty to protect a woman’s right to choose.
With former Secretary of State Hil-
Child Victims Act would lary Clinton by his side, Cuomo deliv-
ered a pro-choice speech at Barnard
expand prosecutions College in Manhattan, vowing to with-
hold support for a 2019-20 state bud-
Anthony Borrelli get until the legislature approves the
Elmira Star-Gazette Reproductive Health Act and the Com-
USA TODAY NETWORK prehensive Contraception Coverage
Act, long-stalled bills that would bol-
Some 38 priests in the Syracuse Dio- ster abortion rights and birth-control
cese, all credibly accused of sexual coverage, respectively.
abuse, once served in the Southern But Cuomo took his call a step fur-
Tier and this reveal earlier in December ther, vowing to push an amendment
begged the question: Can these abus- that would enshrine a woman’s right to
ers be charged with a crime? choose in the state Constitution.
The short answer: no. The statute of Such a move would make it more
limitations had long expired, regard- difficult for future governors and law-
less of whether the priest was still alive makers to reverse: A constitutional
— the list stretched back to 1950. amendment has to be approved by
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has successively elected legislatures and
listed among his priorities in 2019 approved by a vote of the public.
passing the Child Victims Act, legisla- Cuomo first made the call for an
tion that would widen the timetable for amendment last year, but it has new
child sex abuse victims to press strength with Democrats taking full
charges, a bill that has been kicked control of the legislature this year.
around in Albany for over a decade.
Senate Democrats, who will take over See ABORTION, Page 5A
control of their chamber in January,
have signaled support.
“A horrific pattern of child sexual
abuse scandals has shown us that now
more than ever we need to change how
we view the statutes of limitation in Officials’ salary
cases of child sexual abuse,” the legis-
lation states. “By eliminating the stat- reductions
save Chemung
utes of limitation in childhood sexual
abuse cases, victims of these horrific
crimes will get their day in court and fi-
nally be able to seek the justice they
have been denied.”
County $91,100
Southern Tier law enforcement offi- Thomas Giery Pudney
cials and victim advocates aren’t call- Elmira Star-Gazette
ing the proposed Child Victims Act a
universal fix, but one that could likely
encourage more victims to come for- Chemung County Executive Chris-
ward. topher Moss has announced salary re-
Why might a victim keep their abuse ductions for some high-level county
a secret? Often, perpetrators are ex- officials — meaning a savings of
ploiting a position of trust, and victims $91,100.
fear they won’t be believed or will get in Two officials, Moss and Deputy Ex-
ecutive David Sheen, the former
See CHILD VICTIMS, Page 2A Southern town supervisor, will see
their salaries shrink by 15 percent. Five
other positions will see 10 percent re-
On average, domestic violence ductions. One position, director of
hotlines nationwide receive public information, will see a $16,339
approximately 20,800 calls each day, increase in salary.
according to the National Coalition The reductions come as no surprise
Against Domestic Violence. and likely will not be the last cost-cut-
GETTY IMAGES ting measure implemented as the
newly seated county executive looks
to balance the county’s budget.

See CHEMUNG, Page 5A

Daily $1.50
Weather Big Flats business closing
High 47° ❚ Low 32° After 30 years at same location, Cottage Trump bets on Supreme Court to
Home delivery pricing inside Showers. Forecast, 2A Gift Shop to cease operation. 3A breathe life into his policies. 4A
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WEATHER Child victims ❚ Excessive talk about or knowledge

of sexual topics.
❚ Resuming behaviors that they had
TODAY WEDNESDAY Continued from Page 1A grown out of, such as thumb-sucking.
Mild ❚ Nightmares or fear of being alone at
with rain Windy trouble if they disclose what hap- night.
showers with snow pened. ❚ Excessive worry or fearfulness;
showers The Advocacy Center, which assists self-injury behaviors.
victims of domestic violence and sex Don’t brush off the instinct if some-
abuse in Tompkins County, shares a thing doesn’t seem right, Taylor recom-
HIGH 47 LOW 32 HIGH 36 LOW 22 Today’s forecast is provided by
WENY News Meteorologists comforting message to victims who mended; people shouldn’t let the social
FOR THE LATEST FORECASTS www.stargazette.com/weather Joe Veres and Ally Debicki. do: worries of “being rude” get in the way.
“This wasn’t your fault; it wasn’t OK It’s OK to intervene, even if it turns out
THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY they took advantage of you,” said Kristi something criminal isn’t really going on.
HIGH 27 LOW 14 HIGH 23 LOW 14 HIGH 26 LOW 15 Taylor, the Advocacy Center’s educa-
tion director. “There’s people who can Building a criminal case
Cold with Partly sunny and want to help.”
snow showers and cold Mostly cloudy For law enforcement officials, sex
What is the Child Victims Act? abuse investigations are often light on
physical evidence.
The Child Victims Act would In a courtroom, it can boil down to
BY THE NUMBERS REGIONAL change the statute of limitations on whose testimony proves more credible:
Today Tomorrow child sexual abuse crimes to age 28 in the accuser or the accused.
Hi Lo W
43 35 c
Hi Lo W
38 28 sn
criminal cases, and 50 in civil cases. Broome County District Attorney
Yesterday’s high 27° Yesterday’s high 24° Yesterday’s high 24° Atlantic City 52 41 pc 46 31 pc Under the current law, once a sex Steve Cornwell ranked sex abuse among
Yesterday’s low 20° Yesterday’s low 10° Yesterday’s low 10° Buffalo
sf abuse victim turns 18, he or she has the most traumatic cases to enter the
Normal high 33° Normal high 29° Normal high 31°
Normal low 15° Normal low 16° Normal low 16°
New York City
c five years to report the crime to law en- criminal justice system.
Record high 63° in 2008 Record high 59° in 2008 Record high 63° in 2008
forcement officials. After that, the “Recent cases are challenging, and
Record low -7° in 2018 Record low -8° in 2014 Record low -10° in 1973 Scranton 46 36 pc 38 25 c statute of limitations kicks in, and the older cases are extremely challenging,”
Syracuse 44 34 c 35 22 sn
PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION perpetrator can’t be prosecuted. Cornwell said. “The more recent a dis-
in inches in inches in inches NATIONAL Approximately 1.8 million adoles- closure is made (by a victim), that’s go-
Yesterday Trace Yesterday Trace Yesterday Trace Today Wednesday
cents in the U.S. have been the victims ing to be a stronger case.”
Month to date 0.33 Month to date 0.22 Month to date 0.28 City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
Normal m-t-d 0.44 Normal m-t-d 0.56 Normal m-t-d 0.47
30 pc
34 pc
of sexual assault, according the U.S. Corroboration between the victim’s
Year to date 0.33 Year to date 0.22 Year to date 0.28 Anchorage 11 7 c 13 5 pc Department of Justice. In a majority of account of what happened and other
Normal y-t-d 0.44 Normal y-t-d 0.56 Normal y-t-d 0.47 Aspen
17 pc
30 s sexual abuse cases, the perpetrators facts that might not, on the surface, be
42 pc
28 c
are known to the child, some of them considered evidence factor heavily into
SNOWFALL: totals for Elmira Billings 37 20 s 41 32 pc being family members. how law enforcement officials look to
Yesterday Trace Season to date 18.6” Birmingham
28 s
37 c As a result, disclosure of sexual prove crimes like these.
Month to date Trace Normal s-t-d 12.0” Boston 45 39 sn 47 33 c abuse is often delayed, usually until There might not be physical evidence
Normal m-t-d 1.9” Last season 5.9” Burlington
25 sn
31 pc adulthood. at a crime scene, Cornwell said, but nar-
Charleston, SC 74
Charleston, WV 62
34 pc
21 c rowing down testimony about the de-
EXTREMES: High: 85°, McAllen, TX Low: -17°, Saranac Lake, NY Charlotte, NC 68 39 pc 53 26 s How victims are groomed tails — whether a car was involved, the
Chicago 43 20 sh 24 14 c
THE MOON SKYWATCH Cincinnati 58 26 pc 32 19 c location of the abuse, a time period
Columbia, SC
24 sf
29 s Perpetrators “groom” their victims when it happened — can support an ac-
Sun 7:36 a.m. 4:53 p.m. Columbus, OH 57
Concord 35
22 c
28 r
in order to gain access and ensure the cuser’s story to a trial jury.
Moon 9:18 a.m. 7:26 p.m.
Venus 3:56 a.m. 1:54 p.m. Dallas 65 40 s 58 42 pc victim will stay quiet about the abuse,
Mars 11:04 a.m. 11:25 p.m.
Daytona Beach 77
Denver 49
40 pc
31 pc Taylor said. The abuser makes the vic- Where to get help for victims
Jupiter 5:05 a.m. 2:23 p.m.
JAN 14 JAN 21 JAN 27 FEB 4 Saturn 7:13 a.m. 4:25 p.m.
21 c
-21 sf
tim feel wanted, accepted, “part of the
Fargo 21 -1 c 6 -3 pc group,” and tells the victim how spe- The Advocacy Center in Ithaca offers
FORECAST FOR JANUARY 8, 2019 Flagstaff
Green Bay
22 pc
11 c cial, beautiful or handsome he or she a peer-facilitated educational program,
29 c
69 pc
is. “Enough Abuse,” designed to prevent
Houston 76 53 c 65 44 pc “Offenders are very good at identi- the sexual abuse of children through
Jackson, MS
31 s
35 pc fying vulnerabilities in kids,” Taylor education of parents, professionals and
Kansas City
11 s
22 s
said. “It’s not hard to draw young vic- other concerned adults.
Key West 79 71 pc 76 62 pc tims into abuse, because the victim Here are some other avenues for
Las Vegas
43 pc
18 c becomes part of it — they might even help:
Little Rock
Los Angeles
29 s
49 c
be lying to their parents about what’s ❚ The Broome County Crime Victims
Louisville 61 32 s 38 22 pc going on.” Assistance Center and Child Advocacy
28 s
54 pc Here are some of the warning signs: Center can be reached by texting 607-
16 c
8 c
❚ Sexual behavior that is inappro- 725-8196, or call the 24/7 Crisis Line at
Nashville 66 35 sh 47 24 pc priate for the child’s age. 607- 722-4256.
Shown are noon positions of
New Orleans
Oklahoma City 55
73 50
42 pc
36 pc ❚ Bedwetting or soiling the bed, if ❚ Suspected abuse can be reported
weather systems and precipitation. Omaha
20 s
42 pc
the child has already outgrown these using the New York State Child Abuse
Phoenix 70 49 s 73 51 pc behaviors. Hotline: 800-342-3720.
Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Pittsburgh
Portland, ME
22 sf
28 r ❚ Not wanting to be left alone with ❚ There’s also Catholic Charities’
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Portland, OR
47 r
31 c
certain people or being afraid to be First Step victim service program: 607-
INTERNATIONAL Raleigh 68 42 pc 52 27 s away from primary caregivers, espe- 535-2050; call or text 24/7 Hotline, 607-
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
28 s
47 r cially if this is a new behavior. 742-9629.
Amsterdam 47 38 r Geneva 39 33 sh New Delhi 67 44 pc St. Louis
St. Thomas
21 s
72 pc
❚ Tries to avoid removing clothing to Follow Anthony Borrelli on Twitter
Hong Kong
pc Salt Lake City 42 30 c 45 31 pc change or bathe. @PSBABorrelli.
Rio de Janeiro
San Antonio
San Diego
46 c
52 c Other red flags include:
Beirut 56 49 sh Johannesburg 80 57 pc Rome 57 41 sh San Francisco 61 56 c 60 50 r
Belgrade 33 29 sn Kabul 42 20 pc San Juan 83 71 pc Seattle 45 41 r 52 47 r
Berlin 42 34 r Lima 79 71 pc Seoul 33 11 s Spokane 34 32 sn 41 36 sh
Brasilia 86 63 s London 48 36 pc Singapore 86 78 t Tampa 76 60 s 72 45 pc
Bucharest 30 21 s Madrid 55 30 s Stockholm 35 31 r Topeka 52 26 s 45 24 s
Budapest 33 29 sn Melbourne 79 58 pc Sydney 84 70 t Tucson 72 47 s 73 49 pc
Washington, DC 61 42 pc 47 31 pc
Buenos Aires 88 67 s Mexico City 73 38 pc Taipei City 69 62 r
Cairo 62 46 s Montreal 38 31 sn Tokyo 53 39 s Wichita 53 25 s 51 31 s
Cape Town 78 64 s Moscow 18 9 sf Toronto 43 31 c
Dublin 45 36 pc Nairobi 78 56 pc Vancouver 40 38 r Forecasts and graphics, except the
Frankfurt 44 34 r Nassau 81 70 sh Vienna 39 34 sn WENY 5-day forecast, provided by N.Y. lottery: (518) 388-3300 Pa. lottery: (800) 692-7481
Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 www.nylottery.org www.palottery.com

For Corrections NY Lottery 31-33-36-42-47-52-53- 8

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stargazette.com ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 3A

Cottage Gift Shop, a Big Flats Pa. student

charged over
business fixture, to close Snapchat video
Jeff Murray
Elmira Star-Gazette SAXONBURG, Pa. – A Pennsylva-
nia high school student accused of
posting a Snapchat video of himself
Tom Gorman spent most of his adult shooting a gun with a caption reading
life working for the federal government “Training for Prom Walk” has been
— first with the U.S. Army, and then as arrested.
an employee of the U.S. Postal Service — The video showed 18-year-old Ja-
before he decided to try something to- son Bowen, of Middlesex Township,
tally different. firing multiple rounds from a semi-
After taking early retirement from automatic, AK-style rifle, according
the Postal Service in 2004, Gorman and to a police criminal complaint. It’s
his wife purchased a business known as not clear when the video was made.
Clorinda’s Country Closet from his sis- The complaint also said a separate
ter-in-law, who opened it in 1988. Instagram photo showed a man re-
Gorman renamed the shop — filled sembling Bowen giv-
with primitive and country-themed ing a thumbs-up in re-
items — Cottage Gift Shop, and it con- lation to the Sandy
tinued to be a staple of the Big Flats Hook Elementary
business community. School massacre, ac-
Now after 30 years at the same loca- cording to the com-
tion, the shop will this year as Gorman plaint. A gunman
plans to retire — for good this time. Jason killed 20 first-graders
“Five years ago, business peaked. Bowen and six educators at
The last five years, it’s been slacking off Owner Tom Gorman is surrounded by many of the primitive and country-themed the Connecticut
little by little, but closing has nothing to items he offers at the Cottage Gift Shop in Big Flats. JEFF MURRAY/STAFF PHOTOS school on Dec. 14, 2012.
do with that,” said Gorman, 59. “I want Bowen was charged Monday with
to do a little traveling. We have three terroristic threats, prohibited offen-
kids — one in Wisconsin, one in Oklaho- Retirement sale sive weapons, use or possession of
ma and one in Arizona. This will give us drug paraphernalia and causing ca-
a chance to visit them. My parents are in ❚ Cottage Gift Shop, at 2445 State tastrophe.
South Carolina. I want to spend time Route 352 in Big Flats, is going out of A search of Bowen’s room uncov-
with them.” business after 30 years at the same ered brass knuckles and drug para-
Gorman almost took the business in location. All merchandise is currently 50 phernalia, police said.
a different direction when he and his percent off. For more information, call He was jailed Monday in the Butler
wife took over the shop. 607-733-9063 or go to County Prison in lieu of posting
They originally planned on opening a cottage-gift-shop.com. $25,000 bail, according to court rec-
toy store before sticking with the coun- ords. Bowen is scheduled for a pre-
try theme. liminary hearing Jan. 16.
In fact, Gorman still has 15,000 Hot His lawyer, David Shrager, said
Wheels toy cars in storage that he also Cottage Gift Shop has been a fixture happy to serve another year if the asso- Monday he understands why police
plans to sell. He will offer them to a col- of the Big Flats business community ciation wants him to before he moves and school district officials were con-
lector and then invite people to check for three decades. on. cerned about the images on social
them out by appointment. And while Cottage Gift Shop has media, but said Bowen just made a
Rather than toys, the tiny shop be- been good to him, he said he won’t miss bad, unfunny joke that doesn’t rise to
hind Gorman’s house on state Route 352 Everything in the store is 50 percent it. the level of a crime.
is filled with aromatic candles, dolls, off, and Gorman plans to close for good “We thought it was time. We had a “We are all aware of the serious
quilts, furniture, jams and jellies and by the end of the year, although he ex- good run, and met so many nice people nature of these types of statements
other goodies — most of which are local- pects the inventory will be gone a lot over the years,” Gorman said. “It’s just and tragedies that have befallen
ly made. sooner. time to move onto the next phase in my parts of our country,” he said. “We
“It just gives you that warm country Gorman has also been president of life, whatever that may be.” must still balance caution with ratio-
feeling, and it’s always filled with good the Big Flats Business Association for Follow Jeff Murray on Twitter nal thought and analyze each case on
smells,” he said. the past 12 years, and said he will be @SGJeffMurray. facts and not through fear.”

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MONDAY’S MARKETS Spacey arraigned on assault charge
Dow Jones Industrial Avg. 23,531.35 x 98.19 Actor Kevin Spacey appeared in a Massachusetts
S&P 500 2,549.69 x 17.75 courtroom Monday to face a charge that he groped a
Nasdaq composite 6,823.47 x 84.62
teenage busboy in a bar on Nantucket Island in 2016.
T-note, 10-year yield 2.697 x 0.027
SOURCES USA TODAY RESEARCH, BLOOMBERG Spacey did not voice his expected plea of not guilty,
but it was entered on his behalf. The judge set Spa-
cey’s next court date for March 4.

Trump counts on high

Trump plans border visit as
shutdown enters third week

court to uphold policies

WASHINGTON – With no break-
through in sight to end the partial gov-
ernment shutdown, President Donald
Trump plans a Tuesday night address
to the nation and a Thursday visit the
U.S.-Mexico border to highlight his
demands for a border wall. Newly em-
Issues include border
powered House Democrats, and at security, immigration
least a few Republican senators, are
stepping up pressure on Trump and Richard Wolf
GOP lawmakers to reopen the govern- USA TODAY
ment. Trump said he would discuss
the “Humanitarian and National Se- WASHINGTON – President Donald
curity crisis on our Southern Border” Trump is betting big on the Supreme
at 9 p.m. EST. He maintains that more Court in 2019 to revive controversial
than $5 billion is needed for a wall. policies on issues ranging from immi-
gration and border security to trans-
Ginsburg misses Supreme Court gender troops in the military.
arguments for the first time Seeking to match the success he had
at the high court on his immigration
WASHINGTON – Justice Ruth Bad- travel ban against predominantly Mus-
er Ginsburg missed arguments for the lim countries last year, Trump is count-
first time in more than 25 years as she ing on the justices – including two that
recuperates from cancer surgery last he picked – to reverse lower court
month, the Supreme Court said. Gins- losses at the hands of both liberal and
burg was not on the bench as the court conservative judges.
met Monday to hear arguments. It was Waiting for word are more than
not clear when she would return to the 700,000 undocumented immigrants
court, which will hear more cases brought to the United States as children
Tuesday and Wednesday, and again who could be threatened with deporta- President Donald Trump shakes hands with Supreme Court Chief Justice John
next week. Court spokeswoman Kathy tion under Trump’s policy. Also in play Roberts during a joint session of Congress in 2017. Roberts was the deciding
Arberg said the 85-year-old justice is are some of the estimated thousands of vote against reinstating Trump’s asylum ban. ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES
continuing to recuperate and work transgender troops serving in the mil-
from home. itary and others seeking to join who
face a partial ban. two nominees, will make a major differ- but was swatted down by federal dis-
California storm brings power The high court is already slated to ence – or whether the president’s battle trict and appeals court judges.
outages, shuts down highway hear a dispute over the Trump admini- with Chief Justice John Roberts over The Supreme Court refused to block
stration’s effort to ask about citizenship the independence of the federal judi- the lower court orders from taking ef-
SAN FRANCISCO – Utility crews in the 2020 Census. Other cases that ciary will backfire. fect but is scheduled to consider hear-
worked Monday to restore power to could be headed there eventually in- Trump enters 2019 with a poor track ing the government’s appeal at its Fri-
thousands of people after a winter clude Trump’s ban on asylum seekers record in the federal courts. day conference. If at least four justices
storm swept through Northern Cali- who enter the country illegally and his Just as he did early in his battle to agree to take the case, it could be heard
fornia, toppling utility poles and trees threat to withhold federal funds from limit travelers from majority-Muslim in April and decided by the end of June.
and prompting the temporary closure “sanctuary cities” that do not fully co- nations, Trump has lost most of his bat- Trump hasn’t had better luck at the
of a major highway. Strong winds and operate with immigration authorities. tles with judges on issues ranging from high court with his asylum ban. After a
downed trees knocked out electricity In most of those cases, the Justice early skirmishes over special counsel federal judge blocked his effort to cut off
for nearly 90,000 customers across Department took the unusual step of Robert Mueller’s investigation into asylum for migrants who enter the
the Sacramento region Sunday night. seeking Supreme Court action before Russian meddling in the 2016 election country illegally – and before the case
By Monday morning, 13,000 custom- lower-court appeals had run their to the revoking of CNN reporter Jim went to an appeals court – the Supreme
ers still had no power. course. The administration railed Acosta’s White House press credential. Court narrowly refused, 5-4, to step in.
against local judges issuing nationwide “The Trump administration has con- Both of Trump’s high court nominees
Israeli PM rejects corruption injunctions against Trump’s policies. sistently failed in the lower courts, and joined two other conservative justices
allegations in live address But the high court has been loath to they’ve gotten some relief in the Su- in dissent.
jump over lower courts. preme Court,” says Josh Blackman, a It probably didn’t help that Trump
JERUSALEM – In what was billed “The executive branch is mistaken if professor at South Texas College of Law blasted federal district court Judge Jon
as a “dramatic announcement,” Israeli it looks to the Supreme Court to provide in Houston who follows the high court Tigar as an “Obama judge” after his ini-
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a quick fix for their litigation problems,” closely. tial ruling, later upheld in a 2-1 opinion
used a prime-time address Monday to says Peter Margulies, a professor spe- That wasn’t the case on the Deferred by federal appeals court Judge Jay By-
again dismiss a series of corruption al- cializing in national security law at Rog- Action for Childhood Arrivals program, bee, who was appointed by President
legations against him. Netanyahu said er Williams University School of Law. known as DACA, which has helped George W. Bush.
that it would be “unjust” for him to be Win or lose, the confrontations at more than 700,000 undocumented im- “We do not have Obama judges or
indicted ahead of early elections the nation’s highest court will shed light migrants avoid deportation and get Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton
called for April 9 without a chance to on whether Associate Justices Neil Gor- work permits. Trump sought to end judges,” Roberts said in response to the
respond to the claims against him. such and Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s what President Barack Obama began president’s criticism.

Cardinal on trial in France’s

biggest church sex abuse trial

Arrest earns praise for sheriff

LYON, France – A Catholic cardinal
and five other people went on trial
Monday, accused of covering up for a
pedophile priest who abused Boy
Scouts – France’s most important
church sex abuse case to date. Cardi-
He calls for discussions Washington, had sug-
gested the attack may
red pickup was in the area near the
shooting, but evidence indicates it was
nal Philippe Barbarin, 68, appeared in on race and gun violence have been a hate crime. not involved in the attack. He did not
a Lyon court Monday along with other The case drew a na- blame the family for the mistake.
senior church officials accused of fail- John Bacon tional spotlight, and New “We do not believe in any way that
ing to protect children from alleged USA TODAY York-based activist the family was involved in anything ne-
abuse by the Rev. Bernard Preynat. Ed Gonzalez Shaun King led a drive farious,” he said. “You are talking about
The arrest of a suspect in the drive- that raised a $100,000 small children; they witnessed some-
by shooting of a 7-year-old black girl in reward for information thing very traumatic. Very likely the
Houston eased racial tensions and leading to a conviction. A “Justice for last thing they saw was the red truck.”
prompted praise for local sheriff who Jazmine” rally drew hundreds of sup- Gonzalez said Black told investiga-
called for “important discussions” porters Saturday. tors he and another man mistook
about race and gun violence. But the man arrested Saturday, Eric Washington’s car for a vehicle they had
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez Black Jr., is a 20-year-old black man encountered a few hours earlier. He
said charges could be filed soon against who was driving a dark SUV. said his passenger fired into her car.
a second suspect in the death of Jaz- Gonzalez said the case appears to be “We know that there’s important
mine Barnes, who was shot while in a a case of mistaken identity, apparently discussion that does need to take place
People wait to buy gasoline Monday car with her three sisters and mother. by the attackers who mistook the fam- about race, about the real feel and con-
at a station in Morelia, Mexico, amid The family had identified the attack- ily’s car for another vehicle and by the cern that hate crimes are in an uptick in
a shortage reported in several er as a thin, white male driving a red family who identified another vehicle at this country,” Gonzalez said. “We also
Mexican states. AFP/GETTY IMAGES pickup. Jazmine’s mother, LaPorsha the scene. Gonzalez said video shows a need to talk about gun violence.”

Boston bombing survivor hit by a car: ‘I’m completely broken’

USA TODAY Adrianne Haslet, now an advocate wrote The blasts killed three people and
for amputee rights, posted an Instagram The driver was cited for failing to wounded hundreds.
A professional dancer who lost part photo of herself Sunday wearing a neck yield the right of way at the crosswalk. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, then 19, was con-
of a leg in the Boston Marathon bomb- brace in a hospital bed. “Thrown into The crash occurred Saturday, just victed of using a weapon of mass de-
ings but returned to dancing and run- the air and landed, crushing the left side blocks from where two pressure cookers struction and sentenced to death. His
ning was recovering in a hospital Mon- of my body. Yesterday. I’m completely exploded during the 2013 Boston Mara- brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed
day after being hit by a car. broken. More surgery to come,” she thon. in a shootout.
stargazette.com ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 5A

Chemung ❚ Director of public information —

$56,586 increased to $72,925. Judge: No bail for DEA agent
in ‘extraordinary’ drug case
❚ Director of information systems —
Continued from Page 1A $102,620 reduced to $92,358.
❚ Commissioner of human services
“As Chemung County’s budget con- — $122,135 reduced to $109,922. Larry Neumeister raises in my mind a fairly extraordi-
tinues to increase incrementally each ❚ Commissioner of public works — ASSOCIATED PRESSS nary level of deviousness,” Furman
year, we need to find a way to slow the $130,382 reduced to $117,344. said.
growth ... without affecting the services The positions with salary changes, NEW YORK – A Drug Enforcement Gomez was arrested Dec. 11 at his
we’re providing to the taxpayer,” Moss besides Moss and Sheen, are set to be Administration agent must remain be- Chicago office on narcotics conspiracy
told the Star-Gazette last month. “We filled as follows: hind bars while awaiting trial on and weapons charges. They were add-
need to reduce our full-time employee ❚ Steven Hoover will continue as the charges that he joined the agency to ed to a 2016 indictment against indi-
count as well as conduct a thorough re- Chemung County director of budget and benefit a violent drug organization, a viduals alleged to be members of La
view of single rate salaries, as the initial research. judge decided Monday. Organizacion de Narcotraficantes Uni-
review indicates several should be re- ❚ Thomas Freeman, former co-own- U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman dos. Prosecutors said the drug organi-
duced, as they are out of line with coun- er of Elmira’s First Arena, as the Interim called the allegations by prosecutors zation, blamed in several murders,
ties that share similar demographics.” Chemung County director of aviation. that Fernando Gomez served as a dou- sent cocaine from Puerto Rico to the
Moss also said that the county will ❚ Stephen Wilber will continue as the ble agent to help drug dealers “quite in- Bronx.
conduct a review of each of its shared Chemung County director of informa- flammatory and extraordinary.” They said Gomez conspired from at
services agreements “to make sure that tion systems. He said a Chicago magistrate judge least 2006 until about 2016 to violate
we’re serving the public in the most ❚ Andrew Avery will continue as the who concluded Gomez could await narcotics laws by distributing cocaine.
cost-effective manner.” Here are the sal- Chemung County commissioner of Pub- trial at home on electronic monitoring Gomez was working as a detective for
ary changes by position: lic Works. had not been told specifics by prose- the Evanston Police Department in Illi-
❚ County executive — $166,273 re- ❚ Vincent Azzarelli, who has long cutors about the evidence against the nois when he got firearms from drug
duced to $141,332. been active in local government, will 41-year-old Chicago resident. dealers and gave them to a co-defen-
❚ Deputy county executive — join the administration as the Chemung Furman, who will preside over the dant in Puerto Rico, they added.
$145,188 reduced to $123,332. County director of public information. trial in September, said the evidence According to the indictment, Go-
❚ Director of budget and research — No commissioner of human services seemed strong and the probability of mez then joined the DEA to help mem-
$127,728 reduced to $114,623. has been named. The appointments, as conviction was high. bers of the drug conspiracy evade
❚ Director of aviation — $124,728 re- well as the changes in salary, are pend- “His ability to live a double life – if prosecution by law enforcement.
duced to $112,256. ing approval by the legislature. the allegations are true – it certainly

Abortion when Senate Democrats won 39 seats,

enough for a comfortable majority in the
issue with removing criminal penalties
for illegal abortions, arguing it could
In a statement Monday, the head of
Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts
63-seat chamber. The Assembly has lessen penalties in domestic-violence praised Cuomo and Democratic law-
Continued from Page 1A long been controlled by Democrats who cases if a pregnant woman loses her ba- makers for vowing to pass the bill within
have approved the bill in the past. by. the first 30 days of the legislative ses-
“We’ll pass it next year, we’ll put it on “A real concern is that if you take sion, arguing that a conservative Su-
the ballot, we’ll write it into the consti- New Senate leader abortion out of the criminal code, what preme Court hastens the need to act
tution, and we’ll be able to say we pro- happens in instances of domestic vio- “The threat to our health care is real
tected women’s rights in a way no one Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, D- lence where men abuse the women they and requires immediate action,” said
else has before,” Cuomo said Monday. Yonkers, will be sworn in as majority are sharing living spaces with,” said Ja- Robin Chappelle Golston, the organiza-
leader on Wednesday, becoming the son McGuire, executive director of New tion’s president and CEO.
Legislature to act first black woman to lead a majority Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, a Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nomi-
conference in Albany. conservative group based in Spencer- nee for president, praised Cuomo for
The legislature is expected to ap- She first sponsored the Reproductive port, Monroe County. “And we know pushing for abortion protections, call-
prove the Reproductive Health Act — a Health Act in 2007. there are heightened instances of do- ing him a “lifelong champion of these
bill that would install Roe v. Wade rights “This is only the beginning of the pro- mestic violence cases during pregnan- rights.” In her remarks Monday, Clinton
in state law and remove abortion from tections that we will have for our wom- cy.” recounted New York’s history of cham-
the penal code — on Jan. 22, the 46th en, for our environment, criminal-jus- pioning women’s rights, nothing that
anniversary of the landmark Supreme tice reform, education — the list goes Battle over concerns “New York led the rest of the country
Court decision. on,” she said Monday. “But in January, even before Roe v. Wade in making abor-
For a decade, the bill stalled in Alba- the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we will Pro-choice groups say that concern is tion legal.”
ny, held up by a Republican-led Senate make our statement, we will make our unfounded: The penal law has many “But the struggle for women’s equal-
that was highly critical of language in mark.” other crimes that could apply in such a ity is not something simply to be read
the bill that would allow health care pro- Pro-life groups have long argued case. They argue that abortion is a med- about in the pages of your history
fessionals other than doctors to perform against the bill, viewing it as an expan- ical procedure and as such should be in books,” Clinton said. “It continues to be
abortions. That changed in November, sion of abortion rights. They also take the state’s public health law. the fight of our lifetime.”


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Obituaries TV meteorologist loses job

amid furor over apparent slur

ROCHESTER – A TV meteorologist accused of us-

ing an on-air racial slur in reference to Martin Luther
King Jr. is out of a job. A video posted to social media
TODAY’S OBITUARIES AND DEATH NOTICES of WHEC chief meteorologist Jeremy Kappell’s
Name Age Town, State Death Date Arrangements broadcast Friday includes him apparently calling a
Briggs, Roger McDermott 88 Horseheads 05-Jan Barber Funeral Home park named for the slain civil rights leader “Martin
*Card, Patricia 85 Lawrenceville 04-Jan Olthof Funeral Home Luther Coon King Jr. Park.” WHEC general manager
*Goodwin Sr. , John Richard 84 Elmira 05-Jan Sullivan’s Richard Reingold wrote on the station’s website that
*Rockwell (Bowie), Hilda 106 Waverly 04-Jan Walter J. Kent Funeral Home he was disheartened and disgusted that the words
*Tranter, G. Thomas 88 Elmira 06-Jan McInerny Funeral Home were broadcast and regrets that they didn’t immedi-
* Additional information in display obituaries ately apologize. He said the station made a “staffing
Obituaries appear in print and online at www.legacy.com/obituaries/Star-Gazette change” Sunday. Kappell tweeted Monday that “this
isn’t about race” and “I’ve never uttered those words
John Richard Patricia Card G. Thomas Tranter in my life.” Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren, who is
black, was among those calling for Kappell’s firing.
Goodwin Sr. LAWRENCEVILLE - ELMIRA - age 88 of Defenders on Twitter argued he misspoke.
ELMIRA - Of Elmira, Patricia “Patty” J. Card, Sarasota, Florida and for-
NY and LakeWales, FL age 85 of Lawrenceville, merly of Elmira, Ithaca Police: Fatal shooting by
PA passed away peace- and Cazenovia, NY went off-duty officer was justified
passed into the arms of
his Lord and Savior on fully at home with her to be with our beloved
son by her side on Fri- UTICA – Authorities said an off-duty Albany po-
January 5, 2019 at the Lord on Sunday, Janu- lice officer won’t face charges for fatally shooting a
age of 84. The family day, January 4, 2019. ary 6, 2019. He was pre- man who was robbing him at knifepoint in Utica. Ut-
will welcome relatives Patty was predeceased deceased by his parents, ica police said Christofer Kitto, 34, of Albany used his
and friends to Sullivan’s by her loving husband George Davidson Tranter personal handgun to shoot Shatelle Hooks, 35, of
Funeral Home, 365 E. of over 50 years, Nils D. and Della P. Tranter. He Syracuse around 5 a.m. Monday at a residence. The
Card; brother, Michael was also predeceased by shooting was found to be “justifiable homicide.” Po-
Franklin St. at Rt. 13,
Reese; granddaughter, his loving and devoted lice say Kitto had been at the nearby Turning Stone
Horseheads, NY on Casino and was carrying more than $3,000 in cash.
Thursday, January 10, Amanda. wife of 61 years Mary Ellen Sanders Tranter in While he wasn’t charged with the shooting, he was
2019 from 4PM-7PM. Patty is survived 2014, his sister Mary Jane McShirley and two charged with patronizing a prostitute. Police Sgt. Mi-
Funeral Services will be by her children, Cece brothers, C. James Tranter and Robert D. Tranter. chael Curley tells the Utica Observer-Dispatch that
held at the First Baptist (Richard) Rice, Linda He is survived by his four children: G. Thomas Hooks was an acquaintance of the woman who lived
Church, Grand Central (Melvin) Shaw and Roy (Elizabeth) Tranter, Jr., Gregory (Tracy) Tranter, at the residence where the shooting occurred. Albany
Ave., Horseheads, NY Card; siblings, Marvin M. Karen Tranter (Gregory Sommers), and Nancy police said Kitto has been placed on administrative
(Betty) Reese, Sharon (Stuart) Wright. He is also survived by nine loving leave pending an internal investigation.
on Friday, January 11,
2019 at 10AM with Pas- Doolin, Marty (Louise) grandchildren: Michael (Sara) Tranter, Robert
Reese; many grandchil- Police: Middletown couple
tor Toby Locke. He will (Nicole) Tranter, Kelley (Joseph) Meade, Lauren dead in murder-suicide
be laid to rest at Maple dren, great-grandchil- (Turner) Semrau, Matthew (Aubrey) Tranter, Vic-
Grove Cemetery with dren, nieces, nephews toria Wright, Joshua Sommers, Brittany Wright MIDDLETOWN – Police said a 52-year-old woman
Military Honors im- and friends. and Jackson Wright and seven great-grandchildren: has been shot to death by her husband, who then
mediately following. A Patty enjoyed volun- Ashleigh Meade, Joseph Meade V, Ellie Tranter, killed himself in their home in Middletown. Police
teering at the Arnot for Meadow Tranter, Mia Tranter, Blake Tranter and identified the woman as Jasminn Emanuel and her
full obituary will ap- husband as 58-year-old Dennis Hercules. They were
pear in a later edition. many years. She loved Zachary Semrau. Tom graduated from the Uni-
to paint and quilt in found dead in their home shortly before 6:30 p.m.
Condolences and words versity of Notre Dame in 1952. He was a vet- Sunday when police were called to investigate a re-
of comfort may be ex- her free time. Patty was eran of the U.S. Marine Corp. serving in Military ported homicide. Investigators say the couple appar-
pressed at John’s Book a devoted wife, mother Justice. His business career spanned 50 years in ently were involved in a domestic dispute before the
of Memories at www. and grandmother who the investment business, the vast majority of them shooting.
sullivansfuneralhome. will be dearly missed. at First Albany Corporation in Elmira where he
com Calling hours will be was Vice President and Director. He was also a Traffic closures next Saturday
held on Thursday, Jan- visiting instructor at Elmira College. Tom was a for Tappan Zee demolition
uary 10, 2019 at Olthof member of the Kiwanis Club for 45 years and a TARRYTOWN – The New York State Thruway Au-
Funeral Home, 1050 past President in 1980. He was a past Chairman of thority said traffic will be halted next weekend while
Pennsylvania Avenue, the Community Foundation and a past Campaign workers use explosive charges to demolish the re-
Elmira from 12 pm to Chair of the United Way. Tom was a member of mains of the old Tappan Zee Bridge. Ramps leading
A raindrop 2 pm with a funeral ser-
vice to follow at 2 pm.
the Ithaca Yacht Club and was a past Commodore.
He was a communicant and active volunteer of
onto the adjacent Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge will be
closed between around 9 and 9:45 a.m. on Saturday.
Burial will be at the con- St. Michael’s in Siesta Key FL. A private Mass of The new Cuomo bridge replaced the Tappan Zee. The
landing on venience of the family. Christian Burial to celebrate Tom’s life will be major thoroughfare spans the Hudson River between
Tarrytown in Westchester County and Nyack in
Patty’s tribute wall may held at the convenience of his family. For those Rockland County. If the weather’s bad on Saturday,
be signed at www.olt- wishing to remember Tom please consider a do-
your cheek hof.com. nation to either: Food Bank of the Southern Tier,
the demolition will be done on Sunday.

388 Upper Oakwood Ave. Elmira, NY, 14903 or to Police: Car strikes 2
is a kiss the Community Foundation, Tranter Fund, 301
S. Main Street, Horseheads, NY, 14845.
pedestrians, killing 1 person

ULSTER – Police said a car struck two pedestri-

ans, killing one person and leaving the other hospi-
from Hilda Rockwell (Bowie) talized in serious condition. Police in the Town of Ul-
ster say a 38-year-old driver struck Jaime Mengel, 36,
WAVERLY - Age 106, formerly of Horseheads, NY. and Alexander Terwilligar, 26, while they were walk-
someone Hilda went home to be with the Lord on Friday, ing in the northbound lane of Ulster Avenue early
January 4, 2019. She spent the last three years at Sunday morning. Mengel was taken to an area hospi-
Elderwood in Waverly, NY; she received excellent tal where she died from her injuries. Terwillegar was
that lives in and compassionate care from the staff. Hilda is taken a Poughkeepsie hospital with serious injuries.
predeceased by her husband, Rev. L Paul Rockwell Police say the crash remains under investigation.

Heaven in 1963; her parents, Anna and Edward; her brother

Harold Bowie of Marietta, OH; as well as her son-
Trump official delays plan
to move into NYC public housing
in-law John Ortell of Horseheads. She is survived
and is by her daughter Rose Anna Ortell of Horseheads; NEW YORK – A Trump administration official who
grandson John Paul Ortell of Asheville, NC; grand- planned to spend January living in New York City’s
daughter Andrea (Allen) Ortell DeLosa; and great troubled public housing system said the experiment
watching grandchildren Madeline, Allen Jr., and John DeLosa of Mosherville, PA. Her has been delayed because of the federal government
grandchildren greatly enjoyed the stories she shared of growing up in the shutdown. Lynne Patton is the regional administra-
tor for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
over you country, walking three miles to school, and attending a one-room school-
house. Hilda was a graduate of Marietta Ohio Business College and she
Development in New York and New Jersey. She
planned on staying with four different families at city
worked in the purchasing offices of Remington-Rand and Kennedy Valve, housing authority buildings over the month so she
both in Elmira. She was an active member in the Horseheads Eastern Star could experience problems there firsthand. Patton
where she served as Star Points and as Matron. Hilda was a faithful Christian tweeted Monday that she’ll reschedule her stay after
who enjoyed studying the Bible and attended church regularly until recent the shutdown ends. Patton had been an assistant to
years. In her adult years she enjoyed gardening, playing the piano, sewing, Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons, before join-
ing HUD. New York has been negotiating with HUD
and crocheting; she was known for her delicious pies. Family and friends are over whether its public housing system should be
invited to visit the Walter J. Kent Funeral Home, 858 Lake St. at Washington placed in receivership because of problems including
Ave. in Elmira, on Tuesday January 8th, 2019 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. Her vermin, water leaks and lack of heat.
funeral service will be held there at 1:30 pm, led by Pastor Scott Wolf. In-
terment and private committal will take place at her family’s convenience. Police: Beaten, burned bodies
Hilda will be laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira alongside her dear of dogs found in bag
husband. Flowers a graciously declined; those wishing may make a donation
LOCKPORT – Police said a highway crew found the
in Hilda’s name to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, bodies of two small dogs that were apparently beaten
Memphis, TN 38105. Hilda’s family would like to express their gratitude and burned before being left in trash bags along a
and appreciation for the care and support that she received, with a special roadway. The Niagara County Sheriff ’s Office was
thank you to Robin and Sue. sent to the scene after being called by Lockport’s ani-
mal control office Thursday. WKBW-TV reported the
dogs, a terrier and a pug, were badly beaten and were
apparently set on fire at some point. The dogs were
about 2 years old. The sheriff ’s office is asking any-
“How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with one with information to contact police.of March 16-17.
the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because Construction of Camp Santanoni began in 1892 and
eventually consisted of more than four dozen build-
someday you will have been all of these.” ings on 12,900 acres, including a working farm. It was
in private ownership until 1972.
~ George Washington Carver Associated Press
stargazette.com ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 7A

Ocasio-Cortez embraces ‘radical’ reputation

Chad Arnold
Albany Bureau

ALBANY – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-

Cortez continues to make headlines.
The youngest women ever to be
elected Congress was sworn in last
week and has already become one of the
most outspoken members of the House.
Her progressive views have won her
favor with the left wing of the Demo-
cratic Party, while conservatives criti-
cize everything from her political inex-
perience to her attire to a video of her
dancing in college.
But Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who grew up
in Yorktown and now represents the
Bronx and Queens, doesn’t appear to be
swayed. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a self-described democratic socialist. ANDREW HARNIK, AP
In a wide-ranging interview on Sun-
day night’s “60 Minutes,” she accused
President Donald Trump of being racist economy over to renewable energies in something Ocasio-Cortez supports as Nazis murdered a woman, versus how
and laid out her plans for Washington. just 12 years. well. he manufactures crises like immigrants
Here are five takeaways: The plan is ambitious, something The idea has become increasingly seeking legal refuge on our borders, it’s
Ocasio-Cortez admits. popular among progressives, but has in- — it’s night and day,” Ocasio-Cortez
Enjoys being the underdog “It’s going to require a lot of rapid voked images of places like Venezuela, a said.
change that we don’t even conceive as socialist state facing economic hard- A White House spokesperson to “60
Prior to her stunning primary victory possible right now,” she said. “What is ships recently. Minutes” refuted the accusation, point-
over the heavily favored Joe Crowley in the problem with trying to push our Ocasio-Cortez said her views resem- ing to the recent criminal justice reform
New York’s 14th Congressional District, technological capacities to the furthest ble systems in places like England and package as well as the president’s con-
Ocasio-Cortez was a political unknown. extent possible?” Norway. demnation of racism and bigotry.
She was as a waiter and bartender “We only ask how we pay for it on is-
working in the Bronx before launching Raising taxes to pay for it sues of housing, health care and educa- Considers herself a ‘radical’
her campaign. tion. How do we pay for it? With the
Some of her detractors have sought Switching the country over to renew- same exact mechanisms that we pay for Some have accused Ocasio-Cortez of
to exploit her inexperience, accusing able energy requires money. And lots of military increases for this Space Force. being too radical in her views.
Ocasio-Cortez of being a political novice it. For all of these — ambitious policies,” A self-described democratic social-
with no understanding of how Wash- To pay for it, Ocasio-Cortez has pro- she said. ist, Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t seem to mind.
ington works. posed a progressive tax system, where “I think that it only has ever been rad-
“I think it’s really great for people to rates would increase based on an indi- Believes the president is racist icals that have changed this country.
keep thinking that,” Ocasio-Cortez told vidual’s income. Abraham Lincoln made the radical deci-
“60 Minutes’” Anderson Cooper. “Your tax rate, you know, let’s say, Though outspoken, Ocasio-Cortez sion to sign the Emancipation Procla-
When asked if she wants people to from zero to $75,000 may be 10 percent has shied away President Donald mation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
underestimate her, Ocasio-Cortez said, or 15 percent, et cetera,” she explained. Trump, focusing instead on his policies. made the radical decision to embark on
“Absolutely. That’s how I won my pri- “But once you get to, like, the tippy tops “Because I think he’s a symptom of a establishing programs like Social Secu-
mary.” — on your 10 millionth dollar — some- problem,” she said. rity,” she said. “You know, if that’s what
times you see tax rates as high as 60 or But when asked if she thought the radical means, call me a radical.”
Supports a ‘Green New Deal’ 70 percent. That doesn’t mean all $10 president is racist, she replied, “No Critics, though, have ripped her pol-
million are taxed at an extremely high question.” icies and comments.
Ocasio-Cortez was elected on a pro- rate, but it means that as you climb up The problem, according to Ocasio- “Republicans: Let Americans keep
gressive platform, part of which in- this ladder, you should be contributing Cortez, is racism, something she be- more of their own hard-earned money
cludes tackling climate change by mov- more.” lieves the president has not only given a Democrats: Take away 70% of your in-
ing away from fossil fuels to renewable The idea is nothing new. Sen. Bernie platform to, but helped expand in recent come and give it to leftist fantasy pro-
energies. Sanders, I-Vt., proposed a similar plan years. grams,” tweeted Rep. Steve Scalise,
She supports a “Green New Deal” — a during his 2016 bid for president as a “When you look at how he reacted to R-La.
plan that would shift the entire U.S. way of paying for universal health care, the Charlottesville incident, where neo-

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Trump’s dealmaking faces test during shutdown

Catherine Lucey U.S.-Mexico border. But that stance car- he cut a deal now it would hurt him.” the “crisis on the border.”
ASSOCIATED PRESS ries considerable risk. But Trump will need a broader swath Trump’s fitful style is hardly a sur-
The midterm elections revealed a of support than those base voters to pre- prise. In a previous budget showdown,
WASHINGTON – The partial govern- deeply divided Republican Party and vail in 2020. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck
ment shutdown is spotlighting the limi- saw major Democratic gains in states Getting dollars for a border wall was Schumer likened bargaining with
tations of President Donald Trump’s er- that Trump will need to win re-election always going to be an uphill task for Trump to negotiating with “Jell-O.” Back
ratic negotiating style. in 2020. Trump. But after Democrats took con- in March, Trump threw lawmakers into
With the impasse over Trump’s de- Always his own biggest booster, trol of the House in the midterm elec- a panic when he threatened an 11th-hour
mand for border wall funding dragging Trump declared himself “very proud of tions, the president’s leverage ebbed. veto of an agreed-upon spending bill,
into a third week, the president’s zigzag what I’m doing” after a meeting with And his unreliable maneuvers have only only to be talked out of it by advisers.
tactics and messaging have angered congressional leaders on Friday that aggravated the situation. Just a few weeks ago, lawmakers
Democrats and frustrated even some produced no breakthrough. In recent weeks, Trump declared he thought they had a solution to the
Republicans struggling to help find him Trump’s allies say he is simply keep- would “own” the shutdown, then in- standoff, with a short-term agreement
an off-ramp. ing a longstanding campaign promise stead blamed Democrats. His border to keep government open. The White
And while Trump’s blend of bluster and they frame his focus on his base as a demands have gone back and forth be- House had signaled it would consider
and bullying is hardly new – and at smart strategy, since he will need to en- tween a concrete wall to “steel slats.” the plan. But then Trump changed
times can produce results – his self-pro- ergize those supporters for his re-elec- He’s insulted Democrats, confused Re- course after coming under intense pres-
fessed dealmaking skills are now facing tion campaign. Some suggested that publicans and offered little empathy for sure from conservative allies. Since
a bigger test against newly empowered Trump’s true believers aren’t even inter- the hundreds of thousands of federal then he has repeatedly said he won’t
Democrats. ested in a negotiated compromise. workers without paychecks. And his sign a spending deal that lacks money
So far, Trump is standing firmly with “I guarantee polling-wise, with his Twitter feed and public pronounce- for the wall – though he’s signaled some
the loyal supporters who want him to base, he is right in the sweet spot,” said ments have produced a steady stream of flexibility on just what constitutes a
fight for his promised wall along the former campaign aide Barry Bennett. “If inaccuracies about what he refers to as wall.

23,531.35 +98.19 p NASDAQ
6,823.47 +84.61 p NYSE
11,605.96 +72.62 p S&P 500
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1,405.37 +24.62 p WILSHIRE 5000
26,331.38 +250.58 p 30-YR T-BOND
2.98% +.01

Stocks of Local Interest The Market in Review

Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg NYSE and Nasdaq FOREIGN EXCHANGE
AT&T Inc 2.04 6.6 6 30.89 +.55 +8.2 FnclInst .96 3.6 13 26.96 +.17 +4.9 Nucor 1.60 3.0 10 53.42 -.41 +3.1
Most active ($1 or more) U.S. Dollar in Foreign Currency
AbbottLab 1.28 1.9 29 69.13 +1.02 -4.4 FordM .60 7.2 4 8.29 +.21 +8.4 Name Vol (00) Last Chg Last Pvs. Day
OldRepub .78 3.8 18 20.53 -.11 -.2
Allstate 1.84 2.2 12 82.54 -.13 -.1 Gannett n .64 6.8 ... 9.39 +.16 +10.1 PPL Corp 1.64 5.7 13 28.91 +.04 +2.0
GenElec 1789374 8.74 +.51 Australian dollar 1.3999 1.4051
Altria 3.44 7.1 15 48.78 -1.52 -1.2 GenElec .04 .5 ... 8.74 +.51 +15.5 AMD 1066807 20.57 +1.57 British pound .7831 .7849
Penney ... ... ... 1.28 +.18 +23.1 BkofAm 569698 25.56 -.02 Canadian dollar 1.3295 1.3394
AmExp 1.56 1.6 14 98.17 +.53 +3.0 Hallibrtn .72 2.5 ... 28.82 +.40 +8.4
BkofAm .60 2.3 12 25.56 -.02 +3.7 HarrisCorp 2.74 2.0 24 133.79 +.87 -.6 Pfizer 1.44 3.3 17 43.23 +.23 -1.0 Apple Inc 545696 147.93 -.33 Chinese yuan 6.8510 6.8695
PhilipMor 4.56 6.8 16 67.42 -2.13 +1.0 AxsomeT n 513871 6.87 +4.24 Euro .8712 .8772
BestBuy 1.80 3.2 17 55.76 +3.01 +5.3 HomeDp 4.12 2.3 19 177.04 +3.42 +3.0 MicronT 446361 34.00 +1.30 Japanese yen 108.59 108.51
BrwnBrn s .32 1.2 24 27.37 -.02 -.7 HonwllIntl 3.28 2.4 39 135.37 +.75 +2.5 ProctGam 2.87 3.1 23 92.12 -.37 +.2 Roku n 421674 42.18 +8.45 Mexican peso 19.3521 19.4058
ChemungF 1.04 2.5 24 41.87 +.37 +1.4 IngerRd 2.12 2.3 21 92.13 -.97 +1.0 Prudentl 3.60 4.2 9 85.00 -.04 +4.2 EnCana g 407437 6.28 +.05 Swiss franc .9794 .9864
Chevron 4.48 4.0 23 112.26 +1.44 +3.2 Intel 1.20 2.5 18 47.44 +.22 +1.1 QstDiag 2.12 2.6 15 82.64 -.07 -.8 Gainers ($2 or more)
19 43.21 +.29
9 55.61 +.48
9 118.15 +.83
14 42.77 +.51
SenecaB ... ... ... 29.47 ... Name Last Chg %Chg FUELS
Citiz&Nthn 1.08 4.2 19 25.68 -.69 -2.8 IntlSpdw .47 1.1 8 43.26 -.27 -1.4 StanBlkDk 2.64 2.1 17 125.75 +2.60 +5.0 AxsomeT n 6.87 +4.24 +161.2 New York Mercantile, CBOT (ethanol)
CocaCola 1.56 3.3 89 46.95 -.62 -.8 JPMorgCh 2.24 2.2 13 100.76 +.07 +3.2 Sysco 1.56 2.5 25 61.80 -.05 -1.4 Luxoft 57.68 +25.98 +82.0 Last Pvs. Day
ColgPalm 1.68 2.8 25 59.88 +.36 +.6 JohnJn 3.60 2.8 18 127.01 -.82 -1.6 Target 2.56 3.7 12 69.68 +3.25 +5.4 LoxoOncol 232.65 +92.78 +66.3 Crude oil (bbl) 48.52 47.96
CmtyBkSy 1.52 2.5 16 60.34 +.20 +3.5 LeggMason 1.36 5.1 7 26.83 +.23 +5.2 Insmed 21.27 +6.42 +43.2 Natural gas (btu) 2.94 3.04
Tegna .28 2.5 6 10.99 -.05 +1.1 SageThera 139.13 +41.62 +42.7
Corning .72 2.5 ... 29.20 -.01 -3.3 LockhdM 8.80 3.3 33 268.08 +3.04 +2.4 Heating oil (gal) 1.78 1.77
Travelers 3.08 2.6 16 118.30 -.38 -1.2 iPicEnt n 4.50 +1.30 +40.5 Ethanol (gal) 1.28 1.30
Cree Inc ... ... ... 41.66 +.53 -2.6 Lowes 1.92 2.0 21 95.65 +1.78 +3.6 QEP Res 8.53 +2.45 +40.3
Disney 1.76 1.6 15 110.56 +.95 +.8 Manulife g .88 ... ... 14.93 +.10 +5.2 UPS B 3.64 3.7 16 97.41 -.33 -.1 NY Harbor gas (gal) 1.34 1.35
RegHlt pfA 3.75 +.85 +29.3
DomEngy 3.34 4.7 15 71.51 -.70 +.1 MarathnO .20 1.3 ... 15.62 +.21 +8.9 USSteel .20 1.0 12 20.45 +.11 +12.1
Losers ($2 or more)
17 54.76 +.03
21 85.01 -.36
27 180.22 +1.94
28 75.43 -.84
17 106.97 -.05
7 56.72 +.36
+.9 Name Last Chg %Chg METALS
Eaton 2.64 3.8 16 68.73 +.20 +.1 MetLife 1.68 3.9 9 42.55 +.27 +3.6 LaJollaPh 5.24 -5.28 -50.2 New York Mercantile, COMX (copper)
WalMart 2.08 2.2 54 94.54 +1.10 +1.5
EliLilly 2.58 2.2 ... 115.28 +.62 -.4 Microsoft 1.84 1.8 42 102.06 +.13 +.5 NatHlTr n 14.88 -4.89 -24.7 Last Pvs. Day
WalgBoots 1.76 2.5 13 69.97 +.40 +2.4
ElmiraSB .92 5.2 15 17.75 +.41 +1.7 MorgStan 1.20 2.9 9 41.71 +.41 +5.2 AxoGen 16.37 -4.94 -23.2 Gold (troy oz.) 1286.80 1282.70
Exelon 1.38 3.1 13 44.70 +.08 -.9 NY CmtyB .68 6.9 12 9.89 -.05 +5.1 WeisMk 1.24 2.6 11 48.10 -.22 +.7 PG&E Cp 18.95 -5.45 -22.3 Silver (troy oz.) 15.67 15.70
ExxonMbl 3.28 4.6 13 71.52 +.37 +4.9 NextEraEn 4.44 2.6 13 172.28 -.25 -.9 Weyerhsr 1.36 5.8 18 23.48 +.46 +7.4 Cutera 13.27 -3.67 -21.7 Platinum (troy oz.) 818.40 822.00
Fastenal 1.60 3.1 21 52.38 +.38 +.2 NiSource s .78 3.0 32 25.68 +.14 +1.3 Xerox rs 1.00 4.8 ... 20.89 +.44 +5.7 Collegium n 15.06 -3.66 -19.6 Copper (pound) 2.64 2.65
Hi-Crush 3.66 -.68 -15.7
KEY: Div - Annualized Dividend, PE - Price to Earnings Ratio, Yld - Yield on Dividend, Last - Closing price, Chg - Daily net change, YTD %Chg - Year-to-date ParingaR n 6.60 -1.00 -13.2 (Previous figures reflect current contract.)
percentage change; g = dividends in Canadian dollars, n = new issue in the last 52 weeks, rs = reverse stock split, s = stock split electCore n 7.28 -1.08 -12.9 Source: The Associated Press

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Star-Gazette ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 1B



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Sports National Championship

The game between Alabama and Clemson ended
after press time. Go to stargazette.com/sports for
a full report of the CFP title game.



in win over
Kevin Stevens and Rob Centorani
Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin

Offensive inefficiency was the or-

der of the night Friday at Bingham-
ton, where Horseheads’ girls pulled
out a 33-31 victory.
The Blue Raiders did not lead until
junior guard Jillian Casey converted
a three-point goal for the final points
with 19 seconds remaining, that shot
concluding a 6-0 final quarter for the
Horseheads coach Andy Scott
paid tribute to a couple other guards
as well, one per side.
“I thought Avery Snyder played a
great game on Lexi Gruss. Gruss, to
me, is one of the top couple players in
the league,” he said of the Bingham-
ton senior, who had her junior season
abbreviated by a knee injury and
subsequent surgery. “Love her! Love
her! No one deserves more accolades
than her. She comes back, doesn’t
even wear a brace, looks the same
speed and everything. She’s fantas-
“Snyder did a great job on her and
Molly Huddle runs to victory in the women’s 10,000 meters at the 2018 USATF Outdoor Championships. GETTY IMAGES we tried to do a lot of things with Ka-
ziah Ross and Kendra McPeek be-

From hockey to hoops,

cause we know they’re good. We
were lucky to get some bounces, they
didn’t hit some shots and we made
some counted that counted at the

area well represented

The Blue Raiders gradually
snipped away at a 15-2 first-quarter


Coffey, Huddle among Johnny Beecher season with the under-18 team, Bee-
cher had three goals and 14 assists.
those with banner years Playing far away from Elmira is a
hockey player who is perhaps far and Olivia Coffey
Andrew Legare away the city’s best hockey prospect
Elmira Star-Gazette ever. Johnny Beecher suited up for For the woman who still lists Wat-
Team USA’s under-17 team during the kins Glen as her home, 2018 was some-
2017-18 season and is now a member of thing of a worldwide tour Olivia Coffey,
From local gyms to college stadiums Team USA’s under-18 team. He has who capped a memorable year by being
to international venues, athletes with lived in Michigan for much of the last voted National Team Athlete of the
connections to the Southern Tier deliv- year-plus as he trains and plays with Year in the 2018 USRowing Fan’s
ered sparkling performances in 2018 Team USA. Choice Awards.
across several sports. Beecher competed in the All-Amer- March saw Coffey help Cambridge
With that in mind, here are 10 people ican Prospects Game in September and down rival Oxford in The Boat Race,
who shaped sports in the Elmira area recently signed a National Letter of In- one of the premier athletic events in
and beyond. These are people either tent to play for the University of Michi- the country, and one with a worldwide
from the area competing at home or gan. He could face a decision, with his audience. Nathan Mack of Spencer-Van Etten
away, or people who competed in the name among those mentioned as an In July, she visited Lucerne, Swit- grabs a rebound against Waverly on
area in 2018, listed in alphabetical or- early pick in the upcoming NHL Entry Friday at Waverly High School.
der. Draft. Through his first 30 games this See ATHLETES, Page 3B ANDREW LEGARE/STAFF PHOTO

The 10 worst missed field goals in NFL playoff history

Jim Reineking Parkey, this miss likely will be remem- tipped by an Eagles player — sealed a 16- 8. Blair Walsh, 2015 wild-card play-
USA TODAY bered for a long time. 15 win for the Eagles at Soldier Field and off: Playing in below-zero temperatures,
Here are the most brutal missed field ended the Bears’ worst-to-first turn- the Vikings were trailing the Seattle
The Philadelphia Eagles earned a goals in NFL playoff history: around season. Seahawks 10-9 when they lined up for a
stunning NFC wild-card playoff win 10. Cody Parkey, 2018 NFC wild- 9. Nate Kaeding, 2004 AFC wild- potentially game-winning kick with 26
over the Chicago Bears after Cody Par- card playoff: With 10 seconds remain- card playoff: With the score tied 20-20 seconds remaining. However, Walsh’s
key’s potential game-winning kick ing, Parkey’s 43-yard attempt at a po- in OT, the Chargers drove to the Jets’ 22- 27-yard attempt went wide left. Walsh
bounced off both the upright and cross- tential game-winning field goal struck yard line to set Kaeding up for a 40-yard had accounted for all of the Vikings’
bar. the upright and then bounced off the field goal, but his kick went wide right. points in the game, even making kicks
It was an awful way for the Bears to crossbar before falling into the end The Jets won the game on the ensuing
lose the game. And, unfortunately for zone. The miss — which appeared to be drive on Doug Brien’s 28-yard field goal. See KICKS, Page 3B

COLLEGES San Jose 2, Ontario 1
Stockton 7, Colorado 6
MISSED FIELD GOALS—Baltimore, Tucker
L.A. Clippers at Denver, 9 p.m.
Oklahoma City at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m.
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Favorite Line O/U Underdog
NEW ENGLAND 4 46 LA Chargers
MEN’S BASKETBALL Tucson 2, Bakersfield 1, OT Detroit at Sacramento, 10 p.m. USA Today Top 25 Poll NEW ORLEANS 8 51 Philadelphia
AMERICA EAST Sunday’s Games Saturday’s Wild-Card Games The top 25 teams in the USA Today men’s
LG ALL Utica 5, Cleveland 1 Calendar college basketball poll, with first-place
W L W L Cowboys 24, Seahawks 22 votes in parentheses, records through
Lehigh Valley 4, Springfield 3, OT Jan. 5 — 10-day contracts can be signed.
Stony Brook 1 0 13 3 Seattle 0 6 8 8 — 22 Jan. 6, points based on 25 points for a
Vermont 1 0 11 4
Providence 5, Hartford 1
Charlotte 5, Toronto 0
Dallas 3 7 0 14 — 24 Jan. 10 — All contracts guaranteed for rest
of season. first-place vote through one point for a TRANSACTIONS
UMBC 1 0 9 7 First Quarter 25th-place vote and previous ranking:
Binghamton 1 0 5 11 Milwaukee 3, Hershey 1 Feb. 7 — Trade deadline. Monday’s Sports Transactions
Rockford 6, Iowa 2 Dal—FG Maher 39, 9:50. Record Pts Pvs
Hartford 0 0 7 8 Feb. 16 — 3-point, slam dunk contests, 1. Virginia (11) 13-0 741 2 BASEBALL
Mass.-Lowell 0 1 8 8 San Diego 4, Ontario 1 Second Quarter Charlotte, N.C. 2. Duke (8) 12-1 735 1 American League
Albany 0 1 5 11 Wednesday’s Games Sea—FG Janikowski 27, 7:03. Feb. 17 — NBA All-Star Game, Charlotte, 3. Tennessee (6) 12-1 721 3 DETROIT TIGERS — Named P.J. Jones, John
New Hampshire 0 1 2 12 Cleveland at Belleville, 7 p.m. Sea—FG Janikowski 42, 1:43. N.C. 4. Michigan (6) 15-0 714 4 Stockstill and Josh Wilson major league
Maine 0 1 2 14 Utica at Toronto, 7 p.m. Dal—Gallup 11 pass from Prescott (Maher April 10 — Regular season ends. 5. Michigan St. 13-2 621 7 scouts; Joey Lothrop, Steve Taylor and
Syracuse at Binghamton, 7:05 p.m. kick), :24. April 13 — Playoffs begin. 6. Gonzaga 14-2 618 8 Matt Zmuda area scouts; Josh Kragness
Saturday, Jan. 5 Bakersfield at Texas, 8 p.m. Third Quarter 7. Virginia Tech 13-1 559 10 senior software engineer; Beau Horan,
Stony Brook 75, Mass.-Lowell 63 Grand Rapids at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Sea—R.Wilson 4 run (Davis run), 1:59. 8. Texas Tech 13-1 527 11
Aidan Kearns and Zach Wolf analysts;
UMBC 61, Maine 52 Iowa at San Antonio, 8 p.m. Fourth Quarter NHL 9. Kansas
10. Auburn
12-2 517
11-2 453
13 Rafael Martinez director of Latin
Binghamton 69, New Hampshire 58 Ontario at San Jose, 10 p.m. Dal—Elliott 1 run (Maher kick), 12:28. American player development; and David
Vermont 80, Albany (NY) 51 San Diego at Stockton, 10 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE 11. Nevada 14-1 428 5
Dal—Prescott 1 run (Maher kick), 2:08. 12. N. Carolina 11-3 405 15 Allende and Jim McKew coordinators of
Wednesday’s Games Thursday’s Games Sea—McKissic 7 pass from R.Wilson Atlantic Division 13. Florida State 12-2 393 9 player development. Promoted Jim
UMBC at Hartford, 7 p.m. Laval at Manitoba, 8 p.m. (Carson run), 1:18. 14. Miss. St. 12-1 363 16 Logue to director of baseball analytics;
Binghamton at Stony Brook, 7 p.m. Friday’s Games A—94,327. Tampa Bay 42 32 8 2 66 176 124 15. Houston 15-0 337 17 Drew Jordan, Maggie O’Hara, Shane
Mass.-Lowell at New Hampshire, 7 p.m. Belleville at Grand Rapids, 7 p.m. Toronto 41 27 12 2 56 152 113 16. N.C. State 13-1 325 19 Piesik and Danny Vargovick to senior
Vermont at Maine, 7 p.m. Sea Dal 17. Ohio State 12-2 295 12 analysts; Wilfredo Crespo and Jimmy
Bridgeport at Utica, 7 p.m. First downs 11 23 Boston 42 24 14 4 52 122 110
Cleveland at Syracuse, 7 p.m. Buffalo 42 22 14 6 50 120 120 18. Kentucky 10-3 225 14 Ortiz to administrators of the Dominican
ATLANTIC COAST WB/Scranton at Charlotte, 7 p.m.
Total Net Yards 299 380 Montreal 42 22 15 5 49 131 132 19. Marquette 12-3 190 18 Academy; and Justin Henry and Dave
Binghamton at Lehigh Valley, 7:05 p.m. Rushes-yards 24-73 34-164 Florida 40 17 16 7 41 130 142 20. Buffalo 13-1 157 20 Lottsfeldt to regional crosscheckers.
W L W L Passing 226 216 Detroit 44 16 21 7 39 124 151 21. Iowa State 12-2 145 — HOUSTON ASTROS — Named Sarah
Virginia Tech 2 0 13 1 Hartford at Providence, 7:05 p.m. 22. Oklahoma 12-2 128 25
Hershey at Springfield, 7:05 p.m. Punt Returns 3-22 6-80 Ottawa 43 15 23 5 35 136 172 Kincart manager/business
Virginia 1 0 13 0 23. St. John’s 14-1 96 —
NC State 1 0 13 1 Toronto at Rochester, 7:05 p.m. Kickoff Returns 1-52 1-15 communications.
Metropolitan Division 24. Indiana 12-3 94 22
Duke 1 0 12 1 Rockford at Texas, 8 p.m. Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 25. Iowa 12-3 68 20 KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Named James
North Carolina 1 0 11 3 Iowa at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Comp-Att-Int 18-27-0 22-33-1 GP W L OT Pts GF GA Stone trainer of Omaha (PCL); Darryl
Washington 41 25 12 4 54 144 121 Others receiving votes: Wisconsin 49, Kennedy manager, Doug Henry pitching
Louisville 1 0 10 4 Bakersfield at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Sacked-Yards Lost 1-7 1-10 Villanova 45, TCU 44, Nebraska 20, Central
Syracuse 1 0 10 4 Chicago at Tucson, 9:05 p.m. Pittsburgh 42 23 13 6 52 147 122 coach, Abraham Nunez hitting coach,
Punts 7-51.4 5-45.0 Columbus 41 24 14 3 51 135 126 Florida 14, Arizona State 13, Seton Hall 11, Nelson Liriano bench coach, Justin Kemp
Georgia Tech 1 0 9 5 Ontario at San Jose, 10 p.m. North Texas 9, Minnesota 7, Furman 5,
Florida St. 0 1 12 2 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 NY Islanders 40 23 13 4 50 121 107 trainer and Will Gilmore strength and
Saturday’s Games Penalties-Yards 5-36 6-36 Carolina 41 19 17 5 43 108 118 Texas 2, Kansas State 1.
Pittsburgh 0 1 10 4 Rochester at Toronto, 4 p.m. conditioning coach of Northwest
Clemson 0 1 10 4 Time of Possession 25:10 34:50 NY Rangers 41 17 17 7 41 114 141 USA Today Women’s Top 25 Poll Arkansas (TL); Scott Thorman manager,
Boston College 0 1 9 4 WB/Scranton at Charlotte, 6 p.m. New Jersey 41 16 18 7 39 122 137 The top 25 teams in the USA Today
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Philadelphia 41 15 20 6 36 116 148 Larry Sutton hitting coach and Saburo
Wake Forest 0 1 7 6 women’s college basketball poll, with Hagihara trainer of Wilmington (Carolina);
Notre Dame 0 2 10 5 RUSHING—Seattle, Penny 4-29, Carson
13-20, R.Wilson 3-14, Davis 4-10. Dallas, WESTERN CONFERENCE first-place votes in parentheses, records Brooks Conrad manager, Danny Accola
Miami 0 2 8 6 through Dec. 30, points based on 25 trainer and Tyler Burks strength and
Elliott 26-137, Prescott 6-29, R.Smith 1-1,
Austin 1-(minus 3). Central Division points for a first-place vote through one conditioning coach of Lexington (SAL);
Sunday, Jan. 6
PASSING—Seattle, R.Wilson 18-27-0-233. GP W L OT Pts GF GA point for a 25th-place vote and previous Clayton Mortensen pitching coach, Masa
Louisville 90, Miami 73
Tuesday’s Games
NATIONAL Dallas, Prescott 22-33-1-226. Winnipeg 41 26 13 2 54
Nashville 43 25 15 3 53
139 116
131 109
Record Pts Pvs
Koyanagi trainer and Jamie Collins
strength and conditioning coach of Idaho
RECEIVING—Seattle, Lockett 4-120, 1. UConn (31) 11-0 775 1
Duke at Wake Forest, 7 p.m. E.Dickson 4-42, Baldwin 3-32, Davis 2-22, Colorado 42 20 14 8 48 144 129 Falls (Pioneer); Chris Widger manager,
2. Notre Dame 12-1 736 2
North Carolina at NC State, 9 p.m. NFL McKissic 2-13, Carson 2-(minus 1), Vannett Dallas 43 22 17 4 48
Minnesota 40 20 17 3 43
116 116
118 114 3. Louisville 12-0 716 3 Andy LaRoche hitting coach, Brad Groleau
trainer and Yannick Plante strength and
Wednesday’s Games 1-5. Dallas, Cooper 7-106, Elliott 4-32, Chicago 44 16 21 7 39 128 159 4. Maryland 12-0 668 4
Virginia Tech at Georgia Tech, 7 p.m. Playoff Glance Beasley 3-28, Jarwin 3-15, Gallup 2-18, 5. Oregon 11-1 646 5 conditioning coach of Burlington
St. Louis 39 16 19 4 36 110 129 (Appalachian); Julio Pimental pitching
Clemson at Syracuse, 8 p.m. Wild-card Playoffs Hurns 1-14, Austin 1-7, N.Brown 1-6. 6. Miss. St. 12-1 595 7
Louisville at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 5 MISSED FIELD GOALS—Seattle, Janikowski 7. Baylor 8-1 590 6 coach and Gareth Webber strength and
Pacific Division
Virginia at Boston College, 9 p.m. Indianapolis 21, Houston 7 57. Dallas, Maher 58. 8. Stanford 10-1 583 8 conditioning coach of the AZL Royals; Jeff
GP W L OT Pts GF GA 9. N.C. State 13-0 532 9 Suppan roving minor league pitching
Miami at Florida St., 9 p.m. Dallas 24, Seattle 22 Calgary 43 26 13 4 56 153 123 10. Tennessee 11-1 502 10 coach; Leon Roberts senior minor league
Sunday, Jan. 6 Colts 21, Texans 7 Vegas 45 26 15 4 56 136 119 11. Oregon St. 10-2 442 11 hitting adviser; Andre David roving minor
IVY LEAGUE L.A. Chargers 23, Baltimore 17 San Jose 43 23 13 7 53 150 135
LG ALL Indianapolis 14 7 0 0— 21 12. Texas 10-2 419 12 league hitting coach; Jeff Diskin director
Philadelphia 16, Chicago 15 Houston 0 0 0 7— 7 Anaheim 43 19 17 7 45 104 127 13. Minnesota 12-0 370 15
W L W L Vancouver 45 20 21 4 44 128 143 of professional development; Malcom
Princeton 1 0 8 5 Divisional Playoffs First Quarter 14. Syracuse 11-2 367 14 Culver assistant to player development;
Edmonton 42 20 19 3 43 118 131 15. Kentucky 13-1 310 17
Yale 0 0 9 3 Saturday, Jan. 12 Ind—Ebron 6 pass from Luck (Vinatieri Arizona 42 18 21 3 39 108 118 John Wagle minor league strength and
Brown 0 0 10 4 kick), 10:32. 16. Marquette 10-3 255 19 conditioning coordinator; and Jarret
Indianapolis at Kansas City, 4:35 p.m. Los Angeles 43 17 23 3 37 98 127 17. Michigan St. 11-1 249 22
Dartmouth 0 0 9 7 (NBC) Ind—Mack 2 run (Vinatieri kick), 4:03. Abell assistant minor league strength and
Harvard 0 0 6 6 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for 18. Gonzaga 12-1 246 21
Dallas at L.A. Rams, 8:15 p.m. (FOX) Second Quarter 19. California 9-2 210 13 conditioning coordinator.
Cornell 0 0 7 8 overtime loss. Top three teams in each
Columbia 0 0 4 9 Sunday, Jan. 13 Ind—Inman 18 pass from Luck (Vinatieri division and two wild cards per 20. Iowa 9-3 193 16 National League
Penn 0 1 10 5 Los Angeles Chargers at New England, kick), 6:24. 21. Texas A&M 11-2 126 24 ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Named Jose
conference advance to playoffs. 22. Arizona St. 9-3 116 18
1:05 p.m. (CBS) Fourth Quarter Oquendo minor league instructor, Joey
Philadelphia at New Orleans, 4:40 p.m. Sunday’s Games 23. Florida St. 12-1 110 25 Prebynski major league game plan coach
Saturday’s Games Hou—Coutee 6 pass from Watson Carolina 5, Ottawa 4
Princeton 68, Penn 65, OT (FOX) (Fairbairn kick), 10:57. 24. DePaul 9-4 81 20 and Chris Bourjos, Filiberto Fernandez
Arizona 5, N.Y. Rangers 0 25. Virginia Tech 13-0 67 — and Jesus Perez scouts. Promoted Adam
Yale 94, CS Northridge 90, OT Conference Championships A—71,798. Vegas 3, New Jersey 2 Others receiving votes: Iowa State 32, Olsen to director of medical operations,
Tuesday, Jan. 8 Sunday, Jan. 20 Ind Hou Washington 3, Detroit 2 Miami 30, South Carolina 26, UAB 18, Thomas Knox to assistant
Brown at Canisius, 7 p.m. NFC First downs 26 20 Winnipeg 5, Dallas 1 South Alabama 13, UCF 9, Indiana 9, West director/performance, Lance Thomason
Wednesday, Jan. 9 TBD, 3:05 p.m. (FOX) Total Net Yards 422 322 Edmonton 4, Anaheim 0 Virginia 9, Missouri 8, Southern Cal 5, New to major league strength coach, Brian
Cornell at Towson, 7 p.m. AFC Rushes-yards 35-200 16-105 Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 3 Mexico 4, Arizona 2, Central Michigan 2, Seyfert to baseball development/senior
TBD, 6:40 p.m. (CBS) Passing 222 217 Monday’s Games South Dakota 2, Tulane 2. developer, Emily Wiebe to baseball
MEN’S HOCKEY Nashville at Toronto, late development analyst/player
Pro Bowl Punt Returns 2-20 0-0
ECAC HOCKEY Kickoff Returns 0-0 1-26 St. Louis at Philadelphia, late development & performance, Javier
Sunday, Jan. 27 Minnesota at Montreal, late Duran baseball operations analyst and
LG ALL Interceptions Ret. 1-10 1-0
At Orlando, Fla.
6 2 1
3 AFC vs. NFC, 3 p.m. (ABC/ESPN) Comp-Att-Int 19-32-1 29-49-1
Calgary at Chicago, late
Los Angeles at San Jose, late
GOLF Elijah Tupuola and Craig Richmond to
Quinnipc 6 3 1 15 4 1 Super Bowl Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 3-18 World Golf Ranking WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Named Mack
Tuesday’s Games
Cornell 5 2 1 7 5 1 Sunday, Feb. 3
Punts 4-37.0 5-46.8 Minnesota at Boston, 7 p.m. Through Jan. 6 Jenkins pitching coach and Will Lindholm
Dartmth 4 2 1 5 7 2 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 Carolina vs. N.Y. Islanders at Nassau strength and conditioning coach of
Harvard 3 3 2 6 4 2 At Atlanta 1. Justin Rose ENG 9.46 Hagerstown (SAL), Ralph Wheeler
Penalties-Yards 2-10 8-67 Veterans Memorial Coliseum, 7 p.m.
Colgate 3 3 2 6 10 2 AFC champion vs. NFC champion, 6:30 2. Brooks Koepka USA 9.33 manager and Ryan Grose strength and
Union 3 4 1 10 5 4 p.m. (CBS) Time of Possession 31:14 28:46 Florida at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. 3. Dustin Johnson USA 8.36
New Jersey at Buffalo, 7 p.m. 4. Justin Thomas USA 8.17 conditioning coach of Auburn (NYP),
Brown 2 4 3 5 7 3 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Gabe Torres strength and conditioning
Princeton 3 6 1 5 10 2 RUSHING—Indianapolis, Mack 24-148, Philadelphia at Washington, 7:30 p.m. 5. Bryson DeChambeau USA 7.02
Sunday’s Wild-Card Games Columbus at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. 6. Xander Schauffele USA 6.49 coach of the GCL Nationals and Shane Hill
Clarkson 3 3 0 12 6 0 Luck 8-29, Pascal 1-14, Wilkins 2-9.
RPI 3 6 0 5 14 0 Eagles 16, Bears 15 Montreal at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. 7. Jon Rahm ESP 6.36 strength and conditioning coach of
Houston, Watson 8-76, Miller 5-18, Blue Potomac (Carolina).
St. Philadelphia 3 0 7 6— 16 2-8, Foreman 1-3. Dallas at St. Louis, 8 p.m. 8. Rory McIlroy NIR 6.04
Lawrence 1 4 1 3 14 1 Chicago 0 6 0 9— 15 Colorado at Winnipeg, 8 p.m. 9. Francesco Molinari ITA 5.83 BASKETBALL
PASSING—Indianapolis, Luck 19-32-1-222. 10. Tony Finau USA 5.47
First Quarter Houston, Watson 29-49-1-235. N.Y. Rangers at Vegas, 10 p.m. National Basketball Association
Friday’s Games Edmonton at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. 11. Jason Day AUS 5.34
Phi—FG Elliott 43, 9:32. RECEIVING—Indianapolis, Hilton 5-85, 12. Rickie Fowler USA 5.33 WASHINGTON WIZARDS — Waived G Ron
Union 7, St. Cloud St. 2 Inman 4-53, Rogers 4-46, Ebron 3-26, Baker.
Brown 7, Robert Morris 4 Second Quarter 13. Tommy Fleetwood ENG 5.29
Chi—FG Parkey 36, 9:38. Mack 2-6, Pascal 1-6. Houston, Coutee 14. Tiger Woods USA 5.28 Women’s NBA
Colgate 5, Quinnipiac 4, OT
Cornell 3, Princeton 2 Chi—FG Parkey 29, :00. 11-110, Miller 8-63, Hopkins 5-37, Blue 2-11, MLB 15. Patrick Reed USA 4.97 LOS ANGELES SPARKS — Named Danita
Akins 2-8, Griffin 1-6. 16. Bubba Watson USA 4.64 Johnson president and chief operating
Harvard 3, RPI 2 Third Quarter
MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Jan. 11 — Salary arbitration figures 17. Jordan Spieth USA 4.55
Air Force 7, St. Lawrence 1 Phi—Goedert 10 pass from Foles (Elliott exchanged. officer.
18. Marc Leishman AUS 4.49 FOOTBALL
Saturday’s Games kick), 5:20. Jan. 22 — BBWAA Hall of Fame voting 19. Patrick Cantlay USA 4.46
Dartmouth 3, Bentley 3 Fourth Quarter announced. 20. Webb Simpson USA 4.38 National Football League
Brown 6, Union 3 Chi—FG Parkey 34, 14:13. Jan. 28-Feb. 15 — Salary arbitration 21. Alex Noren SWE 4.24 CLEVELAND BROWNS — Signed OL David
Colgate 4, Princeton 3 Chi—Robinson 22 pass from Trubisky NBA hearings, St. Petersburg, Fla. 22. Gary Woodland USA 3.93 Bright and DB Ashton Lampkin to
Yale 5, New Hampshire 5 (pass failed), 9:04. Feb. 13 — Voluntary reporting date for 23. Paul Casey ENG 3.90 reserve/future contracts.
EASTERN CONFERENCE pitchers, catchers and injured players. 24. Tyrrell Hatton ENG 3.61
Cornell 2, Quinnipiac 2 Phi—Tate 2 pass from Foles (run failed), WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Waived WRs
RPI 2, Army 1, OT :56. Atlantic Division Feb. 18 — Voluntary reporting date for 25. Louis Oosthuizen SAF 3.58 Carlos Henderson and ArDarius Stewart.
UConn 6, St. Lawrence 3 A—62,462. other players. 26. Sergio Garcia ESP 3.58 GOLF
W L Pct GB 27. Henrik Stenson SWE 3.56
Toronto 30 12 .714 — Feb. 23 — Mandatory reporting date. LPGA TEACHING & CLUB PRO DIVISION —
Sunday’s Game Phi Chi 28. Hideki Matsuyama JPN 3.47
Philadelphia 26 14 .650 3 March 20-21 — Opening series, Seattle Elected Marvol Bernard national
Clarkson 3, Vermont 2, OT First downs 21 17 29. Cameron Smith AUS 3.46
Boston 23 15 .605 5 vs. Oakland at Tokyo. president.
Monday’s Game Total Net Yards 300 356 March 28 — Opening day for other 30. Rafa Cabrera Bello ESP 3.42
Brooklyn 20 21 .488 9½ 31. Keegan Bradley USA 3.37 HOCKEY
Yale vs. Maine at Portland, Maine, 7 p.m. Rushes-yards 23-42 18-65 New York 10 29 .256 18½ teams, active rosters reduced to 25 32. Matt Kuchar USA 3.20 National Hockey League
Tuesday’s Game Passing 258 291 players. 33. Phil Mickelson USA 3.20
Boston U. at Harvard, 7 p.m. Punt Returns 1-(minu 0-0 Southeast Division April 13-14 — St. Louis vs. Cincinnati at DETROIT RED WINGS — Reassigned F
34. Kyle Stanley USA 3.15 Dylan Sadowy from Grand Rapids (AHL) to
Friday, Jan. 11 Kickoff Returns 2-35 3-65 W L Pct GB Monterrey, Mexico. 35. Eddie Pepperrell ENG 2.97
Union at Clarkson, 7 p.m. Miami 19 19 .500 — May 4-5 — Houston vs. Los Angeles 36. Billy Horschel USA 2.95 Toledo (ECHL).
Interceptions Ret. 0-0 2-0 LOS ANGELES KINGS — Assigned F Nikita
Dartmouth at Quinnipiac, 7 p.m. Charlotte 19 20 .487 ½ Angels at Monterrey, Mexico. 37. Kiradech Aphibarnrat THA 2.87
Comp-Att-Int 25-40-2 26-43-0 Scherbak to Ontario (AHL).
Arizona St. at Cornell, 7 p.m. Orlando 17 22 .436 2½ June 3 — Amateur draft starts. 38. Ian Poulter ENG 2.80
Sacked-Yards Lost 1-8 2-12 Washington 16 24 .400 4 June 15 — International amateur signing 39. Kevin Kisner USA 2.79 NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Assigned F John
RPI at St. Lawrence, 7 p.m.
Harvard at Princeton, 7 p.m.
Punts 5-45.2 6-40.5 Atlanta 12 27 .308 7½ period closes. 40. Matthew Fitzpatrick ENG 2.73 Quenneville to Binghamton (AHL).
UMass Lowell at Colgate, 7:30 p.m. Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 June 29-30 — New York Yankees vs. 41. Adam Scott AUS 2.72 Recalled D Egor Yakovlev from
Penalties-Yards 3-25 3-52 Central Division Boston at London. 42. Haotong Li CHN 2.68 Binghamton.
Saturday, Jan. 12 43. Thorbjorn Olesen DEN 2.63 NEW YORK RANGERS — Reassigned G
Dartmouth at Princeton, 7 p.m. Time of Possession 30:48 29:12 W L Pct GB July 2 — International amateur signing
Milwaukee 27 11 .711 — period opens. 44. Matt Wallace ENG 2.50 Brandon Halverson from Maine (ECHL) to
Harvard at Quinnipiac, 7 p.m. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Indiana 26 13 .667 1½ 45. Lucas Bjerregaard DEN 2.45 Hartford (AHL).
Union at St. Lawrence, 7 p.m. RUSHING—Philadelphia, Sproles 13-21, July 9 — All-Star Game at Cleveland.
Detroit 17 20 .459 9½ July 31 — Last day to trade a player 46. Satoshi Kodaira JPN 2.43 ST. LOUIS BLUES — Assigned D Jordan
Arizona St. at Cornell, 7 p.m. Smallwood 8-20, Adams 1-2, Foles Chicago 10 30 .250 18 47. Emiliano Grillo ARG 2.39 Schmaltz to San Antonio (AHL). Recalled F
RPI at Clarkson, 7 p.m. 1-(minus 1). Chicago, Howard 10-35, without securing waivers. 48. Kevin Na USA 2.38
Cleveland 8 32 .200 20 Aug. 18 — Pittsburgh vs. Chicago Cubs at Sammy Blais from San Antonio.
Sacred Heart at Yale, 7 p.m. Gabriel 2-20, Trubisky 3-9, Cunningham 49. Brandt Snedeker USA 2.38
UMass Lowell at Colgagte, 7:30 p.m. 1-2, Cohen 1-0, Mizzell 1-(minus 1). WESTERN CONFERENCE Williamsport, Pa. 50. Branden Grace SAF 2.31 OLYMPIC SPORTS
PASSING—Philadelphia, Foles Aug. 31 — Last day to be contracted to an USA CYCLING — Named Rob DeMartini
25-40-2-266. Chicago, Trubisky Southwest Division organization and be eligible for president and CEO.
postseason roster.
PROFESSIONAL 26-43-0-303.
RECEIVING—Philadelphia, Jeffery 6-82, Houston
22 16
L Pct
.579 —
Sept. 1 — Active rosters expand to 40 BETTING LINE SOCCER
Major League Soccer
HOCKEY Ertz 5-52, Tate 5-46, Agholor 3-32, San Antonio 23 17 .575 — players. Pregame.com Line CLUB INTERNACIONAL DE FUTBOL MIAMI
Goedert 2-20, Smallwood 2-20, Sproles Memphis 18 21 .462 4½ Oct. 1-2 — Wild-card games.
AHL NBA — Named Niki Budalic director of soccer
2-14. Chicago, Robinson 10-143, Gabriel Dallas 18 21 .462 4½ November TBA — Deadline for teams to
EASTERN CONFERENCE Tuesday operations.
4-37, Miller 3-34, Cohen 3-27, Shaheen New Orleans 18 22 .450 5 make qualifying offers to their eligible
Favorite Line O/U Underdog MONTREAL IMPACT — Transferred M
Atlantic Division
3-13, Braunecker 2-15, Bellamy 1-34. former players who became free agents,
Northwest Division PHILADELPHIA OFF OFF Washington Alejandro Silva to Club Olimpia (Primera
W L OL SOL Pts GF GA MISSED FIELD GOALS—Chicago, Parkey fifth day after World Series.
Indiana 101⁄2 (208) CLEVELAND Division-Paraguay).
Charlotte 27 8 3 0 57 133 104 43. W L Pct GB November TBA — Deadline for free
Bridgeport 21 11 4 2 48 119 116 agents to accept qualifying offers, 15th TORONTO 14 228 Atlanta COLLEGE
Denver 26 11 .703 — MIAMI 1 209 Denver
Lehigh Val. 20 12 1 2 43 127 112 Oklahoma City 25 14 .641 2 day after World Series. IOWA STATE — RB David Montgomery will
WB/Scrantn 18 15 4 1 41 118 113 Chargers 23, Ravens 17 Portland 23 17 .575 4½ OKLAHOMA CITY 8 224 Minnesota enter the NFL draft.
Dec. 2 — Last day for teams to offer 2020 PHOENIX OFF OFF Sacramento
Springfield 16 12 5 3 40 127 120 L.A. Chargers 6 6 0 11 — 23 Utah 20 20 .500 7½ contracts to unsigned players on their KANSAS STATE — Dismissed C Maary
Hartford 17 16 2 2 38 112 120 Minnesota 19 21 .475 8½ GOLDEN STATE 171⁄2 (230) New York Lakes from the women’s basketball
Baltimore 0 0 3 14 — 17 40-man rosters.
Providence 16 16 5 0 37 117 110 LA CLIPPERS 6 230 Charlotte
First Quarter Dec. 8 — Hall of Fame Modern Baseball program.
Hershey 15 19 0 2 32 91 120 Pacific Division committee vote announced, San Diego. COLLEGE BASKETBALL NYU — Named Ophir Sadeh assistant
LAC—FG Badgley 21, 6:59.
LAC—FG Badgley 53, 1:08. W L Pct GB Dec. 9-12 — Winter meetings, San Diego. Tuesday softball coach.
North Division Golden State 26 14 .650 — Favorite Line Underdog OHIO STATE — QB Dwayne Haskins Jr. will
W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Second Quarter L.A. Clippers 23 16 .590 2½ Duke 201⁄2 WAKE FOREST enter the NFL draft. Named Greg
Rochester 22 12 2 0 46 117 105 LAC—FG Badgley 40, 3:22. L.A. Lakers 21 19 .525 5 MINNESOTA 2 Maryland Mattison and Jeff Hafley co-defensive
Syracuse 21 10 2 0 44 128 89 LAC—FG Badgley 34, :00. Sacramento 19 20 .487 6½ COLLEGE FOOTBALL Iowa St 3 BAYLOR coordinators.
Utica 20 16 2 1 43 124 133 Third Quarter Phoenix 9 32 .220 17½ CENT. MICHIGAN PK Akron PARK — Named Ashley Jones esports
Cleveland 17 13 4 1 39 103 116 Bal—FG Tucker 33, 8:30. Bowl glance KENT ST 61⁄2 W. Michigan coach.
Toronto 17 14 3 2 39 126 131 Sunday’s Games Tuesday, Jan. 1 BOWLING GREEN 4 Ohio SAINT JOSEPH’S — Promoted Fred King to
Laval 15 16 3 3 36 99 104 Fourth Quarter Brooklyn 117, Chicago 100
LAC—Gordon 1 run (Mi.Williams pass from Outback Bowl Texas 31⁄2 OKLAHOMA ST associate head women’s soccer coach.
Binghamtn 16 20 3 0 35 105 138 L.A. Clippers 106, Orlando 96 BUFFALO 9 Toledo
Belleville 16 20 2 0 34 113 127 Rivers), 14:44. Tampa, Fla. SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA — Announced
Minnesota 108, L.A. Lakers 86 KENTUCKY 121⁄2 Texas A&M QB Cole Kelley is transferring from
LAC—FG Badgley 47, 9:09. Atlanta 106, Miami 82 Iowa 27, Mississippi State 22 BALL ST 111⁄2 E. Michigan
WESTERN CONFERENCE Bal—Crabtree 31 pass from L.Jackson Tennessee 8 MISSOURI Arkansas.
Washington 116, Oklahoma City 98 Citrus Bowl
Central Division (Tucker kick), 6:33. Toronto 121, Indiana 105 INDIANA ST 8 Missouri St
Bal—Crabtree 7 pass from L.Jackson Orlando, Fla.
W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Charlotte 119, Phoenix 113 Kentucky 27, Penn State 24 VILLANOVA 6 St. John’s
(Tucker kick), 1:59. MIAMI (OHIO) 11⁄2 N. Illinois
20 9 4 3 47 125 102
21 12 3 1 46 133 109 A—70,432. Monday’s Games Fiesta Bowl DRAKE 2 ⁄2
S. Illinois ON THIS DATE
San Antonio at Detroit, late Glendale, Ariz. VALPARAISO 3 Bradley
Grand 19 12 3 3 44 113 113 LAC Bal Brooklyn at Boston, late Jan. 8
Rapids LSU 40, UCF 32 ILLINOIS ST 6 N. Iowa 1944 — Toronto’s Babe Pratt becomes the
First downs 14 11 Denver at Houston, late Loyola of Chicago 6 EVANSVILLE
Milwaukee 19 12 5 1 44 100 100 Memphis at New Orleans, late Rose Bowl first NHL defenseman to get six assists in
Texas 18 11 3 2 41 125 104
Total Net Yards 243 229 Mississippi St 61⁄2 S. CAROLINA
Rushes-yards 33-89 23-90 Utah at Milwaukee, late Pasadena, Calif. NC STATE 1 North Carolina a game as the Maple Leafs pound the
Rockford 16 15 3 4 39 86 107 Ohio State 28, Washington 23 Boston Bruins 12-3 at the Maple Leaf
San Antonio 17 18 1 0 35 93 102 Passing 154 139 L.A. Lakers at Dallas, late TEXAS TECH 6 Oklahoma
New York at Portland, late Sugar Bowl LSU 6 Alabama Gardens.
Manitoba 14 18 2 0 30 80 108 Punt Returns 4-46 0-0 1947 — Howie Meeker sets an NHL
Orlando at Sacramento, late New Orleans MICHIGAN ST 8 Purdue
Kickoff Returns 2-78 6-106 SAN DIEGO ST 11 Wyoming single-game record for goals by a rookie
Pacific Division Tuesday’s Games Texas 28, Georgia 21
Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 NEW MEXICO 4 UNLV when he scores five times in Toronto’s
W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Indiana at Cleveland, 7 p.m. 10-4 win over the Chicago Blackhawks at
Comp-Att-Int 22-32-0 14-29-1
San Jose 20 7 1 3 44 108 81 Washington at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 7 National Hockey League Maple Leaf Gardens.
Sacked-Yards Lost 1-6 7-55 Atlanta at Toronto, 7:30 p.m.
Tucson 19 9 3 1 42 111 98 Tuesday 1955 — Georgia Tech ends Kentucky’s
San Diego 17 11 1 3 38 115 109 Punts 5-35.4 6-44.7 Denver at Miami, 7:30 p.m. College Football Championship
Favorite Line Underdog Line 129-game home basketball winning
Colorado 16 13 3 1 36 95 107 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 4-2 Minnesota at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Santa Clara, Calif. BOSTON OFF Minnesota OFF
Bakersfield 16 13 2 1 35 99 93 Clemson vs. Alabama, late streak with a 59-58 win at Memorial
Penalties-Yards 5-35 7-41 Sacramento at Phoenix, 9 p.m. NY ISLANDERS -123 Carolina +113 Coliseum.
Stockton 15 16 3 0 33 120 138 Time of Possession 33:40 26:20 Charlotte at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. PITTSBURGH -182 Florida +167
Ontario 10 16 3 2 25 96 129 1972 — The NCAA announces freshmen will
New York at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19 BUFFALO OFF New Jersey OFF
WASHINGTON OFF Philadelphia OFF be eligible to play on varsity football and
NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, RUSHING—Los Angeles, Gordon 17-40, Wednesday’s Games East-West Shrine Classic basketball teams starting in the fall.
one point for an overtime or shootout Indiana at Boston, 7 p.m. DETROIT OFF Montreal OFF
Ekeler 11-29, Rivers 3-15, J.Jackson 2-5. At St. Petersburg, Fla. TAMPA BAY -176 Columbus +164 1973 — David Vaughn of Oral Roberts
loss. Baltimore, L.Jackson 9-54, Edwards 8-23, Philadelphia at Washington, 7 p.m. East vs. West, 3 p.m. (NFLN) WINNIPEG -161 Colorado +151 grabs 34 rebounds in a 123-95 win over
Saturday’s Games Dixon 6-13. Atlanta at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. ST. LOUIS -106 Dallas -104 Brandeis.
Cleveland at New Orleans, 8 p.m. NFLPA Collegiate Bowl
Charlotte 6, Belleville 3 PASSING—Los Angeles, Rivers LAS VEGAS -250 NY Rangers +220 1984 — Mark Moseley’s 25-yard field goal
Hartford 3, Lehigh Valley 1 22-32-0-160. Baltimore, L.Jackson Milwaukee at Houston, 8 p.m. At Pasadena, Calif. SAN JOSE OFF Edmonton OFF with 40 seconds remaining gives the
Hershey 6, Grand Rapids 4 14-29-1-194. San Antonio at Memphis, 8 p.m. American vs. National, TBA (NFLN) Washington Redskins a 24-21 win over the
RECEIVING—Los Angeles, K.Allen 4-37, Phoenix at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. NFL San Francisco 49ers in the NFC
Toronto 5, Syracuse 2
Binghamton 3, Bridgeport 2 Gates 4-35, Ekeler 4-14, Benjamin 3-11, Orlando at Utah, 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 Playoffs Saturday Championship game.
Milwaukee 5, WB/Scranton 3 Mi.Williams 2-42, Ty.Williams 2-9, Green Chicago at Portland, 10 p.m. Senior Bowl Favorite Line O/U Underdog 1984 — The Executive Committee of the
Springfield 5, Providence 3 1-8, Gordon 1-3, Watt 1-1. Baltimore, Dixon Detroit at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. KANSAS CITY 5 57 Indianapolis NCAA votes to expand the championship
At Mobile, Ala. LA RAMS 7 49 Dallas
Chicago 3, San Antonio 1 3-53, Snead 3-50, Andrews 3-31, Crabtree Thursday’s Games North vs. South, 2:30 p.m. (NFLN) basketball field to 64 teams starting in
Manitoba 3, Texas 2, SO 2-38, Jo.Brown 2-14, Ma.Williams 1-8. Boston at Miami, 7 p.m. Playoffs Sunday 1985.
stargazette.com ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 3B

High schools the hour’s bus ride only heightens the

challenge for Binghamton, coach Willie
has the ability to go outside as well.”
Donovan scored 31 points Friday and Kicks
Fann may not agree. looked impressive doing so.
Continued from Page 1B “Oddly enough, we play very well When she’s leading a fast break, Continued from Page 1B
away from here,” he said Friday night. finding teammates and penetrating in
Fine start for SCC boys “At home, not so much. On the road? the half-court, she looks like a guard, from 43 and 47 yards out earlier in the
Locked in, focused, in rhythm, swarm- and when she’s rebounding and de- contest.
Seton Catholic Central’s boys ing defense. We get here, I just don’t fending in the post, she looks like a for- 7. Doug Brien, 2004 AFC divi-
opened the new year in fine form last know.” ward. sional playoff: A week after benefit-
Thursday, with four two-digit scorers “All of our players have been getting ing from Kaeding’s untimely miss,
contributing to a 76-61 home-court vic- Alphabet soup steals, not just one, two or three play- the Jets fell victim to an unfortunate
tory over Chenango Valley. ers,” Donovan said of the team’s 10-0 field goal miss of their own against
The Saints permitted four points When sectional play rolls around start. “Everybody’s playing really good the Steelers. With the score tied 17-17
over a 71⁄2-minute segment overlapping next month in the Class A and B girls defense, everybody is rebounding, ev- and four seconds remaining in regu-
the halves to make it a runaway. brackets, two teams will enter having erybody is running up the court. We’re lation, Brien missed from 43 yards
That made it four wins in the last not seen their opposition during the all looking for open players.” out. The game went to OT, which was
five games for the Saints, who played regular season. when the Steelers pulled out a 20-17
three games during Christmas break in Owego, off to a 10-0 start, plays in New coach familiar with roster win when their kicker, Jeff Reed, con-
Elmira’s Josh Palmer Tournament. the Metro Division of the Southern Tier nected on a 33-yarder.
“Last year we were 1-2 in Elmira but I Athletic Conference and faces Class A While it’s true Brianna Thompson is 6. Lin Elliott, 1995 AFC divisional
thought it was a turning point of our and AA teams during league play, but in her first season as Maine-Endwell’s playoff: The Chiefs were the AFC’s
season. We were 2-1 this year,” said the Indians will compete in the Class B varsity girls basketball coach, she’s top playoff seed in 1995 but were up-
coach Chris Sinicki. tournament. very familiar with the Spartans roster. set by the plucky Colts 10-7 at Arrow-
The 2017-18 Saints advanced to the Seton Catholic Central is in the Thompson served as M-E’s junior head Stadium. Elliott missed three
Class B state championship game and STAC’s East Division and plays primar- varsity coach last season and took over field goals in the loss, including one
closed with a 23-3 record. ily Class B teams. The Saints will de- the varsity this season for Richie Se- from 42 yards out with 42 seconds
The 2018-19 Saints wrapped up fend their Class A sectional title in Feb- buharara. left in the game.
Palmer Tournament competition with ruary. “I’m really lucky,” Thompson said 5. Jan Stenerud, 1971 AFC divi-
a 67-48 win over Archbishop Molloy of “To go out there and see As and AAs, after her team’s 65-46 loss at Owego on sional playoff: In the longest game in
Queens. Senior guard Tommy Demp- those bigger schools definitely pre- Friday. “I’ve coached some of these NFL history, the Dolphins beat the
sey made good on eight of 11 three- sents challenges every single night,” girls since they were in middle school. Chiefs, 27-24, in double overtime at
point shots in a game that tipped off at said Owego coach Luke McEvoy, whose I’ve kind of grown up with them and I Kansas City’s Municipal Stadium.
10 a.m. team lost the Section 4 Class B final last was around them last year, which Stenerud had a chance to deliver a
“It’s not the Molloy of the Kenny An- season to eventual state champion helped. They’re responsive, they listen win for the Chiefs, but his 32-yard at-
derson days but it’s still Molloy, still Susquehanna Valley. “I think you saw it and they want to learn.” tempt in the final minute sailed wide
from Queens and there are some guys last year, it prepared us for the postsea- The guard-oriented Spartans are off right. He also had a field goal attempt
who can play ball down there,” Sinicki son run we had last year. to a 5-2 start and senior Ashlynn in OT get blocked.
said. “We played really well against “One downside is you don’t see the McKnight is a big reason. In scoring 22 4. Mike Vanderjagt, 2005 AFC di-
them. We shared it, Dempsey had 30 — Bs. You don’t have that matchup until points against the Indians, McKnight visional playoff: A Colts season that
he’s just so under control, the game, sectional time, but we do a lot of scout- hit two three-pointers, drove to the started 13-0 ended in disappoint-
the ball, decisions, his pace. He’s not a ing.” basket, pulled up for mid-range ment to the Steelers, who were the
blazer but he picks his spots. He just McEvoy confirmed he puts a lot of jumpers and turned steals into points. AFC’s No. 6 playoff seed. Down 21-18
reads things really well.” miles on the car in the winter. to the Steelers, Vanderjagt — famous
Sophomore guard Marcus Dyes col- Panthers on the prowl for being called the “idiot kicker” by
lected 14 rebounds in that game. Indians have balance Peyton Manning a couple years prior
Next for Seton CC is a home game Spencer-Van Etten’s boys bring an — lined up for a 46-yard field goal
Thursday against Susquehanna Valley. Most knew about Owego’s dynamic 8-0 record into the second week of with 21 seconds remaining. He
The Saints were 10-point winners Dec. backcourt tandem of junior Kaci Dono- 2019, the most recent success a 67-34 missed horribly.
7 at SV. van and senior Anna Felice coming into roll past host Waverly in which the 3. Billy Cundiff, 2011 AFC Cham-
the season. They’ve been performing at Panthers had a substantial rebounding pionship Game: Down 23-20 to the
Home-court what? a high level for several seasons. advantage. Patriots in Foxborough, Cundiff
In a 19-point victory over Maine- The Wolverines were playing their missed a potentially game-tying field
Binghamton’s girls must regroup Endwell on Friday, sophomore forward first game of the season without Scott goal with 15 seconds remaining,
from a startlingly unproductive offen- Evee Coleman, a 6-footer, provided the Woodring, a 6-foot-8 junior who aver- sending New England to Super Bowl
sive showing to take on defending Sec- Indians an option in the low post. She aged nearly 33 points and 17 rebounds XLVI. The 32-yard attempt came two
tion 4 Class AA champion Elmira (6-2) scored 16 points, despite dealing with through seven games. He sustained a plays after the Ravens’ Lee Evans
Tuesday on the Express’ floor. foul trouble. knee injury during a mid-week practice dropped a possible go-ahead TD.
Elmira was a 43-39 winner Friday at “Her growth throughout the season and will be sidelined for an undeter- 2. Gary Anderson, 1998 NFC
Ithaca. In that game, junior Zaria De- last year was immense,” McEvoy said mined period. Championship Game: The Vikings
Member-Shazer’s first field goal of Coleman. “She works hard all sum- Meanwhile, Waverly’s girls im- had the underdog Falcons on the
brought her 1,000th varsity point. She mer long. She is that key third piece proved to 9-0 with a 70-31 win Friday at ropes late in the NFC title game at the
closed with 11 points, 14 rebounds and you’re looking for — defensively, re- S-VE, with Alex Tomasso’s 26 points Metrodome. Up 27-20 with just over
six blocked shots. bounding and her offensive game is a leading the way. two minutes remaining in the fourth
While one might reasonably believe tough matchup for teams inside. She quarter, Anderson lined up for a 38-
yard field goal attempt. Anderson,
who was a perfect 35-for-35 on field
goal attempts during the regular sea-
son, missed. That allowed the Fal-

Athletes season-ending surgery at the end of

2018 to repair a tear in her shoulder,
Limoncelli was the winning pitcher
against Kingston in the state quarterfi-
cons to tie it up in the final minute
and force overtime, which was when
which bothered her for most of her nals and ended up being one of only 11 Atlanta won 30-27 on Morten Ander-
Continued from Page 1B sophomore season. players in New York state named to sen’s 38-yard attempt.
USA Today’s American Family Insur- 1. Scott Norwood, Super Bowl
zerland, where Coffey contributed to a Katie Granato ance All-USA New York Baseball Team. XXV: Norwood’s field goal miss is
bronze medal for the U.S. team at the His pitching record was 5-2 with a 0.73 easily the most grueling in NFL play-
2018 World Rowing Cup III. Elmira College’s exciting run to a ERA, with 51 strikeouts in 36 2/3 in- off history. Norwood’s 47-yard at-
September took Coffey to Plovdiv, seventh appearance in the NCAA Divi- nings. He batted .457. tempt with eight seconds remaining
Bulgaria, where she helped the United sion III women’s hockey championship In November, Limoncelli signed a sailed wide right, securing a 20-19
States women’s eight team capture game was clearly the work of a bunch National Letter of Intent to play base- win for the Giants over the Bills in one
gold at the 2018 World Rowing of people. Katie Granato was among ball for powerhouse Coastal Carolina, of the greatest Super Bowls ever
Championships. the key figures, finishing 11th in the na- which captured the national champi- played. The defeat was the first of
tion in scoring per game, with 42 points onship in 2016. He is ranked among the four consecutive Super Bowl losses
The Craig sisters on 22 goals and 20 assists. top high school senior prospects by for Buffalo.
The Soaring Eagles, who fell by a 2-1 Baseball America.
Elmira Notre Dame’s brief swim- score to Norwich in the title game, are
ming history is largely dominated by again among the top teams in the coun- Robbie Nichols
two sisters from try thanks largely to Granato, a senior
Mansfield: Molly Craig and Cather- forward from Naperville, Illinois. Elmi- After the demise of the Elmira Jack- TV HIGHLIGHTS
ine Craig. ra finished the 2018 part of the 2018-19 als following the 2016-17 season, pro-
All Molly Craig did in her first season schedule with an 8-2-1 record and no fessional hockey returned to Elmira in Schedule subject to change and/or
at Williams College was to win the Division III women’s player scored as 2018 following an absence of one sea- blackouts.
NCAA Division III national champion- many points as Granato, who regis- son. The Jackals had entertained Elmi-
ship in the 400-yard individual medley tered 22 on 14 goals and 8 assists. ra hockey fans since 2000. NBA
, posting a time of 4:18.56 in the finals The man mostly responsible for
8 p.m.
at the Indiana University Natatorium Molly Huddle games being played again at First Are-
NBA — Minnesota at Oklahoma City
in Indianapolis in March. na is Robbie Nichols, a former coach
10:30 p.m.
Catherine Craig overcame illness Huddle, an Elmira native and Elmira and general manager for the Jackals
NBA/MSG — New York at Golden
leading into the New York State Girls Notre Dame graduate, added to her sta- and the co-owner of the Elmira Pio-
Swimming and Diving Championships tus as one of the most decorated dis- neers, a summer college baseball team.
in November at Ithaca College to finish tance runners in U.S. history in 2018. The announcement came July 17
fifth in the 100-yard breaststroke, fol- After a disappointing 16th-place fin- that a team in the Federal Hockey
lowing a seventh-place state finish in ish at the Boston Marathon that was League would be owned by Nichols and 7 p.m.
that event in 2017. Catherine is headed largely caused by the cold and rainy play in Elmira. A few weeks later, it was MSG — New Jersey at Buffalo
to Bucknell University to continue her weather conditions that led to hypo- revealed the new team would be called 7:30 p.m.
swimming career. thermia for Huddle, she bounced back the Enforcers. With work needed at NBCSN — Philadelphia at Washing-
in spectacular fashion in June by win- First Arena to get it ready, the home ton
Kiara Fisher ning a fourth consecutive U.S. title in opener didn’t come until Nov. 16. More 10 p.m.
the 10,000 meters at the USA Track & than 4,000 fans turned out, smashing MSG+ — N.Y. Rangers at Vegas
Elmira High’s girls basketball team Field Outdoor Championships at Drake the league record for a single-game.
captured a second straight Section 4 Stadium in Des Moines, Iowa. The COLLEGE MEN’S
Class AA title and earned the first state championship was a staggering 27th Eli Thomas
tournament victory in program history national title for Huddle.
largely behind the legs, vision and tal- She finished 2018 with marathon re- Former Express star Eli Thomas’ 7 p.m.
ent of point guard Kiara Fisher. demption, finishing fourth against a first season with the UConn football ESPN — Duke at Wake Forest
Fisher averaged 17.5 points, 8.6 as- world-class field at the New York City team ended when he suffered a life- ESPN2 — Tennessee at Missouri
sists and 4.9 steals, topping 1,000 ca- Marathon in November, adding to her threatening stroke in October. He has ESPNEWS — Iowa State at Baylor
reer points in her third season of varsi- third-place effort in 2016. fought back from that moment with ESPNU — Texas at Oklahoma State
ty basketball. The Express’ record dur- support from the Elmira community. FS1 — St. John’s at Villanova
ing that stretch was 55-12. She was Mike Limoncelli Whether he plays football again, 9 p.m.
named Elite 10 Player of the Year by the Thomas made a lasting impact for ESPN — North Carolina at North
staffs of the Elmira Star-Gazette, Itha- For the first time in 20 years, the UConn after battling back from three Carolina State
ca Journal and Binghamton Press & Horseheads High baseball team ad- torn ACLs. The Huskies finished with a ESPN2 — Purdue at Michigan State
Sun-Bulletin. vanced to the state final four. The Blue 1-11 record and it was a last-play quar- ESPNEWS — Oklahoma at Texas Tech
Fans will have to wait until next sea- Raiders did so with a strong lineup terback sack from Thomas deep in ESPNU — Mississippi State at South
son to watch Fisher again. The Syra- from top to bottom, deep pitching and UConn territory that preserved the Carolina
cuse University commit is facing a strong defense. Junior right-hander Huskies’ only win, 56-49, against 11 p.m.
lengthy rehabilitation after undergoing Mike Limoncelli excelled in all three. Rhode Island on Sept. 15. ESPN2 — UNLV at New Mexico

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stargazette.com ❚ TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 ❚ 5B

Editorial Board
Neill Borowski, Executive Editor
Chris Kocher, Engagement Editor


James Jay Carafano


Sensible border
security justifies
shutting down
For many in Washington, the debate over funding
for a wall between Mexico and the United States is a
purely partisan skirmish. Underneath, however, is a
real issue: securing the border.
Unregulated migration would be a strategic disas-
ter, not just for the U.S., but for the entire Western
Canada, for example, has one of the most disci-
plined and level-headed migration systems in the
world. Yet it has had to deal with spillover from our
chaos, as asylum-seekers drift north. For the first
time in a long time, a growing number of Canadians
are fretting over immigration and border policies.
Canada isn’t alone. Mexico has a problem as well,

Romney’s words ring hollow

with massive illegal border crossing on its southern
border; human trafficking fueling the criminal car-
tels; and warehousing the caravans headed to the
United States.
In Central America, unscrupulous politicians
cheerlead for caravans to undermine their own gov-
ernments. Meanwhile, Venezuelans pour into other Cynthia Tucker
countries, like the fragile democracy that is Colom- Columnist
bia, threatening their stability by forcing them to host
massive illegal populations.
Once the world figures out that borders in the
Western Hemisphere mean nothing, the flood that
might turn toward the West could reach into the mil- Let’s give Mitt Romney credit for one thing: He
lions, if not the tens of millions. knows how to draw headlines. Returning to elective
The bottom line is that while our political parties office Thursday as a newly sworn-in U.S. senator from
squabble over border funding — not unlike the crew Utah, Romney had two days earlier published an opi-
and passengers debating the color scheme in the nion essay in The Washington Post in which he harsh-
smoking lounge as the ship goes down — America’s ly criticized President Donald Trump.
enemies could weaponize illegal migration. If this “It is well known that Donald Trump was not my
isn’t stopped in its tracks, then the immigration choice for the Republican presidential nomination.
problems in Europe may well pale in comparison. After he became the nominee, I hoped his campaign
There is never a good time for a desperate fight. would refrain from resentment and name-calling. It
But sensible border security is worth it. Time for both did not. When he won the election, I hoped he would
sides to put the politics aside and come up with solu- rise to the occasion. … But, on balance, his conduct
tions that deal with the magnitude of the impending over the past two years, particularly his actions last Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, participates in a mock
problem. month, is evidence that the president has not risen to swearing-in ceremony Thursday with Vice President
James Jay Carafano is vice president of the Davis the mantle of the office,” Romney wrote. Mike Pence on Capitol Hill.
Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at Utah’s junior senator managed not only to draw the GETTY IMAGES
the Heritage Foundation. attention of news reporters and television pundits,
but also to attract the ire of the easily offended presi-
dent, who responded, as he so often does, on Twitter. before he was for him – and then against him again.
“Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question Romney blistered Trump in a speech early in 2016 –
will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer before Trump secured the nomination – as a “phony”
that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other and a “fraud” who “has neither the temperament nor
things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he the judgment to be president.” Romney criticized
didn’t,” Trump retorted. Trump’s economic policies, castigated the eventual
This is just more bombast, more shadowboxing nominee for cozying up to bigots, and accused him of
from both sides. Don’t expect Romney to become the engaging in “absurd third-grade theatrics.”
conscience of the Republican Party any more than But after Trump’s election, Romney auditioned to
former Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona (whom Trump refer- join his Cabinet as secretary of state. At that point,
enced in his tweet) was. As Flake did, Romney will at- Romney praised the president for his “message of in-
tract attention with thoughtful denunciations of clusion and bringing people together” – a message
Trump’s behavior while backing the president up that most other observers missed entirely. In his 2018
with votes. Nothing will change in the GOP. Senate race, Romney graciously accepted Trump’s
There really isn’t a Republican Party left. Its so- endorsement, though he had said two years earlier
called leaders abandoned any claim to principles or that he’d never accept an endorsement from Trump.
standards or even policies when they caved to Trump, Perhaps the only Republican whose hypocrisy on
allowing him to trample democratic traditions, to Trump comes close to Romney’s is South Carolina
abandon longtime allies, to set up a kleptocracy and Sen. Lindsey Graham, who regularly blasted the
to kowtow to a longtime rival, Russia. They make president until a recent conversion to membership in
noises every now and then about holding the line and the president’s claque. To be fair, though, the only
reining him in, but they do nothing. The Grand Old principled Republicans are those who have never held
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at the Party is now the party of Trump. elective office. They remain committed Never Trump-
construction on a new segment of the border wall The best example of the fecklessness of the party’s ers. The politicians are too afraid of a GOP base still
near Santa Teresa, New Mexico. AP senior statesmen (and women) is their refusal to pass committed to Trump to defy him. Don’t expect them to
a bill that would protect special counsel Robert Muell- change in the coming year.
er’s investigation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch There will be change in Washington, however.
McConnell and other Republicans have insisted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s energized caucus will
the investigation should proceed. But they will not launch countless investigations into Trump’s mis-
COMING WEDNESDAY raise a barrier to Trump’s interference. deeds, perhaps leading to impeachment. The only
As for Romney, he is a first-class hypocrite who has question for Republicans is how low they will sink as
Glenn Reynolds: Do away with obsolete liquor laws.
already shown his lack of backbone, his opportunism, they try to protect him.
Jill Lawrence: Warren’s presidential moment is now. his tendency to do whatever he believes will advance Contact Cynthia Tucker at cynthia@cynthiatuck
his political career. After all, he was against Trump er.com.

We welcome letters no longer than 200 words. Please

include your name, address and a daytime telephone
number. We edit for brevity, accuracy, clarity and DOONESBURY
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We reject anonymous letters, poetry, Internet pass-
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Email: sgletters@gannett.com
Opinion producer: Keith Kraska,
What do you think?
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Mom wrestles with kids in the grocery aisle

Ask Amy born 3-year-old boys are the number the kids haven’t started to melt down You take the oldest child with you.
Amy Dickinson one cause of gray hair, at least in my yet and, more importantly, the store has You and the older sibling return, having
home. fewer people in it to heighten the stress. had a couple of adventures (you discov-
“The ideal solution is to get out of “Bring bribes/snacks/distractions er artichokes, for instance).
shopping with the kids, or at least the that you only pull out once you’re at the Younger child will beg to go with you.
Dear Amy: I have a 3-year-old and a youngest. If you can, throw bit of money store, including a device if you have to. He will promise to be good. And you’ll
5-year-old. My son (age 3) really acts at the problem – ordering groceries on- Mete the treats out over the visit if you respond, “Well, I don’t know if you’re
out when I take him shopping. I find it line, or hiring a babysitter for an hour so can – one or two fruit snacks per aisle. ready. I’ll think about it.”
very stressful and hard to control him. you can shop solo. Unless cash flow is Or if you’re really hard up, go straight to Dear Amy: “Caring Husband” report-
He screams, kicks and bites me when I very tight, don’t talk yourself out of this the snack aisle. (Whatever you do, stay ed on his frustration with his wife, who
try to keep him in the cart. If I let him like it’s a luxury. Your sanity is a worthy away from tiny child-sized shopping continues to claim that he “never lis-
down, he runs and hides from me. investment, and your child won’t be like carts because those just annoy every- tens.”
Do you recommend any tactics on this forever. one.) Hang in there, mom. You’re not Amy, you missed the most obvious
how to handle this? My husband works “Also, talk to your husband. Can he do alone.” solution! Dude needs to get his hearing
a lot so I don’t have much choice but to the shopping on the way home from I’d also recommend some old-fash- checked.
bring my kids along. work, or stay home with the kids while ioned emotional manipulation. You – Been There
– Frazzled Shopper you shop? Or do you have a friend with should play hard to get, by “refusing” to Dear Been There: Yes! Although this
Dear Frazzled: I shared your ques- kids your age who will trade sits with take your youngest shopping. You get a man’s hearing issues seem to be selec-
tion with Claire Zulkey: journalist, au- you? sitter or a friend to watch him. Tell him, tive, I agree that this is a possibility.
thor of a parenting newsletter (zul- “If those options are untenable, my “Well, I’d like to bring you with us, but I Readers may send postal mail to Ask
key.com) and – like you – mother of two recommendation is to try to go to the guess you’re not quite old enough. You Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.
young children. She responds: “Second- store as early as humanly possible when don’t know how to behave in the store.”

Is published author experiencing writer’s block?

Dear Annie Blocked stories so that they don’t die with him. safe word to use in conversations if the
Annie Lane Dear Writer’s Blocked: Writing Do you have any advice on how to go sister becomes uncomfortable. I would
about your own block is a great way to about this? – Mulling Over Memoir add that “Supportive Sibling” should
get the creative juices flowing again. Dear Mulling Over Memoir: It is ter- ask her sister what would help her rath-
Start every day by writing a stream of rific that you’re thinking of this. What a er than guess and should urge her to find
Dear Annie: I am a published author consciousness. Don’t focus on specific gift it would be to your father, yourself a therapist to help her overcome her
and have been struggling to write my time requirements or topics. Just write and future generations of your family to problems. Most people with eating dis-
next book. I’ve written a handful of creatively. Don’t go back and read your preserve these stories. On top of that, orders cannot and do not resolve them
adult-oriented fictional books. My most writings immediately. Let what you’ve the process of gathering this informa- without therapeutic help.
recent published book came out almost written age a bit, and start the next day tion will bring you and your dad closer Additionally, “Supportive Sibling”
five years ago. I’ve tried several times to anew. Speak with your spouse, a close than ever before. should advise everyone in the family
start the next book, but I haven’t been friend or your therapist about the mean- Try to set aside one afternoon a that no one should be telling any adult
able to get any thoughts together or ing behind these writings. Inspiration month to conduct “life interviews” with how or what to eat or what to weigh.
gather any momentum in the writing and meaning will find you as you let go your dad, accompanying him on a stroll Though often well-intended, these re-
process. of the search for the perfect topic and down memory lane. Record the conver- marks are counterproductive and must
I never previously experienced any uncover what’s already hiding inside sations using your smartphone or a re- be banned during the holidays and year-
writer’s block, so this five-year period is you. corder. round. – Karen, LCSW
challenging. My frustration has also Dear Annie: My dad is full of inter- Dear Annie: As a therapist specializ- Dear Karen: I’m printing your letter
compounded during this period, and esting stories. And he’s getting older; ing in eating disorders, I applaud your for the benefit of “Supportive Sibling,”
I’ve walked away several times for ex- he’ll be 70 soon. Though he’s in great telling “Supportive Sibling” to talk with as well as the friends and family of any
tended periods of time. Any advice from health, I know that my time is running her sister who has an eating disorder of the 30 million people in the United
one writer to another? – Writer’s out with him. And I want to preserve his before holiday dinners and to devise a States who have eating disorders.

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WENY2 12 12 1210 News @
12 8 7 55 37 (HD) End investigation. (N) Murdered judge. (N) Vindicta (N) (HD) News (HD) Stephen Colbert (HD) with James Corden (HD) You (HD)
6pm (HD) (HD)
18 News at Nightly Jeopardy! Wheel Ellen’s Game of Games Ellen’s Game of Games New Amsterdam: Six or 18 News at The Tonight Show (:37) Late Night with Seth Carson Daly
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(HD) (N)
Newschnl News (HD) Wheel Jeopardy! The The Kids black-ish Splitting The Rookie: The News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:37) (:07) Paid (:37) Paid
WIVT - - - - - - - - 34 at 6 Fortune (N) (HD) Conners Are (N) (N) (HD) Up (N) (HD) Standoff A wife is shot. Comedic talk show. (HD) Nightline Program Program
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WENY News (HD) Extra (HD) Entertainm The The Kids black-ish Splitting The Rookie: The WENY HD (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:37) (:07) Extra Entertainm
WENY 4 4 6 4 4 9 36 36 News (HD) (N) Conners Are (N) (N) (HD) Up (N) (HD) Standoff A wife is shot. News Comedic talk show. (HD) Nightline (HD) (N)
(N) (N) (HD) (HD)
The PBS NewsHour Business Second Finding Your Roots We’ll Meet Again (N) USS Indianapolis: The Final Amanpour and Finding Your Roots We’ll Meet
WVIA - - 10 - - 5 - - (HD) Report Opinion (N) (N) (HD) (HD) Chapter (N) (HD) Company (HD) (HD) (HD)
BBC World Business The PBS NewsHour Finding Your Roots We’ll Meet Again (N) USS Indianapolis: The Final Amanpour and Finding Your Roots We’ll Meet
WSKG 7 7 7 7 7 10 - - News Report (HD) (N) (HD) (HD) Chapter (N) (HD) Company (HD) (HD) (HD)
The People’s Court Family Family Lethal Weapon: Dial M The Gifted: meMento Inside Mike & Man: (:33) Mom 2 Broke (:31) TMZ (N) Jokers Paid
WYDC 13 13 - 13 13 3 48 48 Small claims court. Feud (HD) Feud (HD) for Murtaugh (N) (HD) Ancestors’ powers. (N) Edition Molly (HD) Sinkhole (HD) Girls (HD) (HD) Public park. Program
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Fl. Men (HD) 18 News at Modern Dateline: The Night This This NEWS Access (N) Dish Nation Mother Mother Access (N) Men (HD) Paid
WETM2 11 11 - 11 1245 8 - - Adventure 6 Family (HD) Hannah Hill Disappeared Minute Minute (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) Program
(HD) (HD) (HD)
A&E 15 35 27 35 35 23 118 265 First 48 (HD) L. Remini (HD) L. Remini (HD) Leah Remini (N) 60 Days In (HD) First 48 (HD) L. Remini (HD) L. Remini (HD)
AMC 28 33 31 33 33 50 131 254 Uncle Buck (‘89) John Candy. (HD) The Breakfast Club (‘85) aaac (HD) (:15) Sister Act (‘92) Whoopi Goldberg. (HD) Sister Act 2: Back (HD)
ANP 54 36 53 36 36 49 184 282 Lone Star (HD) Lone Star (HD) Lone (N) (HD) Lone Star (N) Lone Star (HD) Lone Star (HD) Lone Star (HD) Lone (HD)
BET 31 68 181 68 68 53 124 329 Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself (‘09) (HD) The Family (N) The Family (HD) Raq Rants Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin
BRAVO 20 42 61 42 28 70 129 237 Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Buying It Watch WhatBelow Deck Vanderpump Below Deck
CMTV 50 54 52 54 54 31 166 327 Man Man Records (HD) Records (HD) Records (HD) Records (HD) Records (HD) Records (HD) Records (HD)
COM 56 20 36 20 20 46 107 249 Office The Office (HD) Office Office Office Drunk Hist Drunk Hist Drunk Hist Drunk Hist Daily Office S. Park S. Park S. Park Daily
CW 2 2 11 2 2 11 - 38 Dad Dad Fam Guy Fam Guy Supergirl (HD) Sports Madden Six (N) Goldbergs Goldbergs Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules 30 Paid
DISC 21 18 26 18 18 20 182 278 Garage Garage Garage Rehab (N) (HD) Bad Chad (N) St Outlaws (HD) Garage Rehab A family shop. (HD)
DISN 41 58 58 58 58 24 172 290 Coop & Cam Coop & Cam BUNK’D Coop & Cam Raven Raven BUNK’D Bizaard BUNK’D BUNK’D Raven Raven Stuck Mid. Stuck Mid. Stuck Mid. Stuck Mid.
E! 60 27 41 27 27 48 114 236 Monster aa (HD) E! News (HD) Botched (HD) Big Daddy (‘99) Adam Sandler. (HD) Busy Big Daddy (‘99) Adam Sandler. (HD) Busy
ESPN 29 39 24 39 39 35 140 206 Sports (HD) College Basketball (Live) (HD) College Basketball (Live) (HD) Sports (HD) Sports (HD) Sports (HD)
ESPN2 51 51 46 51 51 36 143 209 Horn Interruptn College Basketball (Live) (HD) College Basketball (Live) (HD) College Basketball (Live) (HD) UFC Main UFC Main
FOOD 38 43 37 43 43 39 110 231 Chopped (HD) Chopped (HD) Chopped (HD) Chopped (N) Chopped (HD) Chopped (HD) Chopped (HD) Chopped (HD)
FREE 34 32 44 32 32 27 180 311 Sweet Home Alabama (‘02) (HD) Good Trou. (N) Beauty and the Beast (‘91) (HD) 700 Club (HD) The Wild Life (‘84) Chris Penn. (HD)
FS1 76 76 76 76 76 57 150 219 East Tip-Off College Basketball (Live) (HD) PBC PBC Inside Boxing Speak for TMZ Sports Fair Game Skip (HD)
FX 52 57 56 57 65 54 136 248 The Heat (‘13) Sandra Bullock. (HD) Ride Along 2 (‘16) Ice Cube. (HD) Ride Along 2 (‘16) Ice Cube. (HD) Straight Outta Compton (‘15) (HD)
GOLF 65 67 64 67 67 152 401 218 Golf Cntrl (HD) Seve: The Movie (‘15) Seve Ballesteros. (HD) Seve: The Movie (‘15) Seve Ballesteros. (HD) Golf Cntrl (HD) Feherty (HD)
HALL 53 59 85 59 29 65 185 312 Under the Autumn Moon (HD) Love on Ice (‘17) Julie Berman. (HD) Love’s Complicated (‘16) aaa (HD) Golden Golden Golden Golden
H&G 37 46 42 46 21 44 112 229 Fixer Uppr (HD) Fixer Uppr (HD) Fixer Uppr (HD) Windy City (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Windy City (HD) Hunters Hunters
HIST 62 56 51 56 56 41 120 269 Oak Island (HD) Curse of Oak Island: Dig (N) (HD) Oak Island (N) Project Blue (N) (:03) Blue Book Oak Island (HD) (:03) Blue Book
ION 10 10 17 10 70 - 250 305 Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD) Minds (HD)
LIFE 14 38 43 38 38 30 108 252 Grey Anat. (HD) Married (HD) Married Married Married at First Sight (N) Married Married (HD) Married Married Married (HD)
LMN 67 69 66 69 69 63 109 253 Murdered at 17 (‘18) (HD) Psycho Prom Queen (‘18) (HD) A Stolen Life (‘46) aac Bette Davis. Psycho Prom Queen (‘18) (HD)
MSG 27 55 55 55 55 - - 634 Connection Devils Pre NHL Hockey: New Jersey vs Buffalo (HD) Post Game Pregame NBA Basketball: New York vs Golden State Postgame NHL
MSGPL 25 49 25 49 49 - - 635 East Pregame NHL Hockey: Carolina vs New York (HD) Post Game NHL Hockey: New York vs Vegas (Live) (HD) Rangers NHL (HD)
MTV 19 15 45 15 15 25 160 331 Mean Girls (HD) Growing Up Lindsay L. (N) Lindsay L. Lindsay L. Lindsay L. Lindsay L. Growing Up Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
NGEO 47 65 60 65 57 126 197 276 Live Free (HD) Life Below (HD) Life Below (HD) Life Below (N) Port (N) (HD) Life Below (HD) Life Below (HD) Port (HD)
NICK 16 34 28 34 34 28 170 299 Loud House Loud House Danger Danger SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Office Office Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
OXYGEN 70 64 90 64 90 71 127 251 Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD) Snapped: (HD)
PARMT 18 30 15 30 30 21 241 241 Mom Mom Friends Friends Friends Friends Bad Boys (‘95, Action) aac Martin Lawrence. (HD) Walking Tall (‘04) aac (HD)
SNY 22 22 19 22 48 - - 639 Baseball Kid: A Gary Good Docto Mike Piazza Five Days Yearbook Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Daily News
SYFY 61 52 39 52 52 40 122 244 (5:04) Need for Speed (‘14) (HD) 47 Ronin (‘13, Action) Keanu Reeves. (HD) Freddy vs. Jason (‘03) aac (HD) Futurama Futurama Futurama
TBS 24 26 34 26 26 18 139 247 Fam Guy Fam Guy Burgers Burgers Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Conan (HD) New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl
TCM 63 53 49 53 53 42 132 256 Cimarron (‘60) aac Glenn Ford. (HD) Hardy’s Pvt. Sec’t’y (‘41) aaa (HD) Rio Rita (‘42) Bud Abbott. (:45) Seven Sweethearts (‘42) (HD) Virginian
TLC 59 28 50 28 45 33 183 280 My Big Fat Fabulous Life (HD) My Big Fat Fabulous Life (N) (HD) I Am Jazz (N) I Am Jazz (HD) My Big Fat Fabulous Life (HD)
TNT 35 17 16 17 17 26 138 245 Shooter (‘07) Mark Wahlberg. (HD) Law Abiding Citizen (‘09) aaa (HD) Sully (‘16, Drama) Tom Hanks. (HD) NCIS: NO (HD) NCIS: NO (HD)
TOON 55 25 47 25 25 47 176 296 Titans Titans We Bare Gumball Samurai Dad Dad Burgers Burgers Fam Guy Fam Guy Rick Morty Robot Sqdbillies Jail Dad
TRAVEL 36 24 65 24 42 51 196 277 Exp Unknwn Locations Locations Locations Locations Exp Unknwn Legend (N) (HD) Exp Unknwn Exp Unknwn Exp Unknwn
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The Aces on Bridge

Answer to previous puzzle


Close to home Horoscopes

Holiday Mathis

Aries (March 21-April 19). Maybe it

seems backward, but more practice and
preparation won’t lead to a better per-
formance today. Doing well has to do
with mindset and attitude more than
anything else. Commit, believe, trust
Taurus (April 20-May 20). At your
beetle bailey

core you are a wise, powerful, beautiful

being. You don’t always believe it. There
are some layers of protection and bag-
gage to shed, and once you do, your spir-
it will be abler to move, stretch and
Gemini (May 21-June 21). While it’s
been convenient for you to conform,
echoing the preferences, interests and
attitudes of those close to you, it’s not
quite what you really want.
dennis the menace Cancer (June 22-July 22). Practical
matters require attention, especially

having to do with the maintenance of

what you own.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re ready to
examine an unrealized past goal to de-
termine why it didn’t happen, whether
it’s still something you want, and how
you might do things differently going
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A real
friend brings out the best in you, is un-
daunted by your weakness and un-

threatened by your greatness and gen-

erally seems to amplify your strengths
just by being near.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Remember
the time you got what you wanted and
somehow it didn’t make you happy?
Join the club.
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You know
that challenges call out the best in you,
Family circus as do irritations, annoyances, inconve-
niences and other obstacles.
classic peanuts

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The

term “mansplaining” describes the giv-
ing of unnecessary explanations out of
an incorrect assumption of the other
person’s ignorance.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There
are three C’s that will be the guiding
lights of your day – clarity, courage and
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’re
really feeling full today, like you don’t
need too much out of life to feel good
and positive, and what you do need you
can provide for yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). A problem

is a circumstance that impedes you
from completing a task or from getting
the lockhorns to a destination or state of being.

for better or worse

speed bump
wizard of id

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